RuYi's Royal Love [Novel ending]

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hey today I'll be talking about the end of the novel Reeves Royal love in the palace the novel ends vary differently from the drama the biggest change being that it doesn't end after rui's death and we get to see what became of everyone so without further Ado rui is indeed very sick and doesn't have long left wrong wrong pay in Highland are constantly begging her to take her medicine but she refuses one day Yen Juan comes to Siri at this point N1 has all the power in the world and RI is on her way out the emperor has all but said that he will depose her this is from Yen one oh sister please forgive me what do I call you now you no longer have the empress's regalia so I can no longer call you Empress you're older than I am and to be respected so I will call you big sister Brie stared at her fixedly and then smiled slightly and said you can call me whatever you like yinwon is endlessly annoyed that rui is so calm about how things have shaken out and was clearly hoping for a chance to Revel in rui's dismal end yinwon really thinks she's figured this whole thing out and tries to elicit some kind of response by saying she'll never end up like rehas when she becomes the empress Yen Juan smiled fiercely now I can see through it all Empress xiaoxian was humble and gave in to the emperor in everything never contradicting him but the emperor found her two rule following and lost interest as a result his interest turns your outspoken nature but when you became the empress the outspokenness he liked turned into lack of respect and you constantly offending him which is why the emperor now likes my gentle Charming obedient nature amazing that she could put all that together and still not realize that following that logic he will start to hate her too at some point and move on to the next one still no response but yeah one is finally able to get what she wants when she brings up Fifth Prince ree sends her servants out of the room and says angrily that yenwan planned well since yunja was neither his primary nor his secondary wife she did not have permission to come into the palace and meet rui and Hylan had they met rui thinks they would have seen through her in an instant now the M1 has found something that gets a rise out of her she enjoys twisting the knife in a bit more finally Rie asked her outright so that Miss who was she working for you Yen once smiled gracefully with arched eyebrows sister do you really want to know about who Yin zhao's Origins what a Pity I've already completely wiped out her history she came from a good family purest snow with nothing for you to pick at had it not been handled so cleanly with consort use mentality she would have suspected her long ago as for you sister you might consider Yoon Zhao descendant of your enemy her original surname was Tien hidawan is so confident in how well she covered everything up that she tells RI everything I adore this line about yenwan's motivations for telling Marie all of this though she was happy there was still doubt and fear in her Joy if she couldn't show off what she had gained through these Untold hardships it would be like walking around at night and find clothes with no one to see them after taunting her some more yenuan leaves and rui stands up she pulls out an old handkerchief that yinsha gave her years ago she Burns it and says a final thank you and goodbye to yuncha dear listener this next scene had me on the floor wrong pay watched indifferently as she finished burning it then collected the ashes in a copper dustpan walked to the courtyard and Scattered them outside ree heard her own voice clear and decisive as she urged wrong pay hurry wrong pay didn't cry she pulled out a small Dagger from her sleeve and placed it in rui's hand she raised the dagger letting the rays of sunlight streaming in from outside hit it it shined with a faint blue light it was indeed a sharp blade she didn't speak only smiled lightly calm and composed she looked at wrong pay and said in a low voice once I die you can leave wrong pay if you manage to get out you must live well wrong pay nodded heavily I will serve you as you go Ruiz gaze turned slightly and landed on the half embroidered flower pattern on the embroidery frame it was a half-bloomed green cherry blossom blooming care freely on the Snow White Gauze there was also the half turned on the wall and horseback full of its Joys and Sorrows reside softly full of worries I still don't know will all of the us really be able to protect myongji wrong paint nodded with a firm and peaceful expression Marie smiled slightly no more Nostalgia she raised the knife and pushed it into her chest the blade did not go all the way in the movement was quick and as the knife fell from her hand she only felt a deep cold spreading through her chest amidst the spreading pain she suddenly recalled something from the past the sunlight shining from the cloudless sky streamed through the trees making everything emerald green the newly blossomed flowers bloomed with dark purple and Snow White sprinkling the air with a sweet taste he stood under the flower petals a bright smile on his young and beautiful face he waited for her as she slowly made her way closer to him she could not remember at all when had that happened was it a real memory or just some unreachable dream ree smiled lightly and in the midst of the shattering pain she took her last breath wrong pay watches her die with no expression on her face she knew what was coming and had already sealed herself to it without another thought she picks up a pair of silver scissors and slices her own throat the only memory she recalled was the day she met URI she was a lonely servant having served in the gardens for many years and having endured too many beatings and insults to count it was rui who had looked down at her and lifted her from the dust and mud she was just a servant girl and the only thing she could use to repay her was her life [Music] okay so it's reported to the emperor that ree committed suicide and the emperor wants to ask wrong pay about it but she's gone as well the emperor decides to give her the funeral of an imperial Noble consort but there's a key part here just as jinjong is about to leave the emperor asks who did the person in Yukon Palace see before committing suicide jinjong hesitated for a moment and then smiled apologetically and said the Imperial Noble consort went to visit the Mistress of yikun Palace she delivered a few things to help her take care of her health and that was all are you seeing what's coming not long after the emperor calls Liu back to his side to serve him as his main eunuch again Hylan is of course ready to die when she finds out and the only reason she doesn't kill herself is because rui left her a note telling her not to and to take care of the 12th Prince the next few parts take place over years in the novels over time rumors start to spread about yenwan having had a hand in Marie's death she was after all the last person to see her Highland is everything she can to keep that rumor meal going strong additionally she does her best to drive a wedge between yanwan and the other concubines especially the Mongolians although to be fair no one really liked her much to begin with the emperor also can't stop thinking about it and one day asks Liu again about rui's final moments sure enough the emperor was suspicious Liu slightly lowered his voice before the Mistress of ukun Palace committed suicide Imperial Noble consort Ling had just left consort you consort ying and seventh princess then went inside Leo almost thought he had misheard but it was clearly the emperor's voice trembling slightly as he said was it really suicide Leo is of course still 100 loyal to Ree and knows just what to say to keep stoking the emperor's suspicions especially pointing out that ree had been sick for a while and could have ended her life any time if she wanted why was it that moment specifically the emperor starts calling for re in his sleep and he just can't stop thinking about why she would do such a thing one night he asked Leo can you guess what Imperial Noble concert Lane said to rui Liu tightly closed his lips no need to speak there was nothing that needed to be said the suspicion had already taken root and it was just a matter of waiting for it to Branch out Bloom and bear fruit there were tears in his eyes and it was hard to suppress the excitement in his heart with these suspicious Roots alone even if yenwan became the empress she would not be very stable yenon at this point has already moved to retake her older daughter and actually manages to take her in practically kidnapping her seventh princess refuses to eat or talk to her asliu said seventh princess and Ying both saw yenwan coming out of Ruiz Palace the day she died so for all seven princess knows Ian Juan stabbed her herself in an attempt to make seven princess eat again Yen Juan puts her in a room with her other children who try and get her to get with the program it bought fires on yanwan as seven princesses the oldest and she starts explaining to her younger siblings that yenwan is actually evil and they shouldn't listen to her Yen Juan heard that the children were getting along well together and was proud of her clever plan she rushed over to enjoy the fruits of her labor who would have guessed that she would hear such heart-wrenching words the moment she got to the door her expression changed in an instant and she began to berate her what did you say what nonsense are you talking about seventh princess doubles down saying that her two sons died as retribution for her evil deeds and Yen Juan gets so angry that she begins hitting the princess her two younger children seeing her like this for the first time are terrified and actually started defending the seventh princess saying don't hit our sister in yinwon's Rage she paid no heat to Yong Yan's words seeing that jingyun refused to beg for mercy and wouldn't say she was wrong she began to strike more fiercely and more quickly one after another I'm your mother I'll discipline you well seven princess runs away and finally reunites with Ying when Yen won tries to take her back again we have that whole confrontation with the empress Dowager just like in the drama after this the emperor takes her other children away and his attitude towards her starts becoming as cruel as he was to read towards the end sometimes the emperor would half tease her isn't it much quieter without children by your side for a moment Yen wants third blankly but then she quickly put on her usual docile smile it is quiet I can concentrate on taking care of your Majesty's Harem Affairs the emperor was very satisfied with her answer he pinched her chin and left without a glance back yenwan smiled softly the emperor's mind is becoming more and more unclear to me in the eyes of the emperor am I just a tool for managing the Affairs of the Harem a tool for giving birth to children first of all yes yenwan you dummy have you not been paying attention but honestly it's really hard to feel any kind of satisfaction here in the drama it's easy to support rui over yanwan because RI is a good person yanwan is not in the novel though yenwan is no worse or better than anyone else was anything bad she's done rui has done just as bad or worse it's just the cycle repeating itself again and it continues like this for years as yenwan slowly realizes that she's not special and she doesn't really mean anything to the emperor that really she's ended up in exactly the same position as Ruby she starts to understand how RI had become so tired of it all and why she finally gave up struggling in the end also over these last few years the emperor has met a new Young servant named fudra who looks like yenwan and by extension RI when she was younger the emperor takes a liking to her and she becomes a first class female attendant than a normal lady again literally just a cycle coming around again Ask for again one the older women in the Harem have stopped showing her even the basic respect of greeting her when they see her and only show up to any morning meetings to interact her belittle her choices and just generally make her life miserable wrong especially loves to do this as the emperor still likes her enough that she can pretty much get away with anything when wrong hears about yenwan wanting to change some old rules for Marie's time she crashes the meaning to make her voice heard when chinchan makes a comment about it xiangjin sneered if your master doesn't like me coming you can go and tell the emperor the corners of shangjin's lips race slightly her smile was bright but there was also a trace of obvious contempt when Yen one finally can't take it anymore she goes to see the Emperor who was strolling with his new girl fujra the two were chatting and laughing as they left the Hall of mental cultivation then they saw yanuon rushing up the steps with tears all over her face my my is the sandstorm in the capital of that severe has it gotten in your eyes Yen won wept miserably and was about to beg the emperor smile deepened I've heard that my Imperial novel concert has been managing the Harem Affairs very well that she follows the old rules and doesn't make changes rashly I'm very pleased then we get yenwan's thoughts that was clearly a message for her to follow the Customs where he had left behind so in actuality he knew what was happening like the back of his hand he knew of her embarrassment her grievances her hard work that no one respected and he didn't care at all the Emperor hints that she should be careful not to stress out too much or she might end up like Shu and Hui on the surface they died due to their own stresses but the underlying threat is obvious when the emperor touched her arm Goosebumps Rose for no reason she was trembling but there was nothing she could do no matter how frightened she was she couldn't escape in the end she gritted her teeth fiercely and was able to exert the loss of her strength she braced herself and said I heard the emperor's decree so I'm here I'm here to thank you the emperor smiled with a hint of coldness in his eyes and then left with Noble lady Glenn On's body softened and she sat on the Jade steps listening to the sound of the wind rumbling like a sob she no longer had the strain to struggle from getting across that this has been a slow progression over years and years these novels are long it's not like suddenly you're supposed to feel bad for Yen one it's a slow wear down and I do feel bad for her like I said rui was no better than she was I feel just as bad for Yen Juan as I did for ree when she was being treated like this the emperor no longer sleeps with her but sometimes he flips her tile and just has her sleep beside him one night she wakes up with a start to find the emperor staring at her like a creep she asks why he's staring at her like that and he responds that he can't sleep as today is the anniversary of the day when Marie cut her hair fear ran through her like a wild animal taking over her entire body yena one's mouth was completely dry she felt weak just hearing the words it's been so long your majesty should stop being angry about it the emperor smiled I'm not angry just curious that night Imperial mobile consort what were you doing yenawan was tongue-tied I I don't remember the emperor completely lost interest he rolled over and lay on his side like a person who had no worries oh well since you don't remember let's just sleep just endless cruel Mind Games fuja is promoted again to Imperial concubine and when the emperor not coming to Yen one's defense The Other Women become more and more disrespectful to yenwan though she's technically the highest ranked a few times when she could hold back no longer and went to the emperor to explain what had happened she would paddle on in tears for a while only for the emperor to stop what he was doing and ask blankly what leaving yenwan unable to continue occasionally when the empress The Witcher heard the news she would laugh and taunt her speaking of which you've been an imperial Noble concert for such a long time why are you still so unpopular I wonder are you even still sure of your current position fujra is promoted again to consort and gives birth to the emperor's final child the tenth princess He is 65 at this point seven princesses married off to a Mongolian tribe which Ying is happy about because that is her home at this point no one even pretends that yanwan is anything to the seventh princess additionally as her other children grow they start to understand what seventh princess was saying to them and as they mature they start to see yenwon for the person she really is her older son especially starts to feel ashamed of her never-ending lust for power he starts speaking to her less and less her brothers Olu is released but he hates her because of of how she pushed her mother to her death and won't speak to her at all as things go on like this she begins thinking again of yuncha finally we reached 10 years after rui's death Hylan and Juan are together and Highland once one to do something for her she gives her a scroll full of yenwan's misdeeds and tries to convince Juan to tell them to the emperor the next time she sees him Hylan believes that at this point the emperor is suspicious enough to believe the words but maybe not coming from Hylan Imperial concubine 1 stared at her suspiciously pause for a moment and then said in a deep voice but I'll die Highlands sneered living like this or dying in the eyes of others is there any difference clearly you're still breathing but in the eyes of the people you're already dead Walking Dead just like me Highland gives her a final push by reminding her of how she contributed to rui's downfall Juan is convinced and goes to the emperor and tells him everything Imperial concubine one was sitting tiredly on the small sedan chair at dawn and when she saw Hylan waiting in her Palace she said softly I've never said so much to the emperor in my whole life but the emperor he was actually willing to hear me say so much Hylan embraced her and said with a soft smile that's because the words you said were nice to hear so the emperor liked hearing them Imperial concubine one rested her head on Highland's shoulder wearily you forced me to say those words but being forced by you like this really is a pleasure I have never been so happy who I like who I hate I said it all even if the emperor drags me out immediately and chops my head off I won't regret it after molding over what Juan has told him the emperor eventually goes to see Hylan and brings her some pearls I rewarded you with pearls because I thought you always like what Marie likes Hylan smiled indifferently not necessarily for example my sister likes Amber but I don't finally Hylan gives him the ring and the emperor realizes that Yen Juan is the one who was in love with Yoon cha in the end he doesn't decide to kill one and in fact she gets the happiest ending in the novel as he goes to see her and is floored when he sees all the paintings she's done for him over the years and how desperately she's yearned to be noticed by him the paintings are all of me in my youth and in my old age Imperial concubine one you drew them so well would miss the eyes she said softly I've been painting them all my life practice makes perfect so at 50 years old one finally starts a relationship with her husband she never gets promoted past Imperial concubine but that's fine with her the emperor calls chinchan in and she confesses to everything and then he finally confronts yenwan yinwon has that same kind of brazen confession she did in the drama like yeah I did it so what everyone else here does the same yenwan knew that in the eyes of the emperor she was just a mouse being teased the years of endless torment struggling between his teeth and Claws had dragged her down to the point where she could neither plead for her life nor beg for her death since it had already come to this death was nothing it's just a life if your majesty wants it then take it the emperor tosses yuncha's ring at her and she is so happy to see it again that she cries she is poisoned and brought into another room to die and after hours of writhing and praying for death in her final moments yenwan tries to put the ring on the ring trembled slightly at her fingertips but the sweat made it slip off and roll far away yenwan opened her eyes wide but she didn't have the strength to find the ring yeah yuncha was not having that chinchan has made mutes but sent home with a really nice severance package of a nice house and her own servants to take care of her so kind of a happy ending and the emperor's final scene would Lee you he admits that he wants Reed to be free in the next life which is why he didn't bury her as an empress the emperor orders that from now on no more ulinaro women are to be included in the selection of concubines that they should be allowed to live normal lives with normal husbands and that's the end of the book till next time thanks for watching
Channel: Drama Recaps
Views: 54,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g51o2iPyvHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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