Our Security in an RV

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hey y'all and welcome back to the channel um so we are back on the road we have fulfilled most of our commitments where we've got one more that this next week that we've been looking forward to this week's video is going to be one of the the three topics that we get the most questions about um everybody want to know how much you spend on the road what are you doing to earn a living and the the one that we probably get the biggest question about is is it safe to RV on the road and while for us it's not necessarily controversial the one of the the main topics that we're going to cover probably is um and I I expect a little bit of blowback from that but we're going to cover in in three parts um personal security devices then we're going to cover um what I call operational security or personal awareness and then we're going to cover um identity theft or basically running a network in your rig and why you really don't want to connect to to networks that you don't know anything about so stick with us and we'll get into those [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so before we get started we are Second Amendment supporters and Clay is a licensed conceal carry permit holder permit holder and I also have a certification from the Department of Defense and active shooter training so yeah when when we say we're supporters we're big supporters um the big thing is there with handguns or pistols in any firearm there there's a a big responsibility and as as a gun owner and a second amendment you know supporter you know I I believe strongly in in firearm safety um the legalities of of firearms and you know the potential loss of life from a firearm so what we did was we chose that we were going to go a non-lethal route this time instead of carrying an actual pistol in in the truck we decided that that we were going to go to to um more of a self-defense weapon and more of a deterrent simply because if if a firearm were discharged inside this fifth wheel it would come out of the fifth wheel and God knows how many other RVs that would go through and all those people then become potential accidental casualties so I just felt it was was better for the way that we travel that that we would not care carry a a true firearm anymore so you may be asking what did we what did we go with and I hope YouTube doesn't ban this I don't think they will because this is actually not a pistol it's not a gun this is called a Burna and it's a CO2 based pistol um it shoots non-lethal rounds which you know there one is a a hardened rubberized bullet another is an exploding chalk bullet they 68 caliber ordinance I guess you could say the the big thing is is that you know it comes with one that is a very very concentrated form of pepper spray and then another one that is that same pepper spray mixed with tear gas um it has an effective range of 60 ft has a muzzle velocity of 300 50 ft per second they say that at 30 ft it'll break a rib at 20 ft it'll knock a car window out and you know this is the option that that we went with it's legal in all 50 States including Canada um and we just feel safer traveling with this now with that said we never in our our whole time traveling we never once needed the pistol no um never even thought about about needing it and there's a couple reasons why um one we don't go to places that that we could potentially need a weapon we we leave um you know there there's just a whole host of of things that we avoid to stay away from stuff like that yeah so this is the controversial one that we were thinking of because I'm sure there are going to be people that that claim you know it's better to have and not need than to need and not have and you know I I agree with that but when you factor in the calculus that that you could have other people hurt by you defending yourself and I'm not okay with that so y'all are more than welcome to comment on that all right so section two is personal security or personal awareness um I like to call it opsc for operational security because it's while we're quote operating as as full-time rvers so what are some of the security mechanisms we've put in to to safeguard ourselves well we got the rain doorbell and we also try not to travel after dark right now we also utilize the the buddy system when when we stop at a truck stop which means we both go into the facility and we wait for each other to come out so that you know it's not one or the other walking back and forth from the truck not that I mean I'm not saying truck stops are dangerous I'm also not saying that they're safe well some of them are creepy especially in the dark so with with that said we actually had um Todd and Jason both stop by and we they agreed to film a couple of their personal stories and so we're we're going to wrap this security section up with with those things because you know it's it it is a common thing you know we we try we try not to post where we are while we're still there in case some crazy loon you know gets mad at something we said and and wants to come confront somebody um you know it's so anyway here here's Todd and Jason all right so on the topic of security we looked up and Todd came by you're hilarious he just jumped right into that we sure yes I was going by on the and I was like there's celebrities in this RV park and where right here and if you don't like comment and subscribe I mean come on no yeah it was security is I don't know if most people realize when they like follow our Channel I have um I'm not like paranoid but I do have anxiety issues always have and so the crazy part is is uh when we're in our RVs I call it lockdown mode most of us do this at night time she looks like it's time to get off parade so we all pull our blackout Shades yep and then once we pull our blackout Shades now I don't know what's going on on the outside of the RV and call it paranoid you call whatever you want and I I had to find a way right away to get some peace of mind not that I could really do anything but the fact is is so immediately on our grand design momentum now on our new RV I've installed cameras now I didn't just do one camera of course not I've got a camera I've got a camera that sits underneath the fifth wheel shoots out I've got a camera over each door and then I have a camera that goes over the back patio and that's the way I had it on The Grand Design as well and the goal there was is cuz as we were traveling um when we go to blackdown mode blackout mode I wasn't so worried about RV parks as much but if you're TR in and you're doing like the Cracker Barrels cuz you got that one night stay right you're going to go longer for that so you're going five or 6 hours you got the one night stay and then when you do the one night stay you're like well I'm in a Cracker Barrel or I'm in a bass pro shop or you know whatever and we've done two of them where she found like I don't remember what app she used it was like an old truck stop that had been closed but it was just like this truck stop right so we pull in and there's truck truckers all around us running generators and stuff and I'm sitting inside and my phone starts going off and I look and it's about 9:45 10:00 at night and I look and there's a guy and he's in this camera and then he walks around he's over here and then he walks back and he's in this camera and then he's in the back camera and then he comes back around and it was just really weird right so I'm watching it happen and I'm like what do I do like what what am I you know what's this guy looking at what's he cuz we stayed hooked up to the truck and um I'm like I I don't I don't know what to do so finally after about probably it was a good 8 to 10 minutes and he was like like walking and it was just very odd normally if somebody came out and we had switch it up on our RV so sometimes somebody might recognize us and want to take a picture so finally I work up enough courage right i' and I pop open the door I waited for him to get to the backside where I could see him and I popped open this store and I said hey buddy you got what's going on you know cuz I wanted to gauge his interaction at that time right and he had his phone and he wouldn't he wouldn't address me and then he was walking away with his phone like this is the weirdest experience ever it's like hey man what's you know I'm trying to give myself separation if I need to jump in the door and she was like Todd get back in here and I'm like no I want to know what what's the story here right and so uh he finally puts his phone down only to realize he's from another country and he tried in his broken English wanted to say he was a truck driver and wanted to start rving and he really liked our setup and he was taking pictures to send back to his wife but it was a very like odd and tense situation and I I was like okay I was very thankful to have and at that moment it confirmed in my head I need to have cameras second issue second time this happened twice we stayed in which I think some of the best places to stay is Cabella's parking lots or um Bass Pro two of my favorites um but we were in a Cabella's parking lot we pull in everything's great it's just us and two other RVs we're kind of not we're kind of close together and uh as we're sitting there I was like what's that noise and I hear right and a car comes in and does like a dut probably 75 ft from our RV and I'm looking out the window going what is going on cuz I don't have cameras on the other side because there's no door entries and I'm looking out this Windows like what is this what are these kids doing and then within 25 minutes I kid you not there's 75 Cars Plus parked all around RV and we're like looking out the window and now it's like they're all doing donuts and they're literally walking there's a sidewalk on that side where there's no cameras so they're literally walking back and forth within 5 10 feet of the RV and they're yelling screaming cussing smoking weed and I'm like we're hosed like I can't get up out of here I don't know what to do I'm watching through the cameras and then I I was like do we call the police do we and finally the sheriff's department shows up to disband everything and the cool part about it was is that sheriff sat outside of the RV for probably a good two and a half three hours because at that point I couldn't go to sleep we're now pushing midnight I'm freaked out and adrenaline's up there yeah and I had in the camera I could see the police officer sitting outside RV for a long time so I don't mean to say all this to be paranoid I don't mean to scare anyone in the RV Community I say it because we're all in this together and I think we have to be cognizant of our environment right I run the cameras probably just to check if somebody tries to steal an ebike or something on the outside when I'm in a park but the Peace of Mind of having something in lockdown mode to see outside the RV maybe sound paranoid a little bit and see no I I get that I I think there's two types of people I I think there are those that that find solace in not knowing what in the Sam Hill is going outside and then those that that their anxiety levels like you go down when they know that there's nothing outside me I'm I'm on the other side I don't need anything else to worry about so I don't want to know what's going on out there okay interesting if if I hear a noise then I need to investigate that I would rather not hear a noise I don't want to see anything move cuz I don't want to get up and investigate anything I don't want a problem I want to be left alone Maria and I mhm we had a a family emergency that that meant that we had to leave Houston Texas and we had to be in Montgomery Alabama on a Deadshot I mean we drove 16 hours straight through and we stopped at what was it 1 1 1:30 at a loves in South Alabama to stop and get something to eat at a 24-hour McDonald's and we were in there and Maria's phone goes you know whatever sound it makes for the the Facebook app and somebody had sent us a picture of the back of our rig about 5T from it yeah wanting money that freaked me out that is weird because there's somebody 5T from the rig and I don't know where they're at and know who we are yeah so we put a plan together real quick and I told her we're going to make a be line to the passenger door I'm going to open the door you get in the truck Stella's in there you close the door you lock the door I'm going to do a walk around the truck right and then when I get to the passenger side as soon as you see me walk up to it unlock it I'm going to get in we're going to shut the door and lock the door yeah then we're going to calm ourselves and get down the road cuz I didn't take our pistol in into McDonald's I I don't conceal carry you know I just I get it I don't do that yeah yeah so I told Maria don't respond to that message at all ignore it you know wait until tomorrow and let them oh sorry we missed you I mean it's a lie but we don't know who these people are you know if you're sitting outside a loves at 1:30 in the morning sleeping in your car looking for people to ask for money that's a pretty extreme one that's did they see like your your YouTube channel is that what they used they they looked at the back of the rig saw the the web address saw the Facebook logo the YouTube logo and they actually commented we later found on three different social platforms it's the only time it ever happened we have never had anything else associated with any of the The Branding on the rig but that's an interesting thing I have not had that because we had our logo on the RV you know for the last three and a half years so now we have no logos um because we have an LED wall we can pull whatever we want but the fact is is that nobody ever we never had any kind of issue like that that's a that would have been very very and I I think being just being prepared for how you're going to address a situation um is is part of the calmness of it like if you've already prepared yourself um of what could happen or what is going to happen but you know there's the thing is 99% of the time we are all traveling and helping each other right like literally just driving here for this RV thing I was at the rest stop here and I pulled up and somebody's like hey I noticed some water you know and I was like hey no big deal it's our Reverse Osmosis System kicking off he goes okay I thought you might had a leak you know so people are just always trying to be helpful and we're looking out for each other I had another story this morning where somebody he was passing by RV had a flat tire he noticed he didn't have the tools he made a roundabout came back around to help him change his tire so I think we're all kind of like if we're camping together in that overnight stay in like in a Cabellas or a Bass Pro we're kind of looking out for each other so but it is one of those things where somebody has you have to address this idea of how you're going to do your security on the road so yeah I the other thing that ties into that would be your internet system right so if you're going to run the cameras then we're running we're running either a dual SIM card in our internet router or we're using the starlink but your cameras have to notify in so they can communicate that's our system setup I don't know what you guys are using cuz I don't have a ring oh ours I just refinished this so ours is 100% now inverter really yeah and this is our our entire oh yeah yeah you've got it all oh okay I have this whole set up here and I have that same style in the back of of our TV yeah that's where I got this idea was from your rig at the Tamp so we we actually run Verizon home T-Mobile home starlink and then we have an AT&T hotspot all mxed through okay our peplink router and then I put in an extra peplink Enterprise class access point okay and then I built out vlans for each one of the services so that's Co our phones are on one VLAN our security system is on another one our work is on one and then we have the ability to create a public internet for any for our friends that around after Todd had our thing he ran into Jason it no Sticks no bricks and unbeknownst to us they actually have a story of having an ebike stolen so two ebikes two two ebikes so I'm going to let him tell y'all the the story because again this flows into you know the the security of your surroundings and and and we'll find out what they've done to to help mitigate those things absolutely we considered ourselves pretty security conscience and so we traveled for about a year with two ebikes and um we locked them up outside and they were always covered um when we weren't around and um it didn't matter they were still stolen so we were at uh Thousand Trails Las Vegas if you ever been to that Park then you know there's there's issues there I mean when a park has Constantine wire on the top of it that should be your first indicator that's not not a good sign we were supposed to be there for 3 weeks we ended up only being there a week and then we left because in the time we were there in one week we had our ebike stolen a car was stolen um the neighbor behind us had a jeep that he like older Jeep that he left the top off and every day he'd wake up and all the compartments would be open it' been rummaged through like every day it was just ridiculous anyway this was broad daylight 6:00 a.m. in the morning we're still sleeping but it's light out our bikes are outside locked to our RV with a cable and covered and um they just hopped the fence and took bolt cutters cut the lock took the cover off tossed it we think they cased it you know cuz they they knew they were there and um rode off with them even though they they weren't electrified we had the keys still they rode them out like regular bikes and uh yeah so that changed our way of looking at things you know for a year we're thinking ah it's it's fine we've been you know doing what we do and we haven't had any issues until you got an issue and then then you got to change your ways so y'all got video footage of them we did we've got a ring doorbell so we've got uh the thiefs walking along our RV and getting on the bikes and riding them off the RV park had video footage of them riding them out of the park and we turned that all over to the cops we filed a report and it didn't matter just nothing low priority low priority they gave it one week called us back and said not we're closing your case we can't find your bikes so so um like I mentioned it it definitely changed the way we look at our security especially when you're traveling from place to place to place to place uh so now we've got Apple Air tags on our bikes we keep them inside locked up in our RV or in our in our clam we've got Kryptonite locks where we lock them to each other lock them to the picnic table lock them to something strong that people can't just grab and move we've got bike alarms on each one so we've uh haven't had any issues since then those bike alarms do y'all have those in your Amazon store they are they're on our Amazon store so if you're interested in that we we'll put a link in our video to their Amazon store of where you can get those and they're loud and they work I mean they're very sensitive so yeah we've heard him yeah our our yellow lab likes to set them off inadvertently quite a bit with his tail like he'll smack his smack the bikes as he walks by and they'll go off so we got to be careful so did y'all add any extra cameras on the outside or still just the ring door we've got the ring doorbell we've got um some more security cameras on the inside of the RV but we are we are definitely going to add some more cameras to the outside we have not yet but we will okay well I appreciate you throwing that into the video for us no problem so what are what are a couple more things that that we do that that help maintain our our personal security well I've enabled by my phone and I've given my location to our daughter and my parents in case something ever happened I don't know you couldn't find me maybe they could find my phone if I had it on me yeah if you and Stella were out for a walk and something happened and you know somebody can find you um anything else that well we have a safety plan we talk about how we would handle certain situations and yeah I mean we we kind of we kind of you know come up with contingency plans we discuss our route beforehand try and have an idea of where we're going to stop for fuel and you know we we decide if we're going to pick up lunch there eat in the rig we we kind of you know we we kind of plan that and know how things are supposed to flow and then have contingency plans in case they don't work that way um and I think that's probably one of the bigger bigger things that that helps us out there yep all right so the last part of this is I don't know what to call it because it's not really identity theft and it's not network security it's not really cyber security it's kind of all wrapped up into one and you know one of the things that that me because I I usually fill the truck up I'm always looking at the the pump to see if it's been modified because they're card readers now that can sit in between the pump and the card reader and somebody can steal your information from there um we don't ever give our card out to anybody if we can't scan it or use a a secure website then we don't use the card um we don't trust Campground Wi-Fi systems because you never know who actually has control of those Wi-Fi systems and you can capture all kind of data from those yeah um one of the things that we've done here and will add a picture is we basically run our own internet Command Center here and it it it seems a little elaborate maybe overboard for a lot of people for us it it's what we actually need for for work and to maintain some of the security devices that we have so we put in a a peplink router we installed a peplink um wireless access point that's external to that router we run a hardwired starlink in into it for internet and then we use T-Mobile home and Verizon home internet on a wireless bridge back to the peping uh the reason for all that is because I wanted to be able to separate traffic out so that I made sure that we were getting everything that that we needed and nothing felt through the cracks like when we're working between 8 and 5 then the work VLAN gets 90% of all bandwidth because we're home and the security cameras and streaming and all that really really shouldn't be consuming that much bandwidth but then when we leave I want the security system to have full access to all bandwidth so in case something happens we're notified and then you know streaming is always you know a very distant third on the the backside because we usually only watch that at night before we go to bed um but this way we with this setup and this equipment it allows us to prioritize traffic so that primarily the security equipment you know the thermostats for Stella the ring cameras you know we're putting in freeze and water detectors you know those things they all have full access to the internet so that we stand and our new bike alarms we're going to get and our new bike alarms that we're going to get from Jason's cart um so with all that said um we were really excited about putting the video together you know specifically around security and and full-time travel cuz I think there's a little bit more to it that that people need to think about than than just hopping in a rig and going and how have you felt on the road I mean so far we've only been in a couple of situations that were kind of sketchy but you know it only takes one time to freak you out so that wraps up this week's video and we'll see you next week on our Road Less Traveled see y'all bye all right now I'm going to get naked no I'm just kidding that may hit the blo all right so with all that said and the interruptions which y will see later in the video um we are supporters of the Second Amendment that's the right to bear arms I know that okay where Todd hello what are you guys doing under there are you watching videos oh no her call came up don't let her bite you why would she bite me cuz you're on a scooter scoters you're going to mention that you know if it's nighttime we we have a plan don't answer it we have a plan for how we're going to handle stops if it's after dark and then we typically try not to who is it you weren't even listening I was trying to but I got distracted by the phone if you let me looked at it and turned it off then I wouldn't have been distracted so okay and then you'll just have to come up with some questions about there Jason all right so we're going to do Jason okay go pout action action all right so I'm just going to do a quick intro to toss it over to you you tell us your story that wraps up the world's longest video that is only GNA be we started this at what 10:00 and it's now 2:30 anyway
Channel: Our Road Less Traveled
Views: 66,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rv living, rv living full time, rvs, rv travel, rv lifestyle, rv life, rv show, full time rv, full time rv living, security full time rv, stay safe on the road, stay safe rv, security measures, security for rv, security measures firewall, security measures for home, security measures and solutions, byrna self defense review, ring doorbell, ring doorbell camera, rv internet solutions, rv internet solutions 2023, rv internet security, rv safety tips, rv living safety
Id: tjmpEt8-3uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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