WHAT HAVE I DONE!? - Hermitcraft 10 | Ep 21

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so I've been playing Minecraft now for over 12 years and I've learned a lot but there seems to be one lesson that I just can't learn no matter how many times it burns me and that lesson is don't decorate with obsidian or crying obsidian unless you really know you're going to like the end result because in this case I didn't and I decorated the entire Elevator Shaft with crying obsidian and it was ugly and it took me hours to tear back out but on the bright side we have a much better design now for our Elevator Shaft and I really like this one and uh if I ever did decide to tear it out it would probably take way less time but I'm not going to because I do actually really like this used a lot of droppers uh I was against this stone look in the beginning but then I realized we already have it with the Pistons and stuff so embrace it and the droppers were the way to go obviously we needed immovable blocks because of all the slime blocks and the Honey blocks here in the actual uh flying machine so those were necessary I just had to find something that would look decent which uh this does look a lot better than crying obsidian wouldn't you say so yeah that is cool and because of the changes I've made I didn't have room for a button anymore to activate the elevator so we've got our our El a little secret way of activating this check this out is't that cool oh by the way yes I did add a bunch of light in this Elevator Shaft but because this light under me flashes I try not to look at it in case anybody's got some photo sensitivity so um yeah just just be careful as I ride this elevator there's not much I can do to I I I do really like that light in the floor I think it looks cool when it's just sitting there but when I'm riding this thing yeah it's it's a bit obnoxious it's so funny when you just stare at the ceiling how all of a sudden you kind of feel like you're just walking normal you're not actually going up you're just going forward like kind of being pushed behind you but in reality you're not oh that's so cool I just noticed this light only flashes on the way up on the way down it's just fun I don't know why that is but I wanted to come back down because I have done other work in this tunnel to make it well okay let let's just let's just be honest I've spent way too much time working on this tunnel but I really got excited I really just really got into this project and you just heard it and you probably saw the light flash I added some audio elements and uh yeah some red stone so basically if we stand in this tunnel in fact let's go all the way to the corner and I think I can get an angle to where you can see down both tunnels at the same time and you'll be able to see all the lights kind of flickering and maybe even hear some of that audio glitch uh basically it's supposed to sound like the light the electrical to the light is kind of like glitching out and you saw down there there it just flickered all right try to try to look down both tunnels if you can you saw one down the left there oh in there just happened to the one right above us here in the corner oh how cool is that also I spent way too much time adding in a little detail there goes another one right there maybe you can spot it here just stare at the ceiling a little bit and it is so subtle there it was there it was right above our heads you guys see it oh another one right there oh this is such a cool experience walking down the St there you go you see it you see it I added in some water so there's little water droplets just as you walk you know so you can really get that feel that we're like way underground where there's a lot of moisture seeping through and oh my gosh like I said took me way too long but this is such a cool tunnel now in fact you guys haven't even seen the best part because the glitches going off like crazy you hear it so I have been watching a lot of boo um you may have noticed from my intro a little bit inspired by the cinematics that he does uh I really like one thing that he showed off and that is the lighting so I always keep my brightness at 100% full bright and he has changed his to 30 now I decided to give it a go what does it look like in this tunnel at 30% brightness and look at the difference oh my gosh it it's definitely darker right that's that's the point but now that when the lights flicker it's so much more noticeable and this floor that Magma Cube magma block glow that's coming through these grates is so much more prominent it just looks so cool to me so BDubs as usual Matt genius you might be on to something I don't know if I can switch to 30% like full blast like he has done um but I definitely want to use it in certain areas where it makes sense it makes the tunnel in this case looks so much better at 30% so let's walk along here and get the full experience hopefully hopefully we'll experience some of the light glitches as we go uh see the water dropping and just imagine traveling through this tunnel there was a water drop in front of our face through this tunnel on your way to the bunker as you're exiting the city because you know there's a war breu but we're not going to spend any more time today working on the city or Metro Mayhem or the bunker even no not today today we are going to join our friends in magical Mountain here who have been doing some work you see this you see the they've got a little perimeter going they've been digging things have been happening but it's a slow process every once in a while we just come over and dig out a few blocks until we get bored and and then we move on with our day so I thought today I could potentially use some of my you know farming technical abilities to to make this project a little easier on the crew you know what I mean let's bring in the big guns and it just so happens I have all the material that I need to make those big guns right here in this crate and I found the perfect spot to build our new farm right here in the ocean so I guess that only leaves one thing to do let's get buildt [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] and we've built not one not two not three but four of these nmom creeper Farms that's right tried and true tested for ages in fact I think uh I was building this exact same design back in season five even so yeah it's been around for a while and it works flawlessly for just creepers here we have the trap doors and that is what makes it so it's just creepers if you guys haven't seen design I'll try to explain it real it is so dark in here uh let me just put a torch right here and then I'll kind of show you what it's like inside here so we've got a dispenser here that floods water as you saw and it's pushing all the creepers off the edge here and these trap doors are what makes it so it's just creepers so usually you would get other two tall mobs like zombies and and skeletons and stuff but these trap doors right here make it so those are too tall they won't spawn and then we've got these little glass pillars every once in a while to make sure that we don't get any spiders cuz those are a pain we really only want the creepers for the gunpowder that's right we're going to collect a ton of gunpowder and uh yeah we're g we're going to make you guys figured it out right we're going to make boom booms it it's so dark in here speaking of being dark it's dark for a reason we've got this huge roof on top of this thing so that it can function during the day and night and basically make sure all the spawning pads have a light level of zero and then we've got basically just a a redstone line here that goes around all these repeaters so basically it'll pass over one of these has an observer under it it'll pass over that and basically when the Redstone signal crosses Over The Observer below the repeater it will have a bucket come out of a dispenser so water floods all the platforms all the way down and a chain and then we've got one of these set up for each one so uh I probably will tie all these together right now I just have four individual switches but let's go ahead and turn this thing on and we'll do all four of the spawning p ads and then I made myself a little AFK spot way up there and a couple things that I want to mention so we don't usually want to AFK above your Farms because it will see the blocks that are above it and then it will count those extra chunks for spawning it's part of the crazy weird spawning algorithm and so what we did here was we came over just a bit uh hello I want to go I want to go in here can I go in here that's what those are for all right and uh we can stand here I'm gonna enable a little cheaty bubble thing so that you guys can see exactly how we figured out how far up we needed to go so basically this red circle represents where anything can spawn and that's the reason why we wanted to go in the ocean so we wouldn't have to go as high here we could build this as low as possible and then our spawning bubble kind of goes underwater where we don't have to worry too much and there's also no land around that we needed to to spawn proof so there we go we can see our platforms now it's so dark inside oh and here's the light levels as well so we can check that with this mod it's the mini HUD mod so you can see that all the platforms absolutely have a light level of zero when there's no water on them and why is this water not shutting off there it goes okay because we turned them on in a sequence there uh they're going to be running in that same sequence so there you go you can see that let me turn that off and there's our creepers being spawned and they'll get flushed down here and then into the middle where they're just going to go on these so campfires and holy cow that is a lot of creepers wow I was not oh my goodness I was not expecting this many to be honest but hey I'll take it I'll take it so we've got a perfect spawning bubble for this and even with other people on the server it is cranking all right underneath obviously we've got some Hoppers to collect the goods from the underneath the campfires and then go into chest this is all underwater I got to do something about that uh which I will but right now I think I'm just going to spend some time afking let's get rid of that and that way we can collect a whole bunch of gunpowder so that we can do what we came here to do today big bada boom while I'm hanging out here waiting for gunpowder to collect let's give a quick thank you to our sponsor Express VPN subject prefers carrots as his form of starch subject likes to build with tough [Music] h a complete disregard for sheep life D what are you doing I somebody's paying me to track your habits carry on ignore me paying you to track my habits what yeah yeah just I'm not here I'm just watching you dude don't you feel like that's a little intrusive why are you tracking my habits subject finds privacy to be important dude stop that's rude yeah being spyed on doesn't feel great does it that's what your internet service provider is doing to you right now and you may be thinking you're covered because you're using incognito mode but I hate to tell you this they can still see what you're doing and most isps log your internet activity and then sell that information to other big tech companies or advertisers so I put a stop to that by protecting all my devices with expressvpn expressvpn is a simple to use app for your computer or smartphone that encrypts all the data you send over the network and tunnels it through a secure VPN server so your ISP can't see any of your activity I also use express PPN to help with my connection to the hermitcraft server not only does it not slow down my internet speed but it also helps me get a more stable Connection by rerouting my connection through one of their many available VPN servers and voila my connection to the herocraft server is great once again so stop handing over your personal data to isps and other Tech Giants who M your 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I'm going to AFK for more than just a few hours at a time and uh yeah probably do a little underwater bit so we can get to it and collect it nice and easily from the portal so yeah yeah I guess I'll go ahead and do that next and then there's one other thing we need to collect today all right problem has been solved we got a little glass tunnel underneath the water which is kind of cool we can look out and and in here we can safely get to all of our supply of gunpowder I've expanded the storage on all of these so this should allow us to AFK for I'd say at least 24 hours or so before we need to worry about this filling up and we can get to all four sections here I've already emptied this one out because I want to make some TNT today so let's go ahead and do that actually before we do that like I said we need one more thing we need to get some sand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I may have went a little bit overboard in crafting the TNT two double chests worth and I'm kind of in that mood right like go big or go home obviously I'm in that mood today you saw the size of that creeper farm so I'm going to go ahead and prep the land here we're going to go ahead and bury all this TNT and then get ourselves ready for a huge explosion we're going to we're going to one and done this project I think you know I'm going to tap into my good old Boomer skills from season 7 and we are going to make this job complete in one go all right it is time I've spent a long time burying TNT underneath the surface of this perimeter on this mountain and yeah pretty much everywhere you look there's going to be some TNT scattered underneath and I think it's time I I didn't go all the way down to bedrock because I well I didn't have that much TNT but I think I planned it enough that we're going to make a pretty big dent in this thing today so without further I'm a little bit nervous I don't know if you can tell I'm a little bit nervous but let's go ahead and do this here we go I you know what I'm going to get out of here that's a lot of TNT buried I think I want to be protected over here and we'll just let it do its thing over there [Music] [Music] oh no some TNT definitely flew over this way and have hit my base and uh oh that was uh-oh that was much bigger of an explosion than I had anticipated oh no uhoh oh no oh oh shoot I think I miscalculated how much TNT to use for this blast I mean oh we put a pretty good dent in this thing but oh no it's pretty much gone my entire storage room oh no oh wow oh oh that is a lot of damage that is a lot of damage I did not expect any DNT to come shooting out the mountain and come oh my goodness oh no oh shoot it hit Joel's as well what no oh oh mistakes have been made what oh what's this what's this no that's my elevator sha we literally just redid that oh where's the bunker the Bunker's completely gone too it completely destroyed the bunker oh no okay all right shoot we got to go around and see how much more damage oh no is that mumbos okay uh how much damage did it do to mumbos it looks like mumbos is fairly okay what about scars I think SC oh oh how about this how about this ooh no oh no it it broke some of his train tunnel what else how about greens is greens okay please please please please please no what was this what was this it looks like it might have oh no what was this was this a farm or something Green's oh is this Green's creeper Farm oh shoot I don't think that's going to work anymore and the oh I think that's his mushroom stem Farm yeah oh we made a absolute mess oh no what are we going to do okay okay okay what about gems what about gems the skull is looking like it might have survived oh oh no oh even that got hit how no even stuff out here got hit what about skz's place skz's place intact oh you know what I think skz's Place survived somehow oh this is not funny stop laughing this is a mess his storage room okay well good his his new storage is in in in placees so there's one silver lining but holy cow look at the devastation of my storage oh do I even have anything left where where where do I go how do I get in here oh this is no no this is part of bopping go no no no no no no no oh booping go is pretty much destroyed Y no how about the Record Shop yeah oh there's holes in the wall oh no oh no soup soup shop where you going Stewie you don't look so good did you get hit oh my gosh I I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave this is a disaster guys what are we going to do this is we're going to have to rebuild all this this is going to be a lot of work we should have just continued digging it out how much of my storage is left is there anything in there it looks like don't want to burn it looks like okay some stuff is salvaged at least we lost all of that bit oh man we lost a lot we lost a lot all right well thankfully Ender Chest exists so at least we have our stuff we wait where's all our stuff just Mission from Mission possible maybe that's what we should do we pretend this never happened and we'll just go complete our mission possible while we reflect on our bad decisions in life all right what was our Mission again oh yeah prank your viewers in any way you seem fit big or small this Mission completes when you Reveal Your prank how about a big prank like one where we pretend we blew up the mountain in my base in others bases and stuff that that seems like a pretty good prank right did you fall for it cuz this isn't actually the hermitcraft server this is a backup copy of it in a single player world that I annihilated and pretended it was the real server did I get you did I get you do you hate me don't hate me hate the messenger I'm not the one who made this Mission okay I had to prank you somehow and uh well I would say this constitutes is going big so I can't look at this mess anymore let's go to the real hermitcraft server where everything is a okay okay aha we are back and you can see everything is just fine oh oh that was fun wasn't it uh look at this yeah see look beef stick's good Tyler Swift is good our door is still here and actually functions everything is just fine and best news of all uh we this this was actually real like we actually did create that creeper farm and make all this TNT uh you know this not two double chest worth like like I I pretended to be but uh you know we have TNT so we could do a much more controlled explosion of the mountain and uh make sure we don't blow up things were not supposed to blow up yeah yeah okay here we go um uh really I only planted just a couple TNT right here so that's that's the damage that we actually did but yeah we can we can actually help now with proper T&T explosions and stuff and get this thing going so that's good news that's absolutely good news and I think we should um we should go cash in our mission possible since you know we did it all right so I've been hiding this book from you guys for a while now it's it's nice to be able to finally show you guys here's our first mission possible token and then when we put this in the system we should get another one and then we get a little prize all right let's see here so we need to get our token first hand in completed missions here to get your reward got a cool bookshelf so if we do that takes it out and there's our second token very nice now we put two tokens in here and we get a spin got lots of sounds going t well that's fitting one of their chances that is hilarious what in the world oh no that is too good that is too good oh my goodness you know what they say it's better to be lucky than good I mean that couldn't have been scripted any better all right I'm done goofing with you guys for today but I had a fun time helping scar catching evoker the other day and I wanted to show you guys a little bit of footage from that because uh chaos and and fun impul are you a big uh expert on raids uh yeah I mean I faced a few raids in my time for sure you know where they hide usually underground uh let's over go over here I I brought the Bell this is the bell I stole from Doc on day one this one um yeah I brought it over but but I see nothing you know what would happen if if you just didn't worry about it right I need a magic hands man oh you want the next spawn okay no I'm not tormenting BBS with a raid next to his base I'm L you're going to capture you're going to capture an uh an evoker on on stream right now oh yeah I'm an expert at this in front of an audience okay we sure good plan do you want to do redstone after last time I captured one it went it went smoothly all only died a couple times you want to tackle a redstone project when you're done on stream in front of your audience I found him oh my gosh there what guys come on you incompetent fools right but these aren't Magic Hands fans no no magic hands in this in this bit whoa he went playing what I'm trying to figure out actually is how I'm going to get magic handsman all the way back to my base that's going to be a long ride oh oh down here down here oh you're going to get some magic magic magic magic no magic just switches okay new red coming let's see this is definitely the one are you ready you have a mine cart or something H yeah I got some stuff I got a I got a boat and I got a mine cart perfect boat's probably easiest you you put it on the ground anywhere I want Bo it if I could Bo it it would be the easiest oh my goodness that's a big raid no dang it I dropped the boat I don't know why I dropped the boat but I dropped the boat he spawned a lot theat of uh all over impulse oh you'll be okay uh-oh no that was a sarcastic tone to your voice I lost the boat I lost the boat I got it I grabbed the boat I grabbed the boat I thought you were killing the ravager man the ravager right on my butt uhoh uh-oh scar scar no no no wait did you get my stuff no no everything oh no impul yeah yeah yeah here's your hat I'll take I'll put mine on what' you save anything anything did you get the did you get the like your your hat and stuff so you probably got my sword hopefully my head uh I don't know if this is your sword or not yeah probably yours and that's just that's definitely your axe how's it going gentlemen oh we're doing great great things you kind to good actually oh food food would be good do we have food yeah how's your day going yeah yeah how's everything going for you yeah good good to here good to here everything's fine with us as well yeah we're we're helping out this Village and you know just having fun oh just having fun yeah I noticed there's some guys walking around that are like ridiculously fast yeah they're cool though like everybody gets those Neighbors from time to time they get a little bit unruly but you know they're fine the neighbors you throw peaches at why is that guy so fast like for real super cracked out like snorted sugar for breakfast he did all right are we killing him or what what no he's Magic Hands has to be saved magic hands and is he okay is everyone El's dead put theow no put the bow away okay should we I could I could try to kill the other guys but we need Magic Hands All right so my question is if I can get him in a boat and start rowing the boat uhhuh would I be safe fine safe well I feel like if I get enough speed I can avoid the vexus if I could get in the Waterway I could rot all the way to my base right here leads to your base okay yeah we can do that all right well in fact why don't we get it over here that help why don't we just do this yeah you have a boat there you go easy boom don't be snickering at me what I spent so much thought energy trying to figure out how I was going to get it from this body of water to this body of water you're just like God I feel humiliated right now I need to go I need to have a moment alone I'll be right back oh no why is there a Vindicator oh don't we kill oh no need for what screaming in the background I don't like him he trying to move right now I don't like him oh no there's another magic hands there's another magic hands there's another magic hands there's another magic hands there's two magical guys I found another magical guy oh gosh there's two are you guys just going to stand around watching or you going to do something what exactly is your goal there naked boy dud this was like Saturday I was going to kill all the rest of the guys so we could focus on Magic but Magic Hands is Tak over total Scooby-Doo episode right there Magic Hands is taking over back in there for fun stop it yeah that's what you okay I got to get my stuff back by the way we need a plan we need a plan yeah get my stuff back magican guy go put in yeah scar put him in a boat stop it stop it stop it oh jeez oh jeez dude this is actually better than hey get out of here a maybe one of you guys that actually has a weapon could come kill these guys for me you got an opening you got an opening run for it run you got it you got it guys are the worst that evoker so cracked out I don't know why he's so F why is this Vindicator got to be all my stuff right here kill you I got him I got him guys I got him let's do this let's do this dude I smart I just fall into things how's it going guys I need an axe just just keep on boating yeah I need somebody to a it here oh guys no you don't oh no who put that there look at him go look at you got this I can't believe this is working just got to keep going go go go go don't stop moving scar did you see him make a circle of evoker teeth I've never seen look at that oh he's so confused he doesn't know where to put his evoker teeth he just makes a circle I just figured guys if we got fast enough we would avoid the attacks I think it'sing it's working honestly the evoker has no idea what to do have have you guys seen it do those circlly things before it's a very confused evoker it's hard to it's hard to sail and watch him at the same time that is one frustrated evoker right now like he really wants to hurt you he has no idea how guys there I'm so happy right now yes you're almost there you're going to have to leave him in the boat you're going to have to name tag him yeah yeah name tag him can you get a name tag can you get a name tag uh guys I can't get out I can't get out okay yeah that's a good time to get out of the boat he there little guy oh w is up here wow so the plan guys if you're wondering is to put the ravager up in the little like box hole thing up there uh-huh uh-huh and then he can basically like you know summon vexes and I think it'll look really cool of them like flying around the top of the villain's car I love it how you going to get him up there I'm kind of Basking in the glory right now of my idea yeah I mean you should you should that was a very triumphant moment he just hasn't processed the actual like how to get there just yet he so focused on how good the idea is you haven't realized the steps it's going to take to make it come to fruition yeah that was the easy part that was so much fun and this has been a really fun episode we've actually accomplished quite a lot in this episode as you can see behind me our creeper Farm is running and collecting tons of gunpowder so maybe next episode we can put an actual dent in magic mountain in a more controlled fashion to where we won't blow up stuff we didn't mean to but I hope you guys enjoyed the video as much as I enjoyed making it so if you did please consider hitting that like button and if you're not subscribed please make sure you do that before you go and with that said I'll see you guys again next time have a good one everyone
Channel: impulseSV
Views: 254,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hermitcraft, hermit craft, lets play minecraft, minecraft server, no swearing, family friendly, let's play, impulse, impulseSV, hermitcraft, minecraft, yt:quality=high, impulse hermitcraft, lets play, minecraft survival, impulse base, caves and cliffs, minecraft tutorial, minecraft mega base, hermitcraft mega base, gigabase, giga base, Hermitcraft Season 10, hermitcraft 10, season 10, hermitcraft server, hermitcraft x, hermitcraft new season, hermitcraft season x
Id: 0Geyl341U0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 17sec (2057 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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