The RTX 3060 Gaming PC Build 2021! 😍 Intel i5, 10600K, B560 w/ Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Benchmarks!

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the brand new rtx 3060 1440p max settings and as you can see we are getting a really sky-high frame rate actually ah pc gaming is weird it is here everybody the rtx 3060 has arrived and yes you might be thinking you've heard all this before but no you'd be wrong the rtx 3060 ti has already launched but this one is hot off the press bran stinking new it's probably not what nvidia will be putting on the box but i like that let's go with that today's video should be really exciting and very fun for you guys because we actually got a full gaming pc build here today as always we're gonna go through absolutely everything that you need to know about all the components in this build whether they're any good whether you should buy them or absolutely avoid them we're going to show you the full build process so you know exactly what to expect if you do want to tackle something like this yourself and of course we're going to show you those all-important gameplay benchmark numbers so if you do decide to put something that is quite similar to this together yourself you know exactly how it performs and whether it's actually going to be up to snuff for the games that you want to play but first a quick word from this video's sponsor core says hydro x is your gaming pc's new best friend this exceptional custom cooling system not only lets you get unbelievable temperatures but it's near silent with extreme performance it is so easy to get started simply fire up the hydrox configurator pick a stylum theme and then let corsair handle the rest you'll get a full list of everything that you need with an easy buy link from get started with custom calling the easy way today with that link down below let's start our build then shall we bye bye 30 60 we get you later i love a priced performance pc i do it's my favorite or as you americans would say bang for the buck great british pound because we're up ourselves anyway the first thing you are actually going to need to grab is your motherboard and i'm really excited for this because this is a b560 motherboard which is quite similar to b550 on ryzen but this doesn't actually support cpu overclocking but for the first generation of intel b series motherboards it does actually support overclocking on the ram which in english means that this is going to be perfect for any high-end build that you don't want to overclock the cpu it's nice that you do actually have some design here you've got this cool sort of digital camo look in terms of features you do have a lot on this motherboard especially when you're bearing in mind the price now the main caveat is that you do have gen 4 pcie on both the top ssd and the top gpu slots but the problem is you do need to use an 11th gen intel cpu for this to work which isn't going to be a problem if you're watching this in a few months time but obviously at the time of filming they aren't actually here yet so you're going to lose out on some functionality there or if you just want to save some money on a cheaper chip be aware that you don't get wi-fi on this motherboard you have to get an external adapter but to be honest i'd recommend going for a more expensive motherboard if you need it which does quite neatly bring us on to the cpu itself and you pretty much got four main options really i'd say depending on when you're buying you can either get the 10th gen or the 11th gen 10th gen is going to be cheaper but won't support the full features of this motherboard but make sure that you're not over paying for a cpu that has like overclocking support because you won't be able to unlock it with this motherboard having said that at the time of filming the best bet was actually the 10 600k which is overclockable just because the price of this was actually pretty much the same but if you're watching this in the future i would reckon that the 11400 is probably going to be your best bet but in terms of holding back your gaming pc to be honest i think all of them are going to do an absolutely fine job just the 10th gen won't support pcie generation 4. it's been ages since i've done an intel gaming pc this feels weird i'm so used to ryzen you can't argue with the value though can you keep this for ron later on i know i've made that joke before but it's great isn't it write that one down you can use it with your friends ram is a little bit of a weird one for this build because i feel if you went for all white sticks it might look a little bit out of place so i've gone for the hybrid approach here we have some stuff from xpg this is the d60 and as you can see it is very white but you've got a little bit of silver trim on it as well but much more importantly than how it looks this is actually 3600 megahertz ram which is fully supported by the memory overclocking capabilities of b560 who frickin ray i bet i look so macho then with all my muscles eat a burger i am far too healthy for burgers i'm more of a fish and chips sort of guy in a mediterranean tomato sauce and there you can see our perfectly matched ram starts to go with our overall theme we are using 16 gigabytes by the way because this is definitely the best price to performance amount for a gaming pc and you can always upgrade it to 32 a little bit later it's the same ideology with our storage this is pci generation three it's a seven drive it's fantastic price to performance but obviously 512 gig is pretty much the minimum for a gaming pc if you're trying to save some money then it's a good way to cut down but if you install warzone that's about 200 gig if you want like the full call of duty game so if you can afford a terabyte probably is worth it or maybe you're a massive spender and you're gonna go for the eight terabyte version which is probably more expensive than the whole pc not if scalpers have anything to do with it now the thing that does perplexed me a little bit is that i've heard rumors that certain b560 motherboards won't actually support a pci generation ssd at all in this top slot if you're using a 10th gen intel cpu and i'm not sure if it's going to apply to this motherboard so we're going to test it worst case this won't actually pop up at all and we have to lower it down to one of the other two slots but best case all three will work let's find out it's gonna be a mystery who killed the pcie slot will get daniel craig to investigate next up we have our cpu cooler and this is the shadow rock 3 from be quiet this is white and black so it should fit our theme pretty perfectly but as is pretty much always the case with be quiet products as the name would suggest they are very quiet it's perfect for this build but i just don't understand why be quiet don't actually make this fan in white and put it in the box it seems a little bit counterproductive to be honest but maybe they had this exact build in mind things are getting serious we're getting the instruction manual out it's not as simple for intel as it is for amd oh things have changed back plate goes on screws go in don't have enough hands for this it's just gonna fall over please don't do this in the case please don't do this in the case imagine if i was live streaming this you'd think i was crazy well you think i was more crazy ah this was so much easier on amd once you've done that you've got these little intel brackets that you just place on top of those posts screw those down add a line of thermal compound drop your cooler into place safe and securely down and then we have our arctic digital camo motherboard combination it's looking alright just drop your fan in place grab your cable and then plug it into where it says cpu fan now for many people this will be the most interesting bit as we lean towards our case and i admit i have no idea whether this is gonna be awesome or pretty bad because i saw this on overclockers uk and they did actually send this one out for this video because the front of this thing is so striking this is very clearly a centerpiece pc this case is all about the way it looks but when i actually saw this for the first time i had no idea just how bad the airflow on the front would be i mean just look at the front of this thing it's pretty much entirely blocked by that infinite mirror and i do understand that it does require quite a lot of physical room that's just the way it's going to work but in the pictures it looks as if you've got plenty of airflow relatively speaking of course but you just don't the only thing you could do is fit a fan here and this is going to help the graphics card which is why we are going to do that this better look good co-link otherwise i'm going to kick off literally i'm going to use my feet bang mini rent hopefully over let's get this motherboard installed they do at least give you the standoffs for atx pre-applied which is always nice no they haven't they've done some of them oh it's just the little things ugh the little things like putting all of your screws in one tiny bag that when you open it they spill out everywhere i appreciate you sending me this case but 70 yard quid for stuff like this is pushing it so here is our first look at our case and chassis half assembled i think it's looking pretty good it definitely would not work if you use the all white components but because we have that nice blend of black and white i think it's coming along quite nicely rather ironically the white at the front of the case does actually now start to become part of the theme that's quite comical let's install our extra fan shall we to be fair you could quite easily put this at the top and then have that blowing down and then create a loop of air like that will the front pull off easily yes it actually will and you can really see the extent of the problem just how much mass you have in front of it the only bit of airflow that you do have is here and even then that's from these side vents rather than the front itself so i think it will be fine for a build like this but this is really not going to be very suitable for like an rtx 3070 or above really we will be looking at the thermals very closely whether it's gonna work thermally i honestly don't know my money is on it's gonna run warm but it's gonna be fine because that fan is still pretty restricted but i think the idea of running this without a fan at the front at all is not one i would want to try if you're following along at home i've just plugged in the usb 2.0 and the usb 3 up here if you did have type c it would be this port right here we've got our power switch we've got hd led reset and let's not forget our addressable rgb right here at the top you've also got your fan headers this is a four pin pwm for the be quiet fan we'll plug this in right here down the bottom pressing swiftly on we have our power supply and this is one of the best value ones you can get from a respectable brand it is not modular so all of the cables are actually fully attached to this but obviously if you're trying to save yourself some money this is quite an easy way to do it there's not a huge bunch of cables here and because we're not using a hard drive in the hard drive cage you should be able to hide them quite easily but realistically this will probably save you about 40 50 pounds on a proper modular one 600 watts should be more than we need to be honest for a build like this so i think all in all this is probably a great choice drop that power supply in place drop your screwdriver on the floor tell your power supply screw you man will pccentric ever run out of screwing jokes i don't know let me know down in that comment section below the caliber of those jokes though variable it does look quite intimidating the full bulk of cables that you get here but i think it's pretty much just the molex that we're not going to use and the thing is with a 600 watt power supply you're not going to get as many connections anyway it's say like an 800 or 1000. here's your atx we can feed that through to the motherboard chamber cpu comes through at the top and then you have sata power for our rgb on the front and any hard drives or sata based ssds that you might be using let's plug in our absolutely huge 24 pin atx at the top here you can't miss it but you can plug it in the wrong way round because you're silly oh the cpu you're probably gonna have to lay it all down flat to access to be honest this is one of the downsides to using a cpu cooler i'm skinny but i'm not that skinny with those cables fitted it's now time for the star of the show the rtx 3060 and this one is from zotac it is the amp white edition that is a really good looking graphics card it seems to me that a lot of manufacturers have sort of cottoned on to this but i've said it for years if you're a manufacturer like zotec that doesn't necessarily have like the strix appeal from your graphics cards why not do something different and have a design that people are actively going to want to buy and i think they've done it this time it is quite a lot taller than the standard card if you like you can tell because these power connections are quite weighed down but this is going to give you better airflow but i'd be really interested to see just how warm this gets and how different it is to the ti version and if you've been following along with the whole graphics card news then you'll know that this is a 12 gigabyte card that's right 12 gig of vram which is four more than you get on the ti to be honest if you're a creator i would go for the 30 60 because i think that vram definitely could be quite useful for you especially if you're using four six or even 8k files for the stuff you're using whereas if you are a gamer and you can afford it then obviously the 3060 ti is going to be a better card at the moment it's only really watchdogs that i've come across that actually runs into a vram issue on the 36dti but i'm sure there will be more games to come so this is quite future proof but obviously in terms of performance it isn't as powerful that goes that really goes it matches the caller and design look what i've created it looks good already people in the comments no it looks bad my hoover looks better than that it definitely is quite difficult to actually plug the power connections into this card i forgot about that from my 30 70 review but regardless i think this is the optimal way to go in terms of athletics but i think all in all we have a nice clean tidy build it was actually pretty easy in terms of airflow i wouldn't say i'm really concerned but this is not going to be the uh the cool mesh finish that you get from a lot of modern day cases it's going to be just cool in terms of appearance i'm actually using an aorus wifi card in this because i don't actually have ethernet at this desk i know i know i i need to get that sorted out don't i but if you have the money from the off then i would highly advise that you just get a better motherboard that has it built in as it's cleaner it's easier and in some cases you'll get a load of other features on your motherboard as well besides just the wi-fi let's grab our monitor though 4k is probably a little bit optimistic but if you're playing something like forza it will be able to do it well we have rgb already that motherboard is surprisingly bright make sure you plug your displayport into the graphics card and not the one that you get on your motherboard common mistake grab a usb drive that has a copy of windows on it just download it from the website and then put that in the back panel pray to the pt gaming gods that everything is going to work sounds promising i've just seen the front panel the reason that you're buying this case no doubt and that does look pretty damn cool infinite mirror you've got like a triangle effect that just goes on and on and on that is neat please pc gaming gods please that is uh that's not quite so promising that i haven't had a pc not working ages oh let's try turning the display port version to 1.4 oh how bizarre pc gaming is weird but this is exactly what i did want to show you though the ram running at 3 600 megahertz on a b series intel motherboard it is a step in the right direction and pc gaming has just got cheaper assuming that the scalpers haven't got hold of the cards oh i'm going to trip up but remember what i said earlier will this actually support the pci generation 3 ssd in that top slot with the 10th gen intel cpu i honestly don't know hopefully it's gonna show up can we install windows no but ultimately that's what i'm here for right it's better for it to happen to me rather than you so give me a sec to actually plot this in the lower slots restart windows get it all installed get some games going and i'll join you in just a bit here we are then we're all set up we're playing some call of duty warzone the classic that you guys always ask for this is running at 1440p max settings and as you can see we are getting a really sky-high frame rate actually this is beautiful nvidia say that they're targeting 1080p 60 in the latest and greatest titles with ray tracing and the likes actually turned on but realistically i think that something like warzone is what most people are going to be playing and clearly it's a big result for the 30 60. but what about 1080p you ask great question oh and i've just died talking to the camera you guys i was trying to play okay touching down once again and now we're getting anywhere between 100 and 120 frames a second which is going to give you that super smooth high refresh rate experience which if you are gonna play warzone definitely could be the difference between life and death assuming you're actually quite good at the game of course next up it's time for some fortnite but i have actually got a little bit distracted by the sheer beauty of this system it's not necessarily turned out exactly how i'd like i think the cpu cooler is a little bit too big and bulky for my personal preference but actually the graphics card looks fantastic and you really can't get away from that front panel on this love it or hate it regardless of whether the rest of the case isn't exactly the best thing in the world you are clearly getting what you pay for when it comes to the front it looks fantastic and it is going to make your pc a little bit of a centerpiece without further ado let's drop straight into fortnite then and we are getting a little bit of stutter as we always do with every single new brand new pc build first came a fortnight it is a weird phenomenon so if it does happen to you don't worry it's just by design i assume it's just pre-loading textures or something weird like that but this is 1440p again epic preset this time to max settings and again we're getting around about 100 frames a second it is pretty consistent actually across the multiplayer title so it's a really flexible little graphics card this most pc gamers are playing at 1080p with around about 140 150 frames a second now so consider me super impressed really if you want a graphics card that can handle a little bit of everything then the 3060 is a great option yes two kills bearing in mind i never play i'm actually all right now this is a great opportunity to actually talk about the thermals and acoustics because let's be honest as expected they're not great it's not the quietest graphics card out there and even though it's a pretty quiet cpu caller the fans have come on a little bit i think the main culprit really is actually this back fan it seems to be ramping up for no real reason even though i've tuned it it's clearly not the quietest thing out there but anyway enough of that the show must go on let's move on to our single player titles this is star wars the fallen order and this is running again at epic settings 1440p and we're getting well over 60 frames a second with a roundabout anywhere between 70 to 80 fps it is super smooth this is running on a g-sync monitor as well so it really does feel the business it just blows me away just how much detail there is in this game it is fantastic it is next-gen gaming well that's what i would describe as next-gen gaming super smooth great visuals but if you ask nvidia they'll tell you that it's all about dlss and ray tracing so should we fire up some cyberpunk let's begin our journey with the ultra presets and no ray tracing you can definitely notice that dlss is set to the balanced preset though it's not quite as sharp as proper 1440p it's not far off but when you're moving you can see it's just not quite as good so maybe consider changing it to the quality setting rather than the balance that we're using here but 60fps in a game like this is really not too shabby at all but let's get the party properly started with some ray tracing shall we we go with the medium presets and our frame rate has tanked but to what not too bad actually around about 45 frames a second so we've lost what's that around about 20 of the fps so my advice if you do want to get ray tracing is to set it to ultra but then down red to 1080p but make sure that the dlss is set to the quality setting the end result is that you do properly get that full fat next generation ray tracing experience but the frame rate is actually pretty similar to 1440p with the medium presets i'm not sure how i would choose to play the game i guess it depends what you're doing if it was a firefight i would definitely rather be playing at 60 frames a second rather than the 45 that we're getting now this is clearly the most demanding bit really right in the city we've got all of these high-rise buildings but realistically if you're going to grab a 3060 and you're going to use these settings you can expect anywhere between 40 and 60 fps so then this is our rtx 3060 gaming pc it's definitely a locker there is no doubt about that when it comes to the raw performance there's not really that much default the only thing that has toppled this a little bit has been cyberpunk with full fat ray tracing on ultra however there definitely are a lot of changes that i would make about this system if i was building it myself firstly if you can stretch to the 11th gen cpus even if it's 11 400 from intel i think you're gonna get the full feature set really and just have a more complete experience for me though i really do have a hard time recommending this case like it is fine it's passable the front really does look fantastic if you clicked on this video you saw the thumbnail then clearly you liked the look of it or at least it caught your attention but there is nothing else really about this case to like you've got one random fan at the back that doesn't really make that much sense you've got no cable grommets it's not the most premium case in the world the screws on the side panel aren't captive but obviously the main thing is the fact that the airflow is pretty much non-existent at the front which is just so baffling i mean i understand how they did it but why did they do it all you needed to do really was make something that would come out a little bit more and actually make these vents usable rather than what we've got now that's just so limiting but the question does go out to you guys do you think there is a complete deal breaker do you like what we've built here what do you think of the rtx 3060 i would absolutely love to hear from you so please do let me know down in the comment section below if you've enjoyed this video smash that like button it helps out so much you honestly wouldn't believe and for all of the parts that were actually in this build then you can find those down in the description below for your perusal with current pricing and of course while you're down there don't forget to check out corsair hydrox corsair has a wide range of blocks and fittings to match any modern gaming pc with brand new gpu blocks that are perfect for rtx 3000 series all thermal pads and pastes are pre-applied so they slip onto your components like a glove create the loop of your dreams and give your pc that next level look with hydrax today check it out with that link down below thank you so much for checking out this video i really appreciate it i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 170,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 3060, rtx 3060 benchmark, rtx 3060 pc, rtx 3060 gaming pc, rtx 3060 pc build, rtx 3060 gaming pc build, nvidia 3060, 3060, nvidia rtx 3060, rtx 3060 build, rtx 3060 cyberpunk 2077, rtx 3060 cyberpunk, rtx 3060 warzone, gaming pc build, gaming pc build 2021, pc build, pc build 2021, gaming computer, pc gaming, pc centric, rtx 3060 fortnite, 3060 build, 3060 pc, graphics card, b560, b560 build, b560 motherboard, i5, i5 build, 3060 i5, intel, intel 11th gen, 11600k, 11400
Id: G7n4P0JXrMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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