Sabbath Worship - May 2, 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my test [Music] it's also tied a ball [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] before here below giggles I've got farted [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] han-soo Jesus the children's deers oh gentle [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh good morning and welcome again today with me I have steve biko Naga happy Saba and welcome to today's worship and I have Emma's OAD oho bureau happy Sabbath happy day will sing song number 2 for 9 praise Him praise Him [Music] crazy crazy Jesus everyday [Music] archangels in YouTube easily Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] enjoy amen amen Oh worship the King song number eight tree or worship the king [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what start it it shines mysteries from the [Music] [Music] [Music] just to cease all tender Oh [Music] welcome to a sabbath-school discussion this morning thank you [Music] you [Music] good morning and happy Sabbath let me take this opportunity to welcome o welcome all of you to our day to day is a Sabbath school program we would also want to welcome those who are following with us online from your homes or wherever you will be please feel free and feel as if you are here with us at the church let me also now introduce to you those of us who are going to participate in this program the lesson discussants I'm going to give them an opportunity to introduce themselves so I start with you on my right hand side a member of this church and I'm pleased to be with you today good morning viewers in happy Sabbath my name is Tom Mussina and we want to welcome you for this wonderful lesson discussion maranatha Church welcome viewers to our broadcast this morning feel at home and feel at church my name is Benz of attend i'm going to be the facilitator this morning but let me also introduce to you our sign language interpreter sister Bridget on my far left I'm really thrilled about the theme of this waters lesson that is how to interpret Scripture I'm also very happy about the topic that we are discussing today and that is Sola scriptura by scripture alone the memory text is also very appropriate which is taken from Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 let me just read it to you it says the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the division and soul at spirit and of joints and marrow and is a discerner of thoughts and in terms of heart I picked a few key things about this memory text the Word of God is living the Bible is not a dead experience it is powerful it can change the worst of sinners it can change you it can change me it is sharper than any two-edged sword a two-edged sword can be used both ways it can be used for defense it could also be used for offense you remember how Jesus used it in the wilderness where I was being tempted by Satan he told Satan ma it is written man shall not live by bread alone and Satan was still persistent again Jesus told him you shall only worship the Lord your God and when the devil continued Jesus now decided to go on the attack on the offense and it all Satan away with you Satan for it is written you shall worship the Lord your God only him shall you serve and this word of God can also discern the things that are in our thoughts even things that we do in the middle of the night can be discerned by the Word of God I'm just going to give an overview of the lesson and then I will allow the participants to come in Sola scriptura is Latin it's English translation is by scripture alone meaning the Bible only this was a slogan a battlecry that was used by the Protestant reformers it is a theological doctrine held by some Protestant denominations including the seventh-day Adventist Church that scripture alone is the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice Sola scriptura elevated scripture to the sole standard and decisive sole source for authority scripture alone is the final authority when matters of faith and doctrine are at issue it was in contrast to the Roman Catholic theology which emphasized both Scripture and tradition it is critical governing principle that directs the life of the church it is the conviction that the Bible and the Bible alone is the one and only criterion for Christian faith at living what we believe in matters of faith is true only if the beliefs correspond with the witness of the whole scripture this precept implies the unity of Scripture and the premise that the Bible is sufficiently clear in what it states Sola scriptura or by scripture alone implies a number of important principles for the interpretation of Scripture today the panelists here are going to look more closely at four of these principles of interpretation the first principle is Scripture as the ruling norm number two the unity of Scripture number three the clarity of Scripture and number four scripture interprets itself now Tom never returned to you if you read first Corinthians chapter four verse six Paul says that we should not go beyond what is written why is this so important why is it so important to our faith does it mean that there is no inspiration apart from the Bible or that there are no other sources where we can understand some of the topics better please take us this truth through this fundamental principle of Scripture as the ruling norm thank you so much at the band and the viewers who are with us when Paul was given us counsel from Scripture that we should not go beyond what is written first of all let me take us back to remind us that our from the beginning the Seventh day Adventists have always been considered to be the people of the book now simply what that means is we used Scripture as our norm and as the final of authority in every decision that we have made as a people and as a church and although also it has been our guide and it has guided us through time immemorial so when Paul is consoling us that we should not go beyond what is written this does not necessarily exclude the help of other resources in the task of interpretation for example the use of lexicons dictionaries and concordance and other books and commentaries they have their proper place they can be used as tools to be able to guide us in for example if you want to look there or the origin we understand that the Bible is written in Hebrew in Greek but of course in the course of the years there has been some translation even that's what we have the Bible in the language we have today like English and many many other languages but if I would like to get to know the usage of a word that was written in Hebrew or Greek I can use the concurrence or lexicons as a tool to be able to guide me to understand what the author meant by the origin of the word but all these other sources should be subject to Scripture they shall not have the final authority on Scripture so scripture should be the final known let me turn us to another text in Scripture in Acts chapter 17 verse 10 and 11 Acts chapter 17 verse 10 and 11 the Bible says and the Brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night and to barrera who coming here went into the synagogue of the Jews these were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and they searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so now here we see a Paul here just come from the Salonika and he had gone to Berea and he's pointing out that the barians even after Paul one of the most powerful preachers after he had spoken to them they still went to the scriptures to such weather all these things that Paul was teaching them they were so so at the end of the day we see that again scripture is being used as the final authority of our message to them in conclusion let me just read a quotation by Martin Luther it says that scripture alone is the true Lord and master of all writings and doctrines on so but once again was even the Reformers used it as the final authority and that's hands will get a message Sola scriptura and even Adventist people we use it as a norm and the final authority Thank You elder thank you very much a table before I move to the next presenter let me just remind our viewers those who are following us online if you have questions or comments please forward them we'll coordinate them and address them as we move along now let me turn to Patricia now Patricia with God as the Bible's ultimate author can we assume fundamental unity and harmony among various parts of Scripture with regard to the issues that it teaches why is unity of the Bible important for our faith please take us through this particular principle of unity of Scripture thank you my elder and viewers like you just mentioned elder the first pointer towards each of the scripture isn't the fact that it is authored by God you know very well when someone authors something it obviously these congruence in it and I want us to look at a very common part of Scripture that we look at all the time and I want Sally to read for us Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 just to see how scripture is united great Isaiah chapter 7 verses 14 and it says therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel thank you Tom kindly read for us Micah chapter 5 verse 2 the Bible says but thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among thousands of Judah yet out of this shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from old from everlasting okay and then when we moved to Matthew chapter 1 verse 22 from 21 to 23 the Bible says and she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet saying behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call him Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us so we can see clearly that it was written that Christ was going to be born in Bethlehem and he was born it was written that it was going to be through a virgin and it happened exactly how it was written so we can see that the Bible is actually lightened if there was no unity in the Bible would probably be finding that maybe Christ would have been born in Judea or somewhere else and you see we have this we're able to know that this congruence in the Bible and it gives it more credibility and also we know other when Christ was tempted he went ahead to quote scripture and he said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord and go forth when he's telling his disciples I will I am Telling You of what was spoken of me by the prophets so when we look at that we know that truly there is unity in the Bible and I would say that all the importance of unity of Scripture is it gives us a standard of truth and now that helps us to use the Bible to discern truth from heresies if there was no link in the Bible then we would not have a standard upon which to base our faith would be saying in Genesis he said this and then in in Exodus you've changed the story but when it's one standard the sun'll of truth able to follow then the other thing when the unity in the Bible we are able to use it as a basis of applying discipline and correction because the Bible is that scripture is written for correction for reproof and for our enrichment so the unity of Kripa is already manifest and when we have a standard to be able to use it when you have no standard you don't have something to base your arguments are Paul thank you thank you very much Patricia now let me check with Sally if we have received any comments or questions from those who are following us online yes thanks and thank you viewers for tuning in I can tell you for sure there's a buzz online and we thank you for your diligence to be up and ready to participate with us this morning there are lots of people from all over the world that specifically say thank you to Baraka and not intellectual development in a Theological College I repeat that can one if we can turn to the part of Scripture in Luke chapter 24 verse 45 there's a very interesting verse here in regard to that question that can we be able to understand Scripture and the Bible says then then up then Jesus opened their understanding that they might understand the scriptures so in other words here we've been told that Christ was able to open the minds of the disciple so that they might be able to comprehend scriptures so yes it is possible that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can be able to understand Scripture without intellectual are going to a university going through that process now I can also tie in this with the clarity of Scripture yes please thank you I thank you older now when you look at the clarity of Scripture sometimes these are there's a notion out there that are and which played a big role in the Reformation that the Roman Catholic Church majorly had presented idea to the people that the common man cannot be able to comprehend Scripture so they had to be guided by those who are considered to be the initiated there those who will understand Scripture but our I want to take us through some text of Scripture to see what Jesus had to say about this I have some multiple verses so bear with me let's start from the book of Matthew 21 verse 40 42 the bible says jesus said unto them have you not read in the scripture the stone which the builders rejected the same is become the corner head become the head of the corner another verse Matthew chapter 12 verse 3 and 5 but he said unto them have you not read what David did when he was hungered and those who are with him I was 5 have you not read in the law another was Matthew chapter 19 verse 4 and he said unto them have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female another wise Matthew 22 verse 31 but as touching the resurrection of the dead have you not read that which was spoken unto you by God Matthew 24 verse 15 again it says when he when you shall therefore see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the Holy Place whosoever reads let him understand last one mark chapter 12 verse 10 the Bible says have you not read in scripture now there are many verses but for the sake of time I shall stop there but in Scripture here Christ when he was on his mission on earth he was able to point them back to Scripture if you have seen a common thread in all the verses that I read they were all saying have you not what have you not read meaning Christ was directing his hearers to wear to the scripture meaning even Christ himself you know he referred to the scripture and you can remember this way even when he was in the wilderness he was able to to point the tempter back to the scripture telling him it is written so the scripture is very clear we can be able to understand through the guidance of the Holy Spirit now someone may ask are there some passages maybe in scripture that may be difficult to understand yes there may be some part in scripture where you may fail to understand but he's the encouragement do not do not give up when you're reading scripture it might take time and as we know even in Scripture we read in Luke 24 verse 45 the Bible says even when the disciples were not able to comprehend some of the the words that Christ was telling them but at some point the Bible says that Jesus opened their understanding so that they might be able to understand scripture and once he opened their mind I believe he's he can be able to do the same even today in our lives when you go to our knees and pray and ask God give me understanding this is the only book that we are told that when you read the Holy Spirit is present with you and he can be able to bring to your mind the secret things and that deeper understanding of Scripture Thank You elder thank you our viewers continue sending in your comments and your questions will also continue to handle them as we move along in the program now let me turn to you Patricia we've talked about the unity of Scripture we've also talked about clarity of Scripture now because of the unity and clarity of Scripture the Bible can function as its own interpreter how does the Bible interpret itself could you please take us through that thank you Alda and just like we said before since this unity in Scripture we can be able to rely on it to interpret itself and I want us to again to go and read very common vas that with all maybe hunt when you were growing up John 3:16 and maybe you can all say together but as for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life and so you go and ask what is everlasting life and so I want Tom to read John chapter 17 verse 3 the Bible says and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent so we've been told about eternal life and then we move on to this is life eternal that they may know him the only true God and then someone else is going ask for themselves what is knowing God and we'll move to first John chapter 2 first three and four Sally kindly first John two three and four okay first John chapter two verses 3 to 4 and it says now by this we know that we know him if we keep his Commandments was for he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him so we can see clearly that the eternal life that Christ is talking about in John 3:16 he's being explained father that if you want to show that you know God is that you obey His commandments so you see my elder the Bible is it's only thing if that's positive it means that it's able to interpret itself so you don't need to go and set wondering so much about where you get it from and we see some some way in the Bible Christ saying that when I leave I will leave you the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth so viewers when you are thinking about how you want to understand the Bible you to have an open mind and you to tell God to change your mind to be able to understand the Word of God and another important thing is when you're looking at the Word of God you need to look at it contextually you know don't just pick a scripture here and a scripture there and then put it together so that it can be convenient for you but when you're reading the Bible it should have knowledge that there's an original theme of salvation in it so God's purpose is for us to understand and to obey His commandments so when you read the Bible it will interpret itself slowly and surely and you will be able to see how God works in your life thank you my thanks Patricia let me once more time to Sally to check with her if we have received any additional comments or questions online all right thank you Alda again I'll thank the audience for being very busy online and asking lots of questions there's just an retaliation odeon addition to what Kalinda said about scripture repeatedly this is from Wickliffe and he says scripture repeatedly affirms that it is clear enough to be understood by those who read and hear it amen and we have we still have a big panel that comes from people coming from all over the world Charles asks and he also says that she thinks the facilitators and he says only the Bible interprets itself but when we put in our personal understanding it disfigures God's message to us and that just adds on to the aspect of Sola scriptura where we need to actually the core of the Bible is Jesus and so all its messages and the scripture is to lead to him so if we try and just use our carnal nature of understanding scripture we can end up not taking the truth and truth plainly as it is so when we focus on the Holy Spirit and I think in prayer before you read the word it helps because that means you're asking for the Holy Spirit to guide you interpret the scripture other comments we have some comments there's a comment from on Facebook and this comment came from this comment has come from alphas and Alpha's is talking about why they are he's asking why they are so mayor so many Christian denominations because and he brings up the aspect of Christians using the same scripture too or using the Bible or the word but there are still so many denominations so I don't know if any of you have comments on that why the same word can be seen to form so many denominations in in in society today let me attempt to answer that one what I get from there is that even though we are all reading from the same Bible but there are times when we add a tradition toward the Bible says sometimes we add our culture toward the Bible says and that is what brings in the conflict my tradition my experience may be different from yours and we'll see conflict coming in and that is why we are told that is the Bible and the Bible alone that should be used as the foundation of our faith as the foundation of our Christian living if we all stuck to the Bible all these little differences would not be there my panelists anyone who wants to add please feel free to do so yes maybe I can comment on that it's a very good question if we all the Christian community we all use the same scripture then why do we have so many denominations and I believe many answers are be said but uh when we come to the scripture with our own preconceived ideas we do not allow the scripture to guide us but we add our own beliefs around doctrines and traditions and I can give maybe two quick examples you see there are some Christians even who now believe that creation did not take the 24-hour system it was not 666 literal days but they have attached evolution to say that it was evolution also it took long many long years for creation to take place another thing we can see also is there the Lord's Sabbath we see that some people have held firm to the belief that the true Sabbath is the first day but yet the Bible is very clear that the true Sabbath of the Lord is the seventh day so this is just some examples where people have not allowed scripture to take full control in the right and I just want to add to that and talk about just to remind us about another group of people that was fair-minded and really good at studying the Bible and that's the Bereans and so I just want to briefly read from acts 17:11 and we know the nature of the Bereans they were very fair-minded they were there were people who were with readiness and I'll read it and it says these were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica so Peter was ministering previously in Thessalonica and then was now ministering to the parents and we noticed that for they in that they received the word these are the Bereans received the word with all readiness and such the Scriptures daily to find out whether things were so so in other words they were studious and being studious essentially means that you're taking the word as it is and searching from Scripture upon Scripture line upon line precept upon precept doesn't bread in isaiah where you need to compare scripture in order to get that clarity as we spoke about and in order for us to be able to interpret scripture the way the Holy Spirit wants us to receive it thank you very much the viewers you can see how well you are enriching our discussions please keep on sending your comments keep on sending your questions we appreciate them very much now friends when we talk about Sola scriptura the seventh-day adventists are inevitably confronted with the question of what to do with Ellen White's writings you see Ellen White was also inspired by God and she served God's people as as the messenger but the question is what is the relationship between her writings to Scripture how should L nd White's writings be interpreted do they have any authority I am NOT going to give you my personal views on this but I'm going to rely on what she herself says about her writings how they relate to the Bible how they relate to this slogan of Sola scriptura or the Bible alone as Ellen herself explained her writings must be interpreted according to the Bible and not vice versa we should not explain the Bible according to her writings but instead we should explain her writings according to the Bible she never stated or pretended that her writings should replace the Bible when we read her writings let us not put bow into them than what Helen herself said about her writings moreover she clearly supported and and upheld the Protestant principle of Sola scriptura and I'm going to show you where she said that in one of her books the great controversy page 595 paragraph 2 in our own words and I quote but God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible and the Bible only as the standard of doctrines and the basis of all reforms so he Ellen asked Helen white herself stating clearly that the Bible and the Bible alone should be used as the standard for all doctrines and the basis of all reforms the great controversy page 595 paragraph 2 she repeatedly affirmed that the Bible is the highest authority and the ultimate dome and standard for all doctrines faith and practice that is also from the same book great controversy page 595 in our own view when compared with Scripture her writings and I could wear a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light and quote greater light being the Bible her writings being the lesser light so she says her writings should lead us to the data light that is to the Bible and if you want to find out where she stated that you can read that from the adventist review and Sabbath Herald of June 20th nineteen hundred and three that is where she stated that the purpose of the visions given to LNG white is for the people of God to put the Bible truths into practice in the end time which is our time our writings are to lead us to this book the Bible which gives us the greater light I will give you one more quote from her I like this very much this is from selected messages volume 3 page 33 selected messages volume 3 page 33 and this is what she says I quote when you make the Bible you are food you are meat and you are drink when you make its principles the elements of your character you will know better how to receive counsel from God I observed precious word before you today do not repeat what I have said that is allen still talking do not repeat what I have said saying since the white saying this and since the white said that find out what the Lord God of Israel says and then do what he commands selected messages volume 3 page 33 how Clara could it be that is how the writings of Ellen g white relate to what we are talking about today Sola scriptura or by scripture alone she puts it in very clear language so with that let me turn once more to Sully and check if we have comments and questions coming in from those who are watching online Thank You elder yes we do specifically we quickly firm continues to say that LNG white repeatedly affirmed that the Bible is the highest authority and ultimate norm and standard for all doctrines faith and practice that is indeed very true weekly and then there's a verse that Charles chotto says that's from John 17:17 and he pretty much says sanctify it says sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth there's another comment that was a question a question that came from yeah so these are disclaimer that Louis wants to bring that she's saying that she likes a disclaimer by LNG white and so she said should you find any section of her writing inconsistent with the Bible the Bible remains supreme and this is just I just want to add on to that what Alice has talked about in Isaiah 8:20 that says to the law and to the testimony if they do not speak according to this word it is because there is no light in them so that is a great benchmark for you to be able even to decipher which words of prophecy do you take or which you do not there are very many comments and many of them are questions to bring in more discussion and because of time I'll just summarize on some few of them there's one from Cleophas that says can we use the Bible alone and neglect sop writings and still be spiritually okay I think that's a very fantastic question can we use the Bible alone and in neglect SOP writings and still by spiritual and still be spiritually okay I think just to start off from you can also contribute to the question I think with as what we have talked about and I know for sure that to the law and to the testimony it is the Word of God that is supreme so if at all we are choosing to neglect or to put in it shouldn't be so low SOP or shouldn't be just focusing on SOP alone this sauce SOP as what elder had spoke about our SOP meaning spirit of prophecy and really emphasizes as the lesser light to the Bible so the Bible comes supreme but they need to be used there so the spirit of prophecy or other prophetic words to be used as a lesser light maybe if there's any other comments from the rest of us on that question so the question was can we use the Bible alone and neglect spirit of prophecy writings and still be spiritually okay there's a beautiful question is what I can say the spirit of prophecy can be likened unto and to a microscope mm-hmm or a telescope Rada I doubt the tomb when I take a look at telescope maybe to look at the the stars in the sky he just magnifies what is already there it does not introduce any new material also another example can use is the Sun and the moon reflects the light of the Sun but it does not have a light in its it just reflects what is already there right so the SOP is not coming to bring new light but it is just expounding on what is already there so matter Fox and I believe since the white ourselves say that are the reason why God used her it is because we have neglected to do what to read the scripture so she was brought to point us back to the scripture so thank you if I may Elda I would like to just ask a question in addition to that as we are answering then in my practical situation today how can I use spirit of prophecy and the Bible to fit into my everyday life in terms of making scripture practical making spirit of prophecy practical maybe come on do you have anything to add on to that I like the question sadly and thank you for it and I want to ask to ask ourselves what do we do every day so every day we are talking every day we're transacting business and every day we are raising children I mean for most parents and when we look at the book of Proverbs I want us to start from how it is I mean in the book of Proverbs it's I would call it the practical part of the Bible because even if you don't read through the whole Bible when you read proverbs 15 verse 1 the Bible says a soft answer turns away wrath but harsh words they stop and so it means this is what you do every day you're always having conversation and inefficiency Bible talks about getting angry if I will save be angry and sin not and don't let the Sun go down with you when you're angry and then we move on to parity proverbs again says train up a child in the way they should go and when they grow up they not depart so it means God is very specific and you can use God in your everyday and then when you're transacting business there's too many scriptures about dishonesty we have the story of Ananias and Sapphira they were dishonest and then we also go ahead again in Proverbs it talks about dishonest skills so God is there he they know every day so we can use the Bible as our everyday because we see God is interested in our day to day sunny and then again if you think about the spirit of prophecy and the light the writings of Ellen White it's really an example of how we should live our lives so God has told you this is only true do your things and then there's a better explanation about how to do it and like its new clearly stated by everybody this is that click commentary basically up the Bible and see what he would do and that we Sally you would bring God into your everyday life thank you very much Patricia and our viewers really appreciate these comments and questions if we have some time at the end we'll also address some some comments and the questions that you will have sent before we come to the conclusion of today's study now at this point we are going to make some concluding remarks I'll start off and then after that I will also ask by panelists to give us some few remarks giving us what their impressions are of the study that we had today these are the things that we should take home with us based on what we have discussed today Scripture is the ruling norm in interpreting the Bible Bible and the Bible alone is the foundation of our faith and practice as the panelists are pointed out these other items are important and as Ellen White put it the leaders to the greater light which is the Bible so it is the Bible and the Bible alone which should be the foundation of our faith and practice let us not bring in tradition let us not bring in culture talking about the unity of Scripture did you know that scripture finds its unity it Jesus Christ both the old and new Testament find the unity in Jesus Christ and in the cross of Calvary if you read the scriptures very carefully starting with the Old Testament they all point to Jesus Christ and the cross of Calvary likewise you read the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation they all point to the cross of Calvary and Jesus Christ and that is where they find their unity talking about clarity of Scripture although there are some passages that are hard to understand like Tom mentioned Peter himself says that that some of the writings of Paul are difficult to understand but in spite of that the Bible is still clear enough for anyone who wants to understand it will understand it the Holy Spirit will give you the ability to understand scriptures the only interpretation rule is to let scripture interpret itself when we compare a scripture with scripture it is important to study the Bible thoroughly we should not relegate the study of the Bible casually we should study it thoroughly if we read the Bible with a desire to learn more about God the Holy Spirit will help us to understand it better and to obtain wisdom Sola scriptura and the writings of LNG white we've talked I talked about that but let me just add a few things here God has promised that there would be inspired prophets in the end time our time if you read the book of Joel chapter 2 verse 28 it says that God will pour His Holy Spirit and your old men and women will prophesy even the young ones will and LNG white is one of those prophets however as I said earlier do not elevate her writings above or put them at par with the Bible she did not intend that to be the case we must never use her writings as the foundation for any doctrine the Bible is still the only rule of faith and practice for the seventh-day Adventist Church let me end there and ask my panelists to add whatever they have been inspired to add thank you so much elder I just want to remind all those who are watching that are did you know that the Bible is the number one bestseller in the world and actually what's more interesting is that our every year it tops the list it's always has been the number one bestseller in the world so that's that tells us something that it is really a book which is sort and we should take time to read it and another quote comes to mind there are as much as we may look at other sources of information and material which will visit many books but we should live in the Bible we should live in the Bible now let me just reiterate another point about the clarity and understanding of Scripture when Christ was on his mission on this earth the Bible says it there are not only were there men and women in the multitude but we also told that our children were also present in the multitude I mean this simply means that the children could not have been following Jesus to hear his teachings if they could not do what if they could not comprehend his teachings and actually we see another illustration when Jesus himself was twelve years old the Bible tells us that he was in the temple confounding the teachers of the law the Pharisees so meaning even at 12 years old for this for those parents who are tuning in that means your child can be able to comprehend their wonderful truths or Scripture as they are growing and concerning to some passages of Scripture that may be hard to understand I just want to point you out to the story of Daniel we see that Daniel in Scripture at some point that King King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and he had threatened to kill all his advise as if they could not tell him what that dream meant even Daniel did not know what the dream meant but the Bible tells us in Daniel 2 chapter 17 then Daniel went to his house and made this thing known to his friends and then in verse 19 the Bible says then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision so the Bible tells us that God reveals the secrets that are in the scripture some of the things that we may find hard to understand if we go down on our knees God Himself will be able to open our eyes and we shall be able to see the wonderful truths of the Bible thank you thank you Tom okay I want to take us back to the first Scripture we read Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to dividing asunder the soul and spirit and of the joints and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart for me this is powerful telling me that the Bible can know my thoughts so I want to ask you a question what was the last time you actually sat and read the Bible I know some of us have like 10 Bibles in our house if we go searching we went have the bible's in our phones but how much time do we spend reading the Bible so I wanted us to challenge ourselves I know that many challenge is going around on the Internet pick one give yourself a Bible challenge and say I'm going to read this particular Bible text or this book within this period of time and then you can share it and you will see that by beholding the Word of God you will become changed you'll find that you're discovering so so much stuff that you never even thought you could so if you have your Bible in the house go take it really personally don't wait for someone else to come and show you because God speaks to us individually in small voices in large voices however he does it he does it specifically to suit you so be encouraged if you've never read the Bible this is your chance go and read it and have a blessed time and while you are doing it pray to God to help you to see what he wants you to see amen yes and thank you so much viewers for your comments and for your questions it's beautiful to see how we are still faithfully studying the Word of God to prove that it is still the truth and it is what we should follow there are lots of comments and because of time I'll have to summarize but there's a comment and maybe before I begin on that I just want to make some clarity because we have talked about clarity of Scripture for some may be some acronyms you've heard us using such as a spirit of prophecy which is what you said as SOP and that comes from the writings from the prophetess that we believe LNG white and her writings are what we have been referring to and also the part that elder had spoken about I think there's some some viewers who had not heard the definition of Sola scriptura and that basically is a Latin word it comes from Latin and it means scripture alone so just so that you can follow on what we were talking about is Sola scriptura and the Bible being the authoritative Word of God and so there's a comment that came from Daniel le that says ours is to appreciate and believe the Scriptures as the only authority to guide us on every facet of life indeed these are glimpses of God able to help us make correct judgments and decisions for salvation amen and he also goes on to ask a question about how sometimes we can misinterpret Scripture and I think the only way we can defend or in Miss it or or or misinterpret Scripture is by not reading it the way we want you know the way we always read scripture the way we want it to be the way we want to define it but I don't know about you guys but when I study the scripture like even if it's John 3:16 I'll read it in several different times and depending on the situation I am in in life for example if I'm going through a hardship I'll read it at that point and the words will come out very differently to me depending on the context I mean so that's the Holy Spirit working to will and to do you know to help me understand it based on race based on my situation and just in closing and they're very many comments I'll just ask the audience to bear with us and please keep your comments and questions coming we shall review because the Caesar study for the entire quarter which that questions are answered but I just want to retaliate on the aspect of the key rules of Scripture and I looked at from the study do about five basic points on what are the roles of Scripture and scripture first of all functions as its own interpreter secondly it is in harmony with doctrine on any given issue so you can use scripture to find a harmony between doctrine and any single issue and it helps to distinguish truth from error so just to answer those questions on how you can use scripture on misinterpretation it helps to distinguish between truth and error and fourthly is a scripture helps to identify heresy so in the event that you want to you're having a discussion with somebody at work or you having a discussion with or a family member you're able to use scripture to to identify heresy and lastly scripture helps to correct deviations from God's truth because at the end of the day he's what is truth thank you thank you very much charlie in closing let me just make an announcement for next week the what we are going to study is why is interpretation needed and those without the quarterly that we were using and those who may not know where to get it you can get a copy at the advents book center that is ABC the acai akiko a road near the LMS the bookstore is open on Mondays to Friday and then on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Friday at Sunday when it closes at 1 p.m. you can also get it online from school let us pray loving father in heaven we thank you so much for being with us during this study period talking about your word may we put into practice the principles that we have learned today and help us to grow and do better work for you while we wait for Jesus to come and take us home in his name we pray amen amen [Music] thank you for joining us for our Sabbath School what a wonderful lesson Steve easing less on study where we've looked at the scripture Sola scriptura scripture and scripture alone and this is the Bible and I just want to encourage you and affirm what you've been taught by saying the the Bible is the star of gladness gleaming it will cheer us who are wondrous who alone and tempest-tost and again this creature will lighten our steps it will teachers of all the dangers that we face while on earth and it's the lamp of safety that shall brighten our life so I give unto you the scripture that is the word of God let us meditate on it day and night and let us keep it close to our hearts each and every day amen amen indeed we can trust in Scripture and to close our Sabbath school we'll sing some of them a two-five one even as we go to stat him we can truly trust the Word of God because I'll give you a brief history of this him this gentleman called George San will for many years was a staff was a member of staff of rodeheaver company which was then a company for hymns they used to publish hymns and he gives an account of this gospel hymn so he mentions that there was a young Jewish man that attended the evangelistic campaign or evangelist evangelistic service of a hitch akley for five or six successive nights and one night he remained at the close of the service for further information about the divine presence of Jesus and he said why should he worshipped a dead Jew he asked actually fought lightly and said he lives I tell you he is not dead but lives here and now Jesus Christ is alive today I can prove it by my own experience as well as a testimony of countless thousands in his rereading of the resurrection stories of the Gospels the words in Matthew 26 verse 6 say he is not there He is risen those words struck a new meaning to this Jewish young man and Ackley said that thought of his everliving presence brought the words and music prompt and easily amen amen amen so what Jesus lives amen and we can trust that he lives he really does a man can you tell us something about how Jesus really lives in your life I think in a world where we forget that we think God is dead you know because we are used to seeing so many contraptions that we've created but when we come to a place where we are like now we realize that we are only alive by his grace and then we actually know that Jesus lives amen okay song number two 5-1 he lives [Music] I serve the reason Singh is in the wall today I know that is me bring whatever man they say I see his hand of my see I hear his voice of joy and just the time I need me is always near Jesus lives today he walks with me and talks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] today he walks with me and talks with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today he walks with me and talks [Music] [Music] my [Music] happy Sabbath oh we are used to a full charge it's a bit strange when there are more empty pews now I was them I was called upon by Elda a baby to come and share this morning I was not the one we're supposed to be here but the one who was supposed to be here could not make it so I was asked to step in and I think this must have been an inspired decision because today would have been a very been a very special day for me very special all things held constant because it would have marked the end of my bachelorhood this would have been my last day as a bachelor because my wedding was scheduled for tomorrow they thought of me again if everything was held constant and beloved needless to mention I had found beautiful descendant of Eve courageous enough to take the decision to want to spend the rest of our life with me my friend was telling me this week that sometimes foolishness masquerade has courage but I believe she was courageous enough and we had planned everything to the finest detail of our wedding I was determined to give her a dignified exit from her mother's house as every sensible man shoot now I had made many arrangements including our honeymoon destination I had planned everything a honeymoon destination was to have been somewhere are the shores of the Atlantic Ocean my friends proverbs 19:21 says many are the plans of a man but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevail now just take a moment and pity me thank you you're very kind before I proceed the message the title of my special thought this morning is I hope for this season I believe by now you're finished pitying me sometimes allow me whenever I don't look at the camera it's because I'm used to looking at faces of people and I get distracted once in a while but I will try as much as possible to focus on the camera to look at you with at home now that you finished fitting me no sooner had we concretize our plans than covet 19 in all her glory landed in Kenya on 12th of March and the roller coaster began fast the government banned all social gatherings that's why you at home and we are broadcasting from church and on top of that list they banned weddings oh my goodness now that meant they big wedding that I had imagined will not happen and I'm using big with a sense of relativity now being a students and a teacher of strange in my six days now charge Libre I decided I will embrace this change for what you resist will persist but what you embrace you begin to transcend I decided I will embrace this change and I will not have a big wedding I will have a small one but I will maximise on the honeymoon remember the honeymoon was meant to be other shows of the Atlantic but who is a government the second directive all international flights were grounded but again remember I said I'm not only a student of change am a teacher of change and I said okay fine they have grounded the international flight we can have a honeymoon at the shows of the Indian Ocean thinking the lines of Mombasa somewhere at the coast but my friends the government was waiting they give the that directive lockdown for those of in oversea Nairobi stay Nairobi not going in and out of Nairobi or one basa and that meant the only place I could see the shores of the Indian Ocean have you Sasha go to a point and I said the only thing I want dear lord is to have a wife forget the weddings and the honeymoons all I want is a wife and I decided I will go to the AG's office to have to give the 21 day notice that was on 14th of March to give the 21 day notice as required by the law and I go to the AG's office and the AG's office had ceased operations that meant I could not give the 21 day notice and that meant there is no wedding or marriage that can take place as at the moment tomorrow would have been a beautiful day now I am quarantining alone with my dogs it seems I was ready to let battle I would go but battle-ax wood was not ready to let me go not just yet and it has put up a spirited fight now am i sharing with you this personal experience now we are all facing a time of crisis that has not only changed our plans but has changed how we live the last time I stood here to share the Word of God it was a full church today we have empty pews and a few people who are here are in masks you cannot tell whether they are smiling or they're sneering the world indeed has changed Vienna crisis and this crisis unlike other crisis's it has affected everyone does not discriminate the rich and the poor the young and the old it has affected everyone but I am here to share with you a message of hope while this was happening the ones that came to my mind were the words in the book of sums in chapter 23 it's a book that every Christian every child every man woman know from her and it simply says that the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake but verse 4 really caught my attention and it says yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me it does not say yea if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death this is yea though I walk through the valley although we are literally walking through the valley of the shadow of death but I will fear no evil and as I've been reflecting upon my experiences I like to reflect upon experiences because reflection tans experiences into insights and and I've been reflecting I have put down about 37 insights but I'm going to share with you but because of the time I have I will only share four nor 37 and I hope they will inspire you and give you hope at this time of our crisis and the fast inside the first thought I have penned down during this quarantine take your pens write this down number one crises are common crises are common the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9 says the things that have been it is that which shall be and with that which is done is that which shall be done and there is nothing new Under the Sun you know there's a tendency whenever we are faced by a crisis we tend to exaggerate the experience and the crisis we tend to think that no one has experienced this before and that no one has faced it to the magnitude that you are facing it but that truth is there have been crisis as before in 1918 to 1920 we had the Spanish flu that not only killed over 25 million people but in fact 25 percent of the world's population we had Asian flu in 1957 1958 that kill of on million people we had AIDS near 1981 has continued till now in 209 2010 we had the swine flu that killed over 500 million people in 2014 we had Ebola and now we have covered 19 we may think that it is a most uncertain times now but the one has seen last times not to downplay the magnitude of it but just to tell you crises are common and first Corinthians 10 verse 13 says there is nothing that has taken you but that which is common to man crises are common and I want to assure you that just like Spanish Flu came and went an Asian flu came and went coffee 19 to shelf as that was my first sort my second thought crisis forces us to practice in darkness what we ought to have learned in the light it causes us to exercise our faith or magnify our fears crisis is our great revealer they show us what is inside of us during good times you could come here and say we can do everything through Christ who strengthens us who he who is with us is greater than he who is against us no weapon formed against me shall prosper in good times but in bad times is the time to test whether we believe that which we profess Christ is a great revealer number three crises helps us to prioritize and know the important things in life it takes away taz taken away our troubles taken away our jobs taken away our preoccupations and now we really understand what's important in life in good times we are sometimes given to excesses but in lean times we know what's important and last but not least number four adversity makes us stronger oh I love that adversity makes us stronger I just want to to read some statement that I wrote down here it is doubtful whether God can use a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply and it is in the quiet crucible of our private personal suffering that our noblest dreams are born and God's greatest gifts given and often given in compensation to what we have been through this time my friends made make us stronger and I have been indicated that I have one minute to go so I just finish up by sharing a poem that has inspired me and I hope you really inspire you to and that accentuates the fact that adversity makes us stronger it's a Korean poem called for every heel of hard to climb it simply says for every hill I have had to climb for every stone that bruised my feet for all the blood and sweat and grime for blinding storms and burning heat my heart sings but a grateful song these were the things that made me strong for all the heartaches and the tears for all the anguish and the pain for gloomy days and fruitless years and for their hopes that lived in vain I do give thanks for now I know these other things that helped me grow may these words inspire you and as we go through this time may we remember and live the words of Romans 8 and verses 28 and we know we don't think we don't speculate we don't guess we know that all things not some things not 99 of percent of things but all things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose may this one inspire you at this time and may you be of good cheer as we face this pandemic may God bless you and have a beautiful Sabbath may we pray Heavenly Father we thank you for in your word we find comfort regardless of the times the times may change but you don't your promises are true and amen may you increase our faith but we may face these challenges that we are facing now with hope hope that you are still on the throne in Jesus's name I pray amen [Music] we turn with me to the book of Proverbs chapter 3 verse 27 and 28 the Bible says with all not good from them to whom it is due when it is in your power of thine hand to do it say not unto thy neighbor go and come again tomorrow I will give you when thou has it pipey so the Bible is telling us that let us not withhold good to those it is due and God is calling upon us to give it today when we have it I sent you on behalf of the communities of comity and I would like to encourage us to give unto the Lord and for those who've been following we have been calling upon us to contribute to help alleviate the pain and grief that has come upon many families because of the pandemic that we are facing and we know very well that we have have a care center called accs which they have been supporting 623 families and of the 623 families we have 197 which are vulnerable so we're calling upon you to give to the kitty so that were able to alleviate came and sorrow from those who have been affected so if you are sitting there and you have not contributed kindly this is your chance to take out your phone and give the Lord loves a cheerful Giver and the Lord also wants you to give out of your abundance so we know very well the Lord has blessed us we have food in our pantries we have money in our pockets and in our banks account let's just go ahead gives give to someone who is immediately and again God tells us that whatsoever you do unto the least of my brethren that you do unto me God is calling upon us to feed the hungry because we know we're aware of what is happening and we don't know how long this is going to be but we know that with a little and their much that we have we can help save a soul so once again the guidelines to giving is go to the pebble number 320 100 and the commentary will be care so far we have received contributions from a good number of you and I know you can do more so go deep into your pockets check into your phones check into your bank accounts and give to the Lord because when you give it will come back to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over so I speak a blessing upon you as you think about giving and as you go ahead and give to save a life god bless you [Music] trip and we are calling everyone at home to worship with us you viewer call your family call your family and friends that are not with you in the house to please tune in to our YouTube channel and to follow this live stream and also on Facebook share the link come let's worship together we'll start our worship with song number three three four as we call to worship Solent solemnly we call you to worship with song number three three four come thou fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace indeed come the fount of every blessing tune my heart to sing thy grace streams of Mercy never ceasing call for songs of loudest praise teach me ever to our donkey I still by gunas prove one the whole world endless glory fills my heart streets joy [Music] [Music] Jesus or did you rescue me from danger interposed his precious man Oh team race how great actor Jamie wants to be like me [Music] babies prone to leave the god I love he's my heart O take and seal [Music] it is such a wonderful thing to be redeemed by the blood to know that my sin is completely blotted out completely completely clean clean clean sleeps imagine that song number 337 and song number three three eight we shall sing a medley and even as you follow with us this is how we'll sing it I need you to get your hymnals because both these hymns are just side by side or very close together 337 and 3 3 8 so we'll sing stands a 1 of 3 3 7 with the chorus then standard 2 of 3 3 8 and the chorus then we join in stanza three three eight center 3 of 3 3 8 and the chorus and we finish caribou sana [Music] redeemed how I love to proclaim it reading by the blood of the world read him to his infinite mercy his child we didn't we did by the blood of the [Music] Reedy [Music] is child and forever three three eight I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love to proclaim please [Music] no there's a crowd that is waiting for me and soon [Music] [Music] we deny the blood Reidy Reidy Creedy [Music] [Applause] [Music] Reidy Reidy reading by the blood of girl Creedy pretty [Applause] [Music] now him number 462 let's say - warrants Jesus is Milan because you are three I'll say blessed insurance jesus is our zoki however I want you to own this song in the book of first John chapter 3 verse 2 says beloved now we are the sons of God and don't to give you a brief story behind this song written by Fanny Jay Crosby I'm certain many have heard about her a blind lady who was inspired and wrote so many hymns and so on it said over a thousand of them which we know and sing loudly so a lady by the name of Miss is not visited Fanny Crosby or a funny Jay Crosby in 1873 and played a tune for her and Crosby being blind loved that tune so much and mrs. Crupp requested her to write some words for the tune so funny requested that craft to plate a second time and what did finally Crosby do she knelt down and prayed and by the third time of mrs. craft doing this song or playing the tune Crosby funny Jay had rapidly dictated the words of the hymn and said blessed assurance Jesus is mine so I want you to joyfully rejoice or other rejoice in the words of this song as we did and when we come to the third stanza we'll do the chorus twice and we'll ask you to join us as we majestically proclaim the story of God the story of the love of Jesus which we ought to sing all day long blessed assurance Jesus is mine Jesus is mine blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine hair of salvation purchase of God born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song this is my story this is my song song praising my Savior all the day long perfect submission perfect delight visions of my son in Jose de sandy from their cause of Mercy whispers of love this is my story this is my song [Music] this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the perfect some me all these are dress watching watching and [Music] this is my story this is my song raising my say oh this is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long me street is my story this is my song come on praising praising my Saviour [Music] see my story this is my song praising my Saviour hallelujah may you continue praising your Savior all the day long even while you're at home and joining us from whichever place that you are in all over the world joy what's the next song song number three fallen to God be the glory amen to God be the glory always so Adi do you know someone who likes this song well I think the person we are thinking about is because brother yes justice I think my first experience with him he taught me how to sing this song yes in the correct notes yeah funny crosby again script this song to God be the glory Mungo otaku so we are doing it however in English praise the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] great things he has taught us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the great things here [Music] indeed when our music with God is glorified there is no room for pride may your praise rise up to the heavens as sweet incense this morning now the next song we're going to sing is song for to three glorious things of the earth spoken we've just sung about glory and we're going back to glory our God is a glorious God amen and I'd like us to think about the words from the Bible that inspired this song as we read The Book of Isaiah chapter 33 verse 20 and 21 and it says look upon zion the city of solemnities then I shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation a tabernacle that cannot be taken down not one of the sticks thereof shall ever be removed neither shall there any of the cards thereof be broken so God's love is so glorious yes it can never be broken and only think about glory for me I think it prints a picture of brightness and Wonder and excitement so when we think let's think about Zion and the Wonder and glory that is our God yes if there's anyone you know watching us from Germany this is the tune for your national anthem well those were in Kenya and Africa there's maybe another less Sun you know you never if you don't know any other anthem welcome the Kenyan national anthem now this is the tuner it's done or sung in German so glorious things of the a spoken [Music] Christ is coming victorious glorious things of D are spoken and we shall see him when he comes in man amen yes [Music] glorious things of the ice volcano I am city oh my god he whose light cannot be broken for me for his own abode on the aegis bonded Ward's can shake thy shall repose salvations wall surrounding me smile [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - gently slowly Savior if on the Zion city where all of us are members let's sing see [Music] the world is the world please measure all these balls and show [Music] sting treasure non-bizarre hands truthfully trend known solely joys and lasting treasure [Music] No [Music] song number 647 mine eyes have seen the glory we're still in that mood of heaven of glory the glory of Christ we shall see the Lord our coming song number six for seven mine eyes have seen the glory [Music] my sonnet for the trumpeter shall never call retreat retreat he is sifting out the hearts for many people his judgment seat Oh [Music] Laury Laury Holly here's my G in the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea with a glory in his balsam doctrines because you and me as he died to make men holy let us live to make men free walldog is machi Lord glory glory glory glory [Music] amen we'll sing song number 449 as we close our worship never part again we are separated from each other in this time our family members our loved ones yes I mean we've had the story of Chris as he mentioned that he was to be married tomorrow but we know that when Jesus comes then we will never ever part again in that land of pure delight will never ever part again [Music] good day my name is eternal rains night [Music] No and managers we're sorry too we shall hear no sound and soon we shall with Jesus rain never never part again won't never cross again no never part again what never part again never part again and soon we shall win Jesus rain never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's a meal and fro Wars we're turning to hey Manuel's let we've seen Charlie but Rodin suit we shall it's Jesus [Music] never what never what [Music] [Music] and never never caught I would read what stack where was it [Music] note all these was pretend we mean to my way soon shiny no drone dead sound and soon we shall win Jesus ray and never never caught again and was never pause again no never part again what never part again part again and soon we shall read Jesus [Music] and never never part [Laughter] indeed let's have that assurance that the time is coming when we'll never never part again thank you for joining us for this worship service and let's keep tuned to the service being streamed live from Nairobi central SDA church in Nairobi Kenya thank you [Music] [Music] happy Sabbath and thank you Brad Onaga and their weak sisters for the wonderful song service I could see my sister Emily beaming with smile as both the piano and the team were blending in praise of our Lord Jesus Christ it has been six days today being the seventh day since last sahabat and I think it is important for us to appreciate that it is a wonderful time that again we find time to be at the feet of Jesus Christ despite they covet 19 restrictions at least today our minds are free to join the rest of the world to sit and celebrate at the feet of Jesus Christ allow me to appreciate those who are joining us in this service that is being beamed from the nairobi centro SDA church a church located at the kenyan seat of power nairobi City County we have those joining us from South Africa from Zimbabwe from South Sudan and from Keala me and from many many more places and for us we tell you thank you for joining us in this worship we also have church members who are following us we welcome you to this worship we also have children who are just joining the divine service let us celebrate this day and the worship program together also extending the same invitation to all of you for our afternoon program we have a program which is very interesting and really timely the topic that will be covered in the afternoon is titled we need to talk candid conversations for Quarantine families you are all invited to be part of this as we continue in the worship allow me to invite all of you to join us in prayers on various activities and items let us all join her hands together to lift up the family of our late Elda Elda massima who passed away last week and was buried on thursday also as 10 similar prayers to other families who are bereaved and also those who are sick we do know that coronavirus has taken Lam light from other sicknesses and diseases but we still have among our membership and among our relatives those who are sick so please let us join hands as we live them up in the hands of God for his building masses to be upon them we also want call upon you to join us as we pray for the c19 pandemic and its impact on our daily lives we are in the hundred days of prayer and again we call upon you to join in praying during this hundred days of prayer we are also having floods and also the rising levels of Lake Victoria bodies that is bringing calamity among those who are living at the shorelines in the three East African countries wherever you are let us humble ourselves and be at the feet of Jesus as we pray let us pray our Heavenly Father and God in the name of Jesus Christ your son a name that brings salvation to mankind a name that bring healings Lord a name that is above all names a name that is allowing us to be your children even though we are seen as father we approach the throne of mercy to say glory be to you or not be to your father you sit in your majesty as you look upon your children father we are in a situation we are in a situation science is defeated power political power is defeated the world power is defeated economic power is deceit defeated Christ Jesus the world is looking upon you humanity is looking upon you Father the power that you gave to us and Jesus Christ Lord we are looking for that power and at the end of it Lord we are going to celebrate that you delivered humanity from the covet nineteen pandemic Lord your children are suffering skies are empty those who are supposed to take your word far and wide cannot move streets in major cities are empty Lord your children are suffering you are houses of worship Lord are empty but what we thank you for the technology that you gave to humanity so that we can follow your worship and we can't be with you sit at your feet wherever we are but love the warmth that we usually have together when we come together to worship You Lord that is missing the fellowship which we protect Lord is now not working father I come to our rescue we are in the middle of a storm father we are right in the middle of the storm Christ Jesus to me freaking King Oni we are defeated we are at the age we can't move Christ Jesus as you lifted up Peter when he was sinking Lord humanity is sinking and they are all holding out their hands so that you can come and rescue us as you call the stone which was heating the boat where you are father we are right in a storm we are looking at you Hester on your feet history or action have mercy upon us father we are in the day a hundred days of prayer this our days Lord when mortal sinful human beings are lifting up their prayers unto you Lord but because of the cross because of the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ Lord we are able to approach the throne of Mercy throne of grace with these prayers listen to our prayers and as Adam according to your riches in glory father we are remembering families that have believed including the family of our elder Simba Lord bring comfort bring peace bring love bring hope Lord so many families Lord are now facing a crisis all that you put in their hands Lord are now going away joblessness is now covering everywhere in the world including Kenya your children are suffering Christ Jesus come to our rescue deliver humanity Lord even though we weren't far from your teaching have mercy upon us the way you had mercies on this on those who are able to interact with you even though they were seen as when you are here on earth Christ Jesus it is a time that you've appointed your servant pastor Jack to come and deliver your word to as father let the word bring hope bring comfort and above all Prince and vision to humanity to those who are listen to that word this is Harbor prayer for we as in the DNA of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior amen [Music] [Music] Papa Saba epistle but once again we thank God for this day it's now time to return our tights and give offerings for the blessings that God has bestowed upon us all through this week and even up to now in our lives before we give and give the instructions on how to give like us to read from the book of Malachi chapter chapter 3 verses 10 to 12 Malachi chapter 3 verses 10 to 12 it says bring me all the tithes into the storehouse the team may have meat that that there be me that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith sees the Lord the Lord of Hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there may not be room enough to receive it and I will rebuke the Devourer for your sex and II shall not destroy the fruits of your ground neither shall your vine cast of fruit before the time in the field saith the Lord of hosts and all the nations shall call you blessed for ye shall be a delight some land saith the Lord of hosts so as the time has come for us to give back the tights and return return the tights and give the offerings the numbers for the remission of these offerings have been broadcasted in your screens the pay bill number is 3 to 0 100 there is a business number and the account number you can either write tithe or whatever kind of bless offering you're giving beat Thanksgiving and the rest and at the same time we'd like to emphasize on our upcoming camp meeting that is slated to begin on the 8th to 15th of August the theme for our completing this year is believe in God and believe in his prophets so we are praying that all the members can be able to pray for this upcoming competing and also give towards the same through the same means the pay billion business number 3 - 0 1 0 0 and account number you can put camp offerings or camp expenses as much as you are blessed this year so let us continue praying for the camp and may God bless you all as we continue giving [Music] as you go into your pockets or rather as you find your devices to give we will sing song number five nine eight watch ye Saints watch for the signs what she Saints Jesus is coming back and will you help to finish the work of God through your giving watch he scenes [Music] [Music] because Jesus [Music] your pardon sit and perchance be the blood of nori B - and Jesus oh no he comes he comes all glorious Jesus closed doors yes Jesus cool don't be so grumpy these chariot wheels are wrongly tell of grace abounding Jesus so he calls Jesus called [Music] Hey yes [Music] nation's way through this army to Lourdes call me Jesus oh no he comes he comes all glorious Jesus comes to reign victorious yes Jesus go homes sinners come with my steez baby for you he's interceding mr. grace and time diminished shuttle claim the mystery finished lo he comes know Jesus calms know Jesus comes to reign victorious yes Jesus sorry joyful but it is well-heeled number five three nine now children it's that time that you get to be ministered to and this whole month we'll be looking at a story of Jesus and today we are going to study or be fed about the baptism of Jesus and I want you as a child the big children those are the parents uncle's auntie's and guardians and the small ones too always early seek the Savior who is Jesus our Christ so we'll do hymn number five three nine the first stanza and the chorus alone as we invite teacher Steve for the children story I will Alice seek the Savior [Music] I really see the same I love him each day I will follow in his footsteps I really never away for he loves me he loves me jesus loves me this I know Jesus loves me like to save me this is all for he loves me again for he loves me he loves me jesus loves me this I know Jesus loves me died to save me [Music] children come free a story [Music] hello children hello parents and dear viewers were watching us live from your comfort we want to welcome you to the children someone here at Nairobi central SDA church now children we have been looking at the story of Jesus and today amazingly we are having a very interesting topic that I believe we are all going to enjoy to love and even help us in making our decisions now today we want to look at the baptism of Jesus and this is the story of Jesus just to let you know this month of May the kindergarten class will be doing all the summons for the children and therefore don't plan to miss because we'll be having very interesting stories in the Bible about this man and this Savior Jesus Christ now children before I pray I want to take us to our text or our Kiva's today that is from the book of Matthew chapter 3 verse number 17 the Bible says and you can read with me right there wherever you are at home and a voice from heaven said this is my beloved son whom I love with him I am well pleased now children that is the voice of God God spoke at a particular time and so today our story or our someone is based in the book of Matthew chapter 3 verse number 13 down to verse number 17 shall we pray our Father and our God our Heavenly master we want to thank you dear Jesus as little children you have allowed us to enjoy uhsomeone uninterrupted even in the face of this uncertainty when the bad wind is blowing all over of coronavirus we want to thank you for making us able to listen to you dear Jesus and today when you want to talk about you about your baptism we pray that Lord will help us make a decision even to come to you be with us for this our prayer in Jesus name Amen amen I am teacher Steve galore and I'm going to take you through this now one day when Jesus was about to start his ministry he decided to go and meet his cousin John now we all remember John had commonly declared that he have come to prepare the way for Jesus but now something happens funny Jesus leaves Galilee where he was the town of Galilee and they head straight to Jordan something was happening next to River Jordan or at the banks of River Jordan John who is called John the Baptist was there and what was he doing he was preaching and baptizing people he was preaching and baptizing people remember he was only baptizing those who had accepted to follow God's ways those were accepted to follow the commandments of God and that means these people had accepted that their lives who are sinful and now they wanted to follow the ways of the Lord God Almighty and so Jesus comes when Jesus returned from John and June was so surprised why John knew who Jesus was John knew that hey Jesus is God June knew that Jesus is sinless so you knew so much about Jesus and yet Jesus comes and tells him hey June I want you to baptize me John was so surprised he could not understand why do you want me to baptize you why do you want me to baptize you but jesus said hey John I want you to baptize me to fulfill two things one to fulfill the righteousness of God don't say jesus answered and said John I wanted to baptize me to fulfill the righteousness of God and again Jesus give him the second point and said John I also want you to baptize me so that I be in obedient with God's commandments what does that mean then it means if one gets baptized then he gets into obedient with the commandments of God and true when one gets baptized then this person fulfills the righteousness of God so that is what Jesus told John and Susan said without much ado he went into the waters with Jesus and what did he do he baptized Jesus now he must Jesus into the water so Jesus was baptized at that age of 30 when he was starting his ministry and so it means that even as we need to be baptized because we are children of God and we are following into the footsteps of Jesus Christ who is our master now what happened why do we need to be baptized when we get baptized we become members of God's church we become members of God's church we are now part of God's family because we are together with others also who have followed or who have accepted to be with Christ another thing when we get baptized then now we follow into the footsteps of Jesus Christ meaning we will be able to do those things that Jesus did and what he taught us to do now Jesus taught us to love one another Jesus taught us to obey our parents and our elders Jesus taught us to obey all the 10 commandments including worshiping on the day that you are set apart if we obey that then we say not now allow us to be baptized of your own now as children we have things to do we are missionaries we go out to the field we are missionaries even to our parents our relatives we preach to them we tell them stories about Jesus they also teaches about Jesus it reaches a point when one now decides to make a decision men even us at some age we will decide to make a decision in the Bible there is no specific age for baptism but our parents allow us because they teach us when we fail we are now well taught and we have understood who this Jesus is then we can make decision on our own to be baptized in the mean time as children we will preach to others we'll ask mommy and daddy if they're baptized we'll ask our big sisters and big brothers and cousins and our neighbors if they are baptized if they are not we will tell them what is good and why they need to be baptized and so this is what happens when you talk to the people about Jesus and they accept to be baptized then you bring them here in charge when you bring them here in charge then pasta will ask them will teach them we have a class that we call baptismal class they will be taught to be like Jesus if they accept and have learnt well then now they'll be ready for baptism now when that happens then a day is set for them to be baptized and they will be given some white gowns like mine if they have to be baptized in our church here and when they are given a nice white gown like this they will be here and pasta will pronounce some things which they will accept and if they accept that then they will be ready for baptism then they will go into their waters remember true baptism or the baptism that was done to Jesus was by complete immersion into the waters meaning the way you always go out to swim in the swimming pool when you get deep inside the water right and that is what we call complete immersion and therefore the true baptism is baptism by immersion in water I don't know other kinds of baptisms but what I know is that what Jesus taught us is that we have to be immersed in two waters so today I have some two friends I don't know if Mike American see their friends here these friends of mine have accepted to be baptized I will call the bigger friend or this friend here I'll call this friend mama Anita okay and I'll call this girl here Anita so they were priests to Anita and mama Anita were priests too and they accepted Christ they went through the glass of baptism and they accepted to be baptized and so pasta comes when pasta comes they are called upon they have been given what we call the vows and so they have to be baptized now because they are here we will call the deaconesses to help us with baptism now the deaconesses will come with a towel you know there is this white towel here just to help in wiping the face because we are not to drown them we are only baptizing them and pasta will come and call Anita or mom Anita the first one so today we are going to start with Anita now they'll be having white gowns mine do not have white gowns because they didn't have one what they have clothes to change so we will do what pastor does I'll keep my microphone here and then I'll call this is mom Anita mom Anita is at the edge of the pool of water now this water must immerse the mom Anita and so I'll pick the towel now I'm not the pasta but the pasta does this okay so pasta we'll call mom Anita here and we'll pronounce some blessings we'll say mama Anita because you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior i baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and then pasta will put this towel here white towel bring mom Anita into the water and like I mentioned complete immersion so mom Anita will be immersed into water like an soo mom Anita has been baptized this towel here that the pasta used is now wet but there will be a Deaconess who will pick another towel and wipe her face and bring her back because she is working so she will get out of the pool to the changing anita will come now anita will come there will be a different towel again when anita comes we'll get a different but posture has his towel Vinita will be here of course and it is at the edge of the waters or of the pool and so here she is pasta will pick his towel again squeezie to remove water of course and then put it somewhere here to cover Anita's face lightly okay then Anita will come into the water and pasta will again declare and it because you've accepted Jesus Christ we now baptize you in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Anita goes complete immersion into the water okay and so Anita has been baptized because she accepted Jesus Christ and and wipe her face and of course Anita the baptism continues and so children when we grow and when we allow Christ in our lives then we will be able to make conscious decisions to be baptized but today what I want you to do I want you to preach the good news tell others be the missionary in your estate in your homes in your houses and tell them about Jesus and why they need to be baptized remember when Jesus was baptized a voice was heard from heaven and before the voice there was the Spirit of God that came upon him in form of a dove and the voice was heard saying this is my beloved son whom I love with him I am well pleased meaning if we accept to be baptized then God declares us his children God will speak up voice in our silence just to declare that we are his children a voice will be heard from heaven the Holy Spirit will descend upon us and we will now be members of God's church doing God's will all the time thank you children for listening to our story I hope you're going to make a change in your entire life even in your mission as you continue growing in the Lord god bless you shall we pray our Father and our God as little ones we long to follow your footsteps Jesus was baptized by complete immersion we pray that you may also allow us Lord to make a decision to be baptized and even for that person who is watching us who has not been baptized Lord we pray that you'll speak in his or her heart and bring this person unto your fold may your name be praised and lifted up and higher for ever and ever take care of us as little children keep us dear Jesus safe even in our course of play and keep us Lord even from diseases bless us all and continue being our Father for this our prayer in Jesus name Amen amen amen thank you children be blessed [Music] praise the Lord once again it's now time to hear God's Word scripture reading today is coming from the book of 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verses 5 and 6 I repeat second chronicles chapter 20 verses 5 and 6 it says and the house or the Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of the of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court and said O Lord God our fathers of our fathers are not thou God in heaven and dualists not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in thy hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee I'll repeat and the house of had stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court and said O Lord God of our fathers but not thou God in heaven and dualists not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in the in hand is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee and may God bless his word [Music] welcome to our divine service and as we usher in the preacher for the day will sing song number five to nine under his wings so ID what's the best place to be at right now had Jesus Wheaton under his wings and Jesus's feet and under his wings [Music] his race I am safely 90% and pastor I can trust I know you will keep me he has redid me and I am his child under his and [Music] from his can say and he's my son I save for [Music] under his razor and ears in sorrow returns to its rest all friend [Music] under his ring [Music] [Applause] under his wings Shanna I see [Applause] [Music] his wings for what precious enjoyment [Music] [Music] all day from his mouth can't say under his wings [Music] for [Music] thank you so much viewers glory to God we are here again on this Sabbath day to worship our Lord welcome to this Sabbath day last time I was here I remember we experienced some technical challenges and that compromise our delivery and we thank God for you and your prayers which has allowed us to come again and to deliver we want to thank God for giving us an opportunity to be here and we want to appeal to anybody who is willing to support this ministry here from Nairobi central SDA church by supporting us to get state-of-the-art communication gadgets which cannot fail us that may the Lord speak to you and may you give we thank God for this Sabbath day and we are here today to share the Word of God speaking to you my name is pastor Guerra one of the pastors of Nairobi central chachi and aerobee friends the Bible is the Word of God it is a book of hope it gives us hope in this hopeless world it gives us strength when we read it and believe it we get hope and strength which is not equal to the kind of trials we go through in this world the Bible comes to us from God and it cannot be compared by anything else today I want you to turn your attention to the book of 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse 6 which I'm going to read and I ask you to read it also from wherever you are in whichever version you have of the Bible the book of 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse 6 and this is what the Word of God is saying and he said Oh Lord God of our Father are you not God in heaven and do you not rule over all the kingdoms of the nation and in your hand is there not power and might so that no one is able to withstand you let's close our eyes for a word of Prayer father in the name of Jesus I stand before you and a stand Lord that I am just blood and flesh and Lord I present myself before you that through me you may speak to your sons and daughters who wants to listen to you speak to them you may speak to me even as I minister today and father through this ministry your name may be glorified be present now to speak to us to bless us for this I pray believing and trusting in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior amen thank you so much the book we have just read is a story of King Joseph at a king who was facing threats of war threat of war threat of death and threat of extinction from a collision of a me from three nations the nation of ammonites the nation of Maha bites and the nation which came from the mount of Syria a vast army which invaded his kingdom and as a single nation he could not be able to fight this army friends Josaphat received information from his intelligence service that the army has already entered into his kingdom he was told that there in a place called Hassan Tamar or an Gedi the King had no time to prepare for this war he had no time to prepare his army he had no time to prepare for the war he was caught unaware what happened to him next is that the Bible says he feared so much friends fear is one of emotional problems which humanity suffer from it started immediately after the fall of man in the book of Genesis chapter 3 humanity developed fear and fear has remained with us two dead King Jehoshaphat feared so much because he was faced with a war he was not going to win and the King decided what to do he did not decide to call his National Security Council to speak to them and tell them that they are facing a war he did not decide to call his generals in a military strategic meeting to speak to them and tell them how they are going to win the war and to discuss how it was going to be done he did not even decide to recruit more people to the army so that they can be ready to fight this war the king decided to do something which many today will not consider as important especially to those who don't believe the king decided to seek the face of God in prayer I know friends that many men are so proud and sometimes they feel that praying is something that makes them weak we can who they are but this was a king who was faced with a problem and he decided to seek God in prayer so the king called everybody in his nation to pray and I want to say something here during times of crisis everybody is important everybody counts the king decided to call everybody for a National Prayer how prayer was going to help it were to deal with the military problem nobody knows those who don't believe in God may not really understand but the king had a relationship with God and he decided that they are going to seek God in prayer friends I want to tell you many people have done this there is a lot of evidence in the Bible how people have approached God in prayer if you turn to the book of Genesis chapter 20 jacoub Russell God in prayer when he was under threat of his brother Esau who threatened his life in Exodus chapter 14 Moses turned to God in prayer when his people were under threat of extinction from the Egyptian in Exodus chapter 16 Moses turned to God in prayer when the children of Israel were under threat of starvation without food and without water in Joshua chapter 6 Joshua turned to God in prayer when he wanted to conquer Jericho in Daniel chapter 2 Daniel turned to God in prayer when he realized that nobody among the wise man in the kingdom of Babylon could interpret the dream of the king and the King had threatened them with death in Daniel chapter 6 Daniel turned to God in prayer when a plot of killing him throwing him in the lion's den had been hatched by people who didn't like him because he was a captive Jewish effort decided to pray that may God address the problem at hand he was first with the threat and he decided to pray friends I want to tell you as a pastor I am a keen listener to prayer prayer will tell me the theology of the person praying prayer will tell the understanding of the person pray prayer will tell the experience of the person praying prayer will tell the perception of the person praying when everyone is praying I do listen to prayers very carefully because prayers is able to tell me the theology of that person prayer is able to tell me how that person perceive God prayer is able to tell me how that person understands God prayer is able to tell me the experience of that person with the Living God and therefore your Shefford went to God in prayer and they prayed it is in chronicles chapter 20 and I want all only to take time to analyze with you for six your Shefford prayed and said Lord our God he had a relationship with God and he was able to call God our God how many of us have a relationship with God and can call God our God how many of us have a God they can call Abba our God when they are under threats your Shepard had a relationship with God and the approach God and say our God you are our God you are Abba he went on to pray and ask God certain question he said lord are you not God who has the power friends you cannot ask God such intimate questions unless you have a relationship with God we are living in a world where so many people do not have a God to ask questions to we are living in a world where people do not have a relationship with God Jerry Shepard had a God whom he could ask such intimate questions and he said are you not God are you not the ruler of all kingdoms on earth friends there are so many kingdoms in this world yosh effort was saying you are the ruler of all kingdoms on earth kingdoms of animals you are the ruler kingdoms of human beings you are the ruler you are the ruler of kingdoms of this world yer shafaat ask God that question are you not the ruler of all kingdoms friends we have a God who is the ruler of all kingdoms he rules the kingdoms of animals he rules the kingdoms of bacterias and viruses he is a God who is a ruler of all kingdoms on earth yer Shefford continue to ask God God you have power in your hand power to create power to destroy power to heal power to save power to restore all that is in your hands your Shefford new the god he was approaching he knew the god he was seeking he knew is a God who was power in his hands friends Yaphet escort God can who can withstand you friends that was another question the effort ask God in his prayer who can withstand you God can the powerful and the rich people of this world withstand you can the kings and rulers of this world withstand you can the Pharaohs of this present world withstand you can the Nebuchadnezzar's of this present world withstand you can the army of coronavirus withstand you God he asked her that question God you have the power who can withstand you friends God answered the nation of Judah chronicles chapter 20 verse 15 and I want you to read it with me here and he said listen all you people of Judah the inhabitants of Jerusalem and you King Jehoshaphat thus says the Lord God do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude for the battle is not yours the title of my sermon today the battle is not ours friends have come to learn that there are so many battles in this world which are not ours they may appear as ours but in reality when you examine them properly you discover these battles are not yours Gersh effort got an answer from God and God told him the battle is not yours allow me to unpack the pandemic problem that we have today and I want to say it is a common knowledge that we have a global pandemic problem of coronavirus this coronavirus has come with a lot of fear global fear this coronavirus has come with global destruction this coronavirus has come with global interruptions of calendars of the world this coronavirus has come with global death this karana virus has come with a global law every country in the world has a corona law as we are talking today this corona virus has closed down all the places of worship sanctuaries temples churches coronavirus has closed friends i want to tell you the whole world is focused on experts and scientists but I'm here today telling you this battle is not us we have a God we can proach approach we have a God we can tell because we have a relationship with him as a believer there is a way we approach problems when they arise and I think the best way to approach this problem is to call upon our God Abba in prayer I know and I believe that our Lord God is in heaven he is seated in heaven karana is not in heaven the virus is not seated in the seat of throne it is God we sit at their friend's I know that our God cares I know that our God has a mighty power he has power in his hand power to destroy power to create in us a new immune system to fight coronavirus power to create in us and restore our health for those who are sick in the hospital as I'm preaching this sermon he has power power to care for those who can care for themselves he has power power to heal those who are sick Abba has power friends what is happening today in the world happened before in 1978 in Uganda the President of Uganda then president Idi Amin decided to close all the seventh-day Adventist churches in 1978 they were not worshiping they went back home and they decided to pray from home and let me say something our God is so loving such that when coronavirus has decided to take us to to make a homes the new centers of worship God is with us at all so in Uganda in 1978 people went home churches were closed the wages are closed today and they decided to pray at home those days friends there were no even sight technologies where we can reach them at home we can reach you at home and tell you that your home has become a center of worship God has moved in your home God is in your living room with you the technology was not even there they decided to go home and pray from home God who knows how to answer prayers in 1979 many few months after an Army from Tanzania came to overthrow him and Friends he was overthrown with all the power he had he was overthrown as it was running for his dear life somewhere somewhere near Mohanji ginger he could not hide anywhere he hid himself in a house of a member of the seventh-day Adventist Church when he was in that house he discovered that this man is a believer in God this is the man I closed their churches and yes that man equation is God punishing me for what I did friends we have the power in the name of Jesus to pray and our God will do something I want to call upon the choristers to come because we want to sing under his wings there we are we want to sing under his wings we are self we want to sing this beautiful song under his wings once again what can we do now you know this problem of coronavirus has given people a lot of stress because they think this battle is theirs and I'm here today to tell you that this battle is not us and as a believer what we can do is to pray and we are beginning powerful prayer here in arabic SDA central church where we are going to pray we are going to intercede for the world because we know the power of prayer we know what prayer can do as i call the choruses to come and join me here we sing under his wings I believe that under his wings you are safe under his wings you're protected under his wings yourself and our Lord will take care of us may the Lord bless you as you stand and we sing under his wings the battle is not yours the battle is gods and God will deal with it as our Living God our work is simple to lift his name and to pray in the name of Jesus so that our Lord God can come down and prove himself that the battle is his may the Lord bless you as you worship God has moved in our homes God is listening to our prayer God will answer our prayer thank you so much and may the Lord bless you as we sing this beautiful song under his wings we are safe and secure may the Lord bless you [Music] conviction and love [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can trust him I know he will keep me he has redeemed me mister under his wings [Music] from his love and say these boys I see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's man often I find cold [Music] Oh [Music] from his [Music] [Applause] under his wings Corie [Applause] [Music] such a precious moment to sit under his wings and find comfort in him [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] from his love can't see [Music] under his wings my sunshine [Music] [Laughter] our Lord and father God who lives above in heaven Jehovah Lord we are coming before you as a people who believe in you as our Lord and our God ABBA we have come about we are asking you intimate questions it's you ruling sitting on the throne in heaven and not a pandemic we are asking you Father that may you deal with the problem that has now affected the entire humanity in this world further we are asking you that may you remember your sons and daughters who are going hungry provide for them Heavenly Father for we have sung under your wings there we rest Heavenly Father protects and care for your people reveal your power power in your hand the mighty power heavenly father create as a new dear Lord that we can have immune system that can defeat Corona in the name of Jesus dear Lord we thank you for speaking to us reminding us that all we can do is to unleash prayer or such a time we thank you Father for your love we dedicate ourselves to you as your children all over the world those who are watching Heavenly Father bless us today give us the confidence or Lord give us hope in this hopeless world the Heavenly Father remove fear and give us the confidence and trust in you thank you father for listening be with us and disperse us from your presence with blessings for this I pray believing and trusting in the name of Jesus Christ and that all the same say Amen [Music] indeed we'll find safety under his wings you're going to do the last two items and these songs are in line with the theme and the message that our pasta has delivered today indeed the battle is not ours no we are not soldiers but we know and understand when you go to but to any battle or war you have a commander and that the commander we are talking about today is Jesus Christ so we'll turn our attention to him 6 1 4 614 sound the battle cry and for viewer I want you just to sound a melodious harmony as you join us in singing hymn number 6 1 4 sound the battle cry sorry already joy rhythm sounds of battle cry cro4 is not raise the standard time for the Lord God you're on everyone restroom calls upon his holy word roused and soldiers ready steady pass the word along onward forward two days captain of the mighty strong to meet the fall not Ching Wong we grow while our cause we know we're a shield and burner right we make in the light but me for the rights we never can fail rouse them soldiers run around the burner ready steady cause the water [Music] [Applause] [Music] well the crowds and soldiers run around the world own word for shout aloud Rosana Christ is captain of the mighty throne indeed even as we sing knowing that we have a commander who never fails we need to be watchful and ready him 6:04 we know not the hour of his coming thus we are called to be ready and watchful for he will come in the bright glory of his father yet we don't know the hour but signs around us tell that or other tells us that his coming is near 6:04 Steve we need to be ready yes I'm ready are you ready are you ready for his coming great 6:04 [Music] [Music] we shall return disappears moose cheering but we know he will be ready he will oh yeah he will call me his father's price glory [Music] there's night boy the boys who are seeking salvation bless truth of the Lord these prophecy to the great conservation but we know he will call let us watch [Music] yeah he will come in the close of his father's glory we'll watch and we'll pray with the lamps trimmed and burning will warn we'll wait till the master suite or me we'll sing but we no no we he will come let us watch and be ready he will call [Music] Lauria hallelujah he will call me the clouds are his father's bribery but he know he will call let us watch be ready he will call hallelujah he will clog in his father's glory No the last song 633 cause we all long to go to heaven when we all get to heaven it will be a day of rejoicing an amazing day when we'll meet with those whom we've lost those who died let us not lose hope but let's long for that day when we all get to heaven so call out everybody and let's finish the service the morning session with this song 633 when we all get to heaven if you're joining us you're joining us live from Nairobi central SDA church in Nairobi Kenya [Music] and sing sing the wondrous love of Jesus sing his mercy His grace in the mansion's bright and blessed will prepare for us a place where we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we all see Jesus well sing and shout the victory while we walk with bogus red goes high but no shadow knocks aside where we go or get to head what a day of rejoicing that to be when we all see Jesus well sing and shout the victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] we'll see shout the victory [Music] all words to the brother prizes before us and soon his beauty will be something will open soon we shall tread the streets of gold when we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing not to me when we all see Jesus we're repeating the chorus one more time victory when we get to ten walks a day of rejoicing got to be when we see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for instance and thank you all all those who are participated this day from the Sabbath school time up to this point in time you have blessed us immensely the Lord has used you in a very very special way and we just want to pause and say thank you to the Lord for your guidance and to us in this service after this point in time we have now come to the end of our morning service but as was announced a little earlier please note that we have an afternoon program starting at 2:00 o'clock which will run up to about 4:00 we have such panelists as you don't want to miss that program I will not disclose their names now but please come in the afternoon the topic is we want to talk and you will be greatly blessed please you're all most welcome one more time thanks to all our viewers members of this church and those who are viewing us from all over the world we appreciate you and we encourage you to continue linking up with us even this afternoon and every single Sabbath day otherwise we want to wish you a blessed afternoon we will pause and close with the grace so may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the whole issue and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us now and forevermore amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nairobi Central SDA
Views: 9,305
Rating: 4.8834953 out of 5
Id: 0yQag7pti_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 40sec (13360 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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