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two s24 Ultras one left on the January security patch and the other one updated to February we obviously know that by now Samsung has pushed some pretty meaningful updates to the s24 series my question is why weren't they here from the start that's another point for another video at another time but today we're going to look at every change Samsung has made between February to the start of January let's go in the first couple of weeks with the s24 ultra after launch it was clear that this was going to be a phone to beat for the year but it seemed like it wasn't quite finished Samsung have released the phone with some software features that seemed intentional like lack of vividness in the display But ultimately weren't what people wanted fortunately Along Came February and Samsung has managed to fix a lot of what customers were complaining about inside that first month so let's Deep dive into what they actually changed there were two sort of reference points I used for this video the first was a tweet which referenced a Blog article which sort of broke down very specifically what Samsung had fixed the second was the Samsung Newsroom article which kind of gave a bit of a wishy-washy look how good we're going to make the s24 ultra with this new update and I used both of them together to sort of put to the test the claims that Samsung have made let's go through the list one by one and clear out once and for all what they fixed I'm going to start with the bottom because I think that's the one most people are kind of curious about and that's the display a lot of people have been reporting that the display is having lots of issues it seems washed out the colors aren't as Punchy even though you've selected Vivid mode and yeah I noticed it and a lot of people were probably saying why aren't you talking about it for me the reason why I didn't really mention it off the bat is I knew it wasn't right I knew it was a software thing and I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the coating that everyone kept blaming and that has been proven true because this update has brought in a vividness slider and yeah wow does this make a difference what I noticed and also a big shout out to Alex geen Tech and he's been sort of pushing this point pretty religiously over the last few weeks it was kind of littered throughout the UI where the icons were a little bit pale the interfaces were a little bit yellow bit warm didn't have that Punchy contrast that a vivid option on a Samsung display normally has IDE February because that has changed it all when you look at them side by side particularly elements of the UI the gallery icon is the one drawn to me straight away the punchiness of the red is so much better than what it was that pale red that was on the January update Samsung have enabled this through what they're calling a vividness slider so once you have the vividness option checked and make sure you haven't turned any other eye Comfort Shield or any of those other things on like adaptive color tone you can slide this vividness slider to be from the starting point step two or to step three I just put it up to step three just just for now just to see if I can notice much of a difference but when I look at things like the gallery or even when I'm watching videos for example I can see a clear difference in the colors that are being shown even though there wasn't much of a problem with media output before it's nice to see that the vividness is back definitely return to form for Samsung it definitely elevates the display if you like this type of thing other parts too that people used to complain about with the graininess in like nighttime sort of dark areas I never had that problem myself so I tried to replicate it using night mode and I just couldn't see it whether or not that was a problem that's been fixed on other people's phones that did have the issue that's a wait and see but I didn't have it so it hasn't been fixed because there was no problem okay moving into the camera because that is where the bulk of these updates and little tiny tweaks have come from the update itself just reflecting back wasn't big it was only 700 something megabytes and there was definitely some larger updates to the s23 ultra camera system last last year so we'll see how the year progresses but as far as updates go this wasn't the biggest that Samsung could have pushed out Point number one here was that the image quality has been improved with when it's in a backlit situation to in a high megapixel photo okay very specific detail that they've called out there what Samsung said they did was adjust the brightness of the photo and I'm not sure which way they've adjusted the brightness because if I compare these two 200 megapixel photos here one on the left is January one on the right is February the one on the right looks a little bit darker I took two different ones and the second one in particular caught my eye in the shadowy areas and things like the building that's off in the distance there was some Darkness to it so I'll have to try and figure out why that is and if that's what they mean by just the brightness because it doesn't say it's made it brighter it just says that they've adjusted the brightness or improved it so yeah we'll have to see how that plays out over time but that was that point number one just very specific point number two two was that Samsung said the clarity of text has been improved for high Zoom ranges so when you're taking a high magnification Zoom that if it's definitely of like a menu or something to do with text that Clarity has been improved and in two instances that I tried it they 100% correct they have improved this so the processing of text at 30 time zoom which I took Far and Away better on the February update versus January I took it of this responsibilities chart that's been rotting away in the backyard for a couple of weeks now and you can see a 30 time zoom so much clearer on the s24 ultra February update versus the January took another opportunity to take this with a garbage bin can't all be taken photos of $100 menus and you can see again the clarity of text has been boosted you can kind of make out the shape of the letters way clearer than what you could on the January update Point number three Clarity has been improved with rear video it was a bit of a weird point that I noticed in my 23 Ultra versus s24 Ultra comparison in that the video kind of not wasn't flat but Samsung decided to opt out of heavily processing things like the clouds and on S Mobile's Channel I did a comparison to the s24 plus to the s24 ultra and you can see the difference at the exos processing was having it seems as if Samsung has kind of picked up on that with the February update and kind of brought in some of that drama with things like the clouds into the February update of the s24 ultra you can see when you sort of pan up to the the difference in how it's sort of bringing out a little bit more life in it versus what it was doing in the January update it's weird I keep pulling it the January update when it was the only one that came out Point number four was about the preview of a photo again I'll refer back to Alex gearen Tech he talks about this a lot in that the preview screen of Samsung isn't great I've always known this and just kind of accepted it because I know that the output is going to heavily process it properly and give me a good result but yeah the preview mode could definitely stand to do with some work they refer to here that in sort of Darker areas it's the preview will do a better job of bringing out a bit more light I tried to find this difference and it was really really hard I've recorded them both here side by side so you just take a bit of a look and you let me know what you can see cuz I found it really really hard to notice the difference there was two points to that it said that it would brighten up darker areas in indoor photos the preview that is and it would also try and sharpen up the faces of people during the previous screen indoors again you be the judge of how that work when you see them side by side number five was food mode food mode its whole purpose is to just punch up photos of food simple improve colors contrast make it look like an appetizing plate of food that someone wants to tuck into so I'll let you be the judge which one of these plates of food would you prefer to eat based off their food Mode photos the January s24 Ultra update or the February s24 Ultra update let me know in the comments it also mentions that color saturation has been improved in night Mode photos again I stumbled out to my backyard to check this out and it was really difficult to find some differences there was one sort of thing I noticed the door color was a little bit more detailed in the February update versus January when you look at this night mode photo but yeah it was super difficult to see exact differences there is probably differences if you go in closer so let again let you guys be the judge ultimately it's the same photo of the same spot so it's really hard to sort of spot those differences but the door in that first photo was absolutely one of them Point number seven interesting one because what a lot of people were noticing is that their photos in expert raw the raw copy in the gallery was awful it just didn't look good and it's a really weird one because when you take them off the phone and put them on the computer they do kind of look better but the review on the gallery terrible Samsung made a point in here of saying that the gallery part when you zoom in on an expert raw dng file is better and they're 100% correct there's two different examples I took here one of the leaf get in my backyard and the second one was of my daughter's tricycle I guess you could call it and the droplets of water that have sort of accumulated on it and when you zoom in on the photo in the gallery yeah the January one you can't really notice a lot especially in the leaf photo but in the February one it's far and away the better review in the gallery versus the January one so that's that's definitely something that Samsung have cleaned up and made better thankfully number eight was a really interesting one it was to do with it's the point it said was the expression of fast moving subjects in photos in indoor or in backlit areas so when there's a heavy backlight and you're taking photos of something that's moving fast apparently the Expressions weren't good so Samsung tried to fix that with the update I didn't notice that particularly what I did notice was that the dynamic range was far better so again I snapped photos as quickly as I could which is my least preferred method of taking shots of my daughter just running along the lounge room what I noticed in each of every single one of those photos is that the background so where the building was out the window was actually way more in Focus because what had happening before it was overexposing that background in January and in the February one it was actually balancing it all out properly and processing it better so whilst the thing that they mentioned wasn't fixed or at least I didn't really notice it the thing in the background definitely that's a fix that I noticed straight away there's a point here that's not in this list but it's in the article that Samsung News Room put out to with portrait photos yeah okay it was sort of just mentioned that portrait photos were better and I don't know if I tend to agree with that I really liked the January portrait photos I thought they were doing an excellent job at processing the five times was absolutely stunning when I took these two shots of my kids one with the three times and one with the 5x I think what I noticed is that the jry one looked a little bit more full of life I don't know the February one it was good it just lacked something I can't quite describe it yeah you'd be the judge though as well but when I looked at it on my phone screen I thought wow the febr one's Far and Away the better option but I think that might have been playing into the hands of the display being more Vivid but when I chucked it on my new vfinity S9 display video coming soon so make sure you subscribe I actually saw that there wasn't that vividness difference that I saw in the phone screen so H curious as to what Samsung were meaning by it's better and the last Point Samsung said the expression of objects and subjects of photos were better and yeah they proved themselves right with this one I took a photo of a flower cuz it specifically mentioned flowers and I thought okay I'll give it a shot and what I noticed was that the February flower that I took so much more detailed and colorful versus the January one which sort of smoothed out and lost a lot of information again I thought it might have been the phone screens that I was looking at on with the Vivid slider being all the way to the top but again I chucked it on this Monitor and when you zoomed in you absolutely saw the difference the February flower you can see all the sort of Strokes inside it the color pops a little bit more it's a definite Improvement and Samsung were right they said it was better and it was this's the thing with what Samsung have done here whilst the phone was launched and Samsung had it shaped in a very specific way in their minds it wasn't what people wanted and everyone can slam Samsung for trying to change something with the display and not giving them the viid that they used to but Samsung listened to that feedback and yeah it might have taken an update and it might have been a couple of weeks after launch but for how long people will have this phone for 2 3 4 years waiting 2 weeks for an update that will be with them for the rest of the phone's life I I don't think it's that big of a deal so I'm all for Samsung listening to what people want and then actioning it through a software update more of it please because it definitely just makes the phone experience a lot better lots more videos to come including updated how to use every Samsung camera feature for the s24 that's coming as soon as I can get it out and of course some new products in the house as well as a bit of a new setup don't ask me for a desk tour because you're looking at it make sure you subscribe because this is the place to be for Samsung tips tricks and anything else that you want to know about your Samsung phone and also make sure you come follow me on my socials I've got Twitter SLX and also I'm on Instagram and I'll see you in the next one a
Channel: Tech with Benefits
Views: 58,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smartphones, tech tips, tech with benefits, features, samsung, samsung galaxy, samsung mobile, how to, smartphone camera, upgrade, comparison, review, tech review, software update, update, compare, software, galaxy, samsung apps, best apps, galaxy unpacked, hands on, unpacked, folding phones, oneui, secret, hidden features, good lock, tech youtube, tips and tricks, samsung features, one ui, one ui 6, galaxy s24, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy ai, galaxy s23 ultra, galaxys23
Id: urLS9ir4kxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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