Rust - A Solo's Journey II (Movie)

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[Music] exactly one year ago i uploaded my first video of 2020 a solos journey it was a one hour and 39 minute video created to celebrate hitting 500 000 subscribers i started making rust content about five years ago 2016 which means it took me four years to reach 500k but in just one year i doubled it on the 16th of january 2021 i reached the ultimate milestone a youtuber can dream of one million subscribers let's [ __ ] go oh you [ __ ] let's go yeah yo stop it's staying there now we're staying there we did it this is it this is the dream we did it i already took some time to reflect on this accomplishment in my community tab so i encourage you to go check it out i stand by every word i said but to give you a quick summary thank you all so much my subs my friends and family and even the rust devs you all participated in the success of this channel and i can't be more thankful for that so what am i going to do to celebrate well let's see let's see ah yes i decided to take on the same challenge i took on for a solos journey part one maybe not the most ambitious idea i could have came up with but i wanted to keep things simple what was the challenge exactly do everything there is to do in rust completely as a solo [Music] so [Music] whether or not i was successful in this challenge well that's to be determined as rust can be a very unpredictable and merciless game [Music] go away naked i just want to do my intro stop beating this guy's skullen and walk away i swear to god if this guy comes over to me i am getting up and i am i am going to put up a fight he's not going to get my skull for free let me tell you if i'm dying of starvation oh hell no [ __ ] what's up yeah that's what i thought welcome to rust today we're gonna be playing on happis island now the last time i played happis it is it's actually been a long time since i played happis and it might have been a solos journey part one that i last played happis but today we're gonna be playing the exact same way we played almost an entire year ago more than an entire year ago because we have hit 1 million subscribers and this is my solo special for hitting that milestone it should be a lot of fun i'm excited for the wipe we're going to be playing the same style we did last time so we're going to be completing a series of challenges that i have set up not a lot has been added to the game other than bug fixes uh optimization not a lot of core gameplay has been updated since then so you know my plans are relatively the same and my goals are relatively the same we're just gonna see what we can do better this time like i said not a lot has changed since the last time i did this challenge but there's always room for improvement so that's what i set out to do this time and i was off to a great start oh my god the range on this thing sucks well that didn't work oh look an airdrop oh i'm dead all right well i spawn on uh you know somewhere that's a little bit more reasonable i think i wanted to start on this side of the map anyway because you know i haven't really explored this side of the map that much so might be uh more interesting i'm pretty sure this place doesn't have any radiation i think i can just walk straight in because of all the uh streamers playing the game i think that a lot of people are getting into this which is perfect for me because there is more people to exploit but i got a ladder that's kind of nice honestly i might just recycle everything i have and like research that ladder real quick because that's kind of huge oh [ __ ] that man's got stuff oh there's two of them oh i can make a bow i just need to get a tree whoa got him just kind of whiff in there for a sec pom pom bow it's pretty good okay i'm just gonna go straight over here and research this ladder i think that's a good blueprint to have oh wow that was really worth doing holy [ __ ] oh a hazy nice what is creating this green light there's like nothing here there's just a green light i see a horse which i kind of want to yoink wait what [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's another [ __ ] handmade sight on crossbow what's up with that [Music] [Music] so [Music] bro close the door man oh no dude you're supposed to close the door what the [ __ ] man this is [ __ ] this is really [ __ ] up but we gotta teach him guys we gotta teach him somehow this is an otv okay i am i am breaking in here i don't give a [ __ ] [Music] okay there's a mad in here uh okay let's put this box that's in this sulfur and metal they're smelting both oh damn yeah i can definitely break out of here there's a lot of scrap and a bunch of cloth holy oh man they don't have any wood that's bad that's actually really bad essentially i can just be trapped in here these guys could come back and trap me in here if they wanted i'm pretty sure uh i'm actually gonna get a bag outside while that door is open i'm gonna get a bag outside all right now uh i can spawn outside and slap a tc down or something i don't know how i'm gonna do this i'm gonna make a large box since i can't make a tc it's pretty much the best thing i can make right now all right i'm gonna try and respawn outside [ __ ] man which one's which no ha how am i supposed to know which one's which oh that's such a joke that is so dumb another five minute timer oh wait i can just do it from here what the [ __ ] why is he swinging his rock i just hear him swinging his rock [Music] he placed a high quality metal door ouch my ears hey guys i quickly wanted to interrupt this video to talk about today's sponsor raid your piggy bank because merch is back again baby for 1 million subscribers i couldn't leave you guys without some new merch so this time around we have two completely different designs done by two different artists each design is inspired by one of my most memorable moments throughout my youtube career in my most viewed video grossing nearly 6 million views was the moment of the chinatown attack where i fended off a clan of arrogant raiders then there's the phoenix effect not only is this one of my favorite and most memorable stories yet but being down and starting up again is a reoccurring theme in a lot of my rust videos this design is my personal favorite from all of my designs in the past if you're interested in any of these designs i highly recommend checking them out as soon as you can as they're only going to be available for two more weeks thanks so much for tuning in guys now let's see how i got myself out of this situation i can't upgrade the roof that's so shitty no he knows but we can like open the door and then you can come behind us oh shoot oh [Music] [Music] nice i got it all hog i had to hand it to these guys they may have been noob enough to let me into their base but i had to respect that they didn't give up so easy as they kept coming back little did they know they could have made my escape much harder for me had they known i didn't have a tc with my outside bag broken spawning outside to craft my own was out of the question i had to make my move fast before they got any ideas so i decided to research a pickaxe and use the wood i had to craft enough to soft side my way out [Music] just trying to place wooden floor spikes okay i need to farm up enough for a tc yeah i mean i definitely don't plan on living here but this will be a good base to just like chill in for a bit until i move after getting everything in one place and organizing everything i realized i had a pretty decent haul the wipe was looking hopeful okay i hear i hear a raid i'm going for that dude screw this i decided to try my luck at a nearby raid but i was too late there's some [ __ ] issues people have this guy's death this is a free kill [Music] [Music] oh that guy had a metal face mask no chance to survive [ __ ] all right well i tried my best there was no way i was gonna know that there was some dude camping underneath that uh cliff face there i can go back honestly like i could probably win that [Music] what the [ __ ] is going on what the hell just happened that was so random that was the weirdest fight [Music] oh no it's got a key well that was quite interesting i got a large furnace i got a bunch of guns like this is so good also i got a bunch of wood and shits what is this man look what you've done you streamers look what you've done you brought these poor people here to die fair warning to all you new players if you want to play rust try and play low pop servers like this this happis server is pretty much full pop so i highly recommend playing low pop servers to get used to the game first and do not ever make this do not make a key it is the most useless item in this game like the only reason this exists is if you're not solo but you have key locks and you want to give your key to your friend even then it's a bad idea because then people can just come and steal your [ __ ] if they get your keys so just i just highly recommend that you stay away from keys yeah so uh yeah i had my first gun pretty fast that was way faster than a solo's journey part one let me tell you is this game just getting easier or what did i make a tier 2 yet nope i need a lot more scrap i could probably call them this air drop yeah i'm gonna do that [ __ ] it i'm gonna whip out thompson i kind of want to hide my horse too okay facebook needs to fix this [ __ ] i'm getting i'm losing brain cells from my horse just like traveling an extra two meters when i get off of it dude no he's got my horse [ __ ] [ __ ] of course that guy creeps up in the exact bush i hid the horse from so no one would take it i don't know if that was him or not i killed somebody right there oh ooh ooh two customs that's not bad and the jackhammer is really good too okay yeah sure i'm gonna go see if this guy killed over here was the same guy i shot with the compound bow it was bling bling boy wait a minute this is the same guy that was like okay what is that guy doing what am i playing right now this isn't even rust man i'm chasing him [ __ ] it he's dead out of here thank you oh it's only got one bullet oh my god man why why is he so loaded okay sar i will take 100 that is definitely one of my favorite guns if not my favorite guns so yeah wow i don't know what's going on man i really don't so a lot just happened in chapter one i went deep on someone's base which turned into my base i got my first gun well three guns i got an airdrop which is my first thing off the list and then i got a lot more guns things were going swimmingly in chapter 2 however this run started to take a windy path [Music] so this is bling bling boy i am not 100 sure if he lives in that big base because he was dead right outside of it i'm not sure if he lives there but he keeps seemingly coming from that direction at the same time though that base looks like it would have you know like decently geared players in it and that guy's pretty poor it seems i heard another star guy this way he's probably over there recycling okay i don't know where bling bling lives but i definitely want to find out because i could be a threat i mean right now he's definitely not but he could end up being a threat that guy's hundred percent a roof camper yeah that guy is definitely in a roof isn't there a uh a way down somewhere in this place or at least a recycler i haven't even seen a recycler it was just a research table well that's kind of [ __ ] up with an inventory of components i just farmed i realized i didn't have a recycler at that outpost so i headed back home to depot please [Music] [Music] [ __ ] i messed up that's terrible on my part [Music] man this [ __ ] ass hoe just ran away all right i'm pretty sure he left this guy's entire kit though so i think i can just basically even out here with the star kit there it is okay i cannot turn on my campfire that would be a dead giveaway [Applause] man i had a lot of components on me i just realized that's annoying but it's nothing i can just farm i can't just farm again it was pretty easy to get all that stuff all right so zazza and chronicles those are the two guys that live in this compound at w19 the one that i saw right outside of outpost i think i'm gonna go recycle [ __ ] there's someone right outside the [ __ ] bling bling and he's here with a shotgun nice try buddy i knew it had to be bling blingers zaza one of those two okay i need to figure out where bling bling lives i was gonna go like for a run and get some components and [ __ ] but this bling bling guy seems to really have a hard on for me so i'm gonna go hunt him down and see where he lives furnaces are on in there space looks kind of juicy not gonna lie no one's active in it though i'm not gonna wait around for someone to come out you know what this bling-bling guy probably lives in this place that would make absolute sense if he lives in this look at this [ __ ] [Music] no way i hit that shot holy [ __ ] [Music] where's the tommy guy oh oh no his teammate's close then where is the thompson this guy was fighting a thompson and then they just both seized fire on each other oh a wind turbine that's pretty good for electricity i was gonna head back to site b to recycle all the components i've been stacking up but right as i got there more fighting broke out so i decided to turn around deeper my components and go straight back with just my kids [Music] are you serious i'm getting killed by jesus [Music] so this bow guy almost just cost me these two gear sides dude oh it's them yeah i figured oh wow i don't know where this guy's gun went [Music] please spare me okay where is this [ __ ] guy i don't know how he sees me okay i found that gun [Music] yeah well that's definitely their compound down there is this guy [ __ ] espn oh he is oh he is hold on i want to get this guy's name i knew that guy was espn dude when you're shooting me through the [ __ ] trees i'm like there's no way you see me okay well i got your name so i don't need you to kill me now after i reported that cheater i decided it was finally time to go recycle i was gonna have a lot of components on me so i had to be careful okay door camped by chronicles one of the guys from that duo i've been fighting this entire chapter now you're starting to understand why this chapter is called adversaries good stuff buddy took a lot of skill to do that i quickly grabbed a gun to try and chase them down well i hate how when i just exist on a server everyone just store camps me i [ __ ] hate that that's what always happens every single time i play solo i wouldn't be so upset about this but i had a lot of components on me plus i discovered where they lived before they discovered where i lived i could have easily door camped them when they killed me the first time we met but i didn't these guys wanted to start playing it this way fine i can play ball [Music] [Music] why is this guy talking smack about door camping he just did it to me furnace refinery in there looks like i'd be able to build right here i feel like i can oh there he is on roof i can build right there though i need to get a tc yo bone phone come on i want to talk to you i want to talk to you i want to talk to you being that ass being dead ass being dead ass talk to me are you a stella yes jump if that's a yes i mean i could recruit you to the team if you want okay this [ __ ] this [ __ ] he wants to be on the team because he knows i'm better than him dude that's why that's the only [ __ ] reason he already knows what's coming dude that's why he's acting all nice it's because he knows what's coming you know is he royally [ __ ] up and he doesn't want to pay the price for it dude well [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's what i say to that chronicles really thought he could swindle me into joining his team well it was worth a try immediately after our conversation i headed back with the tc and build equipment to get into their compound these guys are so quiet in there right now huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] where do these guys go it's been like three minutes and they're already afk somewhere i reached the top of their base seemingly undetected i waited there for a very long time but i didn't hear a sound when i said after having that conversation that i immediately came back i meant it it appeared that these dudes logged off moments after i left to go make a tc maybe they really had to go somewhere or maybe they were dodging my wrath whatever the case i wasn't gonna let it stop me from getting back at them dude where the [ __ ] did these guys go these guys actually vanished so many doors are open man i don't know where they went but they're just not here anymore like i i might just like bring over a bunch of [ __ ] spears but i can't even see in there so i don't know then i have a jackhammer but that's kind of useless because if i don't have a refill station it's useless i need to head over there again to see i'm not 100 sure could be something in there okay it is possible that's good to know it's time to bring over a bunch of spears and get to work these guys literally just logged off like i've never i don't understand that at all yes box under there too oh what do we got going here a little bit of juice oh my god oh no yes okay okay um blue card easy yoinks i don't really need charcoal [Music] hitler oh wait these are raised foundations are they i think they are man wait what is this 100 stable i mean what else is the explanation for that like why are these foundations armored in sheet metal and then some aren't what is this is there a workbench okay you know what there's a workbench in here and i have a jackhammer i think i'm gonna [ __ ] bust in here i mean jackhammering something literally takes like two minutes so i'm honestly probably down yeah i'll bring over the jackhammer just to check and see what the heck that's all about you know actually it could be possible that that is a bunker so i don't know what kind of bunker it is but it could be possible because i hear vending machines in there and if you place a vending machine too close to a wall you're gonna get something called upgrade blocked which basically just disables you from being able to uh upgrade something duh but i mean that could be possible and that could be the reason why um some of those foundations are armored and some of those foundations are stone this is just kind of a gamble but at least i'm not using any explosives i don't know man this is weird i don't know if i want to do this i don't know if it's worth these foundations are really high man i you know what [ __ ] it dude this was such a waste of time dude i'm probably just gonna look like an idiot here there's no way i'm right about this i was right about it i was [ __ ] right about it i was actually right about it okay um i gotta get out of this [ __ ] hole i gotta come back i gotta come back oh my [ __ ] dog i'm in i'm in boys [Applause] oh my god yes i am a genius i just eco-rated the space i didn't use a single explosive on this nice some of this might be my stuff well it's all my stuff now but i mean wow that is pretty insane holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god i didn't even see that one so much armor let's go dude holy [ __ ] that is so [ __ ] perfect and just like that by soft-sighting a couple of stone walls zazza and chronicle's base was mine any components i lost to them door camping me was made back to say the least of course the components weren't the only thing there to grab so i had to make a few transfer runs oh my god okay we're home with so much stuff [Applause] so much stuff i'm taking this i'm taking this putting tc back here okay that's a free tier two i got pretty much all of my components back okay pretty much is an understatement this is a lot more than pretty much all my components back after getting the bulk of the loot back to my base i sealed in the tc to render their base useless i was hoping that this would get the owners to move or give up now that these guys were dealt with i could focus my attention back on what i was trying to do before this all went down recycle with even more components than before i could easily make a tier 3 with what i had on me especially since i could skip tier 2 since i got one from their base so i definitely saw that guy and i'm pretty sure he saw that i saw in everything nope whoa oh man how do i [ __ ] that up so bad if you jump mid fights and it's at the wrong moment you're [ __ ] man that is infuriating man i had so much there i have to get back there now with so much on the line i had no choice but to head straight back [Music] [Music] [Music] wait what i was like completely behind the wall was this guy cheating okay never mind these guys are absolute dog [ __ ] i lost so much there so [ __ ] much they lived super close too they kept coming back fully geared oh he is cheating i'm pretty sure that i'm almost positive that this [ __ ] is cheating yeah i i really don't even know i don't even know i i can't be certain here don't have one kill what the [ __ ] is this guy saying hey bone you got a mic man do you have a mic and have a mic well those are some good shots man you're you're playing pretty good for a solo so i mean if you had a mic and [ __ ] we are uh we are looking for more people so i was gonna consider like asking you if you wanted this again again this is the second time today that someone tries to recruit me to the team we're all over three thousand hours check our accounts i mean we we saw you man all right cool man well i was just trying to be nice but i mean weird about it thanks for stealing all my [ __ ] thanks for being so nice after sealing all my shits i bet you'd be really nice if i did it to you yeah sure thing buddy that did not go well my molds saw the light of day for a bit there as i kept throwing accusations but how could you blame me i lost all of my best components things i needed to make a tier three and research items that along with three of my best gear sets they thought they were being nice by inviting me to their team but if they are the ones that drew the short straw that's when we'd see their true colors naturally that's what my main goal became that night i figured out where they lived which was in a small compound right next to site b and i waited all three took off in a scrap heli so i used that window to take a look inside there wasn't a lot i could do here their base was fully sheet metal and there wasn't any good hiding spots to set up an ambush with no feasible outcome in sight i decided to log off for the day hoping that the next day i could redeem myself these guys could be out on oil rig and they could be gone for a long time dude honestly should probably get off it's been a long day and i started playing late in the day but i think i'm gonna try my luck tomorrow we had this this run certainly had its ups and downs so far the downs have equaled up to the ups honestly i got a lot of [ __ ] well the sulfur is still pretty good i still have all that sulfur but i mean all of those components are gone to somebody who does not need it whatsoever but yeah i mean i don't think i'm gonna get offline rated i hope not those guys don't even know it was me that pickaxed into their base i'm sure they'll get a clue but i just gotta hope that they don't come and raid me for that [Music] [Music] uh [Music] all right day two day two and i wasn't offline rated i considered this lucky because of how small my base was and how many enemies i've made over just one day i knew i had a list of things i had to do as so far i've only gotten an airdrop but my number one priority today was getting a main base down if i got offline rated everything would come to a halt and this run would be good as day before i started focusing on that though i started off my day by checking on zazza and chronicle's base to see if they rebuilt uh first things first i'm gonna go check on my neighbors zaza and chronicle i'm gonna see if i still have tc oh wow there's a lot of boxes up here dude i wonder if anything was in here there's chronicles oh man oh wait oh my god these guys [ __ ] up these guys made a huge mistake did you see it too when these guys got back on to find out they got eco-rated they packed their bags and moved just like i hoped they would they took off the code locks but without tc access they couldn't pick up the garage doors which basically meant that i got all of their garage doors for free one two three four another one did i get this one nope all right uh we got home all of these garage doors and [ __ ] which is going to be super helpful for a main base i think next order of business is to get a successful recycle run and then um from there we'll start researching stuff we'll farm a little bit get a main base done and yeah that's pretty much the gist of it all right so here's all my components basically i'm trying to figure out where i can go other than site b like maybe i go to beach tug boats i don't know if that is a recycler though i don't think it does man this sucks i don't want to go to site b but i think i have to all right recycle attempt number three can we do it oh man i think these guys built up a tower overnight wait a second are there walls missing wait is this a raid base hang on a minute dude i think they did get raided i gotta i gotta check this out later but i'm pretty sure they got raided well [ __ ] if that's the case then let's [ __ ] go all right not bad i'm actually kind of pissed if these guys got raided overnight because i was starting to build a revenge story against those guys oh yeah this is a raid base a thousand percent this raid happened pretty late into the night all this sheet metal is still decaying oh still a little bit of stuff yeah these guys these guys are definitely full rated now that i knew this three man was fully rated my area felt much safer so i spent the next couple of hours farming and preparing to make a new base [Music] we are nearly there oh we're there pog okay nice i can make it tier three now and then when i make my new base i can move right in because i'll have a tier three to craft [ __ ] and yeah that's gonna be awesome i'm gonna make this tier three first tier three boom let me scan all these garage doors all right i got everything i need for the starter of this base i scouted this spot earlier on my way back from the outpost and i really like it it's really flat [Music] these ones so how it works is you do this that well first i need to place these boxes otherwise i won't be able to unless if i do it now [Music] now there's this so you do roof here triangle here and then you place a half wall here and the bunker will close but i need more resources before i can upgrade everything i think there's a better way to do this but this wipe i'm going to try this out this method just to confirm just want to confirm it works before i make it hqm yep sweet all right that's set and done so if you ever want to seal it i just place that there the base had a little ways to go before it was done but with that tier 3 placed it was ready to move into the main base had more box space more room to move around and it even cost more rockets than my starter in this early stage so i spent some time moving all of my good loot to my main making sure to leave some upkeep and extra weapons in my starter after i set up a camera system to spy on the oil rig surveillance i decided it was finally time to roam so i took out one of my best gear sets and went looking for some people to fight this was honestly my first roam of the white pretty much every fight i've taken has either come to me at my base or at the nearest monuments this felt like a step outside my comfort zone treading into unknown territory but i was ready to take it head on there was still a lot of things i needed to cross off the list so i was hoping i'd be able to get another one done soon what the hell is going on that's like a team of five holy [ __ ] it's a four man dude i don't know if i can kill these guys oh [ __ ] they're right there oh they're waiting this could be the counter raid but there's four there's so many and they already know i'm here oh i killed this guy what the [ __ ] this guy's solo tsar i'm gonna push this guy he's dead star guy is not here though and that does not look friendly down there i don't know where this lasts our guy i think he just turned tail and ran honestly why did this guy have a pipe he had a pipe out mr robinson i mean i guess i'll go depot i couldn't tell if i heard a shotgun trap during any of that but i don't see any reason why that guy would be dead down there if there isn't one i think i need to head back to base and grab a ladder yeah there is 100 percent i got shot way too early yeah i'm definitely coming back to this as soon as i depot i mean does that count as countering a raid i'm not sure like i really don't think it does yet because i didn't get really any explosives out of it and i didn't take over their the raid or anything so in my eyes this wasn't a counter raid just yet i needed to take over the base they were raiding if it were to be so i headed back with some ladders to see what i could do oh [ __ ] they already placed their own ladder i don't know if someone's down there they figured out putting a ladder there already but i don't know if there's someone down there ready to just spray me down let's get a revolver i'm gonna snatch that [ __ ] right here come to papa yeah boy yes i'm gonna actually stash the mp5 over the revolver and then i'm gonna try and go in there and see what's up do that that is tough how the heck are you even supposed to deal with something like that you need grenades that's the only way you can break that trap that is actually crazy i realized that the only way i was going to get into this base was if i used grenades obviously i didn't have any on me so i couldn't get inside right away but there was some action in the area so i stuck around for a while [Music] why would i do that what oh big boy actually i can make a base i can make a [ __ ] base [Music] so i'm just gonna go out with just a revolver just to check on the base and see if i can actually survive that jump i'm dead oh but it looks so juicy uh yeah uh i need to respawn a main base and see if i have anything do i have grenade researched bean can i think that bean can i think i should research that i honestly think that i should research that and bring a few i'm gonna look up on rust labs how many bean cans it is seven bean can grenades that's it okay yeah then i'm gonna do that i'm gonna bring over bean cans and break that shoddy trap bean cans are unreliable but according to russ labs it only takes seven to break a shotgun trap it's all i really had to work with so i made a bunch and ran all the way back by the time i got there though i had to clear out more geared players you know what i just realized some of these bean cans might dud and if that happens dude then i'm ultra [ __ ] i'm just [ __ ] if that happens oh the the whole [ __ ] servers here i forgot this star guy shouldn't be able to see me where i'm at because it's like really [ __ ] dark here i used the darkness of the night to slip away i don't know how i'm meant to play this like i'm i want to try and get in there and break that shotgun trap but there's so many groups out here it's ridiculous how many groups are out here i'm so dead here it's not even funny [ __ ] bolty andy is back up on the hill [ __ ] bolts so aids this bolt guy dude is so [ __ ] aids not only was there a bunch of people here but there was also a sniper up on the mountain this would make finishing that raid near impossible but i had to give it a try before the original group came back to do it themselves okay nice that's really fun dude don't tell me this [ __ ] looted and dipped if he did that that is some of the weakest [ __ ] i've ever seen this guy was i'm pretty sure astro man was an original raider so if he just left with that stuff he is the biggest [ __ ] on the planets like he actually could have won this raid dying there wasted a lot of time because the guy who killed me astro man decided to run away with the bean cans it meant i had to run all the way back from base with more in order to continue with my plan but my base was far and in the time i was gone someone else figured it out okay i just heard a satchel that's kind of bad actually oh come on horse we gotta get there fast man [Music] [Music] come on come on you stupid horse oh my god and new tc pog nice oh man that is beyond aids you're gay hacker [ __ ] man i should have had that raid dude that was supposed to be the counter raid off of the list that whole plan got [ __ ] on as soon as i died the astro when i died the astro with all my bean cans and then on top of it all he just runs away that made that even harder to do anything dude we're not hacking [ __ ] kill yourself someone consistently out dude what do you think [Music] that's not us in the base you dumbass the raid was officially over the raiders sealed it up and there wasn't anything else i could do i made a few guns in the beginning but overall this fight felt like a loss as this raid lasted roughly two hours and i didn't have much to make up for that i was leaving the area with my head down but then i heard a fight close by [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh my god i got a bunch of guns and an lr 300 this easily made up for losing the raid as the lr packs a punch i decided to finally leave the desert and start transferring everything i made from this dry war well i gotta go for i that [Music] johnny's gonna be so [ __ ] mad oh no all right that's pretty much everything good in here i think i'm ready to go now that i was free from the desert i could finally try and chip away at this challenge i checked my oil rig cameras and saw that large rig had scientists meaning it was up for grabs so that became my next task all right large rig is up that's the one i want to go to [ __ ] it dude i think i'm going to take my lr to a large oil rig like i seriously need to get a move on with this challenge like it's already day two and i've only done air drop i guess i've gone deep and i've also eco-rated which i guess could count as an offline raid but because i didn't use any explosives i just don't want to count that like i'd rather just call that an eco raid like a bonus part of the challenge that i did so yeah hopefully i can do oil rig here and then i can actually cross another thing off the list that would be awesome [Music] my hopes for this run were high now i was heading to oil rig with my brand new lr one of my favorite weapons to use in the game and it didn't take long before i had a chance to use it in this 2x2 right here we treat our slaves nice and good [Music] i mean i didn't want to be a part of this but uh i wasn't expecting these guys to be fully geared [Music] [Applause] [Music] well jesus [Music] okay i gotta get the heck out of here that was a slaughter holy [ __ ] that was a slaughter it was a bit of a surprise running into such an active base on the beach the players who lived in it seemed loaded so i marked it down as a potential raid target for the future but to rate something like that i needed something much better than bean cans so i continued on with my plan to go to oil rig to get better explosives i just took a different route this time to avoid those guys on the beach dude i should like if i should rate anybody online it should be those guys on the shore like i absolutely melted for them like instantly okay well like i was saying those guys would be good to raid because yeah they just look loaded 125 scrap okay that's so much better than 200. all right we're off to oil right [Music] [Music] ah wait what is that hold on i need to check this before i do anything oh it's a custom okay not bad actually i might need that i'm actually going to use this custom to clear out these scientists so don't waste five five so i can use it for the heavies [Music] oh a wind turbine [Laughter] face mask yes sir attack trash hq nice [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] hello the pile is drunk or some [ __ ] my god so all right i think that's all of them hell yeah nice i'll take another face mask another computer station i just don't need that okay that's pretty bad oh a nade launcher would be so good right now pretty please explosive i don't know if i have that yet oh wait i think i do do i oh i did when i was recycling those instant rockets but now i don't so yeah i'll take that man i was really hoping for an he launcher dude they're so rare nowadays there's a rib right there wait a minute what the [ __ ] there's actually people at that rib and they're just farming barrels i don't think they even care wait a second what there's a mini above that rib right now is he picking someone up [Music] well i appreciate the delivery that was actually really nice of him like not being toxic like i'm actually very thankful for that i wasn't sure what that guy's plan was but i'll take a free mini copter any day they cost 750 scrap at outpost so this was huge for a solo player like myself [Music] um volte this window is nice spaz 12 really i don't need so i'm gonna get that mini i just want to see what this guy has first mp5 god damn it man god damn it like what do i take all right i need to get the [ __ ] out of here hell yeah man we did oil rig and we got a mini we got a bunch of stuff from this dude let's go finally i got my second item off the list oil rig it was a good haul and right when i got home i made a garage door on my roof for my mini it's somewhat rare so it's best to keep it safe from grubs however just after i stowed it away i noticed cargo was out i knew keeping my mini for when i really needed it was the smart option but cargo was just too tempting you know i was trying to think of ways i could use this heli and i think a really good use of it would be to just go and fly to cargo ship i think that would be a really good use of it because i can't really do anything with it like i guess i can fly to the snow or something to farm honestly maybe that's a better use of it maybe i shouldn't just waste it i just can't see myself actually using that many except for like emergencies but like i don't know [ __ ] it dude i'm gonna go for cargo who gives a [ __ ] boys the mini was free anyway [Music] [Music] well that guy just got drilled holy [ __ ] okay it's two i think two might have been all of them oh my god dude i got so scared there [ __ ] not good oh my god where's that guy i respect it i think there's only one if i were that guy i would just hold my ground damn he was at 15 hp i could have killed him but he almost killed me too oh wow that's really good the problem is that we have a rat and we have a [ __ ] ship rat and he's just chilling in there somewhere no [ __ ] that is terrible man it's just korean lettering no man no that is awful that is awful dude that guy played way too well that guy played just so well man dude and there's no way i can figure out where that guy lives there's literally no way it's like actually not possible that was a huge loss after killing four guys i let my guard down and during that time someone else boarded this guy out played me and the worst part was that he could live anywhere on the map my lr my best kit and tons of guns and components i had to just kiss goodbye it was pretty late and i was demotivated once again i was logging off at a loss that i'd have to make up for tomorrow [Music] all right day three and we still haven't gotten a lot done we really need to get a lot done today uh i want to try and redo cargo ship because that was kind of you know trash we still need the explosives and stuff from it you know so you know i think doing cargo would just be a good idea so that is definitely on my list of things to do today uh wait sewer branch chinook crate is up wait sewer branch since when okay i'm going to that dude that sounds really interesting so i didn't even know that chinook crates were possible on happis in solo's journey part 1 when i did oil rig i also said i did chinook crate like at the same time but if chinook crate is possible then i definitely want to try and do it like lan chinook crate at least yeah so this is confusing because sewer branch doesn't even spawn chinook crates on normal servers so i don't know how this works but i'm interested to see how it plays out oh man i'm too late i missed it well that's good to know that it spawns there for the future so i'll be ready for it if it happens again ooh cargo's out i need to get home fast it's so dark in this game i hate it so much that's why you play blue lagoon boys you don't have to deal with this aids like i said when i logged on i wanted to try and redo cargo ship i still needed what it had to offer and i felt like i had to make up for what i lost beforehand i was going to the same fishing village i used to buy a boat last time but cargo was already long past it so i decided to go all the way across the map to the other fishing village to try and cut it off i think by the time i get there the boat will be pretty much there and then i'll be set you did a damn fine good job horse but i must now relieve you all right this is kind of perfect actually oh the scientists are still on board okay sweet this is free so [Music] so [Music] holy [ __ ] there's so many crates oh that's really good nice oh oil refinery nice that is actually really good another bulky okay yuck oh yes that is really good really really really good oh yes i was really hoping for another explosive and i got rocket which i'd much rather go that route than c4 so i'm glad that i got a rocket over a c4 i know that c4s are usually a lot more common in chinook crates all right rocket explosive voltes really really good i want to put this armor door right now i need to get these high walls going get a compound going research um large furnace and starts melting things i think i need a rocket launcher as well i don't know how i'm gonna get that along with the guns and components i got a rocket from cargo ship since i already had an explosive from my oil rig run all i needed to rocket raid was a rocket launcher this can sometimes be tricky to find so i started my search for it right away i took large rig again since that's a common spot to find one the most notable things i got was an air drop from the red room satchel charges from the airdrop and another rocket from the shin of crates but still no launcher the way i saw it the best way to get a launcher was to keep doing oil rig or cargo until i got one but with both on a respawn timer i decided to recycle a lot of my components that i've been building up i ended up with 1500 scrap and that wasn't even all of my components i used the scrap to research a lot of essentials garage door large furnace wooden high walls and the raid equipment i was about to go hit up large rig again after this but something else piqued my interest [Music] from what uh i'm going to that ak's satchel reed wow that was a terrible spray [Music] i wish i had a grenade [Music] hold on i'm coming back to this i have an idea look you're honestly so [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait yeah tc the whole time why didn't he just seal i didn't realize who these guys were yet but it was the same group that i tried counter-rating in chapter four and ultimately failed okay nice that's really fun for whatever reason they decided to rate a base right next to mine i wasn't gonna mess up my chance this time so i headed over with satchel charges to try and claim the base for myself [Music] so foreign [Music] oh my god ah [Music] oh my god holy [ __ ] i did it that was crazy dude holy [ __ ] my god man my heart is racing okay components i can make garage doors i need more metal [ __ ] is there more nope all right two sheet metal doors we'll have to do key lock road lock only two key locks so i can key lock the tc as well it was risky but i did it i countered a raid another thing off the list as well as a decently loaded base for its size i knew these guys would be coming back which is why i fortified it a bit before heading outside to fight them are they trying to read back into this honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they try this decent amount of stuff in here [Music] [ __ ] who's that [Music] damn yeah oh it's johnny maldi kill yourself inconsistent buddy you're hacking [Music] back for round two on this counter raid thing eh all right uh i'm gonna respawn on my base and come from outside oh my god man the profit from this ridiculous absolutely ridiculous nine hours left on this tc wow okay oh holy [ __ ] [Music] i'm dead yeah i'm dead here [ __ ] random ass bro kids no oh stupid bow kids man [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] i'm so bad dude holy [ __ ] i'm terrible [Music] [Music] so dude like i can't repair just let me upgrade holy [ __ ] so dumb i'm sitting there like i know how to do things [Music] oh my god this is a [ __ ] circus [Music] dude kid you're a rag i just well thank you for your service but i'm going to kill you anyway i almost lost all of the loot i gained from this counteraid luckily some grub killed the guys holding the door and i sealed i had all the good loot in the main room so i didn't lose anything of value when everyone finally cleared out i transferred most of the loot back to my main base and used the resources i got from it to expand a bit finally adding roof access i went to recycle again i checked out those guys on the beach to see how they were progressing which it seemed like they were because they had armored doors now this actually worried me a little because now this base was getting on the expensive side if i really wanted to raid this i'd have to be prepared especially if it was online anyways once i got home i noticed that sewer branch had a chinook crate again this was my chance to cross another thing off the list so of course i went for it [Music] come on bro i'm just trying to make it home dude i ran across the [ __ ] map i got you my friend's over here too so don't kill him thank you man thank you man you expect me you're cool [Music] something like nine minutes or something on that i can't even tell five minutes okay wow [Music] that's why you look around like i was completely caught off guard like you just don't expect someone to actually flank okay crates open get this parkour and get the [ __ ] out dude this is so sketchy this is the worst place for chinook crate dude [Music] all right well i can crush chinook off the list soundly um but no rocket launcher still which is really annoying i swear to god man like supposedly they made it more common by putting it in military crates but i just never find one when i need one not being able to get a rocket launcher was starting to set me back in this challenge finding one would unlock the remaining three things i needed offline raid online raid and bradley so in an effort to accelerate the process i made a shop selling some extra items including offering my extra rocket for a launcher i was hoping this would work out so while i had that going i needed to kill some time first i headed to outpost to buy another mini copter because i knew i'd end up using it then i started work on a compound to get some large furnaces down these ores weren't going to cook themselves [Music] [Music] all right now someone breaks my inner tc they can't pick up all my [ __ ] including my tier three [Music] all right that's it for day three tomorrow i hope someone's gonna buy my rocket launcher and then i can just go on a raiding spree tomorrow well maybe not so much a raiding spree but i can check off these last four things off my list as soon as i get a rocket launcher i can take bradley which is just easy because i have hv rockets as well uh i can take down heli which i don't know when that's gonna happen i haven't really had the chance or even heard it near my base ever but i need to make a heli tower for that for sure but online offline rate is pretty simple and then online rate is going to be the hardest out of all of these so but yeah i'm excited for it should be good [Music] all right day four [Music] and we still don't have a rocket launcher i started off my day with some therapeutic wood farming while i was out there i noticed the base i countered last night got raided i only left a couple of shitty kits in there though so it wasn't much of a loss i used the wood to keep my furnaces going and then i took a trip to launch site to make a small proxy base since i knew i'd probably be doing bradley today i figured it would be good to have a nearby safe house when that was done i ran back home hopped on my computer station and saw some people taking large rig i still needed a launcher so i flew over to see what i could do yes finish him get him scientists get him how is this fight even a thing these guys are terrible dude i have to go counter that uh [Music] back damn that's unlucky for this guy oh damn these guys are pretty loaded that guy jumped off and he hit the boat oh man oh my god this is worth as [ __ ] it's bling bling no way this guy was giving me trouble in the beginning man i remember dude explosive ammo two grenade launchers this was insane what an insane oil rig man and these guys got it just joints from them that kind of sucks but hey at least it's a good thing for somebody me it was a quick and successful counter they had an lr an ak and one type of launcher a grenade launcher which i needed but it wasn't big enough to shoot rockets after pulling my hair out searching for this [ __ ] rocket launcher i finally decided to bite the bullets and tech tree it if you don't know what this is it's a fairly new system rust added that allows you to research items you can't find you just have to spend much more scrap to make your way down to the item you want it cost me 2 000 scrap just to unlock it but at this point i didn't care all of these oil rig runs in the attempt to get one pretty much paid for it now that i finally had the launcher i just needed to get crafting gunpowder explosives and rockets i was ready and my target was the dudes on the shore so i quickly headed over there to scout it out to see just what i was dealing with man this would be an online raid how long does it take to add some honeycomb dude it might be better to just like ladder up and go through the roof that honestly might be the play because if i do that then i likely skip their armored door that they have in their airlock and then i can just go through roof but if the roof is stacked then i can just go through the nearest door and then hopefully 12 rockets is enough but i don't think i'm going to bring more than 12. oh damn riding battlements bro why do these guys have to be adding battlements right now when they got off their roof i slapped down a couple of bags and stashed a kit so i could use it in case i died please please please look yeah i know that you're pro and then you can have this can i think it's like an accident enough messing around it was time to raid i knew the risks of solo online raiding but i felt like my plan was solid ladder up to their roof and blow down keeping them contained in their base and unable to defend today i was putting the last four days of gathering sulfur to use if i won it would be major profits if i lost it would be devastating [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] it sounds like people be dying ah bro nobody's dead yet i yo how many rockets you guys bring bro oh [ __ ] what's going on here man oh what's going on in here man no come down sir i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i thought you were inside your face is that oh [ __ ] what just happened there bro [Music] wait a second what i thought i killed him i just hit him with a direct he grenade shot no man [Music] yeah there's no winning that well gg there's no winning that hey gg hey man thanks for the online bro yeah i was so low i was so low on mine bro there's a solo thank you though man that was as scary as [ __ ] bro you just came out of nowhere dude is that blueprint is that blueprint i just lost a raid to someone half my age bro we just got all mined by blueprint bro i was fully anticipating something way different than that dude holy [ __ ] man that's a lot of rockets gone [Music] [Music] no way [Music] like i said devastating as soon as i started the raid i knew i'd put myself in a terrible position there was more online than just the two i saw the base was close quartered and impossible to hold down alone and on top of it all they had a grenade launcher as well the odds were too stacked against me and ignoring that cost me all of my rockets although the online raid was a fail it was an online raid nonetheless so i checked it off the list for now but i couldn't let this run end like that not only did i still have a couple of things left on the list but i wasn't going on without a fight so i headed to launch site to take out bradley wait why is this walled off huh fp are you aware of this yeah i see someone at the mountains it's not good i was hoping no one would come to this because i like desperately need this loot i need a victory here man [Music] [ __ ] has he over there on the left too jesus he's up on the mountain somewhere man [ __ ] me this is not winnable [Music] there's a guy right there what the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] dude where is this m2 guy it's crazy that's really good that's also really really good i don't know where that guy i don't know where he is i don't know where he is i'm dead just like that everything gone just like that suppressed m2 who knows where who knows where different scenario same result same feeling i was hopeless so i took a break to cool down a bit and hop back on later when i was less mold [Music] okay so i've organized my boxes and uh yeah the loot isn't looking that great components box is pretty much unscathed but our resource box has taken a uh downfall to say the least our gun box though looks a little bit better than i imagined it would i have to admit guns are looking pretty decent uh armor okay i guess uh plus this kit i'm wearing i also have a bunch of stuff in the shop hopefully that can make me some sulfur overnight because i really need to turn this wipe around because i am screwed right now i was thinking i'm going to make a run to outpost turn on all this diesel fuel for fuel recycle this for for cloth because i actually am kind of running low on cloth right now i had a really good run so far and i was super happy with how everything was going and then that everything that happened today really just made me really sad so i'm hoping that i can turn things around and i'm hoping i can make better decisions because honestly rating those guys online was a really dumb idea so tomorrow i want to try and get a lot of [ __ ] done which is why tonight i am grinding [ __ ] out i'm farming i'm getting sulfur ready i'm getting rockets ready for tomorrow so i can be smart with how i raid and hopefully i can turn this wipe around and i can have some sort of decent ending for you guys that's all i want you know i don't expect the best wipe ever after all i don't really need to make a 1 million sub special it's just what i want to do because i just want to express my appreciation for all of you everyone subscribed long term and short term and that's the main reason that i wanted to do this special was because you know i just wanted to express my gratitude do another movie for you guys and you know i want you guys to know that all runs aren't going to be perfect like this run may have been scrapped just because of what just happened today if it was a normal video but i'm going to try my best to turn this wipe around because i want to make this special special but yeah i need to farm and i need to grind all this [ __ ] look at that that is how it should be dude that is what diesel fuel should do in vanilla and i don't know why that isn't the case [Applause] [Music] when i got back from outpost i went node farming after about 15 minutes i had two boxes of farm my area was pretty dry on nodes after i farmed them all but bases with wooden doors were plentiful so i grabbed a flamethrower and some of that fuel i just got from outpost to flame rate as many bases as i could not bad [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] this is a weird bastion [Music] if you remember this used to be mine and i wonder if they left anything in here [Music] and would you look at that enough metal to make a sheet metal door wow [Music] like what [Music] all right well those flame rates were honestly not bad and you know those could actually count for my offline rate because i mean flame rating is a type of rating so technically those could count i'm gonna mark it as done just for now but i'm sure i'm gonna end up doing an actual raid later all it really takes is a couple of farm runs to make you feel back in the game my furnaces were smelting my mixing cables were mixing and my boxes were holding some decent loot again i then hopped on my computer station real quick to see if anyone was on oil rig and there was so i got my mini and i flew over so [Music] [Music] dude who the [ __ ] was this guy talking to that's what i don't understand i killed one guy but there was still one more person somewhere on oil rig i couldn't risk pushing him and dying so i just grabbed the crate and left when i got home i decided to put that c4 to use i had an extra 20 explosives when i was crafting rockets for the online raid so with that i made two more rockets it was enough for one stone wall so i found the perfect base to hit in the forest nearby alright let's play the swipe right [Music] here goes nothing [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] [Music] all right secured [Music] [Music] oh that's really nice bad at all holy [ __ ] oh my god it keeps going [Music] damn this face is kind of insane the raid was a success and the loot was safe inside the base but i heard some footsteps outside so instead of running straight out i depot my kit and respawned outside to flank whoever was out there [Music] [Music] hello ah then there's three holy [ __ ] ak is that what that road sign guy had dude [ __ ] why am i stuck i'm stuck on nothing oh my god man so aids i hate to spoil it for you guys but this group is gonna end up getting a lot bigger than just three [Music] killed the ak but his buddy's just going to pick him up and all this all is going to be fine because everyone plays in a trio on the server how many are they is there four like come on man how how much do i have to actually try like i'm trying so [ __ ] hard here i really am did they come to come look in the hole again i don't know why it's not solving anything they just look inside and there's nothing here for them oh yes oh yes nice jesus christ [Music] how many are there i literally just killed the ak how was there another ak already with so many guns holding one tiny door there was no way this was gonna work so once again i had to flank from outside [Music] [Music] an ak is profit i'm leaving with this i'm just gonna come back with mp5 there's so many there's so many i can't believe it that's actually a zerg i'm fighting right now i'll take your dead oh i forgot there's three more i forgot there is three more what can i say i've just got rest [ __ ] you it's like fighting through hell that's what that is oh man i don't know how much more my heart can take this dude i really don't i think they do live in the pokeman base i wouldn't expect any less and that's a joke yeah they live in this base i don't know about the other one but they definitely live in this one [Music] [Music] after pestering these guys right outside of their base for a while i finally found an opening to leave i think they decided to stop camping the base i rated after that so i used the opportunity to move all the loots i gained to my main base all right i can definitely check off offline raid that is for sure and now there's this group which i don't think i can even touch guys realistically i can't even touch those guys they have this fully sheet metal base in a rock it's gonna be at least 30 or more rockets minimum i don't want to mess with that at all man oh my god there's a lot more in here than i thought that piece was loaded man that was a good choice and i rated it exactly how i should have that was perfect everything was perfect that's what needed to happen on the last raid but it didn't that was pretty fun fighting those guys like it was aids but it was fun at the same time all right i i grabbed everything that's like of value when i finished transferring all of the loots i decided to head to launch site again you may have noticed that bradley didn't get checked off when i died there last well that's because i felt i could do better hopefully i don't get countered again that kind of sucked last time [Music] [Music] all right thank god wait what the [ __ ] does someone with boots right below me [Music] okay this is really good this is a really good bradley i'm so happy right now [Music] oh yes let's go so freaking worth it oh my god i'm gonna research this because i have so many snipers and then i have no scopes maybe you're wondering why is this video still going other than the absurd 2 hours and 10 minutes that it already is i completed the challenge everything i set out to do i've done except for heli which i'll be honest it was intended to be part of the list but for whatever reason it never came by my base and i just wasn't interested in waiting but anyways the reason i woke up that next morning to continue this run was i still had stuff to raid i wasn't going to let that soul fry farmed and got from raiding go to waste and although i considered the online raid completed i still wanted to at least try again and hope for something more triumphant so i hopped in my mini copter to scout for a base to raid okay so this compound right over here i want to check out i want to see if this [ __ ] is active oh there's a turret oh [ __ ] someone's active you know i think this could be it man he's online it looks kind of pepegga and it looks juicy [Music] yeah i mean i don't know man i just don't know what to raid everything is either too expensive or there's too many online or the base is two aids to raid that's like pretty much the gist of it the clan base the clan that i fought last night their base is definitely too much to raid and there's a lot of them so that's just impossible that's just not gonna happen then there's the shore guys um offline would just be kind of boring and online um would pretty much end the same way it did last time i mean they have hg grenades they definitely have more grenades since the last time i fought them so that's not gonna happen i think that compound is my best option because um they're online it looks juicy they don't look great at the game i already have enough content from the swipe so i don't really need to make anything too spectacular and so it was decided my final act on the server would be raiding this random compound i had no idea who was living in it or whether or not they were loaded all that mattered was that they were active so as soon as i finished crafting all of the raid equipment i headed over all right eight rockets that's not a lot at all but whatever dude let's just [ __ ] send it i'm gonna read the base that he came out of because that's probably their active base if he's respawning in that [Music] what the [ __ ] pokemon garage door pog champ i don't know where this guy is right now [Music] uh okay a bunch of open doors right here i don't know where to go i think i'm just gonna blow right [Music] here some boxes i have yet to see a single item dude um yeah yikes oh my god jackhammers okay it's not bad a bunch of stone i think i should probably just keep going dude what did that lead to okay i gotta be really careful for shoddy traps it's open it's all the way open okay is there a campfire i can turn on oh my god i need wood any wood in the tc maybe okay there we go i'll make a new pc boom and then you can't fire because i actually like just can't see holy [ __ ] man this is loaded uh oh i'm build blocked outside tc's [ __ ] man i'm build blocked i can't seal this i guess i just gotta loot the good [ __ ] and go oh my god there's gonna be so much good [ __ ] though i couldn't place my own tc so i just had to ransack the place certain m249 or something ak i'll take that dude i wish i could seal this that sucks i just gotta dip with this more soldier well the guys afk i might be able to come back and keep looting [Music] that is such an unfortunate time to go afk holy [ __ ] all right he's gonna keep looting up he's gonna be so confused when he comes back dude did i even look in the tc okay not much who's offlining us right now bro that's so [ __ ] gay you were just online like 10 seconds ago dude don't [ __ ] lie to me yo come on man why are you offline you were just a lie like 10 seconds ago dude why are you all finding me man i didn't even get a chance i'm not i just saw you no i i was literally laying in my bed and i see like i was literally afk and then i look at my screen and i see that somebody killed me unlucky dude i sound like wally holy [ __ ] uh apparently i missed my chance to online this guy the dudes seemed bummed out so with nothing else to do with my wife i used the sulfur and gunpowder i got from him to raid his main base he wanted an online raid so i was bringing it to him [Music] yo what are you guys doing yo what's up [Music] is that oh no [Music] that was a waste of a c4 i should have just blown three i don't know why i didn't [Music] you guys are so [ __ ] beta for offlining you are so [ __ ] beta for offline [ __ ] you're online you're online no hey [ __ ] you raided my mate you raided my pay when i was [ __ ] off shut up [ __ ] you should've okay i'll shut up wait wait but why because it's fun are you not having a good time i'm not happy i'm not having a good time man i don't know why not [Music] thank you for letting me upgrade my silly foe oh it's astro it's astro man yes oh it's you guys it's astro yo [ __ ] you guys i'm getting in there man you guys you guys [ __ ] deserve this i'm sorry wait wait wait wait wait can you hear me how can you hear me out there i i'm not teamed with these guys sure dude no no on god how do i prove it how do how the [ __ ] do i you raided my bunker base i lived in the bunker i don't live with these guys oh yeah sure and yet you're out here upgrading ceilings yeah but you see you're trying to do stuff to help out those these guys so how can i possibly wait wait wait hear me out we can we can like we can we can like no let's talk this out right nope no talking about them there's no talking it out dude wait no no no no listen i'm a nice guy right i'm a nice guy debatable all right listen listen man i'm coming [Music] [Laughter] wait listen listen listen listen we we can talk right hey stop stop writing hold on i can give you guys some loot all right oh all right let's talk then let's talk though yeah okay okay so like what do you got how are we gonna go about this these guys are poor all right these guys here are poor i promise you it will not be worth it to ah you just trying to stall me here huh it's not i no no no no no i have nobody i'm a soul i'm basically i i'm a solo i just allied with these guys so if i got raided i'd at least have some wait what all right she won't space five bro this guy thinks i'm stevie w wait who i i am stevie man wait really no way yeah man i listen listen i'm more of a blueprint kind of guy i don't know oh wait are you me too what are you trying to say man i do i don't know what i'm trying to say but listen listen you're trying to swindle me into something here aren't you it's not it's not going to work buddy i'm not trying to swindle you into anything i just don't want to lose every 50 no i'm saying listen i love you all right can we 1v1 when you're done rating me sorry i don't know you can bro yeah yeah what's the new video gonna look like humbler i don't know it's gonna be pretty nice i'll be pretty good video it better not be a happiest video i know it's not gonna be right oh no of course not by the way i'm glad that i that i at least was able to shoot astro man in his sleep because this guy screwed up so much raids for me dude if i give you boom and i make my own base will you online me that's stupid dude i'm out of here i love you baby i love you too man kappa all right man well you have a good day thanks for all your stuff pepe laughs hi man have a good day nice meeting you dude well guys that's it i'm done i have completed everything i wanted to complete we did a lot this wipe a lot of crazy [ __ ] happened and i'm really satisfied with that ending it was way better than what i was about to leave off on which was that raid that i failed yesterday so i think that was a pretty decent ending right there so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed and uh much love [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Blooprint
Views: 7,584,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, blooprint rust, blooprint, rust pvp, rust base, rust survival, rust montage, rust 2021, rust gameplay 2021, instrument pack, rust solo, rust solos journey, a solos journey, rust part 2, rust blooprint solo, blooprint solo, rust journey, rust oil rig, rust cargo ship, rust airdrop, rust chinook crate, rust raid, rust online raid, rust solo online raid, rust solo vs clan, rust movie, rust solo movie, rust movie blooprint, rust solo base, rust how to solo
Id: 8yeKSLeeoA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 48sec (8688 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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