Not so TINY HOME | Moving into a GRAND DESIGN Momentum 399TH

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[Music] okay I think the trucks up going up it's also it's also new so I'm like paranoid we're driving through a lot today with the rig and I think nervous and I know that's how exactly how you might be when you first get going and you get in a new rig and you're like oh my gosh I can't believe we're doing this okay I guess that means it's right no gates down so this stuff's the best to have two people going you're gonna have to take that pin out probable goes out you're just trying to generate us automatically going then power ever [Music] get a wall good yeah you're good you're good well you really need to be asking yourself is where the local hospitals what is it that the HOS the poppy Oaks I think that's one really important thing when you get new equipment is to like reap resin to yourself because going fast you'll break something going slow you'll be able to figure things out better okay we have a lot to cover in this episode like hooking up this 5th wheel toy hauler to our truck for the very first time really what it's saying bite your fingernails down it's just something I've never done nervous wrapping we've never done and so and then of course we have to move out of grand ginger into this rig and then go through all the shenanigans of that and do you have we even said with this rig is it is a grand design momentum 399 th yes with the paint which we've been allowed to share in this episode but before we kick it off we thought we would have a quick conversation as to what is the plan well okay here's the thing and you've probably already picked up on this mark and I really like the learning mode button on we like new things we like to be learning and growing but really we also like to be able to answer your questions we get hundreds upon hundreds of questions every single month and we would love to continue to turn that learning button on by getting different kinds of rigs so that we can answer those questions well yeah we've developed or produced 200 videos on just travel trailers and we wanted to start dabbling in different types of rigs so that we can start to create new content and compare and even trash yeah you have different experiences in every different kind of break like people are saying oh my gosh you're gonna be too big you're gonna be too tall well we'd like to find out for ourselves and then share that with you because we don't have any actual answers with how do you make it all work so anyway we're just excited for that and we wanted to also break it down for you so that you understand there's not like a money tree terrific dad you selling back there oh my god we are working we are we've never been paid for our opinion maybe in no way are working with grand design Lazydays any of that but not even working with Fork but I wouldn't mind alright I wouldn't mind we don't we're not there it's not there's not a sponsorship situation going on here no but here was kind of the idea because one of the things is how do we get in and out of a rig without completely losing our shirt right and so the idea is that we can buy an RV right and if you'd like to know how to buy an RV right my recommendation is to figure out what brand you'd like to buy jump into the Facebook groups and do your research and be well prepared and people will tell you exactly what they bought it for and be patient between a little bit research and patience you can get the right price so even if we buy the buy the RV right and then we work with the relationships that we have such as Technol RV and battleborn batteries then we can add value to this rig to offset the depreciation and sell the f450 and what we're calling either the KY d demo rig or maybe not toy ginger aren't really sure and then sell this at the end of season seven okay but those people that you just mentioned are not just to help this rig but also to help you these are the three people that we have identified as really community-based it didn't buy something from them they're going to support you so that's really what we're trying to get to we're trying to learn we're trying to share and we're trying to make sure that you have good resources so that is what's going on it's kind of the plan you know if it all goes right then maybe we'd be able to change rigs more frequently and if it doesn't go right then maybe we're gonna learn a big lesson either way you learn you get roses so we thought it was important to kind of share with you what the picture is and what our what our idea was and and why it is that we're doing this and it was it was especially important to kind of go up big right now because we've got all the boys with us yeah and you know Carson's gonna go off to school a little bit and then it's just gonna be me go the three amigos and then at that point we can start looking at smaller rigs because we won't need a garage to house teenage boys so yeah and yeah if there's anything that you can expect from KY D it's changed yes but there's change going on in everybody's life everybody's life all the time and when people write in they're usually nervous about that change how do I do it when do I do it is this my window and we talk to a lot of people every day about capturing their windows but also not waiting on the sidelines don't wait for the biggest and best don't wait for the perfect time start where you are and get started and then grow and so where you're seeing us today is that growth face but only because we got started you know we have such a great community that we can all come together and create something cool together yeah and that's why our motto has always been start small and start now and then grow I think we should jump into it all right well let's jump right in to me showing Trish the BMW companion hitch which sent over yes and we'll kick this thing off this is fancy didn't it dump very cool very exciting yeah it's big innit yeah so shall in the slide in there yeah what's this one called it's the BMW companion and there's two options with the companion one goes on a turnover ball you see that hole underneath yeah I think that would be where the ball comes that they call the turnover ball ready I'll be ready sacked this morning I mean look all right where do we start slide in that to me well they're both the main but they go one at a time okay so this one operates first and keep holding it down and then this one will come and then let's watch the hotspots the TV and the cabinet drawer they come in fast don't then you really do okay good we're done we're done lighting all off let's put the steps up okay isn't it light that's really nice you were concerned about that weren't you oh you thought it was gonna like hit someone's head and something yeah yeah you just pull oh wow I don't plunk yourself in the head awesome so what did you do you hit retract all yeah I wanted to okay so what is happening right now I have heard in the Facebook groups where people had their truck underneath their rig and they hit that button and it smashed their truck so we have a couple things to learn you saw what it just did I don't know you thinking if it was coming down on the truck and it felt the pressure of the truck it would have stopped no smash the truck oh yeah scream yeah you need to move in here now because you got camera over there I want you I want you back you know I got a DVD hi I was watching you I want you put that free running anything right there yeah not all the way in just no you're good bring it right but the thing I need to give you the height to that plane it to touch here completely before you complete the paper okay all right okay so Jose says to back it up and get the pin right before the fifth-wheel open and then just set down there and then he'd go the height and then we're gonna it seems pretty simple actually okay all right we've got the other side now go here and then you put the game look I'm very interested to see how much the back end of the 450 drops because this is 3500 pin weight it's actually 3400 it has the generator you can do it either way you can do it manually holding the arrow or you can go like ad before we try all we try all it will return our match yeah gosh that truck didn't drop much did it Oh I mean it dropped a little but it didn't rob much is it we've been prepped on the fifth-wheel hitch we did the whole delivery so now believe it or not my goal turn left right around there just we can see what the turning radius really is I can't believe that just happened that was amazing it is it's like moving an apartment building did you see that yeah I can't believe that just happened is that not the most massive thing so massive but it's yours I can't believe it it happened was he's gonna pop up there and he's gonna measure the air-conditioning so we get a height we know we think it's thirteen eight but I want to know right now 13 - all right 13 - is you know there's a couple places we would have had to turn around yeah number 12 8 to get here remember yeah that's above so what I normally do when I have a site like this is I kind of I kind of do a little bit of an S turn I kind of go in and then I go out like this I wish I had the drone to show you like this I'm gonna come out and the thing that I do differently then I think I like to see a lot of people especially new our beers is I go way further forward than you need and I think people don't go far enough forward because they feel like the more they go forward the more they have to back it's counterintuitive but in reality the more space you have the easier it is because you can get the right trajectory and you're dealing with more space and you can start making corrections so just keep that in mind I say all this having never backed into fifth wheel and I'm about to probably embarrass myself let's see how it goes [Applause] Oh okay badges you did amazing the thing with 90 degrees Trish I didn't even take up the space right here next time we have to do this but I have to hold the camera out the passenger so that people can see that fifth wheel is literally 90 degrees Wow I couldn't believe it I mean I had to go and sharp like that because of this tree what Caleb what do you want to say that was clean what's that let's do it again I think we should do it again let's do it in on the blind side that was the driver's side that's doing on the blind side that'll be harder the reason I'm doing a blind went to it so what it means when you do a blind backup it means that you're backing up on the passenger's side you don't have as much visibility and the reason I'm practicing this is because this is reality barter yeah [Applause] and so it's good to just go to an RV park like this where you can practice and there's no pressure you're not holding people up no one's waiting for you you're not nervous you never want to stand directly behind I know but it's safe because you can just it's just you should put these rules in place so that you know where your body in a vehicle is at all times do not stand directly behind thank you this is pretty crazy how'd that go that went very well tires are flexing yes are you ready to start moving yeah I want to move put on my sneakers some exercise I haven't been this excited since I went to my Pilates class oh good or since I won the national speed walking competition you walking back I'm sorry speed walking back and he's gone just like that that that joke delivered him all the way back to the rig okay stop alright so we'll just do everything so until yeah it's gonna do everything extra slow you know these are the activities we should not be doing oh wow you did it that it two times to make it right I tried it first time failed I tried it first time I did it you did it I have my moving clothes on now okay yes I'm ready so what's your plan I just want to open these doors up and start moving stuff over really quick because we have about 100 loads and then you can go around and back in look at detached okay so you're gonna do all the big stuff now yeah and then I'll hook up we oh okay all right go for it yeah okay [Music] how's it going well it's a little bit like Tetris when you buy containers for oh yeah okay now you have to buy these containers fit yes so surprisingly I mean there's a lot of storage because we have storage up there and we got storage over here we a storage above the TV we have storage by the stove but it's it's it's this is a no-go zone well that's just it there's so much storage that you can't reach whereas in the reflection we had all the storage in and around the island it's made for someone by side [Music] it's pretty cold in here it's pretty chilly but you know chilly is how I like it not have my own a/c vent this a/c very here nice I'm show me what's going on in the kitchen which kitchen that kitchen it's a hot mess nothing's happening in there okay everything's all over the place Liddy any transition is messy it is I'm trying to get Caleb down here to move all his books so they just pretty much went in there and then like didn't come back out I know they brought like two things with them and they were so helpful and for the first ten minutes yeah and then they just like they relocated okay I'll tell you what I'm gonna do what turn off the internet good well you just hold this down that's in law turns off dad stop up is out how this works making progress a little bit at a time poco a poco step-by-step I found a container so now I just need to go at Target and get one more of these and then you put another one in them up there yeah another one fits I measured it with my hand oh cool and then I took these from Caleb's old closet nice and these were we used to have them in our cabinets with blacks yeah so that it wouldn't bang on the lot the other way we have to use him this way yeah so nice I'll just use this for all my oils and vinegars cuz I want to be able to if it gets nasty throw it away I don't want to ruin that drawer yeah don't get me yeah so you can see as clean as I try to be this look at there's oil and dirt and stuff and I don't want that way and you pull forward that way I've been back in this way okay okay really good man I'm really ready to go to bed what I was gone why am i meeting so sadly I'm erasing all the boys Heights there was Carson person like this there was like he went to sleep and he heard that much and Caleb's down here making his way up Tori never got on this wall Tori never got on this wall did you already race them down there and the guy seen I race these two already into it I don't think that they want to see her know our boys height can you put their Heights in the new brick yes all right let's go do that on another note Trish and I were just cleaning out underneath the master bed that's where we keep storage things and whatnot and you'd never believe okay Trish Trish was cleaning out from underneath the bed and you would not believe what I found are you ready hold on let me come over here cuz I gotta show you over here gonna change the camera position it's a little windy I apologize okay there we go that's the right view okay ready oh yeah I found it look at this bad boy right here so again the only reason I'm gonna install this is because I think the boys would think it's kind of fun I'm doing it for Carson and Caleb right Caleb hi hi this is about a third of the size of our storage in the rig in the new rig you mean our bed and the new rate has more storage yes I'm not saying that that's a good thing because if you have more surge then you just store more thing well it's a third of the storage under the bed but this rig actually has a lot of storage overall if you are looking for a fantastic rig it is this rig it is the three one two bunkhouse the more we compare the two rigs obviously we're getting a lot of space over there and a lot of payload in the garage which is great the second bath we really did it for the second bath in the garage and the fifth-wheel capability but in terms of function like pure function yeah the media cabinet the storage down below the long kitchen island the long counter space underneath the TV the bunkhouse the big chairs that are super company plus the table this you cannot go wrong with this rig I know this is much smaller than what we're about to go into and I don't know if that's a good thing yeah because then you just end up storing more things well I've seen the other rig and there's a lot of work to do yeah there's so much work but this is it for this room we're done with this room man I know when we got rid of ginger 1.0 we kind of did a goodbye video of all the places that we've been and I think that's probably pretty fitting for right now actually because I'm feeling a bit nostalgic looking at Grande ginger for the last time here's how you know it's a good time [Music] there's so much traffic noise traffic Hey look dancing people are screaming out their windows really good [Music] where do you care it's just in our game [Music] let me show you a new closet his new closet aka my dad calls it you're dead closet let's see here make the light go on like going on oh there it is oh this is gonna be so nice um you know what what do you think if that's your closet yeah do we do we need a walk or what is this yeah it's me o'clock I use it as an orange I will find my way though it seems like it ain't dead the app is turned me into a bit of a perfectionist she's like stop it 1.5 inches I'm like no I must say green light my cigarette lights [Music] okay busy day today yes hugely busy oh my goodness cleaning out the fridge over next door and grand ginger and that's the final step yeah I know and then I drop it off doing all the dishes here yeah and then finding some places for the rest of these containers and that's it okay we're ready what's the plan for today won't you share everything with the plan for today is we are on our way to Fort Wilderness and we have heard from so many complete grown adults with no children living in the home that they go there intentionally because the sites are amazing the campground is amazing that people are excited and they don't even go into Disneyworld they just stay there to be at the park amazing so if someone's saying that I mean we have to experience it so you're sure that's what we're going to do and then Victoria got over the flu and so now she's getting on a plane and she's gonna come here we said we remodel right we really don't want the flu so if you still have it you need to stay at home she's like no I'm better her yeah she better be so she's getting on a plane and she's coming here tomorrow and we're going to pick her up bring her to Fort Wilderness and then spend Easter at Disney World I think that's gonna be fun because we don't really decorate for holidays and so we'll be some you know that's like overly decker and it's only the third busiest time in Disney so that's like there's two worse times to be there I mean I mean best times to be there you're gonna kiss ginger goodbye yeah all right wow you're kissing everything alright so I'm gonna be back here the paint company's gonna pick up ginger in a little bit and take her over to go pick some of the shrapnel from Alaska that way it's perfect and then I'm gonna come back here in about a month I'm gonna fly down from probably Kentucky to go meet Brad and amber to take delivery of this because there's just no way I wanted them to pick this up without me here I wanted to go through the solar system some of the other systems the inverter house some stuff works and the Hensley hitch just made me feel better to be a DA all system for the spare tire we're just going to do a proper walk through and make sure they know everything they need to and then I'm then we're going to go back to Kentucky all right let's go move this apartment building over to our Orlando oh yeah it's been a good rig yeah love that oh look how cute ho there with this grandparents okay Making Memories right there learning the ropes all right and our here is born it's good walk around you got the slides in everything's secure inside I believe so all right you wanna bring the steps up okay are you ready to go I just have to walk around myself thank you it's a lot going on in it yeah let's go [Music]
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 998,642
Rating: 4.8622351 out of 5
Keywords: rv, rv life, rv living, fulltime rv, tiny home, alternative living, rv newbie, living in an rv, kyd, keep your daydream, season 7, grand design rv, 5th wheel toy hauler, grand design momentum 399th, living in a big rv, how to rv full time, f450, ford 450, ford super duty, best truck for towing big rv, tiny house 2019, home on wheels, 5th wheel, etrailer, b\&w companion 5th wheel hitch, b\&w 5th wheel hitch, how to hook up a 5th wheel trailer
Id: UIqKamu99eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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