Runway Gen 1 Video to Video Ai Tool is incredible

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there's a new AI tool called Runway that could turn any video into a full animation just with one click you could turn yourself into claymation you could turn yourself into an android robot you could even describe in a text prompt what you want the video to be and it will turn it into that so to access Runway all you have to do is go to and here you could try this completely for free you could sign up and you get some credits for free to create these type of videos once you log into Runway you'll land on the dashboard here and there's ton of different AI tools available here but the one I wanted to show you here is called gen 1 video to video I have a different video to show you Gen 2 text to video where you turn a text prompt into a fully generated video too I'll link that below as well but to access gen 1 just click here and over here you're going to land on this page where you could drop a video file now they have some demo assets but I recommend just using a different type of video file to turn it into something else if you don't have any type of video file I'll show you a website where you could get some for free if you go to go under video they have ton of different videos that you could choose from under the videos tab so you could download any one of these and dropped it into Runway to basically get a different style if you want something with a person just search for a model and download one of these clips I'm going to use one of my own Clips since I do stuff on camera to show you what that looks like so all you have to do is press upload or drag and drop a video file and then it's gonna appear over here under your assets Library so now let me show you basically what this does this is a video of me doing a test so I'm going to go ahead and double click this one it's going to load it up then over here basically what you could do is the style references and you have three different options to choose from this image to image option basically lets you use a reference photo and it will use that photo to stylize your video I'll show you this in a second then you have presets this is probably the easiest place to start because you could literally see what these look like so if you want to turn yourself into this kind of a claymation you could just click on this or this kind of an android robot you could just click on it and then it has some settings underneath so it says style strength this is probably the tool that you'll use most often so if you come over here this controls how much it actually transforms so if you go to zero here I'll show you basically one that's only five percent then I'll show you one that's 95 to show you the difference here and then go ahead and do a preview style this actually just gives you a glimpse of what this looks like it won't make the video so it won't charge any credits but it'll basically show you what these look like before you generate them so you get four different options that's the Android one so this is at five percent let's go to 95 percent and this is really nice this preview style because it's just generating images not costing you anything or any of your credits to generate the video let me preview the Style again now same thing Android but now I'm at 95 to show you the difference and you can see this looks really nothing like me at all if you go way higher you're going to get something that's way different so the style strength is a very useful option the seat option is a little bit more advanced but if you want to get basically the same results on an upcoming generation you want to basically try to use the same seat so you could copy the seed and type that in with a whole new set of prompts for example and then you would just press generate a video I'll show you what these videos look like in a second because I've generated some of these but now let me show you this one called The Prompt box which is describe your output here with a text prompt so you could describe with text what you want other video Let's see if I do tiger in a jungle to see what that gives me I'm gonna bring this down to somewhere like 20 let's go ahead and preview and this is pretty good you get the idea here so it's keeping the composition so some one talking to camera but it turned me into a tiger I'm going to show you with the image reference some more advanced options as well because there's an advanced tab I haven't shown you so far you have the style strength with each one and you have seed if you want to kind of get as close as possible each time you get a unique seat basically that gets you as close as the original copy that you got over here now I'm going to go ahead and just generate one of these and this process does take a little bit of time I only have one or two second video here but if you had a longer video it will take some time just make sure you do this with very small Clips at a time because of how much credits uses so when I make entire videos with this technique I basically just select different sections of the video like four or five seconds at a time and I make a lot of cuts and let me go ahead and press play on this I have it on mute but it does keep the audio from it as well so not too bad right the same composition is pretty much the same as I had in my original video right my head's up there there's my body and it basically replicated that and you actually in the advanced setting have some control over the background and the subject too so let me show you the image reference and then I want to show you these Advanced options inside of it too so with the image reference basically you could use an image so I'll choose this one this image is something I made in mid-journey I'm going to go ahead and preview this style then I want to show you these Advanced options so I have it still at 20 I'll preview so you get the idea it basically put me in space you put some kind of helmet it doesn't really quite look like this helmet so maybe I need to work with the style strength but let me just show you these Advanced options because it's important to understand if you're going to use gen 1 you need to sometimes use these Advanced options so I'll go through them one at a time and I'll put them in text format if you want to refer to them in the description too first is structural consistency this is is the kind of the style so now I'm getting a couple of different options for Style the consistency is similar to what I showed you with the slider but the higher you go the more different you're going to get so this is very similar and it's recommended the number here is between zero and five so if I really bump this up all the way to the maximum I'm gonna get something that is very different right and if I want it to be more consistent I need to be closer to zero right this doesn't look anything like my composition it looks like the image but I want it to look like my video so I need to go over here so if you want it to look more like your image right this is looking more like your image but it doesn't really resemble my video in any way so I'm going to try zero to show you what that looks like and now this is exactly what I got the first attempt right basically a medium shot of me sitting there talking so this is basically what that looks like so the frame consistency is really important since I come from the film World basically 24 frames makes up a second of video so if the frames the frame is just an image basically like this is a frame if these images look like each other and don't change that much the video is gonna just look a lot better so the frame consistency again is recommended between 1 and 1.25 so you don't want to really change this one because I found that this is actually doing a really good job to make the whole video coherent and like each frame is matching the rest so if you mess with this it's going to have unexpected result but again as always just make sure you play around with these to get the kind of output you want it's really hard to see by the way if you preview this style because this is showing you one frame so the frame consistency you could only really see how much is changing by generating the actual video then upscaling that's just very basic if you click this it's going to upscale and make an image a bit higher resolution here so make sure to check this out as long as you have an account here you could remove the watermark from the Gen 1 video creation and you also have these other options let me choose the preset claymation go to Advanced and this one you could affect the foreground only so the subject in the foreground or just the background but it has to have a very clear understanding of foreground and background I've really not had a really real good experience with this sometimes when I click on one of these to just affect the foreground meaning me and leave my background the same it doesn't quite do what I want but I've noticed that if I use different types of videos especially something with a green screen it does a much better job so play around with these two settings to see if you get the result that you want by basically separating the foreground and background and then the compare wipe is really useful because with the compare wipe you could basically see the before and after once you generate the video I'll go ahead and generate this video so I could show you this compare wipe option is useful because it shows you kind of the before and after so it's basically showing the original video and it's wiping to the claymation type video right so this is kind of useful if you want to get a before and after kind of view or you could use this in a stylistic way too compare wipe if it's checked on it's going to export the video this way and you could go ahead and download the video right from here now all these videos actually get saved so if I go back one step you do have an entire projects panel over here and an assets panel so inside of the assets panel everything I've created so this is the tiger the astronaut here all these up here over here so you could always refer back to them or go ahead and upload new assets and basically organize everything inside of your assets folder so this way they will be available to you with any of the AI tools that we're going to cover here as well as your editing platform inside of Runway you could use any of these assets to edit there we also have an entire Netflix style learning platform with complete tutorials and courses on the latest generative AI tools we have an entire Runway course as well I will put a link in the description if you want to learn more about that I hope you found this video video useful I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Howfinity
Views: 16,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Runway Gen 1, howfinity, how to, tutorial, Youtube, ai video generator, ai video, text to video, ai video maker, ai animation, runway ai, ai content generator, best ai video maker, image to video ai, video to video, ai video generation, ai video editing tools, gen-2 video ai, gen 1 tutorial, gen 1, video to video ai, ai video tutorial, ai video generator free
Id: l7g5bxA9Qps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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