Hope Channel Church || Sabbath 23rd May || Prayer Service

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he lives I know my Savior lives how do I know one I know because I serve Him I'm pasta Rozlyn yo yo - I know because we worship Him he is present with us even during this crisis time during the Kuroko vid 19 still I know my Savior lives and I'm sure you also know that he lives and that is why you are here and I welcome you to stay put don't move don't switch off to another station be right there you will be enriched I welcome you to a very enriching auto-ship program before we begin I will invite the the the choristers to come and bring to us two songs one song will be in English from the SDM no it is taken from number two five one he lives followed by a kazoo le him No number five which says not to mow Buddha for sure not to mow Buddha I want us to have an enriching fellowship Natoma Buddha Huyen falmouth he lives even amidst the challenges that we are facing let's pray eternal king of the universe lord of all we thank you blessed be your name o Lord we thank you for your we thank you because of the assurance that you still have this whole world in your hands and we know that there is nothing which takes you by surprise you knew it before covet 19 was invented and you know when it will end and so dear Lord we pray for strength and we pray that may we have this hope to be with you and to abide in your presence day by day each hour of your hour our lives so that when you come Lord Jesus we will be jubilant to shout glory hallelujah this is the Lord whom we have been waiting for we pause before you as we worship you today that may you be found amidst us may you draw us closer to thee more than ever before it is my prayer in Jesus Holy Name Amen happy Sabbath and welcome to our song service today we have planned so many beautiful hymns that we will sing in this procession as well to encourage you to bless your soul and with me in fact we have new members yes we have new members in fact let me start with them at the far end we have ritual data please say hello to the viewer hello and happy Sabbath and on this other end we have our tena he is brian omega please say hi good morning and happy Sabbath and right next to me is our bass singer yep the woofer himself George Yaga happy Sabbath my name is Caroline Mucha and I hope you will join us have your hymnals with you as the hymnal and nimbus our Cristo we are going to sing for the glory and honor of God to start us off I want to remind you that jesus is alive hallelujah Jesus lives he died and he rose again and so let's praise God let's sing 251 he lives Jesus [Music] let's see what I see his mercy I need his voice so change in just the time I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] today he walks with me and talks with me along you [Music] [Music] you amen amen Omega please lead us to the next song meanwhile police came by window catechin in was a crystal number 8 ah no not two more who do who you found me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] thank you Tim karo for such wonderful renditions I want to invite us into a prayer session but before we go into procession I went the choristers to come back again and lead us through these songs which will put us into prayer mood the first song is from SDA hymnal number five to nine and his wings oh yes under his wings we are safely abiding the second one is taken from number 21 Jimbo's a cristo baba - aku jia babaçu jia at unum sodom winnie la la a tokyo kebab caribou nice ala right now we'd like to get into a prayer session this season we need to pray without ceasing we really need to pray to pray for everything that's going on around us pray for people who are suffering people who have lost their loved ones people who are on the front line right now so now we'd like to pray for different issues to start us off we're going to pray for essential service providers and these service providers include the media personnel people who consistently have to go to work every single day just to ensure we have content just to ensure we have content that is encouraging us during this time and news that is informing us of things that are going on around us we pray for every other service provider we're talking about the doctors those who are on the front line we are talking about which other service providers Jorge we have service people who deliver they're also part of this they are putting themselves at risk yes we've prayed for doctors before and we also have people who are out there guarding us at yes not the police the Watchmen we've never thought of them yes let's pray for them to the mama bogus' who sell us you know food every single day people who just have to work each day may God be with you and to lead us into that prayer session we are going to sing the song him 259 under his wings we are protected under the almighty wings 259 I think it's 2 529 oh it's 529 his wings okay thank you so much 529 let's start [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] we are safe under his wheels Rachel lead us to the next song wimba main gimmick Zapata katka mimosa Cristo number written o Asama Hani number ey7 Enomoto baba choukaku Jia Co okati hos new acacia mohombi na Chilam Balam Wendy among ghoul Azima a mini quail muna po oomba hua meaning who MBA a takapa M sada natox idea and a Kimble away yet Ocotillo tragic but remember ho Shalini Nadja [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] to see me [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah Oh [Music] [Music] I'm in Tecate for Barbara to Emily Paju turn accompanies a Atacama who baba to knock Rhodesia window issue cranny I sent across a bubble metric to Lanza you know me to Linda no he baba tune on violin bow on a - Padma - 40 - 40 - no kombucha Kangas ah gee I'm bowing at MBA class a mocha Sonia hibari the but you know I'm here to come back on before Nick another Miyako Papa Charlie Papa a hinge a lucky find a Jew cool on La Caleta hibari called to Iqaluit the coffee Kia - number combo is the concourse and ok with a calendar Kentucky became when our final Kazakh Attica same without Sofia my de River my conductor now I learned in a wood but what Piazza de cambia - number combo is the corn cosa to opera and Gemma hosaka Kitumba Bonavena can see now a catchy Imbaba dunya in media and Ishida Chan Camuto POV lovely tune on Beverly and bow when I finally need Bank is a too much residue kombucha while in Japan now only I'm Bobby on afonya pan and electrons in the kombucha to come back on poppy how is the questions now is the quality in de what Ramona fantastic ithaca same two forty two forty okay patina who duma paternity kombucha con Jackie package come back on bababa was the question arrow become Takata Fuu what would Lindsey lucky pick a joke out Krakow or funny Canada Miyako I saw a catacomb Apple tune up again on a Yankee Hill in LA coruña rock upon a Iraqi fine and you come allow like a nice idea bar button on your combi your tea watch Aquafina like a new lens watch Oh nacho Kakaako quano to visa questions of Medina Jamie's Aruna familias AO Quan ICICI Kuhio became America's acoustic wanna see eternity durability occasional occasional manic Remini amen we are still going to seeing two more songs as we go into another session of prayer this time we are going to pray for our families there are so many things that are happening in our family the Bible tells us that the family is the first church and now that our churches are closed the church has come back to the family and we want to pray that our church family may come out vibrant so that when the churches will be opened again we may be able to have so many families coming together to worship and fellowship with one another as we await the Lord's return the one who is going to lead us into this prayer is none other than sister Laurel Archie but before then I want to welcome Tim Carroll to come for the two songs again one from SDA hymnal 6:55 happy the home followed by kiswahili him no one ate for pineapple pillow you know this song is normally sung when people are being wedded but now we want to sing it to affirm the vows that we made on the day when we wedded and that well continue to be with us to help us glue glue our families together our children our spouses sister Maureen will usher us into prayer let us sing these songs welcome now we want to go into praying for families you know now that we are in quarantine and locked down there are families that have been forced to live together and unfortunately some people are not using that time wisely we're hearing of domestic violence in many different families sibling rivalry people are not getting along yet this is a time for families to bond to be united to pray together to worship together so let's pray for unity in our families during this time and to lead us into that prayer session we're going to sing hymn 655 happy the home amen six five five [Music] see [Music] [Applause] one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I love that stance Lord let us agree this blessed peace to gain unite our hearts in love to thee and love may go lead us to the next song to forgive the provision in bone impose a crystal Wimborne embody memoria tamanna mean and pineapple pendemonium agia marina [Music] your tech nice Oh [Music] Oh No sequels on bando me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Yahtzee Tommy my shiny car [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] by me my boy Oh Oh sequel's all Tesla me weekly words Oh [Music] Oh father what in heaven - thank you this time you have a lot for the gift of love that were given unto us the Overlord at this moment for the Lord I want to bring the families who have been affected in this pandemic that other me fell on us for the Lord I want to pray for each and every family wherever they are children are at home for the Lord they have a lot of things to do as children because they are not going to school for the Lord I want to pray to each and every family wherever they are with whatever challenges that they are facing for the Lord at this moment I want to praise Jehovah Lord that you may provide where is necessary for the Lord when it is peace is needed in their families you have a lord I believe that you're going to provide when it is food for the Lord may you provide for each and every family so that they can feed their families Jehovah Lord at this time of pandemic Jehovah Lord I want to pray for all the mothers who are taking good care of them that to give them wisdom from above that to help them with that power so that they can understand their children at this time they have a lord I want to praise Jehovah Lord that you may provide wherever it is the Society for the Lord Muhammad each and every person at the point of live Jehovah Lord as a struggling to get food on the table as a struggling to move with them so that they can get something with they can we afford a lot at this moment for the Lord may you come down Jehovah learn and help each and every one of them you have a lot at this moment for the Lord and further Lord I hope that one day one time we will see the light at the end of the channel azbest Electric struggling at this moment I know you're going to give us wisdom from above we're going to fill out the holy spirit so that we can continue believing that we will have everything that we need according to an way for the Lord we know and we believe that what they provide when you provide for us since today and forever more either than my prey thank you sister Lauren for such a prayer I believe one family out there has been reached right now we want to stand up for Jesus that is song number 6:18 stand up for Jesus we need courage we need courage with Xango the world has robbed us of courage Kotov covet 19 has instilled a lot of fear in us we are losing courage even us who are used to standing before people we we are we don't have courage now we need courage and so we are going to sing this song to inspire courage in ours and also to be reminded that Jesus is here he is alive in this world and everywhere we go with Jesus we are safe with Jesus we are able to overcome whatever challenge that may come our way as we usher in Arica Molo to lead us in this prayer of courage I want to invite the choristers one more time to lead us through these songs stand up for Jesus and purport a nice to him a tamato welcome back again to our singing session and we want to pray for courage a lot of people in this time at this heightened fear is making people do so many evil things destruction all around us we need courage we need to believe in God we need to have strength that only comes from God Jorge tell us about the song we're going to sing now as you said fear is driving people to do many things that are off we've had of Africans in China having trouble we've had of Chinese in Africa having trouble the problem is not the race the problem is fear now one way one sure way of getting rid of fear is to have courage and courage does not come without faith now that's one thing we know very well and faith in whom faith in Jesus Christ there's no other way to declare your courage other than standing up for Jesus so that's why we want to sing the song stand up stand up for Jesus let's see oh geez soldiers [Music] it's not oh geez Oh [Applause] [Music] god we're duty calls Oh [Music] amen amen that's that stanza that says the arm of flesh will fail you dare not trust your own so to put on your gospel armor and watch unto prayer this is what God is calling us to do amen Rachel lead us to the next song for Part A now yes in number E Mia moja Stella didn't attach property myasu now is a quaint [Music] oh yeah whoa button I guess uno is [Music] monkey boy yes you see [Music] yes cocky wobble yes No now there's a boozy cathartic oh ma please shine in duck men duck walking me yes ha ha ha mashallah la bottega yes so now as ha a jumbo and pendra doesn't magically ambani could badly need to quit for sahi ackA Backa elite was a cootie Anangu vu Peter come on be a to Nikhil asaba booyah come to Kusum Ilana jabo Cunha changa motto happen a palindrome ana bill Opatija wakati pan de cabeza to as eczema to fou Mukesh Chhabra die - come on the moon Nikhil I am budget-wise of soma sick really necrotic etiquette Abuja was fun about Kwanzaa cumin asaba I'm study welcome Enomoto waka waka who dies of prophecy now who saw me heard him study wakumi night on Oh like in across table vacati knee Teresa trucco nuku Bathsheba villa in a semi heavy as she was going to get it he called and told her please bring me a piece of bread surely the Lord your God lives she replied I don't have any bread only a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil a kicker in penetrometer some aji panca Qin Jia mo dehonian Guinea Oh Marissa Cooper Ana fasting muhfucka Yokoso mofongo hilly knee Haditha kousouli mama Johnny Pomona number two a cambogia orc you may turn a semi combo to me she a monopod a combo to miss you amumu Aliya alleyways acquainted waka Compton Bella am acquainted Cully naka and ikkaku Mamba too much Keisha bad eye and up when the cumulative my team to miss you among whom to animal Viacom Abasi mama Candida Majid of a dolly who is a Alethia Chocula a LOF of you mama catacomb starry wakumi 9 billion a semi-coma Domini Co Co by equally julio pony combat scene at short a allah Fukien Galia visualize a Macumba metaphasic una cosa Bob riccati who you mama Anna samokhin bikini bikini bikini bikini on Bonnie McKee dog oh no a nina mango a kuta futa - Connie a kikaha same you can Goliath knock Alya Koha semi-coma 9dr africana ballet anis Emma Nautica Nevada caucus nav gt2k sabe de nuez de courten janessa Chocula Ampatuan ma ba Keisha kiddo go to to sa cool op imodium proto-language Keisha to sa confer ET quasi Baba true nature in prendre des imagine I become bahattin away vacati Modi honey in Guinea Oh Malaysia upadesa to Miami now kasama Khan Baba C kill'uh job a key penguin NEC Siegfried la kinetically calm be calm bolero Nautica nice ma combi Hoffy Vado car - how FIBA doubly bad enough I see a equation nepata combi yo mama alavesa prophesy equation hatas ID penguin Amy Potenza cos da Koh Phangan a henitaku fauna la quinta can convey a combi mu u / Madonna's cupola - amber Molly paw patrol ippo baba naman way - I see a pileup a Jew wingy wash Ukraine record Ishikawa revenue as IOT a comma been Adamo Katamon Jeannette Rowe Nash in Doha cabeza Tata - cerveza kuih tako final 10 lakh Anita no Akiko combina poco de bellas a KO la mulana una vaso a casa de cámara en génie de posthumous Emma Marisa Madonna car - ha cha cha ki bong baba - machine wa ba ba uno vaso across India yeah po2 messua una vaso rocketry as Asia yeah Potomac wama una vaso akuto Cuomo who you enter DiMaggio an open Concordia mo da Hajime America que como cabeza Accio a choco fannia pendulum a Potenza Kazi penguin a am important au lait ni impended locking Ababa tornado combat Runa Peru de cocoa jinsol imam ali reza pahlavi Killian virtually ambivalent Amelia alabanza Covina cooling an agency Olivia Giza not a Patrick Wamba bossy alleyways operatic Alana haqiqa haka fairy keep imodium Toto a key new Manohar assassin I'm a pianist Emma Nana Tucker coos Emma kumara ningún Ababa company na Jeong Nam a magical NJ Nikki say Makka pakka - ha - fee J Pakula kongamato likely to kill Kaka Baba universal across India quanis akattak akela Holly guanine lilo on belay - Cathy Kadena luckiest ooh bye Anna Baba and a tenement veggie way to Amina thank you so much our dear viewer I hope you've been blessed thank you so much for all those people who led us through the prayer sessions and the vibrant singer right now we are going into the divine hour and as we go into the divine hour I want us to block everything that we have been thinking about and take our souls our mind and everything up to God so that he can communicate to us during this divine Wow one more time I welcome the choristers to come lead us into the doxology we are standing on holy ground holy ground Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] his presence on Holi [Music] we holy crap [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesus his presence we are his presence we his presence on the [Music]
Channel: WKU Adventist Media Centre
Views: 3,477
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: NcX-x5jBY3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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