Ryzen 7800X3D Vs Ryzen 7700X - Which Should You Buy?! 😮

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in my hands I have two gaming CPUs this is the 7700x this is the 7800 X 3D and this is actually my personal rig and today we're going to be doing a very simple comparison between these two CPUs to see which one is actually better for gaming we know it is going to be the 7800 X 3D but the question is by how much because while both of these are 8 core gaming CPUs the price difference at the time of filming is actually about 90 pounds and as you go without saying that this is offers a quite a lot of money and in real world practical terms that's either money in your back pocket or it's probably going to be an upgrade from one GPU to the next maybe an extra upgrade for your SSD to get you some more capacity better calling more RGB fans it doesn't matter what's actually going to be more useful the extra theoretical frame rate that you might not be getting or pretty much anything else it's going to be a really interesting video and I honestly can't wait to test it with this RTX 4090 so stay tuned to learn everything you need to know right after a short word from this video sponsor the gigabyte G5 is the gaming laptop for those that want to play the latest games without spending an arm and a leg packing the latest RTX 40 series Graphics the gigabyte G5 is ready for jaw dropping Ray tracing and frame rate boosting dlss3 learn more about this 144hz gaming beats today with the link down below let's get started and waste as minimal time as possible but I do want to give you a quick refresher between all the different CPUs so that you can understand what it is that you're buying firstly all of these are am5 so if you have an am4 compatible motherboards you have to buy a new one you can't drop these in you're going to need ddr5 memory which can get quite expensive to get these to work but essentially both of these are 8 core 16 thread CPUs the power between the two of them should be fairly similar to complicate things even further you can buy a non non-suffix I suppose CPU that would be the 7700 that uses less power so you don't need as much cooling but has similar performance to the X whereas the x3d actually doesn't clock quite as highly as the X but it has this 3D V cache on the CPU itself that in certain applications like games that like to have faster and more cash it means that your frame rates can be higher whether this is your averages or your one percent lows but it is likely to be a little bit hit and miss depending on the games that you play as to whether this is going to be significantly faster than your 7700x or whether they're actually going to be fairly similar oh my PC has got so boredomy talking it's sent itself to sleep I don't do the same with you do I but not only are the differences between the two are going to be fairly game dependent it is of course also going to depend on your GPU your graphics card because if you've got something like the RTX 4090 you're going to be very CPU limited very bottleneck so having extra performance on these is almost certainly going to translate into better performance especially at lower resolutions whereas if you've got something that's more low to mid-range then chances are you're going to be bottlenecked by your GPU so having an even faster CPU is literally going to make no differences to your frame rate it might in some one percent lows but generally speaking you want to spend more money on this rather than more money allocated for these oh I'm happy with that that was concise let's get gaming oh no my um where my custom PC Centric Mouse mats what's that links down in the description below don't worry I found it grab yours today no shipping and I don't think you've actually seen this PC in a good couple of months and the truth is I've just been using this playing games doing pretty much all the testing I need to do and honestly I have loved it the only thing I don't like about it is the stock fractal fans that come with this case are not necessarily loud but they're not the absolute quietest so I think it will be good to actually change these out and get something a little bit higher specs but otherwise this PC is surprisingly as near silent as you can realistically get when you're actually playing games like what have I done I've completed return on this the remake of dead space on this been playing a bit of multiplayer now I've moved on to Batman genuinely in love with this thing and if you do want to check out the full build guide with this where we go through everything in it and all of the problems and things we had to overcome to get it to fall into this like small chassis you can find that video in the top hand corner of your screen but otherwise this video is actually going to be pretty simple I have my notepad I have a few columns we're going to be testing this PC with the 7700x A 1440p and 4K in all of the games I've actually going to be playing this is about real world testing not just the most CPU demanding all of these are I guess these are almost like a mixture of my favorite games I keep going back to time and time again and at the end we have our numbers get your bets in Now comments below don't cheat how much difference is there gonna be with the 4090 and the x3d because if there's a big difference I will genuinely buy one of these buy one of these at the end of the video and then put it in my rig for real I promise let us begin with what I think has to be the most demanding game on PC right now some cyberpunk 2077 with the path tracing update available enabled on we're going to set this to Ray tracing overdrive DLS says frame generation on dlss was set to Performance and then when we scroll down you'll see that we have path tracing technology preview enabled what sort of frame rate are we gonna get well around about 92 frames a second or so but our latency remember is a little bit I say on the high side for 40 90 this is fine like I've been testing this on quite a few different gpus and usually you get about 52 with it off with everything else on so to be able to actually run the path trading update at this frame rate and with a decent enough latency to actually be able to play and enjoy is pretty phenomenal I mean this has to be the best looking game I mean it is absolutely ridiculous like I'd say that the stuff at the top looks a bit more normal it's not anything crazy but when you actually see the reflections and just how real feel everything else looks as you're driving along the city it is absolutely ridiculous but the thing that is definitely worth noting is that we're getting around about 98 GPU utilization at the moment so I would actually be strongly surprised if we saw any difference by upgrading our CPU to the x3d but that's why we're doing this test to show you the differences in all the different games let's press on though to our second game and this is valorent and for a lot of people you will find that this is actually very easy to be CPU bottlenecked by it does say at the top right hand corner that we're not though we're currently sitting about 98 GPU utilization and we're getting an absolutely ridiculous frame rate of 600 frames a second but this is at 4K 4K Max settings and we're getting 620 frames a second that is ridiculous if I confess I did open this up because I did want to see some GPU bottlenecking so let's turn this down to 1440p I'm genuinely confused is that possible can we be getting 950 1064 frames a second how have I never tested this before that is insane at least we're getting some bottlenecking now that means we've got more frames a second on the table our latency is now about two or three milliseconds utilization about 91 this PC is ridiculous but as I said at the start of this video I want this to be a very personal video to me this is about whether the games I play will get a higher frame rate with the x3d and so because of that I really wanted to test return all because I've pretty much played this game more than anything else on this system about 30 hours or so and as you can see it is an absolutely ridiculously all over the place game there is so much going on it really is a feat of engineering but that does mean that it is ridiculously difficult to run I think it is very well optimized what it is but as you can see there are so many particle effects and things going on that this is actually incredibly demanding on the CPU and the GPU so this is running at 4K and there are times when the frame rate will drop where we are actually CPU dependent but then the rest of the time you are going to be resting on your graphics card but this is a 4K with dealer says set to Quality and as soon as we turn this down to 1440p you will see that we do start to see a fair bit of CPU bottlenecking all of the time in fact actually it's a lot larger than I would have expected remember I have been playing this on a 4K television downstairs so I have been playing this at 4K resolution the whole time I didn't actually expect to see that little utilization on the GPU I know this is a 4019 it's like pretty Overkill but look at that about 64 so clearly if you do buy a more powerful CPU this is a game that should see quite a dramatic difference upping the NC and going backwards and forwards at the same time what you're seeing here is dead space and this is right at the end of the game so we won't have any spoilers even though this is old and you've probably seen it all before but we just walk down the corridor to give you an idea of how the frame rate will change this is quite a nice sequence actually because it's all real-time rendered so you get to see everything like compared between this and the other CPUs and maybe the other resolutions but at 4K it doesn't really seem to be bottlenecked at all whereas at 1440p chances are you are going to see a slightly lower frame rate though we are using tlss here so I guess you could turn this off if you wanted to maximize quality but this is a game that is very heavily dependent on your graphics card so I'd worry more about that than and the CPU within reason obviously let's move on now to the heavy lifting with the game I know you want to see more than anything else some Call of Duty Warzone 2 because this is actually intensely CPU bound I still don't really know exactly what the game is doing but clearly it's a lot and here's the crazy thing right what you're seeing here is 4K resolution with dlss yet we're already CPU bound we're currently around about 70 on the GPU so that does go to show that assuming we get CPU that is faster in Warzone 2 remember just because it's faster doesn't mean it'll be fast in this game thanks to that 3D V cache that also means there could be some very big performance games to be had and I'm excited to see it the one final game for you lovely folks that love a bit of Apex Legends this is fortune 40p and this is pretty much just to demonstrate that actually again this is a game that isn't really going to benefit from a stronger CPU than a 7700x because as you can clearly see we're actually hitting a very hard cap of 300 that's actually baked into the engine or the game itself even by removing the FPS cap it still makes it out at 300 don't understand why but it does so you can see our GPU utilization is around about 60 70 but by putting in an x3d unless they update the game somehow it's not going to make any difference at all but we still take the benchmarks anyway could affect the lows right here then I think that is actually us ready to move on to the next step and the most exciting bit which is actually getting our x3d in our rig should we take out the box and actually have a look I mean I'll pretend that I've never used this before but troopy told I have I built something that was actually really cool it was an entirely blackout x3d and 7900 XTX rig you can find this video in the top right corner of your screen I'm going to do this the super Safe Way which actually in plain English means the way I don't recommend you do but how would you see otherwise oh no wait actually what am I saying we need to actually give this a bios update because of course all the motherboards actually predated to the x3d so while I think they actually still will all work with the 3D chip they won't properly take advantage of the 3db cache unless as you update the bile so it is very simple I'll show you how to do it go on your motherboard manufacturer's website and find the latest bios I've put it on a USB drive we'll go to Tool flashback utility find our cap bios file do you really want to update the BIOS really do you actually want to do it you want to update the file so you're insane I suppose in plain English it's saying it's very dangerous to update the BIOS if you don't know what you're doing because if you pull the cable out trip over it or there's a power cut then you can actually risk your whole motherboard being bricked I think the higher end ones do tend to have better resiliency to this and some actually have dual bioses but still it's not a good idea only do it when you need to and do it very carefully I think we're good let's get this show on the road let's unplug our PC make sure all the power and things are drained out of it and then let's get our CPU Cooler taken off if you're doing this yourself obviously lay it down flat it's way safer but it's nicer for you guys to be able to see isn't it let's give it to bum a little bit of a wipe shall we then very gently I'm gonna pop the hood this is such a silly idea to do this standing up why why did I do these things remove the 7700x and then there we go CPU upgraded right let's get this tightened powered on and hopefully it still works yes oh let's go into our setup and make sure we're restoring our Ram XMP profile to its default this is running at 6000 megahertz I think 6000 30 38 38.96 right let's go remember we're not expect drastic difference and having a look at our frame rate what were we getting before around about 95 frames a second so we might actually be ever so slightly higher or about 102 104 minimums now of about 94.95 we'll be running the proper benchmarks and showing you in just a second so you can see the full scientific results but I have to say this is looking pretty pretty neat actually I mean the latency is 45 now whereas previously it was 55. is this Placebo or have we actually improved cyberpunk with a 3D CPU let us open up what was probably the most bottlenecked game of the lot though some return all at 1440p and here we are looking at around about 81 83 I mean we are still getting 168 frames a second so that is another point I mean do you need any more in return or even if you are losing some performance or at least leaving it on the table but I guess that is a question you need to ask yourself don't you the difference between about 310 pounds the cheapest that we've seen I think for the 7700 versus about 440 for the x3d it is a big difference definitely does seem a few player games though and let's start with venue is all over the place but it is also still over 1 000 frames a second I've never seen FPS numbers move so fast in my life but that latency though that latency three milliseconds it never ceases to amaze but let's swap back over to the big one some war zone 2 and my money is on a big difference it's gonna be well let's have a look let's jump out of the plane and straight away our utilization is still very similar to how it was before this is running at 4K with dlss and as we've now touched the ground we're getting about what's that 155 frames a second 10 milliseconds of latency but we are still leaving a fair bit of that 40 90 performance on the table is that disappointing I don't know we're gonna have to wait for the full benchmarks unfortunately they're all done which means handling over to the one the only benchmarks wait what you want me to talk now really I'm not prepared hello everybody and welcome back to benchmarkers and this has actually been a really fun one for me because obviously this is a personal PC that this is something I've been using that for actually a week and a half since doing this bit of voice over and generally the difference can be absolutely outstanding especially in something like Warzone when you're able to get a much higher average it is very very impressive but even if you're going to be playing at 4K this is a worthwhile upgrade to be honest if you're spending loads of money on a gaming PC but then when we look at those 1440p numbers the difference is ridiculous this is the real deal folks this is the chip but I think most people really were waiting for when they launched the 7000 series of ryzen CPUs this is very much a pure gaming CPU it does that perfectly and it is going to be brilliant for pretty much what every gamer is going to use their pc4 8 cores is still plenty but do be aware that obviously that is the trade-off that you're making the only other thing really that you need to consider is of course going for something like the original 7700x that is a fair bit cheaper gives you better cost per frame or maybe going for the 7900 that is about the same sort of price of this but does give you four more calls so if you're going for like 4080 40 90 7900 XTX anything like that I clearly think this is going to be the chip to go for but that's not to say the others aren't worth considering because it is going to come down to personal preference and what you're going to be using your PC for as well as value and so then there we are the results and genuinely I am very impressed with the x3d and spoiler alert I will be ordering one this is going to have an x3d chip inside it the difference with an RTX 4090 is quite substantial it is going to vary depending on the game it's going to vary depending on the GPU load the settings that you want to use but fundamentally despite the fact that the x3d is that good is it worth the extra money and this one is still a little bit up near and I think as a general rule if you're spending probably over 750 pounds or dollars then yes you should get the 3D over the standard 7700 or the X version because clearly there you've got enough horsepower to really get the most out of it but anything lower than that it pretty much comes down to the sort of game that you're playing if you're playing something like valorant where those one percent lows do make quite a big difference then that is definitely worth considering an upgrade but I still wouldn't trade the GPU horsepower for the extra CPU if you're having to actively downgrade your graphics card you're going to spend less money then I don't necessarily think it's worth it but don't go buying it because you want to be future proof buy it because the system you have needs as much CPU horsepower as possible and fundamentally you have it within your budget to actually afford this chip in the first place I wouldn't want to compromise on other things because the 7700 is a very good CPU but for Pure gaming you can't argue the x3d is an amazing chip it comes highly recommended and I need to go buy one smash the like button if you've enjoyed this video get yourself subscribed let me know your thoughts on the x3d down below are you considering getting one of these do you already have it do you think it's a waste of money and of course as always if you do want to check out current pricing on anything that's in my personal rig including the 7800 x3d you can find that listed all down below with my Amazon affiliate links and while you're down there why not check out gigabytes G5 gaming laptop the G5 packs a 144hz display into a solid Sterling laptop body with up to a 12 core Intel processor and an RTX 4060 graphics card no matter whether you're wanting multiplayer action or raytrace dlss3 immersion the G5 is the laptop you've been waiting for it even comes with a two year warranty grab yours today with a link down below so thank you so much for watching this video we'll catch you in the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 74,825
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Keywords: pccentric, gaming, pc gaming, gaming computer, pc centric, pc build, gaming pc, pc centric personal, pc centric pc, pc centric pc build, ryzen, 7800x3d, 7700x, 7700, ryzen cpu, 7800x3d gaming, rtx 4090, rtx 4090 benchmark, rtx 4090 7800x3d, 7800x3d vs 7700x, 7700x vs 7800x3d, best gaming pc, best gaming cpu, gaming cpu, gaming processor, 7800x3d benchmark, 7900x, 7950x, x3d, best cpu for gaming, 7800x3d gameplay
Id: c6g6NByq5Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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