Dylan O'brien & Tyler Hoechlin | Full panel, Alpha Con 2014, Vienna

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now because you don't want to see me you want to see these two so please welcome to the stage and dylan o'brien [Applause] a delayed reaction [Applause] [Applause] yeah we got a long line so why don't we start oh yeah knocking away at him it's like a whirlwind up here i just wanted to say that you're both really inspirational and amazing people and we think we all think that you're great actors really talented and that's why um while you're waiting for the real thing i decided to bring you those little dudes thank you we're accepting our [Applause] awards thank you so much [Music] uh wow how do we both get best ever it doesn't this is so cool i'm geeking out i'm just going to start with it online yeah yeah go ahead i want to say thank you for being such good sports and making all the funny photos that was really great having all that really good time in there okay great and i was wondering if you know what the hell is going on with deputy carrich [Applause] what yeah uh you definitely find more about that uh you you start um right right that happens in season four yeah yeah no i mean there's definitely something going on out of the ordinary uh with parish so not at all not at all no they're definitely oh no no there's some there's some weird stuff happening there um but like basically like almost every other answer that we have to give working on the show i can't say anything okay thank you but you'll enjoy it but you're on to something maybe go with that see what it takes hey guys hi my question is if it was an alternate universe and beacon hills was completely normal what would your characters be like and when they met what first reaction would be like good question never got that one i feel like we would have gotten on a little better i don't think we ever would have talked at all yeah yeah there wouldn't have really been ever a reason for us to uh we would have like ran in and ran into each other at the gas station or something maybe yeah hey well because i would cuz i'm supposed to be hang on does anybody know how much older derrick is than styles [Music] i feel like you started out at 19 but now i've gained a couple years on youtube i think when we started the show i was supposed to be like two grades ahead of of styles and scott and all of a sudden i'm like 35 or something i don't know um i don't yeah i don't know if you would have hung out i guess if we were like in the same high school yeah i don't know well there there's so many things that wouldn't have happened derek's family wouldn't have been burned to death that would have been a good start that would be cool just like a nice cherry on top um but i guess so maybe derek because you guys saw the flashback episode like derek was like a pretty like nice guy actually at one point in his life like a high school joke yeah yeah he's a basketball guy so i guess you know he would have played some basketball which thank god he didn't play anymore when i did it because i stuck in the basketball uh i'm going to pick those uh would i have i probably won't i probably would have picked on styles a little bit yeah bullied him yeah yeah but then like and that's not cool but he would have done it he wouldn't thank you hello um so this question is a bit complicated so hang on there but uh you know how gps have like these funky mechanic voices so i was just wondering what do you think derek and styles gps would sound like [Music] take a right no right i feel like i should i feel like i should do yours and you should do mine okay okay wait no wait wait wait what what right right we're going to go right go right we should make that happen it'd be cool to have our characters voices as gps in the toyota's right yeah why not yeah here hello um i have two questions one is for tyler and we use dialer derek has been stopped lots and lots a lot of times he's been hurt he has a lot of blood would you change something about him everything um would i change would i change something about how often he gets beat up or just like about derek in general but then there would be all those tumblr photos thanks colton i yeah sorry but of course he did i think uh it's hard i i i think i'm kind of happy with i can't really say i would change it just because i think i'm happy with the the progress that derek has made on the show i think you know where he started in season one and kind of where he is now i think is a really i think he's actually made a lot of like giant steps and like learning to trust even this guy um and feeling like that you know scott and stiles and that whole group has really kind of become uh his new family i think that's a huge thing for him so i'm actually kind of really happy with like the progress that he's made and the changes that he's gone through just on the show already okay thank you and for dylan i wanted to say to ask if you're excited about coming to the tiffany this summer unfortunately i won't be there it's like first year oh no uh yeah i'm really excited uh i love italy and i'm gonna be going to a part that i haven't been to uh because i've only been to sicily before but yeah i'm very excited i'm really honored that they like you know had me you know selected me to come and just and to be there i guess that's really all it is i guess that i'm doing there so it's gonna be great i'm just gonna have a day with you know some fans at the festival and just speak to them sort of uh and then uh try to you know have some really nice downtime in italy would be nice yeah okay just an advice it's even hotter than here so that's okay i won't be in a greenhouse then well it's really hot okay okay thank you thank you thank you chicago it's a question for both of you what's something that both of your characters regret ever hooking up with aunt kate that's a good one yeah yeah that kind of started this whole thing i guess yeah yeah probably before i would start i feel like stiles instantly regrets smart alec comments that he makes to terry like immediately like he'll just say it to him that he's like oh not god which is a good dynamic thank you yeah hi um i was wondering actually derek and [Music] we're just joking about that we were saying like how it'd be cool if there was a scene like that in the animal clinic where like deaton gave us you know showed us this stuff we're like what does this do and then like we touched it and all of a sudden like we like body swap for a second you have to be hilarious um for us oh my god it'd be so funny all of a sudden i think i think derek would be like oh god no because like i think he knows that that styles would then like beat the crap out of him like for the whole day i think he knows i think derek would be very scared i think he would be avoiding his actual self the entire day thank you you learned something from stylus character and dylan if you learned something from derek's no [Laughter] nothing at all it's not gonna give me any satisfaction um i think i think i think i think derek's learned from styles uh to look outside the box a little bit i think derek can be a little uh a little narrow-minded sometimes i think he looks at things like there's one way to fix this in one way only to fix it uh and i think sometimes you know styles of ability to come up with an unconventional method of you know solving the problem uh i think it's rubbing up on derek a little bit he's a little more willing to to try things that seem a little unconventional um and just be like alright well i guess we might as well so i think i think maybe derek's got that from style and if i can ask you personally like if you should choose something from stylus character what to like leave a mark on you uh is comic timing i say common um i think styles from derek gets um i feel like he's he's the he's the whole reason that styles now just understands how serious this whole world is you know like it was almost he was almost like excited when he found out that scott was evolved um and like derek kind of like you know has made him realize that uh you know i guess not to take it more seriously he takes it seriously but to just be be careful like you know just sort of uh make styles realize that this world that they're about to enter is is a dangerous place especially for a human and i feel like that's mostly why you're disgruntled with me you're just you're just protecting me you're just scared of my life it's got grumpy ways of going about it but i see right through it cuddly beard thank you guys yeah thank you hey hi what is your favorite scene together a lot of fun words so many fun ones um i know we don't have any more seats together um all this stuff in the car is always really fun that was a moment that we added i loved i loved the manuel from the first season miguel miguel sorry i was i knew i didn't get that right either i didn't have the confidence in the delivery man oh yeah yeah they're my cousin miguel the magellan the mcgelsin the um the one getting out of the hospital the one trying to break into the sheriff's station yeah yeah yeah that was great i was gonna punch in the faces yeah i don't know when we're paralyzed on the floor the day in the pool get him home all the pool holy crap we spent like 12 hours in that pool and like dylan so yeah it was a long day and quick funny story so uh for the second season i put on a bunch of weight because of the character becoming the alpha and all this stuff so dylan had to i'm paralyzed in the water and dylan had to hold me and swim through the deep end with one arm it was it was like one of the scariest things i'm not even like you know i can swim but i'm not like a man with the water you know like i'm not i'm not like one with the ocean uh i you know i can swim i'm not an amazing swimmer and i had to grab this guy with one arm and we were doing a shot that like let off the day and our director was saying you know okay dylan just you know so swim with him from point a to p and i was like i can't like literally and i'm also fully closed i'm like in my lacrosse uniform and cleats and i'm grabbing him and like we're you know he's like hey i'm going to try to help you out a little bit but i got to be you know paralyzed i'm like yeah i get it and so i had to do it twice and that's the first one too when they said to do it again i was like i can't i felt like my right pectoral muscle was like gonna split open and like i was gonna have a hernia so i was just like like couldn't move after the first the person i just thought like dude just just go and if my head goes under water just keep going and i'll try to find a way to breathe and if i have to i'll just come up for air i don't know i was just like just just go oh god we've had a lot of fun fun scenes thank you yeah thank you just like live together is cozy yes so one of the things the small things that you missed from that experience and one assure you oh man i don't know if i don't miss anything it was so fun uh just the constant company of one of these guys or both of them playstation xbox xbox xbox yeah a lot of a lot of dancing christmas trees with christmas trees that's an inside thing don't worry about it i got a little close to a christmas tree because i thought it was funny and it was it was hilarious i think uh i think i kind of just missed um even though i have to say that i i love the fact that we're shooting back in l.a now because that's home it's my hometown my family's or my friends are there um i do kind of miss that idea of us being away like on location kind of like as a team like on the road for a few months to like get a job done and then come home um and you know obviously season one and two uh the three of us work together a lot more than we have in these you know most recent seasons so i kind of i kind of miss that whole you know like hey what time do you go to work tomorrow next uh eight o'clock we're like okay cool me too let's go ahead together and we would all just like road trip it together and then if one or two of us got done before the other one we would just like hang out and mess around at base camp in the trailers until the other one was done and then we'd all drive home together and it's kind of like that cool like you know just being part of a team it would go to the like for me relating back to like my baseball day like going to the field playing the game and then coming home and talking about the day and like how it was like what was cool and like what sucks and things like that like that's probably the thing with this most that's true it's a really good point that's like you know it was our first season it was still so new like we were all out there for the first time like oh it was so cool like it was literally just the beginning of everything and uh you know obviously like we're all still so close and we never won't be but it's also never going to be like that again like we're never going to be like living together again you know having that experience going to work every day like what you said like what's your call down i miss all that so much it was so fun and i miss scaring them in the morning oh my god yeah because i thought that was to try to just constantly scare uh anyone like any any of the three would try to scare any of the other one and uh we tried to get it on tape and then we were gonna like compile a whole video uh but we still haven't done that with little man we could still do that actually yeah because um maybe we'll do that one of these things maybe we'll post it somewhere yeah that's the other thing i also have the second question that how would you think about the fact that actually you didn't have the actual like derek castell scene because it was not going to get the second was the dream so uh are there going to be joints since the war season i hope so uh yeah we we missed that a lot i think we were both pretty bummed at the end of season three we realized like oh wow we worked together like one time that was that was it um so yeah i mean we're still we're still getting a few more scripts for the episodes that we're still shooting and hopefully the uncles will have a few more in there because because those are fun scenes i think everybody enjoyed those scenes we did we had fun shooting them so we'll see yeah thank you yeah thank you hey uh i have two questions and first is to tyler so uh derek has a very difficult relationship hopefully with everyone but suddenly [Music] at this season this three seasons he suddenly uh seems more relaxed with chris despite the fact that chris's family kills all his family and their relationships countering werewolf uh completely busted but at the same time uh derek seems very calm down like uh i don't know he goes better for chris's authority so is it so uh how does derek impersonate christ in his life um that's a good question uh that's actually something that is from the beginning actually me and jrd always kind of talked about this i never really saw i never really saw uh derek and arjun as actual like enemies um obviously they kind of fall on you know different sides of the fence as far as like what side they're on but um i always really i always really really read into a strong kind of a mutual respect between the two of them i think obviously um i think argent has always known about the hale family i think the hill family goes way back the i think derek you know through his parents and i'm sure that's like a thing that they told him as he was growing up you know the history of the argents and the relationship between families um i i think derek's always had like a respect for for argent because he does do everything by the code i think it's one of those things where it's like hey if you don't you don't mess up if you don't cross the line then we're not going to have any issues um so i think you know at this point uh arjun has obviously seen a whole new side of these people and he's become much more a part of their lives and i i think now it's it's that mutual respect has turned into almost like um they're basically allies now and realize that they are on the same side of the moral fence of what is right and what is wrong uh originally there was a full tilt um sex scene written for that um and i said no because i am somebody who does not believe in something like that [Applause] i like thought you guys would boo me for that yeah i know i had like i discussed with jeff because it was it was literally written as like a you know then we started kissing and then literally it it had paragraphs that just like enclosed tear off and it was literally gonna be like a sex montage and i just thought like in the midst of that episode like everything that was going on like it was just so derailing yeah it's so derailing so like i just said to him like you know like yes okay if you want us to connect and want us to have that that's fine but like you know no sex for the sake of sex like that just doesn't fly with me and uh so we we decided to have it with a nice tender moment with them like you know with her being like wanted wanting to try something else you know and then like you see it's all uh told with looks you know and then we uh embrace and we lay down and we have the hand hold you know like and that was supposed to yes sort of uh allude to the fact that we were going to sleep together thank you yes i just want to say that the new promo went up like yesterday and it's amazing you guys are amazing there cool i haven't even seen it that's awesome i can't wait hi hi so i have two questions for both of you okay the first one is if you can be anyone any of the characters except that when you're playing who would it be and why might be there if i don't know if i could pull it off physically you know i couldn't just did you hear that by the way i just hurt myself see actually i can't be there um yeah this sounds it does sound like a cliche every time but i i always i do always say styles nice yeah it's just it's the most i think it's the most fun character on the show and it's he gets so much great stuff to play with and uh and he does such a good job of it i think it makes it even easier decision but yeah i would say styles also the oni those guys are badass definitely not the kinema that suit sucks no no no no there's a reason there are no more cannabis in beacon hills i'm like just realizing this this season too because i i i like you know i i have had scenes with jr but you know i don't he's not one i most work with uh he is one of the giggliest people and i don't know if i bring it like but it's so funny there's there's so many times where it's happened we're like i'm dead serious and he just starts laughing he's like no stop stop stop stop wait wait wait wait dylan stop but i'm literally just like i'm doing the scene it's so funny he's shockingly enough because he's so good at drama you know and he's like arjun is such a stern you know commanding like serious presence and he and he can snap right into that but it's so funny how how quickly he can giggle out of it too uh i would say i i had to get really good at it because of who derek is i had to keep a straight face especially being with this guy all the time the only time that i have ever broke on set um was when we were in a scene together when i when we're both paralyzed in the uh sheriffs we're sitting there and like we're paralyzed so i can't even see him we're both just looking straight up to the ceiling but the guy says the end like the very end line which is like uh no i need help with this and he like shows like this thing on his other scales on his arm or whatever and i'm just sitting there and like it's kind of what was like done like commercial breaks but he goes i need help with this and then i just hear this guy right next to me like in my ear go [Music] and i lost it because i just i i saw his face like i knew exactly what it looked like when i heard him do that and i just couldn't i couldn't i lost it i totally loved that was the one time i broke upset and i remember going back and looking at the footage later and there's like that picture of the like online somewhere um where i'm laughing and it's his face is exactly exactly what i thought it was like i was like yup that's exactly what i saw yeah thank you thank you hi hi my first question is for dylan um you know fans love to make up um alternate universes and one of them is basically steward from the internship being stars twin what do you think about that what do you think what do you think the teen wolf universe would be like for stuart i think he'd be so cynical about it all uh he would be the biggest dick in beacon hill oh god that's not a sentence i should have said no there are always ones you know i can't be perfect um yeah i would love to see stewart in the world of werewolves you know it would be good for him to get his ass kicked a little bit you know and uh stopping stop being so uh dismissive of everything and everyone all right thanks yeah tyler can you describe derek's idea of a perfect date night don't get cute nice candlelit walk on them nobody in the loft nobody that turns into people with like scarred faces would be first step one um maybe having like an actual house that hasn't been broken into like a million times or burned down to like have for a drink before they go to dinner would be another place to start um let's see how about getting to know each other before you sleep with each other [Applause] do you like kill people like as human sacrifices oh you do we probably shouldn't do this oh that's all it takes that would have been a good place to start i i think honestly just being able to actually go to like like go to dinner and like have a nice dinner and have a drink and and hang out and talk and have a conversation without having to fight somebody in the restaurant or having scott or stiles be like dude come help us fight somebody somewhere else like if you could just go at night without that i think i think that would be a great date night for derek i think he could just hang out and just turn off his phone one time and just sit and actually they go to bed and be like oh my god i did not get my ass kicked today that's so cool i think that's probably a good one thank you [Music] hi i was wondering if there was any scene youtube together that we didn't need to see that you wish we would have seen oh like a deleted one or something like one that didn't make the cut yeah not sure i i'm i'm like 99 sure that none of our stuff ever didn't cause it's always so damn good you know we got we we can't cut this it's too good we'll just we'll just take out the the last scene of the the season and put that derrick and style scene instead yeah yeah we'll just leave a massive cliffhanger a bunch of loose ends uh yeah i think everything i think you guys have seen everything so sorry there's not more um i'm just wondering for you to maybe improvise one that you want to see oh you know actually there uh there is a scene there there is a scene that that i always wanted uh with derek and styles that we never did uh it's it's way too long and way too complicated to like improvise up here um but i could tell you do you want me to yeah what is it why not we talked about this one um i always i always saw a scene at one point there was a there was a time in the in the in the show where you know stalinski and he pretty much still always is but it was very very much in danger and he was always like really worried about him um and i always kind of envisioned this scene once uh i think stillness gets taken by the rock in uh in season three i was imagining either in a future season or even in that season uh that you know styles would really really freak out because it's his death and that's you know i think that's the time you see styles really close it's great is when his dad's in trouble so um i really really wanted a scene where it was you know derek and stiles and the jeep going out and trying to find stelinsky and you know derek's always the one that's always dealt with his anger and you know that's been a huge part of him and so i think he really understands that and i thought it'd be really great to have a scene where you know stiles is so upset and so angry about what's going on that he just needs to get that anger out and that you know derek would basically let him you know beat the crap out of him and just hit him over and over and over again and kind of be like that punching bag because you know derek's a werewolf and he can heal and he can take it so i thought it'd be like a really great scene where you know he's like hey it's okay it's okay it's okay and he's kind of losing it and eventually just like starts hitting derek and he just lets he just kind of lets him he lets him like he understands that anger and i think for him to kind of let him get that anger out and and really be that punching bag for him i thought that would have been kind of like a cool scene it'd be a really sweet moment between the characters you know i'm serious like in a really cool way like that you know you know your picture face is all bloodied and like he just straight faces it the whole time it takes it and then like eventually styles is just like exhausted with emotion and and then like eventually like you know you just you like slightly shorter it's like that's like yeah it could have been cool we're gonna improv that real quick that's not i got one bloody nose already thank you oh yeah yeah i've bloody tyler's nose one time let's say bad guys yeah it's but even the bad guys they're our friends you know it's like ian's like is he bad though do you watch the show once you once you are bad you you don't go back yeah he's evil okay don't trust him yeah no i don't know how i'd want it to end um how do you think it would end then um yeah everybody dies it seems like where it's going like that yeah um i feel like it'd be really funny if we just had all these crazy years of like you know everyone almost dying and uh and then we just had this one last season where we're all just like wow it's really dive down vegan and we're just like eating pizza like being normal kids have you guys spot anybody lately no not in weeks new creatures yeah no they've all seemed to have fled and then like we go to college and live normal lives and derek stays at home alone no that'd be the worst you got to get married derek needs a nice girlfriend to come along and not be a murderer or at least at least like a good we're all murderers at this point basically yeah i guess you're right yeah so maybe just like a good guy murderer yeah thanks yeah hi guys hi i just wanted to ask since you're very famous actors and a lot of people know you how do you want to want to be remembered what do you want me to remember you for wow really good question ah i don't i want to i don't know i want to you know give good advice and be a good person you know if you if you're in the public eye at all on any level you you know i feel like you have a certain response you have obviously you have a private you have you have a privacy that you you know deserve and you can make mistakes and like i actually i don't like when people like you know hound celebrities for like making regular human mistakes because and then having they have to apologize because it's literally just like you know all right come on like you know give them a little but i do think that we do have also like some sort of responsibility to be good people in the public eye you know and um you know work for good causes and and just support good things and just always be you know giving good advice and um and just leading by example i guess i don't know because like you know i realized that the only reason i'm doing this today and the only reason that i think um i'm able to do it at all is because i grew up loving it so much like i grew up like you guys just like loving loving these shows and like loving these characters like they were you know like in my life and they were like my heroes um so i look at it like that ways you know sometimes being on the other side of it now i guess or starting to be and i just feel like it's important to just lead by example by a good example you know and i don't know it's kind of cool you know when uh all of us are working together usually it's really uh get really hectic and crazy and people are kind of moving back and forth and you just like say hey hey as the person walks by and then you see that same person 10 minutes later you go hey hey like that's all you say like i just keep saying hi i've gotten more like that like yeah huge now you know like i i can't even go to them anymore because i just feel so overwhelmed um it used to be like the first season when it was airing it was so such an intimate even jeff's house was smaller and the crowd was smaller it was just the intimate kind of uh uh group of like the cast and like some of the creators and um you know we would all just get together and watch the show uh it's more of like a big screening a big premiere now uh um it's always just you know it's it's literally just always just getting together to appreciate what we've all accomplished together you know because it takes we spend so much time doing it and you know just to get together you know with the people you you do the work with and to see the fruits of your labor it's it's always a cool way to see it so yeah that's really that's what goes on thank you very much hi hi and how was it when you first mentioned each other awesome right away right yeah yeah right right yeah yeah totally yeah i can see you uh yeah no it was uh dylan and i kind of clicked because we both loved baseball and um my old roommate from college that i played baseball with we were sitting there talking and he said i'm a huge mets fan and uh baseball team stays and uh and i said oh cool my uh my best friend is uh playing in their minor league system and he's like oh really yeah what's his name i said ike davis and he goes like shoot up are you serious oh my god dude and he's like he he knew him like this guy knows every single person that plays for that entire organization and he's freaked out he's going to save the meds man he's going to save the mess i swear to god he's going to be like the savior of new york oh my god it's so cool uh so we just we talked baseball like the entire time yeah immediately and um what was kind of cool was at you know we had like a long test for the day it was a long network test and uh and there were there were two people there for every part um and we had sort of kind of gravitated towards each other like me and posey and heclin and crystal sort of like we were we were kind of just had gotten along the most um and so much so that like after it was finally over it was a really long day and after it was over me and uh and posey and heckman we we like all got together outside and exchanged numbers just to hang out even if like it didn't work out and our and the director um who was like coming outside for a cigarette after the day now had come outside and like stopped himself and like took like a picture of us on his phone exchanging numbers and i like in my head was like oh my god we all got the part because i was like i was like why else would he be taking that picture like you know why else would he think it was so funny that we were all getting along and then he told me like uh years later like a couple years later because i brought it up to him and he's still like our main you know in-house director uh i brought that up to him and he was like and he was like oh yeah yeah yeah i was like that's nick constantine and it was it's kind of cool because i was like i was like oh my god it's the only way to snap their picture thank you thank you all right guys unfortunately that is the last question oh no no yeah oh my god what did you do you wanna do one more one more yeah one more question and make it a good one real quick we want our impression now i am not impressed so sorry [Music] what do you do [Applause] i would take styles as advice and i would start counting my fingers oh damn there's gotta be six there's a sixth one somewhere hang on i know it's there wake up as a girl next to a strange man what do you say i know i wouldn't know what the hell to do that is so far-fetched that i i'd be like what what did i do last night and then i just like want cereal i'd then like make him do everything for me he's like okay well i'm the girl so scrub me down that's a good way to end it we almost made it through it we all make mistakes sometimes i make mistakes up here with the things that they say thank you guys so much all right so we
Channel: LadyMagiccc
Views: 467,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dylan O'brien, tyler hoechlin, panel, alpha convention, alpha con, full panel, ladymagiccc, 2014, fun
Id: u3BXD3rS9ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 14 2014
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