Rinna vs Kathy 1

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you and Kathy leave yes and you go back to the house well we get into the Sprinter van first okay so it's really where it started was in the Sprinter van and what started Kathy's meltdown Kathy's screaming and yelling and venting and saying things that I have never heard in my lives this you recall I recall venting thinking that we've known each other a long time this is not being filmed and I felt that I could talk to you and you know halfway through it do you recall saying to me I get it I get it you're preaching to the choir do you remember those words um do you remember those words I don't exactly know exactly but um to want to take down NBC oh please the evolution the show I'm gonna get Kyle fired because um Lisa I'm just telling you you won't you want me to do you want me to tell the truth that I'll tell the truth true Lisa here are some of the things that you claim that Kathy said to you and asked me but I heard Kathy say to me okay dorit is a stupid useless idiot Crystal and Sutton are pieces of useless idiots should be fired can't believe I have to be around these peons they need to go away I have to do everything around you take a lie detector I have big deals over at NBC everyone's protecting me I'll take NBC Bravo I'll take you down the show I will destroy Kyle and her family if it's the last thing I ever do Kathy do you remember saying any of these no I don't all of that no idea it was so heartbreaking you know what I said to uh Lisa I was on the other side I know that you're having problems I'm having problems what kind of problems I don't know and also I'd like to talk about the text what text your text to me yeah guess what what it's not here oh that I made it up well it's not on my phone and you know what I would like to do well show me your text from Kathy right here here they are okay here's here is the text that she's talking about it's I didn't want to go here I don't want to go here it's on there yeah you did I had to lock myself in the bedroom I don't know why you would have to lock the door because you're you're having a psychotic break how would you think I would feel to hear that you want to destroy your sister but I also I also don't want anything here I never said that Kathy I never said that I said other things tell us what you said that night I just said I feel dismissed I feel like Kyle hates me sometimes turn your glasses off and stamp on them and I wouldn't throw them because you know what you need them I need them yeah but you threw them down you were stomping on them as you were pounding the world well the glasses are actually in the dressing room so all right if you want to look at them my issue with this is that it got out from in the group to you know outside of this which just made our life more difficult you know did either one of you leak to the press any of this information about Kathy no it was someone who works for you interesting the accusation was made that what happened in Aspen was leaked to the press it was made that it came from you Erica first off Jack my publicist has represented Nikki for I don't think he would do it four years was there any part of you that wanted this out there in order to no I wanted us to discuss it here because that's where the group is but nothing stays here anymore everything's on social media you're doing most of it I don't do most of it yes you do when I got home on Sunday from Aspen okay I got a call because remember we were in a club of 200 people yeah yeah I got it
Channel: Thethrowbackqueen
Views: 421,339
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Id: TPjxH19pjBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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