S12 RHOBH Reunion - Crystal vs everyone Part 1

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[Music] I want to turn to the dark comments that Sutton supposedly made last year Crystal Erica seemed to pinpoint the issue you were implying Sutton made racist comments but refused to reveal what they were do you think you exaggerated or made something up or backing anything up what I've said was things were said that were hurtful when you don't say what it is people are going to fill in the blank oh and it's going to be a lot worse I need to give context to the experience right you know this was the very first time I spoke to Sutton in my life knowing Sutton today I wouldn't have had that same feeling or energy about the conversation we would have had a different experience when you brought it up a year later you did know her when you and Sutton had your thing I felt like no matter what she said we're going to say are you that girl there was a lot more said prior to that that was very dark it wasn't something specific it was not something specific the overall conversation that made me feel a certain way why not say there was not one thing it was the General tone of the conversation that led me did you guys know did you guys not that feel that way for me no very specific because that said something very dark I can't even say it it's so bad I will say the conversation today if it was someone that I didn't know I would still say the same words I would still feel like this was heavy and dark and it was not okay but not okay what is it versus it was something so dark I can't repeat it I'm gonna say Tyler I'm going to take a different thing if you put everything like that out there and you don't back it up I'm telling you now okay let me ask you a question and then I want to hear what you have to say then when I asked you on Watch What Happens Live was that the comment you said to me that wasn't no it was first no that's I'm sorry that was not the comment that I was referring to well it was the whole con no it was just the conversation so there's nothing specific you do realize you're saying completely opposite of what you said to us then there was a lot more said prior to that okay that was very dark you weren't telling the truth in La Quinta and what you're saying No this is my experience you called my experience lying no not your experience what you said was she said something dark that's how I felt yeah but it wasn't a great feeling the way I said it it wasn't do you understand that you said I could not understand this I kept on saying to you what did she say what did she say because if she said something that was racist I would have to question my friendship with her it felt like you wanted us to believe she said something racist I do not want that and if I wanted to bring it up I would have done it two years ago what a couple do you find that comment about the pool offensive because when I watched it you do why was why did you find that offensive I remember Porter asked to have friends over and they were sitting in the jacuzzi and I'm like there's my white child with uh black girls in there a Chinese girl was in the jacuzzi and then like probably a red-headed um Irish Catholic girl and I'm like this is what it should be I found it a very offensive conversation and you guys don't have to okay um and that's Sutton what's your reaction to all this because this seems to be really clearing you of having well one second that's great we knew that um I understand where Crystal was coming from last year that maybe I used words that that I shouldn't have used and we've talked about this and I've learned a lot of stuff because we can be friends and we can move through it I think the respect from this group needs to be there as well why make this okay why why is this all of a sudden why is that okay why can't you guys allow us to be okay I think it's great that you're okay but I spent three episodes watching wondering what this dark comment was make this a learning experience The Learning Experience seems to be don't accuse someone of saying something specifically very dark on time because exactly
Channel: All Things TV Shows
Views: 80,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KUmpLiF7SM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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