Ruger American 18” 6.5 Creedmoor

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hey everyone and welcome back to the X rain I appreciate you joining hope you're having a great week and what we're gonna do today is we're gonna talk about a rifle by Ruger the Ruger American now guys this is gonna be a rather long intro not something that I normally do my videos a big shout out to kcd in North Carolina for providing this for me for the testing it's a good friend that lives locally and he had just gotten this and so I'll be one of the first persons to shoot this rifle other than that being test-fired at the factory but let's talk about some of the features and the reason for this episode is because I get a lot of emails and I welcome the comments and the feedback about people that are wanting to know if their hunting rifle or the hunting rig will be able to allow them to double it as a long-range rifle and in most cases absolutely it will so let's talk about some of the features of the rifle price point and everything else so getting started with this Ruger American this is the hunter this is actually a sport South exclusive Ruger does a lot of stuff it is on their website I will provide a link at the bottom for the actual model number but they do some with a stainless action or stainless barrel and they'll call it someone else's exclusive at a low exclusive or something like that and that's just the distributor's name so on this Magpul chassis you have a rubber butt plate it is very cushiony you have adjustable length of pull so you can remove these spacers out to increase that length of pull depending on your stature you have to sling attachment points and you do have a cheek rest it's not a riser so much it is a riser and that it raises it but it's not adjustable and that will sometimes help you to get this proper so that you're not gonna be way low or way high and so you just have to work on your ring Heights you do have plenty of clearance on this one right here typically I like them a little lower but this will work just fine or at least it should coming on down you do have an angled grip here it actually feels really well in the hand whether you using this grip or you actually wrapping the thumb over the safety is located here in the middle makes it very convenient very easy to operate I've already checked the rifle guys it is clear magazine is clear and let's talk about the trigger the trigger is adjustable you guys can see that blade style trigger it is adjustable from three pounds to five pounds the magazine release is ambidextrous so you can do it for our left-handed or right-handed shooter it uses the Magpul a c7 six to magazine so you can get it comes with one five rounder but you can get these in ten rounders so that'd be good if you wanted to do something with light PRS shooting or something you needed a ten round mag those are available now let's talk about the bolt and the action this has a 70 degree throw and guys what that means is is if you measure the angle let's just put this on let's just say that's zero ninety degrees would be straight up you notice this is just short of it they call this a 70 degree throw and what that allows is a little more clearance for the eyepiece for the scope so you're not working it and now your hand is crashing into the scope itself so that's a nice touch having that 70 degree throw as far as the action it does feel smooth I do notice that on a lot of the rugers you can hear the machining marks where let me get my microphone close you hear that there's like you're scratching out or here's like you're scratching a record I'm sure you could polish the bolt and get rid of that I'm not a big fan of that noise it's just something that I notice but it does feel smooth it does come with your base here now it is a zero Degree bass guys what that means is there's no taper to it okay so when you mount the scope you're relying on all of the internal adjustment to be able to get you out to distance for long-range shooting you're typically one going to want to start with a twenty minute of angle bass now this is the first thing it doesn't matter if you're shooting a mil bass scope or MOA basecoat they usually refer to it as a zero MOA or 20 MOA you can convert it and find out exactly what it is in mils but what it means is is this rail here actually has 20 minutes of angle built into it and you're like why would you want it downwards well you got to remember when you're shooting you're actually aiming the barrel up whether you realize it or not that's what you're doing with the erector tube in here so that twenty minutes of angle if it starts off there it gives you more adjustment internally within the scope twenty minutes actually allows you to shoot out further I don't know what the internal adjustment is in this vortex scope this is a vortex Viper it is the six-and-a-half to 20 by 40 for this scope you can purchase for $299 on Midway so right now we're talking about a $700 rifle with a $300 optic here at $1,000 that's a pretty good budget-friendly way to get into long-range shooting I don't know what the rifle is capable of yet we'll find that out this does feature a cold hammer-forged barrel this is chambered in six five Creedmoor i know case he does a lot of deer hunt and a lot of coyote hunting and he really likes that 65 Creedmoor offering so this is a cold hammer-forged 18 inch barrel you're gonna be giving up a little bit of velocity my preferred length and a 6 v Creedmoor for all-around competitions would be like a 24 inch minimum 26 and longer is probably better if you're just gonna dedicate it to long-range shooting but you don't want to give up that velocity but even so I'm sure this 18 inch will be plenty good enough rugers already threaded it for you 5/8 24 we will throw a suppressor on this later on we'll throw a sound surco the hybrid on here because it's a do-all can and I do like the EM lock attached points here it's a good way to for you to put a sling or attach it that way and then you can put a Harris bipod or something like a Harris on here so let's go ahead and get this on paper at a hundred yards let's check the velocity on it I am gonna use Hornady eld match to see what the rifle is capable of I'm not gonna worry about breaking it in it is counted to be a hunting rifle you'll always also notice the contour the rifle is not a lightweight or a pencil weight barrel so we'll be able to handle some heat so you just need to be cognizant of that you're not going to be able to just crank around after round because you're gonna heat up a barrel so quickly it will start throwing shots on you so let's go ahead and get this thing on paper let's see how it does stay tuned alright so I just tightened everything up with my board tool said made sure we were having 15-inch pounds on these rings 65 on the bottom on the actual attached screws and then I needed to I wanted to try to boresight it now it's gonna be a little tough with this riser in here but that also gives you another challenge that's getting the bolt out so one of the things that I noticed was in order to remove the bolt you just press this along the left side and you can move the bolt but guess what it's going to hit here so what you have to do is once you release it you just press the button you roll it over upside down and that will give you just enough clearance to get your bolt out to put it back in the exact same thing so a little tip and trick for you just so no one's taking off their chassis to take the bolt out so this rifle hasn't been fired I boresight it as best I could have not fired a round downrange yet I have two targets I'm gonna shoot at the bottom target the bottom circle I will confirm it I will get a chronograph reading and then we will see what kind of group we can get like I said one minute of angle are better Ruger says guaranteed one minute with match ammunition let's see what happens right so I've got three rounds loaded in the magazine of the 147 grain eld match all I've done was bore sight this to make sure it's gonna at least hit the paper I'll see how close it is and we'll get a muzzle velocity all right so here we go first shots out of the Ruger American hunter I will tell you that the Viper PS this it's not a PST that but the fiberglass is a little fuzzy on the edges but the center is clear here we go you know what not bad for a boar sight it is actually nicking the bullseye at 4 o'clock muzzle velocity 24 87 so yes we are giving up some velocity with that 18 inch barrel and it definitely recoils a little more than those 20 pound rifles that were normally used to shooting but it's very comfortable nothing bad here we go second shot bottom of the bullseye seven o'clock 24:32 to velocity okay so it's definitely right at 1 MOA or just sub in my way I'll get you a visual on that there in just a second all right so I have three shots right here in the base of the bullseye on the bottom now let's say you're that hunter and you hit that deer or whatever with your rangefinder and let's say you need to come up however many minutes let's say seven minutes now let's relate that to what we're doing at a hundred yards from here to here should be one inch two inch okay so we're right here one two three four five six seven so seven inches if I'm zeroed out if we can move in a little closer on this if I'm zeroed out here at zero and I'm hitting what I'm aiming at then if this has quarter minute clicks which it does that's 1 MOA 2 3 4 5 6 7 so I'm at seven minutes up from 100 yards zero if everything works right I should be in this general area with the next three shots this is not a full-on tracking test I just want to show you that you can take an 18-inch barreled Ruger American hunting rifle and still do long range work with it let's see what happens right 24:16 was our last velocity now remember guys I'm still aiming at this bottom one but I came up 7 minutes it should hit near the top 1 and it is in the bullseye here at 12 o'clock so the tracking is good enough to be able to do long range work with it I'm not going to do multiple shots with it because I don't want to waste my ammo I appreciate casing me Casey letting me use his rifle but I have to pay for this on my own and I wanted to try it out with some good quality ammo so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to take the threaded thread protector off I'm going to screw on a silencer go hybrid we're gonna see how much it changes the 0 so right now what we've got guys is we've got three down here we've got one up here I'm going to aim here 100 yards zero I'm gonna put the scope of the suppressor on we're gonna look at velocity as well as how much it drops stay tuned alright so now the Silencerco hybrid on here we're gonna shoot the same ammunition hopefully to make a little more enjoyable but nice little setup I think all the weight from that hybrid is going to make the shot droop down into here somewhere it is a shorter barrel which gives it more rigidity but I think it will shift it a little bit but we'll see how it does 24:44 point of aim point of impact shift changed quite a bit remember we were aiming here I think the bullet actually went right there let's go ahead and follow it up with another group to make sure that it's still gonna be consistent and it's right beside of it so it's that easy so now that I know when I throw the suppressor on it the extra weight is making the barrel drew so the two impacts are right here okay so I need to come over to the right one-inch so that's gonna be four clicks right so by doing this I'm gonna take this windage and I'm gonna go right one minute so that puts us on this line now I've got to go up four inches one two three four inches and it should put us somewhere up here towards the top so we're gonna go four inches up four Malays up right there let's see if the next shot will be in the bullseye [Music] very very close it was right here but that correction is pretty darn close because the elevation remember four minutes when we came up was a little higher but it's just outside into the green I'll show you close-ups of it but that's how easy you could do it and then from that point you can actually lift this up and just reezy route your turrets to where they needed to be that is good I mean that is good information to record in some type of dope book knowing that when you throw your dedicated suppressor on here that way if you don't have it whatever the case is you can always resume your zero based on the numbers that you have on how much it's gonna droop how much it's gonna move it left or right but God is begging for the book I really wish I had a place to shoot long range today because value I'm a little over a thousand dollars I should be able to shoot long range I still have the ability to get 2,400 and so feet per second but I'll run the data on it we'll look and see what that velocity will do for us with regards to how far we can go before we go subsonic on an 18-inch 6-5 Creedmoor barrel alright so the last thing I'm going to do is we had the first three shots that were in this bottom and then what we did was we tracked it up we had one up here then we put the suppressor on it we had two here we made the correction we hit back up at the top now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna take the suppressor back off and what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this cyka Harbert is going to come off I'll put the thread protector back on these back out for the hundred-yard zero without the suppressor so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to dial this up till let's say ten minutes I'm going to go back to zero I'll go back to three I'll go back to zero I'll do the same on the windage I'll go plus four minutes - four minutes back to zero so if everything's good in the scope tracks like I said it's not a full tracking test or a box test then I should theoretically be able to three shots be able to get them in that same area of impact where we started so I think this will be a good test to see the repeatability of the scope the rifle everything else with without the suppressor let's see what happens all right so we started this test with 120 round box of ammunition the first three at a hundred yards with the cider then the one up then the two down and then back up so I've got three rounds we're gonna go back to the bottom target let's see if we get some type of repeatability with this bullseye nine o'clock just outside of the bullet like 11 o'clock I think it's back into the bowl at 9 o'clock so the entire setup moved up let's go ahead and grab this target and take a look at it and we'll lay it out but I think yeah I would actually have no problem shooting this at long range based on what I'm seeing so I think it's a good option alright guys so here's the target of the hundred yards I had a camera set up but unfortunately it did not work down here so the very first shots out of the Ruger we had the three at six o'clock right in here and then remember we came up seven minutes we hit here then I hung the suppressor on it it went here we came over to the right one minute we came up to four minutes and it pregnant printed the next one here so it was closed like I said I wasn't trying to zero that in and then what I did was took the suppressor off came down the seven minutes zero two everything back up and I have a three shot group right there so what we'll do is we will measure this three shot group this three shot group I think we're gonna be right at one minute of angle and like I said that's all you really need to do long-range shooting let's go check it out all right so I forgot to mention it does have a 1 an 8 to twist it is a cold hammer-forged barrel and by running calculations from the lab radar at 2400 plus feet per second I actually just put in 2400 feet per second with that hundred and forty seven grain projectile you're still good out to 1100 yards before you start having to worry about getting subsonic so I think all in all guys I mean think about it less the suppressor this whole package right at $1,100 okay and I dunno that's a lot of money however it gives you a platform to be able to do both your hunting and some long range playing for war without breaking the bank the other thing you need to remember is remember we talked about the 20 minute of angle base what I hate to do is put this information out here and you take this rifle at your buddies range that you lined up and he's got a thousand yards and you don't have enough elevation to be able to get out to that distance that is a real problem and that's something you would probably run into with this setup you're probably gonna be limited to 700 issue ARDS maybe 800 yards I don't know once again I don't know what the internal adjustment is on this scope and you also don't know how its centered up in the reticle and that with zero so on this right here I would probably if I was going to try to do double duty with it I would throw a 20 mm base on here Ruger probably makes one if not you could put some other companies on there mount your scope up now that's going to give you 20 more minutes of angle of adjustment on your scope itself guys I hope you enjoyed that review of the Ruger American remember look down below for the model number on there I use the Bork of tools on here remember if you order anything through Borka you can always contact me I can help you get a better price hopefully and remember to check out defender ammunition huge sponsors of the channel I hope you guys have a great week like sharin subscribe we'll talk to you soon have a good one hey what's the coupon code of course x-ring
Channel: X-RING
Views: 77,905
Rating: 4.9442577 out of 5
Keywords: ruger, ruger american, Ruger American, Ruger 6.5, ruger 6.5, ruger 6.5 creedmoor, best rifle for hunting and long range, best all around rifle, cheapest rifle for long range, vortex viper, vortex cheap, vortex, best rifle, budget long range rifle, good long range rifle
Id: FoFsDIlmi7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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