Big Family Christmas Home β˜ƒοΈ || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys that Sun will stay here so welcome to another speed build so today I am building a Christmas family home which I am so excited to share with you guys I think it turned out so adorable and I did build the entire thing in the snow but I did go through and check to make sure some terrain paint and like the roof color and stuff matched and some of those things that you can't really see that well when you're building in the snow but I really wanted to build something that was completely Christmassy like completely decked out on the exterior and here once I get the exterior complete I do have a sim go through and add Christmas lights to the exterior and it looks so pretty I do have my sim self actually down there I think she's building a snowman right now maybe she is doing this don't you doll can't remember but I kind of moved her around throughout the build to kind of do some of the snowy interactions and I thought they were adorable but yeah you can see her there building a snowman she's not very good at building snowmen I was trying to have her build some for the front yard for screenshots and they were all like these floppy mushy sad looking snow puffs like why is my son self so bad at making snowmen is it because she's clumsy I did make her clumsy cuz I am extremely clumsy in real life so maybe that's why I don't know but I thought it was kind of funny she did get a couple good ones so those for well you'll see in the screenshots on the exterior and I just say this house turns out so pretty and for once it wasn't inspired by a house on Pinterest because I always look at Pinterest I've looked at Google Images like a couple of times and I've mentioned how I want to start looking at real estate websites cuz I think that'll be really good especially when you're like trying to portray like an accurate home from a chequebook particular area I think that's a really good idea but having done that yet but this house actually came from an app that I play on my phone that's uh I think it's called design home but I play it pretty much every day when I drink my coffee in the morning anyways and they had this adorable Christmas house and it looked pretty much just like this and I thought it was just adorable so I really wanted to build it in The Sims it's a pretty simple shape so it did come together pretty quickly exterior wise the bulk of this video is definitely the interior because it's a is it four bedrooms i think it's four bedrooms and there's two kids rooms and a twin toddler room I actually decorated one of the kids rooms well it was the twin toddler room to be a kids room first and then I decided I wanted this household to have some toddlers and a couple more kids so I just had to do a twin toddler bedroom that way they have four kids in total and then I imagine two parents so yeah six Sims I think that's a pretty good sized household I would have fit eight if it would have been a little bit bigger but honestly you could fit eight in here if you would like to because that room that's on the left side of the building is going to feel like an office crafting type room and that's where the family computer is and those kinds of things but you could definitely turn that into a bedroom if you would like to or of course you could like build a basement and expand the house as big as you want because yeah you can add a lot of rooms in basements but I didn't add one but the exterior shape has pretty much came together and now something that I did I actually used those window boxes without flowers in them I think they came with they either came with get together or they're based game I can't exactly remember but those white ones I put those on the window and then I actually sized down some hedges and put those in there because as you guys know or probably you know because I complain about them a lot the actual flower boxes that you stick on the windows they will get covered in snow if they are like out in the open and there's no eve or anything covering them at all but they actually don't change color they're still like really vibrant and yeah I don't know I really wanted them to look like they've changed with the seasons so the actual plants change with the seasons so that's why I decided to do that and then here I just kind of tried to pick flowers and plants that I think would go good together it kind of takes me a little while to get it figure it out but I think it looks really pretty I especially really like the trees because I used only evergreens actually there's a couple that look like they should be evergreens but they have lost their needles or their leaves or whatever and so I do place a couple of those so there's some branchy trees without leaves on them but mostly I stuck with the evergreens and I think they look so pretty covered in the snow and I put some rocks around and I also did a little bit of terrain editing to make it look like the snow was a little bit deeper or piled up not too much though I didn't go have you with the Train editing but I think it looks really nice and as far as activities go I don't think I really add anything on the exterior I do put a couple of potted plants that you can plant flowers in I put those on the porches but I just put plants in them so they had something in them but as far as like toys and yeah I didn't really put anything on the x2 this is kind of a small lot for how big of a house is it so I kind of just wanted to fill it up with trees and make it look like it says nestled in the forest and yeah I just really like the way it turned out I think it's very pretty and just really cozy and oh I just covered it with Christmas decorations which I was having so much fun with because I don't think I've ever truly built like a Christmas home in The Sims last year I built like a Christmas Park for Christmas and then I think the year before that I did a build in Granite Falls and it was like a Christmas getaway type build that was like a spa I think was that the year before yeah I think so anyways I've never done just like a family home and now the seasons is out we have so many wonderful decorations like these these reindeer made out of logs are so so cute I am absolutely obsessed I use them so many times in this build I sized them down and use them as decorations I used them all over the place I thought they were just so so stinking cute it took me a little while to figure out how exactly I wanted to decorate the windows and doors but I used this reef that came with the holiday update so it's not the one that came with seasons there's some really good ones that came with season so I use them in different spots but I thought those ones looked the best for the front doors or the front and back door I feel like it's like the right sides and everything so I was really happy with that but we also got these really cool like garlands with these bows and they have like pinecones and bells and like all these really cute decorations and I put those on the windows and I just loved them so much and we also got a mailbox with seasons so I picked one that wasn't overly Christmasy so you could still use it if you didn't want to play in this house in Christmas there is a lot of decorations to be taken down if you decide you don't want to play this house for Christmas but I think it will look really cute no matter where you place it like it fits here in the countryside of Windham Burke I think it's not really too turi but I think it looks nice you could definitely place it in probably like Willow Creek or new Creston it would probably fit in really nicely but um yeah there's definitely a lot of Christmas decorations are we taken down but those are the that I was talking about and I put them on so many of the windows and the Here I am adding a wreath that came with seasons on a couple of the windows and then I actually go through and line the kind of center part of that bit that sticks out with the garland that came with the holiday pack I thought about using the one that came with seasons but it didn't quite fit this one size down and fit kind of nicely to be draped around there and I just thought it was just really pretty I just had so much fun with this just adding so many decorations everywhere I possibly could it was yeah definitely a lot of fun and that's pretty much it for the exterior and I did get the floor plan and like the wallpapers and floor and figures I was kind of struggling with the color scheme that I wanted to go for with this build so I did cut all of that out so hopefully that doesn't bother you guys but I am on to the interior now and I put a fireplace over here that's one of the things that was kind of struggling with was I didn't really have a great spot to put the fireplace I think it works okay here in the end and I do really like it and of course here's a Christmas tree and this one came with seasons we do have one that came with the holiday pack so if you don't have seasons the holiday pack is free you can just download it from origin no problem it doesn't cost anything it does have a Christmas tree but um yeah this one did come with seasons there's so many different swatches but this one I thought was like classic Christmasy so I wanted to wanted to use it for this build and I just thought it was so pretty and I used a little bit of a move objects trick to get those cards to hang from the fireplace cuz we do have a fireplace that's decorated with like all the Christmas decorations one that came with seasons and the one can thinking with the holiday pack two they're basically the same with just different colors but this one I don't know I just felt like it was better and then if you did want to play in this house when it's not Christmas all you do is have to delete those cards and then yeah you have a fireplace that looks kind of normal I guess and then I went with these green couches cuz well the green felt Christmassy to me so I thought they were pretty but I also feel like the green goes really good with these Brown floors it felt so like earthy and yeah I just really like the way that turned out and here I'm adding a decoration to the coffee table and there is sized down those reindeer and I put some Holly around and a little candle I just thought that was so adorable yes I loved it so much and I put tons of presents around the tree like a bunch probably way more than they probably ever need but I just got a little bit crazy I put toys around I put cards and I even put a train around the tree I just went all out and was having so much fun with it I'm so ready for Christmas I still need to go shopping though which is horrible hopefully I'll be able to get that done this weekend because I have I've everybody written down that I needed buy presents for so I don't forget because I am traveling for Christmas so I want to make sure I have everything before I go up there because I am traveling back home for Christmas to my parents house and yeah it'll be a lot of fun so I don't know how long we'll be gone I will try to get several videos up for why I'm away so I'll do a little bit of pre recording hopefully I'll have a consistent amount of videos but if there's any break or you know a few days where there's nothing that's because I am away for Christmas but yeah it should be a good time I'm really looking forward to it I love this time of year it's so much fun even though I live in California so it doesn't really feel like Christmas right now cuz the weather is still pretty nice it's been kind of cloudy and rainy though but yeah it's not like snowy which I mean I don't want it to be snowy I hate cold weather I hate to be cold so I much prefer the heat so I don't I don't really mind but there's actually a lot of Christmas decorations up like in like little shopping centers and stuff which I absolutely adore it's so much fun and I have a wreath on the door but I'm not I don't think I'm really gonna overly decorate for Christmas because since we're gonna go away I do have some decorations up on the mantel of the fireplace like some nutcrackers and I do have that I want maybe I'd have more decorations that I think because I was gonna say I do have a tree but it's just a little tree and it's on the island in the kitchen and I probably a snowman by there it's just so cute I Christmas is so fun I love all the festivities I enjoy it so much but the living room has pretty much came together I have rambled through it I just got done doing a workout and I feel kind of hyper so that's kind of funny but I guess that's why I'm being fit rambly so hopefully you guys don't mind but over here I do put a side table and originally I put a lot of decorations up here but I decided that it was too cluttery so I decided just to do some of the Holly and I think I put like a candle but I was gonna put like nutcrackers and I don't know it looked a bit too cluttery I felt like over here so I do tone it down I think maybe I keep that flower in the center no actually I think I use those candles instead so that's why I decide to do and I think it just looks a little bit simpler and a little bit nicer that way so I was happy with the way that turned out and yeah really happy with this living room it's so cozy and Christmassy I just love it so much and then a few little decorations over here by the entryway and there is a bathroom on the other side of the staircase but I actually don't show me decorating it because this video was quite long I spent a very long time doing the interior decorating in this build so that's something I decided to skip over but there's another bathroom upstairs that I do show this one down here is just a smaller version of that one so they are basically the same and then this is going to be that home office that I was talking about so like I mentioned you can turn it into a bedroom if you would like to if you would like to have more Sims but I feel like this is a pretty full household and I really wanted a place for the computer and I felt like this would be the best spot to put it and I was also kind of thinking it was like a crafting room and I wish we had more crafts in game and now that I think about it I probably could have put like an art easel in here but I decided to do a computer desk and I think there's a bookcase in a chair and those kinds of things but I really wanted to add these these game with seasons and your sim children can do like the holiday crafts those tables so I really wanted to add those and I actually put some of the crafts above them and I just thought that was so adorable and of course I do add a bunch of Christmassy decorations so here on the desk I add a bunch of this Holly and maybe more the reindeer I can't exactly remember but I really like these little lantern things with the Christmas trees on the front of them I really like those so I do use those several times in the build I don't think I keep both of those on here I do like the same decorations on both sides and I felt like it was a little bit too matchy so I do switch it up here in a second but I think this office just came together so nicely but yeah Here I am sizing down these reindeer again they're so cute and they raised up pretty pretty well to the right level so I was really happy about that and then I think I put that high back chair here in the corner that came with yeah this one they came with cats and dogs I used it in the living room in the red color and then in this room I used it in the green color because I felt like that was just nice and Christmassy and just really pretty I was really happy about that but here I am going into the debug menu to pull out some holiday crafts and then I hang them up above here which I thought was really nice to have their artwork on display I thought that was really sweet and I also pull out some of those homemade Christmas cards and I put them I think on top of the bookshelf in the corner yeah these ones right here I just raised them up and put them over here and they weren't raising up to the right level so I do go through and use this red shelf to get them at the right level cuz yeah I don't I didn't want them floating and then here I was thinking about putting something else in the corner but I do go back in and put that green chair in the corner cuz it just looked a little bit better than that dollhouse I was trying to put there at least it fit better anyways and then Here I am going back into the debug menu to add some more decorations underneath the tree I put some more presents and I go through and add some of these cute little books I thought that one with the Train on the front was so perfect for Christmastime and then I go through and add some of these little things that the Sims can crack open and there's like little presents inside I thought that was super adorable so I wanted to add a few of those and then this is going to be the dining room and I'm really happy with the way this room turned out but something I struggled with a lot was that bay window area I really wanted to add a bay window seat but I couldn't get one to work so I wasn't really happy with the way any of them look so I don't end up keeping one and I was kind of disappointed about that because I don't know what I originally built that I was planning on having one there so it was a little bit disappointing so you'll see me struggle with it and try different ones a bunch of different times but I just don't end up finding one that I like so what I end up doing is actually adding more seats to the dining table because I figured that was more important anyways and I actually switch out these chairs too because I felt like I don't know these wicker ones even though I really like them I felt like they didn't quite work in this dining room so what I end up doing is using the ones that came with I think dine out but there they come in this really pretty red color and once I place them I was like this looks so Christmasy so I was really happy with the way that turned out here I'm just trying to figure out which curtains I want to put on the windows I kind of struggled with it a little bit you'll see me try several different curtains but I just end up going with these plain ones from base game in this nice green color I felt like they were just nice and neutral so they ended up matching in quite nicely but what I really like about this dining room is the decorations on the dining table with the Holly garland and the candles and the flowers and the tiny little reindeer that I sized down again I just thought that was so pretty and then over here I do add some more of that Holly and then a couple of nutcrackers with this lamp this lamp that came with get famous is my new favorite lamp sorry if I over use it but I'm probably going to because I really like it I think it's probably like the best lamp that we have in game now I really like it a lot and then here I am messing with bay window seat again I just couldn't give up but I thought about leaving this one I thought this one looked the best at least the colors were all right but it just I don't know looked a bit awkward so I just get rid of it I even thought about putting a Christmas tree over here I was like maybe that'll look all right but I don't know in the end I just leave just leave it empty and put nothing there so I was kind of I don't know a little bit sad about that but there I just added more chairs to the dining table and then I do switch them out for those red ones here soon just adding that little china cabinet thing in the corner but here's when I was like okay the chairs aren't looking quite right to me so I go find some other ones and then I find the red ones and yeah I'm really happy with those they were the perfect red color especially with like the Browns and the Greens I loved it so much and then here in decorating the china cabinet I just put a few more little Christmas decorations up here I was trying to avoid using the Holly or the reindeer because I felt like I was overusing them but I really liked them so what I end up doing is adding some more of the Christmas cards I think a nutcracker and then some flowers maybe I can't exactly remember oh no I used this hat decoration that was kind of fun and then maybe I think a plate yeah oh this item I thought was really cool that I just hung there from the ceiling or that archway I thought that was pretty cool and I forgot about it so I thought it was really pretty but something that I found was a little bit difficult to decorate with in this Christmasy build was houseplants I found myself kind of avoiding using like the regular greenery house plants that I would use in probably excess and most bills I found myself not really gravitating towards them or feeling like they looked exactly right so that was kind of interesting but we are on into the kitchen now and I loved those wreaths on the windows I thought those were so cute I really like that decoration a lot and I really liked using the tile from Parenthood I don't think I've ever used it before in this green color but I thought it worked perfectly for this Christmas vibe so I used it here in the kitchen as a backsplash behind the stove and then I used it in the bathrooms too but I just thought it was so pretty with the greens and the Browns it worked absolutely perfect but here I do size down at that reindeer decoration again but I wanted it to look a little bit different so what I do is actually cover up the baby ones with these books I wanted it to look like there was a single reindeer instead of I don't know trying to make it look like it was a different decoration than the other ones used in the house but I really like the way that turned out with the chairs in the table and it just looks like a nice little cozy spot so I was really happy with that the kitchen was kind of snug so I do shuffle around that island a tiny bit I was trying to make sure the sins could walk past it and I haven't played tested it yet but I will make sure that they can get around everything just as they should they shouldn't have any problems but I will check it to make sure that it works fine before I upload it to the gallery and last field I did mention how I was going to include a litter box before I uploaded it to the gallery but yeah I didn't I totally forgot and then remembered afterwards so I decided not to take it down from the gallery but I did explain that video where you could add one really easily so I didn't think it was that big of a deal and this I don't end up keeping once I decide to change the other kid's room into a toddler bedroom I do put two high chairs here but we will see that at the end of the video but here I'm just picking out some decorations I think this looks nice but high chairs were definitely necessary so the toddlers can sit there and eat but that is pretty much it for the downstairs and the first room that I decorate is the family bathroom so it's pretty much the same as the downstairs one I do copy over a lot of the items as you can see hopefully that didn't make you guys too dizzy or anything but I wanted them to look pretty similar so it's kind of easier just to copy over items but I think it turns out really nice I do clutter up the counters with a few little decorations and then here I decided to change the doors I think had already changed the ones downstairs but I forgot to do it on the bathroom door so I did change the bathroom door one off-camera though so don't worry I didn't forget about it but that is pretty much it for the bathroom it's kind of simple but I think it looks really nice and then this is going to be the parents bedroom and I really liked using this red wallpaper it's something I never use in build I don't think I ever really use like a whole wall that's red so I thought it was a lot of fun it looked very Christmasy especially with this bed in the green color and they have this garland above their bed so they're like really into Christmas I thought that was so much fun I really I really like that item I think it's so cute so I had a lot of fun with their bedroom and then here I do a tiny little like dining table which I thought was kind of cute they could sit here and have some like hot chocolate or something like that and watch the snow I thought that was pretty cute and of course they have tons of Christmassy decorations in their room I even decorate their like dresser with Christmas decorations I just had so much fun with it something I did skip over though was the hallway landing area at the top of the stairs I didn't think it was too necessary so you guys may see it as we're flying around but this video was pretty long so that's something I did decide to cut out but they do have a walk-in closet and then I put a dresser over here I thought about using this stand-up mirror and not putting a dresser because I felt like baby having the closet was enough and that they didn't really need a dresser but I thought one would look a little bit better so I used this one that came with cats and dogs and what I ended up doing was merging that mirror that came with jungle adventure into it I've done it before but they work so well together so I'm really happy with the way this turned out and I'm happy that I added a dresser because I really like the way the decorations turned out on top of it I size down this snowman and we got the Holly and I think I end up putting a nutcracker and then some like make up decoration or something like that but I just think it looks so cute I just was having so much fun with all the Christmas decorations so I really enjoyed that and then I do put a few decorations on the end tables and I get rid of that little Lantern this next to the bed and I move it over to the dresser I just felt like it looked a little bit awkward having the lamp on one side and then the lantern on the other sometimes I'll mix up the different decorations and not have like matching lamps on both sides but I felt like this time it would look a little bit nicer and then other than that I put a tablet next to the bed and then some books and like a candle there's a few little decorations to clutter up these side tables I thought that would look nice and then I do hang some pictures up on the left side of the room and I think it comes together pretty well I'm really happy with this master bedroom I'm really happy with the red wallpaper it's so bold and just a lot of fun so I think it comes together pretty nicely that is it for the master bedroom and then this is going to be the first kid's room that I'm decorating and I'm so happy with the way this room turned out I think the color scheme in it is so pretty it was kind of struggling matching a bay window seat with this wallpaper so I end up moving this color into what ends up being the toddler's room and then I switch over the blue to this room and I just love it has like this soft blue color with these hints of purple and it's just so pretty I'm really happy with the way this room came together it's just so much fun and for the kids rooms I didn't overly decorate them for Christmas I just add some of like the art projects to give a little bit of a Christmas feel but I didn't like add a bunch of like Garland's and stuff I guess I could have but I decided not to and I'm just really happy with the way their brooms turned out and I really liked the color swatch on this bay window seat and I don't think I've used it before but I thought it was really pretty with like the hints of purple on those cushions it just looks so comfortable I really like that a lot I also really like the ones that came with seasons so I'm definitely gonna have to try to use bay window seats a lot more because I feel like I don't use them enough there's so many swatches that I still haven't used so definitely have to make an effort to do that but over here I put a dresser and a mirror and I put a few little decorations around I think on top of it and some posters and I end up using this combination that has like the calendar you'll see we pull it out here into the second this one comes in like a Christmasy swatch it also comes in like a fall and spring or summer one but I thought that worked nicely in here especially with like the blue colors it kind of reminded me of like snow or ice and I thought it was really pretty and then over here I do put some crafts up right above the bed and then a few posters on the wall that I thought were fun I thought about sizing it up because I was looked a little bit small but I decided not to and then here I was trying to add some of these decorations in the windows but they didn't quite work but I think they're really cute and I didn't really find a good spot to put them so maybe for a different build but that is it for this room and then there's a little bit weird because you will notice there's another kiss room that is decorated but like I was talking about earlier I do go through and redecorate it for a toddler so I don't think was necessary to see us decorate it twice so it's a little bit strange I know but hopefully you guys don't mind but this is going to be the second kids bedroom and I definitely had a lot of fun with this room picking out different little decorations one of my favorite things to do is use those school projects that are already made that you can access when you show the hidden objects they look so cute as just regular like bedroom clutter I think anyways so I'm really happy with the way the room turned out I kind of like the shape of it and I really like that bed I think it came with Parenthood if I remember correctly it's one of my favorite beds I really like that comforter swatch on top of it with like the light wood I think it's really pretty and then I think this dresser came with Parenthood too if I remember correctly and then Here I am finding some Christmas decorations to put in here and I just put some cards under the doh and then I do put some like posters around and I think that's pretty much it for this room it's kind of simple but I think it turned out pretty nice anyways and Oh a bookcase I do put a bookcase at the end of the bed cuz I don't I don't really know why I don't think it's usable but I think it looks cool but we are on into the toddler's room now so I get rid of the bed shuffle things around and I do think this room turns out really cute I like how I put the beds in the corner cuz I was trying to add them a different way and it really wasn't working out and I thought that this worked out pretty well and I don't know I'm gonna have to do this more in other toddler bedrooms but I think it came together pretty well they have a dresser over there some cards some Christmas cards underneath the window and then I do put a bookcase in the corner I think I don't end up keeping either of those I was trying to use that one for my first pet stuff I tried it in this swatch and I tried it in that brown and green one but I don't know it didn't quite work for me but Here I am adding the high chairs down in the kitchen and then I do add a couple of those like fruit pictures those ones up above there I think that worked out pretty nicely and I really like that ladybug rug here in the center I thought that was pretty cute and then these plaid bed covers I thought was so cozy and Christmassy and I thought it just worked out so nicely but this is a bookshelf that I end up using and I thought the Browns and the Reds just worked really well and then this artwork they came with my first pet stuff I don't think I've ever used before because I don't really like it but I liked it in here so yeah I was really happy to finally find a use for it because I've always wanted to use it in like family homes but I felt like it was kind of weird to have pictures of animals up on your walls I wish it woulda came in a swatch that had like pictures of Sims instead but it didn't so that's just how it goes but that is pretty much it for this build I'm just adding a couple of toddler potties and then we move on to the screenshot so I hope you guys have enjoyed this build and I want to thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions that you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye Oh make it our Christmas memories I've been working so much lately I can barely find the time to sleep yes ma'am my time runnin around keeping people please but this is my favorite holiday it's a chance to start over noon cuz I missed you so I'm letting go of everything but you these are the good times with you baby this year it's gonna be you and me hang by the fire Jill isn't this how it is FAFSA P making a Christmas man and I've been you close forget about everything else isn't this how it's supposed to be making a Christmas memories [Music] making our Christmas memories I've been wrapping presents boy yeah I've been hanging marbles in the tree and I lit my house with Christmas lights so you should come back home to me and then we wake up in the morning I'm gonna play those cameras like you love will be singing all the melodies until the Sun comes up these are the good times with you baby this year it's just gonna be you and me hang by the fire isn't this how it is supposed to be making my Christmas memories oh and I've been longing to hold you close forget about isn't
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 151,903
Rating: 4.9534283 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: U7g7EDQt-uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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