How to Master COLD CALLING in 8 Minutes

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this is going to be the only video you need to watch when it comes to Mastering the Art and Science of code calling back in the day I used to code call quite a lot working in Tech sales you know calling in hospitals all the way from reception to managers to directors to the CEO so I'm going to give you some of the best tips I've learned so that you can actually be more effective generate more leads get more meetings and close more deals and if you want to actually take your sales game to the next level you definitely want to check out my master class sales if you want to learn more so let's go ahead and dive into this so recently I've been getting a lot of random Cod calls I don't know why I don't know how people got my phone number but they've been calling me and usually I can tell right away the first two seconds that it's a cold call and I don't want to talk with them you probably experienced this too why this has happened it's actually how they sound that's the key Dead red flag giveaway how somebody sounds when they are talking to you instantly tells you whether or not they are just trying to cold call you and they are trying to sell you so the name of the game when it comes to succeeding in cold calling is learning how to control the way you sound so that the other person on the other line feels like you're more of a friend even though they have no idea who you are they don't know what you want they don't know you're trying to sell them something they just feel like they want to hear what you have to say next right so it's all about your tone and how you sound so let's go and break this down even further how do you control the way someone perceives you based on the way you sound there's three key elements right it's going to be your inflection your volume and your speed so let's dive into this the first important one is going to be your inflection right so how high and low you're speaking typically if you're going to sound like a nerd or you're going to sound like someone that's not trustworthy you're going to sound very high and nobody likes that hello sir how are you doing today you know that kind of vibe typically when you're talking to someone on the phone you don't want to go so high you want to go a little bit lower something like hey how's it going John how you doing today it's a lot more comfortable it's a lot more settling it's more palatable for a person it just sounds smooth right as a guy that's typically what I do now for from there you don't want to talk too fast you don't want to talk too slow so if you talk like this and nobody can understand you then the call is going to be over but if you talk too slow hey there it's it's really weird right and the volume right you don't want to talk too loud not too soft if you're too soft they can't hear you on the phone if you're too loud it's too noisy right so these are very much the basics but the question is how do you know which volume inflection or speed you should use so the key here is you actually want to mimic them you want to basically sound like the other person now it doesn't mean you're being fake it just means matching the way that they're speaking so if somebody is speaking more slower they're more calm less energy you actually want to mimic that as well now someone's really fast high energy and they're like oh my God what's going on Patrick then you want to match that energy it's not that you have to copy exactly how they sound it's just matching the vibe and the energy right but when you come in on the first line hey John how's it going this is Patrick from XYZ company right you usually have a default and I usually like to do like the more normal kind of speech a little more cool a little more like lower kind of voice so it's more calm and welcoming that's my default and depending on how they answer I'm then going to switch my inflection my volume my pacing to match theirs because the key when it comes to getting people to like you is they need to see you as someone who is just like them and if you're able to copy the way they speak subconsciously they are going to think you are literally just like them and they're more likely to listen to what you have to say we haven't even talked about what you're saying right this is actually 70% of the game just getting the person to Like You by copying the way that they sound if you are kind of selfish in the way you speak and you only want to say it your way you cannot expect everyone to like you but if you're able to mimic other people a higher percentage of people are going to like you much more just because you're more like them another challenge that a lot of co- callers have is when you're talking to a potential client maybe you might be in a situation where the prospect talks too much and they talk so much and it's totally irrelevant to your sale and getting them to buy your products and services that you want them to shut up and get back on track so here's actually how you take control of the conversation the key to guiding the conversation is asking really smart questions that lead the prospect to talk about their problems which you will later solve in the call so if they're saying something like oh yeah then my dog did this and d d say Hey you know uh I actually had a question oh yeah yeah what's your question so you know bringing it back to the topic on your pet shop I was just curious to see you know if you using Instagram yet and if they're a really talkative person they'll be like oh yeah you know we tried that Instagram thing and it didn't really work and now we're actually talking about some of the problems they have in their business how you actually get someone to stop talking is you just interrupt them politely with a question hey do you mind if I ask you a question real quick sure yeah what's up Patrick yeah so when it comes to get more people to know about your products like what are some of the things you tried so far it's going to be so natural that they're just going to talk about wherever you lead them and so when they talk about Wherever You Led them what's going to happen is that typically they'll go off tangent again so you have to keep asking these questions to just kind of have like these guard rails for the conversation and when you ask the right questions that dive into the person's problems people love talking about their problems let them talk about their problems because they're almost like in therapy they're venting to you right it's not that people talk too much it's that they talk about the wrong thing that doesn't benefit you so for you as a professional seller ask the right questions that lead them into the problem you want them to step into so let's say if you're selling video editing Services helping them cut up their long form content putting it on social media in short form you don't want them to go on a tangent right so you just start the conversation and say like hey you know I noticed that you post a lot of videos on YouTube and they're doing really well I was just curious like why haven't you considered cutting them up and putting them on Tik Tok oh yeah you know I really want to do that but and then they go into their problem right right off the bat in the first you know minute of the conversation two minutes of the conversation you're already talking about the thing you want them to talk about right don't let them control the conversation ask the right questions so that you control the conversation but you make them feel like they are in control of Their Own Destiny and that's the ultimate form of persuasion when you persuade someone so well they do the thing that they do but really it's you planting the idea in their brain and then they think it's their idea by the end of the call if you're selling video editing Services they're going to think it's their idea to grow on Tik Tok right and that's how you want to position yourself in a cold call A lot of times you actually want to get the budget on the first call now I know this is very difficult and I know like a lot of people are like oh no it's too early no it's not sometimes is early and sometimes they don't know but sometimes you can't get the budget so how do you do it you basically give them a range right you basically just say hey you know based on everything we talked about is there a budget or a range that we can work with or that you are thinking on spending on something like this I think we have a budget but I'm really not sure and I don't want to give it right now because I'm not sure we're going to work together blah blah blah blah blah great I I I respect that I totally understand but you know it would be really helpful because I don't want to waste your time I don't want to waste my time I want to make sure this is the right fit on both sides and if the budget doesn't work then there's no point of even continuing the conversation right is it possible for you to just give like some kind of range something for me to understand whether or not it's a good fit on both sides it's really hard for them to deny that because you're basically saying you don't want to waste their time if the budget doesn't fit there's no point even having another meeting because it's not going to work anyways right and so logically they're going to think like ah yeah like it does make sense I got to give them something so they'll be like yeah you know the budget might be around you know $5 to $10,000 for this I'm not really sure but around there I think that's kind of what we're thinking that's all you need you just need a ballpark general idea of how much someone is willing to pay you don't need their exact budget you just need a ballpark and then from there you can strategize later to figure out like okay like how much can we get out of this person essentially right those are some of the best tips when it comes to co- calling I hope it helped you if it did make sure to give this video a like And subscribe and if you want to take your sales game to the next level make sure to check out my master class sales Legacy where you're going to master the Art and Science of code calling how to generate leads pitch how to close deals and really just how to start and accelerate your career in sales so if that's something that interests you make sure to check out sales and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Patrick Dang
Views: 16,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cold call, cold caller, cold calling, tips for cold calling, cold call tips, cold call in sales, cold call examples, cold calling techniques, patrick dang, cold call secrets, cold calling scripts, cold calling tips, how to cold call, cold calls, sales, sales prospecting, cold call sales prospecting, cold calling techniques that really work, cold calling checklist, cold call scripts, cold call script, cold call opening line, cold call opening lines that work
Id: 5tJtHLKyjYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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