RTX 3050 vs RX 6600 XT vs Arc A750: Best $250 GPU in 2023?

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will still be a while before we get updates to the budget price below 300 range for 2023 so it's looking like right now we've got the RTX 3050 around 280 dollars if uh we look at the AMD side of things you can get the RX 6600 XT for around 260 dollars or sometimes the 6650 XT which is a few percent faster comes in around the same price looks like that's what we're seeing right now I don't have a 6650 XT but just add a couple percent to my 6600 XT results and you'll get the basic idea because the 6650 XD is just an update with a little bit faster memory which helps performance by a few percent uh the Intel side of things though is pretty interesting Intel has entered the discrete GPU market with the arc a750 and 770 and the a750 especially has been priced very aggressively right at about 250 right now making it actually the cheapest option here although very close in price to amd's competitor and still These Guys these aren't incredibly cheap for a lot of people 300 dollars almost is a lot of money so if you want to help recoup some of the cost of buying one of these you should seriously consider selling your old Hardware uh you can get your the best price for your GPU at today's sponsor jawa.gg um so if you're in the market to upgrade your video card you should offset the cost by selling your old one now java.gg gives you two very interesting options one option is to list the card for sale yourself and kind of manage everything yourself that's more similar to doing something like eBay however unlike eBay you get to keep more of your money they take uh lower fees on their their market sales so that's a very good reason to consider java.gg and they still have very good seller protections and they're also gamer friendly with their focus on PC gaming Hardware rather than being more General uh like something like eBay now you could uh actually just remove a lot of the hassle by just selling your GPU directly to Jawa if you do that then you don't have to wait wait for a buyer you just tell them the GPU model and condition they give you a price within 24 hours ship your GPU to Java receive it inspect it they pay you immediately click the link in my description or pinned comment uh to sell your GPU on jawa.gg you could also look at buying a used GPU there if these prices for new gpus are still a little much let's jump into the benchmarks and give you my final thoughts at the end tons of huge AAA franchises have committed to switching to Unreal Engine 5 for future entries so performance in this Engine with features like the Lumen software-based lighting system which can also be Hardware accelerated we'll test that out as well although by hwrtf I mean the hardware acceleration is currently turned off the nanite system allowing not a lot of pop in on nanite enabled objects in the game as you get closer there's virtual Shadow Maps these are huge features but it's also extremely demanding at the Epic settings now why am I testing in fortnite because fortnite is developed by epic Who develops Unreal Engine so this is the only big fully released game where we can test out all of these features in a fully released game here you can see the 6600 XT with a 52 lead over the 3050 and the a750 from Intel with a 28 lead over the 3050. how am I getting all of these to compare side to side I recorded a game and then the fortnite has a built-in replay feature so you can do that however none of these gpus are giving us 60 FPS and the 3050 is actually falling below a 30 FPS average so um yeah not amazing performance from any of them so we'll definitely try turning down the settings a little bit as we go also if you're looking at the frame rates here as we drop down to the high settings you can see they're all getting much better performance if you look at the frame rate counters on each one the one on the left is the current frame rate the middle is the average for the duration of The Benchmark run up to this point and the one on the right is the one percent lows keep your eye on those one percent lows but also keep your eye on the frame time graph to judge the smoothness especially on the a750 you'll see some spikes occurring that were noticeable stutters when I was running running this that did not occur on the other gpus so definitely judge the smoothness by those frame time graphs you can see it right here um big stutters on that Arc a750 now here we're seeing the 6600 XD with a 55 lead over the 3050 and the a750 with a 14 lead over the 3050 and only the 6600 is over not only 60 FPS but actually averaging in the mid 70s and even it's one percent lows are over 60 FPS so this testing so far seems to be a big lead for amd's 6600 XT you can see some of the temperature differences and everything up there in the top of the screen as well although keep in mind that depending on which cooler model of these cards you buy things like the temperatures and all of that can come out differently however we know that nvidia's big advantages Hardware accelerating Ray tracing right so let's enable that so this is the high settings not the Epic settings with the hardware RT on and now we can see that amd's lead has dropped to 40 that um rather than being 50 to 55 percent and the rk750 is staying at roughly the same lead over the 3050 although all of them now have a little bit worse performance now the hardware based Ray tracing in this game is not particularly demanding it just uh helps the Lumen lighting be a bit more accurate than in the software-based version so they all lose a little bit of performance um but the AMD GPU is losing more performance um from its original Baseline than the other ones do but it had such a massive lead in the first place that it's still winning here you can see a bunch of frame time spikes again as well except for on the AMD GPU and their worst on the arc a750 so another thing to keep your eye on here as well now since um with the hardware RT on and at the high settings we couldn't get a 60 FPS lock from the 3050 and by turning on medium settings it would turn off features like Lumen and nanite in the virtualized shadows which are the whole point of Unreal Engine 5 and again we're not doing doing realistic fortnite settings we're trying to test out the new Unreal Engine 5 features so instead I've enabled upscaling uh the fortnite build has dlss enabled it does not have fsr2 or Intel's xcss technology although it does have temporal super resolution which I've enabled to the same input frame input resolution at the Quality setting as dlss here I do think dlss looks a little bit crisper and cleaner especially in motion if you look like the arm swinging by on the character here that kind of a thing looks a little bit cleaner although the performance here is now the 6600xt leading by 35 and the arc a750 now basically in a tie with a 3050 although again keep your eye out for the little uh frame time dips and all of that now speaking of frame time dips let's jump in to cyberpunk 2077 and let's test out Ray tracing we're going to test out Ray tracing low medium and Ultra here so we can further investigate what's going on with um the ray tracing performance because wait was AMD really winning by that much even with Ray tracing enabled well it's going to depend on how demanding the ray tracing settings are that we enable also keep your eye on the frame time graph look at the arc a750 do you see those extra little like micro stuttery spikes in the frame time graph that the other gpus aren't showing by the way the ray tracing low settings here are just local Shadows nothing else there's no Reflections there's no lighting there's no sun shadows and right there the a750 just dips out what happened there it did my monitor just displayed a black screen and this happened frequently during my testing of the a750 keep in mind I am running through a capture card which might be a more unusual setup but I did not see any of those issues on any of my AMD or Nvidia gpus using exactly the same setup here the AMD GPU is still winning by 39 it's only one averaging 60 FPS with Ray tracing enabled which might surprise some people however if we turn on Ray tracing to the medium setting we see that AMD drops much much further the ray tracing medium settings in this game keep the local Shadows but they also enable Sun shadows and there's some Ray traced lighting effects still no Reflections and the lighting effects are only set to their medium setting here we see the 6600 XT actually still ahead but only slightly by seven percent over the 30 350 and the arc a750 now has a 22 percent lead over the RTX 3050. this is the first time I think we've seen it ahead of amd's offering however none of them are doing well I think this is a case where they're uh you know the the ray tracing load is now bringing the 3050 closer to the performance of the 6600 XT but they're all performing fairly badly with around 30 FPS now you could lock the game to 30 FPS although at these settings the 3050 is actually falling significantly below 30 FPS a lot of the time and it's really only the a750 just more frequently above 30 FPS at these settings so there's your win for Intel if it doesn't disconnect from your monitor anyway um right if we move up to the ray tracing Ultra setting we finally see the RTX 3050 pull ahead of amd's 6600 XT although only by 10 percent and Intel's Arc a750 actually pulls ahead of the RTX uh 6600 XT by 30 although this is a case of you know uh I don't know how you should describe it but you're sinking the ship to beat your opponent you see what I'm saying like you're going to kill your opponent by just by killing everybody including yourself it's a murder suicide in other words if you turn the ray tracing settings up so high that it finally brings the 3050 to better performance than the 6600 XT they all are performing badly including the RTX 3050s so this is where I think yes Nvidia has a hardware accelerated Ray tracing Advantage but the 6600 has such a baseline lead in performance that enabling Ray tracing at settings that actually bring them together or bring the 3050 ahead just brings none of them to a performance that you'd be happy with now you could try upscaling which is what we're testing here however uh my feelings on upscaling at 1080p is that I'd rather avoid it it's just that your input resolution when you go below 1080p is low enough that I just don't think it looks very good um however that being said I do think that dlss does look better than fsr2 especially at these lower resolution upscales I think there's a little bit less fizzling to it that kind of a thing this game does not feature Intel's xcss upscaling but it does have fsr2 which the ark 750 can take advantage of so could the RTX 3050 but I do think dlss looks a little better here so let's give it that Advantage Now using Ray tracing Ultra with the upscaling all the gpus could play this excuse me could play this at about 30 FPS maybe pushing towards 40. they're all also basically tied although the 6600 XT is the furthest behind the 3050s ahead by five percent and the rk750 is ahead by eight percent but again I really just don't think it makes sense to enable Ray tracing on gpus of this class because what we'll test out now is what if you just didn't enable Ray tracing then you could play the game at a native 1080p although what we're showing here is that only only the 6600 XT can really even Max the game out comfortably at 1080p Ultra the a750 too far behind although it is definitely behind and look at its frame time graph up and down those little micro stutters all over the place um so here we're seeing the 6600 XT with a 50 lead over the RTX 3050 and the arc a750 with only a 12 lead over the RTX 3050 and with that like I said the frame time graph that's more all over the place now um again uh this is not saying that you have to play the game at ultra settings so well I guess I'll say the 6600 XT out of these gpus is the one that I think makes the most sense to just play 1080p Ultra it was also the one where you could kick on a little Ray tracing at the low setting and still hold about 60 FPS um if we run through this Benchmark run one more time with reduced settings let's see how far down we'd have to go in order to get the RTX 3050 up to around 60 FPS and we and I tested out high and it was just still below 60 uh too much of the time so I'm showing you here the 1080p medium settings so I tested the RTX 3050 at 1080p medium and it was much more frequently above 60 FPS although it still definitely does not hold the minimums at uh at over 60 FPS uh here it's actually interesting that the rk750 didn't gain as much performance by going down to the medium settings as the other gpus did so it actually fell to only 80 two percent lead over the 3050 and once again you'll see its frame time graph kind of a little more spiky at times than on the other gpus whereas the 6600 XD has actually expanded its lead to a 54 lead over the RTX 3050 and it's now averaging over a hundred FPS while the 3050 is averaging in the mid 60 FPS range with still dips below 60. the one percent lows on the rk750 are actually by far the worst uh with one percent lows down around 39. so you're definitely getting a smoother experience on the 3050 than the 750 at those settings now let's move on to a different game so returnal is a PS5 exclusive game on console and after a couple of years now it has come to PC only recently this game is developed in Unreal Engine 4. and it is uh it is actually performing pretty well on all three of these gpus and you can actually see the arc a750 much closer to the 6600 xt's performance in this title we see the 6600 XT 51 ahead of the RTX 3050 and the arc a750 43 ahead of the RTX 3050 which is one of its best showings we've seen so far at least without Ray tracing enabled so pretty cool stuff there now the thing is well the RTX 3050 is absolutely playable at these settings these are the Epic settings now this game does feature Ray tracing but we do I need this video to not be like five hours long and I only had so much time to Benchmark so I think we're done with our Ray tracing benchmarking we're just looking at the non-ray traced epic settings here the 3050 was not able to average over 60 FPS it was a little over 50. so while the other gpus had performed so well I didn't bother to try out lower settings at 1080p the 3050 here delivers 67 FPS if you go down to the medium settings throughout that Benchmark run although the one percent lows are still definitely well below 60 so you can get a 60 FPS experience in that game if you turn down the settings this is atomic heart which is another game that just came out um and is also developed in Unreal Engine 4 and in this game the atomic preset is the highest preset and we can see here that the 6600 XT is averaging about 60 FPS in this little opening sequence The Arc a750 is actually taking a lead now with a 59 lead over the 3050 and the 6600 XT with a 46 lead over the 3050. the 3050 is the only GPU that is not over 60 FPS in this scene it's actually averaging down in the mid 40s so we would have to turn down settings in order to get a 60 FPS experience on the RTX 3050 whereas the other two gpus you could be pretty comfortable just maxing the thing out and again Intel has a great showing here with its uh 59 lead over the RTX 3050 a lot higher than we usually expect now as soon as our little uh robot companion handing us a soda flies away we'll look at turning down the graphic settings here a little bit to see how the RTX 3050 could do in this test at the 1080p medium settings I actually forgot to test the uh the arc a750 so you can at least see the 3050 against the 6600 XT gives you a better chance to look at their power drawn things like that down at medium settings the game still looks pretty good although I feel like those characters in the background like the dance moves are feel a little more like smeary or something it's a little bit weird um although the RTX 3050 is now averaging over 90 FPS and the 6600 XD is leading by 40 four percent with over a hundred and thirty four FPS average so looking very good here on both of them you can all see the power draw the 6600 XT does draw a little bit more power than the RTX 3050 although not by a lot although the way they report their power draws to this afterburner stats um I'm not sure is the equal between AMD and Nvidia I think Nvidia includes more of the power off the board than AMD does anyway let's jump to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 at the 1080p balance settings I chose not to do this at the extreme settings because I think for a competitive multiplayer game people are more likely to be turning down some graphic settings to get higher competitive frame rates for that Competitive Edge also the Jeep view performance difference between these is similar in the um Battle Royale mode with Warzone 2 however that's harder to Benchmark so I'm using the built-in Benchmark on these games the 6600 XD has a 69 nice percent lead over the RTX 3050 The Arc a750 has a 14 lead over the 3050 and yes this is the amd's biggest win so far and that's normal here um Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 absolutely prefers AMD gpus um I've seen this in all of my testing it's consistent the AMD GPU is always over perform in this title relative to how they do in other games compared to their Nvidia counterparts it looks like the arc GPU stays about the same relative to its competitors now let's take a look at plaguetail Requiem this is a custom game engine but uh from Sobo Studios it's not unreal and you can see the frame time graph for the arc a750 here looks terrible so while the rk750 has one of its best average FPS performances here with a 63 percent lead over the 3050 and the 6600 XT with only a 43 lead over the 3050. I think the overall experience of playing the game would actually be worse on that GPU because of those weird frame time spikes that we're seeing also I'll note that in this more demanding scene now that you actually have the player has control of the camera here none of these gpus are actually over 60 FPS in the actual gameplay scene and this isn't even the most demanding scene so I tried turning down to medium and unlike atomic heart where going down a medium just has a massive boost to your frame rate I've noticed that plague tail Requiem is not particularly scalable and most of the scaling that you'll get is actually from resolution scaling rather than turning down graphic settings here we now still see those weird frame time issues on the a750 although it has a 58 lead over the RTX 3050 the 6600 XT has a 42 lead and the 6600 XD is now averaging about 60 FPS in the scene um and then was over that during the actual cut scene the 3050 is still well below 60 FPS overall in plague tale so you would have to use dlss or something go down to low settings maybe both the Callisto protocol is another recent game that pushes Graphics um really far it's one of the best looking Unreal Engine 4 games this is another Unreal Engine 4 title it looks like once again Arc a750 likes Unreal Engine 4. it has a 61 lead over the RTX 3050 once again a little bit ahead of the 6600 XT which is 51 over the RTX 3050 here we're testing the 1080p ultra settings at the native resolution this game does feature fsr2 upscaling and no other Technologies and this is the ultra preset with no Ray tracing enabled you can enable Ray tracing in this game but once again I I think we're done with the ray tracing testing um if we drop down to 1080p medium we can now see the 3050 holding much closer to a 60 FPS average although this Corridor of death as I call it is is rough and we can see the arc a750 just blanking out again again it could be that I'm going through a capture card but like I said the the GPU should read the capture card like just being a monitor and my Intel sorry my AMD and Nvidia gpus don't seem to have any issues with that so um overall we can see also that at the medium settings the rk750 no longer has the lead it didn't scale as well by dropping settings and now it's 39 faster than the 3050 and the 6600 XD is 49 faster than 3050. let's get some final thoughts I think the benchmarks when we're talking 30 50 versus the AMD 6600 XT and remember 6650 XT would be a few percent faster than that really speak for themselves AMD is offering by far better performance per dollar it comes in at a lower cost with significantly higher performance seeing a fifty percent lead or more was not uncommon although sometimes less what about nvidia's Ray tracing lead well we saw that while AMD lost a larger percentage of its performance every time he would kick up the ray tracing settings that meant it had a lot of Headroom over the 3050 before the 3050 would actually gain any sort of Ray tracing advantage and by the point we pushed Ray tracing settings hard enough to give the 3050 a lead over the 6600 XT both gpus were performing so badly it was kind of irrelevant so with that in mind for just straight up gaming performance the AMD 6600 XT is by far the winner here now what about Intel so intel was I think offering better performance per dollar than the uh Nvidia GPU with the 3050 it was offering more you know it a less consistent result it could occasionally be faster than the 6600 XT but it was a lot less consistent so overall I think that getting the The Arc a750 here is probably a mistake at this point I'll also mention that it just feels worse to have in my PC for example every time I would reboot my PC I'd be greeted by one of those little Windows like allow this art control panel software to make changes to your device despite the fact that I already gave it permission last time and it would have these little pop-ups in the bottom right hand corner and there's probably some way to get rid of that and Silent it but like none of the Nvidia or AMD gpus I have give me these annoying little pop-ups um like I said a lot of games we had weird frame time graph inconsistencies and it could have been unique to my setup but my a750 was disconnecting from my monitor slash capture card randomly intermittently throughout my testing by the way not just while playing games sometimes we'll just on the desktop now maybe you'll have a more compatible situation my you know capture card situation is probably uh less usual but still it's not an issue I was having on my AMD or Nvidia Hardware any of them um so that's a bit annoying and so just in general I don't let me put it this way so if you do want to consider going Nvidia it's probably because you don't care just about the performance per dollar you're up there for these software features and the reputation for reliability of drivers maybe productivity workloads and support um because that is one thing I will mention is a lot of productivity apps uh AI acceleration things like that um do have better support for NVIDIA um so that is something to consider and then there's the reputation of the drivers which is hard to quantify uh specifically so you need to kind of research that yourself people have issues with both although there have been some issues recently um that I've done videos on anyway the point is if you're going for NVIDIA it's not just for Straight Up Performance per dollar it's for the you know reputation of software support driver stability all of that and you're willing to pay a in at this price point massive of premium and take a massive hit to gaming performance in order to do that however um then if you look at the Intel versus AMD Choice it's like okay well Intel has even less mature drivers and software support and all of that than AMD does because they've just had less time to develop that um and yet the AMD GPU here costs about the same and actually in most situations was providing better performance and like I said I had fewer issues all of that so I've in other words the advantage is that Intel has over Nvidia are just the same kind of Advantage AMD has except AMD has a better price to Performance ratio and fewer of the um of the software concerns so at this point I really don't think I can recommend the arc a750 despite it offering better performance per dollar than than um Nvidia does I think it's not compelling over the 6600 or 6650 XT options at the similar price range what do you guys think let me know in the comment section and if you're interested in what about the 6600 non-xt I've updated all of my GPU benchmarks in the low to mid-range uh segment so you're going to see a whole bunch of other direct head-to-head comparisons like this one we'll see the 6600 non-xt against the 3050 at some point maybe against the 750 as well like we did here I've also tested out my 30 60 30 60 TI the 6600 and you know nonxt I've got my 6700 XD from AMD my 6800 non-xt so tons more updated comparisons in the same gaming Suite now speaking of this gaming Suite that's the last thing I'll mention with the a750 I really gave Intel a softball here I used all new games because I wanted to focus on new game performance in uh you know in 2023. if you go back and play older games Intel is going to have an even rougher experience than they had in this video so honestly I my game selection uh Suite here happened to be a softball for Intel now I didn't ex I didn't select it to be a softball for Intel I selected it because I wanted to focus on brand new AAA games coming out in late 2020 to early 2023. um uh and that just happens to be a place where Intel has less of a disadvantage and a reminder again if you're going to be selling buying a new GPU you should try selling your old one Java jot.gg Link in the description and pinned comment uh check them out for one of these options I hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 40,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7CFtLAlMgJ4
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Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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