s4/e8 - wolf watch

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I'm your host Jill Wagner DJ coal plant is here to as always tonight it's fight night on the show with two of Teen Wolf stop warriors please welcome Derek Tyler hoechlin and our celebrity guest the star of the new movie step up all in Brianna evigan is here with us all right so let's attack this episode Derek and Braden are hooking up how dare you I'm pretty sure you're to blame for this whole situation I think so Derek's relationships they always seem to end up in a bad place what how do you feel about this relationship I feel like so far this is the most promising one I think that Derek feels like he can trust Braden which is a big thing for him because we know that he usually doesn't trust anyone so the fact that he's kind of letting her into his life in his circle and you know she's really trying to help him out in a time of need for sure for him I think he's I think he's optimistic okay well in other Braden and Derek news brain is teaching Derek how to use gun yeah when you're a werewolf you don't use guns you don't need weapons because you are the weapon essentially so what's happening well I feel like you know Braden she he's now has to learn a whole new way of protecting himself so I mean if he's hunting he's just hunting Kate but he the whole point of the whole gun thing I think is just so that he knows what to do like when he's out there in the battles like I mean if you can't rely on his claws and you know jumping and roaring now it's you know pull out the pistol so I miss the roaring yeah yeah the roaring was good times okay um Briana so in this episode Scott's mom is pretty convincing that Scott has died yeah did you believe it can't believe the truth and Melissa was really like she really committed to yeah I was like oh my god is he dead or not like I was confused she's awesome yeah so Tyler so Lydia's grandmother left her a message written in the same language as the Dead Pool does this mean that we're going to see a little bit more of Lydia's past like the grandmother and her family yeah well if like it's a more insight into her past and her family's past and that's that's pretty much all I can say cuz then otherwise you know they don't let me work anymore yeah I love that because I think it's important as an actor just for all of us to come up with our own backstory in our head you know yeah um well I think for me it's interesting because starting the show obviously I came up with my own idea if you know what he had gone through him where he was from was family was like and all that but on a serious it's always different because with a film you see the beginning of the film you see the end of the film you come up with your backstory that helps you throughout 28 at point B when TV is very different because you have your own idea and then you come season 2 or season 3 will read a script and I go oh it's changed sense for me now we're saying it's this so it kind of changes but I think as long as it still is true to the character and kind of just let you know the script and you know what the writers give you kind of just add to that so and what about you Briana I mean absolutely there's always always got to be a backstory I you know that's one of the coolest things about acting you get to create an entire world there's no consequences yeah very cool all right well bran is important in Teen Wolf but we also use our brains to calculate Wolf's stats you know about our wolf's stats oh yeah the body count was low with no deaths well at least outside of Scotts dreams - shirtless guys with Derek in bed with Brayden oh yeah and Scott is shirtless in onward yeah we had two transformations Liam on the roof and Scott in his dream and three hookups Scott and Kira in the flashback Scott in Kira again when he is revived and the big one Derek and Braden oh yeah Let Go you two for a bonus that the number of real date Scott and Kira has been on is still at zero all right now here's where we stand with the numbers for the season overall we have to take our first break but when we get back we'll swoon over our wolf crush of the week and we'll hear how some of your favorite stars would try to survive life in beacon hills hmm Cole yes please if I had a wolf pack I would name it the dream team because we are the best of all packed around and um we're gonna be the badass pack I mean that's just how it is we're gonna claw and we're gonna have our shotguns and our motorcycles Wolf's on the run Walt's on the run look at some really crazy 80s movie I formed a wolf pack we call death it's because we would kill people that's where the death comes in I know people are scared of us it's our own are joined by our hostage a cult want a night card is filled with Tyler hoechlin and Megan Tandy plus our special guest Brianna evigan we're gonna take Teen Wolf time out so we can talk to Briana about her new movie it's called step up all in we love the step up movies so you gotta tell me how is this film bigger and better than the last ones um well this one I'd say we've taken dance to the extreme we are dancing with fire people are ziplining in there's sand and ziplining ziplining hates applauding it's risk scary it's so scary yeah it's their sand dancing there's people coming out of the ground from sand so they had these crazy masks so you were also in a few horror films yes one was Sorority Row and the other was Mother's Day right and you were scream queen you scream Lee really loud I can't scream how do you think your screen compares to Lydia in beacon hills I can't even compare it it's like she just kills it she would you gave it to her so easy so look let's talk more about tonight's episode so Tyler in the beginning of the episode we see that Stiles is dreaming that he's in bed with Malia what are what are people calling them oh yes Julia's thousand wiliest oh yes Thalia Serena's are used to Leigh a fan yeah it's impressive the Stiles has gotten any Meghan Malia turns returns the last section of the Dead Pool back to Stiles is bored do you think this means that she's starting to forgive him maybe a little bit I do I do I feel like their whole situation was kind of the reason for them breaking out was just kind of silly in the first place but I feel she's getting over it and at the end of the day she's got a help with this whole thing so she's putting her emotions to the side and helping out with the situation right okay uh Cole Peter tells Malia that her mother is the desert wolf any idea who this woman is this is the first time I have no clue whatsoever honestly I mean I assume she's badass because that's a really cool codename the desert wolf um I feel like I feel like she has to be associated with the Calaveras as well yeah I think that it if not in this season maybe next season should I play a big part and maybe Malia hunting trying to find her and maybe someone else in the cast as well all right well it's that time in the show where we named our wolf crush of the week finally we're showing our love to Stiles smart and funny and cute but who knew he was such a computer whiz being able to tap into the hospital security cams like that pretty amazing computer geeks are so hot these days so for that reason and many other styles is our wolf crush of the week okay so changing gears our wolf watch correspondent Tyler Posey asked his cast mates and some celebrity friends how they would survive life in beacon hills what's up I'm Tyler Posey if you visit our fair city you risk running into assassins cannibals even tomahawk wielding mutes so I've asked some of my Teen Wolf homies how they would survive on the mean streets of beacon hills check it out have I moved to beacon hills I'd father being Wolfsbane Samoan - you know the usual Beacon Hill is survival kid I think I just need a cape I mean that just looks badass enough box doors and or a plane ticket away the werewolf who can fly like a wolf with wings I would have a supercool fortress kind of like Derek's loft believe as soon as possible I would I would be on Trulia and looking at places to rent outside of Beacon Hill say always thinking fast on your feet and always have a weapon take another break but coming up we'll test Tyler Megan and Brianna on how well they can remember Beacon Hills dearly departed and we have a preview of next week's episode presented by AT&T call music please in the middle of a knockout show with DJ cold plant a Tyler hoechlin Megan Tandy and Brianna Hannigan now Derek and Braden have survived more than their share of fights but there are many others who haven't lived to fight another day and we want to see how well our guests remember them now Tyler Megan and Brianna you each have faces of five deceased characters and you'll have until the mountain-ash timer runs out to place them on the board in the correct season that they died and whoever gets the most right will be our winner are you ready to play time of death okay on your marks get set go there's not as much of a rush now you people are walking I know you look what are you doing you can block him this way Tyler I feel like you're way too calm and you're smiling so you must know that you're right I know I'm right keep going keep going keep going know what I just did okay let me see here oh my god okay you guys are not gonna believe this never happened before it's a three-way tie you all got one wrong this one this one mr. garrison died in season one no that wasn't there mr. Harris died in season three three and the dirac also died in season three so there you all go but you all still win so which I'm very excited about that yeah you get your Jersey you get your Beacon Hill's season two of wolf watch Jersey so there you go Rianna that's great on you and then you get your glasses these cool glasses they've been they fold they're great you can take them anywhere there you go I feel like it's an infomercial every time I do this and the wolf watch mug and it says winner you get a number one biggest congratulations it's all you good job and moving from time of death to a time of joy it's time for a bonus scene from next week's episode yeah check it out careful with that fighting wit goes just have something to do with your eyes my eyes my strength the healing all of it gone whatever Kate did to me it's still happening if the Deadpool really was made by a banshee then there's something else that you should know about your name broke the third list it was a cipher key and the other two keys were Allison and Aiden and I don't want to make you nervous but kind of physic there might be a pattern there doesn't it Allison Hayden you names picked by a banshee it could mean that you're in danger Scott banshees don't predict danger they predict that I just want to thank you so much for coming on the show everybody makes our last break we'll hit up our alpha of the week and hit you up with a sneak peek of next week's episode Kol turn it up welcome back to wolf watch Cole and I have been hanging out with Tyler hoechlin and Megan Pandi and we're making room for a third guest our alpha of the week and this week were focused on a super talented writer and artist and she's created a children's book based on Derek and actually gave it to Tyler hoechlin at a fan event let's take a look at her work very nice all right so let's welcome to the video chat Tiffany thank you for coming on the show I just wanted to know why isn't why you actually love Teen Wolf so much I really like the cast so I like you guys obviously the show is really fun okay so you've actually written two books inspired by Teen Wolf can you tell me what's what each one is about yeah um so nice day for Derek was the first one and it's exactly like the title suggests it's basically Derek just having like a really optimistic day that normal stuff that we do but for him it's like copy so he like wins wins free profit he like his sister doesn't laundry and like all these different things and then the second one is a Solinsky story which is about Stiles and his dad and basically it's about how the stilinski's celebrate like different holidays oh very nice I love but Derek being happy I don't know that we ever see that Teen Wolf here but just so just so you know Tyler hoechlin is very happy all the time pretty much well you know our guests today so I'm gonna let you ask a question if you like yeah um so since you are all so different from your characters what do you do to kind of get into that headspace in that role I'd say like it's it's changed a lot i think season 1 derek is obviously very different than than me right it's firstly yes I would I'm being truthful yes and so it required a little bit more time I'd like actually walking away from the rest of the cast like before certain scenes just to kind of you know hate everyone because that's what Derek did in the first season yeah and now he's actually kind of become like part of the group and Megan what about you believe it or not the scars actually really really helped me to tap into Brayden I feel like when they're when they're throwing it on there and I'm looking over my sides like I'm trying to create in my mind like what happened previously and I feel like just physically having that there it's like it's just instant badassness because it's like who the heck is gonna be having that around their face and not trying to let go get it corrected but I'm actually like leaving it on there that's the beauty pageant but I just feel like you know having the scars there like it represents something and I mean it's my it's my battle one so it just gets me into gear cool very nice well thank you so much for joining us and keep doing those books because we love them and they're really cool I'm doing one for each character so guys yes you're so awesome thank you so much for being on the show all right Congrats again to Tiffani our alpha of the week and before we put our finishing moves on the show it's time for an exclusive sneak peek at next week's episode of Teen Wolf enjoy next on Teen Wolf how many professional assassins are we talking about my certain to lose count my grandmother created the code for the Deadpool video I drew another name how did you write my kind of physic there might be a pattern there doesn't it then you're in danger and she's done predict danger we gotta burn you they predict that clearly you don't want to miss that and I want to thank our fight night guests Tyler hoechlin Megan Tandy and of course I always want to thank you my DJ Cole quante and you can be watching Megan on the after after show on mtv.com and the MTV app right now and next week wolf watch goes behind the scenes of Teen Wolf with Tyler Posey Jeff Davis Plus actress and Teen Wolf fan Joey King and until then I'm Jill Wagner reminding you to watch your back because you never know what creatures are lurking out there in the dark bye everybody
Channel: Ginger
Views: 21,910
Rating: 4.9824562 out of 5
Keywords: Teen Wolf (TV Program), Tyler Hoechlin (Film Actor)
Id: 9Kb3tx8PBjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 12 2014
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