SaaS Sales: Day in the Life of a Fortune 500 Account Executive

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[Music] towards the start of every morning I post on LinkedIn pretty funny post this morning I had a comment on one of my past YouTube videos that said Matt you got that white boy RZ it made my day my girlfriend saw the post and assured me or reassure me Matt you have no RZ now and that was the case back in high school too I was so desperate I was asking for prompt dates with my Facebook absolutely awful but guys start posting on LinkedIn Monday through Friday and the post that you want to publish are answering the questions your prospects have about your product service industry by consistently making those posts over 6 months you'll start to bring some inbound leads to your business check out the book they ask you answer it is the best best marketing book out there for sales people in my role there's lots of travel I live and work in Philadelphia my territory is out west I have California Nevada New Mexico Arizona Alaska and Hawaii I'm out in California quite a bit but last week I was in Las Vegas for the first time very interesting place to say the least and me my boss and one of my co-workers had the opportunity to present in front of a bunch of business owners in Las Vegas and business partners that we currently work with about our solution to see if we might be a fit to help them out here's me presenting last week all the right boxes to ensure that my use cases around security are taking place are happening this is where M Carl Sam and Horizon parnership are going to come and play with our Engineers so these trips are a lot of fun and after the event we took out three to four of our business partners to a very fancy steak dinner at Delila in the win in Las Vegas one of the nicest restaurants in Las Vegas I think it's definitely top five anyway I sit down at the table and my boss goes Matt Jason sedis is over your left shoulder I look over my left shoulder there is Ted lasso sitting with four other guys having dinner probably the coolest thing that ever happened in my entire life and I've been bragging about this to all my friends and family and now you [Music] guys introduction my name is I am the lead Mobility account manager for so any requests that come in through they'll go ahead and funnel that to me and then I'll gather all the resources that they need um to uh enhance their Mobility for 14 years now wow awesome well team looking at the calendar I have us down for an hour I do not think this conversation is going to St 60 minutes probably more like 30 to 45 but how are you both on time any hard stops I should be aware of no no actually I'm good I have a now word free right now awesome here is what I was looking to accomplish in the next 30 minutes or so of course want to get your buying and feedback towards this game plan it's important before I hop into the mass 360 demo portal but I first get a good understanding on how you folks are managing your mobile devices today some of the challenges around that and really what you're looking to accomplish with this project that way when I share out my screen hop on into the demo portal that por of the conversation can be tailored to your specific use cases and by the end of the conversation I like us to be in a spot where you're either interested and we schedule a good Next Step that makes sense for your team or you're not interested you let me know you're not going to hurt my feelings so we could avoid wasting time that's what I was looking to accomplish in the next 30 minutes this is your time I'm super flexible what would you both like to add to that agenda to make sure this is a productive use of the time today demo went well we were able to book another conversation with a couple more folks from the leadership team so good news use on that front what you're looking at on the screen this is the email template the wrapup email template I use after my sales conversation so I send this out I used to write the longest wrapup emails ever with lots of attachments lots of links no one's clicking on that no one's opening up an attachment keep it short and sweet start using this template I forget who I got it from I think it was John Burrows start using this template let me know in the comment section below how it works out for you so I'm taking a break in the customer meetings for the next hour we have a VP at IBM he's been with IBM for a very long time has had lots of different roles he's coming in to have a conversation with my team about different career paths within IBM and this is a conversation that's relevant for me at the moment I'm in this weird spot guys where I love my job the product I sell is easy the team I work on is great most importantly the m manager I work for is absolutely tremendous I'll probably never have a as good of a manager as I have right now but I'm kind of comfortable and I I would say as a salesperson I haven't really been growing I've been doing well in my role but I haven't really been growing in terms of my skill set as a salesperson and I know I need to leave in order to do so and the next step for me is to become an Enterprise account executive and hopefully within the next year to 18 months I have a role like that whether it be at IBM it's probably going to be at IBM or a different tech company but it's a weird spot when you're doing well your manager is great you're having a lot of fun you're having some success you're making some decent money but you know you're comfortable and you need to leave the position in order to grow make more money and become a better salesperson so I'm going to look forward I've been looking forward to this conversation with this VP at IBM for the past couple weeks going to bout some questions off of him get some advice and try to figure out what's the next step what's my next move in my career just hopped off a closing call super small deal so nothing that's going to change my quarter or my year whatsoever but to share some closing language with you guys for example Chris based on what you were looking to accomplish with your challenges list out those challenges your success criteria for the project me and Jason Jason is my sales engineer we feel that we checked off all the boxes and this was a successful test of mass 360 would you folks be opposed to moving forward would you be opposed is going for a no rather than a yes people feel safer saying no than yes that is a Chris Voss closing question that's strong closing language start going for a no rather than a yes when you go for the close I think it might work out for you [Music]
Channel: Matt Macnamara
Views: 4,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech sales, tech sales career, tech sales day in the life, tech sales career path, tech sales work from home, tech sales at saas company, software sales, saas sales, tech sales job, day in the life tech sales, software sales career, sdr, technology sales, tech sales jobs, tech sales training, tips for tech sales, software sales jobs, career in tech sales, day in the life in tech, account executive day in the life, working in tech sales, account executive tech sales
Id: 5GOjYczt3tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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