RTX 3060 Overclocking is surprisingly good!

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never took the plastic off this there we go so as we typically will do this satisfies out yeah as we'll typically do with new graphics card reviews um if you guys didn't see my video about this it wasn't so much a review of the card as it was more of a review of the reason why the card exists and it's titled my salty review of the rtx 3060. so some of you might find it interesting but what we typically do when we get into cards we always test it's overclockability and one of the things i like about this card is it's not one of the super expensive extremely ridiculously marked up 500 plus dollar 30 60 cards imagine 500 dollars plus for a 30 60 anyway this is a 389 xc black from evga it's got no frills no lights or nothing let's see if we can overclock this to anywhere near a 30 60 ti level of performance the all-new 5000d mid tower airflow case from corsair features an optimized front panel for maximum ventilation while the integrated cable management and tempered glass side panel means you can show off more of your components and not your cable mess to see the full list of specs and to learn more about the 5000ds flexible fan mounting options perfect for both air cooling and water cooling enthusiasts follow the sponsored link in the description below all right so let's talk about the cooling aspect whether or not your card can overclock it's going to not just depend on the silicon quality of the silicon lottery but whether or not you've got one that likes to allow its frequencies to go farther on the same amount of voltage um the cooling aspect of it matters now the cooler that's on this xc black is the same cooler you'd pretty much find on a 360 ti which has more cuda cores has more tensor cores more rt cores more power and so when you take a cooler like this from a higher tiered card and you place it on one that's a little bit lower the nice thing is you're going to have beefier cooling cooling than you actually need one thing to talk about though this fan these fans i guess what looks like i'm holding vhs tape which is actually very close to the actual dimensions of a vhs tape and i have no doubt someone watching this video right now just went what's a vhs tape but what it allows you to have here is at least more cooling than you need for the dye that's on here even though it's rather barely existent evga is still doing the blow-through design even on the 30-60s totally unnecessary but hey there it is but it's a dual fan which means that we're gonna have lots of thermal capacity in terms of the heatsink that's on here with its four copper heat pipes and it's two downdraft fans uh or were they called dual axial fans yet because they're on an axis i think it should do pretty well now remember when you overclock graphics cards these days you have no control over the voltage what you have control over is the voltage percentage at which it'll apply full voltage on the scale so what does that mean right now if by default we're just using some arbitrary numbers if we were running 1750 megahertz the default curve calls for about 80 percent of its max voltage we can make it pull 100 of its max voltage at that frequency which means potentially more stability as we push the clocks higher but you're not going to get more voltage than max the max number you're just pulling it down the frequency scale that's it so that's the other thing that really holds you back when it comes to overclocking all right so first things first we are running an ultra wide panel here set to 1440p resolution so the vertical height is 1440 on this that's why it actually looks natively correct also turn off g-sync when you're doing benchmarking because you don't want it to affect any of your results you can leave it on when you're actually doing your gaming a couple settings that we always like to adjust here in nvidia when we're going for overclocking in the control panel is come down to power power management mode set that to prefer maximum performance and then if you come down here to you don't really need to do this one for um texture but you can set it to high performance or quality um we said high performance but i've never noticed any sort of an actual visual difference but it does actually affect things when it comes to um your scores and stuff you're going for like port royal scores or whatever so we're going to be using afterburner here to do our overclocking and our fan control and such so what i'm going to start doing here is i'm going to max out the power limit to see if the 1912 comes up and it didn't which is a good sign because that means that we weren't actually power limited yet which means that power being probably what's going to hold us back here is going to have more available to the card which we're going to need as we start pushing the core clock up push the core clock up your power draw goes up with it the other thing i'm going to do right now too just for good measure is because we don't care about noise right now we care about performance we're going to max out the fan speed look at that by bringing the temperatures down some already our clock speed already came up we went from 1915 to 1927 by doing nothing but bringing the temps down so i'm just going to start well let's see can i add 500 to the memory on this let's see and have it not crash i'm gonna wait till the test is moving not this part where all the lights are turning off there we go it looked like i clicked off the lights will it go a thousand no it can't go a thousand max out the slider at fifteen hundred oh ah there it goes okay so we'll do like 1100 call it safe there all right start the test again that's pretty nuts for help yeah on a 60 series card doing 1250 on the ram now we're gonna start playing with our offset on the core so i'll just start at like 50. so what i'm doing is i'm just inching this up basically 10 megahertz offset at a time see that oh 2092 i feel like instead of every 15 like the other cards this is like every seven or what if it's exactly half there's two hundred twenty one twenty two i've never seen that number before in a nvidia card two ten twenty one thirty seven twenty one forty five that's the number i would expect to see yeah we are getting every seven and a half we'll see if we can get through the tests that we ran for our initial salty review and then if it passes all of them we will we'll do the charts if it fails i'll find where it's stable we'll still do the charts and we'll come back [Music] so [Music] all right so we just got done doing the overclocks on this um really didn't have to change anything i actually brought it down one boost bin that was it it's kind of crazy this is not a crazy overbuilt oversized pcb giant cooler which in my opinion you know the to the credit of like asus and msi and all them building their high-end cards when you have like a strix or a crazy overclocking version of a 30s it just seems like wasted money don't spend the extra money on that get it next to your card hypothetically if prices were all still normal don't spend 100 and 250 bucks 150 extra bucks on something like a 30 60 when you get a 360 ti for that price difference again hypothetically pricing wasn't completely stupid right now but this not being one of those crazy overclocking cards and the fact that we were able to get a 200 megahertz overclock on it and maintain it through all of our testing uh there's just a lot of numbers up here that really don't aren't going to come across very well on your guys screen but the core clock like this last part right here that's just super flat this is when we were doing rise of the tomb raider oh no shadow of the tomb raider with rt on um and we were staying at about 2122 megahertz the whole time and 2100 on that last test back up to 2122. so getting over 2100 megahertz on this card pretty much all the time in actual games uh because synthetics are are different than obviously like time spy and port royal and all that we saw the dynamic range of the boost tables obviously fluctuate around would drop about as low as like 20 90 or so and then as high as like 21.45 um it's just crazy to see though that we actually got some really good gains that you guys could see in the charts the synthetics were it's funny the synthetics tell a different story than the games which is normal usually we would see this big spread in the synthetics where it would look like you have one card really outperforming another card synthetic but then you put it in games and they're all much closer together where the 30-60 card for us when compared to the 2060 and the 3060 ti and the 2060 super if you remember on our original charts the 2060 super and the 30 60 out of the box again all these cards are out of the box we're very very close and then in the synthetics but then when you look at games you saw this nice like straight line drawn on like this like 45 degree angle across all the cards showing that in games the extra architecture and stuff with ampere and the extra cuda cores and stuff actually scale to a better performance in games so it's almost like those have swapped now and that synthetics make things look closer together than they actually are but we gained like 400 500 points in the synthetics we were gaining anywhere from like 8 fps to 10 fps in games by simply moving some sliders and maxing out a fan on a card that is not even uh touted as being like this amazing high performance overclocking card 1440p performance uh obviously was no problem whatsoever for this card which is i mean that's not surprising you could do 1440p performance on a 2016 2060 super as well but to see it scale even in rt performance was really nice not as close to the 360 ti as i was hoping but the ti is a completely different core now keep in mind when we compare this on the charts this is the only overclocked card on the charts and all the cards overclock you know similarly you can get at least 100 megahertz in most cards which is going to give you also a little bit of a linear bump typically if you can get a five percent overclock you'll see about a five percent improvement in your scores and and your fps it's really weird how it scales nearly perfectly like that um and every title is a little bit different but we saw on this one more like an 11 overclock and we were seeing pretty damn close to 11 improvement on our performance so a lot of people were asking me if the card's worth getting an overclocking because they can get it and they can't get a higher tiered model my issue with that mindset you don't know how well the card is going to overclock remember this gpu was sent to us by nvidia not evga ebj sends their allocation for reviews and stuff to nvidia at least in rounds like this and then nvidia divvies it out i don't believe there's any hand-picked stuff going on here evga always sends us retail models with serial numbers and everything on them in fact a lot of brands that we've received graphics cards from in the past don't even have serial numbers because they're the early like pilot run of the manufacturing process they're not cards that we're going to get sold anyway just anyone right there that may have just had an aha moment no reviewers are not taking allocation from the public because most of the cards that we get can't be sold anyway because they are pilot test runs for productive for production and then once everything's good there then the production runs happen and those are the cards that get sold so no we're not stealing your cards from you unless they're evga we're taking those ones from you but no i you don't know if the card's gonna overclock that well silicon lottery is still a huge factor here we have we have 2060s that won't allow me to even get a plus 75 and then we are seeing very little difference there so there you go there's our 3060 overclocking results um that's probably the last 3060 video you're going to see from us until we compare it to amd's new card coming out in right around the same price range where we're not going to start showing you guys more 60s we're just going to see how that compares to whatever amd is announcing uh later on this month so thanks for watching guys if you guys have any questions about uh the 3060 sound off in the comments down below maybe we'll answer it if we see it um i guess we'll see you guys in the next one and our gpu giveaway is over so i'm not gonna tell you guys more about that so we'll do another one later and i'll tell you guys about that one then
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 569,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx, 3060, rtx 3060, 3060 overclocking, 3060 vs 3060ti, 2060 vs 3060, 3060 overclocked, rtx 3060 overclocked, how to overclock the rtx 3060, 2060 super vs 3060, nvidia, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia, best cheap gpu, 3060 overprices, 3060 scalped
Id: n15BZqDG1NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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