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[Music] is going to be pretty hard it's going to be intense this guy's probably going to cry well he's probably going to move too but tomorrow not only are we gonna have to keep them alive for a whole entire day we're gonna make sure they have the best day of their whole entire little life [Applause] it's so hard to keep the babies just at home because there's nothing to do so we should take him to our farm where all the goats run around and there's like the playground this is gonna probably get eaten by the turkey like it'll be so funky gonna smackdown and then we're gonna have to look after him the whole time you'll love nightmares it's gonna be his like worst day of his life i was thinking while the kids are distracted looking after babies we could get save a special present i thought you think we could go for dinner or something i was thinking like that sounds good you know she has to share her mobile phone with the other kids now she's 16 i feel like she should have her own one really yeah maybe we could surprise her with it in the vlog who's going to be changing the nurse now snappies sorry i said no it's not snappies i'm in baby's nappies well the babies normally do about two poops a day so that's four poops all together wow saves a mathematician so that means two poops of soccer change one poop for saving one poop fanatic what i'm not doing it i'm a dorner i just think socky does it all and when am i gonna get back you can get like a pound in the bag why not nice well why not saber because you're probably the most parental norris nut just when you think the nurse nuts were all asleep it's 12 o'clock at night [Music] you guys so i'm sorry okay i'm sorry nurse nuts wake up today's the day will be the best parents weekend so that means we don't get sleepy come on you'll be the best parent yeah i guess i want to sleep in there too this guy yeah oh because that's gonna be the best day in the world this so you're gonna have the best time ever yeah because we're going to be your parents for the day [Music] hello yes the angel charter and i reckon now the bunch would you reckon this why not this one this is fine what is a good parent is it a parent that's like like helps a kid or is it a parent that gives a kid whatever we want like you know what i mean depends how you look at it what do nurses parents do to their kids straight in the morning we give them chocolates and we let them fit yeah i said this guy you can eat all of them but normally watch like the wiggles which is like a dancing like sing-along nursery rhyme thing but since we can't put it on our voice we get copyrighted we're gonna have to be the owner wiggles ourselves everybody clap this guy who's better mama or socky baby nanny and saber that's what you're gonna be changing later nas let's go it's just us pairing kids oh my goodness i can't believe we're free what are you gonna do we're gonna cook the kids now i'm helping save get challenge dress i feel like we're like kids for the day this guy's time to make breakfast pizza come on let's go cook and mix what oh no just get some poo poo what what oh my gosh that is so cute so stocky's right now changing disgust food are you okay oh my god it's so stinky did you think a little bit hard about what i said yesterday can you remember what i said yesterday what was that do you listen to anything i say yes getting saber on your phone does this go down now catch me now could you change the poopoo when i'm a mom i'm gonna make sure that my kids have the most fashionable outfits ever so now now break your part oh no yeah you did it this is this guy's egg crack she looks so cute with the hat on going really good i got bb on my arms accidentally oh no can i please have a small hot chocolate on the skin with two marshmallows okay and i normally only like the white marshmallows not the pink ones it's like a caron order this time allergic to the food coloring of the pink that's a mega carrot it's gonna bring you back whatever it looks like hot chocolate on the skin with um three white marshmallows [Music] so what did you girly moms do you do charm oh biggie when you're editing this pudding baby okay little bit of a tour of newcastle this is like the beach here no way and this is like a romantic spot we should renew our vows we should let's do that okay you get first i love you i love you why turn the camera out not me because when you watch your back you can you can feel it i love you so much jacob the kids are vomiting oh how romantic it's like came from a love movie i love it how nice of them now i want to do your bronzer challenge this will give your face like a really nice contoured shape well don't touch it guess what someone's in the back it's um who's your crush let me think [Applause] who's your crush anyone [Applause] dab into there yeah should we get saber a phone i don't know like she is responsible but she is 16 like she's old like what's the normal age to get a phone legends can you please tell mom and papa that most kids do actually have a phone by 16 in the comments is it sticky so saber's been trying to post five times a week on norris nuts shop and she's getting so into like the neuroscience fashion i just feel like it's time for her to have her own phone i love making breakfast pizza with disco and i hope he's having fun with his new parents for a day who reckons she's heating up in dms they don't tell me no like who do you reckon would be a good match for sabra look at your cheeks looks like you got something but you're [Applause] oh no she's muffed up the highlight yeah i don't know if i ever want to make pizza with him again because this has been like really really hard oh you just have to eat it now he's going to try to give charm eyebrows and see what nas does there's the first pizza hello maybe the eyebrows weren't good you know so if you're a little boy and someone came up to you and said justin you're gonna have six kids would you believe them no i wouldn't believe that was it ever gonna happen i think if i didn't meet brooke and my life would be very standard probably have a job in office and two kids jackie has a good idea put the eyebrows on challenge and she just moves so much sabre doesn't want to keep the eyebrows what do you guys think i don't think i ever would have thought we would have been doing youtube i don't know really how we ended up here i'm going to be calling mom i'm going to be playing a prank on her and saying that we've all been fighting oh no it's nuts everyone's fighting this does like pretty flower everywhere and everyone's fighting sucks being a parent well we're happy we're not it sucks [Music] we got [Applause] stressful probably won't put this in but um the downside of what we do we've been seeing well we kind of saw in an epic way a couple of weeks ago and kind of um probably shouldn't even talk about it [Music] this this guy disco where's something a big is bacon oh i don't know i'm kind of a little bit sick of him is that bad me say as a parent but he was not the best oh and this goes like a begin flicking all the dough around the table [Applause] oh i know she's gonna run does that little baby other make you want to have another one it's like a really tiny one tell me what you thought of brooke's eyes there did she want to have like a bay when you looked into her eyes just one more part would you let me yeah that's fine here comes the pizza oh he loves it so charm is eating her pizza and i think she doesn't like it at all [Music] so that means you're just making me have my big sphere again yeah it tastes like a dinner roll drinking we can't even be able to last through the day um no [Music] so being parents isn't as easy as what you thought do you want to quit or do you want to keep going for the big prize at the end oh no he told them yeah feel like the noises are learning a lesson that parenting isn't as easy as what they thought i just got a message saying we need to change charms poo this is the second pool on bathroom and it's not even nine o'clock if only saber knew that if she could make the whole day she's gonna get the phone but she doesn't know okay so this one's proven to be hard at changing crews and disco lion he was too fierce i sent him back [Music] you've never been so excited to see us kisaki kiss oh he's such a good boy he's caused no problem at all we found out why disco was misbehaving and kind of being a little annoying it's because he wants to go outside and play yay and as parents we're gonna take him to the beach yay so while the narrow starts have been distracted being parents because you know that's hard i thought you and me could go and get something on my phone so you'll have to help me because i have no idea about iphones shouldn't i be driving since i'm the parent did you bring your plates no norris knights have you thought about what slenderman might be doing as a twist today i don't even know if saber actually wants a phone she's never asked for one but i'm just assuming sharing it with everyone else is annoying we're here at the shops yeah we're in our wetsuit we actually called these thongs in australia being in america i think they're called flip-flops somehow i managed to distract myself with looking for an outfit for charm but how cute is this little outfit how many kids dragon you'll have oh this is probably about four eight or ten [Laughter] we got some beach toys here i got all charm like winter clothes because she didn't have anything for winter anyway but now i've got to go get the iphone yeah but what are you doing wait what's he doing yeah that'd be his second two for today he's already done one i'm so sure we got lots of like little toys with this girl there is the apple store but i think that is the lineup to get in the pink one yeah sorry i got the apple phone saver it's all sorted it's so exciting i can't wait to give it to us she deserves it she's been working so hard he's trying to go into the walls um parents parents parents where's my other parents gone why is this happening so this girl has somehow got chocolate oh soggy's a push-over parent after that baby we just paid for all of the beach toys it's time to have fun on the beach let's go i don't know what to do next i've got the phone like now i've got some free time i feel like sabre just goes blind when she takes care of babies luckily i'm not a teen mom okay do you still want to take them to the farm because you're either gonna get gold by a turkey hit by a goat or you can can you see right in the middle of my face that has literally come up out of nowhere and it's starting to like do a weed skin cancery stuff i think that there's something wrong there oh jesus i need to make an appointment you see that so when we're at the base we're going to do a really big hole with the showers and we're gonna put disco and charm in there then you last leave the hole time to be parents at the beach ready yeah so you have to put sunscreen on the babies how are you gonna do that yeah he loves sunscreen [Music] like i just [Applause] away charlie say thank you there goes papa baby he's going to take the finger you forgot this guy he's going to go in this guy's yucky ah this is like all bubble as you can see so we're going to try and work our way for the babies not to die just go let's go home i'm stressed paranoid's hard because they're going to make you like chances like just vanish in the bubble it was really fun i really like the water all right that's how do you think we're going at taking care of the babies that was hard trying to protect him from dying he's excited to go to farm and you can see sheep and we're going to see turtles tom's probably going to eat the kangaroo food and get food poisoned that's likely do you like chow chow the norris nuts are living life on the edge and for some crazy reason they have decided not to give the baby sleeps today when we go to the farm and then like they wait so instead of getting them asleep they're taking them to like a farm zoo thing yeah hopefully they sleep in the car but if they do they're gonna sleep in the car they wake up being like this gorgeous angel moon welcome back to my vlog today we're gonna go up to a zoo yeah wow that's my dad bye mom good luck you're gonna need it to sleep deprived babies at the zoo is not a good idea no i'm gonna hear what one's saying and the babies are meant to fall asleep now sucky but they don't look like they're going to sleep well let's sing them a lullaby knuckles for the legends i think we got one baby down come on oh you are you next your next oh congratulations so i've got saber the new gold um phone i hope it's the right one she wanted in a case but i have to work out how i can surprise her with it or even if she gets it maybe she doesn't get it we're here at like the farm it smells like animal booster wake up we're here sabre is like right over there nazis with three little goats i'll save helper oh she's got scared what happened charm's a little scared i really want to own like a dairy cow when i'm older and there's actually a cow over there [Music] as you know legends i am an animal lover and i'm having a lot of fun so disney's gonna have a quick play in the park now i gotta go show this guy something oh [Music] the reptile place go in oh baby okay we're gonna play quick game can you spot the snake oh okay [Music] [Music] maybe it's not good you give it to her in case the goats come this guy's right now feeding the pig here's the goats so nutella is now as he gets attacked by a duck let's see [Music] oh no the saber behind me has no idea what she could win today she could win the iphone if she could make through the whole day and everyone's just given their feeding bags and has and she can be all the guys i have fed like 50 million guests today come on charm your big bucket above using chippies the moment when you realize you like jimmy the camera hasn't slept all day well yes all right i have a bad feeling since charm didn't sleep on the way up she's gonna sleep on the way back i mean we could just try and keep her awake what's the responsible thing to do baby down we've got babies [Music] down so we ordered apple slices but turns out this one has chips can you hold the chippies and charms is breaking up to the smell of chips but papa keeps saying that slenderman's got a twist and i'm like oh really what's coming up being parents is so hard i think this letter mum twist might be a good twist why do i have this weird feeling that the slime twisty's mum's actually having another kid and that's why she wasn't there she went to the shops remember to get pregnant yeah because she has been saying she might have a baby's underscore fan page underscore nice i said brooke and justin are amazing parents but do you think that asking yourself to bear parents today [Music] save his phone put it up the top we cracked the code we know he twisted what you're pregnant you're having another baby no there is a twist to this video well don't tell us tell us at the end okay what are we doing now going to sleep no we're not going to sleep we're going to order the baby's ubereats for dinner and we're gonna be playing with the babies out here today i was thinking since we started the day with chocolate we should end the day off with ice cream okay but do you really think ice cream for dinner is responsible maybe not responsible but yummy but people do have ice cream for dinner so like no but saber are you going to order ice cream for dinner no baby you are really turning out to be super responsible i'm proud of you honey that's good ice cream i feel like toys coming up like if we make great decisions at the end that's why i'm doing it me child right now right on the black card you like it i feel like she should get what's in here what are we getting ice cream i don't think that's good you don't want ice cream don't you dare sake what did you get did they sell you a whole heap of stuff yeah that's what they said i needed well i feel like if we be responsible parents then we get like something that's like that's a certain mum twist i think this is better than a slenderman please i don't think that if he's been responsible she is she just decided like today well she just decided she wasn't going to give the baby's ice cream for dinner that's pretty responsible did you just eat some food that you had dropped on your shirt karen that's so wrong now this is not looking like a good parent where's he going let me just double check you actually want us to get it's your choice and say but you can get the babies anything you want for dinner it's up to you and your standards yeah i think it's a test now you know how you've always wanted to meet this person wait don't tell me it's that present don't tell me don't tell me he's out in the back of the car [Music] know oh tommy loves vlogging the babies can get chips and chicken nuggets oh man they've already had chips and chicken nuggets for lunch a pizza then they have pizza it's one thing you've never told your mom that i once pooped my pants quite hungry so i i hope they're like out didn't we pee i know you have to see see missy come on let's get get it you wanted a cycle yeah because sabrina were gonna get them ice cream but then mom was like no you gotta be responsible like she's really really sad and we don't know what the slenderman twist is yesterday is charms and parents say but you're gonna have so much fun cleaning up purple stains trying to make sure that i don't give her a brain freeze oh it's cold i'm having a bath with the babies i'm just so exhausted and i'm really excited to get these two to bed it's 7 p.m this is the longest day of my life so i got their pajamas set up over here okay let's take the babies to their dressing station 30 minutes before bedtime this is the hardest part the babies are normally not that happy now no it's not we need read the kids some bedtime stories oh my god that's bad there was a ring at the door can you listen not just your foot please time to put one baby to bed see you snappy one i like you i love you good night can we get her out can't we can we get right i kill him doggy's getting bad good night sean you guys try this oh she doesn't want you to go one down one to go i'm a little happy he gets to go finally go to bed yeah we did it yeah good luck james no it's nice we did it we're back to bed and this was one twist yeah what's gonna happen here can you just can you pretend to sleep do you think saber was responsible when she looked after the babies not one she wasn't bad but she wasn't like she just like kind of watched them no you don't no because chocolate ran over on the road and then saved it like took five seconds to get her off because disco climbed into the ball pit papa and i decided that if saber was responsible today she could have what's in the box but you guys are saying that saber wasn't responsible that's why he's lying you said you weren't trying to be honest do you know what was in the box and what you're gonna miss out on yeah oh no charm that's okay i'll get it quick show us what was in the box [Music] an iphone your own iphone [Music] [Music] knuckles [Music] legends never
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 4,141,604
Rating: 4.892025 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family friendly, family vlog, naz real guinea pig, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, norris nuts real names, norris nuts ages, who knows me, norris nuts facts, norris nuts exposed, norris nuts school, who knows norris nuts
Id: UavVrHDTkKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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