S12 RHOBH Reunion - Lisa vs everyone

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welcome back Lisa your mom Lois was beloved by family friends and fans alike yeah after she passed I know you had a difficult time grieving and your anger took over were her outbursts excusable or out of line watch the lipstick is called I love Lois oh isn't that cute [Music] my mom passed in hospice the hardest decision when that moment was um you know saying that she April alive it's really hard West Side cheers Lois you talk out of those sides of your mouth well so do you no I don't you descent actress and Lisa never leaves her body get out of my house if you're gonna talk like this you should leave it would take an exorcism to get the safe actress out if you cover my husband and kids I will cut you down if you want to make this go away you make a public my apology and you say I'm so sorry I do what you say Sutton why did you do it in the first place let me see do what she says then it goes away when I get it I will let it go I understand that Lisa is in a lot of pain I wish that she wouldn't lash out at people because of it but everyone processes grief differently is not about Sutton and so we're going to let that go now I have a lot of anger and feelings about a lot of things in my life I'm trying to figure out how to live without my mom do it I'm doing the best I can how you've been well it's hard it's really hard to come into a show like this and maybe it would have been better if I'd taken the time off because you know when you're in that deep of pain um I've done the best I can I'm sorry for being crazy in a maniac and screaming and doing what I've done um I really just am trying to walk through life you had a memorial in July what was that like just just recently which was really beautiful you know I think waiting that long to put her to rest was really difficult and if we had been able to do it sooner it might have helped a bit why didn't you do it sooner she wanted to wait she did yes she asked us to wait till the summer the girls had her ashes and I just went in and I like kissed them so I left my lipstick on her and then the girls put it in and then we were able to put the plaque on and so there was a great sense of relief after that and that was two months ago almost some closure it really hit me really hard was touching watching you go through her boxes what was the most treasured thing that you found one of my favorite things was a crystal Christmas tree because she loved Christmas and then this ceramic Carnation that used to sit on her desk oh I wanted that look at that I she just always had it little things like that I mean there's many I loved the Post-it oh the post office oh the Post-it was great me too on my dad's Tombstone it says I did it my way and hers is gonna say me too oh really she wrote that herself Eddie from New York said Lisa feels like you're using your mother's death as a scapegoat for your despicable Behavior what excuse did you have when you were equally disgusting to Denise Vanderpump and Kim listen it has been a very confusing time for me and I'm not going to scapegoat it and I'm not gonna use it I'm gonna say it just is and has been a very confusing I have been all over the place and I don't ever remember myself being quite so all over the place but I have been Lisa grief can manifest itself in terrible ways are you at least talking things through with the therapist I am and have been from the beginning that's great so you know thank God for her
Channel: All Things TV Shows
Views: 97,483
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Id: w5yf06k7tWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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