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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and can it be that i should gain an interest in the savior's blood died he for me who calls his [Applause] [Music] amazing love how can it be that thou my god should die for me [Music] love how can it be that the my god should die for me [Music] his grace [Music] emptied himself of all the love and bled [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god it found out [Music] amazing love how can it be that love my god [Music] amazing love how can if [Music] my god [Music] my god [Music] do [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone i am an elder del roy bolton and i would like to welcome you here today and a special welcome to those viewing online at the palm beach sda live stream where we serve people of every walks of life we would like to encourage you to honor god and practice living a christ-like character we are so happy and blessed to be able to share the word of god with you and thank you for choosing to worship with us and remember be blessed stay humble and always put god first [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] our scripture reading for the day is taken from the book of john john 18 reading from 36 through 38 i would like for you to read with me read in jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then would my servants fight that i should not be delivered to the jews but now is my kingdom not from ants pilate therefore said unto him art thou a king then jesus answered thou says that i am a king to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world that i should be a witness unto the truth everyone that is off the truth here at my voice pilate say it unto him what is true and when he had said this he went out again unto the jews and said unto them i find in him no fault at all here ended the reading of god's holy word to our time of praise and worship you know it's good to be in the house of the lord but wherever you are right now stand up in your homes join us [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] by my deliverance [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is to god hallelujah may be blessed amen so uh this is a time of prayer here at palm beach we have our intercessory prayer where we truly intercede for the people of god for each other and at this time as we usher in the spirit of prayer and the presence of god is is here and our likes for you to bow your heads as we go into prayer to the king of kings and the lord of lords eternal god and a loving father creator of the heavens and the earth ruler of the universe king of kings and lord of lord you are the great i am father at this time i ask you to cleanse me of all unrighteousness purify my heart my mind my body my soul father i ask that if there's any sin at this time that is found in me i ask first for your forgiveness for your cleansing father wash me thoroughly and forgive me of my sins my faults my weaknesses my failures father they have been many and i put them all to you at this time and i asked of your forgiveness father as i come before you and before your people father we ask oh god that nothing now will endure the spur nothing will prevent vent this spur from reaching your throne oh god we know you're here and you know everything but oh god i pray that you will receive this humbly prayer oh god on behalf of your people oh god be of your your anime those that you send your only begotten son to die and cover his cross for the remission of our sins to to buy us back to win us back to you their god so i ask oh god that you will accept this prayer as we reach out to you father we're living in a scary world a time of unease a time that people don't know what will be next the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but oh god i thank you that you are the lion of the tribe of judah that break every chain father god you are the one that sits high and look lord you are the one that created this universe you spoke it into being and oh god you said let there be light and there was light father you're still that god today so anything that you declare and speak must be done must be answered so we ask oh god that you will drive away the fear that is just over and over your people oh god that you will drive away the sickness that or beset them will you'll drive away everything that prevent them from reaching out and crying out to you father we call on your name we call on you this morning we call on you because you are alive you are well and father you are able to do that which we asked of you this morning we ask oh god for you to reach out to the congregation for you to reach out to the church family to the friends who are visiting from friend from far those who are viewing online that oh god may have a need oh god whether it be sickness whether it be uh financial whether it be healing whatever it may be we know that you are more than able o god to grant the heart's desire father we ask that you will bless us in a special way we ask that you will strengthen us give us the will the courage and resolve to do what you have called us to do to reach out to a dying world father god the great commission go into all the world and to make disciples of every nation that is what you told us before you left this earth and go back to your throne to heaven father you said be one and go reach the dying world preach the gospel in season and out of season father we thank you we love you and we know that you are going to hear us father as we know oh god there are requests that comes from far and wide many people many oh god that hacks for the purge of god to reach up to your throne and they made a request father one such request is grace knowles who is asking to pray for her daughter and grandchildren father we don't know the depths of this request but we don't need to know you know lord and we cry out to you for her and her her family uh daughter and grandchildren that you will you know reach out to them stretch down your hands speak a word heal if it's healing whatever it may be we call on her name grace knowles is asking for that we ask that you will grant a request father right now in the name of your son father uh tojo kore's father's action to pray for his family father many are crying out for their family oh god so we ask you that you will reach you wrap your loving arms around that family oh god and and embrace them cover them provide for them if it's sickness grant healing father let your will be done in their lives father surely williams oh god asks to pray for her and oh god the relatives who are positive with this crazy coveted 19 father god the world is just upside down because of this thing and we pray oh god to the king of kings and to the lord of lords the one that said there is healing in your hands oh god by your stripes we are healed i declare healing upon oh god that family oh god right now in your name father we thank you we love you oh god louis uh philippe who asked to pray for his family everybody is about their family this morning oh god why not because the family is first you establish the family and oh god if it breaks down if it goes just everything goes so we ask oh god as we pray to you as we cry out to you that you will reach out to his family also and to to grant the request hug them and relieve them of whatever they need to be relieved of and give them what they need oh god your love your mercy and your grace father as i close i can't go without praying oh god for your man's servant oh god dr wintley phipps our pastor of this beloved bombay sda church will be bringing a word to your people too late oh god we ask your god that it will be special as it always is that it will reach uh here who needs to hear those words this morning father god open up their hearts to be receptive to reach they listen and hear those words we ask to cover our pastor and his family and every member of this congregation every soul that is in the hearing of my voice bless guide protect and provide we thank you lord we love you we praise your holy name and we thank you for hearing us in the name of your only begotten son who shed his blood who went through agony for us we thank you lord amen and amen [Music] our father which art in heaven [Music] i kingdom come i will be done in earth as it is [Music] give us [Music] and forgive us as we forgive [Music] and lead us not into temptation but believers [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] so so [Music] let us pray for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever father we ask us i open your holy word today that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your holy spirit's presence and power speak to me through me and for me and i promise you lord i'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in jesus name i pray amen hallelujah oh do i ever need you to pray for me today if you have your bibles with you turn with me to the book of john chapter 18 verse 37. the book of john chapter 18 verse 37 there the bible says pilate therefore said unto him art thou a king then jesus answered thou sayest that i am a king to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world that i should bear witness unto [Music] the truth everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice pilate saith unto him what is truth and when he had said this he went out again unto the jews and said unto them i find no fault in him at all i find in him no fault at all may god add a blessing to the reading of his word come with me to one of the most momentous nights in history our lord jesus had been beaten and scourged he had been bandied about like a common criminal and branded fugitive he was carried first to caiaphas then to pilot from pilot he was paraded to herod and then back again to pilate this time the jewish priests and the leaders awakened pilate from his sleep and brought jesus before pilate to confirm and implement their sentence of death for the crime of blasphemy but this night pilate turned to steady the face of this prisoner more carefully his hands were bound behind his back his skin bloodied and bruised his body battered and broken and even though he looked spent and exhausted his face still shone with a light from heaven on his countenance divine compassion was blended with conscious power jesus knew the kind of power he had and though his body was tortured and tormented his eyes shone with the light of dignity and calm church the eyes of jesus could read your innermost thoughts his eyes could read your hidden motives and they still do and with every glance of the eyes of christ there was an explosion of humility every glance there was an explosion of humility every glance of the eyes of christ was marked with intense indescribable love who is this man that you brought before me said pilate and what are the charges against him they shouted pilate his name is jesus of nazareth he's a deceiver a seditionist a threat against rome and our church pilate barked at them again what charges do you bring against him most honorable governor they replied this man has been charged with high crimes and misdemeanors he has perpetrated felonious activities against the church and the roman empire he is a sinner against heaven and he's a sinner against the state pilate looked into the eyes of jesus and everything about the demeanor of jesus said be careful pilate there is more here than meets the eye pilate said if your judgment is sufficient why have you brought him to me take him away and judge him by your own law we've already judged him said the priests we have found him worthy of death we have brought him here to you because as a governor consort and the judicial arm of the roman empire you alone are vested with power and authority to execute criminals and prisoners and so we brought this jesus to you to administer the penalty of death by crucifixion pilate looked again at jesus he studied his kind bearing and his innocent demeanor and he decided to try and entrap jesus into confessing his own crime pilate said to jesus so i hear you say you are a king are you king of the jews that's an incriminating question jesus said pilate why are you asking this you know the jewish rabbis used to teach young rabbis you always answer a question with a question one young rabbi said to the older rabbi why do you older rabbis also always answer a question with a question he said why shouldn't we pilate why are you asking this did someone else tell you to ask this in other words pilate sayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell you this of me then pilate said to jesus why are you asking me he answered the question with a question am i a jew then jesus said pilate my kingdom is not of this world oh said pilate so you are a king our brothers and sisters i share with you today what jesus said to pilate but really i came to make an announcement i have an announcement to make one of the most important announcements of my ministry i've come to tell you that i have discovered a new and enlightening way of reading the bible a new and enlightening way of studying the scriptures and the words of jesus and today i recommend this method to you it is simply this every text you read every bible story you study look for the loving character of god in whatever you're reading or studying this is a powerful announcement that i make to you today that i have discovered every bible study every bible text you read look for the loving character of god in whatever it is you are reading or studying and here's one of the reasons why i mean i've read this from ellen white but it hasn't made the kind of impact until this week ellen white says in all the teachings of jesus in all the instructions of jesus he presents before us the character of his father so whatever it is you're studying in the word of god look for the character of god in it this approach to studying the bible has changed my life it has deepened my love for god it has deepened my appreciation for who god really is and what god is really like i call this study approach the theological centrality of the character of god it is at the center of everything the theologicals centrality of the character of god and when you use this key of the theological centrality of the character of god you will be drawn closer to god and into a deeper understanding of his purpose and his will i guarantee you with this key you will find that as you study any theological topic just ask yourself this question what does this topic have to do with the loving character of god what does this and what does the loving character of god have to do with this topic and no matter what the topic is whether it be marriage you'll see the loving character of god whether it be the sabbath whether it be righteousness by faith study to understand not just what the topic means but what is telling you about the character of god and more importantly understand that it is a revelation of the character of god righteousness by faith is a revelation and an expression of the character of god i asked one of my mentors in ministry who he has held the righteousness by faith as his theological centrality i asked him what is the purpose of the of righteousness by faith when you ask yourself that you understand more clearly it is to teach us something special about what god is really like studying the word of god with this perspective will illuminate the most precious buried treasure it is a continual revelation of the loving character of god studying the word of god with this perspective you will find that the ultimate goal and purpose of every theological study of every theological focus is to teach us something more about the loving character of god to teach us more about god's plan to restore fallen man into the image likeness and character of god and even if you say well but pastor love for me is my center guess what love is an expression of the character of god love is the epicenter the zenith of the character of god it is the highest and most exalted expression of the character of god and church no matter what you teach the purpose of what you teach ought to be to exalt the character of god and so in this sermon i'm about to tackle something you will see me looking at this scripture that we've read today through the lens of the theological centrality of the loving character of god so look again with me as i share with you what i believe this exchange between jesus and pilate was placed in the word of god to teach us look at it again john 18 37 jesus answered thou says that i am a king and then jesus said to this end was i born now he wasn't saying to this end being a king was i born he said to this end was i born and for this cause came i into the world was it to be a king no he said that i should bear witness unto the truth every one that is of the truth you're in my voice and then in john 18 38 pilate said unto him so what is truth first let me say let me say this question what is truth has dogged fundamentalists and daunted skeptics throughout the ages it is a question that has intimidated cynics and has exercised believers what is truth plato said truth is contemplated aristotle said truth is reasoned relativists say that truth is variable and contextual the skeptic says truth could be real or maybe not two men had an argument and to settle the matter they went to a wise judge for arbitration the plaintiff the plaintiff made his case he was very eloquent and persuasive in his reasoning when he finished the judge nodded in approval and said that's true that's true on hearing this the defendant jumped up and said wait a minute judge you haven't even heard my side of the case yet and so the judge told the defendant to state his case and he too was very persuasive and eloquent and when he finished the judge said well that's true that's true when the clerk of the court heard this he jumped up and said judge they can't both be right the judge looked at the clerk in court and said yeah that's true that's true sigmund freud said that truth is in the subconscious erickson said the truth is psychosocial meaning it is only what you perceive it to be billy graham i love this said truth is timeless truth he said does not change from one age to another from one people to another from one geographical location to another men's ideas may differ men's customs may change men's moral codes may vary but the great all prevailing truths will stand now there are some truths we all can agree on we all can agree that there are no square circles that's true we all can agree that there are no round squares truth is absolute truth it is the secret of eloquence it is the foundation of virtue it is the basis of all moral authority truth a small boy was on the witness stand in an important lawsuit and the prosecuting attorney cross examined him and then delivered this prosecuting attorney delivered what he thought would be a crushing blow to the testimony young man he said your father has been telling you how to testify has he not yes the young lad replied aha said the lawyer triumphantly just tell us how your father told you to testify well said the little boy my father told me that you lawyers would try to tangle me in my testimony and then he said that if i was careful to tell the truth i would be able to repeat the same thing every time true it never bargains or compromises true it is the same yesterday today and forever and here in our scripture today jesus is the one who introduces the idea of truth to pilate and jesus presents truth as the reason for which he was born look at it again john 18 37 pilate therefore said unto him art our king then jesus answered thou sayest that i am a king and then jesus said to pilate to this end was i born and for this cause i came into the world that i should bear witness unto the truth now to some this would seem as a grandiose statement from a hopeless romantic anybody walk up to you said i came here to bear witness to the truth and that would be seen as a grandiose statement from a hopeless romantic except for the fact that this declaration was coming from one who in this life walked alone on an angry sea hallelujah it was coming from one and you can't downplay this truth it was coming from one who hushed mighty winds and calmed angry billows it was coming from one who made devils tremble made disease and sickness run away they came from one who opened the eyes of the blind and caused the lame to walk and one who opened the ears of the dumb and raised the dead back to life and for him to say to this end was our pawn that i should bear witness unto the truth this is a declaration that must be taken seriously and i along with you want to travel for the next few moments looking at this text through the lens of the theological centrality of the loving character of god are you going to stay with me i said are you going to stay with me what does this text have to do with the loving character of god and what does the loving character of god have to do with this text and so for the next few moments with deep humility and yes sanctified curiosity and looking at this scripture through this lens i began to ask myself not pilate's question remember what pilate's question was what was pilot's question what is truth i looked at the character context oh dear god dear god i looked at the character context in which jesus spoke jesus said i was born to bear witness to the truth and he also said i chose to come into the world remember that he also said that he said not only said i was born he said but i came here and you know he came here because he chose y'all listen y'all might listen to me he came here because he chose to come so this is not just something he was born to do this was something he chose to do to come here to be a witness not just for all truth but what did he say to bear witness to [Music] the truth did you hear me today not just to bear witness to all truth but to bear witness to the truth one day a johns hopkins university professor was called as an expert witness at a trial and during the cross-examination a lawyer asked him what are your qualifications as an expert witness in this case and the professor who was normally shy and modest replied i am the greatest living expert on the subject under discussion and later a friend who knew him well said i was surprised by your uncharacteristic answer and the man said well what do you expect me to do i was under oath now if we are honest when we talk about the truth as christians and as seventh-day adventists thank you god in our denominational context and in our denominational god talk when we talk about the truth or when y'all know you know we say we have the truth what are we talking about we're talking about doctrines we have the truth we're talking about the sabbath and the ten commandments we have the truth we say we have the truth but when jesus said i was born into the world to bear witness to the truth at one level of understanding you could say jesus was talking about all truth but when you drill down deeper and you put on the lens that i asked you to wear this lens of the theological centrality of the character of god when you look for god's loving character in this text you will find that this declaration of jesus that he came to bear witness to the truth the truth about what that's what you've got to ask and i believe it is the truth about his father's loving character when jesus said hear those words i came to bear witness to the truth jesus is talking about which he's talking about more than the truths we think about and teach about and talk about truth to god was the unchangeable character of the father and from all of my study i believe the truth jesus is talking about here is the truth about how beautiful gracious loving merciful kind his father is this is the truth he came to bear witness to you see brothers and sisters the great controversy began because of an accusation by lucifer that god the father is a tyrant he's a dictator he's one who is cruel he is one who is severe and this accusation infected the minds and thinking of the angels in heaven my god how can you go to a perfect mind and infect it and that ushered in a reign of sin and death on the earth and somebody had to come hallelujah god hallelujah somebody had to come and correct somebody had to come and check the spreading of this erroneous specious malicious view of god a view that was spreading even amongst perfect angels who had lofty intelligences someone had to step up and say this is not the truth about god this is not the truth about who god is he's a god of mercy he's a god of grace so when jesus said those words to pilate to this end was i born for this reason i came into the world to bear witness to the truth he was saying i came to bear witness to the truth about my father's character on one level thank you god jesus was speaking to pilate directly but jesus desired pilate to understand that only by receiving and appropriating this truth the real truth about the loving character of god and his plan to restore us and remake us after his likeness that this plan represents the only way that pilate's character ellen white says his own character his ruined human nature could be reconstructed that's what jesus was saying and all of that and jesus standing before pilate was speaking to inhabitants of a sinful world and to those still yet to be born like you and me and he was saying palm beach palm beach if jesus could stand here right now this is what he would say palm beach bay for this cause came i into the world that i should bear witness to the truth that god loves sinful man and he loves him so much that he has launched a divine plan to rescue sinful man to redeem sinful man to reclaim sinful man and not just stop there to restore sinful man into the image likeness and character of god this is the truth that he came to bear witness to is the gospel truth and this was the purpose for which he lived and the purpose for which he would die on that hill called calvary it was to proclaim this plan and fulfill this plan that jesus was born it was to confirm this plan carry out this plan this is the truth that jesus came to bear witness to that god is a loving god now we don't think that that's so important but it is crucial to the plan of salvation that sinful man understands that god is a loving god that he is a gracious god that he is a forgiving god that he is a merciful god and no matter what you've heard no matter what you've been taught the lord is not slack concerning his promises the bible says but is long suffering to us not willing that anybody should perish that's the truth that jesus came to bear witness to jesus came to earth to be not only man's redeemer but to vindicate his father's loving character that was besmirched by the enemy and to show that a sinless life his sinless life in harmony with the principles of the character of god was possible hallelujah god a sinless light in harmony you know you know folks love to tell you i'm not perfect yeah but guess what a sinless life well let me let me put it this way you right to say you're not perfect because guess what any any mistake you've ever made has made you imperfect forever so you can always say i'm not perfect not because of what you're about to do because all the stuff you've done oh you're not listening to me huh but jesus came to show the truth that a sinless life in harmony with the principles of the character of god is possible he came to teach us that we could have a calm nature anybody need that this morning he said he came to teach that you can just like him just like him under pressure you can be calm that you can be constant that you can have an unwavering confidence in the character of our heavenly father to this end was i born said jesus for this purpose i came into the world to recreate the image and loving character of god in man to restore man's character after the likeness and image of the character of his creator that with god's help every man can become a new creature recreated after the simplitude and likeness of the character of god the servant of the lord says this way now are you with me today hey if you watched my sermon on 3 abn you found that i i now have an inch sip file what's that you ask well i'm glad you asked it's an inch sib file inch sib you know what it stands for i never could have said it better i got a lot of in-sip quotes from ellen white and if you have problems with that when you start writing stuff as profound i'll put it in the in sim file too listen to what she says it was for the purpose of giving to man a perfect representation of the character of god that jesus came to our earth it was for the purpose of giving to man a perfect representation of the character of god that jesus came for this for this cause came i into the world to bear witness to the truth stop with the excuses of what you cannot become or do in christ all victories are possible over any heaven over any sin he came to our world to make manifest in his life she says the loving character of god and this is the truth he came to bear witness of this is the truth he came to bear witness of that god can transform you hallelujah god that god will transform you and will for the rest of your life as long as you live every day every moment every hour develop in you the moral image of god hey somebody ought to shout hallelujah every day just a little bit more every day you can become more like him and this is the truth he came to bear witness to and now for me this truth has become the central pivotal truth of my life because you know what that's all i want is to be more like him oh can i give you something else from my instep 5. servant of god says the central theme of the bible the theme about which every other book in the bible clusters that's serious what is the central theme of the bible the one that every other book teaches about she says the central theme is the redemption plan and the restoration in the human soul of the image and character of god that's why i call it the theological centrality of the character of god can i finish it she says from the first intimation of hope in the sentence pronounced in eden to that last glorious promise of the revelation which is they shall see his face hallelujah god and his name shall be in their foreheads she says the burden of every book and every passage of the whole bible is the unfolding of this theme that we can be uplifted that we can know victory through our lord jesus christ and then get this get this and this is why god gave this message to me when you grasp this thought he who grasp this thought has in his hand a key a key that will unlock to you all of the treasures that are in the word of god when you grasp this the centrality of the character of god and every passage you read you remember you remember that brothers and sisters that the central theme of the bible is the restoration of the character of god in your soul and you and you remember that jesus said to this end was i born to tell you this truth and when you grasp this thought you have a key she says that will unlock to you all of the treasure house in the word of god the truth as it is in jesus that every day we may build characters in harmony with the lessons of christ now be clear before i close there are countless principles of truth god wants us to learn and live and those truths are found in the bible the word of god there is no way to love and follow god without loving and following truth wherever it leads you the two cannot be separated and the word of god is truth the principles of the bible are truth and when received into the heart these principles will transform your life and character but when jesus said for this end was i born to bear witness and live in harmony with truth he meant that he was born to live in perfect harmony with all the principles of truth and he was born to witness to this truth the truth that every single one of us here today can be restored so you don't have to be mean you don't have to be unkind you don't have to snap at other people to this end was he born you know i want you to ask god to help me as i proclaim this truth all over this world look for his character look for his character and remember every day he will mold you shape you and help you to look more like the character of god for when he comes to claim his own he's only looking for those who resemble who revealed who reflect his character that's the only people he's looking for he's not looking for good-looking people he's not looking for well-dressed people he's not looking for light-skinned people he's not looking for dark-skinned people he's only looking for people who resemble reflect and reveal his character and this is the truth that he came to bear witness of will you bow your heads with me father in heaven thank you for helping me today thank you for declaring in pilate's presence the purpose for which you came to earth to bear witness to the truth of what god is really like what is character and the glory of god is his character you came to bear witness to the truth that my sinlessness is not possible but my sinless life my sinless life god so hallelujah god my sinless life is possible through christ that i don't have to be a slave to the enemy that my sinfulness has been covered by your sacrifice and that my path of living a righteous life is possible through christ lord we don't understand that you have a clear view of all of our mistakes and still you're ready to cover us with your robe of righteousness and that when we are covered to the father we are seen as sinless hallelujah god when we are covered by the righteousness of christ to the father he doesn't see us he sees jesus so a sinless life is only possible when you are robed in his righteousness father we are grateful for your plan to rescue us and to redeem us to recreate us to restore us we are asking today [Music] that you will show us how we can be uplifted in our thinking in our walking in our actions in our speaking that we will leave this church believing that to be like jesus is our goal and if we stumble it is still our goal if we make mistakes it is still our goal in our actions in our words and in our attitudes jesus thank you now i just want to make a call today somebody wants to save lord you came here to help me be like you you suffered and bled and died to help me be like you [Music] and you're calling me to surrender to your purposes and your will and today i want to do that i want to surrender and i want to make this the primary goal of my life becoming more like the character of god the loving character of god if someone wants to say that today just raise your hand i heard this word and i want to make a commitment today from this day forward i want to live my life to resemble reflect and reveal the character of god oh hallelujah if you mean it raise your hand and if you've raised your hands stand on your feet stand on your feet and come to this altar let us pray together that this decision you make today will be seen recorded in heaven and that the angels will be sent to strengthen you to help you come to the altar step out and come let us pray come let us pray those who are coming are saying lord to this end were you born to make me more like you i'm going to step forward and i'm going to ask for your help today i want to be [Music] like jesus father thank you so much for those who stepped forward today thank you god father in my own faltering way i've tried my best to make this word clear that this is the reason you came to earth [Music] and god made me more like jesus be like jesus this my song hallelujah [Music] [Music] and i'm sad to have to tell you my brother my sister are any excuses allowed no they're not but i wasn't feeling good it's not that's not an excuse that's written down in heaven that's gonna fly but but but but i had a headache no be like jesus even when you don't feel good be like jesus even when you have a headache be like jesus even when you haven't eaten you understand this is our goal lord bless you thank you praise you those who've come forward give them the strength to be like jesus every day we pray in the name of jesus we pray in the name of jesus hey let's sing that chorus again be like jesus this my song [Music] in the hole [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus help me to be like jesus [Music] is [Music] wow they go back to your seats [Music] [Applause] praise him praise him jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] his holy name like a shepherd jesus will guard his children in his arms he carries them all day long praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him ever and joyful song [Music] praise him praise him jesus our blessing redeemer for our sins he suffered and bled and died [Music] our hope of eternal salvation hail him jesus the crucified sound his praises jesus unbounded wonderful deep and strong praise him praise him tell of his excellent greatness praise him praise him ever enjoy the song praise him praise him jesus christ [Music] [Music] christ is [Applause] praise him praise [Applause] ever enjoyed oh [Music]
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 2,424
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church Service, Prayer, Palm Bay
Id: AEXYf9Jm2Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 36sec (5796 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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