I Finally FOUND CHEAP Graphics Cards...! | Dec 2021 USED PC Parts Hunt

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what is cracker lacking tech yes citizens it is the end of 2021 and that can only mean one thing and that is a used pc parts hunt where i'm already out and about in the beautiful city of brisbane queensland and we have picked up our first deal already which is a ryzen 5 2600 x 16 gigabytes of ddr4 memory ssd hard drive gtx 1066 gigabyte and we got this for 400 aussie dollars and they put this ad up last night i messaged them within about five minutes of them putting the ad up and then they said someone else messaged them i just said look i'll take it at asking price no messing around then they had their keyboard mouse and monitor which they wanted 50 for and i just said you know what throw that in i'll take all that as well so they chose me over the other guy because i wanted to take the other stuff and sometimes that's how you can get those really good deals so we've already scored the first and possibly one of the best deals this year and we're gonna load this pc right up in the car now the tech yes mobile we're gonna go find more used pc parts so strap on in and let's get ready and finish 2021 with an absolute bang if you want to get rid of this annoying activate windows message then today's video sponsor scdkeys has you covered for as little as 12 usd after you enter that coupon code bftyc you can cop yourself a legit single end user license today links in description below and here we are now just around the corner from les's place we just finished up picking some stuff up from him where i managed to uh get i guess you'd call it a christmas special we ended up picking up five monitors four of those being 20 inch one of those being a 24 inch and then we got two first generation systems one of those being an i3 550 it really wasn't anything special he said look throw me an offer and i said well i've got to put an i7 in that still and i'll give you 35 aussie dollars for it so he accepted then he had another i7 first generation system so you ended up getting all this stuff for 185 dollars in total now in terms of finding some deals after this pc i have actually found a few potentials and i'm mainly looking for graphics cards because i do have a lot of systems not just in terms of build systems but also motherboards ram ssds hard drives you name it i've got all that stuff and so i am desperate for graphics cards so what we're going to do now is just comb the market for graphics cards where i've already put in an offer on a gtx 670 for 40 aussie dollars then there was a gtx 960 put down an offer of 80 aussie dollars and it was gtx 1050 ti put down 150 aussie dollar offer on that but they did come back already on the 1050ti and said the lowest they'll budge is 200 so what i'm going to do now is jump in the yes mobile and i'm going to start looking for some more deals on the fly because i am in a bigger city at the moment and i find when you're in a big area where there's always lots of stuff coming up for sale it's usually sometimes really good to just put your location in that area and see if anything comes up so that's exactly what we're gonna do right now fingers crossed we'll find some hot deals that come up on the fly [Music] yeah we just picked up a gtx 970 g1 gaming edition so i think this model is the more overclocked version than the original 970. we got this for 100 aussie dollars that would make it like 70 usd this one came up with like 10 minutes ago listing on marketplace and as soon as i saw that they were asking a hundred dollars so i'm not even going to throw in an offer try and get the usual shave 10 or 20 off not even going to bother with that considering all the other graphics cards that are up for sale with overpriced prices so i just quickly sent messaged a guy just said look i'm coming to pick this up where you at and it was about 15 minutes around the corner from lez's place so that ended up working out perfectly now what i've got to do though is because i'm in brisbane i actually teed up something in the morning where there was someone who wanted a tech yes delivery and so you're probably wondering like brian why'd you buy so many monitors off les and i actually sort of had a little plan throughout the day les was part of that plan and that was i had this pc that someone messaged me yesterday on and they were like look i'll give you 650 bucks if you come over and set it up with three monitors so that's what i'm going to do now i'm going to get the pc we got him like a i5 7 500 six gigabytes of ram rx 460 so it's nothing super but he wanted it set up with three monitors and so he wanted to pay a bit extra for delivery and the monitors so we're gonna go deliver that right now tech yes delivery and we use that money to top the wallet up while we're on the fly here but also what i'm going to do is since that delivery is at 4 30 p.m i've got a little bit of time between now and then i'm going to keep searching for deals around this area hopefully we can get another graphics card i would like to ideally get like four or five graphics cards this month if i can but we're gonna keep on hustling keep on finding those deals man this month is already i mean i've got two solid deals and the less deal the less deal is always a guarantee but two really solid deals so far this month this is looking like it's the best tech yes christmas ever and if you're wondering yes it is extremely hot today really hot extremely hot it's like 30 something degrees outside celsius so next up for you guys that like semi potatoes we've got here a 7850 this is a gigabyte wind force and we got this for 30 aussie dollars but they're asking 50 and i just came in with the alpha of 30 because i'd seen it's been up for a little while on marketplace plus the fact that i'm not willing to pay that much for really old cards of course you do run that risk but this one right here especially with those recent nimes drivers that we did a video on that can help extend the life of these older cards [Music] so we just finished up with a tech yes delivery and this is actually the funny thing this is the first tech yes delivery we've actually got another one to do right now so i've teed up even though i'm doing the used parts hunt i always get the synergy out of everything i do and that's a really important thing to do so we just dropped off this pc they were over the moon they had three monitors they had the two small ones on the sides the big one in the middle a seventh gen i5 pc and i gave that to them for 650 aussie cash and they were just loving it so they couldn't thank us enough and i set it all up for them so it's now about 5 p.m in the afternoon so that did take a little while but they were really cool people really hospital they had a really good view in brisbane here and i asked him kind of like you know just casually what do you do so he's so he's crypto trading so he wanted to step up his crypto trading to a three monitor setup and i just like i told him just to yeah i hope he had good nerves nerves of steel because that thing crypto just looks like it's a massive jet coaster right now unlike the deals which is a consistently good thing around tech air city so let's go drop off this pc which is about 20 minutes away so another take this delivery then we are going to uh look around and see what we've got where would potentially there's a 2080 super come up with like a janky cooler so they're selling it pretty cheap 500 aussie dollars they said they'll do this 2080 super four because it's got this really i don't know they said the card works but it's got a really janky cooler on it not the retail one so 500 dollars that could be a really good deal so let's get moving come join us because it's it's still really hot but the deals are hot too so they justify [Music] we just picked up a 2080 super for 500 aussie dollars and this had a custom water cooler on it and the person said it was all janky they had the original cooler but they lost the screws for it so i mean at tech yes studio i've got screws for days like i've got a bucket full of screws so i'm pretty sure i'll have some screws that could fit the original cooler back on but i will test it with the water cooler because those custom water cooling kits can really bring the temperatures down and so some people might like that because that'll go in a build anyway so that's a really good deal i don't know which is better the gtx 1060 pc or that 2080 super for 500. do let us know in the comments which you think of these two deals was the better pick but i just think man was cleaned up today i am absolutely spent because i had to do two tech yes deliveries and the thing is i woke up early in the mornings i had to build those pcs up because they got booked up and so i was actually up until from six in the morning because i had to run and get custom like rgb cases uh for one of the pcs had an rgb case the other guy was crypto trading so he didn't care he just wanted a business office looking pc which is good for me but i had to wake up early to get the customer cases build a pc out i'm gonna build another one and it's just the busiest time of the year and we're just making all this magic happen on the same day picking up deals willing and dealing baby and you know those guys out there wondering like you know do i want to be a tech hustler when i'm older definitely yes this is some of the best fun you can have man just on the road meeting new people fixing up pcs scoring deals and it's kind of like bit you know if you're looking at like a dungeons and dragons game you're kind of like the character that's got to start you know maxing out uh edgy agility you know because you've got to be able to quickly maneuver on your feet you know those guys who are maxing out strength and intel you're gonna be able to out maneuver them so yeah just when you go on that character pick for uh tech hustle and just yeah make sure you max out the agi tab and that's the most important thing now also of course while i was at this person's place i just asked them look follow that tech yes protocol have you got any other paths that you might be interested in getting rid of and they actually said well they've got an x370 motherboard and some ddr4 sticks and they don't know which is faulty but one of them doesn't work then they just said to me make an offer so i was just like i looked at my wallet and i'm like well i've got 30 aussie dollars so i had a 20 and a 10. they said yeah that's fine so i'm actually interested now in finding out which of these is faulty either 28 gigabytes of ram or the x370 motherboard but anyways from here on in we're going to get back to the tech yes studio but another good thing is on the way home i'm going to go cop myself a deal half price pizzas it's tuesday night going to go get that two for one supreme and yeah we're gonna get back to studio but man it's like 8 30 at night now i'm completely spent i've driven in total over 250 kilometers just like here there everywhere all over the place so i'm pretty much gonna get back to the studio and just crash out and we're gonna get back to this in the morning it is now bright and early in the morning we have arisen to some really good news and that is this 1060 system with the ryzen 5 2600 x and also the 500 by mvme works absolutely fine so what we're going to do right now is change the case we're going to put all this gear right here into an rgb case and then i'm actually going to put a lower end build in this case here since it is decent it's not the worst looking case i've seen but same time it does it does look a little bit weird like i don't know what's going on with this subwoofer looking hole up the top here i mean i'm sure it's for airflow but [Applause] first rule of tech yes club always have a listing and generate them leads second rule of tech guest club don't tell your friends about turkish club [Music] so it is now 10 a.m and we've already got two office on our low-end system that we put up for sale and we've also tested those three graphics cards out all three of them work i was a little bit nervous with the 2080 super i was thinking wow probably that's too cheap to be working fine but sure enough we tested it out and that water cooler is working extremely well keeping the gpu under 50 degrees and it is summer here so it is getting pretty hot but let's continue the most epic parts hunt that we've done in 2021 and we're going to finish off with a bang i wasn't lying yesterday when we said in the intro that we're gonna finish off with a bang and what we've found already is three rtx 2060s and they were asking 1800 for the three of them they wanted to get 650 each i managed to haggle them down for 550 each of pop so we're gonna go pick those up right now as we desperately need graphics cards not the best deal but still a solid deal considering we can put them in gaming pcs and put them up for maybe 11 to 1200 a pc so it's definitely going to make for some decent profits but also our tally so far is running a little over twelve hundred aussie dollars but as we saw with yesterday during that part sign i flipped a pc for 650 400 so we've almost kind of like traded uh some different stuff for some of this really top-notch gear and so that's i guess in one episode of a used pc part-time we're just showing you guys that if you have those skills if you know what you're doing inside the pc tech world of putting together gaming pcs you can make your own high-end rig happen for very cheap and you can get yourself some of the nice gear and a lot of the times with that 1060 pc the guy just didn't want it he just wanted to get rid of it and he picked me over the other guy because i wanted to pick up his other stuff with his 23-inch monitor his mouse and keyboard which that monitor's already gone because we included that with the 400 set yesterday and we've got one monitor left out of the seven monitors that we picked up from the uh deals yesterday so that's how quick things are moving and i gotta be on my toes though speaking of being on my toes there are two other offers that i have laid down one is for a ryzen 3 3 100 motherboard and a case they want 210 for it i just said hey i'll give you 150 cash come pick this thing up waiting to hear back and then there was rx 588 gigabytes they had two of them and they were asking 300 each i just said look can i come through and pick up the both of them for 500 so waiting to hear back from them and hopefully we score lucky for this last day and of course i'm going to go pick up those rtx 2060s now and then on the way i'm going to see if i can find some more good deals it's just never going to end well it will end but that's when all the good deals dry up and we just got back from picking up those rtx 2060s all three of them work perfectly fine i asked him what the go was since of course buying three 2060s they've probably been mined on but he said he bought them for mining and then they were actually the wrong card for mining but i don't know i mean i'm looking at the gpus themselves actually don't look like they've had a whole lot of use there's only a little bit of dust on the outer rings which means that i think his story is truthful these cards are running pretty much like brand new which is a really good thing then while i was there another thing happened i asked him does he have anything else he had two laptops and he wanted a hundred and fifty dollars each for them so there was a dell with a seventh gen i5 and then there was a acer with the seventh gen i7 gtx 1050 but the i7 one had a the screen the plastic holding the screen was a bit cracked so i'm going to have to do some sort of cold world maybe and and fix that up and then sell it a bit cheaper but i think overall i can possibly double up on these laptops but of course you know with laptops i'm kind of like eh maybe i shouldn't have got that maybe i should have got that i don't know but we got the gpus for a pretty solid price anyhow but now we're just waiting for the amd rx 580 guy to get back to us and the ryzen 3 3100 guy he hasn't responded but i'm not too devil if i miss out on that deal as i've already got a heap of motherboards and and cpus and ram and all that other stuff here it's mainly gpus they're the one thing that i really want they're also looking at the two sticks of ram we got yesterday as the bonus with the x370 i haven't tested the x370 yet but the two ram sticks both of them are busted indeed i tried working them on two different rigs and they just don't work at all so it's kind of rare to have two just busted sticks which kind of is indicative of something short circuiting or perhaps a power surge and on other news though in the meantime we do have uh both those rigs are listed this morning they're already pretty much sold so it's crazy market right now and uh fingers crossed we'll keep an update soon and we are now coming back it is night time 7 p.m and i'm gonna go eat dinner soon and unfortunately the rx 580 guy he's read my messages and i am getting ghosted now so that's what happens sometimes even when you try to go for a little discount but uh in terms of the ryzen 3 3100 we got ghosted on that as well and we came out with the rtx 2060 supers and those two laptops today so we kind of got a lot of quality deals especially yesterday i think that 2080 super over the moon and the gtx 1060 system which we've already recased and in that time where we were looking for deals and whatnot we didn't really find anything that was good by the way i sold that pc that we built up this morning that's already gone and then someone's coming tomorrow morning pick up that other 1060s pc so there's just the magic in flipping and it's such a good thing and the parts hunt is i guess the core of that where you guys see how much i'm paying for stuff what the market's like and at the moment i guess coming into christmas it's just like game on and everyone wants a gaming pc literally for me from this weekend onwards it's just been like before that it was relatively quiet and then it's just all on now everyone left right and center i'm just dodging haymakers and everything there's a hater on the right and then you've got to duck right because there's a low baller on the left so you kind of just got to keep maneuvering and as we saw here we maneuvered pretty well especially yesterday so what we've got here in tally i'll put the tally up on the screen we've got over 3000 aussie dollars in total for this month and in usd terms i think we got around 2003 usd and for this price we've just got so much good stuff here and so out of those rtx 2060s especially i'm going to be building three pcs that i'm going to try and get around 1200 aussie per pop for because i notice there's some people on marketplace where i'm like locally they're selling you know 12 1300 with gtx 1080s right and people would rather an rtx 2060 than a 1080 so you've got that little ledge there and picking them up for 550 pops definitely going to allow me to enter that market and make a decent profit so that's just a really good pick up happy with that happy with every other deal in today's batch and if you guys are happy that we're finishing off 2021's use pc part sign of the month with a bang be sure to hit that like button and also of course be sure to let us know your favorite deal and on top of that if i do come into any specials between now and the end of the year i will be making some more dedicated videos this is just the last official pc parts hunt of the month and we're closing it off and i just think i put on a show for you guys so if you enjoyed it be sure to hit that like button and also if you stayed this far and you're enjoying that tech yes content be sure to hit that sub button ring that bell and also if you want to get behind the scenes and get some more insight into the flipping and the profit making then be sure to hit that membership button and join for as little as a dollar fifty a month where i'm starting to get into that just really loosely show you guys my thoughts and opinions on things and show you guys what i'm doing personally with a lot of different things behind the scenes so i look forward to giving you guys more content ramping into 2022 i'm definitely going to personally pick it up again i think these last two years especially since a particular thing dropped it's just been an absolute roller coaster but for me personally i'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and i'm going to keep going forward and doing it now at 110 so thank each and every one of you guys for watching the content as always love you guys and i'll catch you in the next tech video very soon you might want to stay tuned because we do have pretty big giveaways coming up for christmas too and i mean if you're busy and i don't see you until christmas then also have a merry christmas but there's going to be a lot more content coming for the rest of this month and it's going to be very festive so stay tuned and i'll catch you guys in the next one peace out for now bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Tech YES City
Views: 90,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphics cards, used pc parts, used pc parts build, cheap gaming pc, used pc parts hunting, gaming pc, graphics card, pc gaming, pc builder, budget gaming pc 2021, best used gpu, used pc, used pc market, used pc build, gpu prices, graphics card stock, used pc parts website, pc parts
Id: mCbBGteY4dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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