Von Haunt Manor || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's um we'll see here so welcome to another speed build so today I am building here in the world of Windham burg in the countryside on the lot called the Vaughn hunt estate so if you guys are not familiar with this lot this is one that came with the expansion pack get together I almost said the expansion pack Lindenberg but winnin burg is the world that comes with V get together expansion pack and I actually have not been to this lot in such a long time I had so much fun like exploring and building here I've been very intimidated by this law in general I think I've built on it one time before I think that was the only time it was a long time ago I built like this castle I did share a speed build of it but it was really long ago so the audio voiceover quality of the video everything is probably not that great but if you want to hunt forward it is somewhere but anyways yeah I've only built here once before I really liked that build but my building skills I don't think we're that great at the time and I'm definitely still learning but this build is probably I don't know I really love it I think it actually just turned out so nice it flows I think the design is really pretty I'm just really proud of this build so I'm just pleased with my skills here anyway so hopefully this will like it but definitely let me know what you guys think but yeah the previous one that I did here was a wedding venue because here on this lot there is a place to get married like way behind the gardens there's a wedding arch there's a piano I think under a gazebo which looks really pretty and of course it's just like a really picturesque place like with all these gardens like you could just take so many beautiful pictures of your sims dressed up for their wedding day or he's having like a really nice date in general or anything really and yeah I just like the idea of the building itself being an actual wedding venue now it is a special lock type because it's technically like a museum you can't change the lot type though it's like a very specific type of Museum it's supposed to be like this old house that's been preserved like you can just walk through it and see the furniture how it was originally set up and stuff and I like that idea I love going to places like this in real life but in the sims it's just honestly kind of boring and so I think having an actual wedding venue works a lot better and my dog is laying next to me Pantene's if you can hear I'm really sorry but I have to take her to the vet today so I'm definitely not gonna kick her out because I feel really bad even though she's just gonna get her nails trimmed and she is getting her flea pill it's not that big of a vet visit but I always feel bad taking her there either way um what was I saying so yeah I just don't think that having the museum lot is that interesting to visit in the Sims so I think a wedding venue makes a lot more sense so this build would end up having three bedrooms there's like this huge bridal suite I'm going to call it where the bride and groom can stay or the bride and bridegroom and groom whoever you guys are having getting married can stay in that room where if you just have like really wealthy Sims and you want them to feel like they're staying at a very expensive hotel that's definitely a possibility and then there are two other rooms if they both have double beds in them but if you have children you could probably just edit the lot and just put single beds in there but I figure the double beds were fine and those I just decorated very simply they both have their own on Suites because they're supposed to be like hotel rooms and yeah they just look really nice and I really like them so yeah I've just been very excited to show those bills you guys I just I've shared a few different sneak peeks over on Twitter because I've been really really excited at first I was trying to do like these sneaky pictures taking taking these pictures from off in the distance like pretending I was just looking at the garden but trying to show you guys the bills in the background but honestly the gardens I forgot how pretty they are I had so much fun just looking around and I forgot how detailed it is and just it's like so cool there's all these different little places to play chess and to garden and practice the piano and you can paint and it's a really really cool lot and I think it's honestly underestimated because the lot type isn't that interesting and you change it it would be so cool if you could have a sim actually live here they would be like the fanciest sim ever because if you live on a lot that has like this huge garden would be amazing but yeah you can't change a lot type but either way I think it actually functions really nicely as a hotel because you your sins can just sleep here I don't know if you can lock the doors on community Lots but you could probably like block the door or delete the door while you have your sim staying in there so nobody walks in I don't know I'm sure there's ways around it but either way I did play test this build a little bit I want to play test it a little bit longer before I actually upload it to the gallery but everything seemed to work fine and in this build there's these three bedrooms like I mentioned and then there's the three bathrooms that go along with it there's another set of bathrooms that are more like bathrooms with bathroom stalls oh speaking of bathroom stalls I have not done a video since the Sims for discovery University has been announced and we're getting bathroom stalls which I'm really excited about oh my god the trailer I must have watched it at least 50 times I haven't been this excited about an expansion pack in so so long like I have really been wanting university as you guys probably know if you watch my videos I've talked about it probably way too much but I am really really excited to play around with that pack see what build objects come with it and yeah sorry I did not do a reaction to the trailer I did get a few of you guys asking for that and I meant to but for some reason my camera wasn't really working and I figured a reaction video wouldn't be that good with out face cam so I'll probably do them in the future this would would have definitely been a good one to do it on but yeah let me know if more of you guys are interested in in that I just don't do a lot of face cam I probably should so I can get more comfortable doing it so it's definitely something I want to get more comfortable doing but yeah I guess the first step is just doing it so anyways yeah I'm really excited for University the bathroom stalls the different little clutter and things that I saw in the trailer like I was going through every little scene trying to pick out as many objects as I possibly could and like you notice anything that I saw that was new and I am really excited and I received an acceptance letter to the Rochester University from the Simms team which was really really cool to receive in the middle and yeah I'm just really excited but anyway so yeah like I was talking about before I distracted there are some bathrooms downstairs like community ones and then there is a kitchen so you can hire a chef or have your sim cook if you want to have them bake a cake or just hire a caterer in general if you want to pretend like it's a restaurant I think that would work pretty well and then there's a bar with a piano which is more like a dining room and then there's the entryway I used the check-in counters that came with dine out to look like registration tables or you know just wherever you would check into the hotel it looks pretty good it's not functional because I mean you can't even run this as a restaurant so nobody's gonna like a host isn't gonna stand there at the hostess station and use it anyways but it looks good and yeah then there is like this actual wedding party room where I put a dance floor and then there's this table that I set up that has wedding presents and like champagne and it looks so cute I absolutely like adore it so much I love it like it looks so cute I'm really proud of that spot and yeah other than that there is another sort of kind of hangout room that's more like a lounge room I was thinking cigar room even though there's no smoking in the game I was thinking it just like a like a room where you would sit and lounge around talk and play games there's a couple of don't wake the llama tables in there so yes just like a miscellaneous lounge room that I thought would be kind of nice to have and then other than that there's different hallways and I'm sure something that I'm forgetting but yeah I tried to add as much detail and stuff as I possibly could to this build and make it its most like interesting or is most interesting that doesn't sound correct that's really bad English um but just to just try to make it as interesting as I possibly could with as many activities as I possibly could just to make this a lot more usable because like I said I just don't think the museum lot type is that usable it gets kind of boring after a while so hopefully there's enough activities here that you can come up with your own stories or you know just find enough activities in general to make this build playable for you guys but here you can see I'm working out the back of the build I was not really going off of a reference I was looking at a few different French chateaus while I was building this because I was really really inspired by a Chateau that I visited when I was in France if you guys did miss it I went on a trip to Europe back in September and yeah it was the most amazing trip ever and I visited this Chateau I forget exactly the name of it but it was really beautiful and I looked through the pictures that I have of that Chateau but I didn't really think it would transfer that well to the Sims and yeah this lot really isn't that big so I figured yeah just really wouldn't have worked so I took inspiration from that one and then I looked at Pinterest to other French tattoes and I'm not really sure how realistic it is I tried my best to make it look kind of French but yeah I don't know I'm not an architect so all of those little details that make something specific to a certain architectural style it's kind of lost on me but I tried my best and I think it actually just looks really pretty and one of the main things I wanted to do was add as much detail as I possibly could so I add a lot of you know roof trims and columns and different details like I used that archway that we got from get famous I put it around the doors I don't think I leave it here in the back but I've used it on the front door which I think looks really pretty and adds some really nice detail and honestly I hadn't really thought about using that object before in a build but I saw freezer Bunnie use it and I think it was in his I think it was in his spellcaster headquarters where he did like this school of magic which was really really a like a really cool build so I will try to remember to link that in case you guys have not seen it if you guys are not subscribed to him I definitely recommend that because he's probably the best builder in the Sims for I think I could say that with some pretty high confidence but yeah I saw him using that in that build and I just like I've never thought about using it and I thought it we added some nice detail and yeah used a mixture of different types of windows and I also have these dormer windows that came with get famous I actually used a lot of get famous in this build and I just built a home in Willow Creek and I used a lot of get famous in that build too and for so long I never used those objects because I was like I don't really build anything that fancy and I thought they were too over-the-top or too gaudy but when it comes to doing builds like this where you really want that over-the-top feel they worked perfect I still didn't use like the leopard print or anything but the golds and like rich brown colors worked really nicely so it's definitely happy about that and I also really liked using this wallpaper that came from the realm of magic pack I really loved it I think this brick is probably the best work that we have in-game and we also have a matching brick that goes with it without the end piece trims that is based game now so that's really nice too but either way you can see I am working on some of the landscaping right now and basically my idea for the landscaping was to go really lush and manicured I didn't want to go too over-the-top cuz I didn't want it to end up looking messy so I used a lot of hedges and I use these trees from the show live edit objects because you can see these trees around the lot so I felt like it would make it look more cohesive that way and then I also wanted to add some fountains because the original build that was here also had some fountains and I loved them I thought they were so pretty that's probably my favorite thing about the original law was the fountains and the landscaping and the porches or balconies whatever you want to call them I just thought they were really pretty and really nicely done so yeah I wanted to leave some of that here and I think it actually works out pretty nicely I also really liked using those trees those base game trees with like the balls on them I'm not sure how to describe them but yeah I thought those looked really nice and at first I really wasn't sure if I was going to use a lot of flowers and I actually tried decorating the flowerbeds a few times but I'm really happy with the way they turned out I love the combination of the yellow with the purple and the little hints of orange and then a lot of green and white I think it just looks really really pretty in my opinion so I'm happy with the landscaping because I also feel like it's different than how I normally do landscaping because I was trying to make it look more like purposeful it's not the right word for it but yeah I was trying to make it look more on purpose rather than more messy and chaotic or more overgrown I think is how I usually do landscaping but yeah so I think it looks nice and then I also included a couple of tables there in the back but I do switch those out for chess tables later on because I feel like that would be more useful but here you can see I'm moving on to the interior working out the floor plan this was such a struggle this took me so long this isn't the first attempt that I'm showing you guys here this video would probably be another 10 minutes long or something if I showed you every single attempt but yeah I think it actually worked out I do this grand staircase entryway here I was trying to play some like tables just to get an idea of where I wanted to place things I thought these large round tables will look really fancy but they're way too big so I go back to that later obviously when I do the decorating but for some reason it's kind of nice to place a few different objects while you're doing the floor plan just to get an idea have like how big the space is so you can plan a little bit easier to see if you have enough room to add exactly what you want but yeah I think it actually works out pretty well I mean some of the rooms are a little bit awkward shapes and at first I wasn't really sure if I was going to make them work especially the room with the bar and the piano like here I created this octagon shape and then I was like it doesn't really work with the other room that's next to it but I make it work the kitchen is kind of a weird shape because it's going to be in the room that's next to this one and here I really wish that we would have been able to do some sort of like split leveling now I could have deleted the floor and had a staircase go down and then have the piano up but I didn't think that would look that good but it would have been so nice just to make the piano up on like a platform I think that would have looked really really good but either way I do love the way it turns out and then here I'm just going through some wallpapers again I was looking at different pictures on Pinterest trying to get inspiration and also taking inspiration from that Chateau that I saw in real life and so I tried to pick wallpapers and some pretty flooring and things that I thought might work and I thought this combination of the white and tan marble was like really classy and really pretty but then I thought it was too much with the tan wallpaper paneling and so I switched it to this one with the tan on the top and the white on the bottom I felt like that matched a little bit better but in this room I have the piano I end up having the bar a bunch of dining tables and I think it just looks so pretty you will notice though here I have not gone to the second storey to do the floor plan I don't know what is the deal with me but every once in a while to build and I'll do the entire lower floor and I'll start furnishing and then I don't even do the second floor I think I start the second floor floor plan about the time I decorate the entryway to the building but yeah for whatever reason I put it off but thankfully it worked out and it didn't cause any issues with the way I did the stairs or anything so it totally worked fine but here you can see I'm placing the tables and I sized up those curtains that came with the island living expansionpak and I thought they looked really pretty in here and I loved the gold detail and how they're shear it's really nice in my opinion and then something I kind of struggled with here was placing an artwork in this kind of octagon shaped room because the placement of the window I felt so off-balance but I do end up moving the piano and then I place a fireplace in here and I kind of struggled with the fireplace because I felt like whoever was playing the piano was going to get way too warm but if the Sims there probably won't get way too warm but I tried to pull the piano a little bit farther away from the fireplace but you'll see that here in just a little bit it was kind of something that I thought was a little bit funny while I was decorating it because it's probably not that big of a deal but I thought the fireplace was really pretty and yeah I tried to add a few fireplaces in here because I felt like this type of old building you know that used to be a home would probably have a lot of fireplaces so I thought that made sense and then I also use a lot of more like ornate decorations that we have in game and some mirrors and some artwork I use some of those fancy or paintings that we have from base game I use the paintings that we got from the get together extension pack because of course there are two ghosts on this lot in case you guys aren't aware this is technically a haunted build even though you don't have to have the Haunted lot rate there's the couple that used to live here and so we have paintings of them like portraits of them from that expansion pack so I use those in here and then plates and I also used the shield and swords I thought that was maybe like the family crest or something I think it's how you would say it but I thought it looked really good in here and then other than that on the dining tables I have some menus and some lamps that's what they're called I have some lamps which I thought would be really nice and then over here on the bar I just have some flowers some more menus and some candles so I thought that would be really pretty and then here in just a moment I do switch up the bar area cuz I really wasn't liking how cluttered it looked with all of these bottles but we do have another wine rack or not wine rack specifically but alcohol rack or juice rack whatever you wanna call it and yeah I used the other one because I thought it looked better and their display some wine bottles over here and something that was really bugging me was the lighting of these cabinets and counters the counters look very yellow and then the cabinet's look very white but of course they're matching they're supposed to be the same color I'm not sure why the lighting is different I think it's probably just a glitch that may have showed up with a recent patch or something but yeah I don't know it was frustrating me a little bit but over here I place this little statue it's like a server man and I put this like but keg on top of it I thought that looked really cool but those the racks that I was talking about I felt like it just looked more simpler and a little bit nicer that way and yeah this is basically it for this room I just shuffle the piano around and then I hang up some chandeliers I end up going with these chandeliers I think yeah but I only use two of them and I think I actually need to brighten this room up a little bit I may have before I took the screen shots I can't remember if I added some more saucer lights in this room but I really want to have chandeliers and because this room is such an odd shape the placement of chandeliers was kinda difficult so in a play scene to above the bar I'm not sure if that matters to you guys you could definitely add more if you would like to but I kind of also like the dim lit of this room because it feels very romantic but it's a little bit too dark for my taste so I think I do add a few more saucer lights and probably merge them into those chandeliers I just can't exactly remember but anyway so here I'm moving on into the entryway of the build so like I said I do use a couple of the hostess stations that we got from the dine out expansion and I merged them into this counter even if I wasn't to merge them in they're not going to be usable because unfortunately we can't change the lot type like I also mentioned so they're just for looks but I think they look really nice that way so yeah I was happy with that and I also really liked using those the statues those like Knight statues I think those looked so good in here I use them several different times and other than that in here I use this artwork that we got from the get together expansion I think I put some chairs here or a couch I can't exactly remember just the seating area in case you're waiting for your room or waiting for I don't know somebody to arrive you can just sit here and hang out but I thought it looked nice and then I think this is basically it I do put a little bit of clutter here on the counters just to add a little bit more detail but I didn't think it was completely necessary to add like a bunch of clutter because I didn't want to look messy but here I am finally moving on to the second floor working at the floor plan so like I said there are three bedrooms and three bathrooms up here plus a little seating area office area just for some extra activities there's also another seating area that I think I forgot about but yeah you'll see that later on when I decorate it but the floor plan came together pretty easily I did want to create like an open balcony area but I didn't think with the way I did the stairs and the space that I had for the other rooms it would have looked exactly right the way I wanted to do it but I still leave it a little bit open with like this bridge leading into the other room that I think actually looks really cool because it's totally different than anything I've done before so I was really happy about it and you will notice when I first do this floor plan there's only one other bathroom for the other two rooms and at first I just didn't really see a great way to add another bathroom but I easily placed one later on so you'll see that when we get to it but yeah I was trying to like I was trying to tell myself it was okay if they share a bathroom but then I'm like if this is going to be a hotel if you have two rooms that share a bathroom that would be extremely awkward unless they are definitely in the same like wedding party even then it's probably extremely awkward they probably have to be like close family members to want to share a bathroom so thankfully I made it work but yeah we'll go back to that later on but here you can see I'm just finishing up the entryway by adding at some side tables and some artwork and things to this tiny little entryway right by the front door that I thought look nice I did think about adding some closets that would be like where you would check your coat but then I didn't think that was that necessary so I thought artwork and flowers and lamps and those types of things would be a lot more better use of the space anyways so I think it looks really really nice that I love this technique of using that picture frame that we got with the vampires game pack almost that stuff pack the vampires game pack emerging that mirror into it they merged together almost perfectly if you look closely you can kind of see the mirror either poking out at the top or the bottom but it's so good I learned that trick from my friend Harry I've mentioned her channel so many different if you guys are not following her she's another another channel that I definitely highly recommend and yeah I learned that technique for hurts so smart but here you can see I'm moving on into the bathrooms originally I was going to make each of the bathrooms just like a single stall and make the stalls like bigger with I don't know just more grand but then I just like really it's not that necessary to have two grand of a bathroom I mean I still think they look fancy for being like technically like more public bathrooms but there's three stalls in each of them and I think they actually just look really nice and yeah there's a few decorations nothing too crazy or yeah it's just not that overly decorated but I think they look really good and then I just copy the rooms over because they're exactly the same size as the other bathrooms and that makes it so much easier I love that tool so much it's so handy especially in doing community lots where it makes sense to have some rooms look identical like just mirroring one another so that was really handy and yeah happy to be able to use that and then other than that I just decorate the hallway a little bit put some stools at the counter and then in this room here in the back I was not sure what to do back here so I just add some decorations I think like a bookcase and some artwork and some more of those knight statues it's very simple cuz really it's just technically another entryway or back entryway however you described that I'm not exactly sure but I think it looks nice and then I just copy over this couches and then over here it's going to be like the wedding party room where you would sit and eat or dance or give your speeches or whatever you want to do I really hope that someday we get like a wedding pact where there's more that you can actually do it weddings I mean weddings are okay in the game but the wedding party does not sit down and actually watch the wedding and I just wish there was more decorations and maybe more interactions or if you could actually hire somebody to take pictures I don't know I mean thankfully there is the photography skills and also with the mosquito stuff pack we the tripod so you can actually take it around with you and take pictures throughout the garden so I mean it is a little bit better in that sense but still a wedding pack would be pretty nice I know that was one of their like suggested pack ideas when we got to vote on the community staff pack we ended up voting for laundry day I really wanted off the grid but now we got off the grid with Island living I think they have fixed most of the issues there's probably still a few things that aren't technically correct with me off the grid trait but at least they added it somewhat in another pack so I'm wondering if they'll do the same with wedding stuff I don't know what was some of the other suggestions like arcade and then I forget it I forget the other ones but anyways here you can see I'm setting up these little tables over here with some presents and some champagne and some cards I really wanted to add that I'm not sure what you call it but it's like a fondue type fountain I think it came with luxury party I was going to add it but I didn't have a great spot and I wanted to do another table that way you had space to put a cake and maybe a few more gifts so I thought that looked a little bit better and then I also added this decoration that we got from seasons it's like this little banner of wedding cards that I thought was so sweet and I just love that room so much but over here is going to be the kitchen so you can hire a caterer or you could have your sim cook or I don't know you could pretend that they are a chef at a fancy restaurant because there will be Sims coming here to visit there was actually quite a few Sims when I was playtesting it just for that short period of time like I said I'm going to play test it a little bit like for a little bit longer but you could actually have your sim in here cooking and serving food and I'm sure people would eat it so you could pretend that they work here I don't know I'm sure there's lots of possibilities but yeah I kind of struggled with the shape of this room because it's so awkward I was trying to do these double stoves over here along this wall which I think looks okay but then I didn't really have a great way to put the counters and then the refrigerators and it just really wasn't working for me necessarily so yeah I try a lot of layouts in this room as you'll see I just struggle with it for a while but in the end I really do like it and you'll also be able to see more of this really huge contrast between the upper head cabinets and the counters I don't know why they look so different from one another it's so frustrating to you guys remember that glitch that we had with them I think was probably like a year ago where the upper head cabinets were they darker than the lower ones I think that's what was happening or there was like a harsh shadow I think on the back of the camera I can't exactly remember hmm I don't know why I brought it up if I can't exactly remember what happened but I remember there was like a huge glitch with them but either way this is the final layout I have the wine rack in here a little trash can I think I put a broom in here I also have this table and I did want this room to be very usable with lots of counter space so I tried to not overly clutter up this room so I just put a few decorations around of course I can't help myself so I do have to add some clutter but yeah everything you should work fine I will play test it with hiring a caterer and see how that works with them placing things there might need to be actually another table to drag food on to maybe like a buffet table or something so I might make that change depending on how it works yeah so we'll see how it goes but anyways here I'm moving on into this room this room I had no idea what to do with so I kind of had the idea of making it a cigar lounge I'm not really sure what a cigar lounge is I've never seen one but I think I've seen them in movies um but I figured this would be a place that maybe that you would sit and relax before the event maybe part of the wedding party that isn't getting ready with the bride would just hang out in here and play games and sit and talk I'm not exactly sure so it's just like a game room like I said we don't have cigars in the game so that's not really probably what I should call it but that's the idea that I had so hope that you guys kind of get the idea that I had anyways but yeah I think it's kind of a cool room and add some more activities because of course you can sit there and play the dough at the llama or you in the little couch area and read a book or something I think there's a lot of possibilities and I think it looks really nice too so it's definitely happy about that and then here on the outside balconies I add some outdoor dining tables basically just for some more seating area I felt like it made it feel a little bit more like a hotel or a restaurant to have some extra seating and yeah I thought that would look like really pretty I also thought about adding a pool here which you could definitely fit if you don't want the fountain but I thought that fountain was nice but at a hotel of course a swimming pool would be really nice but yeah I just add some tables and I think they look pretty out here I did think about adding some more chess tables but like I said I do delete the two lower tables and put chess tables here instead just so there's more activities and then here we're moving on to the upstairs and I decorate this landing bridge area I think this is actually really cool when I first did it I was like does this look strange and kind of unrealistic and should I just force like an open balcony to the bottom but I'm happy that I did this because I think it looks so unique but here I did switch up this little office room I added another chest table and then I added a seating area by the window and some artwork it's very matchy-matchy it's like the same split down the middle of the room but I think for this build it totally works and I just add some chandeliers and then over here I add another seating area and I used these large fancy couches from get famous I was really happy with the way these looked here and I don't think I've ever used these couches in a build and honestly I think I probably thought I would never use them because I just don't really build that fancy it builds and I need to I've had so much fun with these last two builds like I said I did the one in Willow Creek that I still have to share with you guys I have not even attempted to edit the footage yet it's gonna be so much footage I spent so long on that build that will probably be a two-part build this one probably should have been a two-part but I just did not see a great way of like splitting it up and it would have been too uneven I like when you can split builds and they're more even like you know one half is twenty minutes and then the other half is 20 minutes this would have been like I don't know 10 15 minutes and then like 30 minutes I know it probably would have been okay but whatever we'll do a 40 minute voiceover but yeah I just I really want to do more fancier builds I do still have the pinnacles to decorate or to build on in del Sol Valley so though those ones will probably be more fancy but I'm thinking of doing more modern maybe Judith Ward's won't be modern but I see her living in more of like a mid-century style I don't know I have not figured out exactly what I want to do there because I have built a home for the Bailey moon family and I went very modern with their house and I like neighborhoods to be cohesive and so I don't know if I should do modern with the other ones or do one more modern and then one traditional because there is that fancy lot that Judith Ward lives on right now I don't know what do you guys think I should do should I just do modern or both I don't know no clue but here you can see I'm moving on into the first bedroom and so each of the bedrooms have kind of a color scheme this one's like a light brown and gold I think it's actually a pretty similar and color scheme to the master but the master is more white and gold with less Browns but either way then the other room is blue but I just tried to make them look fancy and I tried to make them look like they match the rest of the build and I used this carpet that we got from vampires I thought that looked nice in here and then just some artwork and yeah I just think it looks really pretty I was trying really hard not to add a bunch of decorations because I mean this is supposed to be a hotel room so it shouldn't be overly cluttered or messy or anything and I think it works and then this is going to be the ensuite bathroom to this bedroom I loved using this bathtub from cats and dogs I thought it looked so pretty next to the window and I also add a stand-up shower the stand-up shower came from get famous so if you don't have get famous this build is going to look very very different so yeah that's something to keep in mind if you want to download this because that's a pack that I used I probably the most out of a me pack that we have in-game was honestly get famous and then maybe get together I don't know but I know get famous for sure but anyways this is the bathroom I think it's very cute and then here I'm moving on into the blue bedroom and I love this bedroom I think it's so sweet I get a fireplace in here I would have loved a fit a fireplace in the other bedroom but it felt a little bit too small I probably could have fit a single bed in there and then the fireplace wouldn't have been that big of a deal but either way I liked using it in here and the curtains to my surprise actually didn't clip through the floor even though I sized them up I thought that they would poke through the floor on the bottom but I went in to like angled up at the ceiling and I didn't see them clipping through and Plus this is the tallest wall height I think on the bottom so even if they clip through you probably wouldn't see it but yeah I didn't see them and yeah I was pretty surprised about that but yeah I think this room is really really cute and I like that there's just that single bunny statue on the dresser I thought that was pretty sweet and then this is going to be the ensuite to this bathroom I just copied over the object from the other bathroom but I changed the colors to be white for some reason yeah I just thought that they should be a little bit more personalized to each of the rooms so they weren't exactly identical I felt like that made more sense for this build anyways and then over here is going to be the master suite or the bridal suite however you want to describe it and I did not realize when I did this floor plan how big this room was I mean I knew it was gonna be big and I wanted it to be like a grander room but yeah it's way bigger than I thought it's probably the biggest bedroom I've ever built in game but of course for this build that is very off at the top I think it definitely worked and I used this bed that we got from vampires because it was so grand and fancy and then they also have it this walk-in closet area that I create at first the bathroom was going to be a little bit bigger but then I thought about it a little bit longer and I figured since this is going to be more of like a wedding venue hotel I wanted a place for your sins to you know do their makeup and like look their wedding dress so yeah you'll see that later on but over here is like a living room area inside the bridal suite with a fireplace again I use these couches from get famous I just used the other version of them without the swishy back or if you say that I'm not sure but I like these ones because they actually have pillows and you guys know I just I love pillow details on couches in the game I feel like it makes them look so much more comfortable and even though they're like the tiniest pillows I think they still are like they make the couch for me but they're too switched up the dresser inside that room because I wanted to use this dresser in this room instead because it was white and gold and it matched the room and I didn't want the exact same dressers in the different rooms I want them to feel more different so yeah that's what I did and I used those plushy rugs in kind of like this I don't use this color of rug that often cuz it looks kind of like a kind of a gross gold color but I think in here it totally works and it ties in the gold at least in my opinion so I was happy about that but there I just made the bathroom a little bit smaller and then I make this walk-in closet vanity room and I use this vanity that we got from get famous and I don't think I actually cluttered up usually when I placed as vanity I add a bunch of decorations but I just put that tray and then I put some mirrors so you could have your sim you know look at themselves in their wedding dress and admire themselves and get ready for the wedding event and I really like that idea but yeah over here is going to be the ensuite bathroom I really wanted like a very big glass shower I really hope that we get like a double shower like a modern shower or just a showerhead that would clip to a wall and then we could add dividers or windows or whatever we wanted to do to make it look more like a walk-in modern shower is how you call them but yeah I think that'll be so nice but over here I do have the double sinks and then I have a little table full of I figured like complimentary soaps and shampoos and then I just hang up a few decorations and then yeah place a plant in the corner and then this is basically it for this room and I think it looks really good so hopefully you guys have enjoyed this build I have so much fun with this one honestly one of the funnest builds I've done in such a long time so I'm really pleased with it and I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots so yeah I'm just gonna add the final few details and then we are faced with the bills so thank you so much for watching and M please leave any comments or just me that you have and I will talk to you guys soon bye let go rain it's not your song to signal more goodbye Blaine [Music] weights can lift you are you can find a way you to drop them can you feel the wind so you do it's how it all begins then comes reason them leap opens you will find your way in the meantime be the Sun bless you win its rain it's how we learn it has to hurt it has to hurt every single turn don't beg your pardon you're not someone's victim it has to hurt [Music] [Music] last week you can watch the birds weights can't lift you you can find a way to drop [Music] right down [Music] it has to hurt every single turn [Music] just has to it's how we learn don't be concerned it has to this every single [Music] don't make it someone [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 173,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: 4if4Zzi6Xdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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