Run Web Application or Web Services from Visual Studio in IIS Express and access from Network

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hello welcome everyone mahmoud niyaz with you in this video i'm going to show you a quick demo on how to run a web application in is express when you're developing from the visual studio so this is going to be a quick video uh instead of running the web applications or the web services that you're developing in localhost during the development stage you can run it in the network in the same machine that you're working in the same desktop or the laptop you're working so that it will make your life easier when you want to integrate it with another application that is running in the same network if you want to test some kind of web apis so this is going to be a quick demo let's begin so let's open the visual studio then from the visual studio click on create a new project then i'm gonna select core web api then click next then give a meaningful name for the project then click next i'm gonna keep the selections as it is dot at six then let's run the application so this is gonna open a swagger ui because this is a web api so the prime aim is to run this from the network in is express from visual studio so that the external applications in the same network can access it so now you can see corresponding with some dummy data this is a part of the web api template so if you are new you can also try the same let's uh stop it and let's try to see the is express so the settings for is express is you can see here from the is express you can see it is a configure to run in the localhost network which means you can only access from the same system network so we are going to change this to the ip address of this machine so that it can be accessed from outside the main before we change the configuration for the first time we are going to run in the web application in is express and you can see a new icon in the taskbar is express and that is showing the applications are running and also the swagger uh ui is uh going to open in the web browser so this is uh same if you run from the visual studio or visual or in the is express so we are going to change the ip address so let's see how to do that now so from the file explorer go and find out the project location then navigate to the config application.config file then from there you will find bindings so to make our life easier you can use find not this one the one after this first binding stack so here you can see that the configurations are with localhost so we are going to change the to the ip address and my system ip address is 1.26 so let's copy and paste so this is gonna replace the host to the ip address and close that will save the changes to the config file then from the visual studio go to the properties then from there select is express and here you can change the app url to the ip address so our ip address is 192 168 then 1.26 so we are done with the configuration now we can click on the is express then that will run this application uh instead of localhost this time which run with the ip address so this will open this figure um ui so you can see it's running with the ip address now we need to try to access this application from other systems in the same network so i simply copy the url and i'm gonna drag a web browser from the other machine then you can see that it responding and it is going to pop up the same screen the same web application that we saw so that means it is accessible now from outside the visual studio machine so that was our aim so thank you for watching this video and for more videos subscribe my youtube channel
Channel: ITProGuide
Views: 23,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: visual studio, .net application, web api, IIS Express, network connections, external access
Id: _t9u9DKlKP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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