Russ on Rick Rubin & Why EVERYONE Wants to Work With Him

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uh Rick Ruben I feel like Rick Rubin is having like another wave actually yeah well that book he put out is a classic is that why the book is great I think oh I got to check this I think yeah the creative act is a classic I just always find it so important at for for people with such strong set of beliefs and visions and ideas to put out a book MH let alone an audio book like you can press play and just hear Rick Rubin he could die tomorrow and you can just press play and hear him talking about pH his belief system like that's to me is so underrated yeah the reason why he came up I thought that was your Guru person that you were speaking to yeah no no but I mean I I listen to Rick ruin without him realizing I'm listening to him but okay so what does Rick Rubin do for those of us that you know he's synonymous with music but we don't exactly know what he is doing that's the guy in the room who only has the purest intentions at heart which is I just want this to be the best thing it could be and so people in the music business have called him like a reducer I think Kan they called him a reducer not a producer you bring him in and he just sort of like nah cut that out that should go that should he's just I don't know it's like you very rarely meet people who are The Source yeah we talk about it like me and um BB relli who I had her at the house for like a month and a half when I was making Santiago who says BB burelli she's incredible she's the one who wrote uh [ __ ] better have my money by RNA she's an incredible songwriter incredible songwriter and she just just gives so many gems in the studio one of the one of the terms she kept saying was the source and Pure Source Pure Source pure and kind of how she puts it and I agree it's like there's people who are just the source they're the source of the sauce like they're in there just Conjuring the ideas and then there's people who deliver the ideas but there's people who no one knows who are like we're the ones coming up with the ideas like would you say Kanye is a source or I would say Kanye is a source I would also say Rick ruin is a source okay I think like people like CIA you know the the pop singer she's a source that's someone who people call on her to write their songs you the way I interpreted Rick from the book and just from a bunch of his interviews I'm curious what you think is like he he seems like a creative psychologist or like a creative therapiste it's like creative selfhelp yeah like you're you're coming to him being like look I have all these ideas and I feel really strongly about these different things but it's all kind of nebulous and he would be like this is where you should focus your energy this is true this energy you're feeling is honest and will connect with people I'm always skeptical of of these types of people but I have so much respect for the people that admire him so I I give him that benefit of the doubt was anywhere anybody else I'd be like what's this hustle bro but I'm skeptical of a lot of them but i' I've had a lot of benefit from a lot but isn't that how it go good and bades isn't that how it goes with anyone like absent of credentials aren't you skeptical of anyone in everyone always right so it's like yeah Rick rubben absent of credentials you're like what I'm not skeptical if you could dunk from the free throw line I'm not skeptical if you're putting up 50 see so it's like if you know so much about making Ruben has tangible like you could be like 99 problems and and and all these amazing yeah but Jay had plenty of hits prior to of course but but once again it's never he writing the music for it or is he there going this is what like I think I think you know what it is it's tough for non-musician weers we don't know what it takes to make understand the contribution that people who maybe don't play an instrument or don't write lyrics Right have but Phil Jackson I don't know if the triangle offense is that effective but he can take the ego as the talent there was a time moved to the three-point line the triangle offense was incredibly effective the game passed him by but he was incredibly he was effective with the Lakers until 201 11 was Kobe's last championship 2010 but the three-point line didn't really change the way that people shot threes has changed you understand my point he takes the talent that can dunk from the free throw line he goes here's how you win a championship Jordan doesn't win one before what I'm trying to say is I I'm not trying to discredit his ex's and those game I don't want to get too far off from this but like the the triangle offense was something that was amazing now most NBA teams run one of two offenses it's it's kind of the same thing it's how you manage those players which is what you're saying but it was something novel and unique and really cool what he was doing there was value I think why I like resonate with Rick Rubin so much is because he preaches uh authenticity and making music for you the audience that is you yeah and doing it for that reason and there is no such thing as writers block because writers block is either you not being good enough for yourself or you not being good enough for them just like there's a lot of things that he just talks about that regardless if he had credentials what he's saying is the truth got it you know what I'm saying like some people it doesn't M like I don't like I don't know y'all from a can of paint right but y'all can say things that are just the truth it doesn't matter if I know y'all's resume you know when you hear you know the truth you know and I think the truth just rings out regardless if there's a resume attached to it and I think also with him um it's just it's just it's it's somebody who's looking out for the artist bro it's like I just feel like a lot of people are not giving game on really how like you said a self-help for creatives it's [ __ ] incredible what he's doing so I I'm all for it I'm all yeah I almost look at him like in a way like Tony Robin is where it's like he can go into a business or work with an individual and all the people that have worked with him publicly that talk about him Bill Clin you know Agy they're like yo this guy changed my life he helped my business he helped me see the world more clearly and it seems like Rick does that for musicians artists and the the contrib and to add on to that the contribution factor of someone who like for people who don't make music it's man it it would be so incredible to have somebody in the studio who's knowledgeable who's a Visionary who has great taste who has no skin in the game right that's and who has no bias because I'm in there by myself most of the time and so I'm judging super hard or it's me and boas my best friend and like we both just like love everything we do and yeah certain certain songs get this reaction certain songs but still it's like to have somebody sort of over here who's like I don't [ __ ] know y'all at all yeah this is the one this isn't the one like I when I met Rick ruin in 2016 um went to his house and we drove in his car he was driving this I never it was like a white range overover we're driving down PCH and I'm playing him songs and I play him a bunch of songs and I get to what they want and I don't know if what they want had come out yet but for context like what they want is like five times Platinum now and I remember playing it a bunch of songs from what they want comes on and he just instantly like ears perk up and he's like this is the one oh wow and this is like oh wow you know this dude at that time was in his probably in his 50s something so it's like not quote unquote tapped in to the youth and what would work with the youth and I was 22 23 at the time I remember listening to that song and being so upset you were white and I couldn't believe this white but he would like Rick was like yo this is the one you know and it's just like you know you can do that with a premise like you can hear a premise now at this point in comedy and go think that's a great that's a great I feel like I could do that with music no [ __ ] I think I I mean dead ass like I feel like you play me the album yeah this is a single well here's the thing here's the thing that he preaches which like no but here's the thing that he preaches which I absolutely subscribe to because it just feels like the truth which is how hard is it like ear they make the decision for you like but you're right you're right because guess what he talks about he about in his J Shetty interview when you take a bite of food how long does it take for you to say do I like it or not it's Instinct yeah like same [ __ ] with music he was like it's just taste I don't have to think about whether I like it or not and so Rick Rubin has gotone to where he is off of his Taste and to me that is the flyest [ __ ] ever that dude that dude has got so you would love Rick Ruben as the point bro you I think I would I just I am often times skeptical when I hear about these figures and the way that they're described right because what a lot of times I think that they're like for example it's really nice to have somebody when you're an artist tell you what you're doing is great when all the other people around you are trying to monetize you sure so when the label is trying to make money off this and the studio is trying to make money off this and the people at the recordings trying to make money off and then somebody who doesn't need your money cuz he's a multi-millionaire so many times over comes over and he's like no I like this one here you go oh I can there's honesty here yeah like so I understand the comfort that must come from that and also the validation from someone that we always respect it's just learning about what that actual skill is I'm ignorant to him yeah the only thing I know is that people that I respect really respect him so figure started Death Jam which was like the first hip-hop label yeah yeah so but I'm just trying what what he what the actual tangible thing is and this creative consultant having tast like taste is huge like taste is everything too that's the thing like it's not even huge it's everything the reason why you write the jokes you write is because your taste says they're funny yeah and the reason why you're huge is because there's a lot of other people who say your taste is my taste right and also just understanding what the people have like that's taste yeah understand what people want it's like understanding culture and understanding feeling like that's taste and when you have taste it's hard to imagine some people don't have taste and it's also you can't quantify taste you either have it or you don't he did his 60 minutes with Anderson Cooper do you play an instrument no do you know how this board works no I know what my ears like mhm that's taste that's everything though it's like for me there was a lot of imposter syndrome still is with like maybe I'm not the best pianist and maybe I don't know how to work all the equipment but I feel like I know so so well what a smash is bro you know what fun and like that's just taste and that's what I've been moving off so for me Rick Rubin is it's just confirmation that taste is everything I'mma tell my wife this [ __ ] Bro there we go now we said you got into the real I just got it's like his wife has been watching Rick Ruben I got taste bab so he's like I get it I don't know how to pick the things out I just know when I don't want it I know when it's not there and I know when it does hit me it's there but I just know and I have a really strong opinion about these things that's interesting calling it taste yeah that's what it is reason wore your clothes no but it's like like the way he explains it it's so true it's like do you like this food I don't like it just tastes it's not like you put on what you put on right now he really doesn't understand food it's like a real sensitive no but this he's he hurts me this guy hurts he really hurts me we wear what we want to wear we listen to what we want to listen to we eat what we want to eat we date who we want to date because that's our taste taste dictates all of our expression and when our tast is confirmed by millions of people objectively you could say I have great taste Rick ruin has great taste guys and if you use the promo code Schultz they will match your initial deposit up to $100 so you put up 100 you get a$ 100 for free why don't you gamble with $100 free doar now let's get back to the show
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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