I'm worried about my sales career...

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I'm worried about my sales career I've been losing sleep stressing about a move I know I need to make in order to progress get better as a salesperson I've been stressing Big Time guys so right now I work in the SMB and midmarket space so I'd say it's 50/50 and the next step for me is to become an Enterprise account executive and this isn't a skill set that I have that's why I've never talked about closing million-dollar deals on my YouTube Channel I don't know how to do it and that's what I'm worried about is sucking at that job and failing at that job and not making it not being successful and my girlfriend even said Matt of course you're not going to be successful right from the start you don't know how to do the job but you'll figure it out and I know if I'm giv enough time I'll figure it out based on the amount of work I put into my sales career but I just put so much weight into my career and that's not a good thing that's a bad thing like compared to my friends and family my dad's worked in sales his entire career I've never really seen him worried or panicked about his sales career and he's done extremely well if I can come anywhere close to his success 50% of his success that would be an amazing career and he's about to retire here in I think it's like 90 days but I've never really seen him stress maybe he's just done a good job not showing it I've never seen him put so much onus on his career and he's done extremely well like I said and it's a big problem that I have I don't know guys I just been stressing cuz I can fail and I guess another thing is like if I do and you might think well that's an awful attitude to have but in sales that's actually realistic most Enterprise accounting itive do fail um especially in the first couple years it's going to take a while the sales Cycles are extremely long 12 to 18 months it's going to take a while to to figure the job out and again I know I would be able to do it but if I do fail I'm always going to keep swinging like I'm I'm going to get another sales job just because I failed at this job doesn't mean I'm going to fail at the next one and I mean I've just been burned so many times too like in the past with bad sales jobs whether it was a poor company a poor product a poor manager and that really was on me I didn't do my due diligence and research to make sure I was walking into an opportunity where I could be successful I could make a lot of money I would be happy there was upward Mobility you know for my first four or five years in sales six years in sales I was at dead end jobs go look at my LinkedIn dead end jobs there was one company there where I could have moved up within the company I missed my quoted 12 out of 12 times I was the the worst salesp person on the team I had no idea what I was doing that was 5 six years ago um I don't know just been worried about it a lot the last couple weeks I'll figure it out but there's a move I know I need to make I'm going to make it soon um yeah and I think it'll add a lot to the channel too of kind of going through my struggles of becoming a good Enterprise account executive because it's probably going to take me several years to get it um we'll see don't think Jersey back there she's laying out there is all that word I wish it could be more like her but thanks for watching guys I'm going to do more videos like this kind of just impromptu therapy sessions we'll call it um let me know what you think and also I have a new newsletter newsletters are coming out every Saturday they're all actionable tips no BS a lot of great content coming out every Saturday so you could subscribe to that newsletter down below would love to see you there but thank you for watching have a great day let me know what you think in the comment section below thanks for watching guys appreciate you
Channel: Matt Macnamara
Views: 2,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sales career, software sales career, tech sales career, sales career path, tech sales career path, software sales, b2b sales, tech sales, sales, sales job, saas sales, sales career pros and cons, saas sales career, software sales careers, sales careers, enterprise software sales, working in sales, software sales jobs, account executive, working in tech sales, tech sales job, technology sales, working in tech, sales stress, sales motivation, sales tips, sales training
Id: otxN9Wd7wlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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