RTX 3060 Ti Overclocking Guide - How To Push 2000/2150 Mhz Core, 16Gbps Memory With Msi Afterburner

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what is up guys it's troy at the full setup here back with another video for you and today i'm going to be finally showing you how to overclock the rtx 3060 ti graphics card well if you were lucky sort of to get one before the end of the year luckily i was and i did actually pay cost price for it as well which i was super happy about um the graphics card that we're going to be using for today's video is the rtx 3060 ti gaming oc by gigabyte probably should have you know that was the intro troy you probably should have made sure you've got the model number right but yeah it's the gaming oc it's the non-gaming pro version probably going to see it on screen and probably have some b-roll shots for you here got a full unboxing video that graphics card as well if you want to go and check it out now what i'm going to show you today should apply for all 360 ti graphics cards it's probably also going to apply to the rtx 3060 as well if a 3060 comes out as long as it's running you know 14 gigabytes per second vram which i think it will we know the 1650 super was a graphics card that was slightly down clocked on the memory but you were able to make it back up but if it's running the same memory speeds as a top stock 3060 ti then this video should apply to an rtx 3060 if one ever does come out which i imagine that probably will be now as always with these overclocking videos you do take it at your own risk and i do like to take it a little bit slowly so if you've just come to see the numbers that i'm dialing in there should be a time code on screen here i always like to approach these overclocking videos um you know sort of to someone that's never overclocked before okay so if anyone's thinking oh it takes ages and i do waffle i do tend to go on you know i'm gonna give you the time code there all right but you know just just remember everyone's new everyone has to learn okay so we're gonna talk about overclocking all right overclocking a graphics card so graphics card overclocks are always software based it's not something you do in a bios and there's plenty of programs you can use to do it um i imagine most graphics cards you're going to buy are going to come with some sort of tool like this i like to use msi afterburner even with amd cards well i think amd's got a really good overclocking program i'd just like to use afterburners because of what i've always used and there is an option up here this is called the oc scanner and that can just do an automatic overclock with you so you know even if this today you're watching which i'm saying i'm gonna really you know explain it as much as i can if you find that you're really not getting that you're a little bit worried because your graphics card could have cost you a lot of money you know not everyone's got money to burn maybe you're just worried that it might blow up or fry or whatever just go with that oc scanner but we know this isn't going to do anything wrong all right nothing's going to go wrong nothing's going to blow up all right but you might have some crashes you might have the occasional crash you might get some blue screens so i'm going to show you a couple of ways you can reduce that straight away so first thing we've got running in the background here this is heaven benchmark it's a bit of an older one now but it's just have something graphical running on screen the whole time one thing i'm going to recommend is after you apply settings in here you're going to want to run some more intensive games i quite like to use shadow with the tomb raider to validate my benchmarks if it passes about five to ten sweeps of that then i know it's good the overclock that i'm going to show you today i've probably put about 40 50 hours worth of gaming into it since i've had the 3060 ti now this little overlay that you're seeing here on screen this is river tuna which comes with msi afterburner this is a program that installs with it your overlay won't look like this you do need to customize it to get it looking like this if you wanted to check out a video with some really heavy customization on this i would definitely go and check out wolfgang's video that's a really good one i watched it the other week just to you know brush up on my skills for a bit because i hadn't played around in here for ages and you can even actually use if any of you ever use hardware info 64. that is what i've got tying in my memory timings and you can use it for loads of other stuff i think i've also got it for gpu power but that doesn't seem to be there at the moment so we need to sort that one out um but yeah you can really heavily customize this but the main things you're going to want a core clock okay you're going to want vram clock these are the things you're going to need and you're going to obviously want to see your gpu temperature as well okay so these are the things you're going to need now one thing i always recommend and a couple of people have mentioned like why do you say not to start this up why don't you want you running this a boot okay because you don't want to go into a program and load and overclock every time now once you're confident and you're happy with your overclock then yes have this but the problem can be is sometimes you might dial in too many settings in afterburner your computer completely crashes you reboot afterburner loads up with those settings still applied you're then rushing especially if you've got an nvme you're logging in and trying to get down here really quick okay and trying to kill your afterburner session to stop that overclock load and again it's not happened to me very often i think it's happened like once or twice in about five years but you're like really rushing around to try and get rid of the program because otherwise you boot in and it crashes again it's safe though he says it's safe we're talking about crashes also as well you're going to want um unlock voltage control unlock voltage monitoring all this stuff turned on but it's completely up to you if you want to be tweaking around with voltage i'm going to show you how i'm going to do that in a second as well but you want all those on and also as well i did notice that the where are we i had to upgrade to the latest beta so this is 4.6.3 to get core voltage unlocked so anything after that you know it's going to be fine okay so you're going to have all your voltage unlock now one thing as well while you're applying settings we're going to actually apply some settings in a second while you're applying this you might find that this crashes as long as you haven't got too far boot it up again and then apply the settings you know with this settings applied sometimes just doing a bit too much tweaking in this why it's running will cause it to crash but it will actually run fine stable all right so the first thing we're going to want to do is max out the power limit okay so we're going to max out the power limit i only get 104 okay i've only got 104 on my power limit um and that's because this is just an eight pin 360 ti if you've got one that's got dual 8 pins you might find it says 110 or 120 on the power but that's the power limit there now with the fans as well i prefer to use a fixed fan speed when i'm overclocking so i'll set something to like the maximum that i like watch this this is a little bit buggy on this graphics card so if i go to 90 i should turn it down just a touch where we want it about 80 and if as soon as i go over about 85 percent i get coil wine on my car but that's that's the maximum i want and then you can go into settings later you can see on here and you can build your own fan profile i'm just going to go with a fixed speed and the reason we want to fix speed is because we want to run this for a bit because we want a we want to know what our clock is now this graphics card says it boosts to 1770 megahertz as you can see here because we're keeping the graphics card cool 62 degrees is cool for a graphics card we're boosting at 1950 965 now all 30 60 ti's should potentially go between about 2050 and 2150 and i wouldn't buy the highest end model a lot of people you know like the aorus master or the strix or they're very good cards they almost come in at the same prices of 30 70. you know obviously if we can buy it all at full retail now you may think with those cards that it would have more overclocking headroom and yes it would have a higher clock speed i think the strix can go plus 2 100 megahertz but you'll actually find that you might not be adding as much core to it because it's already heavily overly clocked you know out of the factory all right but then you might even find a non-ocd model you might end up getting an absolute gem of a chip and you can apply even more to it but as we know that's somewhere that that's a target that we need to go to all right so we want to get to 2050. so i'm going to do with my core clock we're going to just start at 80 just go in little increments and see what happens so we got with 225 there okay so you and you'd run that for a bit all right you'd run that for a bit in here make sure it's all sweet make sure nothing crashes keep an eye on your temperatures because the thing is your core clock isn't just tied into the overclock okay it's hard it's tied into the calling of your card and how cool it is if we max those fans out even more maybe if i took a side panel off my case get that under 60 degrees that would shoot up to 2050 2070 megahertz which is about where my card tops out okay so that's about where my card tops out but i would say with most of you it's probably safe to just start at 100. i've generally found that all nvidia cards i've purchased in a long time have been able to add you know 100 megahertz to the core now as for the memory this is going to seem like quite a big one but this is because it's g to the r6 you can see it says 7000 megahertz if you double that because it's gdr6 that gets you to your 14 gigabits per second so you should be able to add a thousand megahertz to the memory i would recommend starting at something like you know 750 megahertz okay just dial that in it's just something you feel comfortable with now i know my fans have gone all weird again just get those this msi afterburner doesn't like my gigabyte card for some point i think i need a i'll have to wait for an upgrade so we can get the fans up there and you're just going to run this okay can we see this we've got this memory overclock we've added some core clock definitely need to bring that temperature down a little bit let that cool down i have actually got my case fans like ultra silent because we're recording as well today so that's sort of you know that's just a nice little starting starting place all right starting place for you and one thing that i always recommend is profiles here now on my 1060 and even actually on my 2060 as well i found that my maximum overclock there were two games that didn't like to play with it as much but everyone else did fine pubg and star wars battlefront so what i ended up doing was just creating a profile for them so we're still adding something to it all right we're just gonna save that save that's profile one so now you have a sort of slightly lower you know slightly lower one now i've been doing a lot of tweaking with this card i'm going to show you just what my maximum was so my maximum was 115 but to get it stable in all games i've had to do my core voltage up to 50. like i said this is all just down to your choice but you can see it at 1.62 millivolt we are absolutely fine and in the video i think they did it on the last generation as well they've sort of said even with those features set to unlocked and all that you can't really over voltage their cards they've got other safeties built on to the actual actual board which stopped you from over vaulting this even if you want to go up to plus 100 you should be fine obviously you take this at your own risk you may find as well if you're able to have a higher power limit you may not need to add voltage because you're already putting more juice into it so it's just finding a fine line about what you need okay so i know my memory can do a thousand megahertz so we're just gonna dial that one in so there we go we've got the change here eight gigabits per second and then my final overclock was 115. start dialing in so it all comes down to temps really sort of between 250 and 270 it goes at as long as i keep it between 60 and 70 degrees to bloody fans again this should hopefully be okay on your card it just seems to be it's the first time i've ever had it with the fans on here so let's just let it roll for a little bit and see if it as we call that card you know what in fact we'll just max it out for a second let's just go up high i'll take it down to about 85 i'm just gonna see if that core clock creeps up as the card drops in temperature so while we're waiting to see if that happens however i've been getting on with this graphics card really good actually i've really enjoyed it um it's a massive upgrade over the 2060 um and especially because the fact that i sold my 2060 months ago trying to get the new graphics card so i've been gaming on a 1650 super for a bit so it's been nice because i bought a 240hz monitor around that time see if it's going up yeah as the temps go down it's going up so yeah it's been good to use but with a ryzen 3600 like battlefield it's bottleneck necking it a bit remember it's like a 2080 super level card so i'm gaming at 1080p so i'm definitely going to be looking at getting the 5600 now i'd say the 3600 is still a great pair with this you know playing more open-world games playing cyberpunk on it all stuff like that it's not going to stress my cpu so much but yeah doesn't seem to be creeping up that much but yeah from what i've seen in gaming when i was playing battlefield it was sort of sat at 2070 megahertz but um yeah really enjoying the graphics card quick little guide there on how you can overclock with a little bit of a end of video waffle in um now one thing i always say with these videos is please do share your scores in the comments section i want to know what you've been doing with your graphics card it's also great when other people come on and watch 270 baby told ya see it's linked to temperatures so yeah make sure you share your scores in the comment section i always like to make sure that the scores are shared um that you can share them with other people people know some numbers that they can start with as a dial-in like i said use profiles there so we're going to save this one now profile 2 and there we go we've got a profile 2 and we've got a profile one we can just drop it down something more casual is it going to crash someone a little bit better a little bit more info on it let me know your scores anyway i'd be really interested in the comment section if you like this video leave a like make sure you subscribe as well and i'll be back with some more videos real soon
Channel: TheFullSetup
Views: 221,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 3060 ti Overclocking Guide, how to overclock the Nvidia rtx 3060 ti, how to overclock rtx 3060 ti, rtx 3060 ti overclocking, rtx 3060 ti oc scanner, rtx 3060 ti overclocked, how to overclock an rtx 3060, overclocking rtx 3000, rtx 3000 overlcoking guides, rtx 3060 ti max overclock
Id: 3XrwPJ-bzYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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