Until Dawn - Part 1 | SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub

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my [Music] see [Music] all right so i'm just going to put this right here uh so that we can save it for later it's so [ __ ] cold in here it's pretty cold because it's dead of winter it's not that big of a deal are you serious everything is a big deal when you make it it's not it's not just put on some more blankets or something okay i got blankets in the back but i'm gonna go to the front just to see if i can spice things up a little hell yeah let's go me and my bestest friends ditching me are we seriously complaining about how cold it is right now well i wasn't i think it's pretty cool actually but you know it's neither here those blankets in here even though this run hello hello this is ediconte it's so cold in here this is gonna be so [ __ ] funny oh i'm under the bed now yeah maybe we can get warm if we stay down here this [ __ ] candle doesn't keep me warm at all ugh there better be some goddamn blankets in here not a blanket maybe i can keep you warm whoa that guy was straight up looming i wish i could loom like that hey will you teach me how to loom to have this weird feeling someone's looming around well i'm about to be looming over on that bed if you know what i mean you want to join me girlie what you have pants oh my god she has peanuts what the [ __ ] you told me it was short sunday oh hey i heard there's pants in here we don't have enough blankets for her this is ridiculous i don't blow it come back did you guys make fun of her for repaints again it's winter it was for a prank video come on oh wow she's looming oh she can teach me hey how are you looming like that hey you see which way she went it's really not a big deal yeah it's fine and honestly it's fine she has a blanket uh she doesn't i'm her blanket i think we already established that okay well i'm gonna go women never listen to me when i talk man i swear i'm talking right now but my face i think we're both talking over each other oh yeah oh am i looming am i looming hate tree look at me i'm looming right now pretty good job i gotta loom at somebody oh hey god they're looming you should be looming a little slower if you want a loom i'm not gonna take your advice no that's too fast oh god you're looming you'll teach me how to loom right like like the sewing thing yeah have this arm blankets at least you're not calling it arm pants they're fine is that good something's looming you keep saying oh don't drop your phone i didn't bring my phone it was in my other pants this looks like a pretty good lumen cliff i could room on this cliff for hours i didn't bring any twine or yarn that's what you need for looming right this is a really long high five should i let go are you gonna laugh at me for wearing pants again maybe i don't know you might as well just let go now yeah i'm going to let go i think i think that's probably our best move here hello i'm going to let go now you have my stinky hand come on if any of the other guys at the cabin ever get cold tell them i won't tell anyone about this hello there i am dr rabbit the world's only rabbit rabbit you see that's a that's a joke there i like to try and play a trick on people when they come into my office lighten up the mood a little what not even a goddamn laugh oh it's gonna be a rough [ __ ] couple of weeks my real name is dr green zed hill i got my name plate wrong here at therapy we're here to answer the one big burning question everyone's got what the [ __ ] is wrong with you well with my 10-step plan i'll be happy to go plumb the depths of your sad scared little mind and see what makes you tick as it were now this is a simple ten step process and we can split it into chapters if you will it's very simple almost like a game or something you like games don't answer that i'm going to be doing a test on your psyche later and i wouldn't want to cheat on that not like you of course that's another joke i noticed you don't have much of a sense of humor that might explain all the [ __ ] you've gotten into recently no wouldn't it now take a look at this young man can you tell me what's written on this paper uh it's a guy no see that's the picture i asked you specifically to tell me what was written on it i don't speak corn oh so now you're a funny guy huh you think you got your own jokes you think this should stand up i'm here to help you and what do you do you spit in my goddamn face metaphorically of course well now wise guy let's see who among us really is the funniest it's going to be a long and arduous couple of weeks but i think unless you want to work with me here well we're gonna be stuck here until dawn [Music] a summation of the movie twas the night starring brian cranston is what some would call a simplistic task the plot is straightforward without much in terms of subtext aside from the occasional nod to adult themes such as the spiked eggnog jungle negatrix one would assume then that i'd find it rather easy to bring together a cohesive and understandable theory regarding the theme or timeline which i find runs parallel to a separate concept and then tie it back narratively as is the crux of the show to keep my part easily digestible and entertaining is the goal which i set out with when i first hey what's up everybody and welcome to my hold on camera not working all right there we go can you see me don't answer that you're on the other side of the screen if you did you look like an idiot in front of all your friends who talks to screens maybe you can with this new video series answer a question for me how are you feeling today yeah like that very excited are you feeling a little down in the dumps need someone to talk to like a man behind a screen i'm not gonna answer that not gonna look like an idiot i agree with what you just said you see we're here in a very very strange time in a strange place a time where maybe if we all just meet up have a good time we can transcend the bonds of the internet we can speak directly over youtube now what do you say about that [Music] you answered that i know you did because i can sense you on the other side of the screen if you didn't then i look like the indians chris baby yeah nevertheless uh hopefully you enjoyed whatever the hell this video was uh if you want more feel free to like comment uh maybe subscribe i know you already did it let's go [Music] thanks bus driver appreciate it you're welcome girlie have fun at the cabin twilight drives all the way up here the road kind of ends like a few miles away appreciate him driving through the snow like that though was weird how he took that one guy's jacket to wrap around the tires it's fine he'll you'll get some blankets oh hey my backpack i left this here last time we were here when those girls died that was funny [Laughter] that's a dang blast my phone still has battery holy [ __ ] i gotta keep that warm a butterfly effect appears oh hello hello hey what's going on that that was my phone i'm thank you so much for zipping it all up for me i've got all my gamer score on there so i'm hoping that nobody really touched it was that you talking about butterflies yeah i was getting into bug collecting it's all part of my my animal crossing save i'm trying to get like a hundred percent on animal crossing oh yeah yeah i love animal crossing for do you play on the gamecube or or you gotta go switch no i got it on switch i it's really good yeah it's i love the online the online is so good um check it out i have this gun it's really really cool um and so i'm going to hit each and every single one of these bam oh see look at that sharp shooter baby are you back are you mccree from overwatch hit video game i'm like mccree hit overwatch video game look at me do a little dance that's what he does in overwatch is that he does a little cool dancing pretty talented about that oh hey make sure that you don't shoot any guys with that oh this door is locked do you have a funny key can you go through like a dungeon to open this i could have a funny little key but maybe use your your big i don't i don't know i i could probably never mind i do have the key i just found it in my pocket it's weird to lie to me like that saying you didn't have it i would just be straight with me you know i just been playing a lot of among us recently i've just been trying to really get good at lying but the thing is i yell so much so they think that i'm lying i don't like among us sorry for fall guys yeah it really bothers me actually you know i don't like it they're all just really good beans at the end of the day huh isn't that so cool it the thing about this year is that there was a lot of beans and bean related video games i'm talking about that beans just it's so like i'm sorry i'm so hungry sorry i i i left some beans in the backpack they might be a few years old but they don't really expire you could probably just like tear it open with your teeth i really hope we're going there's gonna be a lot of beans and and video games and all sorts of just being related video games where are we going anyways we i just kind of was following following you are we are we going somewhere safe i think we're going to like a cabin some kind of disneyland why did you hit me that hurts so much i'm sorry i don't know my own story would you do that i don't know i'm sorry i've been i've been in jail for a while okay well you just got out i wouldn't want you to go back in for being doing a big hit on me and that was that honestly it really hurt so much it hurt my feelings and frankly i would appreciate if you didn't do it again because i have gentle arms so all right just gotta make sure i packed all of my equipment uh i packed the usb interface i packed the did i pack the shirt the [ __ ] oh my god what was that hey oh why'd you headbutt this uh i didn't headbutt anything what my arm really hurts do you have any first day probably because you're punching doors and [ __ ] here let me open this i broke his arm i get i gotta get the precision just right could you could you hurry it up please i gotta get the precision all right there we go just making sure i got it okay yeah um hey welcome hey what's up i just got off of the the big train in the sky what are they called i think they're called sky trains idiot no they're they're called cars why are you so mad at me because i don't like you okay well give me that they're called acoustic planes give me back my life this is my smash invitation and frankly i deserve it okay i really really wanna be in smash right now so i'm gonna take this it was gonna be a surprise for your birthday [ __ ] okay well good job on the surprise you just took it from me i was trying to hide it from you and then you startled me it's my no the night no give it back i mean like it's for you but we have like plans for this so don't undermine them all right that's fine i will let you do your fun little surprise i'm gonna walk this way so sam what are you up to nowadays been a while since i've seen you ever since the uh incident you know i would i was talking to sam okay you don't have to butt in every conversation whatever i don't know jesus everyone is so rude here was this rude mountain ah i just got my lips unstuck oh geez i've been trying to talk to you guys this whole time i just oh i just they froze right together this mountain [ __ ] sucks all right i can't believe you brought me all the way up here i'm here to be rude to people well i wanted those hey sorry about that hello everybody my name is mikeiplier and today we're gonna go to rude mountain i hope you're all excited because this is the joke i'm gonna be running with the whole dub now let's get to the sky tram huh what do you say you uh you two lovers you i think this is sus he's definitely the imposter as a gamer i know exactly all about among us sus it's used when someone assistant i don't want to play any of your among us games and i think i just want to you know lay down and sleep close my eyes that's pretty cringe of you buddy i'm going to put you on my cringe tuesday come violation now come on let's go did you say come violation the only place that has wi-fi is up the hill mountain rude mountain was that the anus underscore so so we're voting him out right never mind [ __ ] this all right well oh you want me to carry that [ __ ] yes no you got arms i yeah but they they don't carry packages i haven't unlocked that skill yet well i think you should ask markiplier to come back and pick up your bag okay frankly i'm insulted well you know what i have two arms so i guess i can carry both of them at the same time you got the bag carry skill yes oh [ __ ] it's a very expensive part that's extremely convenient [Music] hey babe you want to go and record a vlog with me in my expensive studio only if we can use the good camera i'll get my dslr and also warm up my oh my god [Laughter] see aren't my pranks as good as markiplier it was funny i should start my own channel i was thinking about going by johnny two by four you're not even a one by one math jokes it's very nasty thing to say like listen i'm trying to spy hey i would i you better pay me back that [ __ ] quarter i love hugging this is as far as i know i'm okay with it me too wait wait when did they get the hugging park i haven't gotten the hugging part she won't even hug me you got to do the secret mission for the hugging perk i wasted all my points on two arming yes there's there's a lot of grinding i don't i won't say it's worth it so let me get this straight then so you say an ex-con some mean gamers and that anus guy walk into alberta and the park ranger says what is this kind of joke you see that's what i think of your problems is there just some kind of joke that in itself is also a joke they pay me very well to try and help you young man but you're gonna have to work with me here you see you're not getting to any of the important parts the good stuff the real trauma you're just telling me like what they all had in a sandwich the other day you know i went to black woods pines one one year i thought it was blackwood's penis for some reason got in real trouble with the locals i did they don't let me back there anymore could you point to the picture of a woman please what the [ __ ] gender isn't real no that's i think i think you have some very strange misconceptions about you know publicly perceived notions of masculinity and femininity that or maybe you're just trying to be woke or something i mean i can appreciate it i suppose you like music tell me all about your favorite song and let's see if you can replay it perfectly that's the only reason i bought this metronome is to make people feel bad about not being able to play the piano i don't even got a piano really that's how i get them keeping guessing that's what all dr hill likes to say your insurance isn't covering these sessions by the way [Laughter] oh my god i can't believe i made it up to rude mountain only to be discovered by rude people it's so freaking rude all up in this business here and that's what i wanted to do i wanted to make this into nice mountain i know what you mean man but maybe we're all here for a reason yeah yeah i got to get i got i got a thumb okay hey how's it going everybody rude i did not pack warm enough for this well in that case we're all just going to shiver and hopefully the vibrations can keep us warm do you say racian we can send like aura to each other you know like uh see listen i i would love a little bit of order you're not believing the vibes you're not believing the aura the first literally the first time as i got up here i was getting hit in the arm and really i missed my xbox more than anything so like it just well for playing xbox my absolute flavor is a dude now let's see if we can break into this what is wrong with the xbox why is everyone so mean to xbox it's just a good video game good console halo's like the only good game on it what are you talking about have you ever heard of the connect oh yeah i remember what it was called the wee eye oh my god i am freaking out hey man i listen listen no i can't i can't handle this slander right now hey have you heard of project natal no i haven't it's cool you can look at the bottom of an avatar shoe hey uh listen i'm sorry i was rude to you earlier um listen is markiplier still coming do you know about any of that i don't know who markiplier is and frankly i just want to go okay cool so it's going to be a surprise nice listen you're i upset your apology it's really important that he makes it up here are you sure about that yes i wouldn't have invited you all here if marky mark isn't gonna come up here with his funny mustache but either way i'm very happy that you're here too i guess i don't guess i know i never guess anything i know everything i do the math two plus two equals you're my friend just kidding it's four all right i'm not gonna lie to you dude it's four that's right that's very listen that's nice i'm glad i have someone on my side here thanks i love math i'm gonna i'm gonna climb up why am i getting hurt so much i think i'm okay i just heard all of my phone every single phone that's it the aura of fate says that one of us must be the bottom tier of the toilet what are you talking about i love what was that did you just hear something i think the light just went out ah well you know what at least we have lighters that's enough light to cover the entire room that's yeah well that's pretty good i think my xbox produces a little bit more light than this but okay well i don't have an xbox here because i have taste and also i don't have a generator to run the xbox and mostly the taste thing right high five no you're too far away my bad no i don't agree i really miss i feel like you're just you're just see if you can find listen i think hey hey give me the xbox right now i know you have one in here it's it's all around this place it's somewhere in that room find it am i okay i will all right but if you look at the wrong spot you might find a puzzle solve my present you'll get 60 more seconds okay i love puzzle i believe in you buddy all right bye and i go oh boy there's a little a little bit of a bathtub here inferno's ferment that was very scary no he just ran out your puzzle ran out of the thing i think it escaped that means you got 60 more seconds good job what do you think they're doing in there i don't know but they better hurry it up freezing my little tootsies out here hey i found the puzzle i'm gonna open this up did you solve it and get the 60 seconds hold on i'm gonna burn this door down no i'm not i failed it oh god did you know doors hurt what is that oh hey it's josh's pet it's his pet raccoon puzzle why would he have a pet raccoon that was just laying in here waiting to scare me what like you don't yeah come on everyone has a raccoon you're that or an xbox like some kind of loser can you imagine i can't okay well that was called a side flex home sweet home i think i live here i don't know i just kind of walked in no one lived here so i was like yoink well this place is kind of big and uh cold so babe it's somewhere you got a floor i do love that you guys revolutionizing the industry hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to my big cold house i love the smell of perfume hey lady hey uh yo i just had a little brain blast and uh you know i i kind of kind of wasted my perks earlier well why don't you keep it to yourself tough guy oh you want me to no maybe you show your mouth a little no i'll show you what those two hand perks can do i'll shut you what my hands can do if you don't shut your [ __ ] oh no don't don't touch me [ __ ] hey hey i'm going to give you a new video for a second what what save the fight until i have the camera ready okay i still need to unpack the dslr i need to make it for my new blog vlog whatever it might be in markiplier you being here is so helpful thank you for coming you better keep your friends in check otherwise this collaboration is over all right we're gonna go to the cabin to record for my new podcast uh guest starring markiplier next episode until then i'll see you in the next one i missed the fight didn't i i missed the fight did it happen it won what the [ __ ] nobody recorded it nobody that's what i'm saying this is the only reason i came to this [ __ ] cabin i'm not just gonna sit here and play among us well you were supposed to be rooting for me i was gonna win okay well did you no i didn't all right markiplier made me look like a fool again for the third time maybe you should get more subscriber what why because markiplier has all of the subscriber on youtube and you don't have any it's embarrassing for me well i keep rearranging my talent points for you i could have put everything in the streaming and look where i am now maybe he should have well i'm just saying well they're just saying i'm gonna go upstairs that's pretty embarrassing for them does this seem like a good place to record i don't know it seems a little too speeches hello are the recording demons out there they always mess up my takes everybody knows recording demons aren't real you should trust me i have a gold play button on youtube that means a million subscribers that's why i'm so glad that we're dating markiplier you know all there is about recording and production have you done podcasts hey what's up guys are you starting to podcast without me here's a key thank you so much this is the key to the recording booth yeah yes it's all got the foam up and it says the only reason that markiplier will come up here if you got to record your what's your podcast even about uh blue myself and arrested development rewatch don't even care oh my gosh the rest of the development's so funny gosh you're so special for liking arrested developments what are you pointing at what the [ __ ] is he what was over there hello what are you he was trying to distract us really confused right now yeah he's gonna get the jump on us we gotta get out of here let's go to the recording booth hey look at this it's a view that's not a view that's a snow wow you're right here let's take a picture all right i like that tree more wait no get us in the frame oh my god you know what actually it's beautiful markiplier top subbed on youtube markiplier i love it well i do what i can to not move my webcam i'm very bad at moving that sort of thing around uh yeah i usually have jacksepticeye framing is not your strong suit so uh how did you get into youtube well i was born in a lab out of a tube designed oh god damn it the legend of the hidden temple set does out here in the [ __ ] okay oh my god wait legends oh i love this show can we do it can we run the chorus okay first you'll find the corridor of the monkey okay where's the corridor the monkey i think you're in the corridor of the monkey okay what next you go to the papaya room and solve the puzzle the papaya room i don't know what that means what's a papaya what's a room [ __ ] ugh oh jesus my aunt can you show me fire here's the papaya room let me wait are you strong enough for that does having a youtube desk job allow you the upper body strength yeah no we had to work together that's fine you know they have a gym specifically for youtubers me and jacksepticeye go there that sounds so cringe you're so cruel to me i should have known coming to rude mountain would have made you worse as a person well i mean rude cabin does what rude cabin does kabine i think that's italian how did we go so of course that we ended up in italy listen if i wanted to talk about beans i would hang around with the [ __ ] among us crew down there okay look i don't want to hear anything about beans i'm not that hungry i had a cliff bar uh earlier today uh here if you throw that at me i'm gonna [ __ ] flip my gun you want some snow [ __ ] where'd you go lady girl i should really learn her name oh [ __ ] they don't have my bath salts here i was really open for just like a really nice relaxing bath maybe i'll have one in the next couple days i'll turn it on i'll turn it water's looking a little green that's just the way i like it hey josh you make sure that you put the mud in the pipes right josh hello did the ghosts take my friends again so here's the thing is that the connection time hey i was trying to talk to you guys i thought ghosts took you guys away yeah that's a common misconception um i'm actually half a ghost it's the vibes once you get connected to the vibes you kind of die can't handle them ghosts aren't real i don't even believe in ghosts ghosts there's only digital ghosts and they call those viruses on the internet you will soon you will soon and flashlight hey ever seen a flashlight before i'm sure you haven't is that a lightsaber like from star trek oh please show me how it works uh no silly woman it's called a flashlight it allows us to see in the dark i hate this it's a fun technology that i think you might be very interested in can you demonstrate it for me only if you ask very nicely say please and accept the pact of the vibes no i don't know if i fee how i feel about that i'm kind of working on the curse of rude mountain right now i kind of want to dispel that so we're not all different to each other this whole trip well that's necessary for them i just think the vibes are going to get in the way well that's necessary for the vlog drama is necessary for content and who where the hell is it they took what are you looking for i had a [ __ ] dragon egg in here and they [ __ ] stole it probably used it to convert it to the expo i ate that for breakfast yeah no i i i was hungry on the way what god damn it first the bath salts i ate earlier didn't do the effect i wanted and now my dragon egg got eaten this is such a oh yeah no bath salts is that's that whole thing was actually it was just a nickname for a drug it's actual bath salts won't do that what if i hit this do you think it'll work [ __ ] worst day ever god i'm feeling the rude mountain effects huh and this just makes me because i'm just getting a little bit peeved maybe even going a little batty do you get it i was holding a bat it's like a baseball bat you would have laughed at my joke if you had a sense of humor [Music] oh god there's moths down here oh jesus all right let's see i think this is a hot water heater why is it called the hot water here just needs to be called a water heater i mean i guess it is a little bit hot that's just what heats up the hot water yeah but like it it's gonna be hot cause it's heated up what would you prefer that the water stops heating after it gets hot hold on wait did you hear this i think i heard some water i think it's dripping my dragon egg oh wait no i didn't hear the dragon egg because it's gone sam that's my name how'd you know that i never told it to you remember that video where were you communicating and you didn't answer me yeah that's vibe tech and make a new vibe vlog i'm gonna speak to the world with it you know your channel's not as good as markiplier's right why do you think i invited him you don't have nearly as many subscribers exactly he's gonna be the boost that i need now turn on when i say now not when i get what i said now ow ow hey i'm gonna blow up the is it cool if i just turn this on my hands are scalded but sure go right ahead you didn't ask permission high five oh god why did i high five with this golden hand sorry i i hit my mouse on my keyboard and i spun around real quick i hope you don't mind i'm in so much pain ah well don't touch me hey you know i have weird bumps there i'm self-conscious i'm sorry oh my god what the [ __ ] why am i smiling like this do you know why sorry it's the joker challenge on tick-tock josh you got to be nicer to yourself you know you self-deprecation's not getting you nowhere or in rude mountain i'm not nice to anybody no listen josh you gotta be nice to yourself or else it's gonna get us behind you josh fat [ __ ] with you there's no such thing as blue mountain ghosts i'm just an [ __ ] yeah rude mountain isn't the rude mountain curse that's not realism no no of course not of course not no of course not there's no like rudeness or i mean we're just all teenagers and we kind of are mean to each other do you hear that sounds like no i lost my hearing in the war but i felt it in the air in the aura in the vibe that's pretty impressive are you spider-man oh [ __ ] we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go it's the grim reaper oh god you used after me quickly use a second blast on it i can't i don't have to join i have to charge it up i used it on the other guys to freeze them earlier it would have charged faster if you would accept it the door is locked why does it look from the inside this is really unfortunate for us hey um hello friend oh hello are you [ __ ] kidding me hey guys i found the blankets it's so cool i thought you liked it i was so freaking dope you were hiding them do you know how bad i was shivering no i just found them they were underneath all of the puzzles the blankets were all over them and now i have them all i can't do puzzles i'm freezing thanks to you josh you did it hey gotta say i'm impressed that he managed to pass the blanket pipe i'm so it was so good oh my god there are so many good puzzles i i feel like i don't even need the xbox well i do your wizard robes that you've got now uh so close i just need to push him over the edge to not play xbox and get a vibe switch it's like a switch with my eyes so [ __ ] cold please tell me you got the heat working no but i found multiple blankets and they're all on me that's bless up insanely disrespectful i know i'm sorry but i really really like all these blankets i'm gonna level with you i hate being in the same room as you [ __ ] yeah see found the book it's that kind of [ __ ] wait is that is that is that marxist ideology i'm gonna draw a circle in the air remember that episode of spongebob anyways i'm headed now i'm gonna go watch spongebob upstairs guys i'm gonna be really really comfy for the entire game ah hello patient i see you must have woken up by about now if you like the new office i [ __ ] don't ever since the piano incident the last one well we had to bind and gag you to contain your power and bring into this dilapidated old gut they're still working on the repairs to this day real impressed you were able to play the piano so well with those burns on your hands but you know that's a story for another day managed to spruce the place up with a couple effects from the old place it's good as new you like philosophy kid yeah i do thought show you ever heard of the shape of theseus you know it's a moral dilemma if you take some sort of boat we'll say and you gradually replace every part of it over time suddenly well is it the same boat as it once was or is it something new entirely well what if we did that to a person what if gradually over time we took every part of a person and replaced all their bits with something else do they still have a soul in them are they still the same person am i still the same person now this is all uh this is all just a joke of course uh i am very human i assure you can i please get my money back you didn't review the contract did you kiddo i value honesty what was in that contract right and the contract was very honest about exactly where your money was going enabling to me and not back to you i value honesty that's literally what you just said a couple seconds ago kid we covered this now the contract don't say nothing about me repeating myself oh did you hear that the hell was that that's not supposed to happen we might need to eat this office and get somewhere safe i know a little place down by the bay [Laughter] the connect sensor is a horizontal bar connected to a small base with a motorized pivot and it's designed to be positioned lengthwise above or below the video display the device features an rgb camera depth sensor and microphone array running we all know about the hardware specs of a kinect i really like the kinect that sounds terrible it's the future of gaming i'm gonna ask let's ask the ouija board what it thinks about it about the connect this isn't a proper luigi board i mean there's no yes or no you can't say goodbye you're gonna get [ __ ] if you can't say goodbye to a ghost trust me on that one i can get [ __ ] finally what do you think is the best game peach i p hungry hungry hippos i can't believe this is the he's talking about an unreleased connect game hungry hungry hippos would it be the best game ever if it was released it's going way too fast i can't read it it's okay i understand i don't explain it to me in gross detail well i'm the only one in the group who knows how to read and that's the only reason you invite me to your parties what else [Laughter] could you read me another bedtime story please preferably xbox microsoft related i'm running out of prima strategy guys can you read us anything it's just so cool so you do it uh okay what what he got i got some sonic comics but they're uh ken pander's era so it's not going to be very good uh what do you guys got i mean i would love maybe uh you could go to the game informer no no listen [Music] um [Music] troy led i i straight up don't know what that means i don't know what a troil is it sounds like something in the bathroom [ __ ] is in a toilet i think that what they meant is in a toilet which is kind of like what you use in the bathroom okay maybe is hey ghost is is the toilet that you use in the bathroom l i b r o libro [Laughter] whoa i should have [ __ ] known this ghost is such a libro i don't think i can stay here i'm a gemini and i know my vibes don't go well with libros i don't know just i thought that bringing everyone up here would cause enough chaos to make the ultimate how do you know about horoscopes you can't even read i am a horse man i know about horoscopes hi everybody my name is markiplier and i'm struggling to get up this cliff all right gotta go find that girl and make the vlog about arrested development my least favorite mockumentary series girl girl tree tree how was the suspenseful cutaway was it stressful i got you here i got my phone here recorded the whole thing for your channel that's great and all but i'm gonna look like a jackass is that what you want from me you already look like a jackass your audience loves it no i don't no i don't i don't look like a jackass you're stupid and you don't know you don't have a million king of five nights at freddy's oh like his five lights is a great game yeah it's pretty good but like you called yourself the king of five nights at freddy's well what can i say royalty suits me who the [ __ ] does that like really do you feel like you're giving off a particularly large amount of heat right now and if so do you think that would give away our position to anybody looming i'm hot as [ __ ] i don't know what you're asking but if that's the answer then oh no a doggie oh no i hate seeing dogs in pain this is what happens when you pull me in pranks god punishes an elk that's your fault did you did you oh no you okay i was gonna ask what's another word for a god than king okay let me see if i can use my healing powers on it oh funny funny doggy if you are good you will be healed if i am good you will heal honesty oh my god somebody must have taken my world record i'm not the king of five nights of funnies this is a problem it's not suffering anymore is it i'm getting away from you dude i'm not getting away from whatever the [ __ ] that was you scare me i'm going to risk this shortcut i'm going to risk it faster see you later [ __ ] circle bye where are those q tvs coming from okay okay real talk why are you being so mean to me all of a sudden because it's rude it's a rude mountain i can be as rude as i want and i can say it's the mountain's fault because we're on rude mountain look the myth of rude mountain is false okay i'm going to talk about it all up all in my next episode of blue myself interesting development [ __ ] oh god [ __ ] idiot all right come on no please that hurts watch my knee and my knee all right fine if you don't want my [ __ ] help or whatever i don't give a [ __ ] no wait dorky you're pretty dorky oh oh that was that yeah that was pretty good i'll give you that one yeah i'm sorry about that that's that's why your top youtuber of 2011. that's exactly right okay record the podcast i'm thinking okay we're gonna do the episode indie pop what are you talking about for the intro for the intro music no it already has an intro song it's an ongoing podcast you're not from the ground up with me on this okay you're not that special is anybody out there no all right good i don't want them getting all our arrested development secrets we have inside tips this is top confidential top secret okay so this can't leave this room until it's released that is can i leave this room until it's released or am i do i have to stay here too cause i don't think i could make a life here for myself could you i couldn't i'm much bigger than you i need a bigger caloric intake in my diet sorry got it yeah being a youtuber must be pretty stressful on the calorics on off on off oh this place sucks why do you lead us to a place with a broken switch okay might as well just led us to a place with a connect or some [ __ ] you know can you imagine some [ __ ] knowing about the connect i can imagine being cold we should do something about that that's not not what i asked can you put on a flame please except for me your current flame what was your question well can you imagine a [ __ ] about the i'm not even i can imagine a lot of [ __ ] in fact i can imagine at least five [ __ ] in the span of two seconds see it's not even about to connect anything it's just that you don't listen to it i can imagine a [ __ ] who likes rising skywalker i can imagine a [ __ ] who [Music] uh listens to you too there we go yeah oh cool oh yeah i think you're so cool just because you can imagine [ __ ] whatever can you imagine zip [ __ ] this is this is what i hope happens to you what the [ __ ] that's really mean yay oh i love it when you're mean to me i know it's really sexy now about that podcast and about that indie pop song okay which episode uh were we on season three episode 30 i think was the one we were on yeah i think that sounds about right now i'm gonna sit down is that okay with you i'm gonna sit down on the couch next to you uh sure i think that's pretty okay with me is that okay with you well yeah no i i do i'm just gonna i'm gonna sit down right now because you may think it's what you want but do you actually want it no i uh that's a load off the old hams no you have hams i skipped breakfast can i have one please i'm starving the last thing i ate was that cliff bar and if i'm being real i told you to get a luna bar i didn't want to it's as simple as that okay i have agency i don't care about your agency i've got an agency they get me you should care about my agency because they'll get your ass next time you speak to me like that what the [ __ ] does that mean what did you just threaten me are you gonna hire a [ __ ] deep web hitman with bitcoin maybe maybe not crazy person what the [ __ ] is wrong with you i don't have bitcoin until next week okay then how are you gonna get a hit man your [ __ ] story isn't adding up you sound like an idiot right now do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now i there is something really like weird going on outside i don't know i'm hearing some like wishes and breathing and stuff like super don't trust that no i don't i'm glad that's not just me cool we're naked now oh [ __ ] what was that never knew oh god get on naked get on naked get on naked get on naked get on naked get on naked get unnaked before he comes in what are you doing the more you say it it's not just gonna work like inputting a cheat code more times than one [Applause] [Music] that's what is that i think it's an overdone joke what's what's i've never heard of that before i watch markiplier hey let me let me see what that is all right let me see what that is hold on hey give it back oh i think this is a dog i'm gonna go see if i can take it to the uh kennel down the street see find it in the streets on a mountain what do you mean down the street hey hey i found somebody's dog it's free to come get if you want to adopt a cute little puppy wuffy look you little puppy whoopee mushrooms little nose with a little wet nose i think it's pretty cute i don't know what breed it is i think it's iphone but hey you know what if you want to come get this dog you're allowed to sound insane let the dog come get it okay i'm casting a hex on you now have fun getting hexed idiot stupid [ __ ] oh my god are you sure you don't want to hear more about the connect reverse engineering has determined that certain i've never been more sure about anything in my entire life of nine hertz to 30 hertz depending on the resolution please here's the thing that the default rgb video stream uses what are you talking about ow see even the books agree the connect caused that the connect caused that it was cool didn't you like it this was the future of gaming sorry guys that was my psychic powers it's all right it happens i see the connect causes psychic powers don't you want some of that press the freaking button right now there are no buttons and connections okay hang on press this button hang on it'll turn on the connect hurry it up gotta concentrate and that's and that's where the bottom of the avatar shoe came from you go play first sonic freeriders is in this room right now never mind i'm going in i want to freaking play first i'm going to have fun x oh blue's clues a clue a clue i can't believe blue's freaking glue is on here blue's absolute freaking glue is on this one check it out let me see that check it out okay yeah what do you think about it i don't what what are you i have no idea what you're talking about like all of the time dude uh that's because i'm a huge intellectual love the connect the more you play connect the more smarter you are because i found blue's clues the smarter you are the more you look at blue blues and have you ever watched blue's clues before it made me really smart when i was like five yeah but that's the old one there's a new one it's for adults now what yeah blue talks and it's really cool because they're just like bluetooth and then they say there is blues playhouse yeah but then this one's the newest one where they say all sorts of crazy sentences like hahua and whoa what what i'd prefer blue didn't talk if that's what she's saying oh my god i i have so much trouble with doors i really want to save my friend but this board is giving me a tough time oh i freaking hate doors life would be so much better without blue saved me he really had that much trouble with the door did he that's wild so you ever put much stock into horror scopes or any of that i don't but i saw something very interesting in the papers today so tell me you were you were gemini you a canker or sagittarius they don't tell me i looked it up anyways this is what they said under yours today you will be tried in court under conspiracy for murder i what you didn't pay me to offer legal advice but i will tell you telling them the vibes made you do it won't hold up in a court of law now take a look at these impressions pictures i drew based on accounts of uh you and your friends that you've described i mean of course the one i did of you is just uh photo realism based on what i've seen but i've i reckon the rest of them i captured pretty good based on what you told me please click on your favorite dog you're a good artist i mean i appreciate the compliment but that that very much a human that you just clicked on the nose is off see again i appreciate the critique again these are very much people you're clicking on i don't see any dogs so i'm selecting my friends really that guy the one going off about the kid act all the time he he's valuable for reasons ah the doberman pinscher an that's because you described his hair stupid kiddo that's what i'm working with here you see this is a learning exercise you need to tell me every detail what went on every nitty-gritty bit and do not skip a single thing now if you could offer me a little bit of critique on these on these drawings what i made come on now don't be shy there's no color in the hat but you see it's this is a little thing we in the art community call monochrome where we purposefully don't use color not like you've ever done anything on purpose in your entire life you [ __ ] hack would you look at the time it's time for me to rip you a new one again you [ __ ] jerk [Laughter] next thing you know we're gonna be in a whole new office because of what you've been doing i cannot wait but i suppose i'll have to ah the hex worked great now let's see if i can go shoot what remains of her all right girl girl well i guess she's not coming to me i gotta go find her i love running through the forest like a [ __ ] weirdo well that's a cliff down we go with the my bullets i mean not me uh whoa how did i get the scope to do that working as intended the punt is one i should have grabbed my coat of fire's most dangerous game markiplier's most dangerous game is on the final subscriber is a man or a dropping be so bad no let's go oh it was bad the thrill of the hunt has gotten my adrenaline pumping high i don't feel any pain how i feel a stiffness ow ow there we go girl are you dead yet no i'm not that was really shitty you look like an idiot on the ground there uh this is going to be the final episode of our podcast i hope you're aware of this hey you had your yes if i make it back can we get burper king please if i have anything to say about it you won't make it back that was cool i should study elevators what would happen if i did hey what's going on not much i'm just hanging out in that tower hang on i'm coming up huh sure don't come up here i got to be a surprise for park team here i come ah i descended come on you're not supposed to stop me i'm coming up i don't want to see you whatever you are you funny looking fella [Music] i love my gun hello who's there seems mysterious but i won't shoot him this time gotta weaken him with the hex hey you over here i said in my mind and didn't yell god damn it you should have loaded this actually i'm just gonna say the girls should have loaded it because i don't like taking responsibility oh the garage door no no no no no this is like indiana jones that was cool oh great i've downgraded my lantern to a much shittier lantern awesome i guess it'll do the job for now hello hello oh wasn't that bad hello oh is this tamriel i didn't i didn't i didn't see a single draugr in that cave [Music] that doesn't conform to the the [ __ ] what's it called when buildings what are buildings made of oh hey oh my god what is happening here i just remembered it's architecture that's the word oh that's very cool are you hey are you okay how do we get stuck in the situation why do i have so much trouble with doors if you want to stop having trouble the door that would be a fantastical time uh there's a funny voice coming over the intercom here hey funny voice [ __ ] off please no i don't think i'm gonna do that hey uh chris you gotta uh pull this lever one of two directions uh something really funny is gonna happen choose your favorite guy choose your favorite guy out of the two of them something really funny and silly is gonna happen trust me i'm gonna be honest and everyone's been really really rude to me on this rude mountain so frankly i i could do without i should have [ __ ] stayed awake god damn it i'm gonna die i swear to [ __ ] god no listen stop wait i gotta think right now listen don't think just act act on impulse i don't know what this is it's a sod trap you dumb piece of [ __ ] you'll get a free connect if you do it don't don't no that's actually [ __ ] oh my god a freaking no don't do it here we go in the vibes i put a hex upon you are you sure are you sure hex perishing on fire you stop my shot i'm on you so long good job chris hey i'm gonna i'm gonna help you out now the door opened up for me which is really cool because i had a lot of trouble with that door here let me put let me help you down oh my god curse of rude mountain is over with the death of of this guy get your hand off my [ __ ] face get your smelly sweaty hand off of my [ __ ] face wow we had an uneventful day so far yeah stop it don't look please is that the connect guy oh my god are you well actually you got a little something on your can't you won't believe the graphics that's happening in there why are you why are you red it's there's so much good graphics that's happening i got a free connect i don't know if i like the color red dude there's so much [ __ ] on your jacket you know what they say is that when you get the xbox one it's the only one you'll get because this the graphics were so good i can't believe it you didn't you didn't bring a backup jacket for her shouldn't we like get her somewhere but not be rich oh sorry well i'm charging a super attack ashley no it's jesus christ yeah i'll let you charge it you have to choose uh which person to use it on though of course not me not me i'm not a choice i'll just i'll come by and watch the aftermath listen i'm gonna go we're gonna go now because the curse of roadmap is done i guess they're just gonna leave us again he's [ __ ] up goodness boy i mean i know i told you to go over every goddamn detail but man you really don't know how to get to the point do you and now i know you're just [ __ ] with me really cut in half by a big old saw blade and here you are to tell the tail with legs still intact what do you take me for some kind of clown some kind of boo boo the fool that ain't done this radio before i don't really know where this metaphor is going but i do know where we're going buddy you're going home you think you can just come in here give me thousands of dollars and just drive me around like this in the roundabout with nary a parking lot in sight boy i do like my metaphors today but that's not the point the point is you came here to get helped and you are clearly beyond heaven i have tried oh i have tried but you you're just not receptive to my message so that's it our partnership is over you had your chance go home this is real life boy you don't get to reload your save and you don't get is dr green said the horizon sits beneath our feet as we sit alone [Music] alone let all the vibes is this a mountain or is it just a fountain that we wish on that we spend our lives inside hoping the hopes catch on a single mountain taking us round again i should ask you can we go back to long before you've got so wrong every chance we get to talk is like a spirit before a walk i'm out of breath i can't connect is this abrasive or direct my lack of skill is overwhelming every clue is loudly telling chapter one was mission failed and soon the rest will not prevail [Music] the horizon sits beneath our [Music] is i should ask you can we go back to long before [Music] you
Channel: SnapCube
Views: 1,609,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, snapcube, knitting giant beanies, let's play, voice commentary, walkthrough, playthrough, judycube, bee parker, penny parker
Id: mgUrdk39X-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 3sec (4083 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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