RTX 4070 Super vs RX 7800 XT: The Ultimate Comparison!!!

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we're about to roll the benchmarks but it is very important to note that these two gpus do not cost the same amount of money so to say one is winning in performance isn't the same thing as saying it's winning in value and I'll give a lot more thoughts of that at the end of the video so it is very important to note that the at msrps uh the 470 super is supposed to be $600 and the 7800 XD is supposed to be $500 that means that the 470 super cost 20% more so if you see a benchmark where it is winning by 30% that means it's offering better value at least in that test now this happens to be a r tracing title despite it being a uh AMD sponsored so if we see other tests where the 470 super is only winning by 5% that does mean it's winning but not in value so that'll be an important thing to note when you're interpreting the results of this video also it's important to note that I have the uh powercolor Red Devil OC version of the 7800 XD and it is running at its outof the-box settings so this will be a little bit faster than what you would see from a reference model for example and I am using the 4070 super Founders Edition at its outof the Box settings so again if you had a factory overclocked version of this again a few percent differences could be noticed and let's talk about pricing the 7800 XD again should be a $499.99 MSRP but for a long time has been selling above that however my hope is that launching the 4070 super should force it back down to four uh you know $500 or maybe even discounted below that we'll have to see what happens more thoughts on that at the end of the video and the 4070 super again it should be available at $600 at least on the founders Edition but will other retail models uh you know hold that price that remains to be seen also if you're like why am I not testing against uh you know the the you know the 4070 and you know since that's closer in price I just did this exact same set of games with the 470 nons super versus the 7800 XT so watch that video if you're more interested because in all fairness those are closer price competitors so in this video we're basically looking at is it worth spending the extra $100 or 20% for the 470 super versus the 7800 XT and I will be testing the latest games and I try to go into to more like settings you might actually use we will look at maxed out settings but also look at upscaling sometimes turning some settings down things like that some with r tracing some without some frame generation anyway let's hop into the benchmarks we'll give you some more final thoughts at the end let's kick things off with Avatar frontiers of Pandora at 1080p Ultra I do think this is the best looking current game and it is a 30% lead for the 4070 super in this title and 28% in the 1% lows both gpus doing well though at 71 and 92 FPS average respectively again this is still only 1080p resolution also note the big performance Gap is probably explained by this being a rracing title if we move up to 1440p ultra we see 62 FPS on the 470 super versus 51 on the 7800 XT so has dropped to a 22% lead now for the 470 super again large lead here but like I said this is a ray tracing only title uh despite being an AMD sponsored Title by by the way and even at lower graphic settings there's always some form of rate tracing enabled and even on non-rt Hardware capable gpus I believe it enables a type of uh fallback software version of The Raid tracing but anyway I think for a lot of people you would kick on quality level upscaling to try to boost those frame rates a bit I know in a first-person shooter I'd rather be around 90 and at quality level dlss the 470 super does hit 95 FPS now which is a 34% advantage over the 7800 XD leading me to believe that the uh 1440p Ultra non upscaled results may have been hit a bit by the vram capacity now this is one of the only uh one of the few games that has FSR 3 frame generation implemented does not have dss3 frame generation but they could both use FSR 3 quality upscaling plus frame generation which we're looking at here but I'm not giving a performance uh calculation because for some reason the AMD gpus seem to enable vsync even when you turn it off in the game but the Nvidia gpus don't now granted you would probably want vsync on when using that but um anyway it just means the performance numbers can't really be compared so anyway another way to boost performance uh other than upscaling would be just turn down graphic settings how about 1440p high now we're seeing the 470 super with a 21% lead over the 7800 XT at 80 FPS versus 66 in the averages and the 1% lows are a 22% Advantage at 66 versus 54 so they're both performing pretty well well there and you could still upscale even at the high settings and now we're getting some really nice frame rates on both gpus the 7800 XD can hit 88 FPS we're getting uh 31% better performance uh which is 115 FPS on the 470 super we should also note when we're looking at the upscaling they don't produce identical image quality if you look at the fencing especially on the base especially in the background if you look at the fencing it's very shimmery on the FSR upscale and it's very stable on the dlss upscale anyway if we go to 4K Ultra settings neither GPU is doing a great job here it's an 18% lead for the 470 super at 33 versus 28 the 1% lows are 29 and 25 respectively which is a 16% Advantage for the 4070 super but I think we can all agree that this isn't the way we would play the game so one option is to enable upscaling here at quality level upscaling L LSS versus FSR between the two uh the 470 super now bumps all the way up to 55 frames per second very playable it's a 25% advantage over the 44 FPS the 7800 XT can you get uh but also it's an image quality Advantage although quality level up scaling at 4K does work very well for FSR there are is still a little less stability to the fencing and fine details if we uh just drop down to the high setting though rather than Ultra both gpus do a lot better than they were doing at Ultra Al this is back to Native resolution we are seeing a 45 FPS result for the 4070 super and 39 on the 7800 XT that is a 15% advantage in the averages and we're seeing a 211% advantage in the 1% lows although neither GPU is a real high frame rate experience here so I'd probably kick on upscaling as well and I think we finally reached the settings I'd probably actually use if I was using these gpus at 4K in this game the high preset plus quality level upscaling gets the 47 70 super to 70 frames per second which is a 25% advantage over the 56 FPS from the 7800 XT 1% lower 23% advantage and again while quality level upscaling does look good for both I do think the fencing and things in the distant detail are more stable with the dlss upscale now let's move on to probably if you don't think Avatar is the best looking game it's probably Allen wake 2 and at high settings there is no Ultra so this is the max non-r tracing reset uh we're seeing a five a 4% lead for the 470 super it's 85 versus 82 7% lead and the 1% lows but the image quality isn't identical this game offers a uh no normal just TAA option you're locked into either an FSR or a dlss pathway you can run them at Native resolution though and while I could have done FSR on both I think most Nvidia users would use the daa pathway and it does look more stable we'll see more a little more shimmering if you look at the tree branches and things like that on the left hand side side of the screen although YouTu compression does kill a lot of the differences uh we're seeing a 9% Advantage at uh 1440p High settings native resolution which is 60 FPS versus 55 in a game like this those were probably perfectly acceptable frame rates because it's a pretty slow uh slow paced game but kicking on some upscaling at the Quality setting will smooth things out quite a bit and now we're at 90 FPS without frame generation on the 4070 super which is a 5% advantage over the 86 FPS on the 7800 XD as well as an image quality Advantage you also have access to dlss 3 frame generation to further smooth things out on a high refresh rate display uh on the Nvidia GPU now if we move up to 4K resolution neither of them do great at 4K High settings native resolution uh the averages are pretty close at 32 versus 31 but look at the frame time graph on the 7800 XT this was repeatable and I actually saw it on other AMD gpus tested in this area as well they're getting pretty stuttery and you can see a big difference in the 1% lows a 71% Advantage here that's 24 versus 14 but they both were doing pretty bad so why don't we kick on some quality level upscaling looks pretty good on both gpus again think there's a bit more stability to the Fine detail on the dlss image and we're seeing 55 versus 51 FPS which is an 8% Advantage for the 4070 super although the frame time graph is still a lot spikier on the AMD GPU giving a 40 FPS versus 26 FPS results so pretty a pretty uh significant difference in the 1% lows but this is a path tracing game so why don't we test that out well they both struggle at Native 1080p resolution with the path tracing enabled although I'd say the 470 super is at least playable in a slow paced game at 39 FPS and the 7800 XD is down at 17 so the 470 super is more than doubling the performance in the averages and the 1% lows but I don't think it's a great result either way if we kick on quality level upscaling which I don't like to do at 1080p although the ray reconstruction this game does help it quite a bit with the dlss result uh we're now seeing 60 FPS from the 4070 super without frame generation and then you could kick uh frame generation on from there and I think 60fps is a pretty good Baseline to do that from and we're still seeing basically doubling the performance at 60 versus 31 FPS in the averages but I think most people would be buying these gpus for 1440 p and at uh even with quality level upscaling enabled neither GPU is doing great the 470 super is arguably playable in a slow paced game like this at 43 FPS and the 7800 XT is down at 21 so we're still basically doubling the performance in the averages and even more in the 1% lows but I'm still not convinced most people would choose to play the game at 43 FPS if they had other options on the 470 super so we could kick on even more aggressive upscaling and while at performance mode the image quality differences are even more apparent look at the tree branches and things like that dlss looks significantly better it still doesn't look great though so I'm not I don't think I'd want to use performance mode upscaling myself at 1440p that's only a 720p internal resolution but it does get you to 57 FPS which is then a decent Baseline to generate frames off of so there is that uh the other path tracing game we could test out is cyberpunk at 1080p its RT overdrive is showing us kind of similarly difficult results where 40 FPS versus 20 which is again doubling the performance uh for the 40 70 supers Advantage but still kind of not great 40 FPS is playable but probably not how you would want to play the game so again kicking on upscaling has a massive boost to frame rates and we do get ray reconstruction which does help that uh 1080p upscale I still don't like upscaling at 1080p though if you look at things like the palm tree branches as we go by those you'll see that they are pretty shimmery and unstable even with dlss upscaling here although it does get us to playable frame rates at 76 which is then a decent Baseline to generate frames off of so the frame rates are good now uh not in love with upscaling at 1080p though uh 1440p is the more realistic resolution for these gpus and path tracing with quality level upscaling hits 51 FPS on the 4070 super in this Benchmark and many areas of the game are more demanding than the benchmark especially in the new um new uh update to the game uh so you know it's somewhat usable if you wanted to but again I don't know there's other ways to get much higher frame rates in the game which in a first-person shooter a lot of people I think would choose to do uh performance mode upscaling does get to a much better Baseline frame rate of 73 FPS on the 4070 super it's still basically doubling the performance of 7800 XD which is hitting 36 and the uh you know image quality differences are again big Advantage dlss but still doesn't look great again look at things like the palm tree branches for something that comes through the YouTube compression they're pretty shimmery uh so yeah I'm not really sold on the path tracing path tracing performance of the 4070 super it is arguably usable but not maybe the preferred way to play the games and you could just turn off all Ray tracing and at 1440p Ultra I'm actually seeing my 7800 XT U with the lead here at 94 versus 85 so anyway um uh basic Bally just keep in mind you you can just play with rid racing turned off let's look at some other games though uh balers Gate 3 is probably the most popular PC game of the year I did finally finish it man is it a long game and it is a great game it's also CPU Limited at 1080p Ultra in balers Gate City in act 3 which is what we're looking at here which is why our gpus are basically performing the same AMD has a bit of an advantage in the 1% lows potentially due to um uh differen is in driver overhead between AMD and Nvidia where AMD tends to have a bit of an advantage there in CPU limited situations we're seeing almost the same frame rates at 1440p Ultra as we saw at 1080p Ultra again because of uh uh CPU limitations however we're we're kind of right on that borderline now where sometimes the GPU is being fully utilized and sometimes it isn't but again I think that that does definitely explain the basically tied performance here with uh slight advantage in the 1% lows versus the 7800 XT now the 4K results are kind of interesting if you look at the frame time graph on the AMD GPU there's these occasional stutters at a regular interval it's kind of interesting and they're pretty minor but that does lead to an advantage in the 1% lows that's pretty noticeable for the 470 super other than that though the gpus are basically tied and they're both giving good performance at 66 versus 69 nice for the 470 super so um anyway interesting result at 4K but that this was repeatable I I did always see those little little stutters on the 7800 XT let's move on to another game Starfield was another really big release in the last year and at 1080p Ultra they're tied in the averages although 7800 XT actually has an advantage in the 1% lows and um you know that's uh interesting Nvidia performance has improved since launch this was an AMD sponsored title and Nvidia gpus drastically underperformed when the game launched they have improved significantly since then though uh 1440p ultr settings we're seeing both gpus tied at 69 nice and a 14% Advantage for the 7800 XD and the 1% lows and if you hear a harmonica in the background that's not your imagination that is my kids playing in the room next to me they did know they were supposed to maybe be a little bit quiet while I recorded this but um anyway don't know if that picks up for you guys or not but whatever that's how we roll on this channel uh what about uh if we wanted higher frame rates you could kick on upscaling the game did not launch with dlss but has since patched it in as well as frame generation for dlss but not yet for FSR 3 they have promised it upcoming in patch notes though and again performance levels basically tied but now we're actually uh you know seeing slightly better 1% lows for the 470 super about Tide though really they're both getting us a mid 80 performance range but again I would say slightly Sharper Image for the dlss upscale at 4K resolution both gpus are playable at 4K Ultra but probably not what you would want to play at we're seeing 44 FPS on the 7800 XD versus 41 on the 470 super so actually 7% Advantage for the 7800 XT and a 15% advantage in the 1% lows so a win here for the 7800 XT but at settings we probably wouldn't want to use anyway uh one way to boost performance would be to kick on dlss or FSR at the Quality level both of them look good at quality upscaling at 4K resolution and now they're both hitting 60fps they're also about tied in the 1% lows uh uh 60 FPS is a decent Baseline for frame generation so you could kick that on uh and again 60 FPS is about my limit for where I'd want to kick on frame generation much lower than that and I probably wouldn't want to use it but let's take a look at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 one of the biggest multiplayer releases of the year and I'm testing out the basic settings rather than higher graphic settings since I think that's what makes sense for for a multiplayer title in most people's use case you get the Competitive Edge with the higher frame rates and less clutter anyway 317 versus 301 gives a a 5% lead to the 4070 super and a 6% lead in the arguably more important 1% lows at 1440p basic settings the gpus are tied technically it is a 1% Advantage for the 4070 super in both the averages and the 1% lows but that's not particularly meaningful here so um both gpus is definitely able to offer a high refresh rate competitive experience in this title uh for sure but what about 4K resolution well even at 4K resolution as long as you're at the basic preset you're getting 138 FPS average and that's true on both gpus however the 1% lows are offering a 133% advantage to the 7800 XT at 94 versus 83 um difficult to say exactly what accounts for that since the uh you know definitely not using more than 12 GB of vram at the basic settings or anything like that but that is the result that we are seeing and let's go ahead and move to the next game Resident Evil 4 remake gives us a good way to test out uh the re engine which Capcom uses in many of its games and we'll be using in many more upcoming titles and the Mac settings do include some small levels of Ray traced Reflections they honestly don't look that great but they do use a lot of vram at these settings but the 470 super is still taking an 18% lead at 48 fps versus 126 and a 9% advantage in the 1% lows if we move up to 1440p resolution the 470 super Advantage is still there but it is less and it's possible that it's having to um uh deal with its vram situation a little bit here as we can see the AMD GPU is allocating more than 12 GB although AMD does tend to allocate more vrm than Nvidia in a lot of situations and the 4070 super is still smoothly running even in the 1% lows and does still have the lead it's just less so and that uh uh I also want to test out what if we didn't enable Ray tracing and the max preset because the prioritized Graphics preset um not only doesn't have Ray tracing but it's much more uh uh much more lenient on the vram it usually stays under 8 gigabytes much of the time at 1440p and here we're saying seeing a 3% Advantage for the 4070 super so they're now basically tied and again there's no Ray tracing enabled there if we move up to 4K K resolution and back to with Ray tracing enabled and everything maxed out uh we are seeing again basically a tie it's 64 versus 65 on the averages so they're both doing well here and the 1% lows are good as well at 59 and 58 um and again that is interesting and especially looking at the vram usage on the two gpus uh because it's possible that the 470 super Ray tracing performance is being held back from having a larger lead due to the vram usage in this game if we turn the ray tracing perform uh Ray tracing off by going to prioritize graphics and vram usage comes well under 12 GB on both gpus uh their performance is still basically tied although it's higher at 79 and 78 now um but again I think that emphasizes that the 470 super probably would have taken a larger Ray tracing lead with Ray tracing enabled if it had more vram that's how I'm kind of reading those results but anyway let's go ahead and move to some Unreal Engine 5 games this engine will be used a lot in a ton of upcoming games and Lords of the Fallen is the most demanding one I've tested so far using this engine at 1080p Ultra the 470 super takes a 19% lead at 74 FPS versus 62 uh although the 7800 XT has a 4% lead in the 1% lows those 1% lows are mostly traversal stutter as we round into a new area and that's kind of more engine related than GPU related if we move up to 1440p ultra uh we're actually not seeing either GPU able to hit 60 FPS average in this test at 53 versus 45 which is an 18% Advantage for the 470 super in the averages although we're still seeing the traversal stutter hit us as we around this corner uh leading to the 1% lows being kind of compressed but one of the big deals with Unreal Engine 5 is that Unreal Engine 5 responds extremely well to upscaling because a lot of its effects are per pixel calculated we got nanite and Lumen things like that so we're seeing a massive performance boost by kicking on quality level upscaling the 470 super has a 22% lead uh and the 1% lows are still compressed but it's 83 vers 68 in the averages and again dlss I do think in the fine details in the trees and things like that is better image quality now what if we move up to 4K resolution well at 4K resolution at the ultra settings we are not getting great performance it's still a 21% lead for the 470 super and now it's taking a lead in the 1% lows since our uh frame rate numbers are below the traversal stutter numbers for the most part I think here um now realistically you'd want to turn down settings and use upscaling but unfortunately I tested the upscaling at different results uh different settings for the two gpus so I can't directly uh wait never mind no sorry I I thought I didn't have the quality level upscaling on both I actually do so ignore what I was saying during my one take no script uh voice over anyway at quality level upscaling we do get up to 52 FPS versus 43 uh which is a 21% advantage for the 470 super and they are both performing a lot better again this responds really well to upscaling the realistically You' probably want to also turn down to high settings to get the frame rate numbers where you'd actually want but let's move on to a different Unreal Engine 5 game which is RoboCop Rogue City and at 1080p epic settings both gpus are doing great uh we're seeing 99 FPS versus 97 so it's basically tied it's also basically tied in the 1% lows at 77 versus 76 so we can see that not every Unreal Engine 5 game is going to give that large performance advantage to the 4070 super where again here we're about tied if we move up to 1440p Epic settings we're now seeing the 470 super at 69 nice versus 66 on the 7800 XT technically that's a 5% win but I I you know I I think if you're running these two gpus without frame frame rate counters you would be hard pressed to notice the difference um the 1% lows are even more close at 57 versus 56 which is only a 2% Advantage for the 4070 super however in a first person shooter you might want to kick on upscaling to get better frame rates and now I think you could tell which GPU you were using cuz even though the performance is the same look at the fine details in the upscaling here look at the pavement shimmering on the left hand side look at the truck Grill kind of shimmering and and unstable uh this is not a great FSR upscale this is one of the worst ones that we've seen it's very shimmery and unstable on the fs are upscale here so that's definitely an advantage for the Nvidia GPU and if we go to 4K epic settings neither GPU is performing especially well but it is a 9% lead for the 470 super it's 37 versus 34 and the 1% lows are 33 versus 30 which is a 10% Advantage but again are these the settings you're actually going to use I don't think so so one option is to kick on quality level upscaling and once again Unreal Engine 5 is showing a massive performance Boost from upscaling we're now up to 58 on the 470 super and 55 on the 7800 XT giving us a 4% Advantage for the 470 super so I would call this basically a tie performance-wise but once again while at 4K resolution the FSR upscaling is better than it was at 1440p it still doesn't look great so if you ask me which GPU would I rather have the answer is unquestioned questionably the 4070 super with a possible caveat that uh you know 16 GB of vram versus 12 at certain graphic settings in certain games especially as time goes on it is possible that that will be a noticeable Advantage for the 7800 XT and that the 470 super will need to tweak Graphics settings to remain comfortably within the 12 GB vram buffer but I would definitely rather have the 4070 super if they cost the same but they don't right so that's where we need to get into the value question a little bit so basically in Ray tracing titles like uh Avatar frontiers of Pandora AMD sponsored title that only has rate tracing options you can't fully turn it off uh the 470 super is more than justifying its 20% price increase uh often 20 or 30% faster in heavier rate tracing titles it uh it uh you know more than justifies that if you're talking about path tracing it's like double the performance however is it the performance that you're looking for if you're at 1440p then with quality upscaling your path tracing performance might not be really all that usable and if you go down to Performance mode upscaling then maybe you're at play more playable frame rates but I think you're losing a lot in the image quality overall so the I'm not sure the 4070 super is quite there for the like full-on path tracing experience if you're shooting for 60 FPS or better before kicking on frame generation which is what my personal preference is now what if we're not even interested in Ray tracing so if we look through our benchmarks in nonr tracing titles we can often see the performance actually pretty similar now Starfield is a fairly AMD um you know advantaged title it is an AMD sponsored game and here we can see the 7800 XT matching the performance actually winning in the 1% lows and doing it for $100 less so the 7800 XD certainly can make a a claim for itself however uh in my opinion then basically you get to the the issue that if I was putting together an optimized settings list for games in other words how would I actually play them I would very frequently choose to enable quality level upscaling if I have an Nvidia GPU because dlss quality versus native resolution often looks very similar so that the large performance performance boost on offer from enabling it is absolutely worth doing so whereas with AMD the upscaling uh quality isn't as good I think that we saw that most obviously in Robocop Rogue city which I will admit has a particularly bad FSR implementation however uh it's hard to see a lot of the fine details through YouTube compression if you watch this in motion if you look at the fencing the fine details in the pav uh with this upscaling enabled you see a lot more flickering in the fine details a lot more shimmering on the pavement uh there's a lot of places where on an AMD GPU I probably would choose not to use the upscaling or it's a worse experience with it enabled right so even though they are basically matching performance here with the upscaling enabled and they're both getting very good performance you're having a better experience on the Nvidia GPU and that's before I even talk about frame generation where I do still feel like nvidia's option has better frame pce in and it is definitely still available in more games uh the driver level AMD fluid motion frames is a cool feature personally the quality of it isn't what I'm looking for compared to the actual inbuilt uh inbuilt options in games um with dlss 3 and FSR 3 so what am I getting at here basically yes sometimes the 7800 XT can match the performance of the 470 super for $100 less so if you are looking to save some money in your build that might be the right choice for you if uh you can barely fit the $500 GPU to get a reasonable CPU then maybe that is the best choice for your build but if you have that extra $100 in your budget you're basically getting the same rasterized performance and sometimes better uh from the 4070 super and you're getting significantly better rate tracing performance if you care about that and I think we will start to see more and more more games featuring meaningful rate tracing implementations as we're seeing here in Avatar frontiers of Pandora for example and like I said uh a lot of engines are very reliant on upscaling at this point for example Unreal Engine 5 Games get a massive performance bump from quality level upscaling what we're seeing here we're going from 45 and 53 respectively at Lords of the fall and 1440p Ultra uh jumping all the way up to um 68 and 83 respectively from enabling that quality level upscaling that's going to be a very big deal in Unreal Engine 5 games and there's going to be a lot of Unreal Engine 5 games so with that in mind um I do definitely think the 4070 super is the better graphics card and if you have the that extra money in the the upgrade budget I do think it's definitely an upgrade again with that possible 16 GB of vram being the only real Advantage for the 7800 XD besides this $100 lower price tag it is nice to have a $100 lower price tag though so absolutely factor that into your decision and the closer priced GPU from Nvidia to the 7800 XD is the 470 nons super which I did just test this exact same set of games uh uh again with the um sorry uh this one here we go I tested this exact same set of games with the 470 versus the 7800 XT nons super variant here so so keep it eye on that for sure and if you're choosing between the 4070 and the 4070 super I did again test the same Suite of games uh 470 versus 470 super so you can take a look at that and decide what you think there uh long story short uh if the msrps hold the 4070 super is better value if you have the extra 50 bucks so what I'm hoping actually comes out of all this is that the 7800 XT force uh gets its price forced down a bit uh we saw this happen to Nvidia when the 7800 XT came out when the 470 nons super was $600 and the 7800 XT launched at $500 it offered a significant enough uh performance increase along with more vam and more value uh that you know it forced nvidia's pricing to go down I would hope that the 4070 super doing something kind of similar although coming at it from above rather than below I'm hoping that puts downward pressure on both the 7800 XT and the 470 nons super so it might be worthwhile seeing how this month plays out because uh we're going to be getting the 4070 TI super as well as the 4080 super which should also be putting a lot of pressure on amd's higher-end 7900 series products so it would be really nice if we see some top- down pressure on uh GPU pricing overall which could shake things up but if we're looking at uh you know which would you rather have a 7800 XD versus a 470 super you can see my vote is on the 470 super and yes it is possible that you'll have to tweak settings to stay within 12 GB vram buffer at some time in some games in the future yes but other than that it's a better GPU and um sometimes significantly so especially when you're using Ray tracing all right hopefully you guys found the video useful and or interesting and uh huge thank you to channel members who have hit the join button to directly support the channel financially because wow when I'm running this many tests it can get a little bit exhausting but knowing I have the support from you guys is helps me get through all of that anyway stay tuned to the channel I run a bunch of other comparisons for this uh same set of games some interesting ones for the 470 super I'll be looking at sooner like the 3070 TI which was the previous generation G Nvidia GPU at this price point as well as cards like the 3090 Nvidia is claiming that their 4070 super beats it that'll be an interesting comparison and I've run those benchmarks as well I just takes a while to edit together the side by-side footage and again a bunch more benchmarks coming out um next week for the 4070 TI super and the week after that for the 4080 super so stay tuned to the channel and I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 145,309
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Id: x6EfOf0ZoAM
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Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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