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citizens of rome gather round welcome to gordian now gordian was famous for its knot and the oracle one day prophesied whosoever shall untie the knot shall conquer the entire world many people came from far and wide but no one could untie it until one day the mighty alexander arrived alexander descended from the mighty god [Laughter] apollo advanced apollo enlightened alexander and showed him how to untie the knot [Laughter] [Applause] sulla has returned to rome to establish honor he declares that the innocent have no reason to fear but that those guilty of crimes against him shall be most severely punished the men whose names are written on these lists are declared outlaws they have no rights of citizens henceforth they may be killed on site anyone who takes it upon himself to kill any of these men will be considered a friend of the state and shall be rewarded with the property and possessions these outlaws leave behind [Music] it's the greatest [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's my wife at her father's grandmother the soldiers are coming julia stay with her sula is taking the city with his army he's made lists hundreds of people are on them are you no my wife's father is julia stay in the house don't go father where are you going to get your mother [Music] [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] have you heard yes we have to hurry oh it's the point of running away might as well die right here please go she's right sinner you must leave now hurry go please father go hurry [Music] [Music] run [Music] he helped sinners to escape give me your name it's caesar from the house of julie arrest him [Music] [Music] hello no it's in any ruler's interest to keep peace among the people and the people will only be at peace if they have a senate representative since when did the senate ever represent the people okay so why is your mouth hanging over you have nothing to fear you are not on my list sir if i were on your list and it were for the good of bro i would gladly die well when you say that i truly believe it to be true so i repeat when did the senate ever represent the people i want the man with a are bringing to answer me you you so it's me i belong to you we're all aristocrats your feet have never touched the ground your ass has never touched a horse how can you possibly represent the people whom most of you have never even met we represent the people by preserving their traditions if they think you want to be king what's with the name king by me that i don't already have yeah if the people know the senate is still meeting to advise you oh yes oh yes oh they will that is my fondest wish so i would not be a true republican if i did not introduce a how do i say it a um earthier element among your ranks gentlemen you will continue to advise me and you will continue to debate what is best for the people but my men will remain here just to make sure that the decisions that you reach are the problem but sir is this not counter to roman law i have just changed roman law i understand sir but will something of the always be preserved tell us means is not that we would ask you to pardon anyone whom you've resolved to destroy only that it might have a calming effect if you could make known whom you intend to spare oh come come cato you know how alliances change in troubled times well then perhaps you can tell us who you intend to kill well let's begin with you i was only asking what everyone was thinking well i can't possibly kill everyone so i will kill only you i may draw that but then again i may not i will let you know after dinner but for your sake you better hope the food is good [Music] are you julius caesar yes this way this way i want to see sola i've been a member of the senate for 30 years julius season ah nephew to mariah you have unfortunate ancestry if you think it's unfortunate to be descended from the gods now which god was that the julians who descended from aeneas was the sum of venus yes yes yes yes yes i recall marius making such claim there are many people these days who claim to be descended from gods we have a crest which proves it i believe you could have them fashioned to the marketplace well a couple of dinars why did you ask to see me your mother she came to see me did she ask you to spare my life and what you agreed well i promised that i would consider it and i'm supposed to be grateful to you no she is we're old friends you've killed a lot of old friends oh yes true true true old friends in the day become fresh enemies at night what do you want in exchange for my life why do you think i want anything in exchange and like you don't give things away for free i'm not a man without compassion i will help you if i can first you must understand the gravity of a crime senator was my greatest enemy and you helped him to escape did he of course not you need to escape my soldiers only to be killed by one of his servants my wife she's well i leave women to their health and since you are only the son of sinner by marriage i intend to leave you to yours if if you divorce your wife well no i refuse you refuse to divorce your wife even though it may cost you your life my wife is my teacher she's cleverer than i am she's more honest than i am she's a more compelling argument than i am or you are all your offices i won't divorce her that is my answer oh pompey what can we do with men such as this i don't know whether to embrace him or strangling i think we should let him go what his uncle marius was my greatest enemy he's got 10 mariuses inside him look at his eyes you want to let him go it's the ones who smile and flatter you should worry about he speaks plainly you do speak plainly don't you always tell me would you kill me if you could in an instant [Laughter] you can go i said they are free to go what a big heart that boy has bring it to me in the morning [Music] hey [Music] so it was this solo's plan to slot me outside so i wouldn't foul the carpet with my blood i came to warn you why because if you don't leave rome i'll have to do as he asked and and i don't want to see men like you die young what do you know about me you refuse salah i'll tell you more someday when this time but now you must leave rome your family will be safe here take this go east to bethennia show this ring to king nekometes he'll keep you safe in his service how do i know i can trust you you don't [Music] i will not hand my fate over to that man so you'd let him kill you they can try if he wants i am not leaving rome why must he be so stubborn pompey himself came to offer you help why won't you accept it he's sold his man it could be a trick don't you trust anyone at all yes i trust you then listen to me you are not the heaven and the earth you're just a man and some things are bigger than you are when you were in jail i thought you were dead i started to grieve your death i'm asking you to spare me that caesar how could i live with myself if i knew i had one chance to save your life and i [Music] failed [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign is this pig for sale how much will you give me for it 10 dinars that's good money for a swine it requires carving julius caesar we will feed it to my dogs that's the coast of crete the ruler there used to make up laws and then hang them so high the people couldn't read them and if they broke the law he'd show them no mercy today the shores are infected by pirates we need to anchor for the night [Music] where has father gone to the other side of the water how long does it take to cross the water depends on the wind sometimes you can cross it in days sometimes if the air is still you may not move at all you don't like the road sir we can use nails if the roman way isn't it what kind of ransom do you get for roman these days two talents but i'd pay three to watch a roman drown did you get 50 for me alive and who would collect it they would hey if you're a man don't return before dawn you die [Music] let's go your time is up roman i'll fight one of you for another day [Music] hahaha [Music] that's another day [Music] [Music] so nobody's coming back for this roman throw him in the sea [Music] [Music] 50 talents [Music] so [Music] and the money just happened to find its way into your purse sir i never stole a coin from and i suppose it was the gold smiths who just happened to love me again so they've been convicted for i know how these things work you share the profits with these men you pay me well i would never risk my life for a gold coin this is the magistrate's testament the goldsmiths have confessed flavius had nothing to do with it are you trying to tell me that a man who handles so much gold never put a piece into his pocket he's been proven innocent this needs your cygnet strangle him wait he's been proven innocent but i just disapprove of the verdict he's a good man and he's here on my introduction allow me to vouch for him and to protect him you can vouch for him all you like protect him you can't the penalty for theft is strangulation of judgment my judgment [Music] you're becoming very critical you want to rise above me you're just waiting for your chance most men worship the rising sun and not the setting sun that's how the saying goes and but i am not the setting sun not yet and in the meantime i expect you to subordinate yourself to my wishes whether you understand them or not strangle him now you you will strangle him did you hear him say no oh my dear general i asked you to strangle flavius and strangle flowey as you will and you will do it with your own bare hands you will strangle flavius or you yourself will be strangled him strangle him now [Music] i will not have my orders to survey i swear to [Music] [Music] oh [Music] noble of stature fit to serve a gentleman saturn yourself sir [Laughter] ah yes sir this young girl knew from the north would have special ways of delighting their masters and young enough for you to teach refuel your own oh no no no no sir these uh hardly able to lift a bucket of wine i'm assisted you'll disagree with everything you say he's unfortunately skilled in the arts of the town what arts of the tongue are you versed in the arts of euclid and aristotle the arts of verse i can recite much of homer from memory and all of pindar the art of politics and the state logic metaphysics epistemology rhetoric and sophistry sophistry oh doesn't that mean you know how to tell fancy lies there's great power in ambiguity sir but not all men use advantages to wicked ends are you experienced teaching the young yes i'd much refer it to teaching the old why is that because they exhibit more wisdom [Music] um [Music] what's up who are your friends porsche and marcus don't you remember them of course cato's children just still grown so much that's our cousin brutus what you're reading ethics aristotle my uncle cato gave it to me how is he he's as grumpy as ever hasn't changed a bit mother father did you bring me anything back from the east did i bring you back edition yes i brought you this apollonius this is my daughter julia [Music] apollonius will be your teacher where's my wife caesar don't get up i'm not ill [Music] let me get dressed [Music] i'm well i just stood up too fast you don't have to get dressed let's lie down together no wait just cornelia i almost start waiting for you i almost stopped missing you now this was not supposed to happen i'm back now two years was just too low there are those of you who worked with selah and those of you who worked against him but not all who worked with him agreed with his laws i therefore propose that the rights of the tribunes be restored so that once again the people can be fairly represented i propose a thorough reform of the courts and an unqualified reinstatement of the senate as the principal body of government caesar it's good to see you fresh for another victory oh he lets me win he makes me feel old i'm glad you made it back safely i hear you met with a number of obstacles yes unfortunately your friend nicomedes has proven to be a great ally i never had a chance to thank you for saving my life you defied summer he told you to divorce your wife and you said no even though you knew it meant certain death that impressed me and it reminded me of something you see my friend sulla once told me to divorce my wife and unlike you i obeyed him i left the one woman i loved life is full of lessons so we've taught each other a thing or two tell me how to get where you are now don't tell me i was wrong to hope you were spared i have something to give to rome but i have no voice if you want a voice in rome win the people speak from your heart and when you make a promise keep it poppy i promise you if you ever need my help just give me a sign i'll come to your aid man andrews slave from memory why do i have to learn greek because it is the greatest culture the world has ever known that's in rome much so as a greek slave better than the roman free man i'm content to be what i am you can draw your own conclusions from that but you'd rather be free well all men would rather be free because then you could do what you wanted i can do what i want to do even as a slave and some men who think they are free are not free at all they are bound by their own poor ideas but if you're my slave i would set you free julia father don't set him free i'd have no one to educate you he could educate me just the same if he was free oh yes but then i couldn't afford him sweet guards come quick cornelia cornelia cornelia wake up oh please stay with me now cornelia please [Music] my name is julius caesar i'm here to honor my wife cornelia publicly and for the last time she was a good woman she gave no thought to her own well-being only to the well-being of others rome was her first and greatest love we shared that love we dreamt of a rome without dictators my sons never raised their hands against fathers where brothers never raised their swords against brothers where romans lived at peace with their fellow romans by their sides so i ask you now to join with me in honoring not only the memory of my good wife the memory of all good men and women who have died fighting for a better rome people of rome i julius caesar make you this promise on the body of my beloved wife i will not rest to the realm she dreamed of is the rome we live in join me for i am not only the nephew to our beloved marius who fought against the evils of solar until solar took his life from him i am also a son of the julians who was descended from the goddess venus herself i offer you my hand a power supreme among mortal men granted by the gods superior to kings let us work together comrades in our quest for an empire that is boundless united and free we shall have to watch him or use him good morning to you cesaro cesaro greetings caesar hey julia i have something for you here and i hope it will make you smile hmm [Music] that's the first i've seen you smile in [Music] weeks what happens price of bread has tripled there's no grain in rome why because the grain supply from egypt was cut off by pirates half rome is without bread the city is close to panic only the very rich can afford bread we must fight the pirates now our own will be crippled forever so i propose that pompey be given legions to attack this problem once and for all it's not a question of whether or not we fight pirates it's a matter of how i propose we equip 10 small armies to fight the pirates at different parts of the coast but the pirates can destroy rome one troop at a time the pirates are a bunch of uneducated hoodlums i hardly think they could withstand a roman assault of any size let's talk about the way things are gentlemen and about the way we'd like them to be i can attest to the threat caused by these scavengers i was a victim of one of their assaults myself then perhaps you'll regale us with your c stories guys julius in the tavern after the work of the senate is done the work of the senate has rarely done you see there are not thousands of pirates in our waters but hundreds of thousands and not all are rogue bands preying on single vessels there are pirate admirals see kings with thousands of ships and troops more skilled in naval combat even than our own pretty speeches like this won't even cook our lunch no speeches do as little work as the scent how dare this arrogant newcomer insult this orgas body for gust and plump fabulous like your own body we have a man in our company who can resolve this conflict with the pirates but do we honor him with that duty no i'm with caesar we have no bread now are we a great empire are we going to be ruled by outlaws to perform this commission pompey will have to be given an army twice the size of the one sully used to take rome have we learned nothing from the past i see rome should go hungry because cato can't find a single man he can trust not every man with an army would take the state not every man is a sower some men are ruled by circumstance but men of character bend circumstances to their will they make nature behave in such a way that their will is carried out on this earth they defy the elements and sometimes even defy their own base on nature in order to see that their ideals come alive before their eyes [Music] poppy is such a man those of you who have lived know that one thing alone keeps a nation small civil strife tribes fighting tribes rather than banding together in one arm of power as long as we fight in this room seeking personal victories enacting petty revenges rome will stay small suppose we put our opinions aside and let one feeling rule us for a time the love of rome i propose we put our strengths together to become a force the world has never seen i propose we let a man a single man lead us out of the dark a proposed puppy all those in favor can we come inside you said we could why there's nothing but a bunch of dusty old senators in here it's the council in there yes this is council nia's pompey and who is this this is my daughter julia and apollonius the wisdom of our household well julia your father has just proved to us he'll have my job one day but don't think it's all fun why because he'll always have these men around him you're silly looking aren't they i'll see you when i return in triumph [Music] apollonia says that when we die our soul goes to a place where everything is perfect all the beds are perfect beds all the circles are perfectly round [Music] three julia look at you brutus wake up and tell julia how beautiful she looks beautiful do you like it i'll dress for pump his triumph has apollonius returned i wanted to talk to him about plato no he hasn't returned i'll bet he ran off to fight with the rebel slaves those rebel slaves are not like abelonius they aren't educated men with happy homes well we had a moorish cook who ran off a month ago we heard he joined some rebels and that he was made commander from cook to commander it's so inspiring you talk as if it's a game i don't think about it at least half of the population of rome is made up of slaves and what would happen if they all decided to rebel it would be the end of rome rome had to act what do you mean pompey he defeated 20 000 of them on his way back to rome oh he's going with me none of you wants to join the council of rome hmm no offense father what do you really think we're going to trail along with your lectures around rome's greatest general returns and we want to be free to run and run yes run run go enjoy yourselves come on thank you console brutus you're going with them i wanted to return this to apollonius what is this oh yes plato's involved did you read it yes and plato thinks that democracy is doomed to failure lee thinks that a state should be run by a dictator a dictator who's become enlightened through experience and learning i don't think plato would get along very well with your uncle cato [Music] hurry and catch up with your friends you'll have to come along with me see you at the ceremony [Applause] oh oh my god [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for your kindness let me take care of my son now who are these people prisoners pirates pirates and slaves rebelliously [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] speak i have a friend among the slave prisoners i ask you to breathe and who are you to deserve such favor i'm julia daughter of guys julius caesar your fellow council council's daughter didn't you know that those who choose to fight against rome are rome's enemies and will be crucified tomorrow polonius was my teacher not an enemy of rome everything good and decent i have ever learned has been taught to me by him you must spare him for my sake consider your wish granted take her to the holy pens and release this slave apollonius into the custody of his lawful arms yes sir thank you concert thank you [Music] apollonius apollonius i've come to take you home i'm not coming with you i shall stay here they will crucify you you have grown into a fine woman intelligent full of everything that makes the romans great but i am not a roman julia i am a slave you are not a slave any longer you're free i am frame you now freedom is not something you can be given it's something you have to take i should have done it earlier you could have been three years ago i should have asked my father he would have granted it but i never thought it would make a difference it felt as though you were free i thought you were happy i was that does not happen as i'm seeking something else what dignity you have been good to me you've been my family but they are my family now we both know where we belong and i belong in there with them one day you'll understand my dear julie goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] another shhh something happened to me there it's an affliction no more no less your grandfather suffered the same spells and left into old age means something else thought happened i was watching pompey he's been a friend to me and we speak together easily like brothers yet we couldn't be more different he's a great army leader his provinces make him the richest and most powerful man in rome your father wanted you to be a statesman and now you're a consul of rome would have been beyond his dreams i need an army to turn yourself into a pompey how would you pay and feed such an army your consulship already cost a fortune yes i am console and i am broke the attack today was stronger than usual there was something else mother this attack was different in other ways i saw something i saw something at that moment not just about myself what about the whole of humankind how we keep ourselves small and i realized i have not been inspired and as i watched pompey i saw that he was not inspired and he would never be inspired [Music] and i realized the difference between pompey and me poppy has merely done something but i am for something i need legions pumpy has them he will lend them to me why would poppy do that diminishing his own power what could you offer him in return that equals the value of an army [Music] julia i'm sorry for what happened to our polonius i felt great affection for him as the old well we trust in the wisdom of our forefathers and in their laws and i cater trust in him [Applause] cato you flatter me but let us give credit to another man for i could not have fought a war across the sea without knowledge that rome was in safe hands here at home so for that we owe a debt of gratitude to my friend and fellow council gaius julius caesar this is my daughter julia yes i know we've met it would honor my house if you would give us a recitation not in front of so many people you've done it larger groups than this father i assure you that i am not prepared for it the daughter of caesar will recite for us tonight stand beside me and praise with me a man dear to me and to the gods mightier in victory than the kings of mycenae with their golden-haired horses and stronger for more than the battle ghosts that ride the shores of troy hear me sons of bold-headed men hear me sing the victory of a man dear to me and to the gods [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this is really nothing no it's not your fault not sure whose fault it is but i assure you i will find out and he will be punished severely [Music] thank you council you're very good what's your name california from which house lucious pizza i'm sorry for staring i thought perhaps we met somewhere before would you like to eat together and be delighted what hour do you call this i think it's known as the fifth hour is the sun is coming up you're right i was out with him we drank and ate and had entertainment he cares for me i guess he's twice your age and your friend remember yes he is my friend i just want to know if he treats you with respect i like him i do i don't love him not yet but that may come why are you behaving in such a manner he's counsel he's the first man in rome he has legions the price is high price it's customary for the father to offer a dowry you know i have nothing to give you no i accept i want a commission goal goal it's taken i guess yes i need a victory in battle you're not experienced enough in warfare and you need legions your legions she's all i've got i want 50 000 for her talents soldiers [Music] how could you do it how could you take my commission away because i think caesar's the right man for goal but i've already put myself to considerable expense preparing my man and you'll be reimbursed what and i'll propose that you look after the garrison the garrison this won't do poppy you didn't even put this before the senate let's not talk business at my wedding it may attempt bad luck [Music] i have a confession to make we did meet before rather i met you but you didn't meet me it was a pompous try you fell nobody saw it but me i held you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself thank you it shames me [Music] i never know when it's going to happen many people believe that those who have the condition are holy blessed by the gods perhaps [Music] [Music] what do you suppose a child with both of our faces blended together would look like i think i would look rather beautiful do you is it something you'd like to find out yes are you sure i am less sure about my own name than i am about this i am terrible around the house we have servants i'm not one for parties i go to bed early i'll follow you [Music] caesar you must make me a promise anything you like come back from this war alive i promise you and hurry it's two promises and win it well that's three promises now it is your turn to promise me one thing will you marry me before i leave [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many dead in the region of 23 000 celts and romans 112. i've had them prepared for burial back in rome we're not returning to rome we're going further north there's a lot more of rome out there it just hasn't called rome yet we must tell caesar to retreat what i gave to caesar i will not revoke [Music] [Laughter] wait put down your blades why have you come here this land is ours you have no right to be here what is your name versus you stayed to fight alone this is my house i fill it with my own hands you'll burn it down you're free to go give me a horse you heard him give him a horse hmm [Applause] my dear caesar the people speak of you with admiration some call you the great as they call pompeii in the market people sometimes bow to me as they pass it will also delight you to know that a marriage that began as an advantage has blossomed into romance watching julian pompey together delights me and saddens me that you're not here no one could be prouder to be your wife caesar but after so long without you i fear i'm getting used to my solitude come home soon my darling until then i will be waiting caesar has killed 300 000 celts he attacked peaceful villagers villagers who pay taxes to the roman state it's beyond toleration this is how you thank a great roman general caesar sent a hundred thousand slaves back to rome are you saying you haven't taken any of them or if they hadn't come from him i would have got them from somewhere else papi you have to be wary he's been away three years fighting with your allegiance he's doubled their salary they are totally devoted to him my lords as cicero has put it so well strain every nerve for the preservation of the state look in every quarter for the storms they will burst upon you if you do not see them in time i've just remembered who he is what are you talking about that man mark anthony yes running from his debtors in rome to find wealth in the province like all of us hey not me i still fight for the glory of rose [Music] so [Applause] my cavalry's been attacked by who gary tribesman 14 000 dead 14 000 and many more wounded have united under one leader his name is versing ghettorix where can we find him indonesia how long is the march eight days [Music] versus in there with 18 000 of his men it's the most invincible stronghold in gore we'll never break it well we won't have to break it we'll build a wall around their city we'll trap them inside and starve them nobody's ever built a fortification at that length then we will be the first let's not waste time what do you think julia what brings you to pisa i've come to speak with you your absence in rome has been criticized as you can see my wife needs me here could we speak privately what's the matter cato did your conversation depend on speaking ill of my father said kato thank you caesar is about to take the last stronghold in gaul first and gatherix has called forth every tribe from the mountains to the sea they're on the move toward alicia how many men 250 000 and my husband 40 000. he he will survive he has survived this many years he's never been up against so much is this true will my husband lose this time well no one knows the outcome of war your council pompey do something if caesar wins this battle he will become the next seller that's what you were going to say wasn't it that if he wins he will become the next seller why are you worried cato you said he doesn't stand a chance against the goals why call him back why not just leave him there to fight this battle to his own death if you leave him there your next seller will extinguish himself you're waiting for my husband to fail aren't you and so are you my dear calpurnia i'm doing everything in my power to make sure i come home safely to you you must have heard we've built a wall to hold the elysians in what you may not know is that we've built a second wall as well to keep their allies out i say this to reassure you they can round up ten times our number and still we will defeat them because it's not numbers but vision that wins wars my vision is of returning to you my love for not just returning but returning victorious as i've promised you when my men are tired i can't always let them rest when they're hungry i can't always feed them but when they forget their vision i can share mine with them and the more that i share the more of it i have [Music] it'll take 30 days to round up the tribes how much food have you got 27 days of grain make at last 35 we will uid rations for the grain brought to the stores and penalty of death no one will eat beyond their measure the tribesmen come from the countryside to fight with us the gauls but outnumber the romans five to one if we succeed we could destroy the roman presence in gold forever if we fail we'll be their slaves in the evening we take our leisure tell stories about the city and our families or just eat in silence after our hard day's work the men do work hard but there are worse things than hard labor waiting is much worse waiting is the hardest part of war my dear wife most of our men would welcome the cry of battle over this dreaded silence and would fight an enemy we could see however great sooner than fight the one in our minds which goes on killing forever the real enemy is almost a comfort i sometimes think as i look up the hill to alisha they're just like us they have courage like us they're dying like us [Music] the tribe should have been here by now if they don't come we'll have to fight on our own you don't have enough man i say we give ourselves up and be roman slaves if we die our gods die at least if we live in slavery in any state if we live we can perform that service to the gods we can keep them living for our children you think that gods would want us to keep them alive so they can be worshipped by slaves if we have nothing left to feed ourselves with i say we do what our ancestors did we eat the elderly and the infirm to keep ourselves alive we won't eat our own people there's enough food left for several days if we only feed our men there's a way we can compromise the romans weaken them they say we give up our women and children to them our rations will keep us alive for several more days if our women and children become their slaves the romans will have to feed them and that will deplete their supplies we must pick farewell to our families we must do it today and whatever happens we must lock the gates behind them forever our survival depends upon it this will be our sacrifice to the gods [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] send men down to the gates [Music] bolt the gates and double the guard [Music] caesar [Music] i beg you to reconsider they'll all die i will not starve my own men to keep the enemy alive [Music] send them back to alicia go back go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what is this this is not soup this is water we fight for years and they give us water we dive a road and we get water stop now what is the difference between the romans and the goals discipline we act as one body that's what makes us strong you think i eat well while you starve i eat the same portions as you and i am hungry but i would eat soil before i give up what we've come here to get and that is everything you see you will raise your family on that hillside would that be a plot of land you that field there between those trees that's yours if you wanted it's rich soil good for growing all of you each and every one of you will get his share you have worked for it by the gods we have given our souls to this place for eight years let's not abandon before we get them [Music] back i told you before and i tell you again this world of caesars is a crime he's waiting war on behalf of rome we commissioned him to fight the goal not all of them he started fighting the insurgents of the borders and moved on to murder peaceful roman allies gauls who paid taxes and tribute to rome i fear the gods gentlemen caesar is not salah he's not fighting the romans he's fighting the gods he's not threatening us we are threatening him once caesar was counsel how many times did he push through a law without having it ratified he has no respect for us something had better be done and right away i propose we do nothing at all cassius you say all of gold is rallying against him he can't possibly win against such numbers so god [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is it [Music] three [Music] promotion of the game [Music] [Music] it's trying to fool us into gathering our troops here how do you know what you can do that's what i would do [Music] i will wait half of a singetarix to make his move his men are too weak to attack our main camp he will move his cavalry here and try to break through the inner wall while his allies attack from the outside we cannot let these two forces join together if they do we will not survive [Applause] foreign [Applause] uh [Music] uh [Music] ugh ah [Applause] [Applause] wow [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we must hold up [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys [Music] richard [Music] [ __ ] caesar men are asking for you it is with great sadness that i write this letter to you my dear husband your julia gave birth early and she suffered some pain in doing so the doctors were there and did what they could to ease her suffering the child was a boy but frail their efforts could not save him he looked like you caesar there was nobility in his face your daughter struggled to sustain this tragic birth but in the end she could not pompei has kept himself from the senate preferring instead to pass time in no company she walks around the graveyard again and again keeping fresh garlands on her tomb uh [Music] we take a leisure in the morning so [Music] [Music] open the gate [Music] i know your only real enemy is one man and he is standing before you now i'm giving myself to you caesar our women died for us i give you my own life so that you may let my man live if my men die there will be nothing left of the goals and no one left to worship our guards i beg you enslave my people if you need to but let them live [Music] and then we'll live my dear wife we will have to wait a little more before we're together again you see there are those in rome who would have me branded an outlaw so i have sent mark anthony to talk to the senate on my behalf since there has never been a soldier with an army such as mine who returned to rome without taking her by force i too must be planning such an assault but my crime is worse because i return not in dishonor but in triumph and this the senate cannot tolerate how long ago did stuller ride into town with his army breaking the sacred roman law stating that no man must bring armed men past the rubicon into rome how fresh in your memory does bloodshed have to be for you to show caution caesar has done more for rome than any other general in its history how do you respond you strip him on his consulship in his absence without explanation he's more than double the size of rome in the last eight years and what do you ask him to do lay down his arms it is not caesar who is the criminal it is the senate [Applause] the senate represents the people of rome the senate represents its own interests salah said almost the very same thing if he said it he was right but the difference between salah and caesar is the people feared sulla caesar they love you know nothing the people's feelings you're right i don't let me ask them people of rome i come to you with questions from caesar he needs to know what you want so he can better serve your needs the senate says they represent the people but the senate one caesar to lay down his arms and return to rome as a man not as a soldier and when he arrives the senate will find him guilty of crimes against the state caesar's crime is spending eight years in battle outside of rome with none of the comforts we all take for granted with a daily threat to his life why so he can bring wealth to the roman people temples libraries holidays and games are all funded by caesar's levees and gold yet what do they think in the senate they think he's doing this for personal gain i ask you if he's doing this for private gang why does he stay in goal why does he live in a tents i know why he does it he does it so we romans can live well what are you going to do about this whatever these men may think some of whom have never been up on a horse's back i have never known a man tougher on the enemies of rome nor gentler to its friends when i call myself a roman the thing that makes me most proud is to share that title with one other man a man whom it has been my privilege to fight beside a man who has shown time and again that he loves his own life less than he loves yours his name is julius [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] caesar [Applause] [Music] we must do something pumpy caesar could march on rome anytime i'm not going to wait for him to come to us i'll gather our troops and attack him before he sets foot in rome i'm going to wipe him and his legions off the face of the earth [Music] men we have two choices we can be slaughtered by the army poppy is amassing against us or we can fight for our lives just as we've done every day for eight years i've made my decision i'm going to rome i'm going to cross the rubicon will anyone be coming with me [Applause] jerome let the dice fly my legions from spain should sail to austria from the west that the rations will come to us from the north and from the east the macedonians caesar's on his way to rome how far is he four days from here that's impossible i heard it from bibulus himself caesar has passed the rubicon we must leave rome we cannot defend it without troops we'll go to greece we amass what strength we can and then we take him in rome itself i only hope we don't arrive too late and find the bodies of our friends on the senate [Music] steps [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it has been decreed by the new senate but the title of dictator is bestowed upon gaios julius caesar this decreed there will be 50 days of thanksgiving and his honor is given the courts and elected council for life palestine you treat me as a king [Applause] but i assure you that is one role i shall never adopt i am caesar and only caesar is for this crown alone that i conquered [Music] [Applause] gold jesus caesar beware the eyes of much the ides of march beware so [Music] the men and women of rome are crying out for your head for a moment i saw them as you do you don't know how i see them i was disgusted with them how do you keep your purpose clear in your mind when i met you in your village i could see that you had your purpose clear in your mind and it was pure i can see that it hasn't changed what did you do to preserve it you want to know yes i only fight my enemies you think we are similar don't you that's why it pains you to see me die but you're very different you and me i know when it's over or when what's left isn't worth having give me the honor of dying alone by my own hand instead of in a public spectacle for your roman mob i have to do what the people want i have no choice i thought power gave you more choice not less listen to them do you hear that i don't hear anything anymore but the voices of our women and our children in elisha i can hear them when i'm asleep and i hear them when i'm awake for pity's sake give me a sword [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so season the ranks here are depleted amen will be joining how shall we explain to the people these men have become senators they haven't been selected by the traditional laws changed and keep in mind the people trust my judgment you will be joined by my finest men i've spent eight years with them in gold i must leave for greece to fight pompey i'm leaving rome in mark antony's capable charge do we have no say in this i don't want to distract you with bureaucracy i'd rather leave you free to argue matters of the state do you think there will be blacklists there won't be any lists solar killed his enemies i forgive mine good day too gentlemen [Music] they left in a hurry [Music] [Music] attend to caesar i did not cross the rubicon to kill old friends i did it to protect myself against my enemies i'm hoping we can secure ourselves through mercy and not through vengefulness you're all free to go did you say something my old friend i thought i heard you speak i'm grateful for your candidacy brutus come down with me caesar make peace with pompey for years his only hope was that one day you'd will roam together again yes with what with julia uniting you both yes you tolerated me because he loved julia so much caesar he loved julia because he saw you and her he told me that julia's death was almost unbearable and add to that the end of your friendship encountered his life is finished i'll make peace with him if peace is what he wants i want to establish some sanity in rome the people have had enough of fighting will you help me how can i help you i want you to go back to rome and be my predator if peace is what you want then it'll be my honor to serve you pompey has gone to egypt the king died leaving the throne to be squabbled over by a 12 year old boy and an 18 year old girl telling me in cleopatra i don't know which one i trust less help me ready the ships i'll follow him in the morning you don't need to take troops with you pompeo's gone to egypt alone the troops went to utica with your uncle cato yes me bruce whoever wants peace will have it [Music] um [Music] he was most cruelly murdered on the palace steps by his own men sir it has been rumored that they were bribed by potholes i caesar there's only one enemy left [Music] so [Music] chief of the ruling council in the name of king ptolemy i welcome you caesar the king is very generous but as you can see we haven't brought any horses this grey is for your men sir my men will eat indoors clothes i'm sure you'll put us up very comfortably in your powers i'll tell you the truth caesar ptolemy fears for his life there's been a great deal of discord in egypt so he has forbidden all visitors you of course are very welcome in the palace and my men and your men partners you wouldn't have anything to do with helping the king make his decisions would you the king is a boy sir forgive him and forgive me we are your allies and your servants bring caesar we only have the interests of rome in our hearts bring out the gift this is poppy's ring where is he [Music] we thought you'd be pleased excuse me caesar there's a servant with an urgent message from cleopatra bring her if you want to hear the message you'll have to dismiss your guard what word from cleopatra is of such importance cleopatra asks for your protection protection why pothinis plans to kill her as he did pompey is that why you're disguised as your own servant cleopatra i came to you caesar because you're the only man i can trust why does pothonist want to kill you my father wanted me to rule egypt he wrote it in his will but parthenos banished me with a price on my head now any servant can kill me and be rewarded for it caesar you and i are alike you are the son of venus and i am the daughter of isis you and i live by the same divine heartbeat that's why we must help each other are you trying to seduce me i don't try i seduce or i don't i do not have to seduce with my body i have something much better than that [Music] my country it is the richest land in the world egypt and rome are different rome is masculine egypt is feminine rome is sunlight egypt is twilight but it's not part of rome not yet make me queen and east and west will be united we will be god and goddess ruling the world [Music] you kiss me with the tongue other serpent i must taste you to see if you are poisoned and am i no but i can taste gold what does egypt have to offer that rome does not have you heard of the fertile crescent visit our region down below indeed it is water i believe the region fertile enough to hatch a king if you doubt it try planting something now only promise me one thing when you return to rome you must be faithful to me but i'm married i'm already being unfaithful with you what there's compared with faith and politics the marriage you give yourself to a woman in politics you lie you think that her influence is evil and no one is more ambitious than she is and she'll do anything to achieve her ants some say she's a witch i think you've been skulking too long in the dark if caesar wants to be king would you prevent it he doesn't want the crown what if he did of course i'd do anything to keep the kings out of rome at least with sulla the tyranny ended with his death with a king the ring can be passed on to a son and to another son forever our ancestors knew too what that was like and your ancestors fought to send the kings outside the city gates and would stop at nothing to free roam from them and so would i that's what we hope to hear you say is this just conjecture i've heard nothing about this except from you they're all talking about it brutus they say there's nothing between him and the crown but cato your uncle caesar promised me that he would never kill cato do you think caesar's incapable of breaking a promise and is it worth trying him in a matter of such urgency if cato is killed and caesar wants the crown then they'll be the first to oppose it but i will not prepare myself against him until there's proof [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father where's my sword i had it removed why you said before that if caesar won the battle you might my own son would deliver me naked to the arms of my enemy your own son wants you to live so you take away the sword to take away the choice when did i go mad that you have to take choices from me for my own protection am i your father or your son why don't you bind my hands as well so i can't affect myself at all [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we'll bury him with honors i'll bury him myself let the state celebrate his life which state rome the realm of caesar to accept your honors who defile my name and on behalf of my father and my family i decline [Music] now i'm asking you to leave this room [Music] uh we should speak of cato as a god he killed himself so it wouldn't be brought down by the hand of the lesser man caesar the higher we lift cato's name the lower caesars will sink still we mustn't appear to be rallying support no no it's an art to plant ideas in the heads of others and a man is never so resolved as he is when he thinks a conviction is his own that's why we need brutus on our side he wouldn't be mixed in with the cause if it burned the good one they listened to him what if he won't mix in with our cause i think i know how to soften brutus but i will need your help there's no peace in the world like in my house calpurnia would you greet your husband with a kiss them kataman returned to his home and expect a warmer mood from his wife how could you bring her to her it was for the good of the state cleopatra rules a large part of africa and all of you no one rules make up are you not cleopatra not even you all i want is the love that you promised me when we married you can't have it you can have my obedience you can have my loyalty but i cannot love those who dishonor me no one can dishonor you you're right i dishonored myself when i gave my vows to you in marriage you made a good marriage or caesar's wife i should have married a man other than caesar that would have been a good marriage so i wouldn't have had to watch my husband perform for egypt every night in order to keep the riches of that land flowing into rome between you and clopatra i don't know who is the concubine retain your dignity there's a limit to what i'll hear from you i have no dignity left perhaps i ought to buy some maybe i should learn like you have that it can be bought and sold what's the price what's the price of consulship these days what's the price of being king when did you hope bringing a vision to the people become this lust for power itself was it when julia died i have nowhere else to go so i'll stay here but i'll live apart from you not as man and wife may the gods forgive me for breaking my marriage vows as i pray they forgive you for breaking yours you're an early riser brutus so are you lately i am i couldn't sleep last night worrying about the honor of your name do you know something about these i know the writing but don't ask me who wrote them minds change quickly in these struggle times and i'd hate you to forever doubt this man oh brutus i've done my best to persuade them that you're a man of honor though you wouldn't pledge to keep caesar from becoming king i gave you my pledge that i'd oppose him in the senate but some among us feel that to oppose a man like caesar with words is the same thing as handing him the crown i try to use words before a sword cassius just as i tried to use reason before passion people say call him one reason before passion can lead to idleness and sometimes action is required but i know you're a decent man and that unique and gentle nature is how you feel you best serve the good i'm not gentle in defending my beliefs but you have given me no proof that caesar will demand the crown do you plan to be at the senate at the calendar of march no i'll be here they say that on that day caesar will move that he be made king i will come if i'm central this is what they mean people say that this is weakness to come in your summoned at no other time to accept the favors of a tyrant like caesar he spared my life and took the life of cato your wife's father who treated you like a son has she ceased her morning no and neither have i so you're grieving avocato's death cass is yes i'm grieving but private affection and public duty are not the same thing and yet they say that in your grief your chest weep and say prayers and feel your wife's twinkling cup and go to bed and when caesar comes to you tonight you'll be like his boy filling his cap as well who is saying this who i don't act for caesar i act for rome always brutus i've done everything to convince them that you're a man of action and that you love rome i've spoken in your behalf many times singing your praises and condemning those who speak against you but some men have ideas they think highly of those who gave their lives to expel the king's front row your ancestors and they were only men not gods please don't stay i am staying why do you want to torment yourself i won't be tormented will he isn't that why you want me to go it'll be the best thing for all i don't trust that you or any other man knows what's best for you i will take my seat a woman has a right to see her rival doesn't she kelpania porsche romans we are here to celebrate the return of caesar his return not only with her majesty cleopatra but with egypt itself for he has transformed the richest land in the known world it is now not only egypt it is egypt and it is rome [Applause] i've said before and i will say again i will not be king of rome i am only caesar i need no crowd to act on your behalf [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh do you still believe that ours is not just cause i'm with you we have to act soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh my god [Music] [Music] we will wait until caesar brings a senate to order their epitomes will call for the elections casket you will ask caesar to consider the petitions first you cassius step behind caesar no man should go for his blade until we're all within reach of caesar every knife must enter caesar's body at least once if we fail or if our plot is discovered before we even begin then we turn our knives on ourselves without hesitation we all agreed go to the senate i will meet with caesar claire patrick's house go [Music] oh brutus are you pacing like that i'm concerned we'll be late i had a dream last night please don't go out today i'll come to you later at our home i saw you slaughtered in your own blood it was horrible well i cannot let dreams on the flights of birds direct my actions i can't let you go i swelled my pride today to come to you because your life is more important to me than my pride now you listen to me the senate is convened for the council they can't conduct one day of business without their caesar there are matters on the agenda which can only be dealt with by you caesar they can wait today and what should i tell the senate that their consul is at home because his wife has had a bad dream as your friend caesar i have to advise you on this you called the senate together show them you're a man of intention meet with your senate they're waiting for your guidance i'll be with him lady i'll never leave his side i'll come to you later [Music] [Music] um [Music] porsche i'm not fit to be alone today [Music] dad bring us some wine yes let's have some wine what business do we have today two legal briefings an election for a questa and uh to petitions from the senate let's get the election out of the way the election i move we take the petitions first call for the election the election will commence but uh marcus octavius who is running for the office is not yet here petitioners then approach i'm glad caesar is with brutus today why last night i dreamt you stopped [Music] produce [Music] caesar i ask mercy for my exiled brother why are you petitioning what so recently has been denied who is the next petitioner [Music] i want to ask mercy from my father who has been put in jail i ruled your father be in prison and my word is law oh man who said some ill would befall caesar on the ides of march well nothing has happened yet though the eyes have come they have come but they've not yet gone [Music] i want to ask for your partner my great caesar and i pray for your soul [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] mm-hmm [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh is um you
Channel: Film&Clips Free Movies
Views: 12,578
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Keywords: Movies, Movie, Film, FullMovie, English, JuliusCaesar, Streaming, FreeMovies
Id: uwRU08-3PzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 34sec (10654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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