PaleyFest LA: Teen Wolf

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whoa so good uh welcome everyone my name is Jarret why Suleman I'm the senior editor for BuzzFeed and welcome to everyone joining us on the Yahoo stream for tonight's Teen Wolf PaleyFest panel in June 2009 MTV announced would be turning the 1985 movie Teen Wolf into a weekly series people were rightly skeptical I mean it was a comedy with terrible effects about an overly hairy high schooler who plays basketball every week but then executive producer Jeff Davis turned the concept on its head and produce an addictive show that was darker scarier and funnier than anything we could have expected over the subsequent four seasons MTV's Teen Wolf has broken countless ratings records for the network and cemented itself as a downright obsession with every moment episode and flexed muscle analyzed scrutinized and gift out for repeated enjoyment Thank You tumblr the show also embraced the LGBT community like few others not only as Beacon Hill's a beautifully inclusive community but the show consistently presents one of the most progressive perspectives on modern sexuality anywhere on television and let's not forget that Teen Wolf introduced the world to Tyler Posey Dylan O'Brien Colton Haynes crystal Reed Holland road had his guling mythology behind kitsune A's and deciphering ancient languages and wondering where Stiles had been all of our lives so to reflect on the last four seasons and tease what season five has in store for us let's welcome to the stage Holland Roden who plays Lydia Martin give it up for Shelley Hennig who plays Malia Tate next up Dylan O'Brien keep the screaming going for Tyler Posey next up we have Arden Cho who plays Kira Yukimura one of the newest additions to the Teen Wolf family Dylan Sprayberry who plays Liam gumbo of course none of us none of us would be here tonight without this man its executive producer Jeff Davis and lastly you know her you love her you miss her crystal Reed guys give it up for Teen Wolf oh yeah oh whoa oh yeah we're Mike wearing true minimum or don't whatever it's the internet it's fine we can swear I mean not I did not say that and for the record that MTV if you're listening um so before you know let's let's take this back to the very beginning Jeff like I said I mean in 2009 there was this idea to turn this movie from 1985 ort into a television show what is it that you wanted to accomplish because if you look at the movie it is nothing like this television show aside from the title I wanted to rip off the Lost Boys cool well actually to be more specific I wanted to create something that had a sense of humor a lot of teen shows or melodramatic it's a little too much soap opera for me and I told them TV a long time ago I can I'm not sure I can do soap opera but I can do I can do romance and I can do horror and comedy and thriller and it was a way to do a fun suspense show and it was also a way to get a show made at a time where making shows was very difficult yeah it's a different landscape now so it's actually nice to it's sort of incredible to see that this show has gone 60 something episodes we're gonna reach episode 80 with this season and it's thanks to these people like sitting Tyler when you read the script for the first time what do you remember about the pilot of Teen Wolf I I fell in love immediately with it one because I was auditioning for the lead of the show and I never I never played a lead I was like a yeah it was on MTV I'm a huge MTV fan jackass my entire life that was my child um and it just all kind of fell in line it came in a perfect time in my life I had been acting since I was like six years old and and I was always home schooled and like always busy doing things and I didn't have the most stereotypical child life and like I always wanted to experience like high school and junior high as a normal kid so like I went to high school and I kind of lost sight of acting just a little bit and I as soon as I found my passion again I was like okay High School's cool but I got it I got to do something with this you know this is my career my job as soon as I had that that idea I booked Teen Wolf like a year later and it's everything I've ever wanted and I read the script I was like this is something I have to be a part of and till this day I have never been so passionate about trying to get a job auditioning is hard as an actor I just think sucks I hate auditioning but I was never so passionate about wanting to get a role than than this and it's everything I've always wanted so thank you Jeff from the very beginning Alison was not your typical female character on a show that would be on MTV you'd think she was just there to service a love story and that was never really the function she served how important was that to you and to Jeff I think in the early days of building this character of her being so much more than a quote unquote love interest I think the reason why I loved Alison is because she's grounded in such a realism um and at the time that I read the pilot there wasn't much out there for young females um that felt like they were empowered and that's why I loved it because in the pilot she seems she seems to the naked eye slightly weak but that's not at all what she is and she finds that through season one two and three and um and I think that's why I loved her so much because she's there's so much more than meets the eye with her yeah absolutely Jeff what do you remember about the four auditions with you know the people who've been on the show since day one were they all sort of people that from the very beginning you were like oh good we don't do we can stop looking we're all set now well crystal is a great story because Crystal's the first one who came in to audition for the role of Alison and I love telling the stories because every other girl who came in I would say the same thing turned to Russell Mulcahy the director now exactly producer on the show not as good as crystal not as good as crystal not as good as crystal every single time and I I knew it was her from the beginning and when they did the scene together when we did our first chemistry read it was sort of extraordinary to see them do it and we still we still do a chemistry reads you try to pair people up and see if they'll they'll have chemistry and we use that seen the the animal clinic scene where she brings a dog in and no one's ever done it as good as them good Street thank you I'm on a leash I'm a dog so it's it's amazing to see I remember I actually one of my most vivid memories of shooting that pilot was seeing them do that scene together and looking in the monitor and looking up at Tyler this is good we might have something here this could could actually go season it was a difficult scene yeah that was moves freezing mm-hmm and the raindrops was a rain machine and the raindrops for some reason they put them a very large I was like pale okay yeah they were there's a scene when when she's outside and she's shaking as she's saying definitely yes and I said I said to our camera people as a kid turn the rain down she's dying out there we're turn the wind on there like you can't see the rain okay it's not bring yeah the magic of Hollywood is glamorous I'm curious so you know when you write characters I think you have a vision of them but then when you have the actors come in that vision can often change I'm thinking maybe with styles and with Lydia specifically those prior characters that may have had different arcs prior to the casting of these two actors I'm curious how much they change from your original idea of them when these two came on well that very much goes to the idea of the an actor creating the character you write the lines and you create the situations but that's that's the actors job to bring it to life they bring so much of themselves and I think all of these actors on this stage have created their characters we can give them witty and moments but the real feeling that's communicated on-screen that comes from them and it's why they are sought after why they keep being stolen away from me by movies and other TV shows it's very true yeah CW oh my god I don't know what you're referring to uh Dylan you know I think we've seen throughout the last four seasons your gift for physical comedy is kind of unrivaled on television right now and I'm curious it's a it's a fact just accepted uh but I'm curious you know how you originally view styles when you guys were making that pilot and how you feel like that's changed over the last four years um ah I remember I remember when I read the pilot um I was reading it for Scott that was what my audition was for but this guy kept cracking me up named Stiles I was just like who's this dude I love is he like older or something or younger like I didn't understand why I don't have an option you know for both of them and so I called my manager and and I I said I loved it I was really into the pilot and I thought it was really well written and a great script and a great arc that first episode you know and but I was like can I go in for Stiles I just think I'd be a lot better at that I love him you know um so that's that's how that started and I don't know the way I see him is just is just so boundless and so like um you know he doesn't care what a single person thinks and he doesn't filter through any anything and and that's that's actually like really the one thing because I feel like I share a lot with Stiles but I feel like that's one thing that I don't have you know I feel like I am a lot more pleasing to people and um you know and I love that he just like doesn't care man he's just gonna tell you exactly what he thinks he's gonna call you an idiot you know but at the same time he's very protective and loyal to his friends and I guess I don't know I think he's one who always needs to remain consistent as far as like his his essential to go as a character you know I feel like he he you know he's the glue I like to look at him as the glue that that holds the show together so does her you know or everyone in the show you know he wants even now in season five her that we're starting to know he wants everyone to stay together you know and so I you know I mean he's he's experienced a lot over the years and he's gone through some crazy stuff um I feel like to his core he'll always be saying you know yeah for sure uh Holland you know when we were talking about characters evolving I don't know if there's a character on the show who is more different now than she was than they were in the pilot then maybe Lydia I mean it's a it's almost as if we've gone on such a more significant journey than just a couple of years with her you often liken it to the hatch unlost I would love if you could discuss the lost hatch theory when it comes to Lydia this is so many years ago that's it um well first off I actually did have an option my agent call me and said well so can your boys that good huh I'm thinking about like the case over there was you know Patrick Harris and the magics are keepin the Oscars excited for thinking on the stage um like this case well III oh you don't know yes um and I chose the wrong character because he was my agent I remember was like pouring down rain I was driving he said you can play this I think it was off the runways of Milan like Milan runways and I II like a model and and then there was Alison this like mystery new girl in town I was like obviously Alison I mean why would you ever seen me in phylidia and then like a month and a half later I was in for Lydia and after I win the brows and didn't call back and like we like you but you know and I was sitting in a waiting room with a bunch of essentially models and I was like this is a joke and and then I booked it and yeah I so I think it's from the very moment it evolved um you know from this little rubble with numbers on it um and and yeah I was really happy to get the role because I was employed and at that point and uh and from there it's it's just snowballed and I love that as like Lydia's walls have essentially come down and become more familiar with all the rest of the characters in the cast um she's able to relax and it's not so pushed and so pronounced and overact almost where she's constantly hiding something all like a good Tracy Flick s comparison uh but as far as the hatch it's like cuz it's layers you keep on layering you know what I mean metaphorically well you had known for a long time where her sort of eventual place she was going would be the Banshee of it all no I didn't know I had no idea so when did you find out the word Banshee I don't think yes look at me why no he can't even I I knew I think as I was like screaming like why am i screaming okay I'm AB and E like is it basically what happened essentially I mean I remember Jeff approached me and said you know how strong your vocal chords or something like that and why um he's like because you don't have them at the end of the show uh so yeah that's I mean we warned you you went we warned you yeah I mean it was fairly short it was not we didn't have a lot of notice I remember you know approach me about it in Holland is a prime example of an actor who when you first start getting the dailies back you the writer sitting watch and they say oh she's good that's right more for her and Lydia's character is she's become such a great character because of Holland because she inspired the writers to want to write for her that's great acting I think and I love where her characters going she's fun and there's some good surprises this season too I'll tease that the whole cold oh the big cold opening one of the big cold openings of the season is all about Lydia if it's really fun max and how are the vocal chords doing just for the record she we do we have we have a bank of streams so you don't know so okay wait so that mean when you're doing like stage screaming now is they're just pretending to screen where no sound comes out scream ish and you know you wanted like give it to the other actors on our coverage rigor you'll still give something but um I think like a year and a half ago I stopped screaming something like that so just you know for the 12 of us in the room what does a scream without sound look like when you're actually see you know it's funny it's like you know it's hang it up and then I have to give something wet yeah and we have werewolves that don't growl anymore to hoechlin would just hit out there it is right the only one that still doesn't cozy wait why are you still there right I'm not show it Shelley and I growl guys nobody told me you I don't need and not do the sound you got it you gotta be the sound idly the sound okay you got a nicer if Pilar doesn't sound I do the sound sheliak Shelley does a great grill you working at he's gonna ask last night hey there's a great girl I mean you kind of now have to do it right I feel like I don't know don't put him on the spot duh happy oh good they're shooting tomorrow that'll save their first see this neighbor voices I gotta save my voice guys okay um you know one of the things that I think happens when you have a show that's mystical based is death comes to town quite a bit and I feel like as we saw in the real and I heard the gasping in the room I don't think any of us are really over the death of Allison argent at this point I mean it's something that Jeff you when you and I talk you like I physically can't watch that scene still is that true yeah and they put it in all the trailers and stuff like do we need to use it again and I even I think we even we we did it edit of this and I think we took it out the network said can he put it back in I was like I can't watch Allison died good I miss her um - crystal but it's hard to see what are your beloved characters die on screen at a certain point in a show you want to do something new and different and isn't it great to like really shake things up but then you go and shoot it and you say well that was one of my favorite characters was that a good idea um but I think yeah maybe there's zombies one can always do that I'll bring dead people back at vegan Hills but the fact is we got great performances and it's a great moment Allison dying in Scotts arms is phenomenal and crystal in the moment I decided I think I should say I love you in and when I looked in the dailies I was like that's perfect she was absolutely right and it was so good um oh my god crystal what was it about I mean what obviously that was a very you know integral scene to the show the world of the show the character I mean what was it about that moment that made you want to include that line and what was it like to film that um so we had filmed all the surrounding coverage before we had actually filmed the the death part and the death part was maybe the last day of shooting it was that early early in the morning yeah and it was they recreated the set on stage and it was you know so none of the elements were there for me to react to or Tyler um but somehow I just felt really connected I don't know why I say somehow because I'm always really connected with Tyler um um but it was it was difficult it was difficult because I remember thinking of the physicality of it and I'd researched how people died which is so morbid I really I have this obsession with like honesty and truth and I really wanted to look honest and it's so many physical things happen to you and so I was in my head about that and then at one moment I just thought you know what I'm just gonna do what I feel and I love you just kept coming up for some reason well the obvious reason and and I kept insisting on saying it because I felt so right for me and and I said it and that was the moment where I felt the most grief I think it was when I said that because it's such a she's such an amazing character and and I felt like when she was dying I did and this is really hope I hope this is I'm too cheesy but I do feel like I sort of lost a bit of myself you know when a character goes because that they are a part of you so what was that but I'm so happy because Tyler was there for me every second of the way and that's all you can hope for is an actor to have somebody be there and support you when you're in such a vulnerable moment um I think I forgot to say things oh you're welcome yeah Hosie there are a lot of people who died on the show some series regular everything from a series regular to like a random shirtless person whose name we never know uh I mean is there a process to sort of saying goodbye to actors I mean how do you sort of you know bid someone to do when you've spent so much time it's it's difficult on this set to say it goodbye because you know it's never goodbye you know so it's never it's never goodbye we see the twins all the time you know we see each other at events and Teen Wolf will live on forever so even though your character dies you will go to all these different team of conventions and stuff and so we always we always see each other you know so it's not it's I mean with crystals death it was different because we had this we had this connection and and it was it was it was a fun scene to do because as an actor that kind of stuff is rewarding you know it feels good getting to that moment and it was really easy with we're doing the scene it just felt it felt so I don't know just it was easy for me to get to that depth that emotional state because it was it was you know part truth you know and so so I felt I felt I felt good after doing it but not in like like a like a happy way but like I don't know I just it was rewarding you know has that make sense yeah um so I don't know where I'm going with this it's sad it's definitely sad it's absolutely sad chris'll said it's it's it's you're kind of losing a part of a part of yourself and Alison was such a huge part of Scott and so I still play that in Scott where he's missing he's missing Alison you know and so it's definitely affected the character it's affected me you know so it's a it goes all over the board you know it's it's interesting absolutely Jeff in this conversation about missing people it would be remiss to point out that Tyler hoechlin is not with us tonight uh sup with that uh well he was supposed to be here actually um but I think he's in North Carolina a wizard world yet previous plans but hoechlin is um we had talked he wanted to talk about he's not no longer series regular on the show yes hoechlin is he came to me a little while ago and said he told me about this experience he had to it shooting an independent movie and how it had excited him and scared him and he wanted to do other things that scared him I said to him are you asking me if you can move on and he said well I want to try new things and I said alright well I'll talk to the network but we're not going to give you a complete goodbye in the in the end of the season because I want to see you back I trying to keep my hook in everyone to uh and actually we've met just a couple weeks ago to talk about possible storylines and we came up with some stuff we were all really excited about so while Tyler hoechlin won't be a series regular anymore you've not seen the last of Derek Hale I mean you know the the silver lining I think to losing characters is bringing in new characters yeah we had them we actually wanted to create the things we had talked about creatively as well was that if we were going to lose some adult characters is it time to refocus on the teens of Teen Wolf in the beginning of season five and so we have actual team on the show yeah yes okay Dylan what is it like I mean you came in like what is it like joining this show uh come on baby it's um it's great so I just remember like the first day uh or the chemistry as we did with Dylan and Tyler and it was amazing you know I had never met dudes that were like exactly like me it was crazy the same way dude and I was just like that was about the same way uh no I was so nervous at first before cuz like I had no idea what to expect and then I was like my god I like much wind and then I knew from that point on that like going on the show and starting would be so easy and so fun because everyone's like a big family absolutely gross was it the same for you I mean coming in it was obviously like a different storyline you know you weren't becoming like a little brother to Scott Stiles but I mean you ever involved with them what was your experience like coming on the show Oh me yeah I missed the first part um it was it was I can't say that I thought they were my twins um but it's very similar to Dillon's experience I felt really welcomed um I think my first week was um Crystal's last week uh so I've actually not been able to get to know her very well but uh I feel like I know her and I feel like I know the cast of Teen Wolf and I feel like I've been part of it for a while even though I haven't um but that's a testament to how they treat me and how welcoming they've been and I really have no complaints I think what should if you did brought definitely the platform no this is this is the moment she's giving you a few seconds I gotta come with no uh champagne problems in my life the show's been so good to me and I just love Malia Aaron what about you I mean Kira was a character that I came in with like a literal Thunderbolt I feel like in a lot of ways what do you enjoy about the role she plays in this world I love it I mean I feel like I'm growing every day even as Kira and as myself through it and it was so great this cast is so supportive like everyone said in our from the beginning our chemistry was fun oh yeah oh my god so your most fun was really intimating I think for me coming in I was a lot more scared even though everybody was welcoming it's scary to come on to a show that's so established and there's a family there's like a routine and the system going to kind of come in abruptly you feel a little bit you know scared yeah it's good I like this place I know the new kid anymore yes well let's talk about season five I mean Jeff what are you comfortable saying about the next stretch of episodes that are coming for these kids Alison's coming you got contracts in the back Oh get out um I I couldn't ease that it's well it's all about senior year and it's about the fear of losing your friends after graduation and it's a very much a season of new mysteries there's a lot of action a lot of horror we're constantly challenging ourselves can we do bigger and better and I think what's nice about this season is everyone's sort of a seasoned pro now so I sit in the writers room come out to set watch the rehearsals go back to the writers room the writers where we slam our heads against the wall I wrote an email to the crew the other day actually saying it was really nice to be able to go out and see such good morale one set and see so much being done and then have to go back to the hollow pit of despair that is the writers room but uh um you literally said that in the email yeah it was a joke uh but I don't think everybody knew as a joke uh no it's great I think what we're gonna see is a lot of new stuff from from Liam from Keira and there is a big refocus on on Stiles and Scott and their friendship I've always said this that the real romance on the show is a bromance okay this is more of a personal question but how long into season five do you have to wait to watch Keira dance again because that like underground dance rave thing is still one of my favorite things you got the moves too you're too good but you were really gonna be really good well our teens really good with a sword so you won't have to wait long for that um but uh we'll say yeah you kick ass with that sword oh my god I don't think I get proficient with the sword um I'm still working on it no it's I definitely I mean I I feel like I should practice more but I'm very thankful that everybody's so supportive and you know have a really great team and really wonderful stunt coordinators and stunt performers that just are amazing absolutely I um I had asked Twitter for some questions working here and so I'm you know couple of them are about season five and at Lydia is his first which sort of tells you going uh and there was actually a lot of questions about this Jeff and the two of you what's up with this studio Detective Agency will that come back again we have to see more exploits of these two sleuthing around Beacon Hill's Luth ah word I like their luminaire of them together it make good detectives together there's actually a really fun episode where they have to go into I can house which is our sort of Arkham Asylum of monsters of beacon hills and interview someone apply someone for information it's gonna be a fun episode Dylan hall I'm curious what do you guys think it is about your chemistry that makes the characters chemistry work so well cuz we're so different in so many ways very different well we're like similar really and I guess not no no we're not a couples counseling he's a bit thanks guys oh so now you're up now you all know that I'm infecting you as we'd be hi boys watch it um I don't know you never as actors that's what's weird being the actor we never know what we're doing that's that's a you know we we think how we think and we feel we feel like about you know I can feel how I feel about my character in a dynamic with another character and haunt as well you know and and we just kind of apply that and work together and we and we just react off each other and you know I don't think we're as privy to what makes it great together you know that's why you go through things like chemistry tests and everything and then they decide who they like to carry Bob it goes big question mark haha yeah I got it I'm glad I got yes I have no idea that's what I need yeah same for you huh yeah I think so I mean I think we get to play more on our scenes together but you experience play all around a lot of times right ah this is me too like entering stuff without him being like okay we get to play in the night you know so for me it was fun but that's all I really knew as an actor I didn't know if there would be like chemistry and so I thought like some of our chemistry in the chemistry room there's a lot of fun chemistry scenes oh yeah like a Molotov cocktail scene and like there was no yeah I remember having a lot of fun that's about it it's this one I like that um at more shell eh one yes oh wait Shelley is alright that's me actually it's Posie I put in thoughtful thank you for contributing yeah uh wants to know in season 5 what is Malia's living situation is she still with her dad does she live full-time with Stiles no she's a full-on moocher yeah yeah Stiles didn't seem to mind I guess her her um adoptive father doesn't seem to mind I don't know Jeff we did a scene with um her adopted father mr. Tate in the first episode I didn't know if I could tell they they get they don't quite know what to say they say because usually the next day I'm like what I looked petrified on the red carpet out there buddy well so did I there's a hard show to talk about I'll give you that yeah I mean I mean that's great because I think that moment at the end of last season with you know the sheriff sort of being like let's take you out for pizza was pretty great I mean what do you like about her being ushered into that world in such a big way well uh she can use all the support she can get I mean she just found out her father's not her father she's still looking for mommy um so it's great to know I'm sure in Malia's world were I mean everything's been flipped upside down it's great to know that um there's a family there uh for her at all times and she's also under the same roof as the boy she likes which right I mean I don't recommend that do you guys not home um be careful oh yeah well we don't touch on that um right there's a there's a very sensible cut away that like to a fireplace yes very very practical yeah yeah yes better select cartons below a guy yeah one of my favorite scenes is when we have a change for you know it's gonna be a full moon and Malia's afraid she's gonna transform and hurt people and Stiles's uh telling her it's gonna be okay he's got you know balls and chains and the whole of ordeal you know once he comes in he's like I don't even know that was so perfect uh for their relationship or the balls yeah I don't know I thanks for the warning that out like they don't let anything go it's great I just want to keep just letting you talk come down I don't you that question don't do that um Jeff from like a writing standpoint what do you feel like you gained comedy-wise or relationship wise from having the two of them under the same roof uh well it it does give us a lot more seat in the same location sometimes deciding whether somebody has a living place or not is purely budgetary but tell me how many bedrooms can we fit on our stage and know today would we get more mileage out of building a holding cell off the sheriff's station so we built a holding cell off the sheriff station this season Malea still sleeps with Stiles in the holdings got it OH love's gonna let that one hang there um another question from at CSI nine to four girl was if Teen Wolf could do a crossover with any show past or present what show would you like your character to be on friends was awesome we have not talked about that that was not planned at all and we sit along thanks what yeah exactly it's Chandler who's Joey Joey Richert Richert is Tyler hoechlin hey good guy with the beard yeah the mustache must has a mustache in Syria come on Artie what about you what show should here I be on Buffy the Vampire Slayer excellent nice I mean she's got the skills she can make it in that town I hope so I mean I feel like lost I don't know I mean - they're there to have a hatch so maybe they I think yeah send the past like Lydia would sell blue meth like with Bryan Cranston like she like have a really great side of business um or she could be like split between Monica Shore right oh my guest bus buddy one I mean yeah I would say cleaning with Monica and I'm the spoiled nosov Rachel and I guess in Holland in real life is yes Phoebe I mean one hilarious I think I love Lisa Kudrow she is such a talented actress but you know you wanted to be Rachel like you know it have a good hair and you're like mine fine on the quirky but yeah I would say which is finally Rachel and Monica okay you are so Phoebe hey you're so you're so Phoebe but I love yeah yeah friends yeah bracer there you go every so I'm guessing would have to be the walking dead yeah Empire tires or something um that's a hard question you mean as her in her present state what would you know I think you can go with her being an alive person right yeah we can we can go for any sort of really deal on here in this game asked by CSI 94 girl yes no I feel like she might be kind of cool and badass on him maybe homeland or something ooh super smart all right next to Claire Danes yeah do the good cry face we all know you've a good cry face what am I talking about emotion is so pathetically ugly look no cuz it's a real cry face like it's you know he can spawn it's all over the Internet it's like you know nasty contorted cry face I don't cry yes Jeff cuz it's real it is solely really familiar remember critiquing your cry face no it's not a pretty one Shelley any eye where should Melea show up I think she'd be hysterical and horn jersey new black yeah that's awesome good I like that Dylan Sprayberry any eye any shows uh I mean if like it wouldn't make any sense but I definitely be on sons of anarchy sure you gotta give him another jacket back yeah gotta have a leather jacket a motorcycle my back yeah like that no lone wolf no more motors um another question from Teen Wolf Argentina once each of you to describe your character in one word oh that's original listen just relate then one start and make you start now alright make me start um original original Joey no um uh it is pretty hard actually my god um I'll go a garnish Danny oh yeah yeah awkward is that a matrix cover yeah okay I would I like that one shot him out as they come to you go show real life heroics I went honest I like I like here oh yeah protect you loyal loyal uh for your really mean me yeah was it a good one for were clearly writers uh was just forever I would say I don't smart yeah awesome she thinks she's awesome that's yeah sounds for something like so yeah sure awesome filler character based awesome um you got no idea agent some Hansen has this just coffee right in his face um cosplay okay that's good alright moving on from at Teen Wolf Oasis if you could change one thing about your character what would it be and don't mind the fact that Jeff I know I know two of her flats to write sneakers should wear like like those buzz murals those like old-lady shoes like the really ugly ones like this clarify the barrels Merrill's that's a request for high heels yes from Hollis but if I got to choose a source all it but you know yes Lydia should remain in high heels that's her character but comfort level is so what like I came I saw this online one day where they like they make me wear high heels and I'm like hot you can wear whatever you want no but I'm sure I wouldn't want to wear it she's like no no she should wear high heels why are you saying that I'm gonna feel like if you audition for a character you can't just choose it because you want it as a person so you know in like the perfect role that yeah acts are dedicated to her craft pump I'm talking about high is it crucial to you guys that Lydia has high heels yes oh okay it's part of the guard yeah I heard about three yes so this is the words the same way plaid is styles oh yeah yeah it again but your is we don't really don't come to me about plaid there lady doing guys who's looking at the clothes right no I'm not come dude yeah no you don't you don't care what we wear man no oh all right well then I just don't I don't know anything I want to be naked more this season is that I'm gonna start right now dammit not sure [Applause] [Laughter] start now I know I haven't been shirtless for a while not me either hand you've been working out and I've been working out yeah having me be shirtless please yeah that's one thing I would change about my character I would be shirtless more that a request you got a lot on the show Jeff were shirtlessness from actually actually there was a time where Posey I believe I remember you saying why can't I wear lost long sleeves it was because he wanted to get more tattoos I wanted to be covered in tattoos hey but I just I got my leg tattooed instead so now I wear long shorts um we try not to make them too uncomfortable and then if they say no and saying get up there you take that kid game shirt off you get more used to being naked I remember like I had a shower scene this season and you I almost have no pretense anymore it's okay yeah cool like I used to like freak out and be like no I've got a wife Catherine and it's like okay whatever fine it's like an old marriage like we just don't care anymore well the cool thing about is ah create some very unrealistic expectations for the audience because all the guys do push-ups before they're shirtless scenes in between takes they're doing 40 push-ups make sure hi John yeah I don't have it so I feel bad for I feel bad for all the teenage boys out there who now have this impossible standard that they have to replicate alright and know how you all must have abs God um where were we all right uh change about your dad Derek uh Shelley does anything come to mind for some you'd like to see I just I just made that I don't know face and you did I saw um ah it's this a really difficult way the suggestion that actually came with the tweet was she probably wants to be good at math well with anyone there you know it wouldn't be funny um uh I really I don't know that's okay nothing is a perfectly Bobby vegetarian you want to give it a chain know went you rabbits no I would never eat a rabbit what that but uh help help mister your dude uh don't worry you've now been playing styles for going on five years yeah do you feel like there you just love everything about him at this point are you like I wish I could also wear less high heels no I know I'm cool with the high heels houses yeah hey planner I wear those things that I'm fine oh I wouldn't change a damn thing about that yeah wholly enjoy the character I love anything that they throw at me and any situation that he's seeing him I always just find very funny or they're just awesome I don't know I I thanks guys thanks for loving the show so much um yeah I love them I mean does that sort of at this point I mean when you guys have the show and your characters are still being built Arden and I mean do you feel like you just want to embrace it all and take it all in like a sponge at this point still yeah I mean for myself I don't think I change anything about Kira except for just Evan this season's perfect cuz I feel like she's starting to really own into who she is and so I love it it's fun can't wait to see where it goes either can we what about used to be right I mean do you feel like it's all still sort of coming to you for the first time so it's all just exciting and new I wish I can dress like a lumberjack yeah I wish I had like a beard and acts like a hat Dylan you asked me if I care when he shows me his ideas I nighttime yeah like I know we're not even oh you're right you do at that but that way it'll have one day hey when you show up with an axe in a scene you'll know they're at all still here yeah yeah at 16 I could not grow a beard that you can grow it you've seen I couldn't even grow a hair on my head baby I don't know how you doing man I don't know what's your secret water [Music] [Applause] there you go I'm burping oh I'm so scared now whoo anything else I'm gonna go throw up real quick hey do I have time to go to the bathroom real quick okay yeah I don't and I didn't think I mean you did not maybe if I brought it up is like a crowd thing it could be I could like get away with it all but it's just not like yeah people chanting together like let's see like who wants to go to the bathroom it's fine it's fine not a Mikan let's go let's go with you yeah there's worse hey Jeff let me let me ask you I mean you've now been in some of these cases for five seasons and some less I mean what excites you about the stories you're gonna get to tell in the upcoming season with these characters you know it's interesting because we're at episode we're shooting episode 64 right now I think which is amazing to me that show called Teen Wolf has gone that long really is amazing but uh it's exciting to put them in new situations every every season we try to think okay how do how do we make the characters grow what changes about the characters this year how do we challenge them how do we challenge them as actors as well yeah and these actors keep getting better and better and it's it's amazing to see how much especially like Dillon and Tyler have grown having known them from teenage boys on the pilot stage so we're always trying to give them new things to do I love 3b where Dillon got to be a bad guy um I think somebody I was watch watching that um and the the moment where he says you can't kill me I'm a thousand years old I forget phenomenal it's better than most villains in the movies I see uh you should be any Avengers or something I just missed it really bad I just but uh it's when when when you see that you you want to write more and you want to you want to try to figure out more and I have a great team of writers Angela Eric Ian well they're all working really hard to come up with what are the we approach it as fans ourselves what do we want to see these characters do how do we want to see one of the things there's a tiny little exercise we always do when we're banging our heads against the wall we're really frustrated in the room I say okay stop um what are five scenes we'd like them to see and it's like it'll start with I wanna see Karen a sword fight with someone in some something here I want to see your in your not in the writers room but uh we try to treat ourselves as fans first in the show absolutely in you know mentioning the three be arc with Stiles I think for a lot of people that was a huge moment that they are still obsessed with based on the fan reaction and I'm curious are you guys I mean what are some of your favorite moments from the show does anything jump out is something that was either super cool to film or just something not to say you sit at home and watch your own show but you know I do the set designs are incredible in the show that I'm always commenting we were actually filming them but ironically my favorite scene is all the white room stuff um that was not CG I was like actually that big it was incredible um and the plane go with me good today uh yeah I've seen the two of them Aaron and pleasantly good today and I mean having to go in audition which yeah a different source and the guy comes in here Aaron comes idiot like you get the audition based on a walk and it and a crowd like you don't really see his face you don't get to see his eyes and I thought he was incredible and then Dylan he and Dylan played together fun like amazing I loved it thanks ho yeah she lost war so but she stopped it that's ha ha ha I thought you would see phenomenal yeah that's um figure moments I uh um it always has to be the pilot for me I guess just cuz it's that's where it all started you know and it's such a trip to think back to um you know we were 18 when we did it and so much just for me too is like the first time being on set and doing something you know it's just like crazy it's kind of a blur but like a you know really vivid at the same time like I do remember so much from it but at the same time I'm just like I had I was a completely different person in mind onset you know it's just so interesting how such a kid and also new to acting at all so he was like I was blacking out all the time the whole time hmm but also retaining it it's just really weird um I think you look at my lack out when we hung you upside down right yeah yes it did yes it did cuz again it's like first I Lana said I'm just like games do whatever you know like let's do it yeah let's go uh you good I'm fine let's let's go and then I started like passing out oh that was good training uh cuz you have to do that stuff sometimes the factor cuts out if you were just give a percentage how many of your actors have you almost killed over the last five years oh oh at some point are not killed up um well we try just not to put them in dangerous situations uh Joe I mean you know I'm gonna continue asking the actors but for you I mean you've written almost all of these moments what are some of your favorite moments on Teen Wolf I can't take credit for all um but actually write every word that's on the show juice um some of my favorite moments and then just the comedy scenes I love I love I'll tell you what one of my favorite moments that I had to do in a rewrite that wasn't there it wasn't there in the first draft I was feeling like the scene didn't quite have the emotional punch I wanted it to have it was the hug at the MRI because remember that I was in it because because we had we had talked in the writers room there needs to be a moment where Scott says to Stiles if this doesn't work I'll take care of it I'll give you the bite we had we tried it in the previous episode we were thinking maybe it would come down later episode and I'm sitting there with the production draft trying to fix this moment and thinking no he should he should say it right here and that the way they played it on screen that turned out to be one of my favorite moments of that season and partially because it's um the show is very much about friendship there there's there's romance in the show there's comedy but when it comes down to it what I what I like about the romance is - is they start as friendships and that Lydia and Stiles who knows where their relationship will ever go but we know that they make great friends as well and I love the friendship between Scott and Stiles that's and that's one of those joyful things for me to write and see be made by these actors on screen because in high school as some young writers are I was a very lonely kid and that was the friendship I wished I had had for myself Tyler you said you were gonna pick that moment as well I was yeah um any anything with me and do I agree the pilot but like the emotional we end I'm getting there I'm getting there yeah uh anything that he we have to go pee really bad - it's okay then good please go I do not want you doing time yes okay well I'm gonna I'm gonna realize this was like late like got to the point of injury for you you get your run run run right it's amazing the freedom we have on this show here and if you did you after after a question I'm gonna do the same thing I really have to go pee too we go uh anything anything would bill emotional stuff is um he he and I are so there for each other like when we were doing the motel scene after every take we would literally just hug each other and and and that kind of stuff just really sticks out to me you know he and I have this bond I've never had with any any anyone who's not my family before you know and and it holds true every day every time we're on on set with each other you know we were really really there for one another and any time I do anything emotional with him is it's it's it's huge man it's impactful oh no it leaves its mark nice Chris I would love to ask you the same question I mean favorite moments from your time I think I have to you know agree about the pilot something I've never ever ever forget um but you know I was thinking about this the other day and the scene at the end of season one with Ian and Jill when he kills when he kills my my aunt Ian was so there for me and it was so amazing and I remember being on set it's difficult because they fit for those of you don't know you film one thing that you turn around you film another thing and oftentimes the other actor doesn't really give you anything to work off of what most sometimes they don't and Ian was just there for me every second of the way and often times he just was just performing this amazing thing and it was so easy for me to connect to my aunt dying and it was such an emotional moment for me and I feel like for that sounds good when I feel like um that was such a great moment for me and I love him I caught the end of the last season and he's such a good villain yeah he's like always surprises me with his delivery um so I think that might have to be it absolutely um we're working off this we have a question from the Paley app uh void Studio 26 asks what has been your favorite season of the show and here's how we're gonna do this everybody close your eyes and I'm just gonna go one by one you raise your hand when it's your favorite season that's way you can't be influenced by anyone close your eyes raise your hand if your favorite season is season one I can't answer this question okay hands down raise your hand if your favorite season to season two I see how this is gonna go all right season three season four and season five okay why didn't this is a five I don't know that one mostly oh damn it it's okay do we get to know everyone pretty much picked off oh really I guess they did not play by the rules yeah um alright so at this point we are gonna open it up to fan questions in the audience I want to go pee I'm gonna go pee okay so the first one you cannot be proposed so just raise your hand and close wait for the microphone because the people on the livestream need to hear you uh and we are gonna start with this lady right here in the green I think it's green jacket yes do we ever learn styles real name houses real name we go is that for me yeah as if one of the answer that the writing room knows the first letter of his name and they're trying to get it out of me but it's like I'm still deciding if if I want like the last episode of the show see it written down somewhere um I think it should be something totally normal and what eyes and I just styles just doesn't like it's not it's actually it's a real name but I have to look at it to remember how to spell it so the complete opposite of my idea is having yeah it's just Jarett with one R and - nah nice gesture alright our next question is I right over here this I think it's a blue sweater yes perfect you seem - hi um it's not really a question about the show it's my best friend's birthday today and I'm good yeah you know F is our favorite show and I was wondering if everyone can sing happy birthday to her cuz that would be a really awesome yeah yeah go for really uh buttock what's her name we need a name yeah mihaela my Marilyn merrily Marilyn Marilyn Tamara take it away pose that beaver that's everyone uh I know and oh okay um there's a girl behind you sir and at maroon shirt yep yep ostrich egg oh yeah hi um I was wondering uh in the original Teen Wolf I see a lot of similarities between uh Lewis I think and Liam I was wondering if you were still finding any ways to take ideas from the original either movie or cartoon and incorporate it into the seasons now I I had to think who was listening you know one that was yeah like with Scott a lot yes I remember um and he's the one who becomes he's the only one who's scared of Scott in the movie I remember that um you know we we like our little homage is but I think we've kind of stopped doing that we since since season two had a basically a walking lizard we kind of let him feel like we left the movie behind at that point okay cool thank you very much um sure that girl right there hello um I just wanted to know if Daniel Sharman is coming back I talked to Daniel the other day uh we're not sure I'm talking the other day no yep they're back we'll see I don't like to make too many promises because then then I end up on a phone with an agent saying you said you'd come back never give of it from PaleyFest you said it yeah uh how about right up there the girl in the black hi guys ah Holland in Sydney Australia last year as well she's right ready yeah oh do you uh I guess I just wanted to us um if you guys could work with any actor on the show who would it be and why on the show on our show yeah if we could work any any actor that's already on our show listen he's gonna get e actor in the world okay okay you can have them on our show yeah oh we have them on our show I was competing for how's confused here hey Chris Pratt Robert DeNiro I'd put Ryan Cranston on the show and a Hummer Navy Lydia would sell semester Michael Pitt Jason Mewes maybe I can make that happen Joe is realistic Jessica Lange I love Jessica Lange I would yeah would you work with Julianne Moore this is a very exciting guest our season on Teen Wolf a life right now love jam-packed um how about the girl in the blue sweat Oh sheriff so much hi guys hi um if you got to choose any other animal sides a werewolf what would you choose Brackett yeah things are crazy everything rectums are so nasty is anyone ever you ever had an encounter with the raccoon oh they're gnarly yeah oh yeah Ray's we have a pet possum what is that maybe a possum yeah pet possum these are deadly animal ID uh handy bears are pretty deadly right legs are scary reckons are crazy regularly Hartley all right they they won't stop totally scary I pet kangaroo oh yes a leech suck on thing a ladybug uh-huh so cute a little ladybug oh boy be a dinosaur that would be fine they really want stuff yep oh my Tiger really this is all think very quickly uh name something turtle yeah buddy team turtle people uh yeah I want to pack their in there sure hi I love you guys uh else laundry we love you um you guys play pranks on set not so much anymore um where we have so much fun as it is we don't need pranks in order to like keep the fun up you know I mean we have a good balance of like professionalism and just greatness what what happened v like ardent is dubious I am gonna get yeah oh yeah or on the duet what do I do alright scarier is that a prank I know I just garlic Charlie has a question getting him a microphone yes alright guys Danny wanted me to ask a question I just want to know if we can all hang out me range of course I'll check my schedule don't you have got a question for you Oh Dylan Dylan this is a question for you you do could you have the biggest bromance with you don't know them neither you doing he do O'Brien O'Brien yeah I guess the Tyler Posey or will Poulter I watched yeah well are we doing this we're like happy into the crushed English answer yes we're gonna put him on the spot he's gonna be so uncomfortable haha yes he's gonna hate it yes now he's gonna get critiqued on him but he says yes we don't quantify I wanna can I pick somebody that can I pick somebody yes I like what are you on the very right with the tank top it says please beat bed please bead beach beach please beer beach but he is like oh can we get our the microphone sir oh he's white he's so right the other way he's sorry that's very nice Kevin we have two for the street can we give it to this girl a beach please it hang it is yeah pass it that's all it be friends in this patch narrow it throw it at her good as hard as you can I love how people team homework Oh Mike this is a dream thank you so much um I just want to say you guys um it's more of a statement thank you for helping me getting through my sophomore junior senior and first year of college a Teen Wolf aired and my mom told me you know let's let's watch it together so it's always been a mother-daughter every month long sauce oh and um I feel in my mom loves you mommy I love you so much I'm from Rome and Oh some victory there yes she Tom's not gonna film it for him is she wishes oh no no no it was like once you have you into mega ring video butter my hometown loves you guys we watch you guys every Monday night and oh when I was in high school was a little lunch crew but thank you so much for getting me through my high school years and I'm Alison your death was very traumatic for all of us but like I watch TV shows non-stop like friends and that hurt what's the like we were on group chat and sky be crying with my friends poor guys yeah as the mother I'm shaking so bad but uh thank you guys thank you so much [Applause] that's really sweet hi I love you guys um this is for linear just Lydia fine buff in season five he hasn't a famous question oh she only has four scripts so far five scripts oh I have got in trouble the past as I don't realize what I can't say and so I'm so scared to say anything my boss is right there it's a big fat yes I don't know I don't know that kid know what I'm just happy to know I have you in the grip of fear okay that's the answer I'm with a group of fear for my love interest it got in senseless Thank You yep Jeff do you want to add anything to that question you'll have to watch and see all right way not she may not end up with the person you think she does at first movie yeah uh this is gonna be our last question so it's the I know it's not me we could stay here all night if it was up to me we're gonna go right there hello um this question is for Jeff and Dylan O'Brien kind of on the vein of finding out Stiles first name does he ever take his shirt off in the series I have long left that up to mr. O'Brien to decide really yes I thought it was like a rule but yeah I mean bumming well I'm not his trust me I'm not say I'm not laying it on you if it was up to me it doesn't have agree at a certain point that we passed it yeah that was now impossible that or Dylan for Stiles to take his shirt yeah so then we started like coming with have you seen the doors the I'm he looks great in the first huh you do there's there's your Dylan O'Brien shirtless see did you look thanks buddy let's do one more question sure okay yeah you want to do you want to pick up more Scott how did you want to pick I want a pig or the dick come on give it to me guys you and the team will start you look really beautiful here yep it's coming here comes out it's come can we hug Dylan uh okay next question why weren't you with the jean jacket yes you sorry I think that's illegal I don't know cloud it's illegal in unison hi alright um sorry thank you for calling on me um we have the same name so that's cool you and I yeah it's awesome so um if do you guys have a favorite line that your character has ever said dear I do yes hi Scott our demons told Scott one time so as the demons line it's kinda Scott slang uh that life can't be all bad or all good and that whoa alone has has gotten me through a lot of a lot of stuff so that is my favorite line life can't all be good or all bad rushing to the meeting was actually I didn't we talked about this it was I was going through a rough time in my 20s and it was something my twin brother told me and some of the best stuff in your writing comes from real life and it was it was a moment of him saying look I know you feel terrible right now but there's this thing called regression to the mean where life can't always be good or always be bad it eventually just has to come back to the middle and it seemed like something that would be perfect for Scott I'm actually really happy to hear that it affected you personally pig's eye man it's it's changed my life it's true I'd like to know what crystal what's your one a your favorite line I can't remember there is so many but I can remember specific circumstances but I can't like but I can't remember the actual line and I don't want to - it's your word so I don't want to it up sorry yes yeah we got a swear word um I remember a lot of like the end of season two and Tyler and I are there's some very specific line in there and then with Kate wishing when she are with um uh mr. stilinski she has so many she says so many great prolific things and I don't want to misquote you I love it when you say actually in that scene there's no such thing as fate yes no such thing as werewolves yeah that was great I love that's what my favorite moments uh-huh uh marl I cannot think of a better place to say thank you so much to the Teen Wolf - hanging guy haha
Channel: Scott Mccall
Views: 550,091
Rating: 4.9247341 out of 5
Keywords: Teen Wolf (TV Program), Dylan O'Brien (Blogger), Tyler Posey (Film Actor), Werewolf (Character Species), Shelley Hennig (TV Actor), Tyler Hoechlin (Film Actor), Dylan O'Brien As Spider-Man
Id: b3caj_Bb_fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 58sec (4378 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2015
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