Ryzen 7000 Deep Dive: Motherboard Selection for Maximum FPS

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hey guys welcome to my channel so let's talk about motherboards I have got some thoughts about this you know and I'm buying a new motherboard new PC for am5 ryzen 7000 CPU and look at this video from har box look he tested all of this for us guys pretty amazing he spent so much time testing different motherboards so definitely like And subscribe if you haven't already amazing video so as you can see I've done a lot of Investigation investigation means a lot of YouTube a lot of browsing by investigation you know sound marter like my IQ is already 20 points higher my investigation results guys only few motherboards make sense but one in particular so what is that luckily guys I think the cheapest one one of the cheapest one is the best one let's have a look I also check this guy actually hardcore overclocking which is well known as a bullo very wellknown overclocker like And subscribe look he was talking about motherboards for 1 hour almost for 1 hour and he he likes the subject so much that he kind of contagious like you want to listen to that you want to listen what what he has to say so yeah very very cool amazing this guy he explained the difference between motherboards you know between 650 620 X 670 and guys like this is like known that only this one makes sense only this one this is rubbish it's and it's not even cheaper by the way it's just rubbish and this one is overpriced so only this one makes sense because this one get two of these controllers instead of one and you don't need them for gaming it's it's really pointless I also listen to this guy and he got different take I really like what he said because I wasn't aware motherboards have different sound quality different codex different shielding some motherboards have more noise like hising and sissing you can hear especially when you connect to to speakers so I you know I didn't even think about this for me S is sand like I thought all of them sound pretty much the same unless you go with dedicated sand card which is not very popular these days it used to be in the past but now everybody has just integrated sand so I thought sand is just sunand but no apparently there is there is a difference between them said oh interesting actually I may have a look at this however he mentioned this guys that 670 offers you faster GPU and SSD slots which is very misleading because it's kind of true but not exactly true and I will show you guys what's the real difference look this is X you know this is the difference is by the way there's two version of each b650 and 650e and the same for this one and look they're pretty much the same and Max PCI Lanes the same PCI generation 5 look this one has more Lanes than this one yeah this one got zero but this one got more than this one and the same as this one so what's the point of going there the main difference paying a lot more for this one you got more USB it's still not exactly like that I will show you you can get really good motherboards like you know from this range that can easily compete with those easily but you pay more and look this is amazing so if you're looking for a motherboard and you're not sure this is absolutely tinning you know look at this graph so this is hardware unboxed by the way this is from them but the the written like review is Masterpiece guys if you want to buy a motherboard and you want to compare what what is exactly the difference between them because it's very difficult to compare but this makes so much easier this is amazing I'm just really impressed so spoiler alert guys this is the best one kind of yeah but this is kind of the best one it's really good this azrock motherboard guys it's amazing and I will tell you why first of all the price of course is one of the the cheapest one and it's actually cheaper now than it is here and look all these golden like bars yellow golden bars this is their recommendation however be careful with that because the price has changed and all of this is price to Performance yeah and many of this motherboards are cheaper now like a lot cheaper so some of the recommendations you know maybe are not valid anymore because like non highlighted one can be better because they're so much cheaper like this one here you know they said this price is too high but if it would cost somewhere like here like this one maybe this is better huh and yeah so so let's talk about this amazing motherboard here so it doesn't have PCI generation 5 for GPU however this is the generally not a problem because there is not a single GPU on the market that use that not even 4090 or 7900 XTX none the only thing that maybe you know some people would consider this as useful is if you bet that next generation gpus will use that and you will buy it like 5090 come out and you need it and and you buy it and you don't change anything however I you know you bet a lot of money because the cheapest one is you know you pay extra basically you pay extra for that but maybe maybe it's worth yeah but at the moment not one GPU uses that however we have nvme drive generation 5 and look this cheap motherboard well inexpensive not cheap it's inexpensive it's very good value it's got generation five slot and I know a lot of people saying do not even think about this they're very expensive yes they are very expensive they s with them as well they are very expensive and they get very hot but they offer double the performance of 4.0 double and let's have a look the pricing so I've just checked generation 5 so super expensive yeah look at this one super expensive however if you go like not top end not like 1200 megabytes per second but you know cheaper one like this one here yeah it is expensive 150 comparing to 100 but look this one yeah it's not maybe double but it's a lot faster it's a lot faster and you may think okay but it doesn't mean for gaming it's still plenty fast yes it is plenty fast but guys a lot of people are not aware this can affect gaming performance and what what you talking about this is like 1 second faster loading time maybe maybe not even that what you talking about what gaming performance guys let me show you this is Extreme example but there is more example like look if between super fast and super slow you've got more FPS average but more important the 1% low the drops the slower the the hard drive or nvme drive the lower the drops you can get because the data coming too late to compute so you get spikes as well you've got starters so does affect that by say okay but this is like hard drive nobody is using hard drive okay what about nvme Generation 3 comparing to nvme generation uh 4 tested in four spoken guys so average and 1% drops look guys well this is Generation 4 fast one comparing to Generation 3 nvme look you've got more performance more FPS did you know that you can bet with your friends you know said guys did you know that nvme drive can affect your FPS and they will laugh and they will bet like $100 with you and you you can win $100 you can upgrade your PC guys yeah interesting so all the spikes you know they can affect the spikes the stutters so maybe you know the generation 5 nvme is not pointless maybe it's not that stupid you know and this is this beautiful motherboard guys from AOK $100 guys for am5 used to be very expensive motherboards and it offers you everything almost everything except really you know it's quite bad on the on the back it's very little connectivity here it's very little you've got a little bit more on the front you know for in your case but it's not really great so yeah guys this is pretty amazing motherboard and for me I think this is really really like wise choice because you spend more on motherboard it means you have less money usually you have less money for everything else you won't get any extra performance in gaming when you spend more money on a motherboard you're taking away from your GPU most likely so for me this this is amazing this is really great really great motherboard however if you want something more you can upgrade to azok for for this one is also discounted from 220 to 180 and this one the main thing about this this is the cheapest or the least expensive motherboard with GPU PCI generation 5 so you've got both nvme and this one here I don't know if it's worth it but it's got Wi-Fi by the way when this one doesn't so be careful yeah this this is without Wi-Fi for some people it's a deal breaker so there is that another one this one it's a funny looking one also without Wi-Fi but look at the back look at the connectivity beautiful this is like premium like a very premium motherboard but for a very affordable price if you don't need Wi-Fi this is really amazing this also amazing motherboard all azok so far all azok another one from gigabyte and the price is very good not much more expensive from the basic one got very good on the back even you know digital output very cool so very good but what I like about this motherboards and I'm a bit salty about this as well guys because for me I cannot believe this is actually happening is the easy release latge you know so this one GPU Rec retention clip you know you see and this one here for easier release guys this is I I'm so salty about this because it's such a big issue to change your GPU in some cases like if you have a big air cooler and big GPU it's almost impossible to to press this one and you can damage your GPU you can damage motherboard and and in many cases you know people even break this one because it's stuck it's so stupid I don't I don't understand it's it exists for so many years and it's like ridiculous this supposed to be industry standard supposed to make it easier to press yeah I really like this motherboard even for that this called what easy latch guys easy latch how come this is a future and not an industry standard I don't understand and in some motherboards you know when you have head syn here another head SN here and this one in between it's almost impossible to press this button your GPU stuck forever it's like Merit to motherboard forever for Lifetime and guys look and let me play this one there's an advertisement selling motherboards based on this one feature guys let's let me play this one this is me by the way trying [Music] to guys you see how this guy looks like how he is dressed smart casual it means he's smart he's smart I'm I still don't understand how such a basic feature as removing your GPU is a premium feature otherwise it's a such a pain I I I'm really don't understand so I'm really salty about this and I would probably buy that motherboard just because of that retention clip of this one here this this is another motherboard very expensive by the way very expensive however this overpriced motherboard maybe makes sense I'm another thing where I'm salty so let's let's look at this motherboards look look at the price however it actually can make sense one thing guys why this you know this error code why this is not industry standard is it $200 I don't think so guys how come you know I'm so Sal because something wrong with a motherboard like your PC doesn't start and it's just blinking and making sense just annoying stuff how you even Google that with this one it's just easy you know Co error code number three and you just Google number three and you know you know what's going on oh it's your memory okay or whatever you know I'm just make make this up so this is already amazing now this motherboard guys is like so many amazing features yes it's expensive but look double CPU connection you don't need it but when you see both you feel it's premium but this is gimmick actually a little bit but look at this one of the best I think maybe the best audio codec 480 4080 all this you know so good audio very cool look at this look at this beauty this is like so premium there is no more space for anything else and look bios flashback and clear simos button both of them so many USB 3.2 generation 2 amazing optical audio out for and free design look you can connect subwoofer you can have premium sound and look guys you've got this button you've got button here the the release for GPU how I just cannot believe this is not industry standard you've got four M2 dot slot you don't need it but you you get it and you've got two PCI 5.0 I don't know what for I I don't think anybody will use that but this is really amazing motherboard but do you need it guys do you do you need to spend extra what you get for me the only good well there's two good things about this mother well three actually no three things that actually good is the audio codec is the release button this one the error code and of course a lot of connectivity on the back so maybe maybe it's worth this price it's quite a lot and you know like in UK this motherboard is not that expensive it's you know we have higher prices so with such a big discount you know I would consider actually but otherwise this is like a m like this is amazing this motherboard is just amazing I'm just salty about this you know this latch here like stupid actually I would probably upgrade my next motherboard and completely remove it I I don't think I need it because on on my last mother I'm so salty because on my last motherboard it's stuck I couldn't remove my GPU it's like the the whole button broke so I had to break it completely so now my motherboard doesn't even have this button and I think my motherboard got upgraded accidentally so I really don't like this I really don't like how it solve and how difficult is to press it's just you know I'm salty and another thing I'm salty just on a side note guys is with the cases there is no front panels anymore and a lot of cases have no like USB ports on the front just two or maybe three USB ports not anymore like in the past it wouldn't be that problem because you could you could add this you could add this and you you had this USB ports in front but now everything is on the back and I just wonder you know if I don't care about the look maybe I should turn the PC case around so I actually have all the important stuff available to me so I don't have to on the back on the case and connect something but I have everything all the io from motherboard in front because this cool stuff I cannot connect anymore there so little cases like this yeah you USA you can you can buy this one but in UK I cannot get this uh this case anymore most cases get nothing in the front so I cannot connect this stuff here no all the USB is on the back now apartment maybe two they you know I get only two on the case and I cannot connect something like this look look at the price 32 you know now you still can get that as a like a premium add-on to your case but it cost like $200 or at least 100 not $30 but this one you could normally add to to this slot here you know with your like Blu-ray Drive or USB ports or this uh fun controllers but now you know everything is on the back I I think we going backwards in many with many things so yeah guys I think know forizon 7,000 I think this motherboard is just amazing I don't think you should pay extra unless you really want unless you really want some Futures but really you spending more on a motherboard you mean you have less money for GPU so yeah guys I think this is amazing this is really good motherboard okay guys uh thank you for watching I hope you enjoy uh let me know what motherboard you've got how much extra you've spent on your motherboard over over this price and yeah thank you for watching and see you later
Channel: Hardware Accent
Views: 7,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd, motherboard, am5, comparison, 7800x3d
Id: k27K-Kga4rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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