Secret Ninja Spy VS Ryan’s Mommy! Escape the Ninja Obby Giant Box Fort

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oh this door okay easy am i right [Music] what was that do you guys hear anything that's weird what [Music] what was that [Music] wait is someone here is that a ninja oh time to get my nunchuck she can't catch me wait the ninja went this way that's the ninja let's go if you want to see me you have to go through ninja training you have to find five ninja balloons and have to pop them you have to prove it to me that you are worthy ninja all right mission accepted right there's one right there okay guys we're gonna go through this obstacle course to get the balloon i got this already this is more difficult than i thought oh this is easy i got this balance okay okay i got the balloon but how do i pop it open your hand okay ah safety pin ninja tune whoa whoa okay one down and four to go okay well what's next all right next mission go through the door oh this door okay easy am i right oh is that a real ninja oh hey be gentle that's my student ninja joe all right now you enter the tea room oh i love tea hey this is not for you the mission here is for you to make a tea and serve to everybody in that room those stuff animals are very thirsty hurry up and get the tea okay okay okay okay oh it's hot is it like this am i doing it right oh t pouring skill okay all right okay here you go uh mr unicorn remember this is a training someone started throwing the balls at you dodge okay all right one down one there gonna serve tea gotta serve tea oh he's so sneaky [Music] [Music] one more one more this is it's harder than i thought i didn't know this is so serious to be a ninja [Music] i'm okay last one last one [Music] oh a green ninja balloon all right let's pop it yeah next room oh it's locked oh these doors always look whoa you have to go through a secret path and find the key to open that door sorry okay whoa what is this room you found the secret weapon room what i want you to do is find your favorite weapon not this one [Music] got it all right now put on the blindfold start throwing stuff out here ready all right here we go all right you passed good job [Music] all right on to the next one okay huh where'd the balloons come from balloon pop ninja zoo what how did a giant fork just came out of a balloon okay don't question it all right is this the key to open it okay okay okay all right what do i do what do i do yeah wow is this joe again that's not joe that's his twin brother jackson jackson okay good he's coming back okay well what do i do in this room this is shuriken training room i want you to grab those shuriken and start throwing at the target shuriken time okay i got this oh no i keep missing can i have some tips hello ninja i'm gonna have some chips no tips okay okay no tips okay let's see yeah yeah i got one good job jackson [Music] okay continue the second one [Music] i got the second one this is easier all right on to the top target over there [Music] balloon sorry i forgot there you go where did things come from oh wow okay balloon popping time now you see me now you now don't okay move on to the next one next one fourth ninjutsu again wow what is this room this is a meditation room meditation i'm good at that in here i want you to meditate for one minute and you have to stay calm throughout there's going to be a lot of random stuff happens to you but you have to remain calm okay stay calm like the sun you have to stay calm while it's raining oh no earthquake snowstorm snakes [Music] extra snakes congratulations you passed the test i did you stay calm through wow good job here is the final balloon [Music] okay all right my last balloon let's pop it yay i got five balloons wait a minute every time that things fall down like balloon it always comes from up there wait what's that noise oh no you found me oh good job you passed the death now come up here oh sorry oh god there's a secret passage behind that painting oh this painting okay all right i can't believe he's up there the whole time all right let me get you ninja [Music] congratulations you passed the test as a gift and being a ninja i'll give you one of the swords but be careful one of this one is evil sword so you definitely want to pick one oh should i pick ah okay you know what i think dragon looks cool make this one dragon is this the right sword uh oh that's the wrong one whoa i am the dragon ninja lady and i'm over here to take over the [Applause] she disappeared not my problem just don't tell anybody about this okay guys congratulations you passed the test i'll give you one of the swords but be careful one of this one is evil sword i think dragon was cool with this one dragon is this the right sword oh oh that's a wrong one now that i got my dragon sword i'm the official ninja lady and my first mission to take over the world is transform this boring dog into a cool spicy one not my problem just don't tell anybody about this okay guys what was that shake what's going on whoa what happened to my dojo there's so many things it's wrong who did this to my dojo then i'm gonna lock this door here and he'll never escape wait who's that no there's a dragon ninja no she did this to my dojo now the ninja have to have a taste of its own medicine out of here hey come on no don't go no oh no dragon ninja said that all the traps around my dojo but it's okay i know how to go through these i'm a legendary ninja but let me change my clothes let me change to sensei mode ah since they ninja tunes yeah now i feel a lot more comfortable yeah i can move around all right okay now let's get out of here i can go through these traps let's go [Music] the lavers she's so lazy on ninja dojo doesn't even fit the theme what did you say these are special dragon ninja electric laser all right i'll get you dragon ninja i'm gonna get you and i'm gonna dye your purple hair to block not my hair we'll get through it i'll be here waiting all right laser dodging ninja tune oh the lace is so close on my face so it's okay guys i got this [Music] give me something harder [Music] caught up to you dragon ninja you're done hold on before we battle what oh my moustache trash no i'm so shy with that master don't worry all right dragon ninja i'm gonna get you for this ah let's battle to see he was a better ninja all right it's on [Music] yeah i believe in you you can't beat the frozen fish not my sword it's organic oh yeah well i got these sure dude [Music] oh no well get through the next room then all right next room there's nothing i'm afraid of [Music] i hate bugs they're not regular bugs they're electric bug electric bugs that's the worst i got idea what if i use this so i don't have to step on it i'm taller all right buckle up guys here we go [Music] close one yeah i made it and i think i broke it i'm out all right this is the last door guys all right let's see locked what am i gonna do if you want the key see if you can rescue my pet lobster that's so easy i can just finish in a second all right here we go wait but you have to do it in a storm [Music] i don't want to get wet let's hurry up and go [Music] crap stay away from crab all right oh but how do i catch the lobster i don't even touch it with my hand oh maybe i should get a net all right here we go i'm gonna go all the way there first yeah all right okay got the net all right now i'm ready to catch this lobster [Music] ah nice and fresh here we go ninja dragon ninja all right i got a lobster now i just gotta go back to starting point wait when did you do that look at the mouse right there still alive okay good oh good job all right here you go i got your lobster oh bad lobster there we go [Music] oh this is oh okay very fresh there you go all right i've been missing you oh lobby i'm so glad to have you back all right so since you rescue my pet move okay all right i will unlock the door for you all right now for your second prize are you ready yeah what is it here you go my mustache [Music] all right let's get out of here all right let's go all right lock the door now you get out all right fine but this was just practice now i'm taking over the world bye all right all right guys i saved my dojo but still got some clean up to do thank you guys for watching this video if you guys like this video please give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe bye here goes some mustache more
Channel: The Studio Space
Views: 11,348,065
Rating: 4.2685013 out of 5
Keywords: the studio space, ryan toysreview, ryans family review, Family Vlog, day in the life, office vlog, ryans parents, vlog, vlogging, studio fun, mommy vs. daddy, ryan's mommy, ryan's daddy, Ryan’s World, ryan’s mommy, ryan’s daddy, escape the obby, escape obby, escape obby in real life, obby in real life, secret spy, spy ninja, pretend play spy, ryan’s mommy ninja obby, escape giant box fort, box fort challenge, giant box fort, box fort obby ryan’s mommy
Id: ab81Y7699go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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