Rustic Outlook || The Sims 4 Family Home - Speed Build

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[Music] hi guys it's Emily here so welcome to another speed build today I am building another family home this house is a bit more on the rustic side it's probably one of the most rustic looking at like traditional suburban houses I've ever built I was actually looking at a picture on Pinterest I've liked this blue craftsman house and so that's kind of what I used for inspiration for like the porch area and like the different little like roof pieces and it just kind of went into this more rustic looking house rather than a blue craftsman house so hopefully you guys do like it I think it is super cool it's a really interesting house I did a lot of like crazy roof stuff and I kept it all in that's why this video is quite long because I wanted to leave in the roofing and the floor plan because I don't do that on most of my builds but this one in particular I felt like the roofing yeah it was just quite interesting the only way I can think to explain it because it it does have three stories which is something I never do I can't remember the last time I've actually built a three-story house before I saw somebody do it recently and I wish I could remember so I could tell you guys but I thought it was really cool and I was like you know what I should build a three-story home and I've also seen some pretty cool rustic style suburban homes lately and I was like yeah that's exactly what this house is gonna be my version of a rustic suburban type house so I do hope you guys like it there's lots of Browns so if you aren't fan you know fan of Browns and in houses then it may not be for you but if you do like more brighter colorful builds I actually just built another suburban home that's like just as big it's not three storeys though that was this was a little bit difficult so I fit in the stairs and you can of course remove the stairs if you want to when we get onto the floor plan you'll notice it does make one of the bedrooms quite small so I mean we'll get we'll talk about it when we get there but um yeah the the house that I just built it's a lot more colorful it's super bright it's adorable I love it and I can't wait to share it with you guys but I am also really excited to share this with you guys I did share a picture on my brand new community tab which is very exciting you guys that seem to really like the house I'm so happy to finally be able to with you I've been quite busy lately I have got a job it's like an on-call job so I'm kind of just called in whenever so I have been a little bit busy with that and also just busy doing things you know just my personal life and stuff so tell me that I have not been very quickly about giving this build out cuz I did share that picture of this house quite a while ago so it's been on the gallery for I don't know like it hasn't been like a week it's been like maybe four days something like that so usually as soon as I share through the gallery that you know the speed build is out like the next day or so so this one has been it's had to wait a little while but that's okay um I tried to use that okay so something that I always want to use the medium size like wall height doors on the short wall height walls does that make sense it sounds a bit confusing but the door that I put on the back door is actually for medium height walls I do end up changing it later on for a different door because it was poking up through the bathroom floor and I couldn't cover it up sometimes I can cover them up because like the very tip top of the door will cut through the like the next floor AHA but I really wanted to use that door it looked perfect I wish they would have gave given us more of those like kind of more grand front door looking doors with the cats and dogs expansionpak with like all of the different little window pieces I love the one that's on the front the front of the house cuz that is a short wall height door um but there's two options for the medium wall height doors and I tend to build a short wall height so this is not very interesting but that that's something that I do try to do quite often and um yeah I don't know but at speaking of it being from cats and dogs all of the windows and I believe all of the doors on the exterior are all cats and dogs I use them a lot I know in my last like bigger speed build which was the lakeside retreat that was all cats and dogs as well I just really liked all of the windows and doors that come with that pack I feel like they're so like so much variety there's so many different sizes and you can use all of the doors and windows from that entire pack and you can completely fill an entire house but here I am trying to decide if I want to add the third storey at this point it's all for looks but I do make it its own room here in like two seconds and yeah it's pretty cool I just turned it into an artist's loft I figured maybe one of the parents it's an artist and works from home to have a kind of their own studio upstairs in with the attic area it's pretty cool but it does make the bedrooms kind of cramped so I did mention that and I don't know I I'm happy I did it though I think it's pretty cool we can definitely remove the staircase and make one of the bedrooms a little bit bigger if you need to or you could turn it into a bedroom whatever you want to do but this house also has a garage which is really nice and and then the bass doesn't have I forget um so there's been a little while since I have built this and I actually edit it like right after I built it so it's been ready to for me to do a voiceover so haven't got a chance to do the voice ever but um oh speaking of oh my god there's so many things I got my community tab so I already mentioned that but that's so exciting I was like I think I had actually just replied to somebody's comment pretty recently saying I wish I had a community tab so I could share things with you guys and yeah I just randomly became an option on it was I'm so excited about it I think that's really cool but also I wanted to thank you guys for 17,000 subscribers that is also really amazing and also a hundred thousand views on my simple family home I have no idea why that particular house got so many views but I'm so happy you guys like it I used a lot of inspiration from that house to build my next family home not really it's not a simple house my next house but it is um has similar our schemes and I use certain items that I think match that house so if you do like the style of that house there is yeah I think some elements in that new house so I'm really excited to show that with you guys I will probably share a picture of it on my community tab sometime this week and hopefully I will be able to get it out by this weekend but oh it's something else I forgot to mention about this build I started building it a new crest put since Abe was quite rustic and I don't I felt like it would fit brendensen Bay a lot better so now we are in brindle tane you can't tell because I'm just working on the interior but I did leave in the floor plan um yeah which I don't normally do because floor plans are quite difficult I this isn't like the first attempt by the way I think I tried it to other designs but I left in like the final design I they're just quite difficult but um I do like the way it turns out I do kind of have a problem with the dining table being in like the entryway of the house that does bother me a little bit so I think I think I made it work it does still kind of feel like an entryway with being it have it like a dining area I don't know and there is some like weird little roof bits that kind of poke in through the roof right or into the second floor as you can see I was like oh these are kind of cool I'll keep them it kind of makes like some interesting structure but I do end up removing them because they just won't work in my way and I couldn't color the walls because then it changes that exterior color it's just quite complicated but um the parents do have their own like master bathroom so that's pretty cool I think it just has like a shower and sink so it's not anything too interesting I can't remember if I cut any other rooms out I think I think I cut a little bit of stuff out but I did try to leave in the majority of this build since I don't know I felt like the layout and the rooms and everything was kind of an interesting shape and plus all of their roof images kind of interesting oh I I do remember something that I did cut out that was some of the landscaping because it was quite repetitive and this is a 40 by 30 lot so it's quite large but um yeah I know I do like the way it comes together and OH something that I should also mention is I am using the reshape mod I used to have this in my game right before I built my new PC and I've been seeing a lot of other people been using it lately and I thought it'd be fun to jump back into it and plus um hey Harry if you guys are familiar with your channel you guys would deftly check her out but um she does some really awesome presets so the presets that I'm using is actually one of her presets and this one is the Light Brigade so just kind of make things a little bit brighter it's um yeah it doesn't really change anything too much it's just a brighter version of the game which I really like because then you can see everything clearly especially at night it makes things not as dark and I'm hoping that it'll make like in-game screenshots a little bit better because I do have to brighten them up quite a bit sometimes so yeah I'm pretty happy about that she also has one that's like this really cool like classic tone - I'm gonna link them in the description you guys should definitely check them out I'll link her video so you guys can watch them but I know I I haven't seen any videos of her using them yet I don't think but I've seen that urban sense has been using some blue shades as well and created her own preset so that's pretty cool it's definitely a pretty cool kind of it's not I would sound mod it's just like a different little thing that you could add to different games just to kind of change the color tone of of the game and you know achieve different effects so that's pretty cool and yeah the one that I am using is called Light Brigade so just make things brighter which I love and oh my god all this wallpaper and hopefully you guys don't mind I don't I don't know it was I just felt like leaving everything in so yeah hopefully guys do like that I do think I changed them up a little bit when I go into these rooms especially when I delete these like roof pieces that are sticking through but as you can see it kind of creates like this angle and I thought it looked quite interesting but this is the small bedroom I was talking about so since I created it the third storey access it shrunk this room a lot I do really like the way it turns out I think it ends up being an interesting room I did turn it into like a teenager's room and I think it's decorated pretty cool but um yeah it's quite cramped so if that bothers you then you could definitely remove the access to the third storey or turn it into something other than a bedroom I don't know but now we're on to the exterior and I use it these are like I guess they're tile flooring stone flooring it from the jungle adventure pack I think they look super cool and I also use the low-lying fence to kind of separate the different little like flower beds flower garden beds whatever you want to call them and I think that looks pretty cool too oh and something else that I just remembered that I did in this build is behind the fence I had like lots of large rocks because I was inspired by like the river behind this house there's like lots of large rocks and trees and like long like tall grass and stuff so I do that behind the fence and I think that looks pretty cool and yeah I think it's starting on it right now so just kind of size up this little grassy patch and put it all over and then I put some like big rocks and some trees that kind of match the surroundings with something that that I think I've noticed before but I've never talked about it in a build some of the trees in the distance of brendensen Bay are actually trees that come with outdoor retreat so I feel like that's kind of I don't know kind of a mistake on the Sims team's part because if you don't have outdoor retreat then you can't match it with the surrounding as easily but I mean you do get some trees with the cats and dogs expansionpak but if you don't have outdoor retreat then you can't match the other trees so I thought that's a little bit weird usually when they create new worlds they do only a base game and the like new I guess trees but you know different little landscaping items they use the same one so this is something that I have noticed but here I am using these low-lying fences from the jungle adventure pack so I think they look pretty cool they look quite chunky and I think it looks really nice I'm I think back here I just have the pool I can't matter if I add any toys or not I think there's just monkey bars so it's definitely a kid-friendly which is pretty cool and I really liked it like the driveway that I created I do size up but it's like a statue truck I put that in the driveway which looks pretty cool as well and a basketball hoop above the garage door which also looks pretty cool I think um but now I am starting on with the plans I use lots of different like greenery I think most of the color comes from the but I think I just do lavender plants which is awesome but looks with a nice effect I do really like it and yeah there's lots of trees it just looks super overgrown and lush and I I was gonna like separate these into little flower beds as well but I just do these little itsy-bitsy little based game flower patches whatever you want to call them and I think they look super cute because they kind of grow over the pathway and make it look I don't know I think I like the kind of overgrown look a lot I think it looks super fun and I just like it I don't know what else to say who had it but I also use a lot of the size tip rocks around the house in the flower beds as well which I think looks pretty cool and I just I feel like that makes it blend in with the surroundings really nicely I've actually built on this lot before of a totally different house I mean there was a quite big house as well but it was my Newport cottage I believe it's what I called it so if you've seen that one yeah it's on the same lot as that build but yeah I really like building in this neighborhood of Sable square I believe it is called it's the neighborhood that comes with the cats and dogs expansion pack that has the Animal Park in it and also the veterinary clinic and actually this lot is actually where the vet clinic is so when you open up a new game at the vet clinic collage is this lot so I know I much prefer a book residential lots in this neighborhood I don't really see there being too many community lobst and so I feel like the like the doc area is much more appropriate for community Lots but that might just be me but um anyway so I am kind of sorting out this pool area it's a pretty good sized pool with a diving board which is really nice and then I do a dining area and then a little lounge seating area with some little lemonade pitcher which is super cute I love using that item I actually use it a lot um it's one of my favorite items but I really wasn't happy with this dining at table that I do have out right now so I do change out for a different one I just wasn't really liking the wood color I actually I do like the wood color but I don't like it with this house I felt like it kind of clashed with the other woods that I was using on the exterior so I just decided it didn't work in the end but um yeah I'm really happy with the way it turns out and I did add some monkey bars in the back as you just see and I didn't cut out as much of the landscaping as I thought I did so that's pretty cool it's pretty much all of the same plans over and over again a lot of greenery like most of the plants are just green few white ones and then lots of lavender because I think that's super pretty but it looks really cohesive and it all kind of goes together that's not too many crazy colors I think it looks super sweet and I don't end up keeping that wicker dining area or wicker seating area right here on the porch we just I don't know I really wasn't liking it I didn't think it really suited the kind of area I was trying I just really liked it so I do end up putting just some regular benches out here from cats and dogs but something interesting about those benches they're not actually in the outdoor category which I don't understand why they look like outdoor to me they don't look like benches that you would only see on the indoors but um yeah when you go to the outdoors tab with a little barbecue picture on it and you go to the outdoor furniture it's not enough kind of weird um but anyways so this is a dining table that I end up going with outside I think it looks super cool and it's quite modern as well but I like it and he had just got a plant on top with a candle and some condiments keeping it pretty pretty simple but I think it makes a nice little BBQ area I think that's yeah I like it um so I hope you guys will like it as well and then I am going to add this truck right here on the front which I think suits this house pretty well I feel like the people in this house would definitely like a truck oh and something else I forgot to mention I did build this house for an archaeologist or at least somebody who has a hobby and archaeology because there is the garage area and I was originally just gonna leave at the workbench in there is like the activity for the garage but I decided to put the archaeology table in there and I put some like are like artifacts and throughout the house and I think that looks so cool and I hope you guys will like that but right now I am just lighting up the exterior which this is also something I don't always keep in so if you're ever wondering if I do put lights on the exterior I do um I don't leave it in every build I just feel like sometimes it's not that necessary but this is the build that I left like everything in so that's pretty cool but we are starting with a garage so as you can see I did pull out the workbench immediately because that's like always the thing that I add in garages because I'm like what else are we gonna put in garages it's not really too many things there's like wash them dryers I feel like are appropriate for the garage the workbench and mostly it's just clutter so I never really know what to put in garages I just kind of make it up as I go but I decided that the archaeologists bench would be cool since this is a build that I was trying to incorporate the jungle adventure stuff into so yeah there is a washer and dryer in this house too because I mentioned that being in a garage but it's in one of the bathrooms but there's like so many bathrooms in this house so if you don't have laundry day or you want them to be in the garage you could definitely move them or delete them I think the bathroom that I put them in you could definitely easily replace it for a shower instead because the bathroom just has a toilet instinct it's just like a half bath with like the washer/dryer so pretty cool but um yeah kind of just sorting out the clutter I think I do end up leaving some dogger cat food in there I don't know I think I'd go back to that room later but this is the first bathroom it's the one closest to the front door pretty simple doesn't have a shower either I believe it's just the toilet and sink and I do something interesting with the sink though I do merge it with like one of these old side tables and it doesn't work the way it is right now but when I play test at the house I did get it to work so when you download it into your game I think as long as you have move move objects on it should all work just fine and yeah I think that's pretty cool I do really like the colors in this house of like lots of rich Browns and kind of it's a cool house I think I had a lot of fun incorporating the jungle adventure stuff into kind of a suburban house and I feel like it works so well with the laundry day items and it's pretty it's pretty nice um I do like the way it turns out so do hope you guys will like it as well and Here I am again trying to use those dang curtains I mentioned them in so many bills but I always try to use those curtains but they're only for me being wall Heights I don't use medium wall heights that much I feel like they're way too tall and I feel like we don't have enough indoors for them so that's why I don't really like to use them but I do really like the way this living room it turns out and like I said I did play test this house so I did have a little bit of trouble with the sim navigating around this living room but I did get it all to work before I did uploaded it to the gallery so if you download it into your game it should all work just fine because I know sometimes things may look a little bit cramped but I do play test my house I feel like that's kind of I know it's I don't like it's that hard to play test houses so I definitely always try to do that if I'm yeah if I can but I usually always can um but uh yeah so it should all work just fine it but definitely turn on move objects I do forget to mention that a lot of my builds and I don't even mention it in my gallery descriptions but I feel like I probably should mention it more often because I always build with move objects so and I use control 9 which is one of the main things that move objects or with having move objects on it really helps with when placing that lot so definitely turn that on I would say when placing any lot from the gallery whether or not you think they used move objects or not but um have I told you guys how much I love this coffee table I don't believe I have I actually built an apartment for an archaeologist I will probably share it I just haven't been that excited about it I don't know I think some of you guys will like it so Paulie share it with you but I did use that coffee table and actually took a lot of inspiration from that apartment in this house so if you guys like this house and want me to share that apartment definitely let me know because I wasn't really sure if I was really sure if I liked it that much I think those things that I do like about it but and it's not in love with it but if you guys would like to see it just just let me know um but this is the kitchen and I think it turned out really nice I'm using some base game cabinets which it's kind of cool I mean I was originally gonna go for it the ones from oh the jungle adventure pack but I said not to I felt like this rich brown color just suited the house really nicely and just kind of matched really well so yeah that's pretty cool and I do it this nice little area for all the cats and dogs to heat I imagined that this family had several pets so there's two large food bowls but something that does bother me when placing food bowls is that there's no water bowl I feel like that's a bit silly that your Sims pets don't need to drink water the only time they drink water is when there's like spilled water from the bath or when it looks like a pee puddle around I feel like that's a bit silly I don't I don't know why it bothers me so much but I feel like they need water but I do like this area anyways so there's two footballs and I do like that we can switch out those little actual food bowl parts rather than there's like the dispenser partner there's the food bowl part I like that we can switch out the food bowl part and kind of match it to whatever build we're doing I think that was pretty cool touch to that pack but yeah I'm just adding it some clutter around at the kitchen counters just kind of typical clutter that I use flowers and candles and little little items that I like and I did use a lot of I believe the entire house is fooled with filled with Parenthood wallpaper I use that wallpaper probably too much and I apologize if you don't have that pack and I'm always using the Paris wallpaper but I love it I think it's I think it's really nice um many ways that's about it for the kitchen oh and there is a toddler highchair so there is a toddler bedroom in this house I try to make like a whole variety of bedrooms so I believe there is what's there one toddler room a kid's room a teens room in the parents room so if you do have more sins than that than the artist loft in the Attic could totally be used as another bedroom or the garage as well and there's also an office so if you get really carried away with Sims there's an office area that you can convert to a bedroom as well but um yeah this is this kind of a little back entryway I just do a little bit of clutter I think I do a little chair and a lamp and nothing it too exciting but um I think it looks really nice and I love that like hutch that came with the jungle adventure stuff pack that stuff pack it's a game pack but I think that looks really nice and this is the hallway and this is kind of when I decided that this was gonna be a house for an archeologist because I start pulling out these clutter items that are like the different artifacts and I was like this is so cool I am definitely gonna use those throughout the house and then I think in a little while is when I add the bench in the garage and I was like yes I should definitely make I think at this point I was kind of thinking about putting it in the office the archaeologists bench but it was a little bit too crowded so definitely in the garage is a good spot but this is the dining area and so like I said I don't really like adding dining areas in the entry ways of houses I feel like I feel like I haven't been to too many houses where when you walk into the house you're immediately in the dining room and I was gonna close it off with a wall and an archway but I know I felt I feel like it looks okay so you guys have to let me know if you guys have an opinion on that but this is the office which I think turns out super cute originally this was gonna be the laundry and bathroom but I felt like I felt like the smaller room would make a better bathroom have been this larger room so I made this one the office oh and I put this little cork board and I put a bunch of the different little post cards on it I thought that was pretty cool because we did get a lot of new post cards with them the new stuff pack that just came out so I did use some of those so if you don't have that stuff packet don't worry there's still plenty of post cards in the game that you could replace them with or you could have your sim you know clicked all of their own post cards which would be a lot of fun that's actually something that I don't do that often in game but I feel like it's a pretty cool thing you can have like pen pals and stuff because I had a pen pal when I was a kid and she was actually in New Zealand and so that was pretty cool I mean I I met her as a kid and she like came and like lived in my area and we became friends and then we stayed pen pals for a while we actually still talk every once in a while so that's pretty cool so I do like the pen pal option um but I really like the way this office turns out that bench with all the cute pillows is from the jungle adventure pack and I think that is such a cute item but this is a laundry room and so I do do the washer and dryer side by side it so if you would like to exchange that for a shower I think that would work perfect for a bath tub or a shower bath combo but I think it makes a nice laundry room but just in case if you don't have that pack it's an option and then just do some laundry clutter around and I believe with the latest update you shouldn't have any problems with the shelves being above the washer and dryer I believe that has been fixed but now we are on to the upstairs bathroom so I know so many bathrooms one after another but I did decorate this from immediately after the laundry bathroom and I decided to keep it all in so hopefully you guys don't mind but I do really like bathrooms I know some people find bathrooms a bit boring but I figured I would just show you guys every little detail and yeah this is the family bathroom so does have a lot of clutter it's a bathroom that all the kids would use so I imagined it to be a little bit more messy it's not it's not really messy but it definitely has more cut more clutter and it has the shower and tub combo so your Sims can take a bath or shower in there which is nice and then that tiny little room off to the left of the its kind like a little reading nook or little play nook I've done it in a couple of bills before so if you don't like it that's okay you could definitely attach it to the bedroom that's right next door to it and make that bedroom a little bit better a little bit bigger but yeah so I'm just decorating the hallway right now just putting random clutter around some side tables and lamps and pictures you know just random things but I'm decorating it a little nook right now and I use one little bay window seedings which looks super cute and I put a bookshelf in here and I do put a little TV which I thought was kind of cute so your little little kid since cuz come in here and watch TV when the adults are watching the news downstairs or whatever you know but they don't want to be a part of it I could watch their cartoons and just sit or read and I think it's pretty cute but like I said you could definitely attach it to the bedroom next door to make that room a little bit bigger because it is quite small but it's the same room or the same size room it's the other kid's bedroom so just something to keep in mind or you know if you want to change things up a bit you have possibilities but here any second I do end up messing with the roofing that way stop poking into the interior and that way I don't have to use the exterior colors on the interior which I don't feel like it it's that big of a deal of what's gonna make it work with the kids rooms but in the end I decided at one of the kids rooms to be bright and colorful so I was really happy to be able to remove them and not have them poked through the interior I did leave some of the exterior colors in the hallway though because I think it's really nice and I feel like it ties the exterior and the interior really well as well but and one of the kids rooms to be all bright and colorful and yeah it was really nice I first I wasn't really sure if it was gonna work I thought that some of it was still gonna poke through the interior but I like I forget how well that update that roofing update was like you can do so many things with roofing that the update was before cats and dogs so it's been a while but I still forget all of the different things that you can do with it but anyways I love this toddler room it is so adorable it looks super outdoorsy and playful and I haven't used a small paper in such a long time but it's super cute with the speckles on it it's one of my favorite kids wallpapers it's so adorable but I feel like this room it turned out really nicely and that frog on the ground is super cute it did come with my first pet step back so if you don't have that pack there is a frog like floor rug that did come with the backyard stuff pack so you have that pack you could replace it for that item but something that does make that pack totally worth it for me is that height chart it is so cute and comes in so many different varieties I adore it so much so so stinking cute but I do really like the way that toddler room it turned out and this room is for a kid and its ends up being so rainbowy if right now it does have this based game wallpaper that has like the grass and the butterflies in the air which is cute but I end up going with this wallpaper which is like this ombre blue purple it's so cool so this room is totally like rainbow with pinks and purples and blues and I think it's so adorable and I think any kid would be happy in this room it's so bright and colorful I absolutely adore it but um they do have a desk to do their homework and each of these kids rooms do have their own walk-in closet so that's pretty cool well this kid's room and the toddler room that is Oh in this little stack of pillows that came with the toddler stuff that I felt like worked perfectly in this room I felt like the colors were just what I needed I don't know I just it's one of my favorite kids rooms I've done in a long time it's like adorable it really like the rainbow colors and I don't think it really looks like any kids room I've ever done before so that makes me really happy so hopefully you guys do like it as well super cute I do really like the teens room though I feel like even though it's a cramped narrow room and if you feel like it's too cramped and narrow you could probably switch it out for the bathroom that's across the hall and make this a bathroom but I feel like it made kind of a cool teenz room so I do an interesting thing with one of the shelves that come with the oh my goodness I'm trying I'm trying to be really good about remembering where everything comes from this and it's a bit difficult but it came with the kids room stuff I see I remember I separate the bed from like this little seating area with it and I put in a little TV and a game console and I also put a hamster in here as well so that's pretty cool but I don't know hope they does do like the way this room turns out I really wasn't sure about it that's why I've kind of talked about the shape of the room it's so much it's kind of small and narrow but I think I think I made it work for what it is so let's also let me know what you guys think but I do put a little wicker chair in here and I think that looks looks pretty nice like the tank definitely just sitting here play their games you know talk to their hamster and just totally chill out and be away from everybody you don't lock the door and blame their music actually do I give them a radio I don't think I did but I would probably put a radio on here and oh something else that I do is I put a poster on the back of this bookcase which I thought was kind of cool I feel like maybe a team would hang a poster back there means their favorite movie or video game or something and they have a poster right there above their you know on their bookshelf I think that's kinda cool try and trained it to do new things but I think I think it works out in the end and I was gonna try to layer a kind of funky rug in here as well but it just felt like it was too much so I think I just go with a plain circle gray rug just to kind of not make it look too crazy but of course I had to add some clutter on the ground because I feel like most teams are messy maybe that's a stereotype but I was a mess a team teen definitely like my parents it was hard for them to get to get me to clean my room but this is the parents ensuite so I did leave it in as well so it does have justice you know it's pretty basic bathroom with the sink mm toilet in a shower nothing too crazy but something that I did do which i think is pretty cool as I use this debug basket and put some clutter bathroom items in there just to kind of make it look like it's a bull that's been yes they put their bathroom clutter in there which I think was super cute but I absolutely love the way this parents bedroom it turns out I think it's so pretty and I did use this mirror that leans up against the wall and I push it into that dresser I've seen aveline Sims do that a couple times and I thought it was super genius it suits that dresser really nicely so I saw her do it and I was like I'm definitely gonna do that in a bill but you guys should definitely check her out like her builds are amazing I get so many great ideas for her um and that was one of them really cool ideas so thank you um but then I do just kind of a little Reading area little chair and what do you call it a shelf a shelf the bookshelf my god I'm losing at my mind it's late and I don't have any other time to record this so I apologize um but if you made it this far thank you um but this is the third story for addicts what I was thinking so this is the artist loft or you know one of the parents I imagine was an artist and they have this like addict loft area for their art which I think it's pretty cool and I feel like I haven't done a lot of artist Sims in builds lately so I thought this would be kind of cool but you could definitely repurpose it if you isten that was really into fitness or if you wanted to create a cool kind of play area for the kids or you know other skill building that definitely could work as well but I had a lot of fun decorating this loft area I think it's I think it's a lot of fun but you could definitely remove the stairs if it's a little bit too much because it's quite a big house to play in so it might get a bit overwhelming but I think it'd be a lot of fun so hope you guys did enjoy it but we are almost to the screenshot so thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions that you have and I will talk to you guys soon bye [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 258,083
Rating: 4.9519949 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: 1k4lx5sC3S0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 52sec (2332 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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