如懿傳 01 | Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace 01(周迅、霍建華、張鈞甯、董潔等主演)

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<i> Subtitles and Timings By The Qing Hair and Those who Dare Team @ Viki.com</i> ♫<i>The sounds from the sheng and xiao die away in the distance, in the sparse, declining light</i> ♫ (T/N reed instrument made of vertical pipes; end-blown flute) ♫ <i>Memories of my past, my companions in youth.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Over boundless years, old affairs have become difficult to recall.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>I’ve used a lifetime of truth to put up a pretense.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Parting without opening these cupped hands full of tears.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Clears my vision and permits me to resist</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Perhaps when targeted by love it is not wise to separate</i> ♫ ♫ <i>The morning wind can not dispel the aftermath.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Whose hidden tears made the blooming flowers blush,</i> ♫ ♫ <i>And in the desolate and dreary torrential storms to painfully droop low,</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Unwilling to blossom again alone?</i> ♫ ♫ <i>The coming day belongs to the young.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>As the glimmer of dawn becomes again the setting sun.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Who is this person who does not sleep soundly in the middle of the night?</i> ♫ ♫<i>Sitting and watching the autumn wind puff out and penetrate the palace curtains.</i> ♫ ♫<i>One strand held in remembrance, shackling sentiment and concern.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Always submerged in the fragrant incense of fleeting time</i> ♫ <i>Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace</i> <i>Episode 1</i> [ <i>Jiangxue Pavilion</i> ] <i>[ "Double Happiness" Character Sign (Marriage) ]</i> <i>Qing Ying!</i> <i>Elder Brother Hong Li. (T/N address of an older male of same generation, usually friend or family)</i> Qing Ying! <i>[ Yongzheng's Fourth Royal Son, Hong Li ]</i> Fourth Prince. Fourth Prince, are you alright? How did the Third Brother's wife selection go? Replying to Fourth Prince, Third Prince has made a selection. They just sent us the news. How did it go? <i>[ Head Eunuch, Wang Qin ]</i> It's a great and auspicious day for the Third Prince. He chose Lady Dong-e as his main wife. He didn't choose <i>Gege </i>Qingying? (T/N Qing Dynasty address for an unmarried female royal or noble, including princesses) I also found that strange. Technically speaking, this...Third Prince is the adopted son of Her Highness the Empress. Gege Qingying is Her Highness the Empress' niece. This an opportunity to increase their familial connection and not let fertile water flow into another person's field. But in the end, this Gege Qingying not only didn't become a <i>main wife</i> (di'fujin/consort), she didn't even get to become a <i>second wife or a concubine.</i> (T/N ce'fujin, the side-consort(s) have lower status than the official main wife, but higher than concubines.) Her Highness the Empress was so angry. Also, Gege Qingying now is missing. Everyone is being sent out to find her. How did she go missing? Third Prince hadn't finished selecting when Gege Qingying went missing. The servants of Her Highness the Empress have been searching the palace for almost the whole day. It seems that they haven't found her yet. Why didn't you say so sooner? Don't follow me anymore. Fourth Prince, where are you going? I just knew that you're here. Your mouth is so big. Because you went missing, it's chaotic right now in Imperial Mother's palace. I was even afraid that you will take it hard that you didn't get chosen, but you were only here playing so happily. <i>[ Ula-Nara (Wulanala) Qingying ] </i>Why would I be unhappy? Look. This is a telescope I secretly took from Auntie's palace. You can see distant things very clearly. Try looking through it too. I'm still giving this back. Can you see it? Why didn't Third Brother choose you? Why must I let him choose me? You are the biological niece of Imperial Mother, while he is Imperial Mother's adopted son. Everyone knows that Third Brother will choose you as his main wife. That was just you all thinking like that. I don't like him. You don't like my Third Brother? If not because Father and Auntie insisted that I go, I wouldn't have gone. But...even if I attended, I had the ability to not get chosen. How did you do it? I farted. You farted? In public? That's right. I ate a lot of peas. You're really something. Look, Auntie's Jingren Palace is so far from here, but you can see it very clearly with this. But it's also nice that things went like this. What? I'm saying that you've now resolved your problem, but mine is still happening. What's wrong? Third Brother is done choosing. Next month, it's my turn. Qingying, when I choose a main wife, can you scout them for me? I'll check them for you? Since I was little, I have trusted you the most. If you say that it's good, it surely will be good. By then, secretly suggest some ideas to check who's suitable, so that I can decide. You're choosing your wife, so you should be the one to decide. How can I do the checking for you? Moreover, you're choosing a wife, so why will I go there? I don't have any official role. What's hard about that? Be my <i>xiunv</i>, then won't you have an official role already? (T/N <i>xiunv</i> are noble women brought into the palace for imperial concubine selection) I'm going to be your <i>xiunv</i>? How can I be your <i>xiunv</i>? We're very close. What will that look like? What's hard about that? I just won't choose you then. - You won't choose me? - Yes. You're really not choosing me? I won't choose you. Didn't I say that I'm just letting you check them out on my behalf? Even if I'm willing to help you, I can't be your <i>xiunv</i> just because I want to. Don't worry about that. Even if I have to beg your auntie, I will make you do it. Let me just ask you one question, are you coming or not? Not going to. I don't want to. Qingying! I'll wait for you at Jiangxue Pavilion. You must come! Auntie, you really have great taste. This dress is so pretty. But I'm not going to do anything. No need to wear something like this. Silly child, what are you saying? <i>[ Yongzheng's Empress Ula-Nara (Wulanala) ] </i>I want to let you wear this dress and take part in Hong Li's wife selection. Auntie, Brother Hong Li and I are like siblings. <i>[ Qingying's Personal Maid, A'Ruo ] </i>How can I be part of his wife selection? I'm not going? No wonder Hong Shi doesn't like you. What nonsense are you saying? I'm not speaking nonsense. Brother Hong Li indeed say that I go there to help him choose, but he didn't say that he'll choose me to be his wife. Moreover, I got refused by Third Prince already. I'm not going anymore. You will go where I tell you to! Hong Shi right now is showing signs of losing favor. What's wrong with marrying Hong Li? There are no important high-ranking officials from the Ula-Nara (Wulanala) clan in the past reigns. - Only— - Only women in the Imperial harem. The two of us should continue the glory of the Ula-Nara clan, or else, let's see how you're going to face our past ancestors. You've spoken those words to me so many times. I've said it to you so many times, but you didn't seem to have heard them. This time, I'm putting them in my heart. I'll accept this beautiful dress. I'll take my leave. - Hey! Qingying! - Hey! Gege! - Qingying! - Gege! Qingying! This brat... So stubborn. Don't rush. Gege is full of life and has been childhood friends with the Fourth Prince. <i>(Empress' Personal Maid, Xiu Xia)</i> If she goes, she surely will get chosen as <i>Princess Consort.</i> (T/N aka main/first wife, di'fujin) Your Highness the Empress! Your Highness the Empress, Third Prince got lectured by His Majesty in Yangxin Palace Hall! His Majesty wants to see you immediately! You kept being unfilial, but I forgave you. Now, you've banded together some underlings and colluded with government officials. [<i> Yongzheng's Third Royal Son, Hong Shi</i> ] <i>What is your real intention!</i> Royal Father...all these...are just people helping me. They all know that I'm the eldest son, and of direct line, h-hence, they will make these memorials to defend me. You said it well. <i>[ Emperor Yongzheng ]</i> How come they all are saying nice things about you? If not because there were two memorials complaining about you, I almost believed that you indeed have such high prestige in the Imperial court! Greetings to Your Majesty. You came just in time. Look at the good son you've raised. Look at how he is disloyal, unfilial, and treacherous he is! You've already seen the ladies. Lady Gao is dainty and adorable. She's quite compatible with you. Lady Fuca is composed and prudent. She is a more perfect match for you. Hong Li. Yes, Royal Mother. <i>[ Noble Consort Xi, Lady Niuhuru (Niuhulu) (T/N aka Zhen Huan) ]</i> Royal Mother, can I choose based on who I want? I told you that you must choose a wife based on being virtuous, choose a concubine based on her looks. The more you should be cautious in choosing a main wife. It's one thing to like her, it's another thing if she'll be able to help you. This concerns our future here in this palace. Your future main wife must be able to help us. I told you before that the Fuca clan is full of important officials. My <i>Niuhuru</i> clan is incomparable to them. (T/N standardized spelling of "Niuhulu") You should understand the importance of this matter. I understand. Your Highness the Noble Consort, it's almost the auspicious time. Can we start the selection? Okay. It's time. Set out your sight and choose well. Yes. The auspicious time is here! Enter the <i>xiunv</i>! Greetings to Noble Consort Xi. Greetings to the Fourth Prince. You may rise. Thank you, Your Highness the Noble Consort. The person who will be chosen as the main wife today will be granted a <i>ruyi.</i> (T/N a small scepter, symbol of power and good fortune) The one chosen as the second wife will be given a purse. Those who were not chosen will be given one hundred <i>liang</i> in gold and sent back to their manors. (T/N currency, also known as a <i>tael</i>) The <i>xiunv</i> joining today are from Fuca Clan of the Manchurian Bordered Yellow Banner, the daughter of the Overall Director of Chahar Province, Li Rongbao; <i>[ Fuca Langhua ]</i> Gao Clan, <i>Baoyi</i> of the Bordered Yellow Banner, <i>[ Gao Xiyue ] (Baoyi - middle-class men given important/higher-ranked duties by nobility)</i> the daughter of Gao Bin, the Salt Commissioner of East and West Huai; Guaerjia Clan, Manchurian Pure White Banner, the daughter of Vice Minister Sai Ke from the Ministery of Revenue... Gege, are we still going to Jiangxue Pavilion? If we don't go now, we won't make it. You're not planning to not attend, right? Her Highness the Empress and our manor are all looking forward to it. How come you talk like Auntie and Father now? But isn't the Fourth Prince also looking forward to your being there? He even said for you to check things out on his behalf. Gege, say, what does Fourth Prince mean with this "checking things out"? Could it be that whoever you choose, he will choose? Who knows what he's thinking. Could it be that after checking and checking, Fourth Prince will choose you? Absolutely not. He said that he won't. If he really chooses me, the more so I can't marry him. Why? Don't you like him? When did I tell you that I like him? Yes... You never told me. But my eyes can see. I'm not going. I will never go. - Don't be like this, Gege. Let's go. - I'm not going. Gege... Hong Li, go and choose. Royal Mother, how about we wait a little longer? Wait for what? Qingying... Little Sister Qingying isn't here yet. Gege Qingying just got rejected by Third Prince. <i>[ Noble Consort Xi's Personal Maid, Fujia ] </i>She must have felt embarrassed, so she might not come. The auspicious time has come. We can't wait anymore. Go. Go on. <i>[ Gao Xiyue's Personal Maid, Xingxuan; Fuca Langhua's Personal Maid, Su Lian ]</i> <i>Gege! Gege! Slow down!</i> <i>Gege, wait for me!</i> <i>That is Gege Qingying?</i> She really came here. Greetings, Noble Consort Xi. I came late. Gege Qingying, why did you come so late? Fine. Since you're here, go there and stand. Yes. You're here. I came to look at who you'll choose. How can I miss such a good show? Continue with the wife selection! Ula-Nara Clan from the Manchurian Pure Yellow Banner, the daughter of Assistant Captain Naerbu. Third Prince Hong Shi is being removed from the Imperial genealogy. I have no such son starting today. - Royal Father! Royal Father, don't treat me like this. - Your Majesty! Royal Father... Royal Mother, save me...Royal Mother, save me... - Your Majesty... - Royal Father... - Your Majesty...Your Majesty! - Royal Mother! Royal Mother! - You can't treat your eldest son like this. - Royal Mother! Royal Mother! <i>Royal Mother! Royal Mother!</i> - Your Majesty, please calm down. It's my fault for not teaching him well. <i>- Royal Mother!</i> I admit my mistake. I am willing to get confined for half a year. Get confined up for half a year? Hong Shi was so presumptuous to form alliances and make <i>collusion.</i> (T/N a secret pact) You dare say that he didn't have your permission? Your Majesty, please investigate it wisely. I did no such thing. Now, you dare extend your hand to the major state affairs. I can't allow you to stay anymore. I admit my mistake. I won't dare to do it again. In consideration that I have one child with you, I will not remove you from your position, but I must punish you. Empress Ula-Nara caused a disturbance in the Imperial harem and colluded to instigate the Imperial court. How can she respectfully propagate the royal bloodline and be a mother to the world? She is to be confined in Jingren Palace and not allowed to come out forever. Your Majesty... You and I are not to meet again in this lifetime or in death. Your Majesty, you mustn't abandon me. - Men! - In my heart, I only have you, that's why I became this muddled. I only have you in my heart, that's why I got this muddled! Your Majesty! Your Majesty! <i>Your Majesty!</i> Where is Hong Li choosing his wife? <i>[ Su Peisheng ] </i>Replying to Your Majesty, in Jiangxue Pavilion. Lady Fuca is composed and prudent. She's very suitable to be... the choice for the second wife. Grant her a purse. <i>Just a second wife?</i> <i>Indeed.</i> Thank you, Fourth Prince. Gege Xiyue is like her name, there is no light yet in the east, just pretty moonlight, wind, and frost. Thank you, Fourth Prince, for praising me. With such beauty, grant her one hundred liang in gold. Thank you, Fourth Prince. Gege Qingying is smart and quick-witted. She's suitable to be... the main wife. Grant her one ruyi. <i>Main wife...</i> <i>She got picked?</i> <i>- So unexpected. - That's right...</i> <i>Of course.</i> I came to help you check the choices. Why are you giving me this? I told you that I'll give it to you. - I was joking with you. - Who's joking with you? This is an important matter that concerns the rest of your life. You mustn't treat it as child's play. If you continue to fool around, I'm leaving. What? You don't dare to take it? Royal Mother, I'm done choosing. Congratulations Gege Qingying in becoming the main wife. Say thank you for the grace bestowed on you. Thank you, Fourth Prince. - Hong Li! <i>- His Majesty is here!</i> Greetings to Your Majesty. Your Majesty, our Fourth Prince has already chosen Gege Qingying as his main wife. No, he can't. Royal Father, why not? Gege Qingying is the niece of Imperial Royal Mother. That is exactly the reason why she can't be selected. The Empress has committed a mistake and has been confined in Jingren Palace until her death. Your Majesty, what mistake did Her Highness the Empress commit that you must punish her this gravely? The Empress tried to usurp my throne. I didn't have her killed, that is already being benevolent to her. Your Majesty, Her Highness the Empress has already suffered severe punishment. Please don't vent your anger on Third Prince. His Majesty has a decree! Third Prince Hong Shi is being removed from the Imperial genealogy. He's no longer part of the Imperial family. Royal Father, even if Third Brother committed a mistake, he shouldn't suffer such grave punishment. May Royal Father show some mercy, taking into consideration that he's your son. In the Imperial family, we are ruler and his subject first, before father and son. No need for you to beg for leniency on behalf of Hong Shi. Also, Qingying is a descendant of the Ula-Nara Clan. With the situation right now, you must carefully consider if you want her to enter your house. Royal Father, Gege Qingying was here in Jiangxue Pavilion all this time. She didn't know anything at all. She shouldn't be implicated. To add further, Third Brother refused to marry her. She will lose her status again. A woman from the harem, how can she have a standing in this world? You are speaking up for her? Royal Father is wise. Royal Mother's family crime shouldn't be passed on to her family. Gege Qingying is also your family. Hongli, stop making Royal Father angry. - Su Peisheng. - Here. Escort Qingying out from the palace. Yes, Your Majesty. Gege Qingying, this way, please. - Uncle. - Gege Qingying, please be cautious. Uncle. Based on your ten years of deep affection with Aunt, could you please treat her with some kindness? I'm not blessed to serve you. Please take care. - Qingying-- - Hongli, don't lose your propriety. Your Majesty, it's a happy occasion for the choosing of a wife today. Should we conduct the wife selection? Hongli. Forget it. The auspicious time has passed. I can see that you are tired too. Let's talk about this another day. We respectfully see Your Majesty off. Open the door. <i>[ Jingren Palace Gate ] </i> Gege Qingying, please hurry up. If you delay, I won't be able to bear this crime. Thank you, Eunuch Su. I will leave immediately. Aunt. <i>- Aunt. - Qingying.</i> Why are you here? How did you come in here? Were you omitted from the selection? Were you implicated with me? His Majesty wanted me to leave the palace immediately. I see. Leave the palace now. Don't bother about me. Aunt, I will think of a way to beg His Majesty. You must not beg! If not, His Majesty will be furious with everyone at Ula-Nara. Go back and tell everyone at Ula-Nara that no one is allowed to plead for me, lest His Majesty place the responsibility on someone again. - Aunt. - Go. Leave now. Gege Qingying, it's getting late. Leave now. Aunt, you must take care of yourself. I will think of a way to visit you again. - Leave now. Hurry! - Gege Qingying, leave now. You must be careful. Fourth Brother. Sister Qingying, sorry. With Aunt to be confined here forever, what other solutions do we still have? Royal Father is furious right now. I will wait for a while before I plead again. Rather than you trying hard to argue and beg for mercy, my words will be more useful. Thank you, Fourth Brother. About the issue regarding Jiang Xuexuan, just wait for me. I will beg His Majesty again. You must stay with me. - Su Peisheng. - I'm here. Escort Gege Qingying safely out from the palace. Yes. Gege, this way, please. <i> Subtitles and Timings By The Qing Hair and Those who Dare Team @ Viki.com</i> <i>Greetings to Royal Father.</i> If you came here about yesterday, don't bother wasting your time talking then. Right. Don't you like playing with ink and words? Come and take a look. Check out my drawing of the bamboo. People usually paint bamboo using black ink. <i>Dongpo Jushi</i> started the style of drawing bamboo using red ink. (T/N "Resident of the Eastern Slope", pseudonym of Su Shi, aka Su Dongpo, courtesy name Zishan, Song Dynasty) I once saw Royal Grandfather draw red bamboo. Talking about this, I'm slightly envious of you. I have never seen him draw red bamboo. I have never seen any of Royal Father's paintings either. I didn't have the chance in the past. Within the walls of the palace, fathers and sons rarely get close together. It's normal too. Within the walls of the palace, it's also not easy to ask for a wish from a person. In this world, one doesn't always get what he wishes for. But when it involves one's innocence, I must express my true state of mind. Is it that urgent if anyone is innocent? What's more urgent is for you to think of what kind of a wife you want? Royal Father, for all these years, this is my only request I have. I have known Qingying since I was young. Regardless of what her status is, I don't mind. In the past, you could not mind this. Today, you can't do this. <i>Come with me.</i> Sit. I told you to sit. Yes. I feel awkward. Why? If I sit, it's disrespectful. If I don't, I'm defying you. This is why when you are born in an Imperial family, you can't just do as you want. Come and take a seat too. Come. When I sit on the Dragon Throne, I can't do whatever I like either. What I say and do, it's for the generations of the Great Qing dynasty. You are here to make a request regarding your marriage. Frankly speaking, I can't help but to consider about it for you too. But regarding your marriage, it doesn't only just concern you. From my point of view, it should be based on appearance. Hongli, you are already an adult. You should start to share my burdens. Regarding the affairs of the country and marriage, there is always a justification. Whatever it's suitable for you, you may not necessarily get it. What you need to do, it's not necessarily what you want. Every decision has its gains. It also has a price too. I understand. Lady Fuca is dignified and magnanimous. She's the best choice for the main wife position. But Royal Father, I still hope that Qingying can stay with me. As this Ula-Nara is your only request, I will permit you to take her as your second wife. Thank you, Royal Father, for granting my request. But you will also marry Miss Gao as your concubine. Yes. Excellent. Su Peisheng. Here. The Fourth Prince is gentle and respectful. He executes tasks with respect. I confer him as <i>Bao Qinwang</i>. (T/N Prince Bao of the First Rank) <i>Yes, Your Majesty.</i> Thank you, Royal Father, for your grace! <i>[ Jingren Palace ]</i> - Greetings to Your Highness the Empress. - Greetings to Your Highness Noble Consort Xi. The play is done. Every play has a destined ending. Just like how Hong Li will surely have a wonderful marriage. Qingying can only be thrown out of the palace. Hong Shi got expelled from the Imperial clan. While you? You can only be confined in Jingren Palace. Never seeing the people of the outside world again. You...who are you? Are you even worthy to talk to me? Your Highness the Empress, please calm down. Actually, what can I do? Wasn't everything done by Your Highness the Empress personally? If not because you wanted to secure Hong Shi's chance to be the Crown Prince, no one in the Imperial court would dare make a complaint. If not because you wanted the Ula-Nara clan to be the empresses for generations, if not because you wanted a man who doesn't love you to be faithful to you, you wouldn't be in pain like this. Verbal decree from His Majesty! The Fourth Prince, Hong Li, is conferred as Prince Bao of the First Rank. An auspicious day will be chosen and he is to marry Lady Fuca as his main wife and Lady Gao as concubine. It is Hong Li that's destined to have perfect happiness. Lady Ula-Nara will be married as his second wife. Who? - Gege Qingying. - How could this be? Fourth Prince went to Yangxin Palace Hall to beg His Majesty for this. I'll take my leave. Looks like...it's not a useless ending. Everything is fated. Our play isn't done yet. Noble Consort Xi, every step I take, you calculate a step. It was you who instigated people to submit those memorials defending Hong Shi, right? But despite your calculations, you were unable to foresee how deep the love of your son Hong Li is towards my niece, Qingying. So what? She's just a second wife. Even if she's just a second wife, Hong Li disregarded his future and exerted so much effort just to beg His Majesty for her. With Hong Li being this attentive, what's the point of making a fuss of her status? Lady Niuhuru, let's just wait and see. The play indeed isn't done yet. But too bad that Your Highness the Empress can't see it anymore. - Lock the door. - Lock the door. Qingying, you are... my only hope, and our clan's only hope. Qingying...Qingying... Greetings to Royal Mother. You're here. I heard that Royal Father gave you the title Prince Bao of the First Rank and set your wedding matters. That's two celebratory events happening at the same time. Looking at you now, I feel that you really have grown up. Royal Mother, I am what I am now all thanks to you. It's just that I didn't ask your permission about one matter. Hope Royal Mother can forgive me. What matter? Just for my marriage, I presumptuously went to beg Royal Father and in the end set Lady Fuca as the Princess Consort, Lady Gao as my concubine, and got Royal Father to agree that I marry Qingying as my second wife. This kind of choice is quite good. Sit. Royal Mother, you're not angry at me? Must I be? Sit down. Thank you, Royal Mother. I know that you never liked Qingying. It's not important if I like her or not. My main reason was that the Empress has been punished to be confined. I don't want Gege Qingying to drag you into trouble. I was reckless. It's just that while at Jiangxue Pavilion, I had already given Qingying the ruyi. If I'm unable to preserve even her second wife position, it will only make me look like heartless and dishonest. Hence, I hope that Royal Mother won't vent your anger on Qingying just because of Imperial Mother (the Empress). Lady Ula-Nara brought trouble upon herself. She has already been punished by His Majesty. Now, your Royal Father has already conferred you the title Prince Bao of the First Rank, and agreed to let you have Gege Qingying as your second wife. Looks like he's not angry at you about this matter anymore. The more so even I won't say anything anymore. It's just that Gege Qingying has a stubborn personality. From now on, you two will surely not have a harmonious relationship. You only brought yourself problems. Royal Mother, Little Sister Qingying and I have known each other for so many years. We have similar personalities, so it won't be hard for us to get along. Are you that sure about her? That you didn't even mind risking your own future and went to beg your Royal Father? Hong Li, have you thought about if His Majesty got very angry because of this matter, the two of us wouldn't be having this kind of situation right now. I've caused Royal Mother to worry. I didn't think that much. I just know that Little Sister Qingying is the person that my heart wants. You child... You are being this motivated. Hope that it is indeed as you wish, that both of you will have a harmonious marriage fate. I thank Royal Mother again. Father, we're really not going to beg for leniency for my aunt anymore? What your aunt said is right. His Majesty is currently very mad. If we beg him now, it will only bring trouble to our Ula-Nara Clan. <i>[ Qingying's Father, Naerbu ]</i> Qingying, we're worrying about your aunt's matter right now. But what about your matter? You lost in the wife selections of two princes. <i>[ Qingling's Mother, Madam Naerbu ] </i>What kind of man can you marry in the future then? <i>Imperial Decree for Naerbu!</i> What has happened? It's a celebratory matter. You and Gege Qingying, please kneel to accept the decree. Quickly kneel. "As mandated by the heavens, the Emperor is making this decree. The daughter of Assistant Captain Naerbu, Lady Ula-Nara, has innately pure and wonderful morals, wise and capable. Gentle, ladylike, and upright, known outside to be virtuous. I order you to become the second wife of Qinwang Bao." End of decree. I accept the decree. - "Qinwang Bao"? - That's right. His Majesty has conferred the title "Qinwang Bao" to the Fourth Prince and ordered Gege Langhua of the Fuca Clan as the main wife of Qinwang Bao. Your Gege Qingying will be his second wife. Also, Gege Xiyue from Official Gao's house will become a concubine. Really? Qingying has become the second wife of Prince Bao of the First Rank? How can this be fake? Gege Qingying, the pouch that you were unable to get that day, I'm personally delivering it to you now. This pouch didn't come so easily. Prince Bao begged His Majesty for it. Thank you, Eunuch. Qinwang Bao will marry the Princess Consort Lady Fuca on the first day of the eighth month. The second wife Lady Ula-Nara and Concubine Gao will enter the manor on the second of the eighth month. Make preparations then. I will accept the decree. Thank you for His Majesty's grace. <i> Subtitles and Timings By The Qing Hair and Those who Dare Team @ Viki.com</i> ♫<i>Intoxicated by the falling flower petals in the plum garden</i>♫ ♫ <i>as if this life were our first time we have met.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Black silken hair reflecting the frosty moonlight,</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Hands joined together, for our innumerable mortal lives.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>The burden of concern on my mind has paled rose-kissed cheeks,</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Yearning now turns into confusion.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Glistening teardrops cover the pledge,</i> ♫ ♫ <i>joining hands for a lifetime, when in the past did he change it?</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Flowers start out blossoming in splendor, but are easily destroyed</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Who is that plucking on qin (zither) strings?</i> ♫ ♫ <i>When love becomes deep, people are prone to separate.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Alone, I sing the sad song of parting.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Twilight is tardy, spring is late.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>With graceful reasoning, like it had been empty dream, with sighs.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Let it flow away with the river of time.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Vast years apart, with no clear date of return or hope, </i> ♫ ♫ <i>Regretfully not admitting the care held deep within my heart.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Moonlight flows like water, washing away the pretentiousness of the past affairs.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Sincerity now is the only thing left to depend upon.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>In the endless night, I cannot put down the gray hairs to pursue youth.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Nor dare to look at you quietly from afar.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>If we can have another lifetime together, may we both be commoners.</i> ♫ ♫ <i>Reunited, and again pledging faithfully to stand by each other.</i> ♫
Channel: 大劇獨播MZTV
Views: 4,578,117
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Keywords: 電視劇, 大陸電視劇, 古裝劇, 宮鬥劇, 延禧攻略, 如懿傳, 甄嬛傳, 周迅, 霍建華, 張鈞甯, 董潔, 辛芷蕾, 童瑤, 李純, 鄔君梅, 胡可, 經超, 純帝繼皇后, 乾隆皇帝, 愉貴妃, 孝賢純皇后, 鈕祜祿·甄嬛, 孝儀純皇后, Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace, zhouxun, huojianhua, zhangjunmi, dongjie, xinzilei
Id: PD-xpO3uBA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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