It's A Good House || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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[Music] hi guys said sinlessly here so welcome to another speed build so today I'm building another family home and this time it's actually a family house built for a specific household which I thought would be kind of fun to do so this is going to be a home for the Hecky and family for not familiar with them they did come with cats and dogs and they consists of Brent and bran teching and their dog Rosie so I thought it'd be kind of fun to build them a house and I built this house kind of in a weird way it since well I mean I build I build like this sometimes don't get me wrong where I actually build the floor plan while building the exterior so you'll see that come together as we work out more of the house but normally I only do that when I do single-story homes just because I feel like it's a little bit easier to build single-story homes that way and for two-story homes I don't know I just kind of build whenever on the exterior and hope a floor plan works when I get on to the interior but this time I did it a little bit differently and that's because this is going to be for my save file so I knew that of course there's gonna be them too and their dog but I decided that in my save file they're gonna actually have an adopted child so in that save I have gone into their household and had them adopt a little girl she's a toddler so you will see me have a room for her so I wanted to make sure it's that she had a room and then I wanted there to be another bedroom in case they decided to adopt more kids if you decide to play with this household or basically just for extra space a guest room is what I was originally gonna decorate it for but since Brandt is in the athletic career I turned it into kind of like his home gym but it kind of looks like a bedroom you guys will see it come together in the end and there's also an office space for Brent and I hope I thought I don't mix up their names because our names are so close together I don't know why they did it that way I am so bad with names that like to start with the same letters uh-huh when they're like in the same family I just can't do it I can't handle it I mix up their names so I'm gonna try not to but uh yeah Brent is an artist so I wanted him to have a place to paint so their home office has a computer just for like general computer use but then he has a little a little like a nuke in that office that has his easel and a couple art supplies and some canvases and stuff which I thought would be kind of nice because I definitely wanted this house to be very personalized for the and it was one of those houses that I was debating with myself whether or not I should build from scratch or do it as part of my renovating ei series and I had recently mentioned in a video pretty recently this past week if I should renovate the land grabs house and I have been getting so many mixed opinions I think I mean a lot of you guys just say bold of bulldoze at a lot of you guys say try to renovate it who cares you know doesn't matter change a lot but I think I think I'm an attempt to renovate it and if it's just not working then we'll start from scratch because I don't know some of these houses I just feel like it's better if I start over and that's how I felt with this one so that's what I did today but as you guys can see the structure is coming together and I don't really remember exactly where the inspiration for this house came from probably a picture on Pinterest because why I always look on Pinterest at houses because it's just it's just fun I mean whether or not I build the house or not it's just fun to look at him but yeah I actually started this house shortly after seasons came out I think I started this back in July I want to say maybe into June it's been a while and really I just kind of got stumped on the landscaping I tried a couple different things and I really wasn't working out for me and yeah I kind of just I kind of just put it aside putting on the back burner and I was like I'm gonna come back to this build later and if you guys saw it I did recently I did a collab with Thomas TV where I built on this lot and I did some landscaping that I really liked and I was like well maybe I could bring that to this house and I tried to I didn't really like it for this house really liked it in that one so I did completely different landscaping and I end up really loving it in the end and I think it's a really cozy layout they have a gazebo they have a pool like it's a really cozy home and I kind of imagined that Brent and Brandt used to live in San my shoonoo and they were like kind of like real city people and they decided that they wanted to take a step back like get closer to nature because I think Branson outdoors lover yeah I think he is I think he's actually I remember correctly wants to be a collector has a curator aspiration so maybe he just wanted to kind of settle down get into brendensen Bay do some collecting and just kind of get closer to nature and they wanted to start a family so they found this old house and yeah they're trying to start a new life here in Britain Bay which i think is such a cute idea so that's what I was thinking for their kind of backstory I'm not really sure if they have a backstory that's created by EI I have their wiki up just so I can like not forget who is who so I can see which one's a brand and which one's bright because I get that I am so bad with households have name so you know like when people name like the hot like three kids and they all start with like s or J or something and oh my god I can't handle it I get my pet names mixed up it's so funny um but yeah I really liked that like terrorist thing that I built on the left side of the house if you're looking at it from the front I think that's really pretty and I end up covering it with lots of plants and there's like a little barbecue area and right now I'm just kind of sorting out this part of the house because I wasn't really sure what to do with the roofing but I think it it works out pretty nicely I end up changing the whole color scheme to the house because I was gonna stick with this brown color scheme but I think at the time I had just built my grandpa's grandpa's house what if I call that grim grandpa's house right I think so anyways that house was kind of brown so I didn't want it to be too similar because I thought I was gonna be sharing it pretty close to that one so this house ins up being pretty blue which I really like for these like coastal colonial style houses I really like the blue and the white I think it's so pretty and I actually ended up using this brick terrain paint that I haven't really used before and I thought it looks really nice in this house and also I didn't put this house on a foundation which is something I don't normally do either so it was kind of fun to do something a little bit different in this build at least I remember it being fun even though it's been forever thank you it's yeah I don't know why I had such a problem with this house sometimes that just happens but I'm glad I didn't like delete the footage or delete this house because sometimes I guess I would probably just give up on a house that I'm struggling with that much but this one I'm glad I'm glad I kept it because I really do like it especially like I said the layout I think is really pretty how there's the landing above the staircase the Lighting's a bit weird in that area of the house but I can get over it because I think it's really pretty but I think this is about the final structure of the house and its kind of work out this roofing area because it was clipping into that open area above the stairs that I was talking about but I get it all worked out in the end I think it looks really nice and then here pretty soon we do switch up the coloring and as far as like exterior goes I was thinking about adding um like a greenhouse to the yard but I end up just putting a couple planter boxes cuz I don't imagine that they're like really big into gardening maybe they have like a few plans maybe a few flowers it just is like kind of like a hobby garden but not like they're not gonna grow like all their fruits and vegetables and like provide for themselves that way I think it's just more of a hobby things so that's when I go with the gazebo instead which yeah it's pretty happy that I thought to do that and I also do a little sandbox which I haven't done in a while and I put the toddler slide and the toddler swimming pool in there and yeah then they just have the pool in a place to sit down and I think it looks really nice at oh this part of the build is probably my favorite this little porch is so stinking cute it's like a closed-in kind of Sun porch even though it's open to the outside I'm gonna pretend that it's kind of like screened-in or something so you could sit here on like a day when it's rainy or the weather's bad and just have like breakfast or you know some coffee or sit there and read or something I think it's just such a cozy little area and I really do like it and actually all the little like Porsches and terraces on this house I think turned out pretty nice the one on the back of the house I put a woodworking bench so they could do a bit of woodworking if they like to and yeah I think it turns out pretty a cozy and I did like a lot of the landscaping in this build by the way cuz I just really like the way it all came together and I think because that was like the thing that was like the hardest for me with this house I don't know I felt like leaving it all in so hopefully you guys like that hopefully it's not too repetitive if I start watching watching back the footage and like doing my voiceover maybe I'll cut some of it out we'll see but that's what I was um kind of thinking and this is the other little side porch with the barbecuer and a couple will place it down and it's just a nice cozy little area and I also have a path that leads to the gazebo from this area which is pretty nice and then I use a couple of these planters and put actual plants in here you could of course remove them and plant flowers or fruits or whatever in there if you would like to and then here's where I put the woodworking bench and this is a nice little place I actually end up fencing it off here in a second yeah so looks a little bit weird with that woodworking bench is kind of like sitting there I felt like it needed some sort of like anchor wall or fence or something to be up against place that's how I felt anyways so very happy with the way this area turned out and I particularly really liked using that red swatch of the garden hose I don't know if you guys saw it or not but it's on the back of the house and it kind of like had this pot to it which I thought was really nice and then here at the front of the house I just put a couple of plants and then a little side table with the cutest lantern with a bow tied on top of it that came with season it's so stinkin cute I thought that was yeah just adorable so I really liked that and then um Here I am fencing in part of the backyard this was like my initial issue with the back landscaping because this is the landscaping that I did like a long time ago so I actually made some changes with the pool that I think got cut out I'm not exactly sure but um I felt like it was kind of weird having this part fenced in and not the barbecue area part but I decided to just like ignore it and not think it's that big of a deal I don't know why it kind of bothered me but it did and I think it's alright in the end because there ends up being like such a like so much foliage and trees and stuff cuz that's what I liked about this lot originally was all the trees it looked so like blended into its environment I think EA did a really good job with the tree placement on this house originally so that's something I wanted to include so yeah inside being really cozy so I think after that the fence placement doesn't seem so weird hopefully that makes sense I feel like I'm kind of rambling today I'm a bit tired so I kind of feel a bit delusional I don't know I didn't sleep that good so if I'm weird I apologize but there it is created at the sandbox in here I'm creating a couple of lounge chairs and I go with these ones which I haven't used in a while those um chairs with the striped pillows I thought they looked so coastal and they were really cute and then I use that umbrella from seasons and then over here I put a couple more of those little planters with some regular plants in them which I think look really nice and yeah kind of fill the best space pretty well then they got the diving board and I think later on I do put a couple of yoga mats on side of the pool they kind of look like beach towels or something where you could sunbathe but I figured since Brandt is in to fitness then he could go out there and do some exercise I put two out there so they can both exercise but there I just covered up that terrace with some plants which i think looks really pretty and that side of the house is kind of awkward because it's pretty flat but I do really like that part of it but here I am just adding some trees around cuz like I said the original lot had just a lot of trees and I really liked that I felt like it just felt some nestled and cozy but here I am starting with the landscaping and I do a combination of yellow flowers these blue hydrangeas and then just a like Rayner II and a couple like white daisies or something and lots of rocks I just really like the way it came together so yeah it was mentioning in that one build how I was gonna do it like that and I tried it and it's kind of weird because even though it's the same a lot I guess cuz the house is a different style that same landscaping just didn't really work so that's kind of interesting um yeah I don't know I didn't really think it would work that way but I guess it does um I kind of make sense though when I think about it but what I did for this landscaping pretty much I just blocked in the areas where I wanted the flowers with this terrain paint and then I just completely filled in the spots with flowers and I did it at the base of all the trees and then around the sandbox and around the gazebo which you'll see me build here in just a second and then yeah I think around like the sides of the house and stuff too it's just really overgrown and just really cozy but Here I am adding it some of it around at the sandbox just kind of close it in a little bit hopefully this still works just fine I haven't played tested the house at this point yet I'm just doing the voiceover so before I upload it to the gallery I will make sure that that sandbox area works because sometimes if you have the slide too close to that fence then the table that's gonna have trouble like climbing on to it and stuff but I'll make sure it works and I did something a little bit differently with the colouring of the pool I actually added this kind of like cool tiling to the bottom which I don't normally do actually normally I just paint my pools black with whatever black stone or concrete I can get kind of fine with in the catalog and I just really like the way that looks but I decided to do something a little bit differently but here I am adding that gazebo area because I was kind of struggling with what to do on this side of the yard because like I said I was thinking about adding a greenhouse or something but yeah gazebo I was like why didn't they about that sooner cuz it for if it's perfectly over here it looks a little bit weird because it's not on the foundation because we can't actually control the foundation at different buildings or different rooms in a lot but I am pretty sure if you guys didn't see it the latest Sims livestream where they tease the new upcoming content and they teased some new free stuff actually we're gonna add a new free career which is going to be like a fashion designer which I'm really excited for and we get the ability to take like a drawing tablet around which I think it's awesome I think that's really great but what they kind of sneakily well not sneakily they just didn't talk about it they showed it on screen we are getting terrain tools and I think with those touring tools we're gonna have the ability to actually adjust the foundation on different rooms within the same lot so that's gonna be amazing that's a feature that I've really wanted and when they were talking about teasing some upcoming free content I was really hoping it was gonna be something like major with building and I'm so happy that it is like oh my god it was actually really funny I was actually trying to I think that was recording a video or something like that the voice over but actually just recording footage and I had the livestream playing out in the background and I wasn't really watching I was kind of listening and looking over whenever they were talking about something that they were releasing but with the with the tyrrhene stuff they actually didn't talk about it at all they just showed it on screen while they were talking about the game-changer program and so I wasn't looking over there at the moment I was just listening to them talk about it and then I like clothes that I'm like okay that wasn't really like worth all the hype because they had mentioned how they wanted to see everybody's reactions and yeah and then I go on Twitter and I see all these people these screenshots of these training tools and I was like what the heck like that why wasn't I looking at the screen like that would have been so I mean it was I was still in shock though so I went back and read watched it so it's kind of funny I was like oh the one time when I'm not like have my eyes glued on the screen when they're showing new items that's something this biggest train tool so I thought that was kind of humorous but anyways we are onto the interior now and I go with kind of a darker wood theme I guess for this house a lot of the woods anyways that I chose are like this really rich dark wood color I think it's really pretty and I just tried to make it look really cozy and homey and lived in lots of furniture lots of pictures and just really cozy something I forgot to add though because I realized after I built this house that one of them is a printer Brant has a photography skill yeah its Brant that's a photography skill he also has a mixology skill but I kind of figured maybe he just used to bartend when he was in college or something but he has a photography skill so I'm gonna give him a camera before I upload this to the gallery and put it in my save file because it's just in my regular build world now so yeah I want him to have a camera and I don't think I forgot anything else let me look at prints yeah he's just in fitness as well into painting also pet training but I mean I don't think he needs any of the actual large pet training items maybe he just takes Rosie to the dog park and trains her and stuff and this is a little bathroom which I thought was kind of cool because it has actually two doors that lead into a laundry room and from the front entrance and I haven't seen too many bathrooms like this in real life one of my friends that I grew up with her parents had a bathroom like this which I always thought I always thought was like the weirdest thing but I really liked it in this house and I really liked the laundry room it ends up being one of my favorite rooms in the house and just really cozy I got the leash um shelf over here and then I put some shoes underneath of it I thought about adding one of the new clothing racks that came with seasons or laundry day so you see me pull those out here in a second but I went with this instead and then I just layered up that base game coat rack and tried to make it look like that jacket and hat weren't hanging from the shelf I mean it kind of clips a little bit weird but it looks okay it was I was trying to make something different anyways I'm not one of those like builders that's too crazy creative with move objects I kind of build a little bit realistic ooh speaking of building realistic I built a very non realistic house the other day which I'm very excited to share with you guys I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna share it if it's gonna be closer to Halloween or in the middle of October but it's a Halloween themed build so I'm very excited about it and I should just did a Halloween create-a-sim - I'm trying to get a little bit prepared cuz I mentioned a couple videos ago how I am going out of town here soon and so I just wanted to be a little bit more prepared and try to be a good youtuber because I'm always the worst at pre recording I'm trying to be better at it and be a little bit more professional yeah so those are some of the stuff that's upcoming for the month of October which I'm really excited to share with you guys because I love Halloween I love doing builds for Halloween every yeah every year so far that I've had YouTube which has only been war two but I have i've always done Halloween bills and i love them i think they're so fun but anyways the kitchen is coming together look dark cabinets like I said and I really liked using those shelves from jungle-adventure above the sink I think they look really nice I end up adding some brick accents in the kitchen in a little while because it felt a little bit of bear I like this gray wallpaper a lot I think it's really neutral and goes with like everything and it looks nice in the majority of the house but in the kitchen I felt like it looked a little bit bland so you'll see me try to use some tile here in a second and the tile was a little bit overpowering but I really like what I did with the brick and here I'm just cluttering up this china cabinet with a few different little decorations I really love that basket right there with like like a pillow and blankets or like towels or something and I think it's adorable and I actually end up using it as a clutter item upstairs in the gym area and a different swatch but I really wish we actually had gym clutter like even it was just like a couple weights that sat on the floor a gym bag or I don't know we have like a few like sports items like a basketball and a bat and a couple things like that but no I feel like we need more of those clutter items and that's one thing that really disappoints me about my what's that called fitness stuff pack is that they didn't take the opportunity to add in gym clutter that was like something I was really hoping out of that pack and now I don't know when they're gonna add it like I can't really think of anything that would like maybe if we get like a sports star career maybe they would add something like that or maybe university if you could be like a student athlete maybe we could get some sort of gym clutter I don't know that's what I'm hoping for cuz I feel like we're kind of limited in those and we have so many of the same gym equipment in just different like shades or a little bit different designs like they're like just basically just all recolors and there a different design I don't know kind of just disappoints me but anyways like kitchen has pretty much came together I just add I think that brick accents here in just a little while and then I think that's it for the kitchen but it's pretty simple really cute and as you guys can see I did add that highchair in there so the toddler can sit there and eat and I wish I would remember her name but that's okay you guys can find out when I released my SAF file and then this is a large dining area and it's pretty open as far as the living area goes to the kitchen dining and the living room because the living room is going to be just here on the right side of the dining table or the left side of the screen now and there is added the brick I think it just adds a little bit extra detail it looks really pretty and I just really like that shade of that break it came with vampire stuff or I would say vampire stuff the vampire game pack and it's really pretty it has all these different like tones and it's just really soft it's probably my favorite brick that we have in game and then here I'm just adding a side table with a couple books and a lamp in some flowers on it and I hung up a couple of those like architectural photos and I was thinking since Brent is into art maybe he's into a little bit of drafting or architecture which we don't have the architectural career in game but I thought maybe he could be kind of into that and then there's also a lot of like those paintings that came with my fitness stuff that have like different images of granite falls and then there's like a topographic map which I thought would be for Brandt since he's an outdoors lover and yeah I thought that was kind of cool but here I am decorating the living room and I use this large table that came with jungle-adventure I think it's such a pretty coffee table I like it a lot and I think it matched really well with the wood tones that I was going for in the house and then I used these couches in the blue swatch and I just used these recently in my modern build and these couches I think are kind of interesting because I feel like they're borderline modern industrial too kind of traditional I don't know they're interesting couches and I liked using them in this living room but now I'm just decorating the top of the fireplace I just put a few little decorations up there and then some cards I think those are New Year's Eve cards which I think are so cute I've mentioned recently I've been having so much fun decorating with those items I think they're so cute and it makes it like a nice clutter and then over here I really wasn't sure what I should add so end up going with this kind of cool bookshelf and then a mirror and then this cute little stool which I just adore and I thought about putting a plant on top of it but I decided I would just leave it bare and then just adding some chandeliers and changing up the lighting a little bit and yeah really like the way that turned out then this is going to be the home office where like I mentioned I thought that Brin too would be working let me check to make sure that's right one yeah this is going to be kind of Brent's studio so I put an art easel in here and a couple canvases and a few little decorations but I also get another bookshelf and then they got the computer and a place to sit down it's pretty simple it's kind of a small room so I didn't want like overly clutter it up with a bunch of different stuff and make the space like unusable but I think it turns out to be a pretty nice office I'm just loving all these dark wood tones I kind of go in phases where I'll be really into using like only light colors in my build and then phases where I'm into using darker colors and I feel like I'm in a dark color phase cuz the last build that I just did which was my modern house it had a very brown interior it's not I mean this this interior is pretty Brown too but I feel like it's a different type of Brown like that one I felt I don't know I don't know how to explain it so I'm gonna stop myself before I sound ridiculous but they're different anyhow even though I feel like they're both kind of brown and then over here I was gonna add a couple of chairs but I just felt like it was crowding up the space a little bit too much so it is in abusing another one of those chairs that I used in the living room and then we got that cool little like a book basket what would you call that thing that little kind of thing that I put on the side of the chair that has books in it I wish your students could actually pull books out of it I wish it was an interactive item but now I'm just decorating the landing area above the stairs as you guys can see the Lighting's a bit weird I might mess around with some of those debug lights that are invisible in-game see if I can fix the lighting before I upload it to the gallery because it kind of bothers me but yeah for this area I just add a few decorations I put that whatever kind of storage thing there in the corner with some towels and I figured that's why they kept all of their like extra sheets and and all those kinds of things and then over here I think I add another bookcase and then I move the mirror back over here and yeah it could have took me a little while to get this area figured out but I do really like it it's pretty simple I mean there's only so much you can do in a hallway yeah there it's not it's not the most exciting place to decorate but this is going to be the family bathroom and I really like the way this bathroom it turned out I used a lot of like the same items in all of the bathrooms but what I really like about this one is I put a toy box in here because I was thinking since they have a brand new toddler girl they probably have like all of her toys in here because I know when I was little like my mom had like a basket of all of my sister's toys for us to play in the bath so that's what I was thinking for this you'll see they pull that out here in a little while and I also put a rubber duckie inside the shower and I thought those little extra details were pretty cute I will make sure the Sims can actually use that shower though cuz the toy box might be blocking it slightly hopefully not though cuz I really don't wanna have to delete that item but I could probably just pull it a little bit further away from the shower but I just think it's so cute and then a little toddler potty of course so she can learn to go to the bathroom and yeah I don't know it's a pretty simple bathroom but those little items I just thought was a really nice touch and we're really adorable and then I'm just switching up the sink because I felt like that single cabinet looked a little bit weird and then this is going to be Brent and brands ensuite bathroom so there's actually three bathrooms in this house the downstairs one doesn't have a shower but you could include one if you feel like you need another one and then there's three bedrooms so yeah three bedrooms three bathrooms I thought that's a pretty good sized house but I mean if you need more bedrooms you could of course turn the office into a bedroom you could probably add some way to get into a basement I know I'm really bad at adding basements into houses I get some comments every once in a while be like nobody ever as basements into their house and yeah I don't know why I always forget about basements I guess cuz I haven't lived in a lot of houses with basements I've only ever actually lived with lived in one house with a basement so maybe that's why I forget about them but I don't know maybe someday I will be good at including all of the things basements attics and well maybe not attics but you know anyway so this is going to be written master bedroom and I just really like the way the room turned out I think it's really cozy and calming and makes a nice master bedroom and I really like the combination of the blue wall color with all of the dark woods I think those colors go so nicely together so I was really happy about that man I just put a nice little bench at the bottom of the bed or the foot of the bed and then I decorate this dresser with a bunch of different little items which I thought turned out really cute Here I am using this basket again I kind of overused it in this house probably but I really like that item we need more stuff like it and then over here I just put a topographic map because like I was saying I think Brandt's really into like hiking and stuff so I thought maybe that's his side of the bed and then I really wasn't sure what I should put on either side of these walls so I actually ended up placing one of those like open clothing racks so I think that was kind of nice but there he lifts up these pillows and put them on top of the bench they don't come in like the most neutral colors they're all pretty kiddush but I thought it was kind of kind of a cute little touch and I feel like we need like pillow decor items or pillow clutter items I would love to see those but those will work for now and I think they're pretty cute and yeah this is going to be the toddler bedroom so her room is very pink which I was thinking it was because she's like their little princess so they probably just spoil her and buy her every like new toy that comes out every giant stuffed animal so I tried to clutter it up with a bunch of activities and just cute stuff and just went like overboard with this pink and purple color scheme and I just really liked it so hopefully it is do you like it - it took me a little while to kind of sort out the layout of this bedroom so I end up shuffling things around but she gets a dollhouse in here and it's that cute one that came with I think toddler stuff that's kind of like a tree I sized it down though so hopefully it works size down cuz I really I really don't want to have to size it back up because it looks so cute I imagine it works maybe the animations are a little bit like weird but I'll check it out and then I love using this little dresser for toddlers I think it's so cute with the different little drawers and this one's adorable because it has like all the different little labels of like the shirts and panties and bottoms I think it's pretty adorable and then just a few stuffed animals and toys laying around actually indicating a toy box in here I don't think so yeah I can't don't really like to add 20 boxes because that all of the Sims just end up putting all the toys away and it's like no I want the toys to be decorative they're like supposed to be there so guess why I didn't end up adding one you could of course add one if you would like to and then this is from the debug menu and I think it's part of the seasons arts and crafts projects that your Sims can do on the or your kids Sims can do on the artsy crafts table so I thought that made pretty cute decorations in the toddler room and then she's got a little chair to sit in next to her bookshelf so she could read her little toddler books and I actually pulled a couple of toddler books I'm not sure if you guys noticed or not out of the debug menu and put them on this little side table and yeah it just makes kind of cute little clutter I'm your Sims will probably put them away but that's okay they're they're cute and then yeah that's about it for this room I think it turns out really nice the way of course got the building blocks at the foot of the bed so she can work on her skills now this is going to be Brandt's gym but see as I was originally gonna decorate it as like a like guest bedroom and kind of just make it really sparsely decorated then just add like one like a punching bag or a treadmill in here is like kind of he's trying to turn it into his office but I decided not to I was like you know what maybe he has a few like hand-me-down equipment because I was kind of thinking that it'd be kind of expensive to have a home gym cuz I picture them to be well-off but not like really wealthy so I didn't imagine he'd have like a whole full home gym but maybe he picked them up at garage sales off of the internet you know just buying them hand-me-downs and so it's just cheap equipment that he's thrown in here and then if they want to adopt more kids than they can and they have the space to do so so that's kind of nice and then over here I just put a hamper and this basket like I was saying thinking it was kind of a gym bag and then yeah that's about it and we are almost onto the screenshot so hope you guys have enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun with this house and yeah please leave any comments or suggest that you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye I went out try to cut a pine tree down sail through the ground [Music] this must be a man style rocks and sticks against my chest my malice dear Queen of Hearts i'ma call you I [Music] so you can learn to become king Oh so you can learn to become what a star inside out and upside down no stress I'm a clean up this mess laughs like Alice first hand me scissors then wring out the heavy artillery yo justice is my middle name my malice [Music] King [Music] so you can to [Music] dear Queen of Hearts I'm a gross [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you can learn to and the horizon silver line [Music] I went out try to cut the pine tree down fill through the ground [Music] oh what a sound this must be a man rocks and sticks against my chest I'm Alice dear Queen of Hearts [Music] I'm a chrome UI [Music] so you can learn to become king [Music] so you can learn to become [Music]
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Views: 137,090
Rating: 4.9615016 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: AtF92vM-f0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 15sec (2115 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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