Best Car Undercoating? Let's find out! Is Flex Seal the Best Rust & Salt Protection?

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it's that time of year when corrosion is a huge problem for vehicles especially out on the salty roads after a snowstorm so the question is are there some products that can help preserve your vehicle from turning into a pile of rust and are there some products that are supposed to prevent rust that it can actually make it worse so today we're do some testing and find out which product is the best we'll be applying each one of these products to one of these clean metal strips and then doing some testing on it if your vehicle has already been exposed to weather and it probably already has some surface rust I went ahead and sanded down this rusty metal to remove as much as possible however there's still some pretty intense rust that's deep down into the metal we'll be playing each one of these products this piece of steel and then doing some testing on it the used motor oil that we'll be using is Shell Rotella t4 as far as price per ounce fluid film is the most affordable product we'll be testing it cost right at 85 cents per ounce now fluid film is known as a penetrant and lubricant but much better known as a rust and corrosion protector it claims to protect all metals its lanolin base the nice thing about fluid film is you don't have to have the surface perfectly clean it claims you can apply this product too tightly adhering rust shake and before using hold can six to eight inches from work surfaces [Music] other than used motor oil and fluid film flex seal is the third least expensive product will be testing costing only 92 cents per ounce for $12 and 89 cents for 14 ounces well this isn't claimed to be a rust blocker does claim to stop leaks seals and protects I've had a lot of requests to test this as a rust blocker take well spray to 12 inches from surface using an even sweeping motion costing $12.60 for 10 ounces or $1 in 26 cents per ounce is this CRC marine heavy-duty corrosion inhibitor now this product is a cosmoline based product resist salt spray and high humidity spray and light even movements for thorough coverage [Music] costing 19 dollars and 18 cents or for 12 ounces that's a dollar and sixty cents per ounce is this corrosion ex tried to offer extreme protection for exposed metals marine industrial and agriculture long-term water weather resistance kills rusting corrosion which in xhd is a high-performance thick version of corrosion acts it is dripless and resists displacement or removal by Splash rain or even pressure washing we're gonna test that [Music] costing a dollar in 68 cents per ounce for $10 89 cents for only six and half ounces is this WD 40 specialist long-term corrosion inhibitor blocks rusting corrosion long-lasting protective coating for metals ideal to use on equipment before storing tractions are pretty straightforward shake can well and spray the product onto the middle [Music] [Music] the most expensive product per ounce is this corrosion block it's nine dollars and seventy two cents for just four ounces or two dollars and forty three cents per ounce you dislike corrosion as much as I do this might be the product for you it claims to kill corrosion on contact blocks corrosion from starting or spreading hopefully penetrates and loosens sees parts [Music] in order to shirt every product has a fair test I allowed seven days for these products to either dry or cure the underside of the vehicle can be a very violent place with a lot of rocks flying around and causing rock chips so what I'm going to do is apply a few love taps to each one of these test strips and then we'll be applying an oxidizer to see how each of these brands performs all these metal strips are attached to a 2x6 so what we'll do now is attach this two by six to the underside of my pickup truck to simulate the kind of conditions the underside of the vehicle will typically experience the steel plates are secured to the two by six which is very secured to the back bumpers my drive this down an old gravel road that does not have any traffic on it get up some speed blow a whole bunch of dust all over it and then we're going to expose it to some moisture and see how it performs they dig long for these metal strips to get really dirty I control didn't have anything applied to it so it didn't get nearly as dirty as some of the other test strips I'm going to go ahead and remove these test strips and then I'm going to use and water hose to wash off all the dust there's a huge difference in the amount of dirt that collected on top of each one of these test strips used motor oil as you would expect did collect a lot of dirt on top of the strips however when you compare a fluid film to the used motor oil fluid film definitely caused a lot more accumulation of dirt Flexsteel actually did a very good job not a whole lot of dirt accumulated on it flex seal and CRC seemed about the same CRC may look like it has more dirt accumulation on a do to the color but actually CRC turns into a dry surface and it just doesn't seem to be a magnet for dirt croce Nexus definitely by far the worst look attack that is a mess deputy 48 long term corrosion inhibitor seems to be about the same as used motor oil quite a bit of dirt collected on the panels there's also quite a bit of dirt with the corrosion block i'm Abedin simulate rock chips happening to this set of test panels as well up next apply a very powerful oxidizer which includes hydrogen peroxide vinegar and salt and this is going to speed up the rusting process we'll see just how good these products are at resisting corrosion Wow look at the untreated steel and how quickly it is rusting oxidation has formed nearly immediately I'm going to fly this oxidizer to this set of metal strips as well after just windows of this rusting agent our control has a lot of surface rust that's been formed if you're using used motor oil as a way of preventing rust it's just not going to do a very effective job as you can see is definitely better than the control but there's still a lot of surface rust that has already formed check out fluid film it's doing a fantastic job even the area where the chipping hammer has made contact with the steel there isn't any rust on the other hand where the chipping is taking place with flex seal you can see a lot of rust beginning to form typically what happens over time is when rust forms in these little chip marks the rust then travels underneath the rubber I coding which does not usually want a flake away causing a lot more corrosion under the rubberized coating just like flexi oh the CRC is struggling a bit where the hammer has made contact with the metal now in some areas it doesn't seem to be resting quite as much as others so it's gonna be interesting to see what happens over the next 24 hours so far crows and X seems to be doing a really good job I don't see any corrosion forming where the corrosion X has been applied wd-40 rough specialist is also doing a fantastic job I don't even see rust where the hammer has come in contact with the steel unfortunately corrosion blocker isn't blocking the rust you can see quite a bit of rust beginning to form after this test drip was exposed to a whole lot of dirt we did washed it down with water using the water definitely caused some problems for both the control as well as the used motor oil you can see a lot of rust forming on all of those panels the fluid film is doing a fantastic job I don't see any rust forming on either one of these panels unfortunately flex seal is not preventing rust where the simulated Rock chips took place you can see quite a bit of rust for me there's definitely some rust forming on the two panels that have the CRC on them however it's not quite as bad as flex seal corrosion X is actually doing a fantastic job so far in the testing I don't see any rust forming on either the panels so far the deputy 40 rust specialist is doing a decent job however there is some rust beginning to form on both of these panels unfortunately the corrosion block isn't doing too well compared to some of these other brands it is doing better than used motor oil as well as the control will check back in 24 hours after I've had a chance to apply this oxidizer several times to each one with metal strips piston rod at 24 hours and there is a lot of rust on some of these test panels the clean metal test strip is on top and a test strip on the bottom was the rusted metal that still had a lot of rust scale left on it I'm really surprised that used motor oil didn't do much better than the control this use motor oil is root la-15 w4t conventional motor oil and I had it tested and it's still in very good condition it's not yet acidic the amount of rust and corrosion on this steel panel would probably be a lot more if this oil had become acidic check out the fluid film compared to the used motor oil fluid film just totally crushed it it did a fantastic job at blocking the rust even where the simulated Rock chips occurred fluid film seems to have flowed into those crevices and prevented a lot of rust from for me also some of the fluid film may have washed away and there's a little bit of rust for me but when you compare fluid films performance to the used motor oil it did a really really good job flex seal actually didn't do too bad definitely a lot better than used motor oil there's obviously a lot of rusting that has occurred where those simulated Rock chips took place on both panels CRC definitely did a pretty good job where the simulated Rock chips occurred there is quite a bit of rough in with Rock chips this product is gonna flake away allowing the uncoated metal to rust rosin X reminds me a lot of fluid film however it seems to have left a thicker coating on it than fluid film and it seems as though there's a little bit more rust with corrosion X you can see streaks where the rust has occurred indicating them some of the product is probably washed away when I was applying the oxidizer and as a result the rust is formed wd-40 specialists long-term corrosion inhibitor did a really good job I would say this came in second place behind the fluid film unfortunately corrosion black just did not do a very good job it did do better than motor oil it's been right at 24 hours and a lot has taken place with these test panels so let's take a closer look at each brand and this is very interesting for the two panels had to clean weld the amount of rust is pretty much the same but for the metal that already had some rust pits it looks like used motor oil actually made the problem worse fluid film did an amazing job compared to the used motor oil there's hardly any rust on these two panels really impressive job by fluid film flex seal appears to have done a very good job except for where the rock chips occurred CRC has done a really good job except for where the rock chips occurred on each of the panels on this set of panels actually corrosion X looks better than fluid-filled ocean X did leave a lot thicker film and when we washed it off with the garden hose I think a lot of the corrosion X remained on the panel's where more of the fluid film washed away Crowe's and X panels and then the wd-40 panels my opinion is that corrosion X has definitely done a much better job at blocking rust very interesting results on the corrosion block obviously there's a lot of rust on the clean metal panel that had the product applied but the product that Ernie had some rust pits in it is doing a lot better after simulated conditions these products will face on the frame of a vehicle with both dirt and water exposure CRC definitely seems like a first-place finish with flex seal coming in a close second corrosion X heavy duty third place and fluid film4 if you've applied these products you decide to use a high pressure washer what's the survivability of each of these products under those conditions well let's find out the pressure washers did a really good job of cleaning up the rust on these test panels up next I'm gonna ply the oxidizer again it will come back in 24 hours to see how the panel's look it's been right at 42 hours since I began applying these products to the metal I don't really see any benefit I've used motor oil over the control they look to be about the same compared to use motor oil there's a very small amount of rust with fluid film in my opinion a third-place finish it's a very short term test you can see the Flex actually did a really good job the areas of rust that did take place are the simulated rock chips I'd say the Flex finished in second place just ahead a fluid film and just behind CRC CRC did an amazing job I'm really impressed with how this product performs crow genetics also did a very good job in my opinion the fluid film encroaching x tied for the third position nobody 40 specialists did a pretty good job I don't think it was quite as good as fluid film or corrosion X erosion block definitely beat used motor oil as well as the control it definitely is not as good as most of the other products if you plan to use these products on stationary objects that won't be exposed to water spray or dirt CRC once again seems like the best with flex seal coming in a close second blood film and corrosion X heavy duty tied for third the two panels to the left or the control the two on the right are the used motor oil it appears that the panel that already had rust on it the control did a lot better than to use motor oil the used motor oil actually made things worse unfortunately the pressure washer seems to remove the fluid film from the cleaned metal panel however the panel that had fluid film on it that was already rusted is looking pretty good flex seal actually did very well it's survived the pressure washer and there is a little bit of rust that's formed where the rock chips occurred however it definitely beat out most the competition in my opinion a second-place finish I'm really impressed with CRC it definitely did the best coming in first place the high pressure washer did not remove the CRC from either metal panel unfortunetely the pressure washer seams have washed away the corrosion X protection w4t actually did a better job in fluid film and corrosion acts withstanding the pressure washer the panel start off as clean metal definitely has less rust on it than most of the other brands it appears that the pressure washer remove the protective barrier provided by the corrosion block product if you plan to use these products and then periodically use a pressure washer on the other side of the vehicle some of the price will definitely need to be reapplied to prevent further corrosion the pressure washer didn't seem to have much effect at all on the CRC or the flex seal but it did really seem to cause a lot of issues for WD 40 specialist which finished third fluid film and corrosion X fourth while flex seal did B to control my fear with any sort of rubberized coating is the long-term effect of using it if you've ever worked on a car that's had a rubberized undercoating it can cause a lot of problems in frame rot over time however for the other products that we tested did deliver very promising results I really like fluid film as well as corrosion X if you want a product that can be removed for our product that won't necessarily be removed immediately that'll wear off over time it seems like CRC is a very good option I really was impressed with deputy 40 specialist as well it delivered great results all my video ideas including this one come from viewers so if you have a video idea I hope you'll take time to leave a comment thanks so much for watching the video please take care and look forward to next time
Channel: Project Farm
Views: 1,325,257
Rating: 4.9499931 out of 5
Keywords: Seafoam, project farm, corrosion x, corrosion x hd, corrosion, corrosion x spray, wd 40, wd-40, wd 40 specialist lon, wd 40 specialist long term corrosion inhibitor, flex seal, flex tape, flex glue, fluid film on rust, fluid film review, fluid film application, car undercoating, undercoating, rust blocker, corrosion blocker, rust converter, crc corrosion inhibitor, corrosion block, used motor oil rust blocker, evapo-rust, evapo-rust rust remover, rust protection
Id: lyWHF4NoNVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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