Doubter Challenges Dr. Lori, Next Hot Items, Patina Mistake, Rare Figurine, Jewelry | Ask Dr. Lori

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hi it's dr laurie the phd antiques appraiser i'm talking to my guests everything's unscripted i don't know what objects are coming and here's the show if you're watching on the replay thanks for watching don't forget to share here's my first guest hi i'm dr laurie can you please hold your camera horizontally all right thank you juan what's your first name where are you calling from uh my name is stephanie i'm from boca raton florida hi stephanie nice to see you hon what do you got stephanie we lost your audio oh hold on can you hear me i can hear you i need you to move the piece back so i can see the whole piece okay let me get my husband honey can you hold this back for me because i'm on a i'm on a cell phone here we can show dr laurie over here so this was my mom's okay all right let me bring it a little bit forward there you go better thank you and there's a remark on the bottom yes if you can turn it over um royal bond old yeah nice so early 20th century i don't know how your mom acquired it maybe it was her mom's so yeah early 20s early 20th century royal bond piece that's a pretty good sized piece right can you turn it carefully do a little turn a little carol merrell you know little vanna white there you go good job all right value on that piece is 225 retail all the values i'm giving you tonight are retail values based on a sales record where similar pieces have sold royal bond very very popular mainly with folks who have come come to the united states from countries like germany like austria like belgium central part of europe um up to the northern part of europe royal bond comes over usually in the early 1900s very cool very cool nice to meet you it's a beautiful piece of hand glazed hand-painted ceramics thanks for being with me i'm going to be a little bit moving it along so don't feel like ooh she's curt oh she's this everybody has an opinion of how i do this but basically i want to get to as many guests as i can hi how are you i'm dr laurie hi dr lori how are you theresa from auburn pennsylvania hi how are you so things are good things are wonderful all right how'd you acquire this piece i bought this today in a thrift sticking around in the back who's sneaking around there in the back that's my boyfriend your boyfriend's sneaking around like i'm not supposed to be here i'm in the shot well you're in the shot that's so good anyway he's funny um how did you acquire this piece i bought this today in a thrift store in pennsylvania that's nice how much did you pay for it i paid 24 for it and i tried to bargain but there were no bargains to be had oh no bargaining getting rough on you now in the thrift stores huh so your bargaining technique was just will you go any lower was that the technique um they had stickers that were offering percentages off today was pink was 75 off today oh so okay so you got something off if it was a particular color or a particular item that they're trying to move them out right maybe ceramics or something but you weren't able to just say oh is this your best deal i want to get more money off right they didn't offer that they wouldn't it wasn't allowed oh it wasn't allowed okay well here's one of the ways that it's always allowed okay and one of them is scrutinize the piece look at the piece and i give a lot of selling tips i'll talk about more of my selling tips and where you can find them in a minute but one of them is scrutinize this piece and see what kinds of flaws you can find right a lot of the times they'll say oh i didn't see that oh i didn't notice that and all of a sudden you can oftentimes ask for politely a reduction in of course the asking price 24 is kind of high for this piece this is a nice piece but i would say that this piece is relatively well known lots of people have made them it's in good condition looks like a nice piece i like the variation of color in the case glass i would say value on your piece about 75 dollars so you paid about 25 which are 35 percent basically what you're looking at there is you know i paid like a third of the value i like you to pay about 10 to 20 and not much more thanks very much oh the dog's sleeping too wow that's a busy house yes it is thanks dr very much bye-bye and i want you to also know about where my selling tips are my selling tips are on my newsletter at sign up now because a new one with my selling tips is coming out soon so i suggest you get there and subscribe to the newsletter it is not a login it's where you go to of course there's a thumbs up where it says free everybody likes free hit free it'll say sign up for the newsletter sign up and you will receive the newsletter it's very easy to find if you have a smartphone you see the green arrow it says menu you basically can go to the menu and then you can see our very popular specials and shopping page right you can go there but the free button is where you sign up for the newsletter so you can get it right there um selling tips about online selling is coming out in the next newsletter i'm having some dr laurie doubts i'm not a troll just sent in a request for her to give me a written report of a painting and i got a notice that you will only do a video chat well beth your particular information that you provided does not give me all the visual information that i need in order to give you a written appraisal report to my standards that's what's happening so i've asked for a video chat and if you read the email that i sent back to you i don't think you're a troll i don't think everybody's a troll i think you're asking a perfectly honest question but basically i sent you that email because if you look at the read the email it says that you'll get three items appraised during a video chat not just one so i like to make sure that my clients are getting the best deal they can for appraisals if you're having fun here you can do a video chat with me as well and many many many of the folks who say who do a video chat are very thrilled with the video chat and have told me that they know that it is the most inexpensive way to get information and have direct access to me so for 10 minutes you can ask me the questions that you want about three of your objects it's a real deal now if you need a written a written appraisal or you are having doubts that of course the video chat is important for me because i need the visual information for me to meet my standard and i'm not going to lower my standard because you're saying oh i want a written report i need to see the information i need to see to make sure i'm correct thank you beth ah so anyway will identify the artist yes i will identify the artist of course uh again remember what an appraisal is many of you don't know what an appraisal is you just think it's a value i've heard a lot of people go i don't really need a whole appraisal dr laurie i just want to know who's the artist when was it made what's the medium identification is what you're asking for an appraisal is a correct identification and of course an analysis of the market with an appraised value so understand what you're asking for so that's what you're having there yes i have extensive expertise in the work of the pennsylvania impressionist including walter emerson baum and you know you could be right that it's one of his works which could be also that it's one of his followers so if you want me to take a look you should book a video chat the video calls are a lot of fun if you're having fun here you can do a video call with me as well and there are different time increments depending on what you um how much time you need or want to do the video calls but a 10 minute video call is three objects and many people think they're great so if you don't that's up to you beth hi how are you i'm dr laurie who's my next guest hi i'm can't hear you diane i'm diane can you hear me now yeah kind of not great i'll still yell okay well turn up the volume or get near the the speaker sweetheart i bought this years ago at um a retirement home sale where i was teaching art and i cannot find anyone who knows anything about it i took it someplace where somebody was doing a museum appraisal and he said it was a tourist attraction probably but i don't think so because it looks well used here and is a trough to um pour stuff out and it's carved all the way around and it's um 18 inches and four inches high so can i see the head of the figure please the head of the figure turn it up okay yeah there you go so we can see the head of the figure can i see the profile okay so that particular piece the person who said it was a tourist attraction it basically it is not a tourist piece okay so it wasn't only made for the tourist trade you can tell that by the color of the wood so the color of the wood the deeper and darker and older it is not usually made for of course the tourist trade so if you'll notice this piece was utilized and then this piece was eventually sold when they're made for the tourist tray they're usually called white wood that means the wood is actually a very very yellow almost white color it's the inexpensive native wood and they're going to just basically carve something that kind of looks like an exotic place where you're visiting and they're going to sell it off to the tourist that's not what you have your piece dates to the early years of the 1900s it's made in africa it's made in west africa specifically and that particular piece is a piece that would be utilized like a mancala board value on your piece about 75 and as i said dates to the early 1900s thanks for being with me thank you very much a lot of people will basically say i got an appraisal from this and i'm not really sure and a lot of the of the appraisers are also unsure people who call themselves appraisers who may or may not be actually looking at so many objects um thank you very much mick i'm glad you enjoyed the video call many people enjoy the video calls um thank you thank you so much well i don't know how beautiful i look i'm very very tired tonight i'll tell you but i'm also very excited to see all of you i think some weeks are harder than others i always feel kind of this way at the change of the season so maybe that's what it is but thanks for the nice compliments it's always good to be with all of you i'm very happy to share my expertise with you and help you all i evaluate about 50 000 objects last year 50 000 objects that i appraised to be able to help folks to identify and know what pieces are really worth so these are your expert answers to your questions here at ask dr lori live with of course these free appraisals too so i'm happy to be able to do that and what are the best things to collect now for the upcoming 100th anniversaries okay well the 100th anniversary of king tut's exhuming of the tomb of king tut will happen in 2022 the 25th anniversary of princess diana's death will happen in 2022 and also of course you're seeing the art deco continuing so there are three things that are going to experience anniversaries in the next year to two year and a half and i suspect that those pieces are going to increase in value i have a whole list of pieces that you should list right now and other pieces that you should in fact hold on to and not sell yet and i talk about those on my newsletter so if you haven't signed up yet you better get to the newsletter on the website at and sign up it's free so and of course i'm sure that you're ready to um get ready for my next video which is real bargains and real bargains is coming up i'm premiering it tomorrow night and i'll be on the live premiere at 5 p.m eastern time right here on youtube real bargains and what was wonderful about these real bargains here are some of them that i'm going to talk about from real people just like you who found them in thrift stores antique shops and other places goodwill bins and such and those particular pieces all of them were marked so all these people are supposed to be experts who are putting these things up and selling them and reselling them online guess what all marked and everybody missed them i identified them because an appraisal is a correct identification i identified them in fact and uh was able to share real bargains i'll share the real bargains with you my next guest is here hi i'm dr laurie hi doctor laurie excuse me i love you i love your name after our last live i subscribed love it okay so thank you for subscribing i'm sure that you're going to get a lot of good information out of the newsletter as well as using the binge link right here on youtube don't forget to do that damn it oh you've got bandits nice to see you so i have from my local goodwill down here in texas uh there was just something that was very very capital monte after watching you and knowing that it's not always going to be glazed uh that's what caught my eye but then what caught my eye even more was the amount of detail i mean you can see the veins you can see the basket weaving they clearly go together and then when you look at the bottom why would you think these figures go together if you look at the foliage and they're both standing near the same roots i mean they're both farmers yeah i mean most most farmers aren't holding a pipe right that's true oh i think that's a little odd okay um i will say that um can i see the mark oftentimes the marks could be similar that might give you an idea definitely so this one's going to be darker and what i noticed about this marking is the circle being perfectly uh positioned between the two lines okay what's the other mark look like not that impressed with this let's see if you can uh it's very i'm glad you're learning things kim okay so you have a similarly timed mark and then you have these pieces which are unglazed okay so when you look at these they're unglazed but they're nicely hand painted i think they're nicely sculpted or formed right i like the detail as well in terms of value how tall are they um it's like the size of my forearms they're like i don't know about what's the size of her floor on can you get a measurement well my thigh is going to be bigger than your thigh so get a measuring tape if it's if it's 14 inches 12 inches to 14 inches they're gonna be worth about 75 dollars a piece thank you sweetheart get your measuring tapes out in my loop got it goodbye she's cute though all right so i want you to have an opportunity to get your things appraised here on dr laurie live and learn the information about it those pieces were quite nice a lot of pieces are pooh-poohing the figurines now but figurines of course had their time you know lots of people collect figurines and they're starting to recollect figurines depends on which ones yadros are making of course a big impact in the market now a lot of people are asking me about original boxes and things like that to go with some of these figurines a lot of people are starting to realize what are the characteristics like she was talking about seeing the hand painting that actually painted the veins in a hand seeing some of these details details are always important and the brand names are important when it comes to of course ceramic figurines as well as knowing the difference between bisque porcelain bone china and other types of ceramics so i teach you those where here on the channel and also of course on my newsletter so i want you to think about that too here's another guest hi hi dr rory how are you hon great i'm rob from granite city illinois well it's nice to see you bob can you please turn your camera so it's horizontal sure there you go so granite city where's that near honey is it cold because that painting looks cold yeah it's cold here right now st louis oh near st louis okay i got it all right so how did you acquire the painting am i looking at the painting is that what we're going to appraise uh that's it i got it yesterday at a yard sale for four dollars oh that was pretty good so how so do you think this artist is trained or you think this artist is self-taught uh i'm thinking trained okay i think a little bit of training but i think for in a lot of ways this artist is sort of trying to struggle with composition and what do i mean by that if you look at your painting your painting has a good use of color you see how the indigos and the blues and the violets come together in the sky but do you notice that the clouds also have some white kind of woven through so it doesn't really show you too much dimension everything's sort of on the same plane and then you have this big v right through the middle of the mountains you see that big v well mountains don't usually make this big sort of line on both sides notice the bob ross element you know know bob ross from pbs right so he basically is going to really quickly put that brush down and to make all those evergreen trees look like they've been snow kissed right do you see that that's a typical thing that a lot of artists who don't have specific training in an art school will do it looks nice it's kind of quick it's impressionistic but when you're looking for this there's a lot of things that are sort of faulty and difficult in this painting the other thing that's a little difficult that i always say the bigger the signature the less basically the bigger the signature usually the less training an artist will have these big signatures kind of are off-putting if he wants you to focus on the artwork that signature should be a lot smaller so it's a nice painting for four dollars at the yard sale not bad um it's oil on canvas yes is there a way that you can turn it around so we can look at the canvas oh that was easy that was very organized i like this so you've got some staples which you know are going to be after 1950 you've got a bright white canvas you've got stretcher bars that are american here you have no keys to actually make sure that it doesn't that the that the stretcher stays taut they don't use those as much so um this particular piece is unframed that you got for four dollars or did you remove the frame uh unframed unframed value on that piece is 75 i think the artist is largely self-taught but not hurting anybody for four bucks it's still a deal thank you very much dr ward nice to see you thanks so much i hope it gets warmer there spring's coming all right a lot of good information thank you very much mary i'm glad all of you who have had the video calls are enjoying them and recognizing that with super chats and super stickers i bet beth who is not a troll will in fact enjoy her video call a lot too um thanks john i appreciate your super sticker you are supporting the channel and also allowing me to do more videos for you been been watching again there's so much wonderful information you have to watch at least twice to absorb it all well thank you and i'm happy to do all i do and i have a great staff who helps me do it too so thank you very much and i hope you'll show them just as much respect as you show me so when you are course are corresponding with the staff you are corresponding with me so thanks so much for all of your video chats and your super stickers i'm very very fortunate to have a community of wonderful viewers too so thanks for all you do i'm happy to help you to identify and appraise your objects hi it's dr laurie how are you hi dr laurie it's janice from western new york hi janice how are you i'm good i'm good i kind of did something i usually don't do can you please show me your camera can it go horizontal please how's that you said you did something you don't normally do yes i got some um nightstands out of darling i'm looking at your ceiling i'm looking here you didn't put it horizontally can you put her horizontally the camera that means turn the camera so it's like this how's that not any better no no can't see your whole object hun uh hold on a second okay well we can come back to you janice if you can't do it well is that okay no i can't see your whole object oh boy oh boy well we'll come back to janice maybe she'll get another chance um but a couple of things that i want you to remember to try when you're doing this of course we'll go to another guest then maybe janet will figure it out um because i want you all to get the information as best you can i can give a lot of information as you know from using the binge link which is of course you can find right in the description of the youtube channel so please click on the binge link and utilize it and watch all of those videos because there's so much information that i'm going to be able to provide to you hi i'm dr laurie what's your first name hi my name is elisa i'm from wilmington delaware hi lisa how are you i'm great let me move this good the camera focus here well that's interesting kind of like that how did you acquire this i acquired it at a sorry if i'm behind and you hear her i can't hear her can you hear me yeah kinda not great okay so i acquired her at an estate sale today um i thought i i was flipping through the pages of an auction site and i saw her and i thought maybe it would be it was elizabeth uh cattle um sorry elizabeth catlett you were thinking it's elizabeth catlin uh-huh i was thinking that but the more i'm looking at it um the more i'm thinking maybe it's not is it marked um i haven't been able to hold on the mark is going to be easy to find it's going to be probably on the back of the bottom of the neck it's going to be on the sculpture not usually the base so when you're looking at these sculptures i want you to look at the bat at the bottom like if you have the head i want you to look at the bottom of the back of the neck um or the base okay and your is it is it ceramic have you knocked on it do you know what material it is well i think it i think it's either um ceramic or it's it's not i don't think it's ceramic i think it might be um i see the the the paint is chipping a little bit i see white underneath okay so it's ceramic that has been basically been painted we've had some of these before i remember a real bargains where of course someone went in and got a barth sculpture for pennies on the dollar and it was worth several tens of thousands of dollars that was a wonderful piece this particular piece looks to be in fact from the early years of the 20th century a very nice piece this piece probably is the result of the work of an artist who's trained at the pennsylvania academy of the fine arts and i would say uh it's about this big it's about 14 inches about 14 inches i would say value on it and now this is the casting this is not this is not the casting this in fact is the mold or the model for the casting and value on this piece which will then eventually be in fact um a sculpture of a metal cast sculpture whether it's in bronze or another type of metal that particular piece is worth about 750 how much did you pay 35. good you did very well and then this particular piece like others are in fact later they would be taken they would be in the foundry they would be cast with the molten metal and then what happens is something called patination thank you very much for sharing your piece let's talk about patina for a minute so these are the people who are writing to me and they're sending me screenshots of google where they've googled something and saying you said this about patina dr laurie and you're wrong it's fake news i'll tell you what's fake news i spent years researching writing and learning about sculpture and writing books about sculpture patina relates to the not the oily buildup or age on a piece of wood it relates to the color that is applied to a piece of cast metal sculpture now granted i am a purist when i give a definition i give the art historical definition i don't give the definition that other people have decided to accept over many many years because they said oh well we always say that's what it is so it gets into the vernacular that's incorrect if you are a purist and you want to learn the correct vocabulary you can google all you want but my doctorate is going to tell you that basically when it comes to patina it's the application of color on a piece i want you to learn what the correct vocabulary is because if you start to interchange these words incorrectly you're going to get into trouble you're going to start to misidentify pieces i want you to be as good at identifying these pieces as i am because i want you to succeed i was on a video call with a woman today who said dr laurie because of you i knew which painting to choose at my at the local estate sale i knew which one was valuable which one wasn't because you showed me about materials it's not because you know i want to say oh you're not right when you google i want you to learn this and understand this so you can benefit from this education that i'm sharing i hope you understand where i'm coming from with all of this so thank you for this uh you should have merchant says i don't always listen but when i do i listen to dr laurie i should well maybe i'll use that if you give me permission i'll use your quote that's a good one if you can use the video chat time with dr laurie i love her sassy and spot on style she's so knowledgeable and i've learned so much i'm very happy marnie that's why i'm doing it i'm happy that you're learning and yeah the video calls are are very popular i mean you want to do it do it you don't want to do it you don't have to do it learn share watch the videos do whatever you like do whatever you like share the videos on the on the channel sign up for the newsletter read my research pages on my website there's all kinds of research information that will help you identify and watch with the guest because it's fun to see what everybody's got hi it's dr laurie how are you hi i'm doing pretty good it's so good to see you nice to see you what's your first name welcome to lori live it's justin hi justin where are you in the world tonight uh i'm in troy new york oh great i know troy yeah yeah yeah cool so i teach art history in that neck of the woods oh that's what's up nice what's up yeah what's happening yeah so i have this really dope poster of p white soul i wasn't sure like if it had any value to it it's one of those mardi gras like posters or lithographs i think sweetheart get a little bit closer to that edge i want to see the edge like where is his head and his cowboy hat is not sure yeah go over there for me for a minute i want you to see do you see an indentation i see an indentation around that that that corner that kind of curves do you see that indentation yeah i do that's a lithograph that's a printing process that means that there's a plate that got punched right onto that piece of paper that made that indentation where the edge of the plate is all of you should be looking for that because you're all a lot of you are looking at framed pieces a lot of you are looking at lithography or prints i want you to look at that this piece looks like it actually has that lithography so it's a louisiana poster for something yeah for mardi gras for mardi gras and i saw a few of them on uh ebay but i wasn't sure if this had any value okay so ebay had all different numbers all different values they're listed differently and that's why you're confused correct yeah because they don't know what they're doing half the time some of them know what they're doing and some of them don't and i regroup she's so cur i am so curt because sometimes you guys got to get this there is a there was a piece on ebay the other day that was at 14 the thing was worth 250 and it was selling for 14. and i was on a video call and i said to the person who's on the video call at the same piece she said i don't know what mine's worth because one's at 14 and the other one's at 250 and i don't know what to do i said go buy the one for 14 and resell it because that person doesn't know what they're doing i don't want you to be that person that's why i do this i want you to know the value the piece that you've got is worth about 180 dollars in that frame yes how did you get it um how did you get it how much did you pay for it and who's the person who's telling you about mardi gras somebody's camera shy over there this one this is my partner don't be camera shy i love you guys what's your first name yeah i'm mike i'm mike tell me about the dog what kind of dog do you have he's so cute yeah he's an american english coonhound and an aussie cattle dog oh he's beautiful he's camera shy what's his name jack jack oh jack i love dogs oh he's beautiful he's beautiful not as much as one of my very close family members loves dogs but i love dogs and i love you guys for sharing this piece with me if you see things like ea artist proof or you see numbers right you know how those all work those fractions that mean that it's earlier in the print run this is nice because there are many people who will want this piece for the category people who like mardi gras people who want to be and be recognized and collect things that relate to louisiana or new orleans and also people that like these nice color lithograph prints nice to meet you guys the dog's cute um thanks so much all of you who are participating and ask dr lori live i know you love it because you tell me you love it and i love to do it too so it's nice to be with all of you those guys are funny i thought he was camera shy so i wanted to make sure that he got some time on camera oh goodness another guest let's see what have we got hi dr laurie how are you i'm doing so well dr laurie i can't believe i'm talking to you my heart's really don't die okay okay for this well you can't be going through menopause why are you what are you high or you're worried what's happening because i can't believe i'm talking to you oh my gosh i love you so much i've learned so much from you you inspire me and i wish to one day be like a wonderful human like you are because you're the well you're wonderful right now and i'm so happy that i've inspired you that's why i do it i'm happy to do it i hope you're all learning and doing well and i want you to keep in touch with me and tell me on the comments how well you've been doing so tell me your first name and where are you calling from okay my first name is mona and i'm from san diego california oh mona i would love to be in san diego with you i love san diego my friends lots of my friends like laurie disney and others who are in san diego ah love it okay tell me what's happening here what have you got i got this amazing pair of lamps i think they're so cute um but they're not marked you're so cute mona they're 31 inches tall it's a girl okay one's a girl okay i have the boy here take your time don't break something all right anymo can i see the back show me the back the back oh okay look at the back i want you to see this look at the back show me the whole back darling there you go right there do you see that so he's leaning up against the back like a against a branch like basically the the back of a trunk of a tree yeah do you know who came up with that idea to support sculptures wait michelangelo look at the back of michelangelo's david he's doing the same thing supporting this the actual weight with the tree trunk that looks natural like i'm just hanging out here what do you what they were trying to do is they're trying to create more weight so they can actually make a thinner body at the top and you know you know of course michelangelo's david he's getting ready with the slingshot to get goliath that piece is the same construction it shows you how the renaissance artists are teaching everybody after them all the way into the moderns how to actually sculpt the piece so it's strong okay this piece also is pretty wonderful because what they've done is they've gone right through it this piece was intended to be a lamp it isn't some sculpture that they put on a base and tried to make a lamp this thing was always supposed to be a lamp so the origin of the lamp of course thank you very much rob for the super stat the super chick stickers thank you eclectic deb too i know when i see those that that means when i say what to look for i'm teaching you something you didn't know and i love that so this particular piece also a very nice piece these are made in italy they're made in the 1930s to the 1960s yours are straight up right before world war ii about 1940s and value on each 175 really nice how much did you pay oh 10 bucks for both of them both of them that's wonderful they look like they're in very good condition were they this clean or did you clean them up when you got them um no i just dusted them off and i just had them here in my room okay dust them off white cotton cloth no commercial cleaner so don't spray something on a cloth and then go to them because you could damage the piece that way nice white cotton cloth keep water away don't wash right when it comes to these ceramics and um if you have little things in like the nooks and crannies um a um a cotton swab a cotton swab will be one of the ways to get sort of the dirt out of the nooks and crannies never clean standing up always clean sitting down yes ma'am mona nice to talk with you darling continue today have a beautiful day that was fun moto's fun san diego the californians are out all right i'm dr laurie this of course is ask dr laurie live it's unscripted and thanks so much nika short i short a oh nika nika you've got my permission to use my quote thank you nick i appreciate that you're so cute i appreciate that i'm thank i'm thankful that you're enjoying the knowledge as well as all the fun that we have here on the channel please share the channel that will help me of course to help others and i'm happy to help all of you but we're having a great time um if you'll share the more you share the more of course i know that i should keep doing these videos i've got to of course uh take and budget my time to be able to do more videos for you oh here's a guest hi it's dr laurie how you doing i'm all right how are you i like the orange oh i appreciate it pretty nice what's your first name adam hi adam where are you from monroe michigan oh i know monroe actually i did a big public event in monroe no really i did yeah we actually sang hail to the victors being a michigan wolverine so we had fun at that event hey speaking of yadro how'd you acquire this it's cervantes isn't it yeah i don't know it's velasquez actually so it was my mother's she just recently passed away and you said earlier in the show and i said hey i got one of those in the other room so i figured i'd take a shot see what it might be how about that that was pretty good can i see the underside we'll talk a little bit about this all right this is the characteristic yadro mark so his mom is probably a collector this is a pretty significant piece is it 14 inches tall yeah i'd say here's what you look for when you're looking for yadros first of all i want you to look at the bottom i want you to look at the mark some of them just say yadro some of them say now which is a different line for yadro and some of them actually say d-a-i-s-a they're usually marked right yes go blue they're usually marked and in fact this particular piece is a good example if you'll notice what this is it's a painter and he's got his palette and he's got a very very large um colored uh what would be is his collared outfit or costume um it this is velasquez velasquez is very well known of course for many of the works that he did one of them of course very famous of the court or the little maidens the court of the monarchs so you're looking at that not to be confused with other great spanish painters like goya or picasso but in fact this of course is velazquez why velasquez was known to wear and he worked in that period of the same period when rembrandt was working with of course those nice big colored uh blouses and he usually would have this kind of smock that you just throw over himself art historians usually remember that the palette and then of course what's behind him the easel behind him too where he has all of his paints and such kind of looks like a little cabinet and such yeah it's in beautiful condition and it's relatively large and it's rare it's a rare one it's not the very common ones like the bride and the groom or the little uh girl with the goose or the little girl with the ducks or the angels with the candles those are relatively common made in large numbers this one in fact is a wonderful a wonderful piece and value on this piece about 350 in that condition i'm assuming there's no cracks no chips and there's even a little bit of paint on the top of the paintbrush yes okay nice to meet you thank you so much for being part of dr laurie la ask dr laurie live the name of the work is las meninas or the little maidens by velasquez and it's not princesses although you probably would recognize the little blonde princess that's there and there's even a there's even a um other figures in that particular painting one of the very famous works of art and it's a work of art in the prado museum in madrid spain i saw it as a very young teacher many many years ago and uh they put mirrors up around it because velasquez actually painted himself into it it's a beautiful piece beautiful piece ah i have several yadros no boxes still worth anything yes you don't have to have the box to have it be worth it have value but there is some value in having the box so no don't worry you don't have a box but there yeah come on let's go i'm here come on what are you doing how are you guys where are you good to see you good to see you yeah um first names melissa and eric melissa and eric and where are you guys in tacoma tacoma okay yes tell me a little bit about what's happening i like the what's happening you do have a curtain like my curtain only yours is a little jazzier i like it what um so we have here a cloisonne i think that's how you pronounce it that's how you pronounce it i i use it as a jewelry container okay you're gonna put your jewelry in that which is metal right and then it also has so you're gonna put metal you're gonna put your gold jewelry next to something metal as opposed to you're going to put it into something like the jewelry box that i have here right which is all aligned so i know you like to use it as a jewelry container and eric's going oh no she's going to have to buy a jewelry box now at the specials and shopping page i want you to buy a lined jewelry box for your jewelry okay the other thing that you should be keeping in that is not jewelry because if it's that metal piece can scratch your jewelry then you're gonna have scratches it's not gonna be worth as much that makes sense okay but anyway you're keeping it like a trinket box and that is what it's intended for like trinkets yes um that particu particular piece looks to be okay is there a mark on the bottom that says china there's not it's no it's done on both sides oh nice okay and it fits tightly together yep it's secured all right and i like that i like that piece that particular piece dates later though it dates after 1945 before 1960 and value on it forty dollars what did you pay um i think i paid about five dollars for it and an estate sale that works yeah eric you have something for me too um what are you just sitting there looking pretty is that what you're doing here yeah okay eric's got one too oh i don't like that at all oh why don't i like that what's wrong with that it's new i don't know it's new and it's mass produced and i'm not crazy about that at all i want you to get something you know you guys know how to pick something hot i don't like that's that's five bucks yuck oh good to know good to know but the next the next basket might be great i had a video call today and um a person on one of my video calls she had a nantucket basket about this big she paid a couple dollars for it it was worth 300. wow that doesn't mean bad all baskets are bad i just think you guys can pick a better basket well we still got a good deal on it there's two okay well there you go good for an easter basket right next to you yes chocolate's always good if you can if you can bring chocolate around i'm good i'm there my regards to tacoma i love tacoma the home of dale chihuly and others a wonderful seattle tacoma um as a wonderful part of the country i'm dr laurie thanks for the super stickers thanks for recognizing of course all the work we do to try to make your your um thrifting and shopping and collecting experience much more fun hi it's dr laurie how are you i'm fine thanks how are you good what's your first name and where are you calling from stephanie from atlanta hi stephanie from atlanta hotlanta how are things i did tv in atlanta for many years enjoyed it so much on discovery channel's auction kings we taped right there um near 275 right in the roswell area had a lot of fun on auction kings so what can i do for you tonight um i got this vase at an at a thrift store um it was for veteran homeless veterans and i paid that's nice twenty dollars and um it the lady said it came from a house where the lady had passed away and she was like 105 years old so i figured it could be a lot 105 wow so it looks to be uh so it's all glass it looks to be glass from the visual i'm getting iridescent glass with this pattern is there a mark on the bottom no no marks at all not even not at the bottom exactly but around the the rim of the bottom now no you look can i see it i have looked and looked and looked [Music] all right um iridescent glass and we were talking a lot about carnival glass this last week iridescent glass where you're going to of course spray on the metallic salt they actually will to make the pattern they literally will cover those areas and spray around it so the iridescent only fall on certain areas to have that that piece it's a relatively large scale piece i would say that piece probably dates to the 1970s i do not think that piece is quite old she might have been 105 but she could have gotten it when she was in her 80s that piece is pretty newer on the newer scale a late 20th century and value on that piece is it 12 inches 15 and a half oh so kind of big and no chips no cracks when you close your eyes and you look at and you feel the piece you found no chips no cracks no chips no cracks i'd probably say about seventy dollars it's a nice piece but i would say that that particular piece is not a fine piece of studio art glass thanks very much enjoy the atlanta yeah it's a lot of fun there's a lot of good a lot of good eateries in of course atlanta um and lots of other places i like papacito's mexican when i'm in atlanta and marietta anyway so again i'm dr laurie this is dr lori live with expert answers to all your questions i'm taking of course your super chat questions and your other questions as well as i want to remind you if you haven't signed up to the newsletter yet yes i have the phd in the field people are asking these questions and also i've evaluated objects at major public events all over the world and of course online since 1998. um i'm happy to do that you can sign up for my newsletter which is highly informative and people like it a new one's coming out soon with online selling tips so sign up now go to and sign up now where i'm inviting my guests to be in and guests are showing me their objects so i can talk about art antiques collectibles and give you some insights about what to look for here's my next guest hi dr larry how are you i'm very good how are you good what's your first name where are you calling from i'm heather and i'm calling from canada hi heather it's nice to see you i was talking to some folks from british columbia last week on a video call and they said dr laura you're making an impact in our thrift store because everybody's in the art aisle and they're all bought trying to buy art and they're saying dr laurie said to look at this and dr laurie said to look at that and they're finding things and the loop is there too don't forget about the loop because our this loop that i recommend of course on the shopping page also lights up it's a nice bright light so i want you so bright that it's like in front of my eyes now that was not the smartest thing i could have done anyway but i want you to please go to the shopping page and look for some of the things that you need for your treasure hunting toolkit and it's right there at the specials and shop page scroll down there's a little blue link that says go shopping now and look through those so you can see what you can shop for and hopefully you'll get some things that you need and when you do that you can put all the stuff that you bought into your tote bag your dr laurie tote bag i know they're so fun uh where i tell you all that you're priceless and you can put your wares and some of the things that you bought right there thank you very much i didn't mean to hold you up but tell me heather you're in canada and you have an object you'd like me to evaluate i have this okay nice so map of the world map okay and then it is it looks like it's been cut on one side yes it looks like it's been cut from a book oh really so it's been cut out of an atlas yes it's supposed to be a 1739 uh from 1739 showing california as an island okay can you show me the map again if you put it there right i want to see the paper the paper is 19th century it's not from 1739 can i see the back of the paper what do you do with print you look for paper and process yeah okay so you've got a piece of of paper that was printed onto in the 1800s okay and paper and process the things that you want to look for when you're looking at a print you know um there are a couple things that i used to do when i taught art history uh major universities i would ask my students write the paper on this work of art and then make sure that you get a picture of some sort of that work of art that you decided to write the paper on so if you were writing the paper on i don't know monet's haystacks right i want to see a picture of monet's haystacks you have to go make a photocopy right that kind of thing out of one of the books and there was a student who actually cut up the textbook and said i don't want you cutting up textbooks you know basically you've now ruined your textbook and you didn't meet the assignment either but you know they were trying to meet the parameters of the assignment your piece is a 19th century copy of an earlier of course map maps when they're in good shape and they are not cut can be in a relatively high value range they could range as low for a map like that as 200 and as high as about 2 thousand dollars depending on the printer depending on the execution of the print it's called the pull how the print is pulled how well the the image and the color stays on the piece of paper that kind of thing this one because it's cut this one because of course it is a reproduction piece but all prints are reproduction so that's not really the worst of it um this particular piece is worth just about 85 how much did you pay for it and where did you acquire it oh i got it many years ago off of ebay i don't remember what i paid for it i just wanted it it's for me because i like it so then if it's for you and you're not worried so much about reselling it my suggestion is if you love it you want to look at it frame it with acid-free materials right an acid-free mat a nice frame put it up on the wall away from direct sunlight and enjoy looking at it thank you and i didn't pay that much for it but i do appreciate it just it's my pleasure as long as it's for you and you like it the quest doesn't really matter thank you so much my pleasure a really nice piece that one was quite nice too but the thing about prints is you want to make sure they're not cut and the worst thing that could happen is i was talking about that indentation line when i was talking to um justin with his dog jack right so basically that indent if they cut into that indentation line to try to get rid of it i want to see the margin because cutting into that indentation line with prince is not the best thing either and this information that's on this channel is not information you're going to find on other channels where people are shopping and talking about this and talking about that this is decades of experience and education i'm sharing with you and happy to do so so i'm talking to guests of course this is ask dr laurie live hi jennifer i have a royal 1755 bond germany clock oh that's nice would love to send you pics through your website to appraise it or even find out the age sure go right ahead i'm happy to look at that it's very easy you can go to to and then it will say find values click on that it's really easy and then it'll say send a photo that's a web form you need to fill out i need dimensions and you can go right there it's very easy to find all that information um on the website you can just go to the website at uh in addition to the specials and shopping page on a smartphone you can use of course the hamburger menu you can see it on this green all these green arrows that are there all the way over to the right hand side use the hamburger menu if you're on your smartphone and then click and then you can see of course find values there's a whole banner of all kinds of menu items that you can click on click through them all look through the whole website there's a lot of good information there you're the best love your sass and your little throat giggle yes my um speech impediment gets a lot of play i gotta say but it's very nice to be able to giggle with all of you i'm glad you're enjoying yourself and i appreciate you supporting the channel because that's what you're doing with your super chats and your super stickers hi i'm dr laurie how are you hi i'm good good what's your first name it might start with a b it might my name is bonnie i'm a municipality that's really cool i like that that's fun bodies and bees and some blossoms and some bumble bees you've got all kinds of stuff behind you there bonnie that's funny where are you calling from sweetheart and you're wearing minnesota i'm in cleveland oh gosh where are you calling from minnesota oh minnesota okay nice to see you what's happening bonnie but i have i have a bowl that i purchased several years ago from a thrift store okay it was half price day so it had been marked 8.99 and it so it was half of that okay it is from any research i've seen it's an amari the inside is fabulous okay it's got some patterns that i haven't seen i kind of like the outside is fabulous can you show them can you hold it up and can you just turn it so everybody can see there you go okay do you notice the juxtaposition of the gray areas with the orange areas that's a very nice exterior and then i like of course the scrollwork design around the top and then the inside can you show us the inside if you'll hold it up a little bit more bonnie we're seeing more bees than we are bowls everything's b here the ball the blue the b it's great all right bonnie i like this piece very well and how big is it diameter so i want you to measure nine and three quarter what is it nine and three quarter nine through zero so diameter is this measurement okay correct nine and three quarter all right so a couple of things that you're going to see here that piece of amari today is worth about 150 that bowl how much did you pay for it did you say 8.99 it was half price day okay so 450 450 or so 444 right but that's a nice piece that's a very nice piece now it does have one it has one small chip on the edge on the inside kind of a small type of chip so how much would that be nice yeah can i see it uh it's really hard to find i actually owned the bowl for quite a while before i even noticed it was there close your eyes and and go around it you probably can find it yeah i don't know if you'll be able to see it it's right here well that's a chip you can see it's a chip yeah okay so i'd probably be down in the 95 dollar range so you're right you know once you have significant you have damage and some of you that's not significant it's significant right you know great collectors are looking for it but still for eight bucks to get it at about ten percent from ninety dollars value that's a nice piece okay thanks thank you very much okay see you later that's funny bonnie b blue balls that's funny a lot of fun with all of the folks part of the community here of course at ask dr laurie live thank you jensey for the super sticker all the super stickers go to helping us to make more videos katie thank you for the super sticker too i appreciate them all of them go to help us get things like the dr laurie cam with all of you like so you can see things up close when i'm doing of course any of my instructional videos and to do more videos to take staff time to do more videos so anyway really a lot of fun lots to see this is ask dr larry live if you're watching the replay all of this it's unscripted i don't know what's coming and of course i'm happy to talk about the correct identifications and retail values based on actual sales records for objects hi i'm dr gloria how are you um good thank you good what's your first name where are you calling from um my name is tamsen and i live in lancaster and tasmania and australia oh i love tasmania i was in art and i loved hobart i had so much fun i was there in the rain and i didn't care everybody was lovely and sweet and it was a lot of fun to be there of course um the great history of tasmania so thank you so much nice for having you up now what time is it there uh just five to eleven in the morning five to eleven in the morning and it is just about 9 00 p.m eastern time on the east coast of the united states here well nice to see you what have you got what when what can i tell you about it thanks for watching the channel and sharing the channel um actually i was in hobart when i purchased this ring oh um sorry it's a bit hard to very nice thick setting very nice is it 14 karat gold it's only nine it's only nine karat gold which would mean now for those of you are in the states you might not recognize nine karat gold but that's typical for of course um markings of european and oftentimes australian uh pieces of gold so it's nine carat gold and um the only stamping is 9ct okay that's fine that's fine yeah so and then it also seems to have a um stone can you show the stone right right up it's the saturation of color that we're trying you're doing very well you really are i know it's hard hard to hold you're doing fine the saturation of color so when you purchased it was it per was it sold to you as a sapphire a naturally developed sapphire yes okay yeah so i i bought it out of jewelers who sells vintage um rings also which is what caught my eye um and it fit me perfectly which was another thing that i thought oh so it's meant to be yours right yeah that's what i thought and it says um on the piece of paper that they wrote for me as state ring so i think yeah but i can't find much information around it um yeah trying to work out an era it's very easy to work in an era first of all that marquee element that basically um that shape is pretty indicative of the edwardian time period in of course england which would be early 1900s to about 1915 right so queen victoria passes in 1901 and then we go from the victorian era to the edwardian area era and then early 1900s you're absolutely right and then you need to you need to find out how lar how many carat weight do you have in the sapphire and how many in the diamonds the diamond has the diamonds have to be at least three total carat weight of diamonds all right okay yeah so if you paid anything less than twenty five hundred dollars u.s you did very well oh okay because i i purchased it i got two hundred dollars off which was good okay that's good i paid australian uh 1980. okay which would be how much u.s um it's that and is it half maybe half five cents 75 cents to the dollar my husband 75 cents to the dollar so you did very well i would say 2500 but i would want you to go and find out about the diamonds right we know it's a nice saturation we know it's a nice um a nice sapphire again and then a gia certified gemologist to make the appraisal would be good but if you're if you're looking at it just as i am with of course through the video chats i would say about 2500 would be where the retail value would be on the piece could you see it for sale in the united states at 3 000 yes but that's a list price not a retail value i gave you a retail value what people actually pay so you did very very well and it was nice for you because it fit exactly and that's what i wanted i just wanted it for myself i'm not going to sell it yeah so thank you and it matches your eyes too nice to meet you oh nice to meet you thank you dr laurie my pleasure sweetheart it's wonderful to see of course folks who are collecting for themselves as well as collecting for resale all over the world i love to see that it's wonderful and that's a great way of course for folks to get an idea about how to identify these great pieces it's a good idea to ask questions of course of the seller right especially when it's a jeweler you know the jewelers who are saying oh we're selling some estate pieces so they may be in fact thinking well we may only find a very small market of folks who want this piece so it seemed to match match very well for her so that's one of the things i want folks to see nat thanks very much for your super sticker but when it comes to of course collecting things like estate jewelry i want you to have the specs i want you to find out and ask do you know how many carat weight these diamonds are do you know how big or where the sapphire came from is it a cashmere sapphire you know what do they know is it um is it color enhanced or treated is it naturally developed and they might know some information and they might not it just depends but if she's going to keep it and she wants to ensure that piece she should have an appraisal specifically oh from connecticut we lost you last time how are you it's okay so it's so good to be back hi i'm kat it's so nice to see you dr hillary okay bella sometimes very rarely but sometimes technical difficulties take over so thank you for being with me how can i help you sweetie okay so i found this for 3.99 in a thrift store i'm not sure what it is and it looks like it's a madonna and child i'm not sure if you can see it with the glare all glare sweetie sorry okay so let me do this no just just if you'll go down a little bit if you go down straight down and then tilt that way is that better yes much better i don't know if you folks can see it but the the woman has her head kind of tilted like this and the child is sort of just right in front now if you look at that that piece is very early 20th century we're just talking about a ring that was early 20th century that piece also was early 20th century in an oval frame and the oval frames are early 1900 to about 1920 and the other thing that you have on the frame is applied ornaments so that that where they make those pieces and they basically apply the outside ornament usually rosewood is what you'll see in those frames so that's what you're looking at that piece looks to be a um chromolithograph well it's a lithograph it's not a chromolithograph but it's a lithograph print okay okay and that piece also could be reproduced in chromolithography to be used on calendars okay okay i don't think yours was the calendar i think yours is the original portfolio print is there a title or a name on it a signature an artist anything i couldn't find any description it's just so so old and i was afraid to take the nails off of the back because i just didn't want it to fall it apart you don't have to i couldn't find anything okay you don't have to do anything if you like it it's fine it's a relatively well-known piece and it's pieces in the manner of an artist named atkinson fox the most famous ones by atkins and fox are little sleeping children and a little child that kind of looks like a cherub blonde hair beautiful with a little arrow okay same same circle of artists that's what you're looking at early 20th century value on it probably 75 okay not bad for 3.99 not bad for 3.99 no very good 3.99 and i just want to say thank you so much you have such an impressive brain and it's so great that you're sharing your talent with the world we appreciate you you're very sweet i'm grateful to you i'm happy that you're learning and we're having a lot of fun i'm having as much fun as all of you are so thanks so much i'm happy to do that i appreciate all of it you know as much as i can teach you i'm trying to get it all out is an exchange i always say that you know i learn as much from my audiences as they learn from me so we'll just keep learning together nice to meet you honey wonderful nice to meet you thank you so much bye you've all been very very sweet and i appreciate all the comments and i appreciate all the support and it also helps me to of course allow the staff to do all the great things they do because i wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for all of them and all of you i hope you enjoyed this episode of course of ask dr lori live thanks to all my guests we'll see you next time
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 129,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori, Imari, Llardro, royal bonn, cloisonne
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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