Airstream Tour: Brutally Honest Review of our Flying Cloud Bunk RV

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it is a beautiful day it is it's perfect welcome to kyd um scoot over okay thank you is that better yes welcome to kyd and welcome to your airstream tour today we are going to tour the flying cloud 30 foot bunk house version this is a 2017 and we cannot wait for you to come on over yes and it's not just a tour we're also going to provide a review a brutally honest review in fact we even waited until the honeymoon was over it's over so that we could really share some of the deficiencies that we've experienced living in the rv this season yes what works what doesn't what's great what's hype yes so we're gonna talk about the pros and cons we're gonna cover the six lithium batteries that we put in the front and how we got those in there what about the storage everyone says all right come on they don't have any storage so where do you put everything so i think this tour should start inside in the kitchen with trisha's magic because that's always the best part i love that idea and one last thing we're not gonna make this video go as fast as they have in the past because the feedback is always the same i want more like get into the details so we're pulling up the dinette cushions we're showing you inside and not leaving anything out you want to see the nooks and crannies yes let's do this let's get started man are you going after like uh the roll i do rollerblade oh yeah man do we miss a door yes but we're gonna share with you the things that we like and some of the things we don't like about this rv in today's video i didn't mind it but it was kind of miserable i'm just a little bit above [Music] really really how is it possible okay we are ready to start the tour but a quick announcement you probably remember a few weeks ago we announced that trish and i were the co-creators and hosts of e3 camping association and it is live today yes very excited and we want to personally invite you to go check it out for yourself yes we are so excited to have a platform a community built around rv education yes member experiences trips all sorts of stuff getting out there in a safe and responsible way that's the idea behind e3 because we've been at this for a while almost 200 000 miles four countries 47 states and we might add a couple more on the way home and we still managed to bust up our bumper a few episodes ago right because the best part about rving is that everything changes and the hardest part about rving is that everything changes that's right so your environment is constantly changing so staying fresh and renewed on your education is super important yes yeah as we've said before the learning curve is steep but it doesn't have to be long so definitely go over to check it out there is a train coming there's another train so we need to get inside we're going to start with the inside of the inside of the air straight yes let's do this let's go to the kitchen okay welcome to the airstream kitchen this is the coolest thing because in these little cabinets right here holds an entirely efficient kitchen but when you are figuring out how to store everything there's a couple things to keep in mind first containment how do i contain all the different little aspects and then second is the recycle reuse repurpose thought process so you always want to shop at home first what do you have at home and then shop at the lowest you know price point maybe you go to a second-hand store or you go to the dollar store when we got the airstream though i really needed different kinds of baskets so i had to go for soft flexible things so that took me right to target which brought the price up a little bit but i want to show you some cool ways that i repurpose things i recycle other stuff from other rigs and we reuse a bunch of things so here are my three cabinets and let me turn on some extra light um here we have all of our dishes and some more dishes and then we've got a coffee station and a vitamin station for other people maybe this is where you would keep your boxes things like that like if you get cereals or things um uh like any mixes things like that um i love these soft shelled little containers they're amazing and then these are soft but then they have a wire on the top so they keep their form but i was able to squeeze them in to the limited amount of space that i have and then of course getting things like these little pop-up this is a salad spinner but the best thing is you could take out the salad like drainer part and you could use this as a bowl so again when you're thinking about your rv think about things that have dual purpose and i love these kinds of pop-up containers i used to have one for my kitchen sink but this is a round sink so i didn't get to reuse it from my last rig these little guys are from ikea so they were super affordable and they hold all of our coffee mugs and regular cups but then when i say re purpose think of things like a pen holder you know there's all kinds of pen caddies that you can get you can also get silverware caddies but a pen caddy has a smaller footprint and i'm able to put tons of silverware and chopsticks in this tiny little container and then because this container right here is soft on the edges i was able to put the pen container in here and it's still kind of like overlapped so all three of these things fit in the same footprint even though they wouldn't have if this one wasn't soft okay other things to think about are the things that you use all the time and you can't live without for me that's paper towels i need them close by i need it easy to come on and off in every one of our rigs we put this up with command hooks with velcro and this one we were able because the airstream is real wood we were able to actually drill it in but whatever works for your rv and then think of things like how do i get these knives out of the drawers and into the workspace so that i have access to them all the time they're actually a display instead of causing you know um a traffic jam in my drawers but these little metal strips are amazing think about how you can use these in your bathroom i loved it when i had a medicine cabinet to put one of these in the back of my medicine cabinet i put my bobby pins i put anything metal tweezers eyelash curler they are awesome and as you can tell nothing moves even when you're on the road so the pantry is actually pretty big so it goes as deep as this wall so we have the pantry we have four drawers here and i have these drawers and i have this and these two down here i would keep them open but obviously the slant wants me to close them this one i use as a all-purpose drawer you're going to need a place to throw just a few things i've got lighters pens tape these are things that you end up needing for one reason or another tide sticks these things are phenomenal you can get rid of a stain in a flash um i have cutting boards when you buy cutting boards think about ones with like a little rubber on them because they don't move and that's really nice when you're trying to dice i have a cutting board that is not only a cutting board but kind of a display so i can make a meat and cheese board and serve it and then one of the other things i like is these cutting boards i can um serve a dinner on and we can put it on our lap and just eat outside it's like a little table so different ways to use this is just a multi-purpose so think about how your items can be multi-purpose and down here i just want to just open this so you can see all the storage this is where i have like um salt and sugars and anything like gluten-free right here and then over here i have some serving containers some more honey these are things that i don't reach for every single day but i also need good access to them okay so inside here this has been a total surprise i was wondering where on earth were my pans going to go they're all right here i have two restaurant grade heavy duty pans these are kind of like cast iron but in my opinion a little bit better um they're like called blue steel and then i have a non-stick omelette and a bigger non-stick just for some of those things that you can't have you know that other kind of surface to cook on and then we have i am like a tetris master okay i will give myself that accolade because this is like our oatmeal dish i have my salt everything is like put in here perfectly so i can fit in as many things as possible yet i'm still able to quickly reach for things like salt and pepper and then my pans everything is goes right here easy peasy to put away and reach for one other thing i want to show you before i close this drawer are these lids these little silicone lids they're amazing they fit on every single size and i use them so that i don't splatter all over the place and so i don't have to have lids for every single pan smart um then we're back to nesting you know i love that word so look at all these little tiny i make a lot of sauces that go with our dishes so i like to put them in these little things and then all of these kind of nest in together and then i'm always using my big one for all my vegetables whenever we're in one spot over there so super impressed with this pantry it goes all the way back again you have to think of that arch when you're using anything any kind of container in an airstream and so always look for these kinds of things you'd think that this is the front but in an airstream you can use it as the back so you can really get your containers further back how'd you get those um i got these at the container store oh and then they stack on top of each other they have little things to stack but i didn't need that piece so i use that for up there because there's that arch but then i have like my rices and my grains i have my fruits and my nuts and down here i have all my oils and vinegars i love cooking so i need a lot of things but i also have baggies and i'll show you how i have that all stored and then again the containment how can i keep these flat things together how can i keep sharper objects think about that when you have something like this in your drawer and you go reach in and you just grind up your knuckles um you could use a cover but i lost that a long time ago um so anyway a thing like a mandolin how do you protect yourself from yourself you use your containers to keep them in certain spots so you know i'm safe to grab in here quickly and then i have all my spices like how cool is this that the spices all fit like this actually closes that's amazing okay so we have that and then how can you find containers that will divide up your drawers for you and like on the side i have shish kebab holders so these things that would otherwise be totally cumbersome actually have a safe and cool spot on the side of containers and then i have my messy drawer these are things i don't know what to do with okay i have one more secret drawer to show you and these are the kinds of things that we love about airship the fact that i don't have to pull these covers off in order to get to this and i have all this space so i have these containers i'm creating spices so there i have lots of spices everywhere um but here i keep all of our alcohol and then in here i have all of our cans and these are very heavy so it's nice that they're down low and they're not falling out of a pantry when you open it what do you have over here though there's more stuff those are special salts finishing salts and things like that okay it's my turn to show you what's in these cabinets and this cabinet is the gratitude cabinet because trisha gave me this cabin because maybe because i was spilling over but this was just not enough stuff for all the camera gear and drones and batteries and things like this i'm gonna have to make it quick a train is coming we're about to lose our audio okay hold on stand by train right here okay so trish gave me not only this cabinet but she also gave me these uh soft things so i just keep like extra lenses and microphones and uh these usb ports and external hard drives and gopros and all that stuff up in here and then this one is more a more regular camera because like the camera that trish is holding goes right here um we've got some midland radios just in case we're in an area that doesn't have cell phone coverage we still have radio i've got a remote device so that we can check the temperature of the rig when we're away i've got the uh canon chargers and and then this cabinet this is this is one of the things that i really like about airstream when we first got involved is like when we first got the airstream is i would say like oh i need a place to charge the um data stuff and i open this up and it'll be like oh there's the usb and then i'd walk in and be like oh i need a place to charge to go to bed and then sure enough there's one right next to my bed and then we'd walk in but it would be really nice if i put my shoes and there's a place for your shoes so like trish was saying it's very well thought out so although you don't get a lot of the grandeur space it's so well it's very deliberate and detailed and you end up having kind of a place for everything and when everything gets put away it stays really organized and that's one of the things we've we've liked so this is a hdmi splitter so that on the i think there's like three tvs in this rig so we've got apple tv here hdmi splitter um this is our att router and this is our verizon router both truly unlimited plans and then the dvd that we never use and the radio we never use and my wallet should we look under the dinette [Music] yes okay we want to show you charlie's getting restless we want to show you what is underneath these dinette and we actually want to show you like put this table down and show you how the bed lies flat because when we were interested in the 30 foot bunk house we were looking for videos like people actually doing it and all we could find on the internet were like brand new rigs we're like i'm not even i'd like to brand new rig at the dealership i want to see how people live in it i want to see how difficult it is to take these cushions off so we'll do that in a minute but this is a good opportunity to talk about a couple deficiencies that we have found in the airstream one is i spend a lot of time right here and if i'm not right here i'm sitting right here a lot a long time and the airstream just isn't that comfortable it's high quality memory foam which i really like so like in our previous rigs when you'd sit in a chair for like more than an hour you felt like you were sitting on it on on the wood this memory foam is fantastic but it's upright or up right here or come follow me trish or we're like up right here and so it's fine if you're out for the weekend and it's fine for probably what rving was intended to be used for but for this extended travel that we're doing or even full-time living it's just not like you when you wanna you wanna you wanna relax and lie down and i know you're probably thinking why don't you put a pillow here and lie down it's because the reality is when you're really traveling all of this is covered with stuff right you've got groceries or you've got a basket up and it's it's really never this clean shocking charlie come in here come here so anyhow that's that's one of the differences the other deficiency that we have found hold on i'm gonna grab this is um we really did like our fire okay hold on so we really did like in our previous rvs the fireplace that's not really a fireplace it's really just a really pretty space here but when you turn on the furnace now the nice air streams like the 33 foot classic that has like heated floors so it doesn't have the forced air but most travel trailers have forced air like a furnace so we turn that on and like five minutes later or less we're like totally sweltering hot and it's dry and it's not good and if you don't have it on we're absolutely freezing so this was 15 at home depot we plugged this thing in and it actually just kind of keeps the rv warm enough where we don't have to turn on the furnace and if we're in rv park and we're connected to electric we can plug it in and we can save on propane so this is kind of like the solution that we have found to to just kind of take the edge off of those cold mornings and um like i said we did like the fireplace so well and the crazy part about the heater in this rig is charlie's scared of it because it blows out of the ground it comes out of the ground and charlie doesn't like it and he gets hot and he hops up on our bed anyway so let's uh let's show you underneath this dinette all right so these unclip like this and then i believe we can push it down right isn't it how it works yeah but we're gonna want to get the cushions out of the way first wait why doesn't that push why isn't pushing down there we go okay yeah so we'll get these cushions out going up it goes back up it has to and then they just tighten it like that there oh great yeah this is super cool two little people could sleep here one bigger person can sleep here carson's slept here before and um victoria could come you could have visitors you could watch a movie i mean we never do it but it's nice to know you we've done it we have done it to watch movie night yeah watch movie night and carson slept here before yes so anyway yeah that's that so what makes an rv feel small because we don't have slides and a lot of people are like how is it without the slides we actually really like not having slides and when it's the four of us it is kind of a problem because we're like going around each other and things like this but the three of us it's not really that much of a problem and the two of us it would be no problem whatsoever what makes an rv feel small in our opinion from having now five rvs is when a space doubles is something else if you have a place that you like to work but someone else sleeps there when they're with you that's when the rv starts feeling really small it's like you want to get to work but you need to wait for your son daughter grandchild or a visitor to like wake up and get ready and make it turn it back into an office from a bed and so we have found that if you have an rv that has very deliberate spaces that work is here sleep is there eating is here that's where you're going to feel like an rv has a lot of space the actual length and size and height of an rv isn't necessarily going to be the factor of how big it feels like we run a 44 foot toy hauler and after seven months of traveling around on that even that starts actually feeling a little bit small the question is how many individual spaces do you have and can you use and how many of those spaces serve as two purposes it's kind of our that's kind of what the conclusion that we've come up to come up with i still miss my two bathrooms the two bathrooms were nice so you wanna see under here i do let's do it i don't know how clean it is we didn't look here wait are you saying that we prepared and we actually cleaned the rv [Laughter] had you ever have people come over for dinner yeah we have entrance i get it you have company's coming baby yeah you have special getting ready for people to come over kind of stuff that's what happened [Music] oh hey that's just that's just our shoes yeah and now normally this is like what we call our prohibition locker we usually keep lots of wine bottles right there but we don't have any wine bottles oh okay okay okay just stop this right now this is one of my favorite finds this season okay i keep extra um cooking supplies there you could probably i don't know what you'd keep but there is great storage and easy access um if you have a local like restaurant supply shop these are called quarter pans okay so you know a half pan is what you normally have inside a normal size oven this is called a quarter pan but they have these little plastic covers and they are so cool because put food out on the picnic table you have to worry about flies yeah you can put food out in the picnic table i use it to marinate a steak and then i put this on and i put it right in the fridge it totally fits in a tiny rv fridge and then i'm not wasting like a plastic baggie or something like that and then my other thing is i flip this over and i use it as my dish like catch-all so i wash the dishes and i put it in here and this catches all the water i know that kind of sounds silly but i don't in such a tiny kitchen i didn't have another space for a dish drying rack and so this ends up being my dish drying rack it ends up i put tons of stuff on this i use these as serving platters marinating picnics that you can put like um you can put i have a little cutting board and i put the cutting board in there and then when i'm cutting things that have that are really juicy this collects all the juices i know it's totally random but this has been my favorite addition to our rig this season okay so now i realize why we don't go under here because you don't have to because you have these drawers you see we're lifting these up but all it is is access to right here so we don't have to take off these cushions which is really nice in fact if you have a travel trailer that has this setup you can actually cut it out yourself bring back in the upholstery and make a little drawer and then you don't have to worry about taking all these things off all your stuff um i think while i'm just standing right here i'm just going to show you the inside of the fridge because people get a little nervous about how much these little fridges can fit and i just want to show you this is not very stocked right now because i need to go grocery shopping but one two three four um shelves and then two of those and then one of our shelves broke but we have all of these so i feel like this is a completely sufficient refrigerator for up to five days of groceries feeding four people if that made sense well feeding four of our people yeah is um because two of those people are normally like are six 15 or 16 years old right so we're eating like two breakfasts a lunch and two dinners yeah so because if you're a couple this fridge is beyond beyond beyond enough so but of course we have a lot of fresh food and there's always fruit around so a lot of our stuff doesn't need to be refrigerated i just i think that you can make the decision yourself how how good or lacking this is and i don't feel like it's lacking i feel like i have enough space the only thing that um is challenging sometimes because i don't do a lot of frozen foods but if i want to get frozen meats and then all of a sudden i have to get ice because we do go through a lot of ice it's a total luxury for us but wherever we go we go get a bag of ice and we that usually dominates the top shelf and then i have very limited space for extra meats because now that you know you just never know what what place is going to let you take more than two chickens or you know what i mean or am i going to get the right kind that i'm used to and when i find what i like i want to get like three or four so anyway the freezer is the only thing that i find like where'd you get that wreath trish that's really nice hello upcoming episode stove vermont stay tuned yes okay um bunk hey caleb let's do the [Music] bunk you know caleb this is already proving to be the longest tour we've ever done um let's see if we can do it in a minute or less okay all right we'll try all right so here's what we got here the backpack of course the xbox with um remote chargers and i got four xbox remotes and then all case you have three friends come over in case i have three well charlie mom and dad gotcha exactly um and then yeah i guess that's really that's really it well you you overachieved i over achieved okay here's the question awesome yeah yeah yeah no go ahead hold on ethernet in my bed so let's say you find some wi-fi boom plug that right in there okay a couple things yeah couple things um this is a stock oem original equipment manufacturer mattress how is it it's pretty nice it's pretty nice okay pretty good is it like almost the size of a queen yeah um while carson was with us before he went off to school you slept up there how was how is that up there i didn't mind it but it was kind of miserable just a little bit of both i just really now actually you've grown since we even started no it fits i went up here today you know it wasn't that bad but i didn't i didn't i like i like having an xbox now i do it's pretty cool cool you should also know that under a whole side of that full-size bed is storage all the way to the back so i have all of carson's old things that he didn't want to bring to school okay so that oh my gosh oh my gosh you can tell how much i come under here okay so one so basically two of these once you close that look on the side there's a whole backpack on the side oh i was looking for that that's the small tortuga yeah it's interesting so anyway there's tons of storage command hooks you knew i was gonna say it okay but a command hook with rubber so that things don't fall on up there i can barely reach that and then also smaller bags that you can use for laundry bags this is how we've figured out how to do our laundry for caleb and then um again you have to use your space you have to either use the depth the height whatever you have use the most and so we found a little wire basket that has it up you know because this cost me 20 and redoing this whole closet will cost hundreds of dollars so although i would love to redo this entire closet and maybe we will um this is an immediate solution that you can do on your own so we've got one drawer here with all kinds of stuff this one look how big this is why is caleb not even using it i seriously need to reclaim caleb gigantic i need some of these and then this one storage something's back there yeah there we go there we go so four big drawers and a closet that is this deep i can't even touch the back okay talk to me about these mirrors this one's a little wobbly but it's like a circus mirror but show the one in the bathroom [Music] this is the good one that is the good mirror yes this is a good one nice circle you can always find these things keep your amazon that's right okay but this is one of the most aggravating deficiencies of this rig okay if the mattress is at all extended or if someone's foot is there this is as wide as it goes so you go to open it and you like slam your face in the door yeah i can't tell you how many times i've opened it expecting it to open for my body and it stops and i just hit myself like i just want to just scream so anyway but this is the bathroom let me go white let me engage wide angle mode yes it's not exactly gigantic no i can touch the ceiling i'm only five two so in my wingspan this is the entire thing okay okay now let me say though yes some people say that airstreams are only efficient or only what would be the right word oh good for six feet yes or under under 66 feet i will say yes that there is a seat in that bathroom i have a real problem sitting down in a shower i know but i'm just saying that's what it's designed for what it's designed to do if you're tall and then take this off if you're tall it's pretty nice so speaking of the shower there's two things that i absolutely love about this shower number one we've been using it forever like i think in the past three rigs there is a command hook container over here that is very strong but you gotta read the directions the first few times i didn't read the directions and it fell off so you got to give it time to stick to the surface and the other thing we ordered directly from airstream and it is a um airstream supply company oh airstream supply company but it is a teak floor mat for the inside of the shower so you get to take a shower with it and it because this doesn't like close all the time you only close when you're taking a shower at least when you look into the bathroom it feels nicer well then when you're taking a shower you're not like standing on all like grime and stuff because sometimes you know you're camping yeah so um so i love that i love that container i put another one over here and of course i have command hooks up here so our towels stay out of the way i try to raise them as high as possible so the bulk is out of the way and then the um always these rubber things are always fantastic i love things a moving rig there's also a toothbrush holder in here that's pretty snazzy but you got to wipe it out pretty often so that your toothbrushes don't get bacteria on them okay another deficiency of the airstream that we've experienced is the fact that the toilet is a macerating toilet not all airstream toilets are massaging toilets but this one is because the black tank is not directly below the toilet and the the reason that that's a deficiency is that for some reason you run completely out of battery or you have an issue electrical issue and that macerator doesn't work the toilet is a your trip is stopped until you get that fixed type of situation and we've been in that situation before if you follow kyd week to week you might remember when we went through estes park you see how the mattress is pushing that door um caleb was cleaning the rig which was really nice of him and you know without even thinking he was wiping this thing down and threw just this down the toilet and it clogged the macerator blew the fuse and it kind of took us a while to figure out how that whole thing works so i wish it wasn't electric one of the things that we kind of gravitated toward the airstream was the simplicity of the stabilizers and not having a slide and not having electric stuff so the fact that our toilet which is 100 essential is dependent upon electricity is um kind of a bummer or 12 volt i should say you want to go to the bedroom now yeah [Music] okay so my closet is this and this and then i have some storage under here and a little bit under here so again i have the containment except it's not usually contained it's usually very messy and shoved up there but i try to do you know shirts pants and workout clothes so there it is and surprisingly there's a lot of stuff in there and then i have the closets one of the best tips is to use these tiny skinny hangers oops hi are these tiny skinny little hangers they're super annoying because everything stays on them but that's what you want you don't want things to be slipping and falling and they take up a very small little footprint um airstream has these little knobs on their on their pole back there and it's great because it keeps everything in its place but you can't just like push everything to one side you know what i mean so i have tons of stuff in there i have two more containers at the bottom but the coolest part is this goes all the way back so under here i have a full on waist bucket and this is what i use for dirty laundry and inside of it i just keep one of these little things and when it gets full i've closed it up like this i throw it in the back of the truck and then i have round two because i don't go to the laundromat all the time i try to go like once a week and um this definitely fills up before did you hear that guys trisha takes her dirty laundry and she impedes the back of my trunk so um so we have all of that and then again i have lots of command hook situation we've bolted this little dice into the wall which is fantastic and then if a command hook isn't enough you have to go the chip clip route and then use a command hook sticky thing but um a little chip clip with a flat um back and then you can clip your hat because this hat would not have stayed on a hook no so anyway another little quick tip for you this little box makes it look like nothing's there and then my books can fit in nicely these are the kinds of things that we love about airstream i feel like someone has been thinking about how to make it better for many many days well even that reading light we sit down and we turn on our lights and we read and we read at night and then our phone is charged and our books are right there and it's it's not now i want to have a personal one-to-one conversation with the person that decided a blue usb light was important right next to my bed because unless i take out these and close this up it's like and put electrical tape over it and then shove a pillow in there and put a blindfold on you're waking up with blue lights oh my gosh it's so annoying i can't go to sleep so anyway so that's that that's what we have going on here and then i have a charger for my computer i have a fast charger for my phone there's just a lot going on right here okay my side is really the same everything trish showed you trish said that this is the neatest she's ever seen this trish tends to exaggerate a little bit if you haven't noticed over the past several years not normal and this doesn't even look organized but anyhow one two three and then uh and then jackets in here frankly it's plenty of space for a weekend warrior it's plenty of space for someone that's going to go on a trip in a single season meaning you go summer no problem you want to go fall no problem you want to go on a trip that spans spring summer and fall you're gonna have some issues you throw winter in there you're doomed okay so what we've done for winter is we have this big yellow container and i keep it in the back of my truck and that's all the off season clothes because there's just not enough room i don't blame this setup for this because there are some advantages that we're going to talk about and by the way we're going to tristan are going to sit down in a minute and we're going to talk about all the pros so we're going through some of the disadvantages or some of the drawbacks and some things to consider if you're thinking about an airstream so that you know what you're getting into but at the end of the day the list of advantages we're definitely going to share with you because it's the thing that really drew us to this type of model and it's the thing that we haven't regretted one bit so mark yes does airstream live up to its quality name reputation hype it's a tricky question ooh okay i think generally speaking yes all right there's a higher level of quality because of the rivets and screws there's fewer staples okay but here's something that i think aside from airstream i think the rv industry in general is i see a lot of people they're like going to facebook and they're saying i just bought this rv and i have an issue with my water heater right out of the gate and they and they bag on the manufacturer i know manufacturers are pumping out rvs i'm not i'm not mitigating that right okay but then they go get a different brand and they get the same water heater yes so some of these components what you're saying is some of these components are exactly the same no matter what rig you buy yeah and so you know you think of the big components you got you got your axles typically one or two vendors you've got your air conditioning units and your furnace and you've got your i get it yeah okay and so i think it's just important to recognize look at a bigger picture and be like all right i've got some issues it's an exciting park this weekend i've got some issues with these with this component but i'm going to get this component fixed and sometimes i just think it's a good place to start now right in terms of the quality there are some things i like about airstream fewer staples i like that it's real wood veneer so it can get wet it can take some level of wear and tear yes so sometimes you know because rigs aren't necessarily made to live full time in and when you are full-time living you're washing a lot of dishes you're doing a lot of stuff in the bathroom and there's usually one bathroom and everything's kind of getting worn down and so you'll see in the corner like fake wood will just start expanding like a sponge and like fake wallpaper will start rolling up the wall you're like oh this is not real wood yes yes but in the airstream you you can screw things in because there's real wood under the veneer there's just certain attention to detail that has been far superior than we have experienced as it relates to the wear and tear and yet i'll still say but yeah i don't think any rv including airstream is really designed for the constant day-to-day wear and tear now if you're an empty nester maybe it will let you know in a few years okay and we'll redo this video maybe you're just a hundred times better on things than we are that is totally plausible we are a bit hard on things we're very hard on things and so if you like you know take your shoes off at the door and use the cubby and then you clean up after yourself all the time i think zach and cindy who we bought this from because we bought it used i think they did that it looked brand new it looked great good job zach zach and cindy okay all right so that's just a straightforward review regarding the quality the quality is a step up but i don't think you're ever gonna meet expectations that i think a lot of people meet right okay now let's talk about some of the advantages some of the pros if you will i'll start okay one of the favorite things i liked about the airstream when we first started getting going is that the overall rv experience is less fatiguing the overall experience is more enjoyable why and what i mean by that is that the setup process because it doesn't have a slide and it's lowered to the ground the setup the tear down is a little bit smoother when we stop to go get fuel somewhere um there are no slides so everything in the airstream is the way it always is so trish will pop back there and she'll start making food while i'm getting gas because it's easy yes and then because it's low to the ground because it's under 10 feet you know i don't worry as much on the height clearances the truck pulls it great and so sometimes i just feel like it's so easy right and i like that yes okay well for me i like the fact that airstream's been around since the 30s i think 31 yeah that means that since the 30s until this very moment that many people have been pouring their intellectual knowledge into how to make the rig better and they say that they don't make change for change sake they make change deliberately feedback does something need to change or is it classic and it can stay the same i like that hooks are in the right place i love that it's well thought out yes and i like it when people come up to us and they're like oh what year is that and they think i'm going to say 1950 and i say 2017 but they're like wow you can't notice so that is kind of cool yeah and that in some way kind of brings the community together totally people want to talk about each other's rig and i found that with our grand designs too but especially true for airstream yeah okay another uh thing that i love i love that there's windows out of every single side of the rig so if the ocean's in the back no problem we can see it we got a window for that if it's in the front if it's on the sides it's just really cool that every sight we get is a good sight because we don't have to worry about the windows okay my other favorite thing is that everything seems to have a place now in the minimalist lifestyle you want to have as few things as possible because otherwise you're just in the management business you're managing your things and currently we are managing a lot of things and so it's kind of spilling out over but it doesn't have to be like that if you really streamline what you're bringing on your trip the airstream has a spot for it all and guess what i can reach it it's so exciting i'm 5'2 and i can get to every single cabinet i can get to the back of it and it is a beautiful thing and when there's storage like underneath the chair i just open it from the front and i can get right to it i love that i never forget it every time i open it i'm like i love you so another thing that i'll mention that i like about air streams if you're thinking about one or considering it is that they are essentially dry camping ready yeah most air streams i think i think all of them come with a small inverter and a battery bank and an inverter of course converts it from ac to dc so that you can actually or dc to ac so that you can run stuff that your coffee maker works and and some things depending on how much energy you need you can go for a night you can go for a night you can go to harvest host you can be at some bureau of land management and stuff like that so i like that it's kind of ready to go and then i also like lastly that there is storage exterior storage all the way around in these little convenient compartments so let's let me show you that right now okay this is my go-to cubby right here and this is where i keep trish you want to come down in here i'll just show you this is where i keep all the extension cords and the hoses um we've got this x chalk on right here but i didn't actually put one on the other side because i just put it on the high side today and then uh so look i got all these hoses and extension cords i mean it's a mess and i was gonna organize it and i thought well why organize it i'll just show you what it's like we've got little camping chairs in here but this is just all the stuff that i didn't pull out in fact we even have our lights in here i love these things in fact all this stuff is on our amazon page by the way but these lights right here totally adorable and i can plug it into the side and then we just string the lights these are great in fact i'll just leave these up they were only 19 bucks yeah 19 they're great and then um propane sewer all right i'm bringing it out there we go like we said you might be more organized than we are but um extension cords all right but the other stuff oh look at this and you have a chair oh nice the other stuff over here what's that that's a lot of stuff yep well this is the stuff that's left over yeah the actual stuff i keep in there we're actually using so the water filter on this side that goes in here the uh the other x-shock goes in here uh the hose and our 50 amp power cable goes in here okay let me get these bikes pulled back a lot of people ask me do i still like the cool out rack this is the best rack ever 12 000 miles on this rack and it it feels like day one okay so back here is where we keep our favorite camping chair thanks to bree and sean when we were up in bozeman they had this chair what's what's this stuff it's stuck in something the struggle's real the struggle's real all right love this thing look at that awesome so because of that chair we got rid of all of our other chairs because that's just the best camping chair and then we've got our rolling table fabulous table 25 is a coleman table we keep that there and then i did get a rain cover for the bikes and it's okay we don't use as much as we should but i like having it and then we have another rolling table that we don't use very often because it's kind of like a coffee table when you say rolling you mean it rolls up into the bag you got it and then we've got one helmet two helmet patricia's cast iron pan my favorite things ever in case there's an emergency but more importantly i use these to make sure people don't park in front of me when we are at like a grocery store that someone's not going to just come right in front so i can put this in front of the truck we actually have four of these this is something to wash the airstream with a little scrubber thing the scrubber's not on it um this is trisha's favorite it's a little umbrella i feel like this is show and tell now i wasn't gonna get into all this but this is kind of fun this is a little umbrella that trish puts on her chair okay everyone i show that to they literally come up to me the next day and they say okay i bought it well yeah because once you use this thing yeah you're like how does it know right exactly how to block the sun for me all right and then it's starting to be like a clown car now carson's longboard i don't know why he didn't take that to school but somehow i got left with it we got more of the little camping chairs so trish and i use the big love seat but then we have these camping chairs because they're quick and easy and plus a lot of times kids don't really want to sit in a chair but they need a place to sit so this is a great way for if you have like grandkids um to just like have extra seating without having to bring a chair hammock have i shown you these yet you gotta watch out for the plumbing bike rack like pump i mean whoa patricia's lid to the thing let me put that somewhere else another helmet we edit this down a little bit have i showed you these um these are trigger pellets and this is the bucket for washing the airstream right here i can't even believe how much you have back there anyway bike tubes and smooth stuff have we have we covered it that's what i keep in there let's talk about this right here i want to slow pan all this though argue hold on so right here you wanna come closer josh right here is where i don't mind the busted bumper we got a new bumper i got through that we got a new bumper on its way we're actually gonna put it in in two weeks so um this is where i keep both of the anderson blocks and all of the leveling blocks we have a ton of leveling blocks because they're so handy not only for the stabilizers but they're good for all sorts of things sometimes we use them to level the picnic table so i got a whole bunch of leveling blocks i keep some sewer stuff here and then i keep the anderson blocks and it all goes right in the bumper let's go to the other side of the rv and this is one of the other things i absolutely love about this airstream or about airstreams in general is how easy that is because often you only need sunlight off of your windows you don't need a big awning you just have to get the sun out of the window and the fact that it's so easy to operate is what we love and as you can tell because it doesn't come out very far it's more sturdy so some people like in our last episode they said hey you put the awning in after you guys left but you didn't put this one in it's because this is a little more sturdy it's still not advisable to leave an rv park with an awning out because of wind but if we did live this one out we'd probably be all right okay let me grab that little that little triangle chair and then i want to just show you this area right here this is where your airstream comes with two oem 12 volt batteries but because we ended up putting six battleborn batteries and an inverter in here it freed up this space so now this little cube here which is totally all the stuff i keep in there is waterproof i've got four boards the leveling the stack of leveling blocks that i keep the tongue jack on and both my wheel chocks and actually a couple more leveling blocks and all that goes right here completely convenient and just a great place for it then in here is where we have six lithium batteries battleborn batteries in the back and a 3000 watt inverter and by the way future solutions who that did the install on the momentum these are the guys that did this install it's just done absolutely first class those guys are genius and that video is coming by the way we want to do another um solar battery install video we just wanted this time probably take on like how to size and scope a system and how to match the amount of solar that you might need and understand it from that perspective because we've done a few of those videos and i'm going to take a different approach with this one so that video is coming soon but the only thing i kept up here previously were my tools so um now that the inverter's taking a lot of room um we actually just found this little plastic container and it just perfectly holds the tools that i had in here anyway so it works out really well and i have left this open in the middle of the night when it was pouring rain no problems the rain hits it and it kind of comes down in here a little bit of splash comes in but it wasn't a problem anyway we're gonna go way more details about this i just wanted to kind of give you a glimpse of what we uh and how we did this all right so that's that that is that we hope that you got to see all the things you wanted to see about an airstream because for me when i was looking for rigs they never showed me enough i know are you like no no leave that cabinet open i want to see what i could put in there exactly and that's why we made this video a little bit longer and if you're new to rving or maybe you're even an experienced rv and you're just looking for as much information as you possibly can definitely go join us over at yes we're very excited to grow that platform with new information every single month you can't even believe the brainstorms that are going on right here okay what if we did this what if we did that so anyway we are so happy that you are here with us and leave a comment down below of anything that you do in your rving for storage better towing better anything that you've learned along the way because you teach us every single day and we want to say thank you for that yes all right that is it for this weekend we uh we'll catch you next sunday same place same time as we continue to make our way last weekend was kenny bunkport and we arrived in camden so next sunday we go out with will and sue well will takes us out on the boat to explore camden and then we make our way up to acadia and then we pop down through new hampshire and vermont for the fall colors still a lot to come this season we'll catch you next time is stunning i'm sorry i cut you off but new england is stunning and i just had to say that we'll catch you later bye [Music] you
Channel: Keep Your Daydream
Views: 443,612
Rating: 4.9185171 out of 5
Keywords: airstream tour, airstream flying cloud 30 bunk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 0sec (2940 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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