Russell Brand Serenades Superfan Brett Baker While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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the russell i was is dead i am now a conglomerate of of my former self and this thing that's that's yeah that's intentional hey what's going on everybody from first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today i'm excited to welcome russell brand back to the hot seat he's a comedian actor and writer his latest project is the audible original revelation connecting with the sacred in everyday life which is currently available exclusively with audible and not to be outdone he has a youtube channel as well proud to say i'm a longtime subscriber russell brand welcome back to the show well i suppose in a sense i feel very much like michael corleone in godfather part three which not as many people watch but was defined perhaps by the line just when i think i'm out they pull me back in again and that's how i feel about hot ones i thought that was behind me i thought i'd conquered every kingdom there was to conquer i feel like i got to the end of it and sung a spontaneous opera but here i am again with this spicy battalion lined up before me and then i'm not sure how much of this story you even know but you know in these times we have to send the sauces out to people's homes and your sauces actually got caught up in customs i don't know if that's a byproduct of post-brexit britain or what but i had a panicked phone call early in the early morning hours and we were actually able to connect with a local hot sauce store who not only provided this substitute lineup but also did so with a bunch of classic hot ones labels that are all in their exact spot including da bomb so hop burns in black in london thank you for saving today's episode you can rely on the english to step in when there is a little bit of spice required and i'll thank you sean not to politicize this those who dare blame brexit if anything blame the pandemic but but brexit no way brexit's making spicier than ever british spice [Music] all right so for me it'll be the classic for you it'll be the howler monkey original i see i've got that [Music] did you see the potential back then are you just as shocked as i am that this thing's still going no i think that it is a testimony to your talent i think that the unsung spice is sean wow russell yeah so your new audiobook revelation explores the meaning of life death and all the sacred things that connect the beginning to the end and i don't think that it's a coincidence that the people that you hear spreading the spiritual teachings of people like ram das or muji are comedians like yourself pete holmes and joe rogan is comedy a gateway drug to spirituality yeah that's a really good point maybe it is potentially because comedy requires that you don't take life seriously and that is a sort of a powerful spiritual motif the figure of the trickster recurs throughout different mythologies because the tricks though is kind of like an ambivalent deity or messenger neither not fully good not fully bad capable of beauty capable of stupidity and i suppose like if you're always looking at the world and questioning it and querying it as good comedians do and i hope that's a category i belong in then eventually you start to see life is a kind of a game and that's like like you know in the vedas and in indian or like you know sort of pre-indian literature spiritual literature life is a play it's a game it's not real it feels so real because the emotions feel so real the hot sauce feels so real on the tongue but what is actually happening in the brain and what is experiencing the heat so like i mentioned in your intro i'm a disciple of the russell brand youtube channel which started more than eight years ago and has since ballooned to have over three million subscribers is someone with interesting thoughts on the intersection of fame social media exploitation what were your first thoughts or like your first impression of like youtuber culture it made me feel that you know like every time one of these new technologies emerges and creates his stars i recognize my own place in the culture i recognize the move the move from luke skywalker han solo to much more obi-wan territory hence the attire it's impossible for us to be objective about a figure like elvis presley now and how much his success was as a result of the success of radio the emergence of television and of course we're just seeing versions of this happening again and again i think it's the same thing with tech stuff like you know from the journey from facebook to tick-tock like you know i think like facebook now looks like some old-timey saloon bar with one of them pianos playing itself like tick tock stretched straight away like i looked at it for a bit and i just felt that i'm i'm was just an elderly decrepit man i took it off my phone immediately i thought this is there's nothing for me here i'm old i'm an irrelevant i should never ever look at that again it's like they're just looking through a window and catching my own reflection as a wizard thing when i picked up this i felt something in my abdomen the fiji fire as it coated the tongue it was like a sort of a sort of a littering of napalm in the early early days of an ideological war in a foreign territory we're not fully at atomic levels but we're starting to say we know this is not going to be a nice war this is not the old days of chivalry and swords so a blind spot in our last interview was your career in stand-up which in the early days was this antagonistic avant-garde stuff and in your memoir my bookie book you talk about the days of being chased out of comedy clubs by angry mobs what is the most harrowing onstage experience you can ever recall having there's several that come to mind up in scotland bonnie scotland i was making some sort of complex um what was i saying sort of allusions to our joint culpability for uh you know say sort of social anomalies such as murder say oh if one person was committing a murder perhaps we were all culturally responsible people didn't like that it led to a big convert like because i didn't say it that way i said you are responsible for child murder because i think how it came out as words i recognize that what happened to me is when the security came out they got me in a real naked choke i felt my windpipe closing up and it totally changed my perspective on the situation yeah i went from yeah yeah coming it's all right okay it's over sorry very very quickly so those were kind of things that happened with increasing regularity and i must say expediated the process of me stopping taking cracking hearings i was thinking it was starting to affect my lifestyle [Music] i'm beginning to feel sort of like what i would call vaguely psychedelic effects now in 1968 canadian philosopher marshall mcluhan said when you give people too much information they resort to pattern recognition what if at all do you see as the consequences of being overly informed well that your man seth abrahamson talks about that meta journalism now you know like that now there is so many sources so much data that what you require of a journalist is a kind of curating like you know we've pulled together all of these sources all these surveys all these interviews and we've created this narrative from it you know marshall mcluhan was practicing most famous quote media is the message was sort of made prior to the point where we all had our own private portals to sort of relatively bespoke but ultimately controlled media outlets in our hands but all of these various historical narratives in this complex geopolitical era all trying to live together in one person's head when we're evolved to live in tribes of 75 to 150 people you know we live for hundreds of thousands of years as hunter-gatherers before agriculture industrial revolution technological revolution so opinioned us into a life that we're not evolved for this is we're monkeys you and i and here we are doing a hot sauce competition thousands of miles away from one another challenging british customs it can't be right can it at the level of the soul sean [Music] they're becoming thicker at my end i don't know if that's a good thing or not now that's on my fingers i'll touch an eye oh god i've overdone it i've overdone it yeah be careful like icarus be careful got too close to the sun that's yeah that's intense all right russell brand we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that gram where we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so i'll show you the picture you just tell us the bigger story i've read that you have something like 60 000 bees at your countryside home but i'll get i got i had for a little while a little b town like you know i'm a vegan and stuff when i took that thing out i didn't feel like it was right to take their honey they've worked so hard so i go let's just let them get on with it i like getting on the outfit it's ghostbusters it's cool it's nice it's nice to feel impervious to bees like that perhaps there's something analogous to our species here if you leave them alone and just say crack on b you be you bees they just [ __ ] off but they didn't want freedom they wanted to have a tyrannical overlord going in there stealing their honey and when that process ended sure they just upped and left and started their own life somewhere else i've never seen them again they don't call i get nothing from them but i kept that beekeeper suit and thank god i did because there was a wasp attack at my house wasps were building like nests and stuff and then wasps they crossed the line they attacked the family shaun they made it personal it was like taken or taken to or any bronson movie you'd care to name i've donned that suit one last time i swore i'd never wear a suit again but even then actually i wore little crocs you know backless crocs and the wasps they're clever little [ __ ] they found that naked hill on the back and they attacked that they stings on stings so my favorite b fact is they need authority my favorite wasp fact is make sure you cover every inch of your body because they're very sensitive and alert to what's what here you are on the set of ballers with dwayne johnson how much of your alpha male showdowns on that show were improvised and if so are there any highlights that stand out to you if you're gonna really take your alpha male showdowns to to a place where they're likely to be challenged why not have one against dwayne the rock johnson the world's biggest most handsome and successful man and if you want to really give it an edge how about this on day two of filming mate the director julian ferrino he goes um you're really great today we thought tomorrow for that scene on the beach wouldn't it be funny if you took off all your clothes and walk naked into the sea i told dwayne johnson he's a producer on that show because i'm a bit nervous about walking naked to the beach and he he got the crew and background eyes to create a human corridor down the beach because there's paparazzi there for the rock not for me you know like a human corridor of people for me to walk down a big and during that moment there's no real acting required to walk in the new to a beach so i just use that time to think about the absurdity of reality to think if this is real then what is a dream if this is real how does the world make sense i'm walking down a beach with my hopefully not dimpled [ __ ] gary buses over there the rocks over there this is actually real and it's happening in infinite space and there are neutrinos rushing through our bodies right now undetectable unless you go into labs at the earth's core what the hell is reality what is it [Music] i'm hearing my own rants and they're getting crazier [Music] do you ever have you know there's the oral impact but what about the gastric and even colonic impact down the line is that something you can speak to russell you know like the body adjusts so at this point i'm immune for you it might be another story thankfully the cameras will have left for the for that aspect of the story a man hunched in shame the british broadsheets always used to work people into a frenzy about how dictionaries were losing words like marzipan and abby for words like blog and chat room is someone who seems to enjoy deploying the full breadth of the queen's english what do you think when you see or hear stories like that that's the point of it to evolve and grow only the things that there are words for are being said so the more effective language becomes and i'm only speaking the english language it's the only one i know the better i like it and i think that language can be co-opted colonised and used to [Music] exclude certain people from particular cultural conversations so i think that language must be democratized and even though i like sort of old greek latin derived words i love slang there are people that speak dialects in your country i think are just so beautiful to hear and in my country like slang based dialects are sort of joyful like i spoke to some real about some 20 year olds at some sort of kind of school for school for the naughty and like uh like the like i just felt like wow i feel like i'm shouting down a tunnel made of years you know like like and even the words i was using that i thought were cool for them my mother is saying oh i've got a lovely penny farthing bicycle outside yeah this if i wind up my wrist watch here that tick you know i mean like i feel like i was gandalf [Music] a disclaimer if i may say it says may cause anal leakage it says it's gluten free oh thanks but my anus is leaking i'm not worried about allergies if i can't control my colon this looks like some serious stuff i must confess working our way up what was your favorite decorative accent or piece of wall art from nicholas cage's house you write about living there for a while when you guys were filming army of one oh man like i mean i don't want to betray nicholas cage's privacy because i did a movie with him called army of one as you've tagged don't worry no one did and like when i like he was such a lovely guy at nicholas cage and he was directed by larry charles who's also like an amazing dude so i was hanging out in morocco with these two like amazing men then nicholas cage during that goes do you like want to stay at my house and i went oh my god i'd love to there were some incredible artifacts in there some incredible mysterious pieces of i suppose perhaps he wouldn't mind me saying that there was a stained glass window that looked like a bit like king arthur but also a bit like nicholas cage and i didn't ever tell him this at the time but i did watch a lot of nicholas cage movies while i was in his house i watched like con air adaptation i went on a real nick cage journey there and i must say like he was a really cool generous lovely person i really overstayed my welcome in that house i was there for six months i mean at the end of it people saying could you please get out now this isn't your house [Music] now what i think is interesting is like you know i feel like i've got that you know sort of stockholm syndrome now but that this has become such a particular experience for me doing this is that i can't imagine going back to my life even though it's only over there you know like this is my reality now i do feel connected this one's crazy i can i can feel it trying to get into my nervous system yeah this one really becomes a part of you the russell i was is dead i am now a conglomerate of of my former self and this thing that's that's yeah that's intense [ __ ] i understand that as a process in the process of changing your lifestyle moving to the countryside one of the things that you did was change your phone number is there one person who'd be who you'd be most upset to learn has been trying to call you but can't hold me because i'm dealing with some more of this conflict and there's still two more kingdoms to visit we have two more kingdoms to go check out that water has a flavor now it's like i can feel the individual molecules in it [Music] the body's not real sean it's an illusion i'd be worried if i'd found out that somehow lost the opportunity to speak to jesus that would trouble me but i feel like he would find a way it's it's suffering like if this was actual food now like if this wasn't framed as hey we're doing this thing where we deliberately eat hot sauces in a kind of gentle test about mcchismo i would be saying that shouldn't be classified as food that should be classified as a weapon i agree with you a hundred percent are you ready to move on here i don't know the look of that medusa um what's happened is is the um time has concertina because my anecdotes about here on gracie and nick cage was so long but now just being carpet bombed i just did a burp and it disturbed a bit that must have been in the spongy tissue on the top of my tongue you got to be careful we're trying to allow it to go dormant what if some of the mix it could actually be like destabilizing like uranium or something yeah [ __ ] man [Music] why are you breathing like that i have to cop the same way right i'm scared of this because this is like this is like i mean shooting yourself in a bullet hole but we're almost the end we're almost to the end i'm trying to find new bits of my my mouth that aren't damaged you know so a lot of children's classics from dr seuss to roald dahl come under scrutiny for various reasons have you had any takeaways from the children's books that you've read to your kids it's difficult when sort of your personal history which you might regard sentimentally as positive is sort of lately redefined as negative from a broader or different cultural perspective but i um you know i've not read anything and thought a minute that's not right but we're pretty conscientious about what we introduce them to when i improvise most of the stories anyway and i really try to make sure there's a lot of strong pan-cultural positive feminist messaging going into those stories as best as i can i mean i think i could come up with something magnificent at the moment but it's not something i would commit to camera [Music] there's no last dab in the uk so this is actually sourced from scotland so it's called the singularity sauce company reapers and mangoes hot sauce why have they packaged it as an inoffensive way i mean look the others got the juices on it's skulls that looks like it could be the interior of a doll's house this could be a teletubbies day spa but you're assuring me that it's a vindictive condiment oh [ __ ] i've tipped too much it's it's runnier than his predecessors russell [Music] it's her majesty the queen of england to the queen to the queen [Music] oh yeah it's making his way to the nose hole russell brand here we are at the conclusion of our oral jihad and i'm not sure if you recall but you closed out the show last time with an impromptu freestyle tribute song to hotman's super fan brett baker and it's a moment that's lived in lore for day one hot ones fans for me personally a top five moment in the history of the show and i know for brett baker our little list maker it was a life-changing event so now that you're back on the show i want to introduce you guys face to face can we bring in brett baker oh wow hello boys that's all right brett britt how i've rehearsed this moment in my dreams how beautiful it is well that makes two of us it is my dearest wish that when i pass from this mortal coil you and i are blended into one source my dying wish is that sean samples us dips you can use any part of our anatomy as the dipping cup i don't mind it doesn't have to be bad taste but that i think is our shared destiny to become a source together well hey look i want to go back to four years ago when you perhaps unknowingly changed my life forever with a 90-second impromptu song and owed to me a plea to be on top of the leader table which you were for a number of months because well let's face it i can be bribed by attention and congratulations but you did that in a pretty intimate set with no music whatsoever off the top of your head not knowing who brett baker was when you walked into that room where for you does that kind of ability to to channel that that emotion or that energy where does that come from or do you even understand kind of like maybe where that comes from or just just let loose and go baker who understands these songs i make now that shawn's become a dalai lama justin timberlake and as i see you there in front of your trophies and nfl sweethearts what a lovely couple of cool bald cats your tongues are hot and your bodies are better you're making my bum cool my willy's getting wetter oh bread baker i'd love to take you on a journey back to albany albion arcadia england though hear my song fred baker can love ever be wrong oh may cass hawk break his heart and make us hot on our tongues make us old make us die make us feel really young if life is just a circle if we are just jerks then let's make it work i mean you know brett it's uh i don't know where it's come from and i don't know where it's going extremely pure gentleman such a wholesome moment another one of my favorites and it's happening in real time you just have to absorb it you just have to feel it you just have to know it and look at you russell brand for the second time taking on the wings of death and coming out victorious now my friend there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera that camera probably just the one you're looking at let the people know what you have going on in your life oh yes my audible original and that's what we call it revelation is available only on audible my podcast under the skin is available on luminary my youtube channel as beloved sean has mentioned is available on youtube please involve yourself engage yourself with that content some of it's free i try and keep it free as much as i can but sometimes i need money for lifestyle reasons and sometimes for oral surgery which i'm going to have now good job russell good job but russell i just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you very much because you'll never know really how much you have blessed me with that 90 seconds four years ago it's been tremendous and uh and i i owe you a lot thank you you're a really really sweet man i've got nothing but love for you mate thank you very much for saying that thank you for your sincerity i appreciate it hot ones fans sean evans checking in to say thank you so much for watching today's video and would you look at that one of the chili world's heavyweights is back hot ones the last dab carolina reaper edition will be in the april hot one subscription box to sign up and for more information hot ones the last dab carolina reaper edition get it while it's hot you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,366,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession)sean evans, complex networks, russell brand, russell brand interview, comedians eating, comedians eating hot wings, russell brand despicable me, death on the nile movie, russell brand youtube, russell brand audible, the war on spice, hot sauce, best hot sauce, best hot wings, russell brand brexit, russell brand hot ones
Id: 4WA1_Z6GOik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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