S4E9 Cool Waters Bob Ross

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hi how're you doing today hope you're ready to do a fantastic painting with me I thought today we'd do a painting there's just a lot of fun and we'll have a good time together so I've already covered the canvas with magic white and I'll have them run all the colors that we're going to use across your screen and they'll come across your screen in the same order that I have them on my palette starting with a white and coming around so let's get started as I say I've already covered the canvas with a thin even coat of magic white and today I'm going to start out with a little bit of phthalo blue and I'm going to pull it out and work it into the brush this will give us a nice even distribution of color all the way across the brush just tap the brush into the paint okay let's go right up here to the canvas and we'll start out here just making little crisscross strokes little little X patterns and as you can see the the colors mixing with the magic white and it gets lighter and value okay add a little bit more of the flu it's very easy to add color it's a sign of a gun though to take it off the canvas so use very little color appear in the sky when you first start very simple to add more yeah we'll just bring it right on down to to about there wherever and if you want to make it a little bit darker as I say it's very easy to add a little more color and if you're going to put clouds in the sky which I think I'll put some in today you want just care maybe to be a little bit darker than normal if you're just using white to make the clouds that way your clouds will look brighter they'll stand out stronger if you have light against light nothing happens thing happens okay all I've got a dirty brush I'm going to add a very small amount of phthalo green and I'll just mix it right here on the brush so we get phthalo blue and phthalo green and I'm just beating that right into the bristles the same way there ok let's go back to the canvas now and we'll put some water in here and pull from the outside in start at the bottom and work up that way once again is mixing with a magic white and it gets lighter toward the horizon everything and the landscapes you get lighter toward the horizon pull from the outside in and leave a little area open right here right here and when it's all done it'll look like a sheen of light coming across the water be very pretty and try to keep your strokes straight still water is always flat it's always level okay now we can wash our brush and the brush is cleaned and odor this paint thinner avoid using turpentine leaves a residue in your brushes whoo there we go okay let's build a happy little cloud today and today we'll just do it with a with a one-inch brush you can do it with a 1 inch brush two and a half inch brush fan brush today I feel like using the 1 inch so we'll pull some color into the brush using titanium white and we'll put a small small amount of permanent red in it just a little bit it's a very strong pull that brush through the paint there a lot of paint in the brush very very little permanent red you'll set these clouds on fire ok let's go up to the canvas here maybe there's a happy little cloud that lives right there just lay some color it okay just drop it in here we go now with a large brush I want to blend out the bottom of this without touching the top so let's start tiny little circles circles there we go just blend out don't touch the top yet now fluff it and all we're doing here is lifting it just lift very lightly and then very gently blended three hairs and some air right here and that's simple if we make a beautiful little cloud now maybe we'll load a little bit more paint in here let's give him a little friend that lives right there and you're pushing quite hard with a brush here you want to push his paint right into the fabric and don't stay in one area and keep working all you'll have is just great big cotton balls up in the sky put the paint off move and then blend it blend it clouds are very free and you pay them free your paintings reflect what you feel there we go I'm having a bad day my paintings look entirely different than if I'm having a super day okay let me give you an idea of how to make some very effective easy little clouds clean the old brush up and we'll be ready to go here okay and we'll do the large brush who came now today I put some mountains in here and I'm going to use would take some Prussian blue very dark blue Van Dyke Brown in about equal parts and a little bit of alizarin crimson not much and just mix it together not much crimson and I'm going to put a little bit of white right there now retained it dark over here and light here it's the same color just different values okay yeah then we'll take the old fan brush and I'm going to load some of the lighter color in there just like it and maybe there's a little mountain way back here in the distance and we use just the corner of the brush just a corner and you can make beautiful little mountain and just pull just using a corner of the brush pulling down that would take a large brush and go right up here touch pull super easy way to make the indication of distant mountains and you can by changing brushstrokes you can make it look like there's highlights and shadows you really haven't done hardly a thing and we want some mist down here at the bottom so we'll just tap it very lightly lift upward and that simple we get a little distant mountain okay now let's put let's put another mountain right here shoot and we use a dark color a little bit on the knife and we'll have a mountain that lives right there and just push that paint right into the fabric push it hard maybe there's a little bump right there since he's at your mountains you can put bumps anything you want a big stones little stones okay now we can take the large brush and grab that dark color and pull it now when you're painting mountains mountains are always more distinct at the top than they are at the bottom if you can see the entire mountain by pulling it down like this it mixes with a magic white and automatically if it gets lighter on the bottom you don't have to think about it or plant it it happens and that's that's the joy of painting get a little plug in there for the title see go okay that gives us a basic shape and you can also use these brushstrokes to sort of give you ideas of where the highlights and shadows will be play with this a little bit and you'll see what I'm talking about is a light hits you can see highlights and shadows and you haven't committed yourself okay let's take a little bit of the titanium white get a pullet paint out flat go across and get it just a a tiny little roll of paint right there on the knife okay let's go up to the canvas now touch no pressure and just let it follow right down the mountain but no pressure if there's a secret to it that's probably yet biggest mistake made is applying too much pressure when I was teaching my son Steve to paint I used to tell him just to pretend he was a whisper floating across the mountains to pretend that if he didn't didn't hang on his hand would just literally float away it's that light of a touch today he's one of the most fantastic painters in the country in this method travels all over the country teaching so it works it works and you can do now for the shadow side I'll take a little bit of Prussian blue and white just blew it white mix it up and get that same little roller paint right on the knife there okay now let's go ahead up here and put some shadows and now the shadows go at opposite angles highlights go at one angle shadows it together let's go right here that needs a little shadow that separates those maybe comes right over in here see how easy it is to make a beautiful mountain you can do it do you can do very delicate touch just go back and if you want to change anything look at add subtract that's your world so you can change it you can change tremendous amount of power you have on canvas here can change all mighty rivers mountains okay yeah let's take a clean dry large brush and I want to create some mist down here at the bottom so very gently will tap following the angles I'll always pay attention to your angles over here we'll go in this direction just tap now we're going to lift up very gently very gently to take out the little tap marks and blend it all together and that's simple we have beautiful mist right at the bottom of those mountains now here's a line that that bothers me on this mountain it's a little bit too straight so I'm going to take a little bit of white and just go back in here and break it up a little see how you can change it it's easy to change it then we'll put another little shadow right there you know gets rid of that straight plane so if something bothers you change it once again this is your world you have absolute control over it okay now then this let's put some maybe a little foothill back here and I'm gonna take we can use the same mountain color we get blue Prussian blue Van Dyke Brown a little bit of crimson and to that I'm gonna add SAP green so I've got blue brown SAP green and there was a little bit of crimson in there that's er not necessary but if you have a pile of paint already leave it in there there we go okay let us take a a fan brush and load a lot of paint into that brush really really work shake those bristles wiggle em see how that loads it up and then pull them there can you must go up to the canvas here maybe maybe there's a little evergreen tree and normally I would do this straight on but you can't see it so I'm going to turn at an angle like this and maybe you can see it give you an idea of what's happening and it doesn't work quite as well when I'm at an angle as it does when you're straight home but it at least you can see here how these little trees are made okay a little more paint and that won't go straight on it and so we can get these painted you see how they're done and when you're at home you'll you'll see exactly what I'm talking about when you're doing them your own okay now you want to leave this little bit of mist between the background and the mountain if you don't you don't leave that little bit of mist in there these foothills are gonna be right up against your mountain and you want them to be separate okay there we go and if you want to give the illusion that it's going farther away let them get smaller down here toward the end let them get smaller there we go until it comes right on down that you're just doing this and lift it up a little and that will help create the illusion of distance now here see if we get a shot of this I'm touching pushing and bending up can you see that sometimes you don't see that cause my hands in the way but I'm bending and pushing upward that's the same way we'll highlight these but that's the action of the brush right there okay there we go and notice this angle this helps lead the eye into the painting if it was to go in the opposite direction it would lead the eye out of the painting which we would not be as pleasing this way it it always leads you our idea already let's make a few reflections now normally all we have to do is touch and pull down because a canvas is wet so very simple to make beautiful beautiful reflections if you had a dry canvas now you'd be in trouble wouldn't work like this since you had a magic white under there the paint will slide it will move and reflections are one of the most beautiful things that's done in this technique and one of the simplest now very lightly come across this is very lightly it's barely very touching the canvas and that simple we have beautiful reflections I'm going to take a small amount of white on my fan brush and put some little trunk indications very lightly lift upward don't want too many just a few here and there just a few here there okay that's all you need now we'll take a little bit of yellow and SAP green we'll use them and I'll put a little bit of paint thinner and with my paint to thin it load a lot of pain in the brush look at all the paint is in there tremendous amount of paint okay let's go up to the canvas and we'll touch and use that same stroke Bend that brush upward well put a little bit of highlight back here and do it in layers do the one that you think's a Father's Day first and work forward work forward here we have CAD yellow and SAP green is really all we have on here and then we go like this all right and that gives us a nice little background very simple very easy and we're in business you can pull a little bit more of this down if you want to pick up a tiny bit of that yellow color you can pull it down into the reflections it's very simple and likely go across these strokes across need to always be straight or once again your water will run right out of your painting I'm going to take a little bit of magic white put it on my palate cut across it let's go right up here they will make some happy little water lines and I'm just literally cutting into the canvas push hard now these lines need to be basically straight and go anywhere you want to go with them but they need to be straighten or your water will run out of the painting get your floor with now if you get one like right here that maybe has a little too much paint just take a clean knife and rub it and it'll mix with a color underneath and just goes away because very soft you can keep doing this till it's not there at all already let's make some let's make some happy little trees here I have several fan brushes that I use so I don't have to keep cleaning but if you're at home only have one that's fine you just have to wash it a little more okay I'm loading a lot of this dark paint same dark color blue brown green okay lot of it in the brush let's go right up here now maybe there's a nice little tree that lives right here touch the canvas corner the brush and just go back and forth back and forth that's all there is to making a happy little tree but easy and they're thought a little more paint maybe we'll give him a friend is right there and in your world you put as many trees as you want if you want more trees oh man if you want less don't put as many we didn't how many trees it takes to make you happy that's what's important there we go it's a happy little tree right there dark darker color maybe all I got to brush dirty maybe there's a couple of trees over here on the other side so let's go right over here and there he is Oh either brush back and forth drop in a happy little tree these type of scenes remind me of my home I live in Fairbanks Alaska and I see a lot of this type scenery right out of my window beautiful beautiful country okay now maybe let's see that's Taylor let's put one right here cause trees trees need friends to there you get lonely just like all the rest of us you know one of the rules of art is that you should always have odd numbers 3 5 7 etc of course that's a man-made rule nature Nature has some heard that yet it makes composition a little better if you have odd numbers ok let's take the old big brush here I would take some SAP green Prussian blue van Dyck Brown and I'm just mixing them on the brush pull that brush right through the paint bandit there load it deep ok let's go up to the canvas and touch her right there and put a happy little thing lives right there and while I'll get to paint on the brush plus reflected the water I would love to do reflections the same color and where the trees are where the trees are tall do you want long reflections okay now get a little more paint on the brush same colors I may be right here well I'll have a nice little there it is and just like these things happen oh don't worry about them don't try to plant them all that much have a general idea in your mind of what you're going to paint and let it just let it happen just let it go and that easy okay now let's take a large brush here and pull some of this down for reflection just pull it down and lightly come across and I'll use a little bit of a burr number whether it's a small amount of white in it get a little bit on the knife let's go right up here and we'll put in a few little trunk indications just here in there there we go and maybe a little bit over here just a few little indication so you don't have to show the entire trunk because you wouldn't see it all and we'll use a little bit of SAP green small amount of yellow and let's highlight these trees Mountain says the lights coming from the right so more emphasis on the right and that easy you can throw a little bit of highlight on there there it goes go over here put some on this one still on the right side that's where you think light would hit okay let's get in here with a 1 inch brush take some I like that we use some yellow ochre a little bit of SAP green okay let's drop in some some nice little bushes right in here then you just drop them in while we get it on the brush will reflect them a little bit of permanent red added to it that's a nice bright color ready drop it right into the reflection and just put in some of the bushes and stuff here and there wherever you want just like so don't go can you screw the other side while we get this brush running and we'll drop in some right over in here there don't tell you I'm gonna get another brush and I have once again I have several brushes going here at once and we'll put a little bit of alizarin crimson a little bit of phthalo blue and I'm just mixed them on the brush a little white there let me get a little more the paint thinner I want to thin this out without diluting color and let's go right here and maybe maybe there's a beautiful little purple bush it lives right there let's drop him in and we'll put a little one on the other side too so there's just a small in both sides just to brighten it up and reflect a little bit right into the water now with a large brush gently pull down and instant reflections that's simple now take the knife a little bit of Van Dyck Brown little umber mixed with it touch put some land in there I'm going to use a little brown and white throw a little highlight on that just okay little bit of magic white and waterline easy and we'll just use a clean point of the knife I've got a few little sticks and twigs here in there just breaks it up gives a little depth okay let's go back over here and finish up this other side go back into my yellows and Red's in Indian yellow just back and forth and this is just a fun little painting I think you probably enjoyed give you a lot of practice with all the equipment you can should stir your imagination maybe maybe maybe a little path lives right here just back and forth listen Brown don't let it go wherever you want it to go a little bit of highlight barely touching the canvas okay then we can go ahead and put the bushes on the other side put your path in first and then like the bushes hang over it just like that and into 'take the knife cut in a few little sticks and twigs and I think we done got a finish painting we'll call that one done its own behalf entire crew here we'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and we'll see you again you and that's that's the joy of painting get a little plug in there for the title see there we go okay that gives us a basic shape and you can also use these brushstrokes to sort of give you ideas of where the highlights and shadows will be play with this a little bit and you'll see what I'm talking about is a light hits you can see highlights and shadows and you haven't committed yourself okay let's take a little bit of the titanium white get a pullet paint up flat go across and get it just a tiny little roll of paint right there on the knife okay let's go up to the canvas now touch no pressure and just let it follow right down the mountain but no pressure if there's a secret to it that's probably yet biggest mistake made is applying too much pressure when I was teaching my son Steve to paint I used to tell him just to pretend he was a whisper floating across when I was teaching my son Steve to paint I used to tell him just to pretend he was a whisper floating across the mountains to pretend it if he didn't didn't hang on his hand would just literally float away it's that light of a touch today he's one of the most fantastic painters in the country in this method travels all over the country teaching so it works it works and you can do now for the shadow side I'll take a little bit of Prussian blue and white just blew it white mix it up and get that same with a roller paint right on the knife there okay now let's go ahead up here and put some shadows and now the shadows go at opposite angles highlights go at one angle here just making little crisscross strokes little little X patterns and as you can see that the color is mixing with a magic white and it gets lighter in value okay add a little bit more of the flu it's very easy to add color it's a sign of a gun go to take it off the canvas so use very little color appear in the sky when you first start very simple to add more and we'll just bring it right on down to to about there wherever and if you want to make it a little bit darker as I say it's very easy to add a little more color and if you're going to put clouds in the sky which I think I'll put some in today you want your scab maybe to be a little bit darker than normal if you're just using white to make the clouds that way your clouds will look brighter they'll stand out stronger if you have light against light nothing happens nothing happens okay all up travels all over the country teaching so it works it works and you can do now for the shadow side I'll take a little bit of Prussian blue and white just blew it white mix it up and get that sign with a roll of paint right on the knife there okay now let's go ahead up here and put some shadows and now the shadows go at opposite angles highlights go at one angle shadows at the other let's go right here that needs a little shadow that separates those maybe it comes out over in here see how easy it is to make a beautiful mountain you can do it you can do very delicate touch so but that's the action of the brush right there okay there we go and notice this angle this helps lead the eye into the painting if it was to go in the opposite direction it would lead to I out of the painting which we would not be as pleasing this way it always leads you I our idea already let's make a few reflections now normally all we have to do is touch and pull down because a canvas is wet so very simple to make beautiful beautiful reflections if you had a dry canvas now you'd be in trouble wouldn't work like this but since you had a magic white under there the paint will slide it will move and reflections are one of the most beautiful things that's done in this technique and one of the simplest now very lightly come across this is very lightly now for the shadow side I'll take a little bit of Prussian blue and white just blew it white mix it up and get that same with a roller paint right on the knife there okay now let's go ahead up here and put some shadows and now the shadows go at opposite angles highlights go at one angle shadows at the other let's go right here then it needs a little shadow that separates those maybe comes out over in here see how easy it is to make a beautiful mountain you can do it do you do very delicate touch just go back and if you want to change anything look it add subtract sure they collide with hit okay let's get in here with a one-inch brush take some I like that we use some yellow ochre a little bit of SAP green okay let's drop in some some nice little bushes right in here then you just drop them in while we get it on the brush will reflect them a little bit of permit red added to it that's a nice bright color pretty drop it right into the reflection and just put in some of the bushes and stuff here and there wherever you want just like so don't go you know screw the other side while we get this brush running and let droppin some right over here there I'll tell you I'm gonna get another brush and I have once again I have several brushes going here at once and we'll put a little bit of alizarin crimson a little bit of phthalo blue and I'm just mixing on the brush a little white there let me get a little more of a paint thinner I want to thin this out without diluting color let's go right here and maybe maybe there's a beautiful little purple bush it lives right there that's dropping it and we'll put a little one on the other side too so there's just a small in both sides just to brighten it up and we'll reflect a little bit right into the water now with a large brush gently pull down and instant reflections that's simple now take the knife a bit of Van Dyck Brown little umber mixed with it touch put some land in there I'm gonna use a little brown and white throw a little highlight on just like a little bit of magic white and water like easy and we'll just use a clean point of the knife and cut a few little sticks and twigs here and there it just breaks it up gives a little depth okay let's go back over here and finish up this other side go back into my yellows and Red's Indian yellow just back and forth and this is just a fun little painting I think you probably enjoyed give you a lot of practice with all the equipment you can should stir your imagination maybe maybe maybe it's a little path those right here just back and forth with some Brown let it go wherever you want it to go a little bit of highlight there and it touching the canvas okay then we can go ahead and put the bushes on the other side put your path in first and then let the bushes hang over just like that and into 'take the knife cut in a few little sticks and twigs and I think we've got got a finished painting we'll call that one done it's on behalf entire crew here we'd like to wish you happy painting god bless and we'll see you again
Channel: gujratii71
Views: 646,236
Rating: 4.8469181 out of 5
Id: oj6RiTz5Wz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2016
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