RTGame Streams: Minecraft New Earth: Mainland Southeast Asia

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] folks how y'all doing well hello you hear me he's late nice to see you too and most people say hello uh I I gave notice I gave notes I was trying to have food try not to die [Music] oh God yeah how you all doing folks awful I haven't experienced any Rumble tumble related content in at least 12 hours I'm sorry for your loss yeah you take care of yourself I know the nerve of some people oh God yeah how's it going folks you're all very welcome to the Stream hope you're all having a good afternoon uh it's so damn hot like like it's it's just been pretty rough this week to say the least not a fan someone's playing with the thermostat again It's the final new word no you can check where the Earth builds are at you know um the there you you can actually just like search up the map in that you can click that link in chat too and it'll give you some details you can see where we're at uh we are continuing it though we are getting to the end um there will probably only be a few more builds uh but we we have some more yeah I'm gonna try I I thought I put on the Minecraft soundtrack but it's like it's awfully quiet uh let me just get some nice Nintendo music or something just give me one second nice Nintendo music mix um yeah this mix was really good we had this the other day it's a good one though Gary and Jesus Christ thank you for the 10 gift Subs I haven't even done them yet thank you so much uh thank you to everyone for someone in general as well let's get the heaviest here [Music] got my first Zelda game today I hope you're enjoying it hey Dad first stream I made it to how do you usually do this watching people play video games live thing [Music] but the first thing is you have to know the secret handshake when you show up on the stream you know like you you're going to be ostracized from chat if you don't get the special greeting right you need to you need the passcode it gets you one of chat and I'm only gonna give that in like three give that out three hours into the Stream otherwise we'll just point and laugh at you so you know keep an eye out for that one well welcome I know the secret handshake also remember the raid song yep there is a RAID song important [Music] oh God he doesn't know the handshake [Music] you're all welcome to the Stream So that thank you for the three gift subs thank you very much give people a chance to hop on it [Music] uh we'll go for probably like just over two hours today so we get a good old chance to build um maybe it'd be a good point to start um have a look at this welcome back to the new art project uh over the last three years which feels wild to say uh we've been recreating there in Minecraft and gradually making progress uh last time we established the new region that is new Hong Kong with a plot build here uh today we're gonna be working on kind of new Southeast Asia yeah we do have um we do have a bunch of islands here and a few more countries to kind of get to we're just gradually dividing up the chunks I was tempted to do it in just one big block that would actually be like I think the largest build plot in the server in one go just ever so let's not do that let's kind of just make it more digestible uh but we have a SWAT of countries in here let me get my world map for a moment just to make sure I don't miss any give me one second [Music] you ever noticed that like so many images are just hell of hostage online these days and it's like they're on these sites you do not want to be on it's so frustrating I want a simple world the map it's like download world map wallpaper today you need an account to see this man well it's not available in HD and it's like well I just just want to see countries just want to see countries of the world [Music] okay I believe we have in this bill today we have China uh we have Vietnam uh we have Taiwan we have Thailand uh Bangladesh [Music] uh Busan I think it's just on the border here I think it's just in there and I'm gonna need a new map because this one's too small I I wish why is the internet holding them hostage I understand holding them hostage I just want a world map I don't know why this is always like how can you not find this these days Google Maps I want one with country borders you know Google Maps doesn't really have that how many how many websites we gotta go if one that just lifts them all in alphabetical order okay I think I've got a few more at Cambodia we have Burma else are we in this one's not labeled in the countries too well damn it I just want a world map why is it so hard Google world map thank you oh my God why is it so tricky to get one that's just countries of the world Bangladesh is in there uh Manor Burma's in there I think it's we're better off relying on chat we have a little bit of Malaysia here uh you can kind of see the land break that we've got going on here we just have to divide it up somehow the map industry is in shambles thank God Google's actually got it like it's a bit easier to read yeah I don't know why that's getting hard or inherited to just like kind of look that up I I've noticed that with like a few things in that it's all like lost in layers and advertising last uh thank you for the 2700 bits thank you so much Malaysia is a bit more set I think yeah I think Malaysia sorry Malaysia I think it's the southern end we might just have like a little bit I don't think we're quite there might just be a smidge of it there okay we've got a good view though I hope I caught them all there is it Laos how do you pronounce it and we got I think I saw Cambodia I think you have an atlas at all times honestly we're getting to the point where it's like it feels like it's like information on the Internet is like getting harder and harder to actually access that we're probably going to be back it's like [ __ ] yeah physical encyclopedias again [Music] I don't know how that's happened um but it does feel like more and more of the internet is like locked behind advertising and paywalls and weirdness Laos is it boss trying to pronounce it capitalism moment God I love it wow it's just loud is it not loss wow thank you [Music] thank you guys RT learns countries once again but yeah this is the build site for today and also a little cheeky mention after the Stream uh we're gonna be opening a new plot in South America South America I'm thinking we're going to kind of have as be like the off stream builds for the next while so once this is filled we're gonna like expand it and we're gonna try and Tour all this in one go a fun little tidbit we're probably going to be doing is we are actually going to protect an area of the Amazon right in the middle here uh we're gonna do it in such a way that we make sure that any country that lies in there is still gonna have billables buildable space it's gonna be mostly Brazil that's around here ah but we're gonna have just a protected area of the Amazon which might just be kind of nice and break up the space a bit so I thought that would be fun but yeah that's gonna be out after the stream uh for today we are here probably here next week I reckon so give me a moment and we can gear on upper list I've done that wrong hang on the mareep's capable care as ever for Minecraft build server um you can find the rules just via the link they're also in the description of all the highlight videos on the channel um it's open for twitch Subs we'll have the sub the server unlocked in just a moment wait the reason we do it that way is just so we can effectively moderate it we have done server builds in the past where we have tried to just be like hey everyone join and we've ddosed it so we try and prevent that hope that's understandable though I don't know it's always I the reason I say that every time is I know it's always like a question that comes up um just whenever we do these after the last year of floating text allowed again no no no floating text like no we have the usual build uh server rules try to avoid that you gotta like actually selling posts if you're gonna do that okay IUS the Easter Hill Street like that one actually was hella [ __ ] we had a prisoner dilemma wasn't it we like somehow reenact it it was it was really funny quite hellish oh shout out to the mods of course contributing the most important build that we'll possibly see on the server today some some sus going on here gang get out to the mods server though thanks for being here gang appreciate this good to have you on board if you guys are ready to open up the server hello if he isn't ready to open the server get people on in um we can just work away wait you can't see hang on wait why can't you see one sec one sec and I'm not ready apparently to see OBS moment hang on okay hang on uh shout out to the most important build in the server thanks Mod Squad it's good to have you here see now oh it's just been immediately deleted [Music] Jim's haven't done none of it today this is no just just get rid of it snap it good to have you here again thank you as ever her baby looks like looks like that being vented guys I think that was the Imposter wow when's gonna be the year where I start referencing a Moog Among Us and the younger like the new Zoom regeneration is going to be it's like what the hell is he talking about because that's that day is going to happen at some point where it's like oh you're talking about Among Us God you're old you know back in the day it was like oh yeah town of Salem guess who the werewolf is but now it's Among Us and there's gonna be something else that replaces it because we cannot stop the inevitable March of time okay grab go off give me one second as well just to get the mod Minecraft chat open yeah to open the server we can get people on in uh we'll go about two hours today give you his ample time to build uh come on in and have fun make your way on in how's it going gang oh God I love Taiwan I've actually always wanted to go there a lot like much very far away travel destination check it out you know like I'd like there's so there's so many places in general I actually just want to go to my brother actually went I think it was Argentina like a few years back that's part of like his university course is studying them rocks for Geology and he had an amazing time there like South America is one that I've never done I would love the heart bear in that part of the world someday that'd be really cool experience I think it was Argentina I think it was Argentina [Music] oh come on in though folks yep you're all welcome to the server how's it going gang make yourselves at home find a plaque at building it's regular creative mode this week as well um you know you don't have to worry about resource or anything like that space is open sky's the limit please don't build to the sky how's it going folks someone's just like wait has someone just is that all a Taiwan hang on wait where are we in the world that's not all of it is it where where is our spawn no I don't I don't think it is I don't think it is sorry sorry I couldn't tell where we've actually spawned it was just where have they claimed Hainan China okay sorry different spot I wasn't sure where we were starting on the on the map today the Island's just been claimed like I had to Hazard a guess this might be Battleship gang or something uh setting up camp here as well we always have a few Battleship builds on the Minecraft server yeah let me just get my map open again so I can see where we actually are okay yeah sorry we're not as far to the east as I thought we were okay thought we were further east all good though okay make your way on it I'm gonna vanish by end [Music] British people be like oh God it is weird looking back in history now it's like half the world has like a day where it's like yes we got free of the Brits as well you know [Music] I have a welcome gang welcome [Music] dad why you streaming Minecraft gross is the UK even rebuilt in this world yeah yeah we have the we started with the new UK and uh new Europe that would have been age that was three years ago now like it's been an ongoing project this entire time but in fact it's an average Independence Day from the British once a week it's just wild you know come a long way since what's the theme for today uh we are in kind of Southeast Asia there's a whole wealth of countries here that you can choose to represent or you can just build whatever you like you know it's a new Earth you don't have to have like a one-to-one scale Recreation of where you're building you know we kind of encourage people to just be creative and have fun Above All Else [Music] yeah welcome aboard gang everyone's just kind of trickling in at the moment it's good to have you on board just let me see my map I think I need to close my map because there's so many names in it that I can't tell where I am anyway so let me just get the mod chat open again let's make sure we're all right there have to Tab out of it because Minecraft's a bit funky [Music] dang we are as old as Dan now so we have the traditional uh staple of every build in the server to start that is just the red beams if you kind of denote your build plot and where you're working [Music] always the first thing built every time people just gotta map out their space in there it's cool though I I always wonder like like people here in chat might even be able to answer it's like how many people even have like a plan going into it because it always feels it especially when you start seeing like these build parameters there's like a lot of folks who like have something picked out it's like that's what I'm building today we have plans I do somewhat I'm at there's got to be summer here like I don't I don't think it is like someone I I don't think someone could build like there's a massive chunk of like orange scaffold and be like I have no [ __ ] idea what I'm doing like no like they they must have some idea because I just want to claim here I don't know where I'm going they've got it they've gotta know something you work on the spot it's like uh like box big box household [ __ ] it 30 blocks foreign oh and here's like kind of the Border this is like uh going into like New India uh as the territory I believe you can kind of see that yeah it's been a while since we've even been here when we build New India that was a while ago [Music] I think that was that a Christmas I might have been [Music] it's been a while it's the old note blocks as well we'll give people just a chance to kind of set up nearly a year ago yeah it's it's wild how long construction's been ongoing like even if we go like kind of further north here I believe these build plots were open about a year ago like yeah like like here's like the hobbiton one I remember this like this was about a year back been so long ongoing project this Earth is so old like we started this I don't know if people remember we started it specifically because hey the world's a bit shy during covert let's build a new one and that was the original idea and it's just been kind of perpetually ongoing and like kind of like with breaks between builds to give people time more than anything my favorite ongoing series thank you very much it's been a fun one to just kind of do and I kind of have it's like we'll just revisit and kind of add to it's gonna be a fantastic kind of compilation like I'm just Community projects I think in the end it's definitely the most ambitious thing we've ever attempted in Minecraft is actually building this entire planet like I don't think anything else uh comes close switch to YouTube please why why are you here hello how's it going welcome I'm on YouTube too you might be confused I'm guy confused [Music] he's lost oh God YouTube streaming has come a long way like just from watching other people's stream on the platform it is definitely like kind of developed a lot who are just being a right twitch these days I feel like we can use their name in the same vein as YouTubes um but no I mean I'm I still want to stream here you know I spent a lot of time on this platform excuse me sir can you give me directions to YouTube you swear I feel like calling someone a twitch kind of works a bit better almost you know it's like a bit shorter because you saying someone's like a YouTuber is like YouTube you're calling them a tube basically [Music] please stream on Instagram is that a thing now I heard like Twitter live streams were a thing which is like I mean well why would you want to be on Twitter these days but oh God Microsoft teams chat oh of course here we go this is Taiwan isn't it believe so has not been like the entire island has not been immediately claimed it was further east now that is of course the site of a new Hong Kong just looming over everything as well it's such an impressive structure I'm so glad we did this because like now like we build up this surrounding area it's just going to be so well defined I gotta love how that one turned out the stream on Steam broadcast and I I remember looking into that once ages back I remember looking at it just to see what it was about [Music] I said you can stream on like the game store Page I mean it's kind of cool if you want to just see what the game's about real quick but otherwise why would you you know just letting people build on up getting some Flags in my God our pirate gang is back as well we had so many of these in uh was it the Central America build kind of around Mexico there was loads of these just sitting on the trees they might be making a return blossom [Music] also we got trees can't be harmed if The Lorax is harmed don't if The Lorax I speak for the trees and for some reason they're speaking in Vietnamese I mean that's one way to maintain the rhyme it works fair play I love it oh God there's a lot of structures underway let's keep on moving about some animal there possible cat friend of that tree just speak Vietnamese The Lorax I feel like has popped up in quite a few places threatening to injure you in some capacity on the server too I feel like that's been quite what's all the red lines people are just getting started people are like this is scaffold people are starting their builds and they're just kind of marking out their build plots that's why we do these things for about two hours though you know because it gives people like ample time uh to build up what they want I'm gonna need the map pack I'm gonna have to try and roughly follow it is there a way for me to disable player names there is [Music] yeah should be able to get like a better look on the map I'm gonna have to just pick it off like geography wise I think I think I know where I am I think this is the Border down here yeah so this is this is about as far as you can go and that's like the cutoff Point here Lorax is every right to be pissed to be honest are we kind of like a canal or something here I can't tell where are we in the world right now just out of Thailand are we are we in a bit of it forget my geography here I'm trying to get better at it [Music] little Canal to kind of get through here save you a round trip [Music] it's I I don't think it's Panama yeah we had the Panama Canal that's in that's in South America foreign don't think it's quite that one but it is a canal Panama two yeah good enough [Music] the second Panama the sequel you like that Canal so much oh no block gang is already the work how's it going on you've made some fantastic Creations on This Server good to have you back he's just working away [Music] I love this song the city skyline song It's funny that's what you associate this with I've used so much of like Pokemon soundtracks like through the years this is this is a Pokemon Black and White too or even just black and white it's white forest basically think of City skylines I mean this is the one I probably use the most this is the one I use for the poop volcano stream [Music] that's a good time [Music] it's a lot under construction here we seem to have a bit of a hub around the spawn portal but who is this fellow [Music] King treaty is a King Dedede but a tree I think it might be I can't tell if this is like a different Kirby enemy or something like that it does look a bit like Perry the Platypus that is what I was thinking [Music] that is Perry you can't convince me otherwise Embassy of Venezuela blasius he's just building on top of the tree just directly he's like yeah this will do set up camp here sturdy structure oh we have a displaced penguin from um the Antarctic builds don't let Mario get him blessed penguin friend [Music] it's a mod for Kirby Return the Dreamland okay gotcha look at these little fellas are more of a build-up area happening here it will be coming back to all this a good few times here's why we go we need to just give people a chance to build more than they foreign a good bit of it is taken up by China as well probably like the largest one here oh we have like a rival built into New Hong Kong here as well I believe actual Hong Kong I I think it was under here this ground has simply been paved for a new structure but you know we have it here we have it here so it's all right [Music] there's a two is this just gonna be the sequel what made you want to build a second Hong Kong money oh bless you [Music] Hong Kong 2 Hong Kong harder you guy always title like the die-hard sequels you know important oh God yeah we're doing over here as well we've got like a mighty like structure taking place I don't know what this is gonna eventually be uh what does this say [Music] super wait Super Value epic oh okay you haven't gone for a Tesco you've gone for a very local Irish chain of supermarkets I don't I don't think anywhere else like has super values these exist in Ireland these are like our default Tesco that you see all over the place that's an interesting choice don't often get Super Value representation set up camp in Taiwan I believe sure like let's go for it all hell supervised we gotta have different like going to go grocery chains oh some people are just connecting the road Network as well we had this fantastic City structure in like East Asia before yeah I remember this this was so impressive before it's been like so long since we looked at it it's a little bit like a year ago but look they're actually linking it up and just building onto the city now that's so cool I love when you thought people finally have the chance to like connect these this is New Shanghai I believe I think it was [Music] that's really cool yeah I love when the road Network just kind of comes out like the city's just going to expand this way [Music] give Auto jump on I'm dude I'm flying [Music] there will be a grocery Battle of retail Royale there can only be one [Music] I can sell you like they're like five euro meal deal you know important there is a colossal structure underway here I oh my God it's just feet [Music] it's a massive underway there it's Freddy Fazbear though don't say that more structures taking place here on a tower who's this fella it's someone sitting down or something we'll come back and check give people ample time this channel has evolved from feed to feet evolution is a strong words there I feel [Music] oh God [Music] I don't know how I feel about that parrot gang as well yeah there's gonna be a lot of them here bless you we're all just hanging out in the trees I love that these are just Incorporated with the nature too [Music] something in the sky here as well I'm curious how this turns out April fools we need a feat emote like the feedwood no you don't I I don't think that's necessary Commando from risk of rain work in progress okay I have no idea what that is take your word for it though [Music] we do have a tone though but it's like it's like it's it's I think it's the most expensive remote on the channel as a bit emote there is a tower mode already and it's like from The Fall Guys ones you very rarely see it in chat though because I always make sure it's the most expensive one possible like regard like no matter how many we unlock I think like only like two people have access to it and that's it we need four more of those we need every toe like this is important [Music] oh God yeah people have like some really big structures here so we're gonna be just we're gonna just sit back a little while longer I think uh the scale of the build seems to be a lot higher than it usually is which is just really cool to see people are being really ambitious today like welcome everyone to the server I hope you're all having fun but we will check back [Music] we will check back as we go Infinity toes and my Infinity suck [Music] wait there it is did someone post a toe did someone have it no I don't I don't see it I think this is a toad that is an egg from JF that RT game toe there it is very rare toe [Music] bless you JF there it is yep very rare moment I always try and make sure that one's just like one of the more expensive ones even if we add them on and unlock more slots you gotta bump it up you just gotta bump it up there's no way about it oh plus it's just like bat friend look at him go he's very sweet behold some kind of structure off the coaster as well what's going on here a very humble Hotel the sequel to I think it's supposed to be humble home but humb home go [Music] we use Channel points for random remote and you unlock it I don't think you can forbid emotes don't think so [Music] it's fewer bits in the trees oh we have little like panda friend lessia Panda home in the trees love it got like a treehouse structure there is some actually tall trees that you can Avail for your builds here uh what's t plus b not sure if that's a chain or something someone might know what that means BNB toe boys I don't think that's quite right [Music] herculosis no stop it it's not that light of the Valkyries in progress from Apocalypse Now Jesus Christ okay we'll come back and we'll come back and play that later someone's just made a little lion for themselves Zen Island Again 13 I think bless you there are a chain of these around the world Adams built quite a few of them it's a little cozy landmark dirty beams DT beams it's my channel name oh God we got a whale friend here just chilling it's got an interior as well I feel like he's just like how his bones are coming together [Music] colossal structures here [Music] keep on wandering it's going to be a while I think it's gonna be a while on this one this is like the scale and ambition that everyone's uh putting into it here's something here [Music] to love hearts and a little Beacon have a look okay now okay forget oh okay this is this forgive me for not being able to read this we might need a translation um [Music] I'm I'm not sure what's going on here the most I could make out is Bing chilling but then I'm kind of lost [Music] it's a meme wait what do you mean are people saying John Cena I don't I don't see John Cena I don't understand [Music] am I gonna need to Google this hang on okay John Cena eats Bing Chile [Music] what is this can I play this I don't why is there so many remixes of this [Music] Christ he's ancient hang on stop the music hang on um okay this is this is an odd product placement of Bing chilling with the Fast and Furious 9. I've never seen this okay I've never seen this I'm not familiar all right he's just eating ice cream I think [Music] and he starts singing it do not forget it's in two weeks Fast and Furious now okay right I've I've never seen this in my life but sure thank you for representing that on the Minecraft server [Music] he's such a boomer oh and that's what this is the ice cream cone because he loves being chilling of course it makes sense now [Music] oh God he's an old grandpa listen I'm learning right [Music] I think you've lagged a bit that came out in 2021 not next week nobody's talking about in two weeks Fast and Furious 9. Shrine is it it's a Maya chin Shrine I believe this is a work in progress here how's it going [Music] to storm the beaches of Normandy chance of the game Shrine is it okay yeah that makes sense you can see that now that actually was recent I'm just I'm going Cena I'm getting older now be 30 in two years so you know I might as well be dead at that point my knees are just going to collapse upon themselves hat friend Cloud leopard bless you clouded leopard uh Neo fellas nebulosa also got a Mainline Cloud at leopard is a wild cat and having a dense forest from the foothills of the Himalayas or Mainland southeast Asia into South China palacia very cute cat friend probably don't want to meet one face to face because cat friend might be violent cat friend by the claws but from here very cute and Cat Friend [Music] man was in the trenches of the World War One oh you're so mean it was finally Grandpa I've ever seen I'm curious the sky structure there is gonna be oh bless that's a cupcake oh I can recognize that one anywhere bless you thank you as ever to everyone um just speaking speaking of cupcake cheeky Third Way Segway thank you to everyone for getting the cupcake plushies uh as ever hope everyone enjoys this evening later this year I love how they've turned out thank you very much gang very cheeky Shameless promotion he went to war against the Vikings okay all right how many how many different ways can we make fun of how like mentally old he is what have we not mentioned oh yeah the polling article you know because he was about that the age of Egyptians not as ancient as Dan oh how many other ways can we call them old of course it wouldn't be a building the Minecraft server without Walter White's RV um you know this this just seems to be a staple no matter where we go these days he saw the extinction of the dinosaurs oh God what's going on here Hound of Salem oh bless you guys Corey you are on trial in blackmailed I haven't played it in a while now you'll see this it's all the separation of tiger in 4k why in Fork hey John Proctor it's always gotta be a John little town to sail of uh Lafayette established that's really cute I really enjoy playing that it's been a while since I've like dabbled in it it's a sequel the town of Salem is there I own a Salem too Hannah Salem harder [Music] uh what we got here work in progress Co-op we have 250 meal deals because [ __ ] 350 IRL Co-op oh there was a timing with the Tesco mule deal where it used to be three Euro for a sandwich a drink and like a snack and that was insane it's up to 450 now dire sign of the times dire sign of the times good old days yeah I went up in the price by 50 percent it's an air from the snow con 2023 at the snow person convention must be that attacking but it kind of got nuked not to be confused with sarcon quite a bit of chat what saw Khan mean [Music] what could that possibly be oh no it's a silly stream joke oh you sure got me with your baby it's a snow cone main stage bless him any questions not about yellow snow oh no work in progress [Music] preserving just a little bit of snow in this area [Music] [ __ ] up the Saucon 2023 we're going to be discussing the latest and um carpentry tools practices from a round table discussion now for the best tools you could have in your tool belt [Music] oh God probably is like more Niche conventions like that I know there's like a lot of trade shows the various things there's always a weird thing because we always think of it it's like yeah it's like you know it's a gamer convention because we're just getting used to that but like there's probably like there's other ones out there for trade shows so it's like welcome to like washing machine con 2023 probably not that name because that's that's kind of a tragic name for a convention it was like equivalent of it you know [Music] welcome to dishwasher con 2023 like [ __ ] yeah we love dishwashers let's go air con con credible oh red panda friends look at them go oh they're so cute they they have um some red pandas in there there's a red panda it is red panda they have red pandas in a Dublin Zoo and they're so cute I gave him like a bigger exhibit recently too they have like this big kind of Hill and there's like four of them now he's being mugged it's like put your hands where I can see them I will I love red pandas so much just so cute [Music] what's going on here is this a this is a frog so he's got it's got some Hello eyebrows toad come back and check on him in a bit it's a legendary Pokemon it's like woji and in progress uh don't be silly no one remembers will chian and the Pokemon company even makes fun of them now like behold all the new legendaries and then there's worldian [Music] but that's how they refer to them that Master's hot bless you it's very cozy looking [Music] it's a little dwelling making some Farms [Music] it's a new Pokemon the new Pokemon [Music] speaking of yeah here's one of the words that's uh more celebrated and remember here's Chien Pao it's probably the coolest of the new ones I like him on the fish a lot can't stand tingloo uh just because a lot of people in competitive use Fisher on that ice cattle essentially [Music] and see what we got down here's some more structures big tree progress what is going on here oh it's like an actual like space station is it it's like a rocket launch [Music] this is cool looking Logistics Division of the launch platform storage division yeah they're just making like a Space Center that's really cool it's like offshore [Music] I won't just be available for download when it's finished we are going to finish the project and then people can download it do whatever [Music] but it's still very much a work in progress till then Axolotl friend he's doing his best I was Panama Canal 2 doing have a look here the most crack Canal is a canal through the Pratt Isthmus which will shortened shipment times around Asia suggested as early as 1677. uh Thai King narai asked the French engineer the Lamar to surveyed the possibility of building a Waterway to connect uh sankcla uh we're married now Myanmar but the idea was discarded as a practical with the technology of that time in 1793 the idea resurfaced ahasa uh the younger brother of King Chuck reap from the first suggests that it would make it easier to protect the West Coast with military ships early 19th century the priest the British East East India Company became interested in the canal after Berman became a British colony in 1863 an exploration was undertaken with Victoria Point pathwaying sorry for pronouncing all of this by the way I'm trying my best opposite the cry Estuary as its southernmost point again with negative results they're really struggling with this canal I'm getting a sense of the history here in 1882 The Constructor of the Swiss Canal are Ferdinand the lessons visit the area the Thai King did not allow him to investigate in detail did you know E7 Thailand and the British Empire agreed not to build a canal so the regional dominance the harbor of Singapore will be maintained in 1946 Thailand and the United Kingdom signed the anglo-type peace Street treaty and in the state of war between the two countries during the second world war of the many concessions made in the treaty one of the Articles forbid the tongues from digging a canal across across the crowd Isthmus without British government permission in the early 2015 calls were yet another feasibility study of the canal put forward a lean proponent being the Thai Chinese culture and economic Associated of Thailand Jesus they're really struggling with this canal like this is almost like 400 years of guys we should really build the canal and constant back and forth that's actually fascinating uh it's like right up the modern times like I I don't know guys [Music] that's really fascinating yeah like it's they've tried so many times and there's been very various stipulations uh based on aftermath of war and conflict and that was like don't build the canal don't do it if you're weak in our position elsewhere build the canal yourself dad [Music] it's mad though yeah I mean like geographically like you know I mean you can kind of clearly see what the you know like the connection that it's making here you know saving you a bit of a round trip [Music] Last African out made the news it didn't go too great did it yeah but like like bad battle all canals bad LOL like that's because the the ship tried to like drift like a 90 degree angle or some weird [ __ ] you know what happened there oh they want to reenact like an Austin Powers it's good oh God it's a fantastic looking structure here what is what is being built this looks really cool I've had to raise the lion significantly there's no plaque the detailer or anything so we will check back fair play to the gang that's doing this yeah there's like a collab Bill too how's it going should have been piloted by you obviously [Music] not the Canal's part the ship's fault ever banned ships bad ban ships exactly Beau tried to use up the Throne of drift King monarchy the canal paid the price Jenny thank you for the hundred bits [Music] that that one wasn't me gang that wasn't me at the home right [Music] I do not grind like trade relations with Europe to a halt that wasn't me some fantastic looking structures here I'm curious what these are going to turn out to be the Hima pan hotel from Hitman 2016 work in progress oh bless you [Music] I can kind of see it with the colors I like under the entrance hall yeah that's actually quite cool thank you that's pretty cool [Music] let's take a look in structures here yeah we will check back as we go so colorful another fun Canal fact golden canals is a nightmare because of the mosquitoes huge chunk of the Panama Canal build Squad died of mosquitoes Seasons Jesus I feel like if there's one like kind of bug or just like blight on the world that we could just like get rid of its entirety probably mosquitoes like they just cause so many problems but like just I don't think there's any tangible benefit I don't think there's anything they're doing it's like thank God for mosquitoes like I don't think that's a thing but they just suck they feed a lot of birds yeah but like imagine we could have like something nicer than mosquitoes feeding the birds you know they're just regular flies and [ __ ] like I'd rather that pull the frogs eat come on here Scarab is it chisel drizzle excuse me this is the Razzle Dazzle later node as the Jizzle drizzle The Grand Tour presents semen special done by the guys of the Top Gear BBC after they were hired by Amazon it is an orthodox episode rather than characters they drive boats through the waterways of Vietnam I grew up love in Top Gear and even though they are past the Glory Days I still enjoy watching their new stuff on Amazon Mongolia special was a banger though for real for real okay I've never actually seen The Grand Tour I used to watch Top Gear all the time back in the day uh it was just I I don't give a [ __ ] about cars but like just the insane challenges they would do would just wildly entertain you know uh that I mean it's kind of cool that some of that is still going I know it was like I don't think Clarkson has like a firearm one or something that's supposed to be quite good too a very very out of touch I don't follow them anymore I always like someone like James May's stuff like he did like a lot of kind of he's like a series and toys and like when we built like a Lego house which was really cool I love James May he's done like several different things and I have truly use anyone called man lab which was quite entertaining ah the Cozy Island's been developed egg it's so peaceful like let's just look at this Oozy little place in the world oh God uh Casey is this another supermarket chain if I had to guess General Store it is a gas station chain based in the midwest it's never built in the US I am making one here yeah sure but we were practically in the midwest you know work away oh it's an amazing looking house here it's a poor Recreation of sea vernacular house uh not sure what that is I mean it looks gorgeous the home here macular architecture usually serves immediate local needs is constrained by materials available in this particular region and reflects local traditions and cultural practices it's an architecture build hopefully there's a boat pointing its guns at me outside oh no Orbee and so many generic stores it's kind of like a staple thing across the server you'll build the Tesco's and whatnot ah what is this here a patrol boat ribbon someone must have got the order wrong when naming it troll boat River oh yeah there's backwards River Patrol boat surely this is a jet propelled boat used during a historical significant time in Vietnam uh that's right it was used by Jeremy klex how are we just back to Top Gear again [Music] that's not where I expected that to go but all right tonight oh God it's a theme apparently today yeah who knew oh God foreign but more famously pilot by Richard Hammond in the Top Gear special it's how it's gonna go catch Escape cozy looking home here bless you looks actually a shop or something that's like a cash register there it looks lovely check back in with it later and some colorful bits over here this one's still very much a work in progress I feel like this is miniature scale UPS up I feel like I've seen this somewhere [Music] this is a mini scale build though you can get that sense of it well check back they might add a book or something feels like it's got a spot for it is it the Encore wash is it I can't remember exactly what that looks like apologies now in Tokyo drive directly into the sun I mean I wouldn't be surprised I'm surprised they didn't have one with a try go to space or something I feel like it was me today oh maybe on Grand Tour they might do it at some point maybe nice architecture builds like a lot of them popping up BK burglarkin yeah close enough he did try they made a rock out of a small car okay right yes or no I don't know who these friendly fellas are supposed to be look kind of cute our Reliant is the Reliant Robin they're Dittos are they oh it is yeah [Music] shiny Ditto blob friend [Music] keep making our way is there ice cream oh they made a bridge from Spawn to the mainland that's actually really cute I love people who incorporate the spot on the build like that this is like a fish is it does look a bit like a fish uh what's going on here zen garden blasius this is very sweet it's cozy place oh I even got like kind of like um was like the Sandy part of it you know but just like kind of like it's Stones encased looks so neat subnautica fish is it okay oh yeah it is I recognize that now he's like whale friend oh look at him go if I picked a too small area it's celebration of my new balhage I got last week bless you Ikea shark friend feels like in a shiny Ikea shark with the color Choice a rare one you love a good Ikea shark I have like a miniature version of Ikea shark that have Josephine McDowell got me because I I don't have enough space for a full-size one you know that space is taken up by Oshawa and Mareep and cupcake you love Ikea Shack though it's just the best plushy friend it's pronounced blow height what is an apla Hut I got it wrong I hear shark [Music] it's blue high blow high is it actually right blast flow High okay blow high are you a shark they're wonderful cuddly companions [Music] is now lore behind the Ikea shark actually oh here's like heat round like a volcano layer this might be from Legends Arceus yeah fire spit Island specifically the volcano like here I'm just like looking out at the world right now slowly about to be encased by the volcano at least you can still kind of see out here it's cool though sponsored by shark this is this is Goomba friend Uber looks so Serene look like he's having a lovely time very peaceful oh it's I won't die here look at him he's a world traveler so that's who it became in the end bless you that's so cute holy shitty wants to die it's kind of like chibi I won't die isn't it yeah it's like the eyes like the big head Mr worldwide I'll bless you with the pride sign we approve Posey trans Hut today is trans pride in London happy trans Pride but actually okay good trans news they're required the highest rank openly trans elected official in the US and now she is running for the House Representatives uh young trans people invited the UK Parliament speak about the grown transphobia the current government kind of good news yeah it's been really a lot rough in the UK in particular lately for a lot of it like there's been some really kind of concerned in legislation like I hear about it from a friend in that Guinness World Records is recognized the first openly translator football referees as the first in the world last year's thank you for visiting trans right to Human Rights absolutely yeah it's been it's been pretty bad in the UK from what I've seen lately It's just sad to see it feels like we're kind of regressing a bit there you know it shouldn't even be like a political thing that's why I'm always like yo I'm just kind of over that opinion like it's not even political to even talk about that it's just like no it's just let people be people you know people exist like awesome and scary what is going on here oh this is like a Chasm into the into the void and tears the kingdom they're like jumping in I see it now this is the corruption he might be old but he's based oh God the alarm related Dad's doing his best [Music] what is this structure here like Jesus first impression is like you're making like a level from Sonic but I'm guessing this is supposed to be something else this is massive it's tiregate the one ring to rule them all it's really impressive looking like I love this as a monument it's a hamster wheel stop it it's not uh what have we got in here Ford has some progress I didn't get all those falsely convicted to the child is failing justice system I'm trying to pretend I have Justice for the innocent accusation ah bless you [Music] all the objection I mean God only knows I mean we see stuff because you know we have a kind of more uncensored media and that I know some of that could be a particularly rough on the bits that we do here [Music] hope welcome side Asian building and build the coolest looking one okay sure that's a way to go about it [Music] we need the Poo legal in This Server yes he is I think I think we're okay I don't know if that one's strictly true because I think someone commented on that before I can't remember what exactly it was this is just money that's kind of to the point here [Music] like this is just the money building as far as I can tell there's nothing else happening the money store well check back maybe we'll see what they're doing a normal Bakery trustworthy cake equals your life chocolate cookie your dignity trippy berries your sanity happy potion your empathy questionable pie is your organs not blood syrup your friends Special A Visit to The Pantry no refunds normal Pantry down here oh it's been a while since we had a fleshy interior I know he's in great distress but getting nostalgic we love to see it we didn't have one the last build it was sorely missed What A Lovely Bakery of The Omelette I have eaten while building days so good um uh thanks for sharing that with us you know what a bills [Music] looks delicious oh God it has a Hong Kong 2 going here I think they have like a camera pointed at it for the interview Hong Kong 2 build credits blessiest still very much a work in progress I'll tell the IRS about Mr Krabs money pile how's it going gang it's looking lovely I don't think they're gonna get it as oh they're trying though they are trying to rival the height I think this is the max build height they can go I think they are going to be stopped here but fair play you gave it an honest try [Music] this is mini Hong Kong okay the main Line's been connected here coffee here too you board coffee what a review best one eight what's this oh this is at a different scales Hong Kong three here's the smaller interview four five six seven that's as far down the latter we can go ah blesses [Music] are the Penguins Beach from property that's very cozy looking foreign let's check how we're getting on over here too God it's a fantastic looking structure here it's actually been established Taiwan 101 Tower play Laura Palacio this is actually really impressive from the outside is it actually that kind of color I'm not sure how it looks I'm kind of I'm just gonna quickly look this up Taiwan 101 Tower [Music] oh yeah no it is kind of blue yeah let me let me show you [Music] hang on one sec lots of pictures of it here this fellow just kind of popping on in as well what's going on there it's kind of blue yeah actually that's this is really impressive looking it really stands out very blue Tower it's cool looking I like I like it at the top left of the build so I will make my way over thank you brand new six Lane highway under construction oh no traffic's about to get real rough here hey welcome to supervalue also uh Mr John super you first Taiwanese uh welcome to the first Taiwanese Super Value awesome the Irish consulate Mr John's Super Value welcomes you that's what it says okay Irish Taiwan relations here everything you can want and supervise hang on that's not realistic now they used to do free samples and Super Value but this is like we're talking like 20 years ago it's a long time ago I think it was like done I think Super Quinn would have had like a few of them too I haven't seen him in a while though even more brand uh milk fat to use before two weeks ago uh feels it not sponsored by avanmore history of supervise is so Random to have here oh oh I mean I think that's all we need to know okay I think that's all we need the exit ghost said you there is no escapement Super Value it's just closed loop [Music] oh bless you oh there's no cool structure in here in the center Underground is it how do you pronounce it Guang ho Wong ho sorry digital Plaza [Music] is it Hua what did you call me I'm sorry I'm trying guys I'm trying I'm doing my best okay I did some history being added here too thank you I'm assuming this is the Taiwan flag as well [Music] pull up the bridge in that [Music] dad's tried I I really am yeah I need a YouTube video of our team is pronouncing every word we'll save that for like the worst of our tea game special where it's just all the worst clip compilations and moments put it together in one handy video like hang on guys I think there's something wrong with my camera oh the audio is not right and it's just a montage of all those moments but nothing happens seven hours long All-Star shower what is this what kind of structure this is the front the beach uh City Beach here anyone can help bless you oh it's very cute looking yeah they've actually connected it now uh with the New Shanghai here I believe [Music] like that that's all old build here's like the new build though and they're kind of adding on to it [Music] this is looking really cool I love when the builds just kind of like extend like this [Music] it's like another road Network to just kind of link it in we'll probably incorporate this structure as part of it too eventually maybe get the road wrapping around it up to whoever's building here of course you know if you want to stay separate stay separate oh my God okay we finally have an explanation for what's going on with the feet here holy [ __ ] the scale of this this is like shockingly quick like we've only been on the server for like an hour [Music] it's an insane scale giant robot of some kind yeah it could still be Freddy Fazbear I can vaguely see it I don't think it will be that though I don't think so is there a sign good Lord this is a big glass it's all you need for an explanation big lad Freddy it's looking really cool here too as well we'll check back in with a lot of these we had an explosion of what this structure is supposed to just looked up some architecture this looks cool cool building oh welcome it's the only basis you need sometimes the ring says Circle of Life located in Shanghai oh did we have this built somewhere before this actually seems Vaguely Familiar now I think this Monument may be somewhere else in the server it's really impressive looking though yeah it's not an onion ring no it's not I mean an onion ring may be the meaning of life who knows they are delicious [Music] this does sound familiar yeah it's really impressive looking [Music] it's Dragon peeking out in the distance as well yeah there is we have another little camp set up here sign of thought leave a sign thanks everyone for the hard work nice cute I'm not sure how we're supposed to handle because does the China what's the difference is there a difference between the flags I just want to make sure I'm getting this right it's trying to flag isn't it I believe so just making sure we have that right no it's not no it's yeah it's not that sorry it's colors in that I'm mixing it up [Music] that's a Soviet one yeah sorry mixing them up colors are the same I mean it's obviously politics in China and that would be this I'm not sure I'm not sure how we're supposed to treat them I was wondering about that before and what would be best I think if you're doing like a China flag I think that's fine you know if you guys we're literally building in China we'll probably let chat maybe even decide that like what do you think the consensus is it exists we can't assume it doesn't like [Music] it's fine yeah it is part of the history yeah no that's fair be fine for history yeah okay that that's how we'll try it then yeah I was wondering about that if I could finally put a pirate above it I'm scared of Paris and oh God speaking of the parrot tiger there's been quite a few established here I'll bless you there's so many gang here is decided we want parrots and it's like here's like a little Forest of them fried parrots so many of them [Music] there is a sign with it too yeah apologies there yeah mixing up my head [Music] I decides to come over to Brave uh socialist revolutionaries who died from freeing the countries from Western imperialism it's like an explanation in there I guess yeah we'll keep it like like a historical kind of build yep Factor it in on that I think that's the best way and yeah just gauge and on chat Bistro Hotel staff only Plus oh I forgot about him I don't think that this isn't part of the build site today yeah that's that's the previous region you haven't seen him in a while to pose and figure on the landscape [Music] okay let's keep on looking we're gonna do our best to tour keep on going I reckon we'll probably be about an hour from now about an hour massive looking tree structure here this is really cool though loving the scale with the whopping Willow this little lad here so I have to be honest I had no build plan you can edit Signs Now he's got a fleshy interior his eyes look a bit bloodshot with the texture the ditto as well of course you know we've got to have a Walmart here for whatever reason crash landed how's it going the German logo it does look a bit like it doesn't it I can see it [Music] ah who's this here rain World lizard pretty cute like he's kind of blending in with the environment it's the cat friend [Music] the sun bear ah that was like he's got a love heart on his chest that's so cute probably maw your face off but he's cute caution hot floors like a hot spring here very cute we're getting it in that like uh pastel pink aesthetic once again he loves seeing it always looks quite nice this guy just fallen off the edge of the world here what is going on up here it's happening here I'm trying to work out what it's supposed to be [Music] harmless Island I don't think that's quite right the tears of the Kingdom sky islands that makes a bit more sense yeah I can see it it's just the guy's omelette again I had another follow-up to my launching boy let me tell you it was good I just had to build it on the server everyone just build their dinner you know as they go uh his Sainsbury's in the sky of course things where he's looking a bit better than usual uh we got something in the cliff here I can't tell if they raised this Cliff up or it was already here this looks cool don't worry I'll come back I'll come back and I'll try and see as many of the builds as I can thank you guys I'm loving the tree houses some people are just like trying to build an awesome [Music] RT you're a nerd that's okay because you're pretty neat mods please ban Queen Ruby from the Minecraft server for this slander no please please do not uh oh this is cute looking I love the bridge it's kind of like crossing the river here like snaking his way through the mountain [Music] I love that I have the flag for like that end of China as well just coming in the other side [Music] hey can I extend the roadway I think I think here we're part of like the older build yep all the red pandas look at him he droop that's how they sleep sometimes they feel like it it's like let me set up camp on this branch cupcake go bless you I'll praise the new emperor of new Earth Emperor cupcake we are new emperor cupcake bring peace and prosperity to all I just turned legs nestled inside yeah we got like a little village setup over here so this is the town this is the town of Salem one yeah of course wouldn't be time to Salem without Tim Hortons interesting choice of sign [Music] uh this Co-op no this this is built today Yep this is only Built today is the snow Dome what is this over here in lies the sealed I sealed the ruinous tablets why won't she end reaction oh bless that's actually kind of cool yep I love how that looks yeah this is pretty accurate like you have like the stakes and that and the chains at the sides I like how they handle like the ruinous Trio and that [Music] really made it feel like a force from like a different land you know [Music] cool looking mountains this is part of the build is it can't tell where I just not been going far enough North people are working on this now yeah this is being built today this is the Bhutan flag is it we just didn't go far enough yeah apologies I'm trying to get my region let me get my map back yeah we're just on the edge of it we're just on the edge the top of these mountains are included in the build [Music] I kind of Run next to the road here it's an impressive looking Temple that's underway [Music] it's really cool like fair play on the scale of that it's so hard to do stuff like that roof decorations I know it's very much a work in progress but it still looks really impressive [Music] foreign Pokemon got out haven't you [ __ ] idiot tonight on Top Gear we unleash a deadly curse upon the land [Music] this one's looking cool got a book here 369 million people in an area of 148 000 square kilometers religion distribution here we just sound like the western edge of the build plot I think is this is this part of today's build I think it is I think this is just in it [Music] uh this is DACA is the capital of uh Bangladesh it's a population of 10.2 million a population of over 22.4 million residents in Greta Dakar oh it's like a miniature scale build and that kind of represents the city I love what people like take it this different direction mini build it's cool look you just have like blocks on the river they're adding the flag now too I think that's cool and we'll keep on wandering a bit the trees seem to have suffered in this out here not sure what's going on there [Music] what is this massive plot like what is actually being undertaken here [Music] I don't know if you have a sign or anything I feel like this is going to be a work in progress for a long while topless city under construction trust me bro oh God wait no I see it oh my God I actually do see like here's where you come in from the dog spot here's what the gym is the island patch up the cliffs and that and where all the buildings are fair play yeah that's actually kind of cool I see it now it took me a moment [Music] they're like dark blue here kind of indicated it more to me at work in progress there trying to get the area mapped out did you know you're Randomness like The Omelette guy what make these so entertain yeah I've seen this is like a work in progress like holy [ __ ] this is so detailed this is obviously going to take a long time to build out Sarah in the scale but like it looks amazing [Music] so much detail going into that checked back uh here's some oh no I think the ladybugs are fighting ladybug fight around for a bit more so there's a book behind it I think it's the 13th and 14th ladybug build on the server people taking the time to read here it's probably our last ladybug bill off the work and can't make the streams anymore about to be my favorite entertainment in those long hours I wish I had learned how to do bug legs uh by Clarisse must be on Disco if you want I'll bless you thank you very much for all the ladybugs I hope work goes well that yeah there's been a number of these just across the world too he's in like the Buzzy Beetle gang I cropped up in quite a few places it looked very menacing with the Angry Eyebrows thank you for sharing all the ladybugs bless you oh she and Powers finished too he looks so cool it does kind of look like he's got like glasses or something he's like more chilled out no idea how difficult it is to build a curved Pokemon in Minecraft no absolutely gonna get like the body shape right is very tricky when you got like blocky confines he's cool though yeah I think he's one of my favorite of the the new Pokemon in gen 9. I mean tinkerton is my absolute favorite there's no contest there Jam Power is really cool I like iron hands a lot too he's really grown on me electric fighting is just cool typing [Music] little tree house going on in here it's gonna be a treehouse I have no idea what to do if you want to use this area go ahead that's yeah very cute I'm not a scale of some kind work in progress uh yeah just remember for yourself here you want to make sure that this is like extend it down a bit more with some supports in that I would say you want to make sure you got some scaffolding that stand and same goes like even probably the Pokemon Stadium Arena just to avoid just floating on its own Pokemon Arena is very cool though yeah you can see this from Smash Bros very cool looking it's another architecture building here that looks really good uh What is this one here quite impressive the music just died as well so let me just pop something on here we go State Tower in Bangkok Thailand uh I literally call the sky characters in Southeast Asia and found it an hour before the stream how it looked unique enough and easy enough for everybody so power building skills to create recreate we've talked about this before it is a new rule on the server that you're not allowed like be critical of yourself when building you know you know I probably like you're not allowed to be like oh sorry it's not the best that is banned you will be banned from the server if you don't practice some self-care and love right very important rule no apologies Homer says hey pandem yourself age oh God practice self-care confidence in the server I'm proud of your build okay the hotel is looking insanely cool as well yeah it could actually really get a sense of it now and level represented what exactly is going on with this one I haven't been able to work this out there is a place for a book and it's a work in progress it's like a club oh it is like a club seat I think the writing of the book knows we can come back in a mo but no what is it Defcon 1 2023 red area the reason I built this here is because the Netherlands is full my museum guy here I found a spot southeast of Brazil does look like a concert yeah it's cool though I love the lights we've got a book for here Civ 6 version and the larger model is taking place over here The Encore watt was built in the first half of the 12th century at the behest of King uh apologies so yeah Roman the second commercial and dedication to the Hindu god god Vishnu to act as his Empire State Temple and eventual mausoleum in his Capital that's why being built for the Hindu god Vishnu by the end of the 12th century the temple had been transformed into a Buddhist temple and described today as one of the few Hindu Buddhist temples [Music] Temple's name angrow watt translates to the Temple City the Kimura language it's the largest religious monument in the world with the moat that spans over five kilometers three miles and the temple has an area of 163 hey hectares that's really cool yeah the larger scale version is under construction as well you can see it here we're gonna have like all the Hong Kong scales go on AFK for a sec you're all good you can come back to it [Music] Dome again oh hang on okay we have some Note Block I think this one is finished let me turn note blocks on hey how's it going Alia proposed from Pikmin uh two yeah let me turn that up [Music] much softer one [Music] [Music] very sweet yeah like a lullaby and all black people are always crazy and like the things that they pull off I've never really played a Pikmin game I I know that they have one and two on switch they have three on switch already as well they Port that a while back oh the new ones coming out looks pretty gentle lullaby it is a bit Airy yeah I think it's supposed to uh like an icy world oh that was lovely thank you thank you very much for that thank you keep on touring how are we on time half hour more out from here yeah thereabouts okay about 43 minutes it's already a timer cool but that what I'm thinking play Pikmin 4 on stream when it comes out I'm undecided honestly I have a lot that I want to stream I think that's coming out just like before I leave for Japan and that too so I was like I'm probably not gonna have time but you're welcome to leave it in the suggestions box I do read that uh what's going on with this it's like a [Music] thanks for that Jim capitalism moment this is very cool look I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be but it looks cool you can or be in suspended [Music] let's search down this way a bit what is Monument still underway we can uh check back in with it chips looking pretty cool a car lies with a Dutch not secretly a VOC trading ship hey how's it going Dutch are at it again it's like don't mind me um yeah to your man Homer Simpson if you cannot follow me around please thank you now if you could not do that yeah thank you do appreciate it it's just easier for tour in the place Turtle [ __ ] work in progress so oh God yeah this this is really cool looking the scale of this okay so it's pronounced who get I know it's the Poo get butter oh this is such an impressive scale though that looks so cool yeah let's read the book on uh here uh the photo of Puget is a 45 meter tall statue of butter visible in South pughen it is done in the style of aragiva butter apologies the seated the seated relaxed position its real name is that pronounced frat [Music] iri I'm so sorry I'm trying guys I'm really trying he faces the ow shalak Bay it costs around 950 000 US dollars to make uh it's mostly obtained by donations it sits in a conserved Forest stop so much really impressive guys that looks so cool on the land you never stood a chance oh and of course at the top yeah you found me gotta get a korok in for good measure that's that's awesome yeah that's so that's so like striking on the landscape I love how that looks it felt like a war crime I'm sorry guys I tried here's another statue over here or something too sword you're holding hands in the actual Monument [Music] s heroines who fight off 3 000 men with a thousand townspeople twin heroines teaching me back in middle school is the best story I heard in history class early in the past there were two twin sisters named Chan translate the moon and mooc translated the Pearl born in respect to family ghost father was the governor of uh talang Ireland one of the main three cities Khan later married the man who becomes the governor with her uh persuasion and the husband's connection with the King's family he was later killed off for disobeying the king's summon the fight the Burmese armies that were attacking Thailand he was hoping that in the atmosphere of chaos he'd be able to get a hold of all the local lands Widow Chan did not run away from the Burmese Invaders Widow Chan didn't didn't run away from him he decided to stay and protect this island and that saved the people of her motherland we got it with the system they came up with a witty plan on how to resist the the large army girls got about a thousand people and they were all uh begin to prepare for The Siege but Fortress and salang raised Earthworks and arms local men and women Mook Chan's sister ordered to make mulages of muskets and cannons from palm branches and leaves to confuse the enemies it worked days and nights to save their lives and family this one's quite long but let's go for it yeah this seems interesting this is cool and Mook told everyone to wear men's clothes and made women cut their hair so they look like Memoirs uh I well male Warriors at night they were patrolling The Fortress perimeter and moved around all the time which created a illusion of a big army during the day uh daytime when we were placed in the third and second rows said it would be impossible to distinguish them from the men a 3 000 Burmese soldiers surrounded the fort hoping for an easy Victory but they realized that it would be difficult to take the Fortress Watchmen saw a big army of numerous cannons behind the Fortress walls the Burmese commanders didn't dare to attack the Invaders were waiting waiting which was a lucky situation for China Mook who skillfully managed their fake Army at night the men penetrate into the enemy's camp and killed the Burmese soldiers in the dark seeds lasted a little longer than three months enemy troops grew thinner during The Siege I undertook only two attacks which were unsuccessful hungry and exhaustible me soldiers started to revolt as they understood that they couldn't get the ties out of the Fortress and 13th of March 1786 the Burmese troops left to lung the two general women could uh who could win in such unequal battles and save thousands of lives in that accent died during the war and the throne was taken by Rama the first who did not remind Chan about her late husband's faults as War the two women were honorable titles for the courage and Valor when defending the island from the enemy 13th of March became the victory day which is still celebrate today uh the monument in honor of the Two Sisters was built uh the monument uh symbolizes the courage and Valor of the famous China Mook you can visit in the Central Street oh thank you for sharing that yeah it's a fascinating kind of history there it's really cool yeah it's like they use inflatable tanks in World War II yet it's quite a number of battle strategies where the idea is like just it's not it's pretty literally psychological warfare it's like oh God they have so many troops when they don't it's just to give the impression there's thousands more than there actually is and I almost like kind of win on that front you just gotta scare him on that yeah oh thank you for sharing that yeah that's really cool Monument looks awesome what was it like it's a statue it's it was Chan and mooc was it let me see if I can find like the actual statue of it Maybe yeah okay yeah I can see it here heroin sisters yep hang on uh let me try bring this up just so you can get a sense of what's happening just like in translating Minecraft scale uh it looks something like this Memorial of Lady Chan and Lady mook that's really cool yeah thank you for sharing that you can definitely see it yeah it's just it's just Minecraft Blocky scale you know Minecraft Blocky still scale will always do a number on every build but you can see it you definitely can it's really cool [Music] you're saying 3.4 K of us I can scare the us we all band together oh Axolotl friends there's so many of them a Salado shiny yellow every every variety of Axolotl I was about to say every flavor and that doesn't sound right does it that sounds more medicine axolotl [Music] okay there's another note block build that's been uh under construction here how's it going I believe they're just putting some finishing touches Mario kartor Bangkok Rush yes oh is there a button anywhere [Music] it might be a need how's it going we'll give Ben here a moment how's it going thank you very much hang out let's uh let's gear this up bless you okay [Music] that's so good I'm always so impressed by the note block gang it's amazing thank you so much for that as it's very small space for that too yeah it's a really condensed note block build put that map yet either I know the new DLC for Mario Kart's out soon isn't it I want the bathtub man who's this fella statue of ravana uh rakshasa King Main villain of the Epic uh ramayi ramayana statue is located at the apologies nabumi Airport foreign doing my best gang who's this guy as well he's got some very colorful trousers on go here's a sign I don't think no I don't think that's the guy building that I don't think that's it oh God there's the Pikmin theme there as well they're just working on it at the moment wave 5 releases on the 12th of July I do want to do like a huge like kind of Mario Kart stream again at some point where we just play through all the new maps oh it's been a while no it's been a while in Thailand Island University of engineering oh cool the way like an actual like lecture hall yeah these men are gay and Engineers oh okay hey how's it going bud in fact Thailand makes a large amount of BL uh boys love TV shows oh they can be seen as many just for people who fetishize the relationship it is still astounding the amount of gay relationships they show in their media a lot of surrounding countries treat queer relationships terribly if in fact in like all of the bl's they're in University at least one of the men is an engineered student without fail [Music] criteria for like boys love programs like Engineering University student [Music] I'm the K engineer oh God they're all good don't worry Canon event oh God oh no capitalism delivery no not now let's check on some of the other builds here mighty tower here seems to be like a work in progress there's a few more bits down here this is not a note block build oh this is the Ride of the Valkyries one is this um hey how's it going this is still a work in progress is it I think he's still working away almost done okay we'll check back with you in a bit all good I love how this build is just like uh terraform the land this looks actually seriously cool it's like a Mountainside Farm is it you got like a little Hut in that to tend to it the rice field yeah it's really pretty yeah I love how that looks block is that that you're even using small drip Leaf okay I've never seen that one so pretty [Music] yeah and we do on time for 30 minutes okay we're fine it will go to the 30 minutes of it damn it the clickbait arrows worked here we are uh the Vietcong would make many traps around the forest I throw in the Vietnam War uh commonly they would use they would be trapped orderly into sharp spikes but Vietnam uh Vietcong would commonly cover the spikes with human feces to increase chance of infection for the American Army hikong didn't try to kill Soldiers with these trashy because they knew that an injured Soldier rail Soldier required two other soldiers to drag back as opposed to just one dead soldier oh dear God a very uh bloody and violent history here you can kind of see the traffic they kind of just represented it's called pungy pits it's the name for it actually does sound familiar uh the whole Chi Minh Trail Monument in here is it uh the Ho Chi Minh Trails is a massive Trail span through Vietnam uh Lao and Cambodia Creole was constantly maintained by volunteers who joined the vietmin or uh Kong uh Ho Chi Minh was so popular uh probably it was commonly called Uncle ho and it's also shown by his belief that as long as the birth rate is higher than the death rate the war could last indefinitely it was maintained mainly by women yikong made many tunnels to stay close to the US Army knew they couldn't be bombed if they were next to the U.S as the American bomb was so large that it cost four hundred thousand dollars to kill one Vietcong Soldier including 75 bombs and 400 artillery shells Jesus Christ and you have like a bit of the trail almost represented here um oh how are you I crouched down here yeah they've actually got it represented with like the trails and the pads here you can kind of just pop up [Music] it's all kind of under the underground here yeah [Music] the Hawk Pro Skater too yeah there's a I think polygon did a video on that there's just a punching pit in Tony Hawk for some whatever reason it's just in one of the stages and it's quite like an odd placement yeah straight up like it's like a spike pit like polygon did like a great video on it was like wow that's a bit weird to include hey Brian David Gilbert did that one he was still a polygon [Music] oh God this is a really odd one it's like huh I include that in this like casual skateboarding game hey how's it going a book in there it's a Bible server Monument when will you come visit Tanya we have Ikea and capitalism uh shout out to the survival server gang I do actually want to do another tour of the survival server it has been a while it has been a while I hope he's having fun there we will tour it at some point I want to build like a like a new home even for myself on it I had one before but I think we've like revamped the server since [Music] it is more on like the bay around here it's getting a bit busier here it's cool oh look at the cherry blossom Walmart caught fire for whatever reason as well probably the fault of the germ that looks so cool though massive tree it has been Smite as well that is in trouble penguin friend again kyoshack says trans rights bless you are the Zen Gardens looking so much prettier now as well yeah all the little details around here Sakura zen garden read me RT voids is crispy shroom you're a phantom ban him immediately hope you enjoyed the Sakura zen garden build check out my other builds they'll scattered around the world elsewhere not reading that it's an old poem I've written for you to read okay all right gotta stop falling for these oh God here's heat ran just chilling look at the fire spit Island I was about to join the build series like heat rat of uh their home many thanks to WB for helping out I looks great they're like glow in here is really cool too [Music] love it what's going on here we got lucky cat and food is it hat chef it is giving me a bit of a monster hunter Vibe uh the palico is cooking maybe this is a cat just cooking food food it looks very cute it's like a little burner or something like a bowl of soup or something how's it going what is going on with this guy too I'm not sure what he's from looks a bit medicine someone else might know Geometry Dash is it okay I'll take your word for it [Music] it's cool okay has money been revamped uh the new is it the co Macau Casino facts inside you only have money for slots it's my cow is it okay oh here's all the slot machines look how fact um a cow is a Portuguese Colony before 1999 when it was transferred to China cow is a gamble industry seven times larger than Las Vegas two-thirds of the total land area and Macau is land that was reclaimed from the sea that was the fourth highest life expectancy in the world oh wow uh that uh actually no it's Portuguese color I was about to say like was it the Dutch like why they reclaimed Land from the sea it's a lot [Music] that's a lot of gambling I guess we're just used to thinking of Vegas it's like going to the cat gambling capital of the world but apparently not oh that's pretty cool they even have a casino style sign envelope extends your life apparently that's really cool out flick this for the lights yeah and the way it transfers across the side that's really cool we stopped off here this is the normal Bakery because the guy's um update it's almost done very yummy gonna miss it amla update three I finished it thank You album man thank you very much he's up with the horns as well guys please thank you he's up with the horns all right oh we just have like a little Nature Valley here it's the beachfront property again yeah this area is so nice [Music] such a cozy vibe God I wish we could have like cherry blossom trees like all year round you know looks wonderful this build is in progress too it's coming along anything back in Taiwan what do we got here oh we got like a Sakura turtle look at him go this is a gishan island Turtle Island named where it's turtle-like shape while there aren't actually Turtles on the island it's famous for whale and dolphin watching are cute this is very sweet natural landform formed a turtle uh Fish City so it's paid promotion uh to rage Shadow Legends excuse the blood moon my friends told me to do it going on here hi Dan this is just a fish church is it okay I see how it is a little bit for our sins but time as he takes oh no it's like the equivalent of like you know Jesus died for our sins but God damn this Wine's pretty good you know what I'm saying ask someone to wear that blood around like it just doesn't feel right it doesn't feel appropriate okay downstairs to stop Rising computer parts accessories are the latest in game and welcome to the uh uh wrong uh electronics Plaza let's do a great and shrinking of Taiwan we've been under higher space constraints until we have to rebuild on the ground our new address is 112 only Street new new to pay welcome let's see yeah we haven't actually been underground in this place yeah let's see what the structure's looking like Redstone Goods excavation in progress is a new floor on the way little underground complex yeah it's looking cute though how many communion Wafers does it take to have a whole Jesus basic you know how like gold Dango is like a Pokemon it's made of gold coins and you get a thousand of them and then you get like cheese string man I'd like to imagine it's something similar oh good lord What's Happening Here holy [ __ ] Abyss envision the void with his eye all I feel is pain Eternal suffering please Envy is that Luigi God he's not doing too well as you can see Luigi is drowning uh I just had his grasp before his last breath hope you enjoy RT oh my God it's just Luigi's last moments in the ocean holy [ __ ] he's in so much pain so [ __ ] up remember me Mario remember me uh the extension of the city is looking very pretty as well it's like a nice little Plaza here Perry Blossom public park last year it's very cute here it's a building in progress yeah it's like apartments or something here Luigi drowned having a rough time but extend it on the town a little bit here the roads kind of coming on out too keep on looking don't mind Luigi drowning over here he's just having a bad time of it what's in here little root theme oh we got another town it's underground note blocks oh that's great that's all underground as well [Music] as the moving van foreign that's wonderful yeah looks really cool like all the Interiors done as well or it's not as likely to be right right by the way XY is 10 years old in November oh Jesus I'm okay for doing a standard nose look I've done all the nose locks I want to do like a standard game smaller than I remember just like I like to scale houses look bigger on the Overworld that's very cute yeah a little cozy space here how's it going got a little mushroom town from the new worlds Abode it's very cozy that is going on here this giant Mech [Music] that's so impressive looking is still a work in progress as well it's a ruin Guard from genshen I should know this Rune guard gen impact it looks really cool I don't know if that's going to be finished in time uh for the end of the stream today but honestly that's all right like take your time and get it right you'll have a bit of time after the build today just kind of finish up any builds that you've made on the server today and kind of just add to them and then we'll be moving to the South America plot and asking people to kind of build up there wait how do you guys know it's from genshin the same people who know it's from Genji are the same people like oh God not Kenshin impact it's always the same people uh this building here is looking really cool compared to the Tesco billboard just an ad Tower entrance on the right Russia was cool I don't know if it's a door yet I think it's still a work in progress looks cool though there's General high-rise and skyscrapers you know building progress here tree is so good I love that like the height of some of these structures look at this road go to McDonald's three chicken nuggies bless you remember what it was there was a promotion at some point for like McDonald's in Ireland I think it was like for breakfast where they were given like an actual free breakfast and you could just go to it and I remember there was some guys in our like college Society who would go to every single McDonald's around Dublin and just pick them all up I can't remember what it was for this would have been like almost 10 years ago [Music] on euclidean road Network oh no [Music] I was facing the McD in Halifax Nova Scotia in Canada for T I really recommend using shaders awesome Canadian I I've actually been to this McDonald's if it's the one in Halifax straight up I've been to this one I can't remember this is exactly what the interior looks like and it would have been a while they serve [ __ ] mclobster at this one of all things I remember that because it was like a really weird menu item that's the drive-through let's hop out the window I only make lobsters around anymore it might not be it might not be understandable to discontinue that one okay here's a space program [Music] aggressive looking Tower build here hey how's it going Clock Tower from Kingdom Hearts 2. looks really cool yeah really imposing that's the clock there at the front here's a second Walmart this is unrelated to the first Walmart we saw [Music] made by soup in the USA happy like four of July y'all happy America day here's Walmart ah you found me this is there's another one of our temples that were being built traveling Temple hope you enjoy very peaceful inside like a little Library down here too in fact there are three Clash of Clans ads that have unpaid slash trial versions of stock audio you can tell if you listen closely as preview uh can be heard near the beginning of the ad thank you for sharing that knowledge within the Shaolin Temple [Music] very appropriate going on here new chili but if it's I have 20 minutes before I go ice skate so I gotta go fast actually located in Texas the furniture store it's the size of three American football fields what is this Nebraska Furniture Mart you guys are getting very specific with the shops finally Nebraska Furniture is represented in the new art build thank God I was worried [Music] Pirates have taken over this part of the world as well bless you Blossom so many this is their home now [Music] we got like another little Sakura kind of shrine in that they're so pretty how's it going it's a nice place to view the build so I'm not not that's all you need it's lovely really taken the the pig man the panda you know I think the border is before that yeah it's around here actually I can't tell is that Panda built today Pigman wasn't built today the pig man was here before I think the panda was yeah you can see the Border more yeah there's the road yeah so it's like a vertical line here the road was not built today red pan just go I can't keep going to the arrows guys we have a rule against the arrows you can't do a lot Cosmic brownie Palace [Music] it's like all hail a space brownie I'm not entirely sure one for the almighty drift King RT himself thank you mods don't ban that one they're okay the arrow yeah we're gonna have to take down the arrow my man we're gonna have to take it down uh Myanmar are some of the best uh bazoic am Amber in the world which is why Jurassic Park opens in a mine in Myanmar Harold Amber from here is very controversial his mind by a separatist movement lots of people to mind in terrible conditions humanitarian and paleontologist hey it's a shame it's a shame paleontology paleontologic that's the one I go inside the Amber here I know DNA feel free to steal it's to happen about to make the biggest mistake of his life I haven't you blithering idiot oh God Temple is looking insanely impressive yeah this is such a cool build I think it's still I think it's still being worked on yeah like the the sides and interior are still being over like it just looks so cool American the landscape kind of build again I have something here too traditional Bhutan house it's kind of cool it's like raised on stilts here as well it's pretty neat are we on time about eight minutes um so once the timer runs down gang make your way back to the spawn point and we'll get the group photo as ever uh you want to make sure that you're back there in time because then we're gonna turn off creative mode as well just so we can get the photo in some kind of structure here is this like a castle I would live here oh they made like a Coliseum or something what is this no sorry this is Bangladesh Parliament okay it's just a bit weird with this guy to structure I thought there's gonna be like people in the middle or something political Coliseum I guess advice uh the jadia sang said baban house of parliament of Bangladesh okay to add a Sherry a Bangla naga in uh Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka it was designed uh while the country was still part of Pakistan as one of the largest legislative complexes in the world over and 200 Acres Jesus that's actually massive Milton isn't the only part it's insane crazy like it's just such a huge open space here we used to have been a bit more kind of close together but I guess the build side itself is supposed to be massive it really feels like a fortress like I thought it was gonna be like Bowser's Castle or something like looking at it from a glance power limits are just a readers for people in suits I mean you're not wrong we'll just chilling in the river here got a little hot that's cute I love like these small little builds too as you go about the server now if you're ever unsure about the build just even fleshing out bits like this it adds a lot stop the city still a work in progress you can still very much see it and all the red paths are mountains [Music] we'll leave you to it again don't worry if you can't finish in six minutes you'll have time after the build too uh to do something tiger here is coming along fantastic this one I imagine is going to take a long while to finish just because of the amount of detail looks very impressive though [Music] uh we got some spaceships here is it uh I mean that's the that's the one from Cowboy Bebop isn't it that's a swordfish recognize you uh this is the main Bebop I guess Bebop amazing series I'm so sad the Netflix series of that was kinda had a lot of potential but this wasn't capitalized on no it has me wearing because I know a lot of people are excited for the One Piece One I think that's the latest live action series they've done like I I would just be very cautious even to the gang that's excited for that I know I I was excited for Death Note as well I did not bother to see it after I saw like a few clips of it I just in general how light was portrayed I was just like nope I'm not interested in that that looks really bad it's a shame too because like um like Willem Dafoe as ryok is like amazing Aston wait where are we the interest Sriracha hot chili sauce oh okay right I was wondering uh Sriracha is a coastal city in Thailand and the origin of the famous sriracha sauce uses spicy condiment uh for many meals and occasionally added the drinks such as the Bloody Mary let's have some bulletin lava to indicate this [Music] incredible get a few more of the builds around here oh we got like a nice Island Oasis kind of built up here this looks really pretty so nice here relaxing stuff bless you very cozy [Music] got like a cube [Music] even it's unfinished have to go to work you can come back yeah there'll be time it'll be time [Music] I'm kind of combat Arena or something going on here I'll make a way back to Brighton Valkyries don't worry guys yep oh I'm gonna keep going I still have a few minutes what's this out here just impressive architectural build I think notice something here this is the humble Hotel I mean it looks amazing cool architectural build we love them uh dog person slug cat from rain world yeah very cute some foundation for a monolithic structure here some reason my first thought is like is this like a computer motherboard no that's what it's supposed to be the ram slot CEC help firemen there's a kelp fire my my first bill three long years ago bless you help Farm's been established means water cooled PC the ship is lovely here this looks cool too you got like the start of like a Town Center or something here too it's very detailed exterior it's very much real work in progress looks really cool though from what we can see so far [Music] like a nice garden house a woman with nature okay let's get some flight the Valkyries in everyone the server wants to just start making their way back to spawn as well appreciate it [Music] I can hear it [Music] foreign [Music] that was wonderful thank you for that [Music] very Bassy right of the Valkyries I'm scared plate not a song actual jump scare everyone make your way back to spawn you have about a minute okay make your way back just gotta take like a few more pan and shots [Music] of the world [Music] there's still like quite a bit of like natural terrain that's kind of left there but I love how people have just done all again all the smaller scale builds but there's just little bits of detail on that little orb guys cherry blossom trees like a whole lot of little town in here is there [Music] cow Q opens Zoo now open oh this is cute [Music] actually oh they actually made a zoo the elephant looks spooked oh Asian elephant fun facts the Asia Alpha is the largest land animal in Asia and won the second largest one in the world all behind the African elephant those are usually 2.8 meters tall and females are 2.4 meters for an average of 48 years in captivity and can grow to over 5.5 meters long way up to 4 000 kilos girls were at the 2700 you're currently in danger and the population is around 50 000 but it's decreasing oh bless love our elephants gotta protect them don't cover I disappearance they're so spooked it's the eyes isn't that a sun bear sun bears the smallest bear species in the world and the adults only weigh about 35 to 40 kilos way more and less is a vulnerable species this is due to deforestation with eagle hunting pet trade et cetera it's embarrass a very long tongue switching stamped 25 centimeters in limbs that is quite long just don't comment on his appearance written onto all of them the indo-chinese leopard fun fact in the Chinese leopard is a medium-sized big cat and adult males can blamely 35-55 you most generally weigh less get bigger or smaller as well as with many other animals in the zoo it's classified as endangered species due to deforestation of legal hunting Etc you're known for the stealth and Agility and are good climbers I believe that was the cue for turning off creative there make your way back to that spawn I will be there with you in a second oh another red panda friend he's sleepy you can comment on his appearance classified as small mammals and are a little bigger than a domestic cat they have a red brown fur long bushy tail and a mass feature makes a very cute animal get another endangered animal many of the same reasons uh as the other animals in the zoo mostly a solitary animal and are active drone Dawn and dusk so cute we love red pandas it's like a combination of like Fox raccoon panda a couple of things combined but they're just so adorable [Music] I got spoiled before when I was in photon I got to see like the red pandas being fed it was amazing the new Antarctica Embassy you can't expect builds with survival dudes to be good it's all on fire oh you are tired because at a constant state of trouble it just crashed landed here holy [ __ ] I don't know how we missed this afraid of just a dragon from tears of the Kingdom that's so cool that looks amazing yeah the sky is all decorated that is a shrine on it too looks amazing always just constantly impressed by like the quality of the builds there's so much in here already like we've only been on it like just over two hours still catching new things I'm trying to make my way back to spawn I ever see this big house here I don't know what this is supposed to be Homestuck moment I don't know what that means big house it's like a church that's like a work in progress I think [Music] how does love love his cat the world is cat without cat no world at church of course oh Jangles will Jangles what is about shangles because nothing screams small cultural stores like an American Fried Chicken conglomers what is going on here tomato burger please [Music] Christian Popeyes okay I don't know if I've been even the Popeyes I know that is I know of that place let's make our way around back there's a lot of constructions here taking place it's Doofenshmirtz iconic build uh but to everyone here how's it going did everyone make their way over wait wait no this is this is the new Hong Kong build spot this is the wrong spawn guys oh no sorry for the confusion yeah um I think we're further to the West I think refer to the West let me maybe give people a chance to fly on over if we're over here we're over here it's this one make your way out over you've seen the Blazing on fire Mickey Mouse said you know you're going the right direction the duck stampede here's a sheep with them too plus it's very cute yeah welcome gang welcome here we are here's all the boats people took I'm gonna give people a chance just to hop on over okay before we get the group photo yeah sorry for the confusion there there were two spawns let's just try it try and get them make your way over Kang make sure we'll make sure they're all on the Move now yep I think they're almost all here [Music] fastest way is probably to go to the mainland and hop across yep here they are on their way okay and we will get the group photo here I think thank you so much everyone is ever [ __ ] out of me for building on the Minecraft server I hope you all enjoyed it hope you all had a good time with your builds uh thank you for just continuing to take part in the project oh please don't do that hang on I.E let's open the boat up there we go thank you everyone for taking part as ever uh if you would like to build more on the server we're gonna keep this plot open for a little bit after this stream just give you a chance to finish up your builds that you're currently working on outside of that though we are going to be opening a new region in South America and that new region is going to be like exclusively an offline build for use so you can kind of work away to your highest content we just mute the game but what was that it was like the uh the THX sound yeah that was wild oh God but thank you everyone for taking part is over hope you all had a good time yeah buddy you gotta get that on the ground please thank you yeah we'll kill you thank you need to get the group photo you can't be hogging the spotlight there we go I'm so autojapped up yeah sorry that was a bit loud server sound effects yeah thank you as ever gang yeah so you'll have some time after this stream to finish up your build on this part of the world uh we will eventually be closing this probably in a few days and it's going to be the new plot in South America where you can keep on building and we'll take a look at South America at a later date uh when it's all done I think the next build site will probably go probably move furthest out finish up in Asia I think in the next stream okay we will leave it there though uh for today thank you everyone for coming on by uh thank you everyone who subbed okay we'll get bits thank you the mods ever been on hand as ever uh I will be back tomorrow uh we're gonna press on with some more Dark Souls 3 . been really feeling it uh we're gonna be trying to fight the DLC ridiculously early uh we've still not defeated any uh Lords of Cinder but we're gonna be fighting argue with the hardest boss in the game that should be good fun uh if you want more to watch for me too there's Minecraft Highlights up from yesterday of the previous build in Hong Kong and the Pokemon review review uh should be up later tonight should be out then tomorrow at the same time as today's stream yep um on weekends we always start at three time in Ireland um if you type exclamation point schedule you can get the stream schedule it's pretty much been the same schedule for like the last six years so you know it should should kind of help and that I figure What routine I've been streaming at three in the afternoon since like 2017. I think it's even I think it's even been since 2016. I don't know it wouldn't have been quite 2016. it would have been quite but it's been pretty consistent through the years can confirm how's it going with boxer yeah it's gonna ride a long time secret handshake secret handshake is that there's no secret handshake but you don't tell people that because then they'll panic at the start of the stream and be like oh God I don't know the secret handshake guys you just want we just like the panic and if someone's like oh yeah I learned the secret handshake now guys no they didn't there's nothing to learn they don't know they don't know the truth oh folks uh let me see who else is streaming so I can leave you in someone's care it's all going I know quite a few folks are away at twitchcon um it's weekend who's all going okay Rowlett is on like day 13 of her subathon which is actually insane at this point she's been going so long uh I'm Gonna Leave You on Route let's go I wish her well she's playing some animal crossing at the moment I've been streaming for almost two weeks solid which is wild uh go with you up go send support and I will see you all tomorrow for some Dark Souls have a lovely night guys take care [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 9,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, rtgame, rt, game, rtgame streams, rtgame full streams, rt streams, rt full streams, rtgame archive, rtgame stream archive, rtgame twitch, rt twitch, rtgame twitch streams, gameplay, funny, rtgames, rt gaming, rt games, rtgame twitch vods, rtgame vods, rtgamecrowd, rt game, rt vods, minecraft, rtgame minecraft, minecraft new earth, rtgame minecraft new earth, rtgame south east asia, minecraft south east asia
Id: YXZv2ee8JYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 45sec (9345 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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