Sabbath Worship Experience Feb 23, 2018 | Honoree Cookie Johnson, Speaker Dr. Carlton Byrd

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning and happy Sabbath Oakwood family that's good to me you guys look beautiful today anybody come to worship the Lord for the great things that he has done for us wanna invite you to stand to your feet this morning we've just come to give God glory for making a way out of no way and I'm just wondering if I got a witness in the house today and says I won't let the rocks cry out for me I can't be silent God has been too good to her so we're gonna look up this song that says come before his presence with praise [Music] they come before [Music] me boy [Music] an insurance to desportes with prey [Music] worthy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy holy holy is the Lord of Hosts the old whole earth is full of his majesty and glory the Lord of Hosts is with us let us lift our hearts and give thanks to him and shout hallelujah let us break forth into joyous song and sing praises for the Lord has done great things for us and we are glad same praises to him with the sound of melody the trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful shout to the Lord let the Oakland church family clock their hands and shout for joy and the presence of our Most High God the king over all of the earth let us worship and bow down before him for he's a great and awesome God and is worthy to be praised praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow praise the father praise the Sun and praise the Holy Spirit amen hallelujah I don't know about you but I'm waiting on that great day when the Lord shall return let's sing it all together we have this hope [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] anybody believe that the time is near time is [Music] [Music] [Applause] ha [Music] let us pray definitely father lord I thank you for this day god I thank you for bringing us to another Sabbath day god I would invite your presence since in this place but we know that you're already here so god I just ask that you allow your spirits to flow throughout this service got flow through every person that speaks sings flow through everything that happens God because we know that if you're not speaking through us and we're just speaking ourselves so we don't want to hear a word from ourselves god we want to hear a word from you I'll just thank you and I praise you in Christ's name I pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on we can do better give our choir from Alabama A&M University dr. Horace Carney a round of applause the Aeolian czar out of town this weekend as we culminate our Black History Month but we are grateful that once again our friends from Alabama A&M can be here so one more time let's give a big round of applause and we're thankful that they are here and we will hear from them in just a bit today is the day Oh somebody ought to be more excited than that I said today is the day come on say man hallelujah after much praying after much fasting after much meeting today we gonna cut the ribbon on the new Family Life Center the Oakwood University Church hallelujah no more but we have to figure out how can we beat the church at one time we have a place come on say Amen no longer do we have to worry about can the kids play basketball somewhere we have a place come on say Amen no longer will we have to worry about is there overflow for special events and days with the University and with the church we have a place now come on say Amen but more than that we believe that God is gonna do great things in ministry there what do you say everybody hey bench so it's good to be in the house of God today we have a lot of special guests with us additional individuals will be joining us later on as we cut the ribbon but we are grateful that you are here and that our members are here this morning as well I would like to acknowledge first to see if he is here as many yet dr. John Nixon one of our former pastors but also currently the executive secretary there he is and his lovely wife of the South Central Conference amen giving a round of applause doctor's Nixon they also serve as the Family Life Ministries directors of the conference so it's only fitting we open a Family Life Center but not just because you're an administrator but you're also the family life director that you both are here today give him another round of applause today did I would like to acknowledge sister Sonia Creighton she is here I saw her sister Sonia where are you yeah there you are I was missing your head cuz I'll say a bad but anyway it's good to see sister Sonia Sonia is our conference treasurer and has been a great blessing to this project as well we're gonna talk about that a little later on last year I think it was two years ago two years ago I was invited there's power in the television ministry let me start there let me try that again I said there's power in the television ministry alright and so two years ago if you remember we had the say the the rising that was the Easter special that we broadcast from this church do you remember that everybody and it was shown nationally well there are some individuals in East Tennessee that saw that coming they saw they are at Lee University in Cleveland Tennessee now Lee University is a Church of God Christian University over 5,000 students great facility great ministry and so they called the office and they said we're gonna be having chapel and we saw this preacher on TV with the Easter special and his name is Carlton Byrd and we want to know if he is willing to come to our University and to speak to our students for Chapel so sure enough I said no problem I'll be more than happy to go I love fellowshiping with the people of God what do you say everybody so I went and you know you you're going for the first time and you're preaching you're saying Lord what should I preach you gotta do this right because you want to be invited again what do you say everybody if you're never invited again you know you you didn't do too well the first time but I was blessed being able to go in the music ministry you think we have worship they worship I was able to preach have a good time well this year they invited me back hallelujah somebody and so I was able to be with them this past Tuesday and I was able to be with them this past Tuesday and in for me for pastor bird you know I don't believe in insulated ministry all right I believe ministry must extend beyond the four walls of the church are you hearing what I'm saying you see when ministry is only for us when ministry is on we sing what we want when we preach what we want we teach what one and we only care about us ministry becomes incestual are you doing what I'm saying and remember the fruit of incest is always something so we have ministries because people in those ministries care nothing about anyone else but them selves so faster bird doesn't mind going to minister to other Christians who aren't seven day Adventists pastor bird doesn't mind going to minister to people who may not be black like me because there's the same red blood of Jesus flowing through all of us y'all don't hear what I'm saying and so this past Tuesday I was able to go back to Lee and preach and since going there I've developed a collegial relationship and friendship with the pastor of the Lee University Church and I'm so grateful that my new friend he and his lovely wife dr. James Harper pastor University Lee University said it's your special day i'ma come be with my friend today I'm gonna ask doctors Harper if they were staying at this time give them a warm [Music] welcome god bless you we're glad to hear we're trying to work out something that they can come back and their choir can sing they were with the aliens on Wednesday in Louisville and so I text dr. Ferdinand sweet make sure he get to meet him whatnot dr. Moffat is their choir director we're not but but Jimmy thanks for coming today man I appreciate it god bless you give me one more time a big round of applause god bless you I'm glad that my family is here today my parents my in-laws they all they live here anyway but my sisters here my first cousin uncle and other family members here and I'm grateful to the Lord that they are with us today praise be to God all right praise thee come on let's go let's go to work now let's listen worship God I want to invite those persons who are visiting with us today we'll invite you to stand at this time if you're visiting with us today come on Stan at this time Church let's give these individuals a big round of applause god bless you God bless you God bless you alright well I was gonna introduce to Johnson's little lady but that's alright they're standing it's alright it's alright it's right it's right but y'all can't stand a man we're glad that they're here today amen visitors make sure you got word you're moving here with me all right but a praise be to God we want to welcome our visiting friends turn in the visitors card on your way out of worship and when you do that you're gonna receive a complimentary DVD of the worship experience here at the Oakwood University Church all right I've got to keep on task today so turn to your neighbor to neighbor I'm glad you're here today come on say it like you mean and say I'm glad you're here today in the rain and all you hear today all right now I'm gonna invite everyone to rise to their feet and I want you to Crete visiting friends I want you to greet church members I want you to greet each other family as we welcome God today because we are expecting the great so we gonna welcome God we're gonna welcome one another happen to see you glad you're here as we sing this song fellowship [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good [Music] like a real big my garage pre-press [Music] [Music] [Music] come on everybody's a bit upset [Applause] [Music] and your relationships expect the grass [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on anybody believe that today oppa don't know about you but we've just come to worship God for what he has done for us all come on I thought it would I got a bigger witness can Jesus bless God right down for what he's done for us we've just come to say hallelujah salvation and glory honor and power is to our God he hopeless lifts that today come on just a simple praise we know you know it cuz gosh it's been so good for this church come on somebody we want to give them all the friends come on all together praise team help me here Church I know you know it but one bit choir what would you say sing hallelujah yeah that's good salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] run to the Oh for the Lord I got his smile is mighty yes the Lord God is omnipotent come on one get behind the Lord he's wonderful [Music] we take it to another level sing it [Music] salvation under empower come on [Music] got a witness for the Lord I got it's mine alone somebody told me he's the way out of no way [Music] he's wonderful [Music] praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he's worthy of worship all the braids on our last step of a black history might want it to save this song this song says we come this far by faith we didn't know how he was gonna do it we didn't know when he was gonna show up but we're so happy that he showed up right on time what you stand on your feet this morning as we sing this good song of the church we've come this far by faith doing what leaning on the Lord hallelujah come on real good real Turkey right here what you see get that we've pumped breathe calm come on like a big church quad lead [Music] come on since we were trusting being in his holy word somebody said he'd never felled me up me [Music] [Music] [Music] leaning on [Music] we were trusted [Music] and he's never found me [Music] and we were leaning all come on Sam we were trusted [Music] come on say he's never felt me he never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the more [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do I have a witness that we've come this far by thing leaning on the land trusting in his holy power we come this far amen amen and amen hallelujah somebody knows what it's like I was preaching somewhere in the people time I'm climbing coming up the rough side of the mountain God never told you to come up the rough side of anything God said speak to that mountain and be thou removed somebody has spoken to a mountain and you can testify we've come this far by faith me on the moon hallelujah we want to remember in prayer the miry family but the beacon client Myra his brother unexpectedly passed the final service will be tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. Royal Chapel of memories we remember the Hughes family we told you last Abba that last week when Andrew Hughes brother brother Francis Hughes was funeral eyes and so we want to remember him in prayer we want to remember the family of brother Lloyd plac'd the funeral service be next Sunday March 4th at 11 in Moseley chaplain so we ask that you remember these bereaved families in prayer our family and I will have to leave at 6 in the morning one of young man I grew up with with pine forge parents pastored his parents strong member to church 46 years old has a heart attack and died he leaves behind his wife two small children his little son is the same age as Daniel and I our little girl so we'll have to leave her in the morning so I will be unable to be where the mayuri's brothers sooner but know that our thoughts and our prayers are with you so we must us pray and I ask that you remember this family prayer [Music] perfect brother Bruce Williams sister Irene Chester I was able to talk and visit with sister since Williams this weekend it's been tough on her husband is ill and her mother is ill and they're ill at the same time so she leads our our prayers today sister Claybrooks i got word this morning just found out that even sister Veera Lopez is in the hospital so [Music] even in this day of celebration and excitement the reality is we have some church members who are bereaved there's some church members who are were ill but the songwriter for this song we're gonna sing says God can hear he can deliver if you mend where we might be broken God's got a miracle today with somebody's name written all over it if you just trust him you will receive so today if you have a special need a special prayer requests I invite you to join me in the front of the altar and we don't come to the front just because this is habit but we come because we believe that our symbolic walk down the owl we're letting heaven know we're dependent on you that we're leaning on you and then Lord we're calling on your name so whoever you are whatever you are you have a special need it may be for yourself it may be for a family member it may be for your son your daughter it may be for this church you gotta believe that God can hear listen as we come down everybody God can [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] see you like you meeting everybody yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Word of God says if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land God there's nothing good in us that requires you to have favor on your children got our best is as filthy rags and so we cry like the man that needed to help lord have mercy we're living in a sin filled world God where you can't even go to school without being concerned about getting home but this reminds me that this is still my father's world that Lord nothing happens that catches you off guard Lord nothing occurs at where you scratch your head and say oops God I thank you that you're still in control and so today we bring our challenges we bring our burdens we bring our issues and our difficulties and we bring them to you because you said cast our cares on you because you care for us and so God today we give you all of our difficulties all of our challenges and things that that are giving us heart palpitations God in the name of Jesus we recognize today not because we know that we are in miracle territory [Music] gather some that came because they saw a building but Lord we know that's just an opportunity for us to see your blessings the guy we don't celebrate an edifice we celebrate the fact that God you can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask think or imagine Lord we know today that because we see that that structure over there we know that you have an abundant supply some folks said it wouldn't be done some folks said it would take too long but we serve a God who comes right on time Lord so we acknowledge you for being God we acknowledge you for giving us vision we acknowledge you for pratik religion God because somebody today doesn't know how those things are gonna work out they don't know what you're gonna do and they're figuring trying to figure out on how the learning allowing the enemy in their lives with God today in the name of Jesus we know that we are standing in miracle territory god we've seen collectively how you been able to heal and deliver we've experienced you in our lives and so one more time this year 2018 this February the last Sabbath of Black History Month we are a people of extra blessings God we've seen you move in our lives on this campus and this university is oh Lord one more time we're asking you to show up and show out [Music] you gave a vision God provided the resources and you're gonna give us an opportunity to for people to come to that building and they will say how did this happen and we will have an opportunity say let me tell you about my god gathers someone who came to the altar thinking that they had a burden but Lord you're giving them a testimony gods are giving them a platform to share of the goodness of God you're giving them an opportunity to share that I didn't know how things were gonna work out I didn't know what was gonna happen but my God stepped in and he didn't show it when I wanted to but he came up right on time and so God one more time because we're in miracle territory when dr. Byrd opens up the Word of God somebody's life is gonna be changed and somebody say how did it happen in the response will be well we're in miracle territory God on the end of the Muslim I just try to figure out how the bills got paid and they could say I don't know I just figured I'm in miracle territory somebody's gonna figure out when their child comes down the altar and say what must I do to be saved we're in miracle territory so God century in the neighborhood why don't you just stop brother forgot it's me it's me it's me almost and in the need of prayer so God we're asking that you not sent to top table or we don't want to send an angel doctor serve him but God we need you to send Jesus God Jesus today nor the one that's gonna come back and take transform this world allowed to be changed in the blink of an eye God we need Jesus so the word is opening the Holy Spirit wars out in copious measures because we're in miracle territory today we're gonna praise you right now for what you're gonna do you said if my people come if they turn from their wicked ways God that you will heal their land so that we praise you for healing us right now God would praise you for working things out where we don't know how you're gonna work it out God we praise you today because we are here standing on your word knowing that it is Jesus in our souls or so today we're gonna reach out and touch the hem of your garment and we're gonna leave here knowing that we've been hold we thank you God for what you're gonna do we thank you for stopping by one more time transforming this place to a place to a house of prayer God's people can be healed and delivered transform us today in Jesus name we pray but altar of God amen and amen it is Jesus [Music] since we sing that horse mirakl territory it is Jesus come on down [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the name of Jesus I forgot [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] have you ever had to just stop for a moment and uh cess all the possessions that you own perhaps you've had to create a last will and intestines or maybe you had to do it while you were preparing your taxes for the previous use well a few weeks ago I got terribly sick so sick in fact I had to be admitted to the hospital praise God I'm 100 percent better now praise the Lord but while I lay in that hospital bed I had a lot of quiet time - well to solve the world's problems and - to think and contemplate on questions like this so questions like what possessions do I own [Music] so after you know thinking long and hard calculating running down the list let me share with you what I came up with I own nothing it's very simple I own nothing and let me tell you a secret you own nothing [Music] every material and non-material possession that you have is a stewardship from God it all belongs to God your home your car your paycheck your family even the breath that you breathe is not Durrani it's all God's stuff you know in the Bible one of my favorite characters King David King David well he he understood this concept very well as he was preparing and collecting materials to build God's temple this is what he said in first chronicles 29 14 through 16 but who am i and who are my people that we should be able to give as generously as this everything comes from you and we have given you only what comes from your hand Lord our God all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your holy name comes from your hand and all of it belongs to you Saints you and I are merely stewards and one day one day the owner Jesus the God of heaven himself will return every one of us will give an account for our stewardship of his possessions he's going to ask you if you did what he told you to do with his stuff material treasure is a stewardship and we must do what the owner wants with it today I'm challenging each and every one of us to walk in the spirit listen for the voice of the owner and follow his instructions no matter what the circumstances won't you obey Him today and return a faithful tithe and offering well the Deacons prepare to lift the morning's tithe and offering shall we pray dear God today Lord we acknowledge your ownership of everything everything that we possess father we are so grateful to you for your trust in us to be stewards of your stuff now lord help us to trust you help us to trust you and to be obedient Lord and to return just a small portion back to you in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] George Smith George of missile called me judgment judgments coming judgment George of it's a coming judgment Josh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] better be ready for that great day when the Lord comes to take a shootin away boats boats Monroe Georgia missile coming judgment Josh [Applause] [Music] run to the mountain the mountain will I run to the hills and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jojo mr. Fogg [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen thank you let's give dr. Carney and the Alabama in the University Concert Choir another round of applause thank you [Music] in fact you're looking at the floor enragement and from the podium today and you you notice the Alabama A&M Bulldog colors I guess crimson and the burgundy because we wanted you to feel at home and let you know we appreciate your coming can you say Amen [Music] as I shared earlier unfortunately our conference president elder Benjamin Jones could not be with us today duties call for him to be in Chattanooga Tennessee today but as we shared dr. Nixon our conference executive secretary and our conference treasurer sister Sonia Creighton are both here and we're grateful they can be with us today but elder Jones praise God for technology does have a video that he wants to us to share with you today as he offers his own personal greetings via video so one asks our media team if they would have decide play that video happy Sabbath to you today is the last Sabbath of your great celebration of Black History Month for you have highlighted some of the great events and legacies of our church family and the history of our people but also the day is a day for your launching of your family life Center and I'm excited I could not be with you today because of previous appointments that would not allow me when my heart goes out with you and I join you in this celebration we've been looking forward to this federal Life Center for more than a decade and I want to thank dr. Byrd and his staff and you for the sacrifices that have made this a reality I can anticipate the great events the weddings and banquets and other things that will help us as a church community get to know each other better and bond between us and the students but even more than that I'm expecting that this Family Life Center will allow us to have an expanded ministry in the community and to do some things with the community that we have not been able to do before I can't be with you this afternoon when you do your ribbon-cutting so I've asked dr. John Nixon our executive secretary and mrs. Sonia cream our treasurer to join you in that event know that the whole south-central family it will be with you in our heart today and we know God's going to bless the outreach that was going to come from my camp from our ministry so we're praying for you have a great day and you'll be blessed [Applause] [Music] at this time I would like to invite dr. Leslie Pollard our university president if he would join me as well as our pastoral staff if you would come now at this time and join as we culminate Black History Month we've had a good month what do you say everybody I must acknowledge that you know this month we use some of the OD and the goodie hymns and I'm looking at some of y'all who have never tapped your feet or clap your hands and we're singing I will trust in the Lord and we've come this far by faith and I'm like what's going on in this place so who knows we may have to throw some oldies and goodies in and throughout the year the calendar year praise be to God when the people of God can come together and sing today we're happy the first Sabbath we honored our Governor General of Jamaica Sir Patrick Allen is excellency come all say Amen [Music] I hope he's watching now we are grateful to the Lord for what he's allowing God to do for him and through him there in Jamaica the second Sabbath our students let out in the United student movement day and our religious vice president brother Khalil Clark brought a word amen our third Sabbath which was last week we were blessed by the presence of Denis Cleveland Leggett and Oakwood alumna and currently the Regional Director for HUDs southern region for the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the United States government and also mr. Martin Luther King the third Amen and today we are grateful that we can kind of tie multiple things in together because as you know we will have ribbon-cutting ceremony and the dedication of the gymnasium in the Family Life Center to mother Christine Johnson who is here and at that time we will acknowledge her but you can give her a round of applause right now god-fearing woman then at this time we want to recognize sister Cookie Johnson a native of Huntsville Alabama and so I will allow the video to speak and so that you can see and learn a little bit about her we often hear about her husband but cookie in her own right is a philanthropist humanitarian and most importantly a child of God I don't know if you were watching you know but during the service the camera just you know pans the audience would not but if you were watching mother Johnson and cookie they're singing just as enthusiastically and following along and not just singing you know sometimes we don't know the word so we know they are singing right along knowing the words they're children of the Most High God for that we are grateful someone asks our media team if they would at this time prepare now to allow for our video introduction of Cookie Johnson [Music] long before she was the wife of NBA Hall of Famer Irvin Magic Johnson Pookie Johnson was a little girl born in Huntsville Alabama whose mother called her cookie for the cool recurring teen idol character in the popular 1950s and 60s television show 77 Sunset Strip her given name is early thug named after her father Earl kill and she along with her father mother Cora older sister Pat and younger brother Harold lived in a home on how a road in North Huntsville cookie started first grade at council training school in Huntsville which was named after William Hooper council the first president Alabama A&M University she and her family however left Huntsville when she was six years old as part of the Great Northern migration of thousands of blacks from states all across the south the Kelly's like many other families moved to Detroit Michigan where automotive jobs were plenteous and the American Dream seemed Within Reach after completing her elementary and high school years in Detroit cooki furthered her undergraduate education at Michigan State University in Lansing Michigan it was at Michigan State where she met Earvin Johnson the two fell in love and were married in September of 1991 on November 7 1991 two months after their wedding her iconic basketball husband Irvin Magic Johnson stunned the world with news that he was hiv-positive for the millions who watched him announced this revelation this announcement became a pivotal moment not only for the nation but for cookie and her family determined that magics diagnosis would not be a death sentence physically emotionally or mentally for themselves and others magic and cookie turned their pain into power and created the magic Johnson Foundation in an effort to develop and fund programs that would begin at preventing HIV AIDS while also providing testing and treatment thousands have been blessed as magic and cookie have given millions of dollars to fund youth programs literacy programs education programs build community facilities including the Oakland University Church Family Life Center and student scholarships the goals pursuing higher education most recently cookie has authored a book believing in magic where she shares her emotional journey that started on the day of her husband's announcement from life as a joyous newly Wed to one filled with fear that her husband would die that she and her newborn baby would be infected with the virus and that their family would believing in magic is the story of cookies merits too early magic and cookie have three children and today we the members of the Oakwood University Church are elated to present our 2018 black history achievement award to mrs. Cookie Johnson [Music] join me as we welcome our Lita Cookie Johnson [Music] [Applause] I'm going to ask sister Miriam battles if you could come this way and we have this wonderful bowl that we can put up crystal for you presented Black has received an award to Cookie Johnson Oakwood University Church dr. Carlton burg pastor February 24 2018 and then sister Shelly if you come we have some red roses for you as well and these ladies will be kind to hold them for you or you to hold them yourself two years ago I stood in this church and we invited Ervin and cookie and mother Johnson and the entire family I'm glad my brother is here today Larry give Larry Larry stand up [Music] [Applause] Perle who is a graduate of Oakwood University come on say Amen sibling and Kim don't you stand up at this time another graduate of Oakwood University the other siblings could not make it specifically Evelyn because daddy Johnson is not doing too well and so on at the stay but we hope you're watching we love you all and we think and praise God for you but two years ago I stood in this church we invited magic and cookie and we were beginning the Family Life Center Drive Board had voted the church and business and session had voted it and it happened that shortly after we launched the campaign that they visited our church we had never had a conversation because you know some people thought we staged something but that didn't happen they came to receive the philanthropic award from our church and with that as we do and we're about to do now we allow them to give a brief response to the church now if you remember but Ervin said alright pastor bird sit down you know I don't take too kindly when people telling me to sit down in my own church but we're looking at somebody 6 feet 9 inches you know you kind of back it on up and so I brother Wilson was playing the organ that day and I wouldn't sat next to him imagine beginning to talk and he said I saw the video and I know if you remember the video the video was of Kristin and Kaylee and Eleazar in Uriah and brother McDonald was the other star in the video and the video went on to say we can't play basketball and the Deacons home you can't play in here you can't wear what we do and we launched our campaign magic got up he said sit down pastor bird he said I'm gonna get this started today cookie and I are gonna donate 1/2 million dollars to the family life sir [Music] now you need to understand I wanted to do the Holi dance but I was afraid some people would write the conference office but that wouldn't be the first time amen but I want to say thank you we love you not now let's be clear a half million dollars did not build that facility your gifts and your sacrifice [Music] [Applause] and for that I'm thankful help make it possible because you don't be clear and in philanthropy they tell us philanthropists aren't gonna do what you're not willing to do for yourself now sometimes we think that we just need to have a hand out no that's not how it works and so hooky I brought and let you know that this group they more than match more than doubled would you and your husband were able to give and and for that I want to say thank you to my church family now if you're looking for a church home look no further you know there are continued projects we want to do defy the church with new carpet and new pews and we're trying to build a high school classroom building for our academy so you know we have not because we ask not come on say bad but you know she's my friend she understands me all right but um we just want to say not just for us but for what you and Ervin do and specifically what you do thank you thank you god bless you and so your other church family wants to hear from you today thank you so much thank you Pastor bird Thank You okhla college for this beautiful beautiful honor it's not just something I can put on my pedal so I could really use that that's gorgeous thank you that's amazing I just want to say that from for us for my husband and I we have three principles that key principles that we live by and one of them is put God first put God first and foremost in the head of your life and then all these things will be added unto you and we really believe that we wait you know we wake up in the morning with God and try to put God in your life all day you know not just on Sunday wake up in the morning with them put a little bit of him in the middle of the day and go to bed with them when you do that trust me he will be there for you he will be there to work it out for you he will be in your life doing things you don't really even know he's doing the second is when you have that in you and you're faced with obstacles or when those mountains come you know you have that fear in overtime you know I learned to study the word and understand the word not just hear it but studying and understanding and from that I learned that you take that fear and you turn it into faith and when you know God is with you all day long then you know he's gonna take care of you and help you get through that mountain and get through everything so you don't have that fear anymore so do you take that fear and you turn it into and that's when you you know that he's gonna do it you don't you know when you expect it okay and when you do that I'm telling you things will come into place and the third thing for me is just believe you know believing in God believe yes you know believe that he is going to do those things and he will do those things that he has done those things when you believe with your whole heart then you know with God all things are possible all things are possible and those are the three principles that we live by and when you when you live by those principles you know you got God all inside you all inside you every day his spirit his love his heart is all in you when you have all that in you you can't help but to give back you can't help but to have a heart to give right and so that's how we live our life and we believe that to whom much is given much is required so pastor Perry we were honored to be able to give that money because we know that you're doing a great work here and we love you open also I like to acknowledge that our family you did so much for our family here and they love Oakland so we love Oakland and I have a few of my family members from Malibu home feel here visiting me I am Sarah uncle Arthur Jamar and Mike are my two cousins Regina and Rita thank you so much for coming out for me today and again if you let me look God in your heart you can you can do anything it is nothing but you know a recipe for success with God all things are possible thank you so much for this wonderful honor [Applause] our university president dr. Pollard will come and give us some remarks at this time thank you thank you very much cookie and to the entire Johnson family on behalf of Oakwood University we are debtors to you for your generosity to our community it was khalil gibran the great writer of the Prophet who said it is good to give when asked but it is better to give when unasked and this is an example of how God fills the hearts and minds of of his servants those of us who were really alive in vital during the 90s remember when the announcement was made by Irvin and we remember that and we walked through that with you and we knew so little about the disease that there were all kinds of mythologies about how it could be contacted and contracted I remember there were players who didn't want to play because they thought by brushing against a person naked and this family almost single-handedly educated a nation and the world about HIV thank you for watching we thank you and we are all that your debt so may God bless you may God bless you and thank you for your generosity to our community god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Applause] now her husband wanted to be here and with mr. Johnson you can never say if he will be here if he were not because he has the ability to be where he wants to be when he wants to be under the power of God what do you say everybody but just in case he wanted to give a message in his own way to the church and specifically to his mother to his mother today and so with that in mind I'm gonna ask the media team were prepared the short message that brother Johnson has given for you his mother in his own way [Music] it was a joy to worship at Oakwood University Church in May of 2016 the greatest gift God blessed me with was my incredible mother Christine Johnson she has been a seven-day at Venice for over 50 years she has worshiped and blessed people at prisons hospitals churches around the world she's incredible woman of God and a great Christian woman I love her to death and to know that the new gym at Oakwood University will be named in her honor gives me great joy and satisfaction and Mama hope I made you proud my brother so surpass the bird congratulations thank you for allowing the Johnson family to be on the Oakwood University campus forever by naming the new gym after my incredible mother Christine justice may God bless you all have a magical day [Music] [Applause] at the ribbon-cutting ceremony will have a formal dedication of the gymnasium within the Family Life Center that shall be named the Christine Johnson gymnasium [Applause] [Music] [Music] his way [Music] I entrust [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] amen you know that song under his wing under his wing who can say under his [Music] nice safe for safely safe [Music] save [Music] for [Music] thank dr. Carney thank the voices of inspiration thank my friend sister Grace Dorsey Landy for their ministry and salt today take your Bibles go with me to the book of Joshua chapter 6 can be long kind of get 28 minutes in but not gonna be long Joshua chapter six verse number one Joshua chapter 6 verse number 1 if you haven't let me hear you say Amen all right Elda system Milner I see you seen it right there preach deadly on Tuesday and system Milner from Cleveland Tennessee came to hear me preach she's here today praise God I'm not preaching the same sermon come on save [Music] but it's good to see you today Joshua chapter 6 verse number 1 if you haven't them who say Amen Word of God says now Jericho straightly shut up because of the children of Israel none went out and none came where everybody none went out and none came where and the Lord said unto Joshua will see I have given into thine hand Jericho the king thereof and the mighty men of valor and ye shall compass the city all you men of war and go round about the city once dust shalt thou do how many days 7:3 shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams swarms on the seventh day he shall compass the city seven times the priests shall blow it with the trumpets should come to pass that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn when you hear the sound of the trumpet all the people so shout with a great one everybody couple of shout with a great one everybody the wall of the city shall fall down flat and the people shall ascend of every man straight before him an army with like history and harmony with the opening of our Family Life Center entitled this challenge this morning let's take the city let's take the city God right now bless this your word popping behind your cross Lord I don't know what you're gonna do with the appeal but I just ask you do what you do give me for my sins in the name of Jesus we pray amen in the text we find the Israelites standing on the brink of the Promised Land after years of bondage in Egypt after the frightening experience of facing the Red Sea after wandering in the wilderness for forty years after test after test trial after trial tribulation after tribulation that children of Israel are now standing with the Promised Land in view but there's a stumbling block in the way there's a snag in the process even though their place of victory is just around the corner even though they can see victory in sights they still can't touch it yet why there's a wall in their way a wall that's hindering them from moving from where they are right now to the place where God has called them to be a walls stopping them from between what they had been never been delivered from and where they're trying to go to now remember God has brought the children of Israel out of Egypt God has delivered them from the fiery hand we know Pharaoh God has given them water out of Iraq God has even set up a dry cleaners in the desert where they had no washing machine no dryer no bathtubs no showers because there's no way you could be around the same people for 40 years wearing the same clothes and not stink when they were hungry God provided them with barbecue manner french-fried mentally deep-fried banister from menace bait menace to manner even curry matters but now they're facing a wall somebody knows what I'm talking about because you're ready to step on the blessings of what God has for your life but you got a wall standing in your way or year when I'm saying maybe it's a relational wall maybe it's a marriage whoa it might be an employment wall or cancer wall or a high blood pressure wall maybe it's an academic wall a financial wall maybe it's a spiritual wall is I don't know what your wall is but if you're breathing today you better believe you've got a wall but I've gone to tell somebody that no matter what the walls are in your life I'm a living witness that God can tear down the walls the same God who has brought you thus far on your way did not bring you to the wilderness to leave you alone here are the children of Israel they want to overtake Jericho they want to take the city they don't have sticks then I have stones they don't have bones they don't have arrows they don't have guns they don't have weapons but can I tell you what they do have they have God CEO of the universe spoke something out of nothing woke you up this morning the alarm clock didn't do it God did it if you took that same alarm clock over the Oklahoma Gardens nobody would get up but God got you up this morning they serve a God who specializes in things that seem impossible so what does the Bible say the Bible says in verse number 1 of Joshua chapter 6 the Jericho was straightly or securely shut up which means nobody could go in and nobody could come out Jericho was a fortress city it was the symbol of the enemy's strength and power it was made up of men and woman women who had Gibbons idol worship it had great walls because of its great straight it had a reputation for being indestructible you couldn't penetrate Jericho you couldn't infiltrate Jericho you can go through Jericho Jericho symbolizes the strongholds that some of us have in our lives and the battles we all have around us so today before we talk about let's take back to city what is your Jericho because everybody in here has one number one is it your kids somebody's struggling right now because you're not getting along with your son or your daughter it seems like every conversation you have with them ends up in a fight or you're not speaking to them or maybe some of you go to bed word because you don't know where your kids even are maybe your kids have wondered from the Lord and and you're concerned about them or maybe your kids are in trouble at school or somewhere but it's a constant headache it's a constant struggle your kids are your Jericho but maybe number two maybe somebody's Jericho is their marriage don't look to the left all right look at me come on say nice what you thought would be a match made in heaven has turned out to be a nightmare on elm street you can't get along you don't see eye to eye what you thought could work is not working but maybe number three your Jericho is your singleness you want companionship but let me say this there's nothing wrong with one in companionship to all the single folk out there don't let us make married folk make you feel bad because you're single tell them single focus all right to be abstinent but you're going on to somebody every night I wish I had a witness it is nice you want a relationship that's okay but does it mean it doesn't seem like you can find mr. right or mr. right but then number four maybe your Jericho is your finances it seems like you can't ever get ahead your outflows are greater than your inflows does anybody know what I'm talking about tell the truth saying the devil it's the end of the month so I'm not trying to figure out how they're gonna make it the bills keep popping up and there seems to be no and insight but then next maybe your Jericho is your health some of you been sick a long time you prayed you cried you fasted and you still sick the illness is still there everybody in this church everybody watching that's a Jericho if it's not your kids it's your marriage if it's not your marriage it's your money if it's not your money it's your health it could be your job your boss your coworker it could be a habit it could be your past but everybody has a Jericho Jericho is a stronghold that seems to have you bound and we have to tear down a wall or you have to cross a wall the normal thing is to build a ramp get a ladder or get a rope and climb over the wall but you know what these are man's ways of taking the city but God has given us some God's ways for taking the city you see in Hebrews 3:19 and the hebrews 11:32 tell us it tells us that the reason the Israelites couldn't enter the Promised Land at the first sign because was of their lack of faith so then faith and obedience is the key to victory which means there's a connection between faith and deliverance I wish I had a witness in his place you see matthew 19:9 says according to your faith so shall it be matthew 1719 the disciples are trying to cast out demons out of a man but they can't so they asked Jesus Jesus why couldn't we drive the demons out Jesus respond because you have too little faith James 5:15 the prayer of faith shall save the sick there is a relationship between faith and deliverance when faith is low increased bondage takes old but when faith Rises increased deliverance is the results so the children visitor they're standing up in front of the city of Jericho but they can't get into Jericho but notice friends of mine in the text notice in the text I wish I had time but I don't God held the rein this long I'm not gonna press my luck come on say Matt Jarrett Joshua doesn't ask the people what they think ought to happen Joshua doesn't call a board meeting just one doesn't call a business meeting dot Joshua doesn't set up a committee Joshua just talks to God look at the tax first over to sometimes you can't talk to everybody sometimes you can have a little talk with Jesus and that makes it right look at verse number 2 of Joshua chapter 6 the Bible says and the Lord said unto Joshua stop Bible said committee the Bible says the Lord so while you're busy trying to find out what God is saying other folk you ought to be trying to listen to hear what God is trying to say to you you can't hear what God is saying to you and somebody else at the same time my hearing what I'm saying if you don't listen to people are you gonna listen to God verse 2 says the Lord said to Joshua see I have given unto thine hand Jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of valor everybody say Valerie do you realize what you just said read but I just read if you did you'd be shouting right now so let me help you God says we taught my taking the city God says I have given unto thy hand Jericho in other words I've already given you the city y'all are here and I'm saying be Israelites have the walls of Jericho in front of them but God says just what you worried about I've already given you the city not I will hear but I giving you the city in other words what God is saying is before you even get there and do anything it's already fixed it's already there sooner than right now faster than immediately the Lord answers prayer don't wait to the battle is over you can shout now and just like Israel we'd been given victory over Jericho's to Jesus Christ we don't fight for victory we fight from victory Satan is already defeated this is the Lord's battle this battle is not between Israel and Jericho this battle is between Jehovah God and the false gods of Jericho God has already given us the city God has already given us the resources and because God is God he makes provision for the vision God has already given the plan to overtake the city what is the first part of his plan quickly now look at verse number three and he shall compass the city everybody say compass that means march around all you bit of war and go around the city one time how many times everybody thou shalt do this every day for how many days all right so that's plan a march around the city one time for six consecutive days in other words the beginning of God's plan was to walk the beginning of God's plan I said was to walk around Jericho's walls one time for six days now don't get it twisted God's plan was not an exercise plan walk around Jericho every day for six days here you lose six pounds no it wasn't that's God's not talking about diets God's not talking about exercise God is talking about faith are you hear what I'm saying God's talking about trust me I know you can't see me but trust me I know you can't touch me but trust me faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you don't have to run you don't have to jog all you got to do is walk that's how you're gonna fight walk that's how Jericho's walls gonna come down walk that's how you're gonna overtake the city walk bellicose is going to give you power in your steps and the walls of Jericho are gonna come tumbling down but all you got to do is walk not on the surface invading and penetrating and overtaking Jericho seems strange and ridiculous but then to over Tory take Jericho without weapons by walking is even more strange we don't overtake this city we don't even have any weapons and you telling us to walk but I read somewhere that God's ways are not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts sometimes the things of God seem strange to us but I've learned that it doesn't make a difference what it looks like whatever God gives you a word know that you already have the victory remember friends of mine let's review magic and cookie gave us the money Custer y'all don't hear what I'm saying after we made the decision to build a Family Life Center we didn't see it we didn't know how it was gonna happen but God already had a plan y'all don't hear it I'm saying because while you're trying to rationalize what God is doing and while it may not make sense to you you ought to just go on and do it because you know what God knows what God is doing because after all God's been God longer than you've been you do I have a witness in this place God is not a god that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent if the Lord says you can turn on it he will do just what he said God says walk around Jericho for six days and one time each day but look at the text God doesn't finish with the plan God says don't just walk that's the partial plan there's more to the plan everybody say more to the plan look at verse number 4 I'm almost done almost said verse 5 verse 4 says and seven priests so before the arc seven trumpets of rams horns and the seventh day ye shall compass the city how many times how many times and the priests shall blow with their what everybody so the Bible says look you're gonna walk and walk around a city one time for six days but the Bible says the next part of the plan is you gonna walk around the city on the seventh day seven times y'all don't hear what I'm saying several times you're gonna walk around the city but now are you gonna walk but you're gonna blow everybody say blow blow some trumpets so on the first six days they were to walk one time but on the seventh day they were to walk seven times but there's more to the plan I'm already in verse number five we got to get out there and cut the ribbon y'all don't hear what I'm saying verse number five says and it shall come to pass that when they shall make a long blast with the ram's horns and ye shall hear the sound of the trumpet that all people shall shout so what everybody they gonna shout I feel like shouting right about now they goes south with the great south and the law of the city shall fall down flat and the people shall have sinned up every man straight before him so the plan was to walk around jericho for six days one time each day the plan was then to walk around jericho on the seventh day seven times the seven priests were to blow seven trumpets and then the bible says they're supposed to shout six is the number of a man god made man on the sixth day when you die they gonna bury you 6 feet under i pray because you're a christian that you don't drink 6 packs do i have a witness at his face they were to walk around the city every day for six days one time but the bible says that on the seventh day because seven means completion that's why we have the river cutting on sunday on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday so I say you have no South after church because on the seventh day that means complete shock there are seven continents in the world there are seven days in a week the seventh day is the Sabbath my first name has seven letters Navin had to get in the Jordan seven times when dying on the cross Jesus uttered seven last words revelation speaks of seven churches seven seals seven plagues at the calm of Jesus second coming seven angels will sound seven trumpets so it was only fitting that on the seventh day the children of Israel had to walk around jericho how many times seven times with seven priests blowing how many trumpets and then after that everybody everybody was supposed to shout I said everybody was supposed to shout they were to blow the trumpets and shout in praise you see there's victory in your praise best healing in your praise there's deliverance in your praise there's redemption in your praise there's rescue in your praise many people really have not been taught much as it relates to praise because we've got to understand the awesome power that's in our praise to God the children visitor had to walk around jericho seven times on day seven and then they would have shout shout in praise to god that was the plan now we've all heard his story before and these preachers all could preach this sermon a different way but there's something significant about the shout because whenever one would go into battle they would shout when they got ready to charge the enemy when they saw the enemy coming they would shout before they charged the enemy that's why when i see the devil coming sometimes i haven't lost my mind but i began shouts because the enemy is coming they would say I know I'm scaring somebody I've not lost my mind I know I'm making somebody uncomfortable but shouting means your confidence shouting aah means I'm not scared of you shouting aah means I'm ready tough fights but let me tell you this let me throw this in before I take my seat be careful because you can't measure the authenticity of a person's relationship with God based solely on a shout because everybody that shouting is not real are y'all hearing what I'm saying some of this is rehearsed y'all don't hear what I'm saying I know I got a river cutting but I feel like preaching right about now somebody's stuff you see on TV is an act and then there's some shouting that's not of God do I have a witness in this place now baby clear does you're gonna take me something gonna quote me you gonna send me some email that's all right pastor bird is not saying that shouting is wrong nor am I here to judge the authenticity of a shot if the Spirit says sing sing if the Spirit says shout shout and obey the Spirit of the Lord but the Holy Ghost is not going to have you running over fuze rolling over pews running under pews and your poles are falling off while you shout the Holy Ghost is not gonna have you hurt yourself the Holy Ghost is intelligent folk hidden you and head hallelujah giving you a black eye in the process so walk around with crutches with broken arms talking about I was in the spirits no you weren't in the spirit you were in a spirit but not yes spirit because it's not how high you jump when you show but how straight you walk when you come back down be careful with the shots over Joshua says tell them to shower with a great shout on the seventh I'm Joshua says why are we selling because verse two says that the Lord has given us the city city today I'm shouting because the Lord has given us the city the Lord has given us the city through a family life sinner today I'm sorry because we circled this city long enough we've talked about a Family Life Center long enough we've drawn plants and redrawn plants long enough but now it's time to treat this but Jesus I'm bout to go outside to sit down yeah I'm gonna sit down bril the back door not head search by ourselves come on stay in there I'm almost done Lourdes holding a train hallelujah but you got two choices in front of you in life you can either pout or shouts in life you can either pout or shout I refuse to have a pity party I refuse to walk around with my head down God's been too good to me I've got a beautiful wife three beautiful children my parents and in-laws live here I've got free babysitting y'all don't hear what I'm saying I got a wonderful charts I'm able to be on the Oakwood campus I refuse to pounce I'm gonna shouts God's been good to me God has blessed this church I will bless the Lord at all times and his fresh Albi in my mouth oh come and magnify the Lord with me and let us rejoice together this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it I've made up mama I've made up mama I've made up mom I'm go rejoice I'm gonna be happy get rid listen to me get rid of stinking thinking get rid of stinking thinking and bad attitudes get rid of things that are holding you back I know there may be a wall in your way but I dare you I dare you to go into the enemy's camp and soaps I dare you so I said that's how do you go in certain neighborhoods do Bible work cuz I'm going in the enemy's camp and I'm going to see Jesus said the prodigal prodigal son was in a pig spin he was estranged from his family there was no doubt about it he was hated by his brother there was no doubt about it he was missed by his father there was no doubt about it he had gone bankrupt and lost all his money no doubt about it he was working a mediocre job no doubt about it he was hanging around cursed objects no doubt about it Oh lust that he used to have were rising up again no doubt about it but when he was there in that pigs filled with corn husks all over him with mud between his toes there he was and the Bible says that all of a sudden he came to himself my prayer for somebody today is that you will come to yourself and you will say hold up wait a minute I'm better than this I'm a child of the Most High God I will arise I will go to my father's house I'm going to the place of blessings I'm going to the place of victory I'm about to shell I'm not scared of Jericho I'm not scared of the enemy God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of love power sound mind the Bible says the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the earth looking for somebody who God can show him so strong God says if you just follow my plan if you just obey my word I'm ready Stephen remember there's a correlation between faith and deliverance there's a connection between belief and blessings are you hearing what I'm saying somebody who was at the brink of their promised land somebody was at the brink of their Jericho somebody can testify if you only knew what I knew if you understood what I've been through you'd understand why I praise him like I do you understand why I act like I act why I salt like I shouts people say faster you've done a lot in your ministry and at 24 years you know how many days I cried at that office you know me days when everybody left and you all rolled by and saw that car sitting there that was in that office praying Lord make provision you understand death threats and hate mail I get we bought our serfdom here I got an email somebody said we don't get you and get him to faster birdie trying to act all that when brother Mike and all the others are standing around here but I've got a wife and three children I've got to live for I should've lost my mind but I'm still here possibly walking on the street somewhere but I'm still here I should have been strung out somewhere but in the name of Jesus I'm still here I should've died in that car accident with my baby girl but I'm still here and I've got a testimony that when I think of the goodness of Jesus he's done for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank God saving me I love to sing grace I love to sing I love to preach those that know me have known me a long time I love church anybody's know me when I was a little boy in Florida I love church I was a Cleveland seee Bradford CD boots all in one and I would preach to my brother and sister and sister and I dared their move they better sit there and listen to me preach I love church they'll tell you I was telling the truth [Music] I love the show but learn how to shout at the right turn Family Life Center is good but learn how to shout at the right time answer prayer is good but learn how to sound at the right time shoes on your feet that's good but shall it the right time clothes on go back that's good Michelle that's the right time roof over your head that's good but shout at the right time these are just the common things in life we need them and that's good but don't let them get you too excited friends of mine when you hear about eternity that were Jesus you don't live with him one day for that's time just out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Lord outta this [Music] [Music] [Music] your piece everybody I'll sing it together [Music] [Music] [Music] fools [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are the source of my strength [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the city the city good news let's say joy let's take peace [Music] or God today we have not because we ask not Laura we want to take this city for youth and then Oh God after but do we have the city because you promises you've already given us a city we pray that this will be a spark that gets a fire going but all across the city all across the state this country this world your three angels messages can be preached for your God worship Him and don't receive that mark the Lord we give you praise we give you honor we give you the glory Lord Allah keeps shouting for you I'll keep crying aloud and sparing not because there's a man there's a woman there's a boy and there is a girl who God need to give their life to you so lord I pause in this prayer and it's very easy I could in right here but the very reason we exist the very reason this church is here is to call individuals men women boys and girls lured into a saving relationship with here so though it's time to cut the ribbon God right now you have something more important than that there's someone today who needs to give their life to you they have a Jericho in their life maybe kids maybe marriage maybe their singleness maybe their money maybe their health maybe it's a habit [Music] but Lord everybody in here has a Jericho and someone needs you to help them take the city so our heads about our eyes are closed Lord I'm asking for forgiveness of sin I'm gonna pause in this prayer right now and there's a man there's a woman there's a boy there is a girl you have a jericho in front of you but god wants you to take the city but in order for that wall to fall you need to acknowledge your dependence on God right now so without any further ado there's a man there's a woman there's a young person you want to give me your hand you want to give Jesus your heart maybe it's baptism ladies rededication of your life maybe it's rebaptised maybe it's transfer to your membership but you've got a wall in front of you and the only way that we're all is gonna fall cuz you got acknowledge our dependence on the Lord and come down this aisle right now are you here are you in the balcony are you on the main floor are you in the mother's room are you watching by internet are you here today this opportunity is never gonna happen again God once you God loves you and you need him today if you're here even so come just as you are Jericho's looking at you I don't even need snorcher Jericho is the Lessing's follow belief deliverance follows faith where are you I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray but even as I pray you know who you are you know where you are you need to stop worrying about what people think about you and you need to come out of that scene you need to come down this out and you need to acknowledge your dependence upon the Lord and your need for him to destroy your Jericho god bless you are you here in the stillness of this hour God is speaking to you are you here what is your Jericho what is your Jericho blessings follow belief deliverance follows faith what is your Jericho this is God's turn someone you're gonna leave Church today don't leave here saying woulda coulda shoulda why you yet have the chance I had the opportunity the thing reduces to white she talks about that probation your clothes and you not even know it what is your Jericho what does that happen what is that satanic stronghold you got 10 seconds heaven wants to seal your decision but you've got nine seconds eight God's mercy His grace is extended for seven more seconds just for you six five four three don't let this harvest past two [Music] Oh Lord our Lord how excellent is your bane there's none like You Lord as a church we want to take the city we want to see men women boys and girls given their lives at the Lord Jesus Christ and following you Lord equip us to take the city [Music] thank you for being God of my life thank you for being God of my family's life if we give you praise today now seal the decisions of those who have come down who are faced with Jericho walls today or whatever it it takes if they got a walk if they've got a pray if they've got a fast whatever it takes Lord drop those walls for them thank you for hearing and thank you for answering this prayer in the name of Jesus [Music] and for his sake we pray amen amen to those hands together all over the building [Applause] all right this is how we're gonna do this god bless you god bless you this is how we're gonna do this where's dan dan where are you come stay around Danny's gonna pray the ushers are gonna ship us out we're gonna go through the doors in the main lobby the Lord has held the rain I can't get a witness in his place [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are gonna walk around the lobby to the south side to the main front entrance of the Family Life Center the program participants you know who you are because we're not going to be long we're gonna have our brief acknowledgment we're gonna pray you're gonna cut the ribbon we have tour guides they don't give scheduled and plan tours and so we want you to follow them they know what they're supposed to do they will take you through a directional route where you will end up where our hors d'oeuvres and refreshments are somebody said pastor why didn't you have dinner for 3,000 people that will come later come on say Amen but we have orders and refreshments for everybody so follow the tour guides and they will lead you to the complete tour in the end where you will end up at the reception area and then at five o'clock what time everybody we're gonna be back because sister Cookie Johnson will have a conversation and she says she will take pictures with our young people and we'll have a book signing after and she'll sign the books of whatnot at five o'clock be back for that conversation our students from Oakwood evidence Academy they will share their black history nuggets as well and so we were encouraged to be back let's all stand and Dan give us the benediction let us bow our heads dear home father Lord as we end this program we'd like to thank you again for allowing us to praise and worship you and allowing us to fellowship with one another Lord through your manservant you have reminded us that despite the many Jericho's that we face in our lives that only through you and through you and through you alone we can achieve the victory and throughout the service we have we were taught many other lessons about without you we are nothing and that we must cast our cares upon you Lord I'm just asking that you can help us so we can incorporate these important principles into our daily lives Lord and as you depart from this place just keep us under your wing Lord and Jesus and I pray amen you may be seated [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Oakwood University
Views: 4,005
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: oZVFTod1tAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 46sec (9646 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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