Lil Dicky on Why He's STILL A Kanye West Fan

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so I know you're a huge fan of conye West oh yeah how has that been yes are you guys still friends you've heard about this whole anti-Semitism thing he been talking about yeah apparently he hates Jews apparently that's what he saying not Kanye look all I can tell you is my experience with Kanye West which was in 2017 I ended up getting involved in in his bask he did a basketball run I literally met him on the basketball court first time meeting Kanye by the way full court three on three me guarding Kanye why is it full court three on three just to get that run in and we only had six people there but who's the whose idea was that why not keep it on the half I think people just wanted to exercise more wow yeah and so that's my first time meeting him how was he how could how he play very interesting game like good shooter but like I feel like very awkward form he just is so weirdly good at finishing around the hoop in a way that you're like that's never going to work and he like does these weird finger rules that go in Fairly Kanye can hoop yeah wow he can hoop a little bit um anyways forgiven my experience with him I would like play basketball with him for like a year like twice a week and like it involved into a little like he would invite me to come to his Works place and like show me the new music he's working on and the clothing and like I like had a real and he was nothing but nice to me the entire time like truly like was one of the nicest like and this is my hero like no one I told him to his face I don't know if I would have the self-belief that I have if I wasn't like my former of years weren't like listening to this other person having this like insane self-belief in himself and like that being the soundtrack to my life and I believe that like you know what I mean like and I owe a lot to his art for like making me my attitude is probably formed by like early Kanye and we had a great relationship he's uh like he changed his number at some point like to the point where like you know he does that a lot I think where he changes his number he proba have to at that level changes his team um and I just lost touch with him for you know just the way and I haven't seen him in like four years and I obviously see all the things that uh and I was like surprised cuz like I don't think in his heart Kanye uh dislikes Jewish people you know I don't I know he knows I'm Jewish I know he likes me you know what I mean so in my heart I feel like he probably said something and uh it was the wrong thing I'm sure I'm not denying that he'll say the wrong thing often you know what I mean like I think he might have said the wrong thing people got outraged I think the thing that he can't stand the most is when people tell him what he can or cannot say so then he leans in into it and that's the real now I don't think you should be leading into it I'm not saying what he did is the right like I think that there should be a sensitivity to like Jewish people you you don't think that at his core there's anti-Semitism you think at his core is rebellion and right now this is the thing that's kind of what now this is really me theorizing I'm not that close to the situation I played basketball with him like for a year but let me tell you he was the sweetest man like and I watched him interact with a variety of different people being really nice um and so that's I'm not I can see that with him like just being such a I don't want to say contrarian actually just caring about Freedom so much that that's the thing I really think that like the Trump hat like do I think he like loves Trump's policies no I think he wore the Hat one time people were like you can't wear that and then he wore it for a year I think and I think he does feel like we're controlled a lot by like media and like opinion and I I kind of see a lot of uh interesting thought process in terms of like him being at the Forefront of like he's really is always ahead of the curve in a lot of things that being said you know my mother is outraged by his comments and rightfully so but I think at his core I really believe he's a good guy yeah yeah that's tough yeah you're friends with both of them who's the better artist Drake or Kanye better Artist Artist man I can't even they're both they they here's what I'll say I was in the studio one time with Kanye and it was just like me and Kanye and and and one other man and it was like already I'm like this is the best day of my life like I'm like showing the Freaky Friday music video before it's even out I have my best bullet of content that I've ever had before it comes out to like show did he watch yeah and he was like that's amazing and then Drake walked in theu and I had no idea Drake was even coming and I'm like oh so they were in the studio together this was a while ago but yes they you know they they they've worked together plenty of times back in like 2017 they have like a real friend of me thing and I'm in there with both of them and I took the opportunity to be like fellas let me just tell both of you while you're here that you guys are so by far my favorite two artists of all time that whoever is third what a sizable Gap there is between you two and the third play and that's how I feel about them like I think Kanye was coming when I was a kid and I love Kanye's music and like you know not only just the messaging behind like the ambition but also the musicality and like doing like that [ __ ] sounds better than ever and it's like so original and is ins and Drake came along right when I became like a rapper and like man nothing has inspired me more as an actual rapper and and musical artist than Drake like that guy every time I feel like I'm like hitting a LOL as a rapper and I'm like I'm like I don't know how much I want to go to the studio today because like I kind of am a little bit like in a writer blocky situation where I'm not loving then Drake drops like the most inspiring [ __ ] I've ever heard and makes like totally and I just and both of them have been so nice to me so I can't really delineate between Drake and Connie they're just my favorite artist ever I also want to know whenever you get into a situation like you're at like a party and there's someone that you really admire that's there what is your protocol for how to interact with them cuz you're just a regular dude from Philly all of a sudden now you're at these Hollywood parties what do you do uh I won't i i w you know I I'll try to have an organic you know I won't like be like angling the whole time like okay there's Brad Pit over there I'm going to go inch my way closer to him hope he sees my I don't I'm not really strategic like that but if I end up being in the same conversation look they either have seen my work and honestly if they have they probably really respect me and like me or they've never seen my work and I'm just a guy and I think everything I I've done in my career has spawned off the premise of the way I behave in real life tends to be a way that people enjoy like I really just started as like an enjoyable funny conversationally pleasing man and that's how I carry myself so I just act the way I act with whoever I'm meeting not with like designs of like winning them over and getting them in my show but like I just want I you know the same way I'd want to be liked by anybody I try to be liked by whoever I'm talking to and try to be a Charming version of myself and often times it leads to positive creative Synergy if later I'm like I have a great idea for this person oh I met them at that one party like when I called them like I remember that guy he's cool he's nice he's not a weird guy a lot of artists are really introverted and like don't want to be approached and don't want to be talked to I'm just not that way like anytime a fan comes up to me and talks to me like um I find it minimally even if it's the most brutally awkward interaction ever I'm like like what a unique human interaction that was that I'll forever remember the specificity of and be able to like mind comedy from or they'll be like really normal and shower me with praise like either way I don't lose you know so I just think I approach everything the same way I'm talking to anybody and that I think is why a lot of these icons resonate with me because they can tell that I'm just being myself but you're comfortable complimenting them and telling them how much you admire them oh yeah like I know how much it means to me when Drake and Kanye tell me they [ __ ] with me so I know how much maybe it'll mean to someone else if I tell I mean who knows it doesn't mean anything BR to Brad Pit but like I I sure in my email to Brad Pit I certainly said you have like totally defined like Cinema for me for my whole you know what I mean like and it's true and I the guys like Brad Pit worked their ass off and so that means a lot to them yeah they want to influence a generation and a culture and I think they like hearing that like these new wave of people wouldn't be inspired for sure yeah yeah yeah I think yeah I think that makes a lot of sense I think there's sometimes people maybe in their discomfort with you know withhold their true feelings or admiration for the person that they're talking posture I like really keep it real at all times and I think that is genuinely accepted like people like that especially if it's coming from a real place not like you're trying to Shmo them but when you really I don't know I've always felt that like when I really admire someone for a specific thing not that they're just the famous person around I really [ __ ] admire them the conversation is so easy yeah cuz you have a million things that want to say that are nuanced and specific and they can see that you actually care about the art or the thing that they're doing and is the easiest flow in the world it's always uncomfortable like when I just don't admire them and I don't care and in those situations I'm not going to bother you I don't care if famous you are yeah but yeah I think that is good point lead with what you [ __ ] care about I really think the core of my entire being and the success I've had really comes from being yourself like I think there that's a reason that I'm able to be a white rapper making jokes in a predominantly black landsape cuz I'm just not coming in and like trying to like act like Mr cool guy I'm just like being myself yeah and remember if you sign up use that promo code Shultz they will match your initial deposit up to $100 that means you put in a 100 you get 100 for free go to
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Keywords: andrew, andrew schulz, andrew schultz, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alex media, alexx media, michael jordan, mj, jordan doc, espn, dennis rodman, goat, flagrant 2, comedy, funny, sports, basketball, baseball, football, golf, tennis, championship, finals, world series, superbowl, mark gagnon
Id: yeT7TlB4C7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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