Nene Leakes most funniest & savage moments part 2!!

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[Music] kenya if you got a dog in there you better put it up oh good what is this honey what's going on oh they have it show me around let me see i was shocked honey i was in tears almost and it has a white refrigerator i was like oh not a white refrigerator right girl please put your shoes on let's go find your home honey oh lord kenya what is going on up in here this is where i've been since i'm crazy ladies let me see y'all uh kenya is in a 2.3 star hotel she definitely didn't want to pay over 129 a night baby you're not going to sit with me honey okay i've called my realtor and we're gonna go look at some places and i also have a helicopter on the roof to take us about this camp okay who knew we were gonna be twirling back to the hood honey you must get an education you must get a job you must have some money cause what woman want a man who don't have any money and when are you gonna do something to your hair god listen to me if you wanna wear long hair fine but you need to go get it braided up you can't just go around looking like some lost person he said he's on the honor roll he's not even in school he's through with school ask him again he might have slipped up that time oh i'm like on a roll for what you know laying around chilling all day you know sleeping and eating i mean what so you got your hair done so what about a new attitude i thought it was very strange that phaedra was there this is an event for the most fabulous ladies in atlanta like me and cheray and kim i don't know phaedra that well but what i've seen of phaedra i ain't never seen fabulous i see plain jane from athens but when we talk about fabulosity i i don't see it so what you doing who you came with i came with old dwight hey gorgeous i don't get a hug not really okay okay too boo who who was that that was last well he needs to be that this is this year no no no no no no you say the drama for somebody else you really need to come correct honey wash your hands just keep watch your hands let me give you a little money that hit all your boo let me give you a 500 he go take that and cash it give me man why are you telling me i gave him cash oh [ __ ] please i can't hear you [Music] let me know friends let me know because phaedra had stated in one of her uh interviews that we had grown up together in athens and i said we didn't grow up together we didn't play together i graduated high school she entered high school we weren't even in at the same time so that's why i said that because i thought that she was sending a fake message out we didn't go to high school together no you didn't because she's older than me just a few years well we won't go there but uh we can we want 43 to be exact i'm 43 to be exact actually i just turned 43 every new york brothers and sisters do you know my brother jack because y'all have talked about that i never knew him in school with you nina i don't remember who you i don't even know who he is child how did you come to three i don't remember people in high school oh no maybe you will get to know each other maybe flunk bloop bloop bloop all those things well i don't have an issue with charade uh kim candy or cynthia but nina's been on me since day one when did i talk about your child you talked about oh she's not fabulous so i'm like okay but if you're fabulous i'm happy i'm not fabulous what you call fabulous and what i call fabulous is probably two different things exactly you think nice of yourself and i think nice of mine you said i wasn't very ladylike that's the only thing yeah and you're not what's up i mean if that's what you think fine nene you were recently tweeting that one of your cast members is a transvestite i was curious who it was it doesn't matter if i wanted them to know i would have called their name what was it in reference to you know i tweet and if it refers to you then it refers to you and a hit dog will holla i don't know what that means now if you want to talk about the bus when i went down to orlando candy's background people were saying that cam had said to sweetie sit sit down sweetie and they said to me that they thought that she was was talking to a doggy if you're a fan ain't going nowhere we better get this party started and we're gonna stay in your friend's room cheers to the girls weekend you better watch those b words man you better watch those when you end up opening the ocean to us nene i'm glad you could invite everybody at my friend's house you're really a piece of work we didn't invite them to our house we're actually inviting them to the business well then get out if you don't like it you want to make fun of it but you want to sit here and eat and enjoy yourself then let me talk to you we're going privately by ourselves just by ourselves privately nobody else no fighting just want to talk to you look at me dwight if i tell you that i'm going to do something i'm gonna do it it's just privately and it's just you and i and we're gonna go by ourselves and just no big deal all right you said when you had the time to say it nini you had the floor i killed you you shut up then i will answer the question and i won't be interrupted or we don't even have to talk about it how about that no i would like to ask you okay because i thought that my hotel in beverly hill you know my hotel i like to stay at with my girlfriend a man approached me it's very dark it was probably 10 at night he approached me and he said uh king mata is across the street get mother is the cause of three i could not understand what he was saying okay he had a very thick accent i looked at him i was like what the hell is he saying getting out of it across the street i just kept walking and i got in my car my girlfriend had pulled off like two minutes later kenya called to my phone and she said why the hell you walk off from my man girl i said what man and she said my boyfriend i said the guy and then it dawned on me the guy with the accent kept saying kimora and i guess he was saying kenya moore is across the street and i couldn't understand him so i got in my car didn't say anything and i pulled off and she said he's in a black ferrari i said no [ __ ] we're in a black ferrari so she didn't even know he was driving okay so you tell me whether or not i met him because that wasn't i can't pick that man up sounds like you ran into him so if that's what you call meeting her boyfriend then i must have met him what she's saying is true there that is how she met but she was so rude as she is with a lot of her fans she thought it was just a thing and she just blew it off like i know who is this that wants to talk to me whatever whatever and he said to me later you know what she was so nasty and so rude that i don't don't ever bring anybody around me like that so nasty and that's what happened so rude so nasty and so rude well she's telling the truth it's so rude you're giving me my personal stuff let me tell you something listen to me as a grown woman i make my decisions no [ __ ] that with any friend that i have will never tell me who i can and cannot ask i'm not saying that i'm saying you know what when i get ready i'm not going to be thinking about what the king is going to be uncomfortable or not when i have my event i'm going to be worried about how fabulous nene [Music] now don't go because my husband's here and i'm married okay yes there you are for the second flooded with peter don't go there don't go there yeah people said peter x peter okay he's sitting right there where are you in front of my husband ever disrespect her in apollo if i flirted with him i would on it [ __ ] believe yes [ __ ] i know you would believe well even if she did i won yeah exactly thank you i'm glad you think you have a prize he has the prize [ __ ] look claudia you want to be the it girl but you ain't got it you got an eye but you are definitely missing the t boo proceed with caution oh you have your own brain why would i have my own brand oh this makes me stop please please just making sure you can think on your own because i know you have somebody that is stuck to getting you getting you together over here telling you when to drink yeah to speak thanks for the drink by the way nene yes talk from the woman that is the puppet master puppet master girl the checks didn't get canceled though you wish you had what i had in the bank darling you wish you had what i have being a stripper i was a stripper and i liked it what club was that that was 20 years ago let's talk about something being called i'm in my 40s i got you and you're 40. i am you'll be like 20 years no we are not 20 years ago bye because i know you need to have an argument with the queen you started with me i didn't start all right i didn't start with you you saw it with you you been struggling i've been struggling right okay you're so ready yeah i am so rich that's the hair no anybody can buy you a new [ __ ] cut it [Music] [ __ ] i got all kind of cards right now i don't get what was repossessed you just checked my crib [ __ ] and see the cars in my garage when you lift the goddamn garage don't tell me what has been tell me what's now okay i didn't know you did the google search i wish i would go for you i wish you would too what's wrong with the bottom nothing it's better than a hair hat yeah girl right girl bye donald d listen to your boss kind of be boxed around bro by making that comment at all i have friends that are biracial my girlfriends are black white chinese hell i might even be mixed okay so please accept my apology feeling some kind no i know where we are i get where we are okay let her finish okay they want to be we're friends you're full of that's what you are you full of now take that to the bank and cash that damn check on a good note we didn't miss you girl cause we didn't create the time it was good it was so glad you guys were able to work out whatever issues you had and moved on like a little video message we sent you nene i know we don't know each other that well but we can all stand next to each other then hopefully you can join us and we can make some more progress forward we love you all right yeah it's so lame i thought it was pretty phony it was it wasn't funny though well that's what i thought you asked me what i thought you know but i'm telling you it wasn't funny it was really i thought it was real even though you left we still wanted to not waste a session you shouldn't as far as i'm concerned i'm ready to move forward well that was the whole point of the dr jeff meeting okay you know i mean that you put together for us to all sit down and talk he was the mediator you don't feel like you did a good job mediating do we need to do anything else you're upset no i'm not upset you are upset so you are angry no so you are angry no where you were angry you're the one that's in anger management but you need to be no you need to be no you need to know what you were trying to say is that i was taking food off of your plate and you were freaking fraud those are the two that i would get rid of right away honey they're de-classing the show here is no longer on the show so that's not even an issue but we're not talking about marla we're talking about what you said and what you did you and kim you weren't doing it by yourself you had charade with her big nose and you know all the rest of them doing the bullet that they were doing and then cynthia sat right here and we all listened to you guys say nene is flirting with peter you know damn well i don't want peter do you feel like phaedra's thrown you shade ever and faith has done some you know some dirty stuff before i feel bad and she's you what have i done this dirty phaedra well what i'm saying and i love this i don't try to do low down dirty things to people now there's some people who try to be low down and dirty do you think so what about that low down down in dirty things to you do we really need to go there with what you have done to me that is slow down and dirty what has phaedra done to you nene on first season when i said that i did not know you what you did behind my back was went and talked to my half sisters who i haven't had a relationship with in over eight years you went and sat with them and tried to dig up dirt and then you took them to your son's birthday party my half sisters do not know you and you know they don't you were trying to act like they're from athens my whole family is from new york city my sisters graduated in new york city i was born in queens new york city they came from high school and they didn't really dated my kids it doesn't matter what you did was dirty and low down i would never in all my days of living go and talk to anybody that you don't talk to i could have now people don't brought information to me i would never do that because i don't have a dirty soul like that and i felt like there was no real reason for you to do that so before i even came on the show your sisters had come to my office quite a few times so don't get it twisted mindy i gotta get it twisted i just had a conversation with my sister she told me everything that you did you need to own up to your wrongdoing and you did something very wrong what was your purpose of sitting somewhere trying to film with my half sisters what if i set up on the show and film with your mama or with your aunt or your ex-boyfriend to try to bring or do you harm we all work on this show together i'm not trying to take anybody out they ain't got to like your ass but i ain't going to go sit and try to be dirty and bring up your past you do have a past everybody sitting up here has a past i would never sit here and do no [ __ ] like that and you were wrong now we got past it the lord says to forgive and i forgive you but i will never forget that you did that your intent in hanging out with nene's half-sisters hanging out with them i did know them yeah that is not true that is true do you want to get them on the phone you can get them on if i can call them quicker than you can okay so don't get it twisted now now just because we haven't had a relationship do you not think they don't want a relationship with me i'm not saying they don't okay well don't get it twisted what i'm saying to you is something that was absolutely dirty you and you're raving them and probably ken with her big-ass wig went out and sat with them trying to be low down and dirty but see you never can win when you're dirty honey you never can win you what the [ __ ] did i do to you for you to do that nothing nothing for someone but you know what i have this crazy thing thinking everybody's coming against you and everybody you didn't do that so i'm making this story no you don't make they were at the first birthday party they surely met with them outside of the party and tried to talk about me to my own family members at the end of the day we are blood they're going to come back and tell me that you're stupid you're not smart you're not smart if you're gonna go sit with somebody's family members and actually think they're gonna side with you at the end of the day they were the ones that came to me phaedra please let us come to the park we want to come to birmingham we got answers because you know we're trying to drop some bug in there come get on the show come get on you know some [ __ ] like that it doesn't matter you did it you did really i could have brought angela's stand and set her right here because i don't have a dirty soul like swirly you could just stay over there cause you you ain't in this conversation i'm absolutely in it nene it seems like you actually haven't forgiven her it seems like you're still very you do not mess with my family i got it no i died including wig and including big nose character i never went behind their back and trying to get with their family members none of that the only people that do that are people that are really dirty and phaedra did that because she wanted to harm me if it was an issue off-camera you could have said phaedra i still feel some sort of way about xyz well you also need to figure out why two years ago you would do something so dirty to somebody who hadn't done anything to you dirty did nene hurt your feelings in that first season is that why you felt like you she wasn't your friend well i mean i felt some sort of way about it because i have no ninny ninny didn't want it and admitted oh you know phaedra i don't know her you know she's this [ __ ] you were acting like you knew me we did not know each other why would i need it not knowing you phaedra i know you but you i didn't know you i met you at a christmas party you gave me your name you had me at a christmas party not met you but i hadn't seen you in years and i called you later on about a reality show after that and you said you did not know me i mean i said we are definitely remember you was only 23. i think the definition of the word no is what's coming into the question at the end of the day you gonna think what you're gonna think about it i mean i thought i apologized sufficiently to you know yeah i did when we were on a boat in south africa we did not go into details as to what we were talking about as in face you know you did something that was wrong okay so i apologize nene if you felt some sort of way about the sister ordeal if it hurt your feelings i apologize but i'm not gonna beg you i'm not gonna lick your booty i'm not gonna do none of that so you eat they can accept the apology or not accept it but you know life's too short to be chasing you i'm not asking you to chase me what i asked you for was an apology if we can move on
Channel: Mvfam0us
Views: 709,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q1CKTKdhQ4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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