Rim to Rim to Rim Run! The Grand Canyon in a Day

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there really aren't any views better than that right there on this entire planets the Grand Canyon ladies and gentlemen oh my god I love this place so much so we are here it was a long drive but we made it and the reason why we're here ladies and gentlemen is because we're gonna see this Grand Canyon we're gonna see all of it so we're gonna run down there down then down and then up and then down and then ah this is my good buddy Matthew what's up we've been in the car all day we're a little jacked up we need to move around and what perfect place to do it here this is a good spot to do it isn't it you might recognize him from my first Burning Man ultra marathon we ran the whole thing together that was a good day they've brought us together and now we are here at the Grand Canyon and we're gonna have ourselves a damn good time this is supposed to be Orange I haven't put it up since Burning Man this is so cool I thought I lost my favorite sunglasses at Burning Man last year but they were just inside my tent the whole time my house got a new running backpack I've never had one of these that has water you can hold stuff and blah blah blah like good luck Colorado sucks oh of course USA USA these shorts are key to any type of long-distance running not only are they cool but if you get lost you just take them off put them on a stick and wave them and the search party knows where you are and I'm gonna film the whole thing with this little guy we're gonna go to bed pretty soon and wake up about 4:00 in the morning hit the trail at 5:00 a.m. what do we need you've done these little runs so don't experiment on long distance day that's that's number one so for me I'm all about the gels I just said don't experiment but so we got some pizza margarita sweet potato with some sea salt what's on average how many these gel things do you eat during one of these things well so supposedly depending on your body most adult men can take around three to four hundred calories of carbohydrates and actually use it per hour so I know a lot of runners preach about pasta parties and carbo-loading I confirm believer in frijoles all right cheers Cheers to to the rim to rim to rim through the remand ah it is freezing cold it's about 8 p.m. we're going to bed we're gonna wake up before in the morning we're gonna run the damn grandkid this sounds a little bit crazy but I'm really excited about it this is what life's all about you know just going for it we are definitely going for it so see in the morning so as you can see it's a little snowing cold out here I saw the weather forecast it said 55 and a possibility of rain so I didn't really bring snow clothes but it's beginning to look good luck like Christmas on May 7th this today oh man very tricky maneuver try not to touch my feet to the ground all right it's pretty much it run in the snow we got Rachel we got Ryan and we got Matthew my head is shaking cuz it's cold I just we're going now wake up campers beautiful I wanna casaba usually it's 20 degrees warmer at the bottom which I'm really hoping it's true it's actually really beautiful it's quiet there's nobody out here snow it's just kind of pitter pattering down that is where we're going those twisty twirly is all the way down so the first part of the trail is the easy part I think it's about seven miles downhill then it's about seven miles across and seven miles on the other side and then back hard to pay attention to the trail because it's so beautiful you keep on it'll look hot you're right so the cold isn't that big of a deal the sketchy part is that the trail is really wet there's lots of logs across the trail that are just slippery so gotta really watch your feet you don't want to fall fog is lifting up off the top of the rim Suns coming up you can see beats of light coming through I don't know there's a place on this planet prettier than the Grand Canyon Machu Picchu maybe the Colosseum is cool the Grand Canyon is the most mind-blowing oh man it just keeps on getting prettier and prettier all right besides water and food a runners third best friend is Vaseline Matthew what are you doing it's kind of humid just having fun out here he's getting stimulated by the canyon this is pure joy doesn't get much better than this but then again I am going downhill so it might be a different story when I start going uphill but right now mr. joy there's the Colorado River we're gonna head across that bridge into Phantom Ranch we've gone about seven miles getting cozy with the Mules I was always told never to stand behind one of these guys cool traffic jam over continued beer at the bottom of the Grand Canyon complete sits down across up down across up we've only gone down okay halftime entertainment what's going on we're gonna drop this took at the same time and see who stick comes out the other side first this is inspired by who we need the Pooh who sticks Pooh Sticks everybody got your sticks ready you drop them down fine seriously so the best part about Phantom Ranch is this this is where we say goodbye to Rachel Thank You Maya go that way we go this way or that way now we were heading to the north side we're gonna run seven miles pretty much flat ash little bit uphill to the start of the real uphill more than the Grand Canyon it is so fun in the rain made some new friends from Boise Idaho also running high five and five again for Reagan progress let's go where are we now we are now Cod would cap ground 14 miles down these dumb so what's the great on this one what's great in this one I'd say somewhere between steep and really steep this is uh this word gets hard Oh Matthew I'm excited for our pizza party on top how is the echo here I'm standing under waterfall this is a kind of a sketch of car here because you're running along and you realize right here Wow cliff Boulder Boulder hub and Oh baby look at this view eyes and your wife is good Steve muddy we're making it as much as it hurts right now we got a pizza plenty get the party coming at us sloppy it's almost impossible to run right now I know what this mud is good for warrior pain sometimes just gotta stop and check out that view Oh incredible mother nature you are a hot mama it's part we're back to full-on snowing this is crazy oh no we did we did half of it or say it's time for a pizza party Cheers pizza party see really it's a pizza now if you go down that's for Stage four we're gonna do it right now feels so good to be going down hell life is good again but it's still freezing I'm putting my camera wigs my hand is frozen the trail is just it was a giant slip and slide and now for the beauty of nature that is beauteous nests and sunny and blue sky the echos back you know what I'm pretty excited right now because but downhill is almost over and you might think the downhill running is easier but for me it just hurts every step is just like slam slam slam on all your joints alright so we are at Cottonwood Canton up and that is what Matt said what is it 28 miles 28 miles so we're about the marathon mark we're gonna run this is part way into part before right we're starting part five with seven five five to phantom ranch and then you know that we're just walking the whole thing we only run for the camera retrieving you is getting harder and harder all right we're at Mile 35 now my body is really pissed off with me the other 20-some miles are you doing well now it's like I'm Ryan a little too much and we haven't even started the hardest part Phantom Ranch water is the best water party is 30 bare-metal paradigm enough seven more miles is it but they're 5,000 feet up so it's gonna suck okay here we go Wow across that bridge and then we start going all right a little bit of running a little bit of fast hiking that's how this is gonna get done this is insane at this point it's all about just one foot in front of the other it is painful painful painful at least the views are good but besides all of the ping the intense pain of having it really is quite just it's just amazing to be out here just to be able to do this I'm a very fortunate guy when these views these boots are these are incredible whoo life is good mother nature is back it is taking every ounce of willpower mental power magic power to get me up this right now oh boy this is the definition of the pain cave ladies and gentlemen this is unfair this is the longest goddamn staircase I've ever seen in my life ladies and gentlemen my friend Matthew hey guys what you see up there that's the last switchback think I can I think I can i face how did I just eat this lunar crab I'm feeling a little woozy for almost there let's run away thank you I was amazing I don't have ever been so happy in my life should be done with something thank you great Canyon hopefully better weather next time wow that was incredible in a lot of ways it was incredibly hard it was incredibly beautiful huh yeah I'm gonna be sore for a month all right everybody thank you so much for watching I know it was a long one but I hope you had as much fun as me hey subscribe to my youtube channel and I promise you all sorts of fun and exciting adventures from around the world have a good day
Channel: Ryan Van Duzer
Views: 49,726
Rating: 4.878027 out of 5
Keywords: r2r2r, how to prepare for r2r2r, rim2rim2rim, rim to rim to rim run, running in grand canyon national park, running the rim to rim to rim, how to run the r2r2r, best gear for r2r2r, running the kaibab trail, r2r2r in one day, running the grand canyon, ryan van duzer running video, rimtorimtorim, ryanvanduzer, ultra running in arizona, running the r2r2r, double crossing the grand canyon, hiking rim to rim, hiking rim to rim grand canyon
Id: 3IjVemaaVR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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