RuYi's Royal Love [Episodes 86-87] Recap + Review

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hey today I'll be talking about episodes 86 through 87 of Marie's Royal love Yen one wakes up it turns out the poison the emperor had forced on her throat was not fatal she's happy at first thinking that the emperor has had a change of heart until she learns the terms of her new living arrangement she will be force-fed that poison and then treated over and over again until the emperor decides he's ready to let her die a clean death would be too easy and he wants her to suffer the emperor goes to see ree oh yeah he has come to invite her hunting and though he is so totally completely in the wrong I was still surprised to hear him actually sound contrite throughout this whole conversation rui refers to herself as war war in Chinese means I or me and it's how any normal Chinese person would refer to themselves in the palace however it's different everyone from the servants to the emperor has their own way of referring to themselves foreign and one person might refer to themselves differently depending on how their rank changes or even who they're talking to these are all from the same episode YouTube foreign if you don't speak a language that does this you can pretty much just try to imagine always speaking in third person so when you're talking to your mom you'd say your child thanks you when talking to a friend you'd say your friend thanks you when talking to a servant you'd say your master thanks you so back to rui as the empress she should always refer to herself as a boy but ever since cutting her hair she's almost always referred to herself as simply War it's as if to say I'm no longer that position I'm just me Rie says she's too sick to go on the trip and he says when he returns from hunting she will be reinstated in all her former glory she doesn't respond to that but before he goes she gives him some last words welcome to your shoe and as beautiful as it was in its prime it's now time for this flower to wither and die after almost 40 years of marriage this is the last time they see each other [Music] when she's alone she takes out the portrait of her in the emperor she cuts herself out of it completely and burns her side of the portrait to ashes will the emperor out for his hunt with the other concubines Reef finally has some peace one night she asked wrong pay to sit with her wrong pay thanks for her for saving her but rui says she was lucky to have her she reminisces on her first time visiting the palace her first time seeing the emperor the day he told her he would always take care of her the day they were married when he asked her to become his empress and what became of it all in the end River [Music] change [Music] she has wrong pay to get some more tea and by the time she returns RI is dead the only thing she leaves behind is a letter to her son at the Mulan hunting grounds the emperor gets the news that rui is dead the report says that rui stopped taking her medicine and succumbed to her illness characteristically the emperor takes his anger out on the people around him the emperor returns to the Palace to find the funeral already underway twelve Prince shares with him the letter she wrote to him before she died she says she's free now foreign he finds no letter for himself but he sees the painting she left with her side ripped out he brings it to the original artist ordering him to restore it but he says he can't he says the feelings he saw between the two of them the love in their eyes is not something he can just replicate the emperor goes up to his and Marie's old Lookout as predicted now that she's dead all that he can remember are the good times when he comes back down from the lookout his resolve is hardened he tells his servants that rie's funeral will be carried out as if she were an imperial Noble consort not an empress all records and pictures of her should be removed when the empress villager goes to see him about it he says she is the one who didn't want to be the empress yes he is still angry with her but part of it is wanting her to be free like she said in a way this is the last thing he can do for her years later he decides to make 15th Prince the Crown Prince despite his mother speaking of his mother her servants are still enjoying punishing her for nine whole years I know you hate her but does this not get old at some point in real life Yen one goes on to become the next Empress so I guess this is their way of explaining how she didn't die until nine years later but meh also the gray hair in her late 40s I guess is because of all the torture because the emperor should be about 65 here and his hair still looks great on this day yenwan drinks her poison soup as usual but finds this one is different this time it's fatal after nine years I would think she would be happy to finally die in our final scene around 30 years after Marie's death 15th Prince has taken over but the emperor is still alive he has reached his final hair stage which is really just gray hair he he takes out a small box inside is the bit of hairy cut off that night on the boat he cuts a bit of his hair and places it next to hers his servant arrives to find him dead at the end of Legend of gen Juan I feel like there's a bit of pity and at least a small amount of understanding for the Emperor as he dies not so here burn in hell and that's it this is the final episode but don't fret before we finish some very special Awards the dum-dum award is passed down from yongjung's third Prince to yeah who is somehow also the recipient of the smartypants award do I have that right judges amazing how did she manage to be so smart and yet Soul so stupid my favorite character award to swash in my heart is full every time I see you may you and Dr John live happily ever after tied for second place are wrong and yuncha who I also love with all my heart and a special mention to Hylan who I have such a complicated relationship with I love her I do but she sure did make it hard to root for her sometimes the hardest worker award this time goes to once again the recipient is the main baddies had made it makes sense I suppose between the scheming the lying The Killing all while dodging your Mistresses insane mood swings you deserve this one girl best actress award goes to that piece of hair [Music] just kidding who else could it go to but Joe shun you already knew this one was coming no joke she was amazing also amazing Wallace qua I know because I'm having a really hard time watching him and anything else the audacity award for the one person who just did not know their place our firecracker May from the moment she was introduced I just knew she'd be getting this one may may you just never did learn to humble yourself and some new Awards the Purple Rain Award for best Prince was more difficult than expected as first and fifth prints were so hard to choose between similar backgrounds similar trajectories almost identical endings literally down to the last minute Revelation by the wife then the wife getting slapped by the mother anyway in the end this award has got to go to fifth Prince first sticking to his morals being clever with his brain if not his heart and most of all being a fantastic husband son and I'm assuming father my favorite type of seen for a specific scene genre that I could never get enough of and it's Liu giving bad news that he's actually secretly really happy about the pretending to be sorry the barely hidden smile the polite way he just stabs them in the heart I just love it give me 30 more scenes just like that please and finally the hottest in the office award pretty self-explanatory we have a three-time winner here today ladies and gentlemen it's ja once again she's just got it all the confidence the giant hair that smirk ja is definitely as hot as it gets tianwan is very very pretty as well and as for our male winner oh my God judges do I do I have this right here ladies and gentlemen in this stunning upset the winner is not as everyone had assumed my beloved Yoon cha but but creepy eunuch oh my goodness what is this he's the worst I know but there's something about him that is strangely alluring the way he sneaks about that pretend innocence and especially that smirk when he gets what he wants you know I think I'm realizing that maybe I just find smirking hot and that's the end of rui's Royal love in the palace till next time thanks for watching
Channel: Drama Recaps
Views: 20,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6c1Sf4wA1rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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